diff --git a/misc-scripts/add_species_aliases.pl b/misc-scripts/add_species_aliases.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e9cd1ae20a7029ad12b4bde782e4c19e7d2d0fa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc-scripts/add_species_aliases.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry;
+use Getopt::Long qw( :config no_ignore_case );
+sub usage {
+  print("Info:\n");
+  print <<EOT;
+    Script to populate the meta table with species aliases.
+    The script reads the already existing aliases from the
+    meta table (meta_key 'species.alias') and adds to this
+    aliases computed from the species name.  It also uses the
+    information stored for the meta_keys species.taxonomy_id,
+    species.common_name, species.ensembl_common_name, and
+    species.ensembl_alias_name as aliases.
+    If the -n or --dryrun options are *not* specified, the existing
+    list of aliases is deleted from the meta table and the new list
+    is inserted.  In any case, the list of aliases will be displayed
+    on the console.
+    If the -d or --dbname options are *not* used, the script will
+    iterate over all Core databases.  If the -d or --dbname option
+    *is* used, only that Core database will be examined.
+    This script assumes that the database is a single-species
+    database.
+    This script does not check for alias duplications between
+    species.
+  print("Usage:\n");
+  printf( "\t%s\t[-n] -h dbhost [-P dbport] \\\n"
+      . "\t%s\t-u dbuser [-p dbpass] \\\n"
+      . "\t%2\$s\t[-d dbname]\n",
+    $0, ' ' x length($0) );
+  print("\n");
+  printf( "\t%s\t-?\n", $0 );
+  print("\n");
+  print("Arguments:\n");
+  print("\t-n/--dryrun\t\tDry run, don't write to database\n");
+  print("\t-h/--host dbhost\tDatabase server host name\n");
+  print("\t-P/--port dbport\tDatabase server port (optional)\n");
+  print("\t-u/--user dbuser\tDatabase user name\n");
+  print("\t-p/--pass dbpass\tUser password (optional)\n");
+  print("\t-d/--name dbname\tDatabase name (optional)\n");
+  print("\t-?/--help\t\tDisplays this information\n");
+my $dryrun;
+my ( $dbhost, $dbport );
+my ( $dbuser, $dbpass );
+my $dbname;
+if (
+  !GetOptions(
+    'dryrun|n'        => \$dryrun,
+    'dbhost|host|h=s' => \$dbhost,
+    'dbport|port|P=i' => \$dbport,
+    'dbuser|user|u=s' => \$dbuser,
+    'dbpass|pass|p=s' => \$dbpass,
+    'dbname|name|d=s' => \$dbname,
+    'help|?'          => sub { usage(); exit } )
+  || !defined($dbhost)
+  || !defined($dbuser) )
+  usage();
+  exit;
+my $registry = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry';
+  '-host' => $dbhost,
+  '-port' => $dbport,
+  '-user' => $dbuser,
+  '-pass' => $dbpass,
+my $select_stmt = qq(
+FROM    meta
+WHERE meta_key IN (
+  'species.alias', 'species.taxonomy_id', 'species.common_name',
+  'species.ensembl_common_name', 'species.ensembl_alias_name'
+  AND species_id = 1
+my @dbas = @{ $registry->get_all_DBAdaptors( '-group' => 'Core' ) };
+foreach my $dba (@dbas) {
+  my $dbh = $dba->dbc()->db_handle();
+  if ( defined($dbname) && $dbname ne $dba->dbc()->dbname() ) { next }
+  my $species = $dba->species();
+  if ( $species =~ /^Ancestral/ ) { next }
+  my %aliases;
+  my $alias = $species;
+  $aliases{$alias} = 1;
+  $alias =~ tr [_] [ ];
+  $aliases{$alias} = 1;
+  $species =~ /^(.)[^_]*_(.*)$/;
+  $alias = $1 . $2;
+  $aliases{$alias} = 1;
+  $species =~ /^(.)[^_]*_(...).*$/;
+  $alias = $1 . $2;
+  $aliases{$alias} = 1;
+  $species =~ /^(...)[^_]*_(...).*$/;
+  $alias = $1 . $2;
+  $aliases{$alias} = 1;
+  my $select_sth = $dbh->prepare($select_stmt);
+  $select_sth->execute();
+  my $meta_value;
+  $select_sth->bind_columns( \$meta_value );
+  while ( $select_sth->fetch() ) {
+    $aliases{$meta_value} = 1;
+  }
+  my @aliases =
+    sort { length($a) <=> length($b) || $a cmp $b } keys(%aliases);
+  my $insert_stmt = sprintf(
+    "INSERT IGNORE INTO meta (species_id, meta_key, meta_value) "
+      . "VALUES %s",
+    join(
+      ', ',
+      map {
+        sprintf( "( 1, 'species.alias', %s )", $dbh->quote( lc($_) ) )
+        } @aliases
+    ) );
+  printf( "Database = %s\n", $dba->dbc()->dbname() );
+  printf( "Aliases  = \n\t%s\n", join( "\n\t", @aliases ) );
+  if ( !$dryrun ) {
+    # Delete old aliases.
+    $dbh->do( "DELETE FROM meta WHERE species_id = 1 "
+        . "AND meta_key = 'species.alias'" );
+    # Insert new aliases.
+    $dbh->do($insert_stmt);
+  } else {
+    print("(not writing to database)\n");
+  }
+} ## end foreach my $dba (@dbas)