diff --git a/misc-scripts/update_mapping_set.pl b/misc-scripts/update_mapping_set.pl
index 517932244f1a0dc6cf1a5f6bfbd0a1dd9c37aa0f..303efbf690c23790a9ad9618db3ff8644bfa251b 100644
--- a/misc-scripts/update_mapping_set.pl
+++ b/misc-scripts/update_mapping_set.pl
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Optional arguments:
   --port=port             port (default: 3306)
-  --oldport=port          old database server port (default: 5306)
+  --oldport=port          old database server port (default: 3306)
   --olduser=user          old database server username
@@ -89,21 +89,17 @@ use DBI qw(:sql_types);
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw);
-use constant INITIAL_MAPPING => 1;
-use constant SAME_MAPPING => 2;
-use constant NEW_MAPPING => 3;
 ## Command line options
 my $host    = 'ens-staging';
 my $host2   = 'ens-staging2';
-my $oldhost = 'ensembldb.ensembl.org';
+my $oldhost = 'ens-livemirror';
 my $dbname = undef;
 my $user = undef;
 my $pass = undef;
 my $port = 3306;
-my $oldport = 5306;
-my $olduser = "anonymous";
+my $oldport = 3306;
+my $olduser = "ensro";
 my $oldpass = undef;
 my $help = undef;
 my $release = undef;
@@ -132,8 +128,6 @@ my $old_dbh =  DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$oldhost;port=$ol
 foreach my $h ($host,$host2) {
   my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$h;port=$port",$user,$pass);
-  my $status;
-  my $database_name;
   #since there is no database defined, will run it agains all core databases
   my $pattern;
@@ -143,173 +137,121 @@ foreach my $h ($host,$host2) {
     $pattern = $dbname;
-  #fetch all databases matching the pattern
-#  print STDERR $pattern."\n";
-  my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW DATABASES WHERE `database` REGEXP \'$pattern\'");
+# Fetch all databases matching the pattern
+  my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW DATABASES like \'%$pattern%\'");
   my $dbs = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
-  my $schema_build;
   foreach my $db_name (@{$dbs}){
-    print STDERR "Going to update mapping for $db_name->[0]....\n";
-    my $mapping_set_id = 1;
-    my $sth_seq_mapping = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO $db_name->[0].seq_region_mapping VALUES(?,?,?)");
-    my $sth_mapping_set = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO $db_name->[0].mapping_set VALUES(?,?)");
-    $schema_build = get_schema_and_build($db_name->[0]);
+    my $current_dbname = $db_name->[0];
+    print STDERR "Going to update mapping for $current_dbname....\n";
+    my $mapping_set_id = get_max_mapping_set_id($dbh, $current_dbname) + 1;
+    my $sth_seq_mapping = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO $current_dbname.seq_region_mapping VALUES(?,?,?)");
+    my $sth_mapping_set = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO $current_dbname.mapping_set VALUES(?,?)");
+    my $schema_build = get_schema_and_build($current_dbname);
+    my $current_assembly = get_assembly($dbh, $current_dbname) ;
-    my $current_assembly = get_assembly($dbh, $db_name->[0]) ;
-    my $previous_dbname = &get_previous_dbname($old_dbh,$db_name->[0],$release);
+    $sth_mapping_set->execute($mapping_set_id,$schema_build) unless $dry_run;
 # If there is no previous database, no mapping needed
+    my $previous_dbname = &get_previous_dbname($old_dbh,$current_dbname,$release);
     if (!defined($previous_dbname)) {
-      $sth_mapping_set->execute($mapping_set_id, $schema_build) unless $dry_run;
-      next;
+       print STDERR "First instance known for $current_dbname, no mapping needed\n";
+       next;
-    my $old_assembly = get_assembly($old_dbh, $previous_dbname); 
 # If it is a new assembly, no mapping needed
+    my $old_assembly = get_assembly($old_dbh, $previous_dbname); 
     if ($old_assembly ne $current_assembly) { 
-      $sth_mapping_set->execute($mapping_set_id, $schema_build) unless $dry_run;
+      print STDERR "New assembly for $current_dbname, no mapping needed\n" ;
-    my $current_seq_region = (); # hash containing the relation seq_region_name->seq_region_id for the current database
-    my $old_seq_region = (); #hash containing the previous database relation seq_region_name->seq_region_id
-    $status = &mapping_status($dbh,$old_dbh, $db_name->[0],\$mapping_set_id,$release);
-## prune newly added mapping_set entries
-#    $dbh->do(qq(delete from $db_name->[0].mapping_set where schema_build = '$schema_build'));
-#    next;
-    #add mapping_set information
-    if ($status == INITIAL_MAPPING){
-      #first time run the script, create new entry in mapping_set
