diff --git a/misc-scripts/canonical_transcripts/select_canonical_transcripts.pl b/misc-scripts/canonical_transcripts/select_canonical_transcripts.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66511cbb71f19ae5d43dba4bff908071c7d5c3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc-scripts/canonical_transcripts/select_canonical_transcripts.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+# Script that selects the best candidate for canonical transcripts on each
+# gene.
+# For usage instructions, run ./select_canonical_transcripts.pl -help
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper;
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw);
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::TranscriptSelector;
+my $cli_helper = Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper->new();
+# get the basic options for connecting to a database server
+my $opt_definitions = [ @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_opts() },
+              @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_opts('dna') },
+              @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_opts('ccds') } ];
+push( @{$opt_definitions}, "coord_system_name:s" );
+push( @{$opt_definitions}, "logic_name:s" );
+push( @{$opt_definitions}, "write!" );
+push( @{$opt_definitions}, "include_non_ref!" );
+push( @{$opt_definitions}, "include_duplicates" );
+push( @{$opt_definitions}, "verbose!" );
+push( @{$opt_definitions}, "seq_region_name:s");
+# process the command line with the supplied options plus a help subroutine
+my $opts = $cli_helper->process_args( $opt_definitions, \&usage );
+$opts->{'write'}           ||= 0;
+$opts->{'include_non_ref'} ||= 1;
+$opts->{'verbose'}         ||= 0;
+unless ( $opts->{'write'} ) {
+  print "You have not used the -write option "
+    . "so results will not be written into the database\n";
+my @db_args = @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_args_for_opts($opts) };
+my @dnadb_args = @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_args_for_opts( $opts, 'dna' ) };
+my @ccdsdb_args = @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_args_for_opts( $opts, 'ccds' ) };
+if ( defined $dnadb_args[0] && scalar(@dnadb_args) != scalar(@db_args) ) {
+  throw "Different number of DBAs found for DB and DNADB";
+if ( defined $ccdsdb_args[0] && scalar(@ccdsdb_args) != scalar(@db_args) ) {
+  throw "Different number of DBAs found for DB and CCDSDB";
+while (my $db_args = shift (@db_args)) {
+    # synchronise removal of dnadb info from array
+    my $dna_args = shift (@dnadb_args);
+    my $ccds_args = $ccdsdb_args[0]; # Always only have one CCDS source
+    my $dba = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(%$db_args);
+    if (!check_if_DB_contains_DNA($dba)) {
+        if ($dna_args) {
+            my $dna_dba = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new( %{ $dna_args } );
+            $dba->dnadb($dna_dba);
+        } else {
+            throw("Your gene DB contains no DNA. You must provide a DNA_DB to connect to");
+        }
+    }
+    my $ccds_dba;
+    if ($ccds_args) {
+        $ccds_dba =  Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new( %{$ccds_args} );
+    } else {
+        $ccds_dba = undef;
+    }
+    my $transcript_selector = Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::TranscriptSelector->new($ccds_dba,'VERBOSE');
+    my $slice_adaptor = $dba->get_SliceAdaptor;
+    my $slices;
+    if ($opts->{'seq_region_name'}) {
+        $slices = [$slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region($opts->{'coord_system_name'},
+                                  $opts->{'seq_region_name'},
+                                  $opts->{'include_non_ref'},
+                                  $opts->{'include_duplicates'}) ];
+    } else {
+        if (!$opts->{'coord_system_name'}) {throw 'Requires a coordinate system name to function in this mode';}
+        $slices = $slice_adaptor->fetch_all($opts->{'coord_system_name'},
+                                            '',
+                                            $opts->{'include_non_ref'},
+                                            $opts->{'include_duplicates'});
+    }
+    my $canonical_changes = 0;
+    my $total_genes = 0;
+    foreach my $slice (@$slices) {
+        my $genes = $slice->get_all_Genes($opts->{logic_name}, undef, 1);
+        foreach my $gene (@$genes) {
+            $total_genes++;
+            my $canonical = $transcript_selector->select_canonical_transcript_for_Gene($gene);
+            my $old_canonical = $gene->canonical_transcript;
+            if ($canonical->stable_id ne $old_canonical->stable_id) {
+                printf "%s changed transcript from %s to %s\n",
+                    $gene->stable_id,$canonical->stable_id,$old_canonical->stable_id;
+                $canonical_changes++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    print "Canonical transcript alterations: ".$canonical_changes." from ".$total_genes." genes\n";
+sub check_if_DB_contains_DNA {
+  my ($dba)        = @_;
+  my $sql_command = "select count(*) from dna";
+  my $sth         = $dba->dbc->prepare($sql_command);
+  $sth->execute();
+  my @dna_array = $sth->fetchrow_array;
+  if ( $dna_array[0] > 0 ) {
+    print "Your DB "
+      . $dba->dbc->dbname
+      . " contains DNA sequences. No need to attach a "
+      . "DNA_DB to it.\n"
+      if ( $opts->{verbose} );
+    return 1;
+  } else {
+    print "Your DB " . $dba->dbc->dbname . " does not contain DNA sequences.\n"
+      if ( $opts->{verbose} );
+    return 0;
+  }
+sub usage {
+print "
+Example usage: perl set_canonical_transcripts.pl -dbhost host -dbuser user 
+     -dbpass *** -dbname dbname -dbport 3306 -coord_system toplevel -write
+Script options:
+    -dbname       Database name
+    -dbhost       Database host
+    -dbport       Database port
+    -dbuser       Database user
+    -dbpass       Database password
+Optional DB connection arguments:
+    -dnadbname    DNA Database name
+    -dnadbhost    DNA Database host
+    -dnadbuser    DNA Database user
+    -ccdsdbname  CCDS database name
+    -ccdshost    CCDS database host
+    -ccdsuser    CCDS database user
+Other optional arguments:
+    -coord_system_name    Coordinate system to use
+    -include_non_ref      Specify if the non_reference regions should 
+                          be _excluded_. (default: include) 
+    -include_duplicates   Specify if the duplicate regions should be 
+                          _included_. eg. Human PAR on Y (default: exclude) 
+    -seq_region_name      Chromosome name if running a single seq_region
+    -write                Specify if results should be written to the database
+    -verbose              Increase verbosity of output messages
+To check the script has run correctly you can run the
+CoreForeignKeys healthcheck:
+./run-healthcheck.sh -d dbname -output problem CoreForeignKeys
\ No newline at end of file