From 837d452aed46cd211784b102da25907fb48661c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Monika Komorowska <>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 14:14:54 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] This script creates and populates the ensembl_stable_ids_xx

 .../              | 387 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 387 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 misc-scripts/stable_id_lookup/

diff --git a/misc-scripts/stable_id_lookup/ b/misc-scripts/stable_id_lookup/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f8a957636
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc-scripts/stable_id_lookup/
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+#The script populates a stable_id lookup database with all stable ids found in databases on a specified server for
+#a specified db release.
+#The stable ids are copied for objects listed in hash %group_objects
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use DBI qw( :sql_types );
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry;
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::ApiVersion;
+my $lhost;
+my $lport;
+my $luser;
+my $lpass;
+my $ldbname;
+my $create;
+my $db_version;
+my @host;
+my @user;
+my @port;
+sub insert_stable_ids;
+sub insert_species_id;
+GetOptions( "lhost|lh=s" => \$lhost,
+            "lport=i" => \$lport,
+            "luser|lu=s" => \$luser,
+	    "lpass|lp=s" => \$lpass,
+	    "ldbname|ld=s" =>\$ldbname,
+	    "create!" => \$create,
+	    "db_version=i" => \$db_version,
+	    "host|h=s",\@host,
+	    "user|u=s",\@user,
+	    "port=s",\@port,
+	    "help" ,     \&usage,
+usage() if (!defined $lhost || !defined $luser || !defined $lpass || !@host || !@user ); 
+my $host_count = @host;
+my $user_count = @user;
+my $port_count = @port;
+# if we have fewer user names specified than hosts copy user name from the first -u parameter
+if ($user_count < $host_count) {
+    for (my $i = $user_count; $i < $host_count; $i++) {
+	push(@user,$user[0]);
+    }
+if ( (!@port) || ($port_count < $host_count) ) { 
+    if (!defined $port[0]) {
+	$port[0] = 3306;
+    }
+    for (my $i=1; $i<$host_count;$i++) {
+	if (!defined $port[$i]) {
+	    push(@port,$port[0]);
+	}
+    } 
+$db_version ||= software_version();
+$ldbname ||= "ensembl_stable_ids_$db_version";
+#$ldbname ||= "ensemblgenomes_stable_ids_$db_version";
+my $registry = "Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry";
+if ($host_count == 1) { 
+    $registry->load_registry_from_db( -host => $host[0], -port => $port[0],-user => $user[0], -db_version => $db_version);
+} else {
+    my @server_array;
+    for (my $i=0; $i < @host; $i++) {
+	push @server_array, { -host => $host[$i], -user => $user[$i], -port => $port[$i]};
+    }
+    $registry->load_registry_from_multiple_dbs(@server_array); 
+my @dbas = @{$registry->get_all_DBAdaptors()};
+my $dbh; 
+my $species_insert_sth;
+my $species_sth;
+my $stable_id_insert_sth;
+if (@dbas) {
+    #if any db adaptors exist connect to the stable id lookup database and delete old data first
+    my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:host=$lhost;";
+    if ($lport) {
+	$dsn .= "port=$lport;";
+    }
+    if (!$create) {
+	$dsn .= "database=$ldbname";
+    }
+    $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $luser, $lpass,
+                          { 'PrintError' => 1, 'RaiseError' => 1 } );
+    if ($create) {
+	print "Creating database $ldbname\n";
+	eval {
+	    $dbh->do("drop database if exists $ldbname");
+	    $dbh->do("create database $ldbname");
+	    my $cmd = "mysql -h $lhost";
+	    if ($lport) {
+		$cmd .= " -P $lport";
+	    }
+	    $cmd .= " -u $luser --password=$lpass $ldbname < ./sql/tables.sql";
+	    system($cmd) == 0 or die("error encountered when creating schema for database $ldbname\n");
