From a6f2ab13a6decebb722429fa21f095be0e0c7604 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Mendez <>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2021 16:16:56 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Fetch real data for pdbe structures in eubopen compounds

 .../chemical_probe/CrystalStructures.vue      |  44 ------
 .../report_cards/chemical_probe/Summary.vue   |   8 +-
 .../CrystalStructures/CrystalStructures.vue   | 109 +++++++++++++++
 .../CrystalStructures/PDBeVisualisations.vue  | 126 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../CompoundReportCardGenerator.js            |   2 +-
 web-components-submodule                      |   2 +-
 6 files changed, 241 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 components/report_cards/chemical_probe/CrystalStructures.vue
 create mode 100644 components/report_cards/shared/CrystalStructures/CrystalStructures.vue
 create mode 100644 components/report_cards/shared/CrystalStructures/PDBeVisualisations.vue

diff --git a/components/report_cards/chemical_probe/CrystalStructures.vue b/components/report_cards/chemical_probe/CrystalStructures.vue
deleted file mode 100644
index 905ae41..0000000
--- a/components/report_cards/chemical_probe/CrystalStructures.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-  <v-card class="yellow lighten-4">
-    <v-card-text>
-      <v-card-title> PDBe ligand code: {{ ligandCode }} </v-card-title>
-      <v-row>
-        <v-col v-for="pdbeMol in pdbeMolecules" :key="pdbeMol" cols="12" lg="6">
-          <v-card outlined tile>
-            <v-card-title> {{ pdbeMol }} </v-card-title>
-            <v-card-text>
-              <Molstar :pbde-molecule-i-d="pdbeMol" />
-            </v-card-text>
-          </v-card>
-        </v-col>
-      </v-row>
-    </v-card-text>
-    <v-card-actions>
-      <a target="_blank" :href="pdbeEntriesList">
-        <v-btn depressed color="primary">
-          See all PDBe entries for {{ ligandCode }}
-          <v-icon> mdi-open-in-new </v-icon>
-        </v-btn>
-      </a>
-    </v-card-actions>
-  </v-card>
-import Molstar from '~/web-components-submodule/components/externalTools/PDBe/Molstar.vue'
-export default {
-  components: {
-    Molstar,
-  },
-  data() {
-    return {
-      pdbeMolecules: ['1tbf', '1udt', '2h42'],
-      ligandCode: 'VIA',
-      pdbeEntriesList:
-        '',
-    }
-  },
diff --git a/components/report_cards/chemical_probe/Summary.vue b/components/report_cards/chemical_probe/Summary.vue
index f440944..4386530 100644
--- a/components/report_cards/chemical_probe/Summary.vue
+++ b/components/report_cards/chemical_probe/Summary.vue
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
     <v-card-text v-if="!dataLoaded">
       <v-skeleton-loader type="paragraph, paragraph"></v-skeleton-loader>
-    <v-template v-else>
+    <template v-else>
       <v-row dense>
         <v-col cols="12" md="7" lg="8">
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
-          <v-template v-if="!showStructureImgLaterally">
+          <template v-if="!showStructureImgLaterally">
             <v-divider />
             <v-divider />
             <MoleculeImage :molecule-chembl-id="itemID" />
-          </v-template>
+          </template>
           <v-divider />
           <v-divider />
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
           <MoleculeImage :molecule-chembl-id="itemID" bordered />
-    </v-template>
+    </template>
