diff --git a/misc-scripts/id_mapping/dump_by_seq_region.pl b/misc-scripts/id_mapping/dump_by_seq_region.pl
index a434e9f2bcb9800b7096e909a8c555cbd5d98531..096a7faa36d70124dfed183601dd49719206c889 100755
--- a/misc-scripts/id_mapping/dump_by_seq_region.pl
+++ b/misc-scripts/id_mapping/dump_by_seq_region.pl
@@ -97,27 +97,6 @@ my $index = $conf->param('index');
 my $logautobase = ($conf->param('logautobase') || 'dump_by_seq_region').
-# EG - need to determine species before opening the cache and log
-# determine which slice to process.  To do so, read the file containing
-# the slices to be processed, and take the one at position $index.  This
-# includes the species_id.
-my $logpath  = $conf->param('logpath');
-my $filename = "$dbtype.dump_cache.slices.txt";
-open( my $fh, '<', "$logpath/$filename" )
-  or throw("Unable to open $logpath/$filename for reading: $!");
-my @slice_names  = <$fh>;
-my $slice_string = $slice_names[ $index - 1 ];
-my ( $slice_name, $species_name, $species_id, $source_species_id ) =
-  split( ',', $slice_string );
-$conf->param('basedir',path_append($conf->param('basedir'), $species_id));
 # get log filehandle and print heading and parameters to logfile
 my $logger = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Logger(
   -LOGFILE      => $conf->param('logfile'),
@@ -139,6 +118,17 @@ my $cache = $cache_impl->new(
   -CONF         => $conf,
+# determine which slice to process. to do so, read the file containing the
+# slices to be processed, and take the one at position $index
+my $logpath = $conf->param('logpath');
+my $filename = "$dbtype.dump_cache.slices.txt";
+open(my $fh, '<', "$logpath/$filename") or
+  throw("Unable to open $logpath/$filename for reading: $!");
+my @slice_names = <$fh>;
+my $slice_name = $slice_names[$index-1];
 # no build the cache for this slice
 $cache->build_cache_by_slice($dbtype, $slice_name);
diff --git a/misc-scripts/id_mapping/dump_cache.pl b/misc-scripts/id_mapping/dump_cache.pl
index 6291687ff6b75ba6cad8f70c1a2ade827df641d7..8761134e5c5501bbabc548be675bcb684a57de1c 100755
--- a/misc-scripts/id_mapping/dump_cache.pl
+++ b/misc-scripts/id_mapping/dump_cache.pl
@@ -137,26 +137,18 @@ sub build_cache_auto {
   my $cache_impl = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::Cache';
-  # EG - populate cache for each species in turn
-  $logger->debug("\nChecking number of toplevel seq_regions...\n");
-  my $max         = 0;
-  my @species_ids = @{ get_species_ids("target") };
-  foreach my $dbtype (qw(source target)) {
-    # populate the cache for each species in turn
-    for my $species (@species_ids) {
-      $conf->param( 'species_id',   $$species[1] );
-      $conf->param( 'species_name', $$species[0] );
-      my $cache = $cache_impl->new( -LOGGER => $logger,
-                                    -CONF   => $conf, );
+  my $cache = $cache_impl->new(
+    -LOGGER       => $logger,
+    -CONF         => $conf,
+  );
-      my $num =
-        scalar( @{ $cache->slice_names( $dbtype, @$species ) } );
+  $logger->debug("\nChecking number of toplevel seq_regions...\n");
+  my $max = 0;
-      $max = $num if ( $num > $max );
-      $logger->debug( "$dbtype: $num.\n", 1 );
-    }
+  foreach my $dbtype (qw(source target)) {
+    my $num = scalar(@{ $cache->slice_names($dbtype) });
+    $max = $num if ($num > $max);
+    $logger->debug("$dbtype: $num.\n", 1);
   my $threshold = $conf->param('build_cache_auto_threshold') || 100;
@@ -185,144 +177,99 @@ sub build_cache_by_seq_region {
   system("mkdir -p $logpath") == 0 or
     $logger->error("Can't create lsf log dir $logpath: $!\n");
-  # EG get the list of species IDs for sources and targets
-  my @source_species_ids = @{ get_species_ids("source") };
-  my @species_ids        = @{ get_species_ids("target") };
   # load the cache implementation
   my $cache_impl = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::Cache';
-  # EG store the base directory onto which the species ID will be added
-  my $basedir = $conf->param('basedir');
