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  • Matthieu Muffato's avatar
    New attempt table that stores job attempts · 1da00c4c
    Matthieu Muffato authored
    - The job's life-cycle is now tracked in attempt.status, which simplifies
      job.status (a single 'IN_PROGRESS' status).
    - The job_file functionality is now tracked in the attempt table, and
      attempt_id is used in several tables instead of job_id/role_id
    - job.when_completed is the same as attempt.when_updated (for the last
      successful) attempt)
    - job.retry_count is removed as it is very tricky to maintain. Instead it
      is computed on the fly when needed
    - last_attempt_id tells us whether the job has ever been tried or not
    - Remove the unused 'COMPILATION' job status