From e6d189798db22ec8a0b9eb0e5e304f6cc331bb8a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Leo Gordon <>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 13:19:18 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] support for parametric pipeline configuration

 .../Hive/PipeConfig/       | 367 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../EnsEMBL/Hive/PipeConfig/  |  76 ++++
 scripts/                      | 195 +---------
 3 files changed, 454 insertions(+), 184 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Hive/PipeConfig/
 create mode 100644 modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Hive/PipeConfig/

diff --git a/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Hive/PipeConfig/ b/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Hive/PipeConfig/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5830f5344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Hive/PipeConfig/
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+## Generic configuration module for all Hive pipelines with loader functionality (all other Hive pipeline config modules should inherit from it)
+package Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::PipeConfig::HiveGeneric_conf;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument;          # import 'rearrange()'
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Utils 'stringify';  # import 'stringify()'
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Extensions;
+# ---------------------------[the following methods will be overridden by specific pipelines]-------------------------
+sub default_options {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    return {
+        'ensembl_cvs_root_dir' => $ENV{'HOME'}.'/work',     # some Compara developers might prefer $ENV{'HOME'}.'/ensembl_main'
+        'pipeline_name' => 'generic_name',
+        'pipeline_db'   => {
+            -host   => 'compara3',
+            -port   => 3306,
+            -user   => 'ensadmin',
+            -pass   => $self->o('password'),
+            -dbname => $ENV{'USER'}.'_'.$self->o('pipeline_name'),  # example of a linked definition (resolved via saturation)
+        },
+    };
+sub pipeline_create_commands {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    return [
+        'mysql '.$self->dbconn_2_mysql('pipeline_db', 0)." -e 'CREATE DATABASE ".$self->o('pipeline_db', '-dbname')."'",
+            # standard eHive tables and procedures:
+        'mysql '.$self->dbconn_2_mysql('pipeline_db', 1).' <'.$self->o('ensembl_cvs_root_dir').'/ensembl-hive/sql/tables.sql',
+        'mysql '.$self->dbconn_2_mysql('pipeline_db', 1).' <'.$self->o('ensembl_cvs_root_dir').'/ensembl-hive/sql/procedures.sql',
+    ];
+sub pipeline_wide_parameters {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    return {
+        'pipeline_name'  => $self->o('pipeline_name'),       # name the pipeline to differentiate the submitted processes
+    };
+sub resource_classes {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    return {
+        0 => { -desc => 'default, 8h',      'LSF' => '' },
+        1 => { -desc => 'urgent',           'LSF' => '-q yesterday' },
+    };
+sub pipeline_analyses {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    return [
+    ];
+# ---------------------------------[now comes the interfacing stuff - feel free to call but not to modify]--------------------
+my $undef_const = '-=[UnDeFiNeD_VaLuE]=-';  # we don't use undef, as it cannot be detected as a part of a string
+sub new {
+    my ($class) = @_;
+    my $self = bless {}, $class;
+    return $self;
+sub o {                 # descends the option hash structure (vivifying all encountered nodes) and returns the value if found
+    my $self = shift @_;
+    my $value = $self->{_pipe_option} ||= {};
+    while(defined(my $option_syll = shift @_)) {
+        if(exists($value->{$option_syll})) {
+            $value = $value->{$option_syll};            # just descend one level
+        } elsif(@_) {
+            $value = $value->{$option_syll} = {};       # force intermediate level vivification
+        } else {
+            $value = $value->{$option_syll} = $undef_const;    # force leaf level vivification
+        }
+    }
+    return $value;
+sub dbconn_2_mysql {    # will save you a lot of typing
+    my ($self, $db_conn, $with_db) = @_;
+    return '--host='.$self->o($db_conn,'-host').' '
+          .'--port='.$self->o($db_conn,'-port').' '
+          .'--user='.$self->o($db_conn,'-user').' '
+          .'--pass='.$self->o($db_conn,'-pass').' '
+          .($with_db ? ('--database='.$self->o($db_conn,'-dbname').' ') : '');
+sub dbconn_2_url {
+    my ($self, $db_conn) = @_;