+  my $cache = $cache_impl->new(
+    -LOGGER       => $logger,
+    -CONF         => $conf,
+  );
   # submit jobs to lsf
   foreach my $dbtype (qw(source target)) {
-    # EG iterate over individual species for source and target
+    $logger->info("\n".ucfirst($dbtype)." db...\n", 0, 'stamped');
     # determine which slices need to be done
     my $filename = "$dbtype.dump_cache.slices.txt";
-    open( my $fh, '>', "$logpath/$filename" )
-      or throw("Unable to open $logpath/$filename for writing: $!");
+    open(my $fh, '>', "$logpath/$filename") or
+      throw("Unable to open $logpath/$filename for writing: $!");
     my $num_jobs = 0;
-    for my $species (@species_ids) {
-      # EG set config based on species ID in turn
-      $conf->param( 'basedir', path_append( $basedir, $$species[1] ) );
-      $conf->param( 'species_id',   $$species[1] );
-      $conf->param( 'species_name', $$species[0] );
-      # EG load cache for current species ID
-      my $cache = $cache_impl->new( -LOGGER => $logger,
-                                    -CONF   => $conf, );
-      foreach my $slice_name (
-                        @{ $cache->slice_names( $dbtype, @$species ) } )
-      {
-        my $type = "$dbtype.$slice_name";
-        my $src_species_id;
-        for my $src_id (@source_species_ids) {
-          if ( $$species[1] == $$src_id[1] ) {
-            $src_species_id = $$src_id[1];
-            last;
-          }
-        }
-        $logger->info( "\n" . ucfirst($dbtype) . " db...\n",
-                       0, 'stamped' );
-        my $type = "$dbtype.$slice_name";
-        unless ( $cache->cache_file_exists($type) ) {
-          print $fh "$slice_name,$$species[0],$$species[1],"
-            . $src_species_id . "\n";
-          $num_jobs++;
-        }
-      }
-      unless ($num_jobs) {
-        $logger->info("All cache files for $dbtype exist.\n");
-        next;
+    foreach my $slice_name (@{ $cache->slice_names($dbtype) }) {
+      my $type = "$dbtype.$slice_name";
+      unless ($cache->cache_file_exists($type)) {
+        print $fh "$slice_name\n";
+        $num_jobs++;
+    }
-    } ## end for my $species (@species_ids)
-    # EG reset original basedir
-    $conf->param( 'basedir', $basedir );
+    unless ($num_jobs) {
+      $logger->info("All cache files for $dbtype exist.\n");
+      next;
+    }
     # build lsf command
-    my $lsf_name = 'dump_by_seq_region_' . time;
+    my $lsf_name = 'dump_by_seq_region_'.time;
     my $concurrent = $conf->param('build_cache_concurrent_jobs') || 200;
-    my $options =
-      $conf->create_commandline_options(
-                                    logauto     => 1,
-                                    logautobase => "dump_by_seq_region",
-                                    interactive => 0,
-                                    is_component => 1,
-                                    dbtype       => $dbtype,
-                                    cache_impl   => $cache_impl, );
-    # EG invoke perl with correct path rather than relying on shebang
-    my $cmd = 'perl dump_by_seq_region.pl '
-      . qq{$options --index \$LSB_JOBINDEX};
-    my $pipe =
-        '|bsub '
-      . $conf->param('lsf_opt_run')
-      . qq{ -J '$lsf_name\[1-$num_jobs\]\%$concurrent' }
-      . qq{-o $logpath/dump_by_seq_region.$dbtype.\%I.out }
-      . qq{-e $logpath/dump_by_seq_region.$dbtype.\%I.err }
-      . $conf->param('lsf_opt_dump_cache');
+    my $options = $conf->create_commandline_options(
+        logauto       => 1,
+        logautobase   => "dump_by_seq_region",
+        interactive   => 0,
+        is_component  => 1,
+        dbtype        => $dbtype,
+        cache_impl    => $cache_impl,
+    );
-    # run lsf job array
-    $logger->info("\nSubmitting $num_jobs jobs to lsf.\n");
+    my $cmd = qq{./dump_by_seq_region.pl $options --index \$LSB_JOBINDEX};
-    if ( $num_jobs > 0 ) {
-      $logger->debug("$cmd\n\n");
-      $logger->debug("$pipe\n\n");
+    my $pipe = qq{|bsub -J$lsf_name\[1-$num_jobs\]\%$concurrent } .