diff --git a/components/report_cards/shared/CrystalStructures/CrystalStructures.vue b/components/report_cards/shared/CrystalStructures/CrystalStructures.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..223d003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/report_cards/shared/CrystalStructures/CrystalStructures.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+  <v-card>
+    <v-skeleton-loader v-if="loading" type="card"></v-skeleton-loader>
+    <template v-if="!loading && !thereAreRefs">
+      <v-card-text> No entires found in PDB for {{ itemID }} </v-card-text>
+    </template>
+    <template v-if="!loading && thereAreRefs">
+      <v-tabs show-arrows :vertical="makeTabsVertical">
+        <v-tab v-for="ref in pdbeRefs" :key=""> {{ }} </v-tab>
+        <v-tab-item v-for="ref in pdbeRefs" :key="`${}-item`">
+          <PDBeVisualisations :ligand-code="" :ref-link="" />
+        </v-tab-item>
+      </v-tabs>
+    </template>
+  </v-card>
+import RequestNotifications from '@/web-components-submodule/utils/RequestNotifications.js'
+import ESProxyService from '~/web-components-submodule/services/ESProxyService.js'
+import EntityNames from '~/web-components-submodule/standardisation/EntityNames.js'
+import IndexNames from '~/web-components-submodule/standardisation/IndexNames.js'
+import ObjectPropertyAccess from '~/web-components-submodule/utils/ObjectPropertyAccess.js'
+import PDBeVisualisations from '~/components/report_cards/shared/CrystalStructures/PDBeVisualisations.vue'
+export default {
+  components: {
+    PDBeVisualisations,
+  },
+  props: {
+    idType: {
+      type: String,
+      default: () => EntityNames.EubopenCompound.entityID,
+      validator: (value) =>
+        [
+          EntityNames.EubopenCompound.entityID,
+          EntityNames.EubopenTarget.entityID,
+        ].includes(value),
+    },
+    itemID: {
+      type: String,
+      default: () => undefined,
+    },
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      loading: true,
+      ligandCode: 'VIA',
+      pdbeRefs: [],
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+    makeTabsVertical() {
+      switch (this.$ {
+        case 'xs':
+          return false
+        case 'sm':
+          return false
+        default:
+          return true
+      }
+    },
+    thereAreRefs() {
+      return this.pdbeRefs.length > 0
+    },
+  },
+  mounted() {
+    if (this.idType === EntityNames.EubopenCompound.entityID) {
+      this.loadDataForCompounds()
+    } else {
+      this.loadDataForTargets()
+    }
+  },
+  methods: {
+    loadDataForCompounds() {
+      const entityID = EntityNames.Compound.entityID
+      const indexName = IndexNames.getIndexNameFromEntityID(entityID)
+      const unichemPropertyPath = '_metadata.unichem'
+      const docSource = [unichemPropertyPath]
+      ESProxyService.getESDocument(indexName, this.itemID, docSource)
+        .then((response) => {
+          const sourceObtained =
+          const unichemRefs = ObjectPropertyAccess.getPropertyPalue(
+            sourceObtained,
+            unichemPropertyPath,
+            [],
+            false
+          )
+          const pdbeRefs = unichemRefs.filter((ref) => ref.src_name === 'PDBe')
+          this.pdbeRefs = pdbeRefs
+          this.loading = false
+        })
+        .catch((error) => {
+          RequestNotifications.dispatchRequestErrorNotification(
+            error,
+            this.$store.dispatch,
+            `Crystal Structures: There was an error while loading the unichem references for ${this.itemID}`
+          )
+        })
+    },
+    loadDataForTargets() {
+      console.log('Load Data for Targets!')