+    return 'mysql://'.$self->o($db_conn,'-user').':'.$self->o($db_conn,'-pass').'@'.$self->o($db_conn,'-host').':'.$self->o($db_conn,'-port').'/'.$self->o($db_conn,'-dbname');
+sub process_options {
+    my $self            = shift @_;
+        # first, vivify all options in $self->o()
+    $self->default_options();
+    $self->pipeline_create_commands();
+    $self->pipeline_wide_parameters();
+    $self->pipeline_analyses();
+        # you can override parsing of commandline options if creating pipelines by a script - just provide the overriding hash
+    my $cmdline_options = $self->{_cmdline_options} = shift @_ || $self->load_cmdline_options();
+    print "\nPipeline: ".ref($self)."\n";
+    if($cmdline_options->{'help'}) {
+        my $all_needed_options = $self->hash_undefs();
+        $self->saturated_merge_defaults_into_options();
+        my $mandatory_options = $self->hash_undefs();
+        print "Available options:\n\n";
+        foreach my $key (sort keys %$all_needed_options) {
+            print "\t".$key.($mandatory_options->{$key} ? ' [mandatory]' : '')."\n";
+        }
+        print "\n";
+        exit(0);
+    } else {
+        $self->merge_into_options($cmdline_options);
+        $self->saturated_merge_defaults_into_options();
+        my $undefined_options = $self->hash_undefs();
+        if(scalar(keys(%$undefined_options))) {
+            print "Undefined options:\n\n";
+            print join("\n", map { "\t$_" } keys %$undefined_options)."\n\n";
+            print "To get the list of available options for ".ref($self)." pipeline please run:\n\n";
+            print "\t$0 ".ref($self)." -help\n\n";
+            exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+    # by this point we have either exited or options are good
+sub run {
+    my $self       = shift @_;
+    my $topup_flag = $self->{_cmdline_options}{topup};
+    unless($topup_flag) {
+        foreach my $cmd (@{$self->pipeline_create_commands}) {
+            warn "Running the command:\n\t$cmd\n";
+            if(my $retval = system($cmd)) {
+                die "Return value = $retval, possibly an error\n";
+            } else {
+                warn "Done.\n\n";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    my $hive_dba                     = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DBAdaptor(%{$self->o('pipeline_db')});
+    my $meta_container = $hive_dba->get_MetaContainer;
+    warn "Loading pipeline-wide parameters ...\n";
+    my $pipeline_wide_parameters = $self->pipeline_wide_parameters;
+    while( my($meta_key, $meta_value) = each %$pipeline_wide_parameters ) {
+        if($topup_flag) {
+            $meta_container->delete_key($meta_key);
+        }
+        $meta_container->store_key_value($meta_key, stringify($meta_value));
+    }
+    warn "Done.\n\n";
+        # pre-load the resource_description table
+    my $resource_description_adaptor = $hive_dba->get_ResourceDescriptionAdaptor;
+    warn "Loading the ResourceDescriptions ...\n";
+    my $resource_classes = $self->resource_classes;
+    while( my($rc_id, $mt2param) = each %$resource_classes ) {
+        my $description = delete $mt2param->{-desc};
+        while( my($meadow_type, $xparams) = each %$mt2param ) {
+            $resource_description_adaptor->create_new(
+                -RC_ID       => $rc_id,
+                -MEADOW_TYPE => $meadow_type,
+                -PARAMETERS  => $xparams,
+                -DESCRIPTION => $description,
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    warn "Done.\n\n";
+    my $analysis_adaptor             = $hive_dba->get_AnalysisAdaptor;
+    foreach my $aha (@{$self->pipeline_analyses}) {
+        my ($logic_name, $module, $parameters_hash, $input_ids, $blocked, $batch_size, $hive_capacity, $rc_id) =
+             rearrange([qw(logic_name module parameters input_ids blocked batch_size hive_capacity rc_id)], %$aha);
+        if($topup_flag and $analysis_adaptor->fetch_by_logic_name($logic_name)) {
+            warn "Skipping already existing analysis '$logic_name'\n";
+            next;
+        }
+        warn "Creating '$logic_name'...\n";
+        my $analysis = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis->new (
+            -db              => '',
+            -db_file         => '',
+            -db_version      => '1',
+            -logic_name      => $logic_name,
+            -module          => $module,
+            -parameters      => stringify($parameters_hash),    # have to stringify it here, because Analysis code is external wrt Hive code
+        );
+        $analysis_adaptor->store($analysis);
+        my $stats = $analysis->stats();
+        $stats->batch_size( $batch_size )       if(defined($batch_size));
+# ToDo: hive_capacity for some analyses is set to '-1' (i.e. "not limited")
+# Do we want this behaviour BY DEFAULT?
