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  • Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri's avatar
    Allow the registry to load ini-files with load_all(). · 96c9ac3a
    Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri authored
    The Registry will try to load the specified file (specified by argument
    to the method load_all(), in the envrionment variable ENSEMBL_REGISTRY,
    or the file '~/.ensembl_init', as before) as an ini-file.  If this fails
    due to the file having the wrong format, the code reverts to the old
    behaviour of using require() on the same file.
    This is an example of a simple ini-file.  There is no check to see
    that e.g. 'dbname' is actually present or to avoid calling the adaptor
    initialization routines with unnecessary parameters (we trust the user
    to get this right).  The correct adaptor is chosen by peeking at the
    'group' setting.
    ; Simple Ensembl config file example
    ; The 'default' section is special and its settings will be implicit for
    ; all other sections in this file but may be overridden by individual           ; sections.  There should be no 'alias' settings in the 'default'
    ; section.
    user    = anonymous
    host    =
    group   = Core
    species = Human
    dbname  = homo_sapiens_core_45_36g
    alias   = mary
    alias   = john
    species = Mouse
    dbname  = mus_musculus_core_45_36f
    alias   = minnie
    alias   = mickey
    ; Configuration ends here