+    },
+  },
diff --git a/components/report_cards/shared/CrystalStructures/PDBeVisualisations.vue b/components/report_cards/shared/CrystalStructures/PDBeVisualisations.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc0d691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/report_cards/shared/CrystalStructures/PDBeVisualisations.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+  <v-card outlined tile>
+    thereAreMolecules: {{ thereAreMolecules }}, pdbeMolecules:
+    {{ pdbeMolecules }}
+    <v-skeleton-loader v-if="loading" type="image"></v-skeleton-loader>
+    <template v-if="!loading && !thereAreRefs">
+      <v-card-text> No entires found in PDB for {{ ligandCode }} </v-card-text>
+    </template>
+    <template v-if="!loading && thereAreRefs">
+      <v-card-text>
+        <v-card-title> PDB ligand code: {{ ligandCode }} </v-card-title>
+        <v-row>
+          <v-col
+            v-for="pdbeMol in pdbeMolecules"
+            :key="pdbeMol"
+            cols="12"
+            lg="6"
+          >
+            <v-card outlined tile>
+              <v-card-title> {{ pdbeMol }} </v-card-title>
+              <v-card-text>
+                <Molstar :pbde-molecule-i-d="pdbeMol" />
+              </v-card-text>
+            </v-card>
+          </v-col>
+        </v-row>
+      </v-card-text>
+      <v-card-actions>
+        <div class="buttons-container d-flex flex-wrap justify-space-around">
+          <v-btn
+            class="a-button"
+            depressed
+            color="primary"
+            :href="refLink"
+            target="_blank"
+          >
+            Summary of {{ ligandCode }} in PDB
+            <v-icon> mdi-open-in-new </v-icon>
+          </v-btn>
+          <v-btn
+            class="a-button"
+            depressed
+            color="primary"
+            :href="pdbeEntriesListURL"
+            target="_blank"
+          >
+            All PDB entries for {{ ligandCode }}
+            <v-icon> mdi-open-in-new </v-icon>
+          </v-btn>
+        </div>
+      </v-card-actions>
+    </template>
+  </v-card>
+import axios from 'axios'
+import RequestNotifications from '@/web-components-submodule/utils/RequestNotifications.js'
+import Molstar from '~/web-components-submodule/components/externalTools/PDBe/Molstar.vue'
+export default {
+  components: {
+    Molstar,
+  },
+  props: {
+    ligandCode: {
+      type: String,
+      default: () => '',
+    },
+    refLink: {
+      type: String,
+      default: () => '',
+    },
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      pdbeMolecules: [],
+      loading: true,
+    }
+  },
+  computed: {
+    pdbeEntriesListURL() {
+      return `'${this.ligandCode}`
+    },
+    thereAreMolecules() {
+      return this.pdbeMolecules.length > 0
+    },
+  },
+  mounted() {
+    this.loadPDBEntriesForLigand()
+  },
+  methods: {
+    loadPDBEntriesForLigand() {
+      const requestURL = `${this.ligandCode}`
+      console.log('requestURL: ', requestURL)
+      axios
+        .get(requestURL)
+        .then((response) => {
+          console.log('response obtained: ', response)
+          const pdbeMolecules =[this.ligandCode]
+          console.log('pdbeMolecules: ', pdbeMolecules)
+          this.pdbeMolecules = pdbeMolecules
+          this.loading = false
+        })
+        .catch((error) => {
+          RequestNotifications.dispatchRequestErrorNotification(
+            error,
+            this.$store.dispatch,
+            `There was an error while loading the PDB entries that contains the compound ${this.ligandCode}`
+          )
+        })
+    },
+  },
+<style scoped lang="scss">
+.buttons-container {
+  width: 100%;
+  .a-button {
+    margin-top: 5px;
+  }
diff --git a/report_cards_structure/CompoundReportCardGenerator.js b/report_cards_structure/CompoundReportCardGenerator.js
index 0ba150d..3c6cdec 100644
--- a/report_cards_structure/CompoundReportCardGenerator.js
+++ b/report_cards_structure/CompoundReportCardGenerator.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import ControlStructuresAndUse from '~/components/report_cards/chemical_probe/Co
 import CellularAssayTargetEngagement from '~/components/report_cards/chemical_probe/CellularAssayTargetEngagement.vue'
 import ProbeProfile from '~/components/report_cards/chemical_probe/ProbeProfile.vue'
 import ProbeMechanism from '~/components/report_cards/chemical_probe/ProbeMechanism.vue'
-import CrystalStructures from '~/components/report_cards/chemical_probe/CrystalStructures.vue'
+import CrystalStructures from '~/components/report_cards/shared/CrystalStructures/CrystalStructures.vue'
 import CalculatedProperties from '~/components/report_cards/chemical_probe/CalculatedProperties.vue'
 import EntityNames from '~/web-components-submodule/standardisation/EntityNames.js'
diff --git a/web-components-submodule b/web-components-submodule
index 43d9419..cd0c1a3 160000
--- a/web-components-submodule
+++ b/web-components-submodule
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 43d94192fcbf788246d70e5c27f6d194e79f5a2a
+Subproject commit cd0c1a3cb8491bca0ab3225e228069353a1b1604