+        $stats->hive_capacity( $hive_capacity ) if(defined($hive_capacity));
+        $stats->rc_id( $rc_id ) if(defined($rc_id));
+            # some analyses will be waiting for human intervention in blocked state:
+        $stats->status($blocked ? 'BLOCKED' : 'READY');
+        $stats->update();
+            # now create the corresponding jobs (if there are any):
+        foreach my $input_id_hash (@$input_ids) {
+            Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::AnalysisJobAdaptor->CreateNewJob(
+                -input_id       => $input_id_hash,  # input_ids are now centrally stringified in the AnalysisJobAdaptor
+                -analysis       => $analysis,
+                -input_job_id   => 0, # because these jobs are created by the initialization script, not by another job
+            );
+        }
+    }
+        # Now, run separately through the already created analyses and link them together:
+        #
+    my $ctrl_rule_adaptor            = $hive_dba->get_AnalysisCtrlRuleAdaptor;
+    my $dataflow_rule_adaptor        = $hive_dba->get_DataflowRuleAdaptor;
+    foreach my $aha (@{$self->pipeline_analyses}) {
+        my ($logic_name, $wait_for, $flow_into) =
+             rearrange([qw(logic_name wait_for flow_into)], %$aha);
+        my $analysis = $analysis_adaptor->fetch_by_logic_name($logic_name);
+        $wait_for ||= [];
+        $wait_for   = [ $wait_for ] unless(ref($wait_for) eq 'ARRAY'); # force scalar into an arrayref
+            # create control rules:
+        foreach my $condition_logic_name (@$wait_for) {
+            if(my $condition_analysis = $analysis_adaptor->fetch_by_logic_name($condition_logic_name)) {
+                $ctrl_rule_adaptor->create_rule( $condition_analysis, $analysis);
+                warn "Created Control rule: $condition_logic_name -| $logic_name\n";
+            } else {
+                die "Could not fetch analysis '$condition_logic_name' to create a control rule";
+            }
+        }
+        $flow_into ||= {};
+        $flow_into   = { 1 => $flow_into } unless(ref($flow_into) eq 'HASH'); # force non-hash into a hash
+        foreach my $branch_code (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %$flow_into) {
+            my $heir_logic_names = $flow_into->{$branch_code};
+            $heir_logic_names    = [ $heir_logic_names ] unless(ref($heir_logic_names) eq 'ARRAY'); # force scalar into an arrayref
+            foreach my $heir_logic_name (@$heir_logic_names) {
+                if(my $heir_analysis = $analysis_adaptor->fetch_by_logic_name($heir_logic_name)) {
+                    $dataflow_rule_adaptor->create_rule( $analysis, $heir_analysis, $branch_code);
+                    warn "Created DataFlow rule: [$branch_code] $logic_name -> $heir_logic_name\n";
+                } else {
+                    die "Could not fetch analysis '$heir_logic_name' to create a dataflow rule";
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    my $url = $self->dbconn_2_url('pipeline_db');
+    print "\n\n\tPlease run the following commands:\n\n";
+    print " -url $url -sync\n";
+    print " -url $url -loop\n";
+# -------------------------------[the rest are dirty implementation details]-------------------------------------
+sub completely_defined {    # NB: not a method
+    return (index(shift @_, $undef_const) == ($[-1) );  # i.e. $undef_const is not a substring
+sub load_cmdline_options {
+    my $self      = shift @_;
+    my %cmdline_options = ();
+    GetOptions( \%cmdline_options,
+        'help!',
+        'topup!',
+        map { "$_=s".((ref($self->o($_)) eq 'HASH') ? '%' : '') } keys %{$self->o}
+    );
+    return \%cmdline_options;
+sub merge_into_options {
+    my $self      = shift @_;
+    my $hash_from = shift @_;
+    my $hash_to   = shift @_ || $self->o;
+    my $subst_counter = 0;
+    while(my($key, $value) = each %$hash_from) {
+        if(exists($hash_to->{$key})) {  # simply ignore the unused options
+            if(ref($value) eq 'HASH') {
+                $subst_counter += $self->merge_into_options($hash_from->{$key}, $hash_to->{$key});
+            } elsif(completely_defined($value) and !completely_defined($hash_to->{$key})) {
+                $hash_to->{$key} = $value;
+                $subst_counter++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return $subst_counter;
+sub saturated_merge_defaults_into_options {
+    my $self      = shift @_;
+        # Note: every time the $self->default_options() has to be called afresh, do not cache!