+	    $dbh->do("use $ldbname");
+	    $dbh->do("INSERT INTO meta(species_id,meta_key,meta_value) VALUES (NULL,'schema_version',$db_version)");
+	};
+	if ($@) { 
+            die("An SQL error occured while creating database $ldbname:\n$@");
+	}
+    }
+    #statements used when populating the species table
+    $species_sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT species_id FROM species WHERE name = ?");
+    $species_insert_sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO species(name,taxonomy_id) values (?,?)");
+    #statements used when populating stable_id_lookup table
+    $stable_id_insert_sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO stable_id_lookup VALUES(?,?,?,?)");
+} else {
+    die("No DBAdaptors found on ". join(',',@host) ." for db version $db_version\n");
+my %group_objects = (
+                      core => {
+                             Exon => 1,
+			     Gene => 1,
+			     Transcript => 1,
+			     Translation => 1,
+			     Operon => 1,
+			     OperonTranscript => 1,
+			   },
+		      compara => {
+			     GeneTree => 1,
+			     Family => 1,
+			   },
+                    );
+#hash which stores species we have already processed
+my %dba_species;
+#populate stable_id_lookup table with stable ids 
+while (my $dba = shift @dbas) {
+    next if ( exists($dba_species{$dba->species()}) );
+    my @stable_id_objects = keys %{$group_objects{$dba->group()}};
+    my $species_id;
+    if (@stable_id_objects) {
+	my $species_name = $dba->species();
+	$species_sth->bind_param( 1, $species_name, SQL_VARCHAR );
+	$species_sth->execute();
+	($species_id) = $species_sth->fetchrow_array();
+	if (!$species_id) {
+	    $species_id = insert_species_id($dba);
+	}
+	if ($species_id) {
+	    $dba_species{$dba->species()} = 1; 
+	} 	
+    }
+    foreach my $object_name (@stable_id_objects) {
+	my $adaptor =  $dba->get_adaptor($object_name);
+	my %stable_ids;
+	if ($adaptor->can('list_stable_ids')) {
+	    %stable_ids = map { $_ => 1 } @{$adaptor->list_stable_ids()};
+	} else {
+	    %stable_ids = map { ($_->stable_id() || '') => 1 } @{$adaptor->fetch_all()};
+	}
+	delete $stable_ids{''};
+	my @stable_ids = keys %stable_ids;
+	if (@stable_ids) {
+	   insert_stable_ids(\@stable_ids,$dba,$object_name, $species_id);
+	}
+    }
+$species_sth->finish() if ($species_sth);
+$species_insert_sth->finish() if ($species_insert_sth);
+$stable_id_insert_sth->finish() if ($stable_id_insert_sth);
+$dbh->disconnect() if ($dbh);
+sub insert_stable_ids {
+    my $stable_ids = shift;
+    my $dba = shift;
+    my $object = shift;
+    my $lookup_db_species_id = shift;
+    my @stable_ids = @$stable_ids;
+    my @species_id;
+    my @db_type;
+    my @object_type;
+    for (1..@stable_ids) {
+	 push @species_id, $lookup_db_species_id;
+	 push @db_type, $dba->group();
+	 push @object_type, $object;
+    }
+    my $tuples;
+    my @tuple_status;
+    eval {
+	$tuples = $stable_id_insert_sth->execute_array(
+	{ ArrayTupleStatus => \@tuple_status },
+	     \@stable_ids,
+	     \@species_id,
+	     \@db_type,
+	     \@object_type,
+	 );
+    };
+    if ($tuples) {
+	 print STDOUT "Successfully inserted $tuples stable_ids for species_id: $species_id[0],db_type: ". $dba->group(). ", object_type: $object\n";
+    }
+    else {
+	 for my $tuple (0..@stable_ids-1) {
+	      my $status = $tuple_status[$tuple];
+	      $status = [0, "Skipped"] unless defined $status;
+	      next unless ref $status;
+	      printf STDERR "Failed to insert (%s, %s, %s, %s): %s\n",
+	      $stable_ids[$tuple], $species_id[$tuple], $db_type[$tuple], $object_type[$tuple], $status->[1];
+	 }
+    }
+sub insert_species_id {
+    my $dba = shift;
+    my $species_name = $dba->species();
+    #add species to the species table
