diff --git a/misc-scripts/assembly/fix_component_gaps.pl b/misc-scripts/assembly/fix_component_gaps.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..221cad15ea6843daeee1b60735493efe7c7b5534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc-scripts/assembly/fix_component_gaps.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+=head1 NAME
+fix_overlaps.pl - remove overlapping mappings between two closely related
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+fix_overlaps.pl [arguments]
+Required arguments:
+  --dbname, db_name=NAME              database name NAME
+  --host, --dbhost, --db_host=HOST    database host HOST
+  --port, --dbport, --db_port=PORT    database port PORT
+  --user, --dbuser, --db_user=USER    database username USER
+  --pass, --dbpass, --db_pass=PASS    database passwort PASS
+  --assembly=ASSEMBLY                 assembly version ASSEMBLY
+  --altassembly=ASSEMBLY              alternative assembly version ASSEMBLY
+Optional arguments:
+  --chromosomes, --chr=LIST           only process LIST toplevel seq_regions
+  --conffile, --conf=FILE             read parameters from FILE
+                                      (default: conf/Conversion.ini)
+  --logfile, --log=FILE               log to FILE (default: *STDOUT)
+  --logpath=PATH                      write logfile to PATH (default: .)
+  --logappend, --log_append           append to logfile (default: truncate)
+  -v, --verbose=0|1                   verbose logging (default: false)
+  -i, --interactive=0|1               run script interactively (default: true)
+  -n, --dry_run, --dry=0|1            don't write results to database
+  -h, --help, -?                      print help (this message)
+This script removes overlapping mappings that were generated by the code in
+align_nonident_regions.pl. Mappings are trimmed so that no overlaps are present
+in the assembly table, because such overlaps may break the AssemblyMapper when
+projecting between the two assemblies.
+It also merges adjacent assembly segments which can result from alternating
+alignments from clone identity and blastz alignment.
+The whole process of creating a whole genome alignment between two assemblies
+is done by a series of scripts. Please see
+  ensembl/misc-scripts/assembly/README
+for a high-level description of this process, and POD in the individual scripts
+for the details.
+=head1 LICENCE
+This code is distributed under an Apache style licence:
+Please see http://www.ensembl.org/code_licence.html for details
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Patrick Meidl <meidl@ebi.ac.uk>, Ensembl core API team
+=head1 CONTACT
+Please post comments/questions to the Ensembl development list
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+no warnings 'uninitialized';
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConversionSupport;
+$| = 1;
+my $support = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConversionSupport("$Bin/../../..");
+# parse options
+    'assembly=s',
+    'altassembly=s',
+    'chromosomes|chr=s@',
+    $support->get_common_params,
+    'assembly',
+    'altassembly',
+    'chromosomes',
+if ($support->param('help') or $support->error) {
+    warn $support->error if $support->error;
+    pod2usage(1);
+# ask user to confirm parameters to proceed
+# get log filehandle and print heading and parameters to logfile
+    'assembly',
+    'altassembly'
+# database connection
+my $dba = $support->get_database('ensembl');
+my $dbh = $dba->dbc->db_handle;
+my $assembly = $support->param('assembly');
+my $altassembly = $support->param('altassembly');
+my $sql = qq(
+  SELECT a.*
+  FROM assembly a, seq_region sr1, seq_region sr2,
+       coord_system cs1, coord_system cs2
+  WHERE a.asm_seq_region_id = sr1.seq_region_id
+  AND a.cmp_seq_region_id = sr2.seq_region_id
+  AND sr1.coord_system_id = cs1.coord_system_id
+  AND sr2.coord_system_id = cs2.coord_system_id
+  AND cs1.version = '$assembly'
+  AND cs2.version = '$altassembly'
+  AND sr2.name = ?