+    while(my $res = $self->merge_into_options($self->default_options)) { }
+sub hash_undefs {
+    my $self      = shift @_;
+    my $hash_to   = shift @_ || {};
+    my $hash_from = shift @_ || $self->o;
+    my $prefix    = shift @_ || '';
+    while(my ($key, $value) = each %$hash_from) {
+        my $new_prefix = $prefix ? $prefix.' -> '.$key : $key;
+        if(ref($value) eq 'HASH') { # go deeper
+            $self->hash_undefs($hash_to, $value, $new_prefix);
+        } elsif(!completely_defined($value)) {
+            $hash_to->{$new_prefix} = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    return $hash_to;
diff --git a/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Hive/PipeConfig/ b/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Hive/PipeConfig/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7cd84a2c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Hive/PipeConfig/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+## Configuration file for the long multiplication pipeline example (ver 2.0)
+package Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::PipeConfig::LongMult_conf;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base ('Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::PipeConfig::HiveGeneric_conf');
+sub default_options {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    return {
+        'ensembl_cvs_root_dir' => $ENV{'HOME'}.'/work',     # some Compara developers might prefer $ENV{'HOME'}.'/ensembl_main'
+        'pipeline_db' => {
+            -host   => 'compara3',
+            -port   => 3306,
+            -user   => 'ensadmin',
+            -dbname => $ENV{USER}.'_long_mult_pipeline',
+        },
+        'pipeline_name' => 'lmult',
+    };
+sub pipeline_create_commands {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    return [
+        'mysql '.$self->dbconn_2_mysql('pipeline_db', 0)." -e 'CREATE DATABASE ".$self->o('pipeline_db','-dbname')."'",
+            # standard eHive tables and procedures:
+        'mysql '.$self->dbconn_2_mysql('pipeline_db', 1).' <'.$self->o('ensembl_cvs_root_dir').'/ensembl-hive/sql/tables.sql',
+        'mysql '.$self->dbconn_2_mysql('pipeline_db', 1).' <'.$self->o('ensembl_cvs_root_dir').'/ensembl-hive/sql/procedures.sql',
+            # additional tables needed for long multiplication pipeline's operation:
+        'mysql '.$self->dbconn_2_mysql('pipeline_db', 1)." -e 'CREATE TABLE intermediate_result (a_multiplier char(40) NOT NULL, digit tinyint NOT NULL, result char(41) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (a_multiplier, digit))'",
+        'mysql '.$self->dbconn_2_mysql('pipeline_db', 1)." -e 'CREATE TABLE final_result (a_multiplier char(40) NOT NULL, b_multiplier char(40) NOT NULL, result char(80) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (a_multiplier, b_multiplier))'",
+    ];
+sub pipeline_analyses {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    return [
+        {   -logic_name => 'start',
+            -module     => 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::RunnableDB::LongMult::Start',
+            -parameters => {},
+            -input_ids => [
+                { 'a_multiplier' => '9650516169', 'b_multiplier' => '327358788' },
+                { 'a_multiplier' => '327358788', 'b_multiplier' => '9650516169' },
+            ],
+            -flow_into => {
+                2 => [ 'part_multiply' ],   # will create a fan of jobs
+                1 => [ 'add_together'  ],   # will create a funnel job to wait for the fan to complete and add the results
+            },
+        },
+        {   -logic_name    => 'part_multiply',
+            -module        => 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::RunnableDB::LongMult::PartMultiply',
+            -parameters    => {},
+            -input_ids     => [
+                # (jobs for this analysis will be flown_into via branch-2 from 'start' jobs above)
+            ],
+        },
+        {   -logic_name => 'add_together',
+            -module     => 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::RunnableDB::LongMult::AddTogether',
+            -parameters => {},
+            -input_ids => [
+                # (jobs for this analysis will be flown_into via branch-1 from 'start' jobs above)
+            ],
+            -wait_for => [ 'part_multiply' ],   # we can only start adding when all partial products have been computed
+        },
+    ];
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index c620da6b4..dfb5d0771 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -1,193 +1,20 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env perl
-# A generic loader of hive pipelines
+# A generic loader of hive pipelines.