+    my $meta_container = $dba->get_adaptor('MetaContainer');
+    my $taxonomy_id;
+    if ($meta_container) {
+       my $values = $meta_container->list_value_by_key('species.taxonomy_id'); 
+       if ($values) {
+	   my @values = @$values;
+	   $taxonomy_id = $values[0];
+       }
+    }
+    #add row to the species table
+    $species_insert_sth->bind_param( 1, $species_name, SQL_VARCHAR );
+    $species_insert_sth->bind_param( 2, $taxonomy_id, SQL_INTEGER );
+    $species_insert_sth->execute();
+    my $species_id = $dbh->last_insert_id( undef, undef, 'species', 'species_id' ); 
+    if (!$species_id) {
+	die("Failed to insert row for species $species_name\n");
+    }
+    return $species_id;
+sub usage {
+  my $indent = ' ' x length($0);
+  print <<EOF; exit(0);
+The script populates a stable_id lookup database with all stable ids found in databases 
+on a specified server (or servers) for a specified db release.
+Stable ids are copied for objects listed in hash %group_objects
+Options -lhost -luser -lpass are mandatory and specify the credentials for the server on which a stable id lookup database exists or is to be created (if using option -create). If an argument for option -ldbname is not provided, the default name for the database wil be used: 'ensembl_stable_id_lookup_xx', where xx is the database release (option -db_version).
+Options -host -user -port specify the credentials of the server(s) where stable ids are to be copied from.
+To run the script cd into the directory where the script lives eg:
+cd ensembl/misc-scripts/stable_id_lookup/
+This command will create database ensembl_stable_id_lookup_67 on server ens-staging1 and will copy stable ids from databases for release 67 found on ens-staging1 and ens-staging2:
+ -lhost ens-staging1 -luser ensadmin -lpass xxxx -create -db_version 67 -host ens-staging1 -host ens-staging2 -user ensro
+  $0 -lhost host_name -luser user_name -lpass password 
+  $indent [-ldbname database_name] [-lport port_number] 
+  $indent -host host_name [-host host_name2] -user user_name [-user user_name2] 
+  $indent [-port port_number [-port port_number2]]
+  $indent [-create] [-db_version]
+  $indent [-help]  
+GetOptions( "host|h=s" => \$host,
+            "port=i" => \$port,
+            "user|u=s"=> \$user,
+	    "lhost|lh=s" => \$lhost,
+            "lport=i" => \$lport,
+            "luser|lu=s" => \$luser,
+	    "lpass|lp=s" => \$lpass,
+	    "ldbname|ld=s" =>\$ldbname,
+	    "create!" => \$create,
+	    "db_version=i" => \$db_version,
+	    "help" ,     \&usage,
+  -h|host              Database host where stable_ids are to be copied from (multiple hosts can be specified)
+  -u|user              Database user where stable_ids are to be copied from (each host needs a user specified, 
+                       if multiple -h|host options are given and fewer -u|user options are specified, 
+                       the first user name will be used for the hosts where no user name was given)
+  -port                Database port where stable_ids are to be copied from (if more than one host is specified 
+		       multiple ports can be provided)
+  -lh|lhost            Database host where stable_id lookup database exists or is to be created
+  -lu|luser            Database user where stable_id lookup database exists or is to be created
+  -lp|lpass            Database password where stable_id lookup database exists or is to be created
+  -lport               Database port where stable_id lookup database exists or is to be created
+  -ld|ldbname          Database name for the stable id lookup database   
+  -create              Create the stable id lookup database using sql source ./sql/tables.sql
+  -db_version          If not specified, software_version() returned by the ApiVersion module will be used
+  -help                This message