-      $sth_mapping_set->execute($mapping_set_id,$schema_build) unless $dry_run;
+# If there has been no change in seq_region, no mapping needed
+    my $cur_seq_region_checksum = &get_seq_region_checksum($dbh,$dbname);
+    my $previous_seq_region_checksum = &get_seq_region_checksum($old_dbh,$previous_dbname);
+    if ($cur_seq_region_checksum == $previous_seq_region_checksum) { 
+      print STDERR "No change in seq_region for $current_dbname, no mapping needed\n";
+      next; 
-    elsif ($status == SAME_MAPPING){
-      #seq_region_mapping has not change, just add a new entry for this version
-      $sth_mapping_set->execute($mapping_set_id,$schema_build) unless $dry_run;
-    }
-    elsif ($status == NEW_MAPPING){
-      $sth_mapping_set->execute($mapping_set_id,$schema_build) unless $dry_run;
-      #there has been a seq_region change between releases, add a new mapping_set and the relation old_seq_region_id->new_seq_region_id
-      $current_seq_region =  &read_seq_region($dbh,$db_name->[0]);
-      $old_seq_region = &read_seq_region($old_dbh,$previous_dbname);
-      #update the seq_region_mapping table with the old->new seq_region_id relation
-      my $count = 0;
-      foreach my $seq_region_name (keys %{$old_seq_region}){
-	next if (!defined $current_seq_region->{$seq_region_name}); #the seq_region might have disappeared
-	foreach my $coord_system_id (keys %{$old_seq_region->{$seq_region_name}}){
-	  next if (!defined $current_seq_region->{$seq_region_name}->{$coord_system_id}); #the coord_system might have been removed in current database
-	  next if ($old_seq_region->{$seq_region_name}->{$coord_system_id} == $current_seq_region->{$seq_region_name}->{$coord_system_id}); # if no change no need to write out
-	  $sth_seq_mapping->execute($old_seq_region->{$seq_region_name}->{$coord_system_id},$current_seq_region->{$seq_region_name}->{$coord_system_id},$mapping_set_id) unless $dry_run;
-	  $count++;
-	}
+# There has been a seq_region change between releases, add the relation old_seq_region_id->new_seq_region_id
+    my $current_seq_region =  &read_seq_region($dbh,$current_dbname);
+    my $old_seq_region = &read_seq_region($old_dbh,$previous_dbname);
+# Update the seq_region_mapping table with the old->new seq_region_id relation
+    my $count = 0;
+    foreach my $seq_region_name (keys %{$old_seq_region}){
+      my $current_name_hash = $current_seq_region->{$seq_region_name};
+      my $old_name_hash = $old_seq_region->{$seq_region_name};
+# The seq_region might have disappeared
+      if (!defined $current_name_hash) {
+        next;
+      }
+      foreach my $coord_system_id (keys %{$old_name_hash}){
+        my $current_cs_hash = $current_name_hash->{$coord_system_id};
+        my $old_cs_hash = $old_name_hash->{$coord_system_id};
+# The coord_system might have been removed in the current database
+        if (!defined $current_cs_hash) {
+          next;
+        }
+        foreach my $length (keys %{$old_cs_hash}) {
+          my $current_id = $current_cs_hash->{$length};
+          my $old_id = $old_cs_hash->{$length};
+# If no change, no need to write out
+          if (!defined $current_id || $old_id == $current_id) {
+            next;
+          }
+          $sth_seq_mapping->execute($old_id, $current_id, $mapping_set_id) unless $dry_run;
+          $count++;
+        }
-      print STDERR "Added $count seq_region_mapping entry\n\n";
-    }
-    else{
-      throw("Mapping status not recognized by script: $status \n\n");
+    print STDERR "Added $count seq_region_mapping entry for $dbname\n\n";
-#will for a given database, will return the seq_region_name->seq_region_id relation
+# For a given database, will return the seq_region_name->seq_region_id relation
 sub read_seq_region{
   my $dbh = shift;
   my $dbname = shift;
   my %seq_region_hash;
-  my $seq_region_id;
-  my $seq_region_name;
-  my $coord_system_id;
-  my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT seq_region_id, name, coord_system_id FROM $dbname.seq_region");
+  my ($seq_region_id, $seq_region_name, $coord_system_id, $length, $cs_name);
+  my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT seq_region_id, name, length, coord_system_id FROM $dbname.seq_region");
-  $sth->bind_col(3,\$coord_system_id);
+  $sth->bind_col(3,\$length);
+  $sth->bind_col(4,\$coord_system_id);
   while ($sth->fetch){
-    #there might be more than one assembly in the core database, thus we need the coord_system_id to remove ambiguity
-    $seq_region_hash{$seq_region_name}{$coord_system_id} = $seq_region_id;
+    $seq_region_hash{$seq_region_name}{$coord_system_id}{$length} = $seq_region_id;