+      qq{-o $logpath/dump_by_seq_region.$dbtype.\%I.out } .
+      qq{-e $logpath/dump_by_seq_region.$dbtype.\%I.err } .
+      $conf->param('lsf_opt_dump_cache');
-      local *BSUB;
-      open BSUB, $pipe
-        or $logger->error("Could not open open pipe to bsub: $!\n");
+    # run lsf job array
+    $logger->info("\nSubmitting $num_jobs jobs to lsf.\n");
+    $logger->debug("$cmd\n\n");
-      print BSUB $cmd;
-      $logger->error("Error submitting jobs: $!\n")
-        unless ( $? == 0 );
-      close BSUB;
+    local *BSUB;
+    open BSUB, $pipe or
+      $logger->error("Could not open open pipe to bsub: $!\n");
-      # submit dependent job to monitor finishing of jobs
-      $logger->info( "Waiting for jobs to finish...\n", 0, 'stamped' );
+    print BSUB $cmd;
+    $logger->error("Error submitting jobs: $!\n")
+      unless ($? == 0); 
+    close BSUB;
-      my $dependent_job =
-          qq{bsub -K -w "ended($lsf_name)" }
-        . $conf->param('lsf_opt_run_small')
-        . qq{ -o $logpath/dump_cache.$dbtype.depend.out /bin/true};
+    # submit dependent job to monitor finishing of jobs
+    $logger->info("Waiting for jobs to finish...\n", 0, 'stamped');
-      system($dependent_job) == 0
-        or $logger->error("Error submitting dependent job: $!\n");
+    my $dependent_job = qq{bsub -K -w "ended($lsf_name)" -q small } .
+      qq{-o $logpath/dump_cache.$dbtype.depend.out /bin/true};
-      $logger->info( "All jobs finished.\n", 0, 'stamped' );
+    system($dependent_job) == 0 or
+      $logger->error("Error submitting dependent job: $!\n");
-      sleep(5);
-    } ## end if ( $num_jobs > 0 )
+    $logger->info("All jobs finished.\n", 0, 'stamped');
     # check for lsf errors
+    sleep(5);
     my $err;
-    foreach my $i ( 1 .. $num_jobs ) {
-      if ( !-e "$logpath/dump_by_seq_region.$dbtype.$i.success" ) {
-        $err++;
-      }
+    foreach my $i (1..$num_jobs) {
+      $err++ unless (-e "$logpath/dump_by_seq_region.$dbtype.$i.success");
-    if ( $err > 0 ) {
-      $logger->error( "At least one of your jobs failed.\n"
-              . "Please check the logfiles at $logpath for errors.\n" );
+    if ($err) {
+      $logger->error("At least one of your jobs failed.\nPlease check the logfiles at $logpath for errors.\n");
       return 1;
-  } ## end foreach my $dbtype (qw(source target))
+  }
   return 0;
@@ -357,32 +304,3 @@ sub build_cache_all {
-# EG new method for getting species IDs
-sub get_species_ids {
-  my ($prefix) = @_;
-  my @speciesIds;
-  my $dsn =
-      "DBI:mysql:database="
-    . $conf->param("${prefix}dbname")
-    . ";host="
-    . $conf->param("${prefix}host")
-    . ";port="
-    . $conf->param("${prefix}port");
-  my $ensemblCoreDbh = DBI->connect( $dsn,
-                                     $conf->param("${prefix}user"),
-                                     $conf->param("${prefix}pass") )
-    || die "Cannot connect to server: $DBI::errstr\n";
-  my $query = "SELECT DISTINCT meta_value, species_id
-               FROM meta WHERE meta_key = 'species.production_name'";
