diff --git a/sql/vega_latest_schema.sql b/sql/vega_latest_schema.sql
index d84d6e1073c85f19acad55a77943268b58315015..29d1b521f7a662f95ded43d1324369deb8016be3 100644
--- a/sql/vega_latest_schema.sql
+++ b/sql/vega_latest_schema.sql
@@ -99,3 +99,105 @@ UPDATE gene SET biotype=replace( biotype, '-','_' );
 UPDATE transcript t, gene g SET t.biotype = g.biotype WHERE g.gene_id = t.gene_id;
+# FROM patch_31_32.sql #
+# Add linkable & priority columns to external_db
+ALTER TABLE external_db ADD COLUMN dbprimary_acc_linkable BOOLEAN DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL;
+ALTER TABLE external_db ADD COLUMN display_label_linkable BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;
+ALTER TABLE external_db ADD COLUMN priority INT NOT NULL;
+# Many changes to regulatory-feature-related tables
+# Since these tables are empty it is easier to drop the existing 
+# tables and re-create the new ones
+DROP TABLE regulatory_feature;
+DROP TABLE regulatory_motif;
+DROP TABLE regulatory_feature_object;
+DROP TABLE peptide_regulatory_feature;
+# Table structure for table 'regulatory_feature'
+# Describes instances of regulatory_factor binding to the genome.
+CREATE TABLE regulatory_feature (
+  regulatory_feature_id INT NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  name                  VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+  seq_region_id         INT NOT NULL,                  # FK refs seq_region
+  seq_region_start      INT NOT NULL,
+  seq_region_end        INT NOT NULL,
+  seq_region_strand     TINYINT NOT NULL,
+  analysis_id           INT NOT NULL,                  # FK refs analysis
+  regulatory_factor_id  INT,                           # FK refs regulatory_motif
+  PRIMARY KEY(regulatory_feature_id)
+) COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci TYPE=MyISAM;
+# Table structure for table 'regulatory_factor'
+CREATE TABLE regulatory_factor (
+  regulatory_factor_id   INT NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  name                   VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+  type                   ENUM('miRNA_target', 'transcription_factor', 'transcription_factor_complex'),
+  PRIMARY KEY(regulatory_factor_id)
+) COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci TYPE=MyISAM;
+# Table structure for table 'regulatory_feature_object'
+# Relates regulatory regions to the Ensembl objects they influence. Many-many.
+CREATE TABLE regulatory_feature_object (
+  regulatory_feature_id INT NOT NULL,               # FK to regulatory_feature
+  ensembl_object_type   ENUM( 'Transcript', 'Translation', 'Gene') NOT NULL,
+  ensembl_object_id     INT NOT NULL,               # FK to transcript,gene etc
+  influence             ENUM('positive', 'negative', 'mixed', 'unknown'),
+  evidence              VARCHAR(255),
+  KEY regulatory_feature_idx (regulatory_feature_id),
+  KEY ensembl_object_idx (ensembl_object_type, ensembl_object_id)
+) COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci TYPE=MyISAM;
+# Table structure for table 'regulatory_factor_transcript'
+# Describes which transcripts code for particular regulatory factors.
+CREATE TABLE regulatory_factor_transcript (
+  transcript_id         INT NOT NULL,               # FK to transcript
+  regulatory_factor_id  INT NOT NULL,               # FK to regulatory_feature
+  KEY translation_idx (transcript_id),
+  KEY regulatory_factor_idx (regulatory_factor_id)
+) COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci TYPE=MyISAM;
+# FROM patch_32_33.sql #
+# Add db_display_name column to external_db
+ALTER TABLE external_db ADD COLUMN db_display_name VARCHAR(255);