   return \%seq_region_hash;
-#method to check the status of the current core database: INITIAL_MAPPING, SAME_MAPPING and NEW_MAPPING are the possible states
-sub mapping_status{
-  my $dbh = shift;
-  my $old_dbh = shift;
-  my $dbname = shift;
-  my $mapping_set_id_ref = shift;
-  my $release = shift;
-  my $sth_max_mapping = $dbh->prepare("select max(mapping_set_id) from $dbname.mapping_set");
-  $sth_max_mapping->execute();
-  ( $$mapping_set_id_ref ) = $sth_max_mapping->fetchrow_array();
-  if (! $$mapping_set_id_ref){
-    #the table is empty, first mapping
-    my $previous_dbname = &get_previous_dbname($old_dbh,$dbname,$release);
-    if ($previous_dbname) {
-      my $old_sth_max_mapping = $old_dbh->prepare("select max(mapping_set_id) from $previous_dbname.mapping_set");
-      $old_sth_max_mapping->execute();
-      ( $$mapping_set_id_ref ) = $old_sth_max_mapping->fetchrow_array();
-      if ($$mapping_set_id_ref) {
-	print (" There are mappings in the previous version of the database $dbname, need to do something with them ?\n");
-      }
-      else {
-	print " Previous version of the $dbname has no entries, this is wrong\n";
-      }
-    }
-    else {
-      print " This is the first version of a this database $dbname, so just creating a new entry\n";
-      $$mapping_set_id_ref = 1;
-    }
-    return INITIAL_MAPPING;
-  }
-  else{
-    #there is information, find out if it is the same mapping as previous release 
-    my $previous_dbname = &get_previous_dbname($old_dbh,$dbname,$release);
-    if(!defined($previous_dbname)){
-      print " No previous database present for $dbname so cannot do diff so will initialise with this as the first version of the database\n";
-      $$mapping_set_id_ref = 1;
-      return INITIAL_MAPPING;
-    }
-    my $cur_seq_region_size = &get_seq_region_size($dbh,$dbname);
-    my $previous_seq_region_size = &get_seq_region_size($old_dbh,$previous_dbname);
-    if ($cur_seq_region_size == $previous_seq_region_size){
-      #if both tables have same size, SAME_MAPPING
-      return SAME_MAPPING;
-    }
-    else{
-      #if tables have different size, NEW_MAPPING
-      $$mapping_set_id_ref++;
-      return NEW_MAPPING;
-    }	
-  }
-#for a given database, returns the size of the seq_region_table
-sub get_seq_region_size{
+# For a given database, returns the size of the seq_region_table
+sub get_seq_region_checksum{
     my $dbh = shift;
     my $dbname = shift;
-    my $sth_status = $dbh->prepare("show table status from $dbname like 'seq_region'") ;
+    my $sth_status = $dbh->prepare("checksum table $dbname.seq_region") ;
-    my @table_status = $sth_status->fetchrow_array();
-    return $table_status[6]; #return the size of the table
+    my $table_status = $sth_status->fetchrow_array();
+    return $table_status; #return the size of the table
-#will return the max mapping_set_id being used in the mapping_set table
+# Will return the max mapping_set_id being used in the mapping_set table
 sub get_max_mapping_set_id{
     my $dbh = shift;
     my $dbname = shift;
-    my $sth_mapping = $dbh->prepare("select max(mapping_set_id) from mapping_set");
+    my $sth_mapping = $dbh->prepare("select max(mapping_set_id) from $dbname.mapping_set");
     my ($max_mapping_set_id) = $sth_mapping->fetchrow_array();
+    if (!defined $max_mapping_set_id) { return 0; }
     return $max_mapping_set_id;
-#this method will return the name of the previous database to release for same species (assuming is present)
+# This method will return the name of the previous database to release for same species (assuming is present)
 sub get_previous_dbname{
     my $dbh = shift;
     my $dbname = shift;
@@ -317,23 +259,22 @@ sub get_previous_dbname{
     my $previous_dbname;
     $dbname =~ /(^[a-z]+_[a-z]+_core_)/;
+    if (!$1) { throw("Database name $dbname is not in the right format"); }
     my $previous_release_name = $1 . (--$release);
     my $previous_sth = $dbh->prepare("show databases like \'%$previous_release_name%\'");
     ($previous_dbname) = $previous_sth->fetchrow_array() ;
     return $previous_dbname;
-#for a standard ensembl database name, returns the release number and assembly
+# For a standard ensembl database name, returns the release number and assembly
 sub get_schema_and_build{
   my ($dbname) = @_;
   my @dbname = split/_/, $dbname;
   return join "_",$dbname[($#dbname -1)], $dbname[($#dbname)];
+# Returna the assembly name for a given database
 sub get_assembly{
   my ($dbh, $dbname) = @_;
   my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select meta_value from $dbname.meta where meta_key = 'assembly.default'");