-  my $psmt = $ensemblCoreDbh->prepare($query);
-  $psmt->execute();
-  while ( my (@results) = $psmt->fetchrow() ) {
-    push @speciesIds, [ $results[0], $results[1] ];
-  }
-  return \@speciesIds;
-} ## end sub get_species_ids
diff --git a/misc-scripts/id_mapping/id_mapping.pl b/misc-scripts/id_mapping/id_mapping.pl
index 9ae9df1565d648202b7cf807dff771bb2fc6fc41..56aeade301e1b9d0b97db324cd4dc2c9218c1068 100755
--- a/misc-scripts/id_mapping/id_mapping.pl
+++ b/misc-scripts/id_mapping/id_mapping.pl
@@ -56,8 +56,7 @@ no warnings 'uninitialized';
 use FindBin qw($Bin);
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConfParser;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Logger;
-use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw);
-use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ScriptUtils qw(path_append inject);
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ScriptUtils qw(path_append);
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::Cache;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ExonScoreBuilder;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::TranscriptScoreBuilder;
@@ -78,38 +77,26 @@ my $conf = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConfParser(
-  'mode=s'                                         => 0,
-  'basedir|basedir=s'                              => 1,
-  'chromosomes|chr=s@'                             => 0,
-  'region=s'                                       => 0,
-  'biotypes=s@'                                    => 0,
-  'min_exon_length|minexonlength=i'                => 0,
-  'exonerate_path|exoneratepath=s'                 => 1,
-  'exonerate_threshold|exoneratethreshold=f'       => 0,
-  'exonerate_jobs|exoneratejobs=i'                 => 0,
+  'mode=s' => 0,
+  'basedir|basedir=s' => 1,
+  'chromosomes|chr=s@' => 0,
+  'region=s' => 0,
+  'biotypes=s@' => 0,
+  'min_exon_length|minexonlength=i' => 0,
+  'exonerate_path|exoneratepath=s' => 1,
+  'exonerate_threshold|exoneratethreshold=f' => 0,
+  'exonerate_jobs|exoneratejobs=i' => 0,
   'exonerate_bytes_per_job|exoneratebytesperjob=f' => 0,
-  'exonerate_extra_params|exonerateextraparams=s'  => 0,
-  'plugin_internal_id_mappers_gene=s@'             => 0,
-  'plugin_internal_id_mappers_transcript=s@'       => 0,
-  'plugin_internal_id_mappers_exon=s@'             => 0,
-  'mapping_types=s@'                               => 1,
-  'plugin_stable_id_generator=s'                   => 0,
-  'upload_events|uploadevents=s'                   => 0,
-  'upload_stable_ids|uploadstableids=s'            => 0,
-  'upload_archive|uploadarchive=s'                 => 0,
-  # EG allow additional configs to be set on command line
-  'sourcedbname=s' => 1,
-  'sourcehost=s'   => 1,
-  'sourceuser=s'   => 1,
-  'sourcepass=s'   => 0,
-  'sourceport=i'   => 1,
-  'targetdbname=s' => 1,
-  'targethost=s'   => 1,
-  'targetuser=s'   => 1,
-  'targetpass=s'   => 0,
-  'targetport=i'   => 1,
-  'species_id'     => 0,
-  'species_name'   => 0 );
+  'exonerate_extra_params|exonerateextraparams=s' => 0,
+  'plugin_internal_id_mappers_gene=s@' => 0