import { EmblBreadcrumbs } from "../../components/EmblBreadcrumbs"; import { EmblFooter } from "../../components/EmblFooter"; import { EmblHeader } from "../../components/EmblHeader"; import { VfIntro } from "../VFIntro"; export function ErrorPage404() { return ( <> <EmblHeader /> <EmblBreadcrumbs /> <VfIntro vf_intro_heading="Error: 404" vf_intro_subheading="" vf_intro_lede="We’re sorry - we can’t find the page or file you requested." vf_intro_text={[ "It may have been removed, had its name changed, or be temporarily unavailable.", "You might try <a href=''>searching for it</a>.", ]} /> <section className="embl-grid"> <div></div> <div className="vf-content"> <h3>Need assistance?</h3> <a className="vf-button vf-button--primary" href="" > Contact web support </a> </div> </section> <EmblFooter /> </> ); }