+# Because all of the functionality is hidden in Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::PipeConfig::HiveGeneric_conf
+# you can create pipelines by calling the methods directly, so the script is just a commandline wrapper.
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use DBI;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument;          # import 'rearrange()'
-use Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Utils 'stringify';  # import 'stringify()'
-use Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
-use Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Extensions;
-sub dbconn_2_url {
-    my $db_conn = shift @_;
-    return "mysql://$db_conn->{-user}:$db_conn->{-pass}\@$db_conn->{-host}:$db_conn->{-port}/$db_conn->{-dbname}";
-sub dbconn_2_mysql {    # used by pipeline configuration files themselves
-    my ($db_conn, $with_db) = @_;
-    return "--host=$db_conn->{-host} --port=$db_conn->{-port} "
-          ."--user=$db_conn->{-user} --pass=$db_conn->{-pass} "
-          .($with_db ? "--database=$db_conn->{-dbname} " : '');
-sub main {
-    my $topup_flag  = 0;  # do not run initial scripts and only add new analyses+jobs (ignore the fetchable analyses)
-    my $config_file = '';
-    GetOptions(
-               'topup=i'    => \$topup_flag,
-               'conf=s'     => \$config_file,
-    );
-    unless($config_file and (-f $config_file)) {
-        warn "Please supply a valid pipeline configuration file using '-conf' option\n";
-        warn "Usage example:\n\t$0 -conf ../docs/long_mult_pipeline.conf\n";
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    my $self = bless ( do $config_file );
-    if(!$topup_flag && $self->{-pipeline_create_commands}) {
-        foreach my $cmd (@{$self->{-pipeline_create_commands}}) {
-            warn "Running the command:\n\t$cmd\n";
-            if(my $retval = system($cmd)) {
-                die "Return value = $retval, possibly an error\n";
-            } else {
-                warn "Done.\n\n";
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    my $hive_dba                     = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DBAdaptor(%{$self->{-pipeline_db}});
-    if($self->{-pipeline_wide_parameters}) {
-        my $meta_container = $hive_dba->get_MetaContainer;
-        warn "Loading pipeline-wide parameters ...\n";
-        while( my($meta_key, $meta_value) = each %{$self->{-pipeline_wide_parameters}} ) {
-            if($topup_flag) {
-                $meta_container->delete_key($meta_key);
-            }
-            $meta_container->store_key_value($meta_key, stringify($meta_value));
-        }
-        warn "Done.\n\n";
-    }
-        # pre-load the resource_description table
-    if($self->{-resource_classes}) {
-        my $resource_description_adaptor = $hive_dba->get_ResourceDescriptionAdaptor;
-        warn "Loading the ResourceDescriptions ...\n";
-        while( my($rc_id, $mt2param) = each %{$self->{-resource_classes}} ) {
-            my $description = delete $mt2param->{-desc};
-            while( my($meadow_type, $xparams) = each %$mt2param ) {
-                $resource_description_adaptor->create_new(
-                    -RC_ID       => $rc_id,
-                    -MEADOW_TYPE => $meadow_type,
-                    -PARAMETERS  => $xparams,
-                    -DESCRIPTION => $description,
-                );
-            }
-        }
-        warn "Done.\n\n";
-    }
-    my $analysis_adaptor             = $hive_dba->get_AnalysisAdaptor;
-    foreach my $aha (@{$self->{-pipeline_analyses}}) {
-        my ($logic_name, $module, $parameters_hash, $input_ids, $blocked, $batch_size, $hive_capacity, $rc_id) =
-             rearrange([qw(logic_name module parameters input_ids blocked batch_size hive_capacity rc_id)], %$aha);
-        if($topup_flag and $analysis_adaptor->fetch_by_logic_name($logic_name)) {
-            warn "Skipping already existing analysis '$logic_name'\n";
-            next;
-        }
-        warn "Creating '$logic_name'...\n";
-        my $analysis = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis->new (
-            -db              => '',
-            -db_file         => '',
-            -db_version      => '1',
-            -logic_name      => $logic_name,
-            -module          => $module,
-            -parameters      => stringify($parameters_hash),    # have to stringify it here, because Analysis code is external wrt Hive code
-        );
-        $analysis_adaptor->store($analysis);
-        my $stats = $analysis->stats();
-        $stats->batch_size( $batch_size )       if(defined($batch_size));
-# ToDo: hive_capacity for some analyses is set to '-1' (i.e. "not limited")
-# Do we want this behaviour BY DEFAULT?