+  ORDER BY a.cmp_start
+my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
+my $fmt1 = "%10s %10s %10s %10s %3s\n";
+foreach my $chr ($support->sort_chromosomes) {
+  $support->log_stamped("\nToplevel seq_region $chr...\n");
+  $sth->execute($chr);
+  my @rows = ();
+  # do an initial fetch
+  my $last = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+  # skip seq_regions for which we don't have data
+  unless ($last) {
+    $support->log("No mappings found. Skipping.\n", 1);
+    next;
+  }
+  push @rows, $last;
+  my $i = 0;
+  my $j = 0;
+  my $k = 0;
+  while ($last and (my $r = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)) {
+    # merge adjacent assembly segments (these can result from alternating
+    # alignments from clone identity and blastz alignment)
+    if ($last->{'asm_end'} == ($r->{'asm_start'} - 1) and
+        $last->{'cmp_end'} == ($r->{'cmp_start'} - 1)) {
+      $j++;
+      # debug warnings
+      $support->log_verbose('merging - last: '.sprintf($fmt1,
+        map { $last->{$_} } qw(asm_start asm_end cmp_start cmp_end ori)), 1);
+      $support->log_verbose('this:           '.sprintf($fmt1, map { $r->{$_} }
+        qw(asm_start asm_end cmp_start cmp_end ori)), 1);
+      # remove last row
+      pop(@rows);
+      # merge segments and add new row
+      $last->{'asm_end'} = $r->{'asm_end'};
+      $last->{'cmp_end'} = $r->{'cmp_end'};
+      push @rows, $last;
+      next;
+    }
+    # bridge small gaps (again, these can result from alternating alignments
+    # from clone identity and blastz alignment). A maximum gap size of 10bp is
+    # allowed
+    my $asm_gap = $r->{'asm_start'} - $last->{'asm_end'} - 1;
+    my $cmp_gap = $r->{'cmp_start'} - $last->{'cmp_end'} - 1;
+    if ($asm_gap == $cmp_gap and $asm_gap <= 10 and $asm_gap > 0) {
+      $k++;
+      # debug warnings
+      $support->log_verbose('bridging - last: '.sprintf($fmt1,
+        map { $last->{$_} } qw(asm_start asm_end cmp_start cmp_end ori)), 1);
+      $support->log_verbose('this:            '.sprintf($fmt1, map { $r->{$_} }
+        qw(asm_start asm_end cmp_start cmp_end ori)), 1);
+      # remove last row
+      pop(@rows);
+      # merge segments and add new row
+      $last->{'asm_end'} = $r->{'asm_end'};
+      $last->{'cmp_end'} = $r->{'cmp_end'};
+      push @rows, $last;
+      next;
+    }
+    push @rows, $r;
+    $last = $r;
+  }
+  $support->log("Merged $j mappings.\n", 1);
+  $support->log("Bridged $k gaps.\n", 1);
+  if ((!$support->param('dry_run')) && ($j + $k > 0) ) {
+      # delete all current mappings from the db and insert the corrected ones
+      my $c = $dbh->do(qq(
+    DELETE a
+    FROM assembly a, seq_region sr1, seq_region sr2,
+         coord_system cs1, coord_system cs2
+    WHERE a.asm_seq_region_id = sr1.seq_region_id
+    AND a.cmp_seq_region_id = sr2.seq_region_id
+    AND sr1.coord_system_id = cs1.coord_system_id
+    AND sr2.coord_system_id = cs2.coord_system_id
+    AND cs1.version = '$assembly'
+    AND cs2.version = '$altassembly'
+    AND sr2.name = '$chr'
+  ));
+      $support->log("\nDeleted $c entries from the assembly table.\n");
+      # now insert the fixed entries
+      $sql = qq(INSERT INTO assembly VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?));
+      my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare($sql);
+      foreach my $r (@rows) {
+	  $sth1->execute(map { $r->{$_} } qw(asm_seq_region_id cmp_seq_region_id asm_start asm_end cmp_start cmp_end ori));
+      }
+      $support->log("Added ".scalar(@rows)." fixed entries to the assembly table.\n");
+  }
+# finish logfile