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  • Matthieu Muffato's avatar
    Last merge before the pull-request · a174bbb6
    Matthieu Muffato authored
    Merge remote-tracking branch 'ensembl-github/master' into python
    * ensembl-github/master:
      moved mysql_use_result=>1 to the $sth_attribs hash
      allow capturing dataflow from a standaloneJob into a semaphored group
      Dataflow rules are stored in the Analysis, not the Job
      bugfix: make sure dataflown jobs are stored even in standalone mode
      generalized load_parameters() moved into AnalysisJob
      bugfix [to 97e17d94] : removed the leading zero from param_init call in gc_dataflow
      The $a syntax in #expr() has long gone, Should use #a# instead
      Deprecate --append in
      deprecated and removed support for strict_hash_format() method in Runnables
      We don't use $SKIP_TESTS in ensembl-hive