diff --git a/misc-scripts/xref_mapping/XrefParser/CeleraParser.pm b/misc-scripts/xref_mapping/XrefParser/CeleraParser.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..73ec696c83de1d80950620925236367e04113a49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc-scripts/xref_mapping/XrefParser/CeleraParser.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+package XrefParser::CeleraParser;
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+use XrefParser::BaseParser;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(XrefParser::BaseParser);
+# Celera database dump for anopheles - FASTA format
+# >agCP5429,cg_name=agCG43843,ga_name=GA_x9P1GAV56A9,transcript_name=agCT42178
+# This is the parser that provides most functionality, subclasses 
+# (CeleraProteinParser, CeleraTranscriptParser) just set sequence type)
+sub run {
+  my ($self, $file, $source_id, $species_id) = @_;
+  my @xrefs;
+  local $/ = "\n>";
+  open(FILE,"<".$file) || die "Could not open $file\n";
+  while (<FILE>) {
+    next if (/^File:/);   # skip header
+    my $xref;
+    my ($header, $sequence) = $_ =~ /^>?(.+?)\n([^>]*)/s or warn("Can't parse FASTA entry: $_\n");
+    # deconstruct header - just use first part
+    my ($accession, @rest) = split /,/, $header;
+    # make sequence into one long string
+    $sequence =~ s/\n//g;
+    # build the xref object and store it
+    $xref->{ACCESSION}     = $accession;
+    $xref->{LABEL}         = $accession;
+    $xref->{SEQUENCE}      = $sequence;
+    $xref->{SOURCE_ID}     = $source_id;
+    $xref->{SPECIES_ID}    = $species_id;
+    $xref->{SEQUENCE_TYPE} = $self->get_sequence_type();
+    $xref->{STATUS}        = 'experimental';
+    push @xrefs, $xref;
+  }
+  close (FILE);
+  print scalar(@xrefs) . " Celera xrefs succesfully parsed\n";
+  XrefParser::BaseParser->upload_xref_object_graphs(\@xrefs);
+  print "Done\n";
+sub new {
+  my $self = {};
+  bless $self, "XrefParser::CeleraParser";
+  return $self;