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  • Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri's avatar
    Added new methods: · 6520767f
    Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri authored
            # Returns the start position of the exon in cDNA coordinates.
            # Returns the end position of the exon in cDNA coordinates.
            # Returns the start position of the coding region of the exon
            # in cDNA coordinates.  Returns undef if the whole exon is
            # non-coding.
            # Returns the end position of the coding region of the exon
            # in cDNA coordinates.  Returns undef if the whole exon is
            # non-coding.
            # Returns the start position of the coding region of the exon in
            # genomic coordinates on the forward strand.  Returns undef if
            # the whole exon is non-coding.
            # Returns the end position of the coding region of the exon in
            # genomic coordinates on the forward strand.  Returns undef if
            # the whole exon is non-coding.
    Since an exon may be part of one or more transcripts, the relevant
    transcript must be given as argument ot these methods.