-        $stats->hive_capacity( $hive_capacity ) if(defined($hive_capacity));
-        $stats->rc_id( $rc_id ) if(defined($rc_id));
-            # some analyses will be waiting for human intervention in blocked state:
-        $stats->status($blocked ? 'BLOCKED' : 'READY');
-        $stats->update();
-            # now create the corresponding jobs (if there are any):
-        foreach my $input_id_hash (@$input_ids) {
-            Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::AnalysisJobAdaptor->CreateNewJob(
-                -input_id       => $input_id_hash,  # input_ids are now centrally stringified in the AnalysisJobAdaptor
-                -analysis       => $analysis,
-                -input_job_id   => 0, # because these jobs are created by the initialization script, not by another job
-            );
-        }
-    }
-        # Now, run separately through the already created analyses and link them together:
-        #
-    my $ctrl_rule_adaptor            = $hive_dba->get_AnalysisCtrlRuleAdaptor;
-    my $dataflow_rule_adaptor        = $hive_dba->get_DataflowRuleAdaptor;
-    foreach my $aha (@{$self->{-pipeline_analyses}}) {
-        my ($logic_name, $wait_for, $flow_into) =
-             rearrange([qw(logic_name wait_for flow_into)], %$aha);
-        my $analysis = $analysis_adaptor->fetch_by_logic_name($logic_name);
-        $wait_for ||= [];
-        $wait_for   = [ $wait_for ] unless(ref($wait_for) eq 'ARRAY'); # force scalar into an arrayref
-            # create control rules:
-        foreach my $condition_logic_name (@$wait_for) {
-            if(my $condition_analysis = $analysis_adaptor->fetch_by_logic_name($condition_logic_name)) {
-                $ctrl_rule_adaptor->create_rule( $condition_analysis, $analysis);
-                warn "Created Control rule: $condition_logic_name -| $logic_name\n";
-            } else {
-                die "Could not fetch analysis '$condition_logic_name' to create a control rule";
-            }
-        }
-        $flow_into ||= {};
-        $flow_into   = { 1 => $flow_into } unless(ref($flow_into) eq 'HASH'); # force non-hash into a hash
-        foreach my $branch_code (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %$flow_into) {
-            my $heir_logic_names = $flow_into->{$branch_code};
-            $heir_logic_names    = [ $heir_logic_names ] unless(ref($heir_logic_names) eq 'ARRAY'); # force scalar into an arrayref
-            foreach my $heir_logic_name (@$heir_logic_names) {
-                if(my $heir_analysis = $analysis_adaptor->fetch_by_logic_name($heir_logic_name)) {
-                    $dataflow_rule_adaptor->create_rule( $analysis, $heir_analysis, $branch_code);
-                    warn "Created DataFlow rule: [$branch_code] $logic_name -> $heir_logic_name\n";
-                } else {
-                    die "Could not fetch analysis '$heir_logic_name' to create a dataflow rule";
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
+my $default_config_module = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::PipeConfig::HiveGeneric_conf';
+my $config_module = shift @ARGV || (warn "<config_module> undefined, using default '$default_config_module'\n" and $default_config_module);
-    my $url = dbconn_2_url($self->{-pipeline_db});
+eval "require $config_module;";
-    print "\n\n\tPlease run the following commands:\n\n";
-    print " -url $url -sync\n";
-    print " -url $url -loop\n";
+my $self = $config_module->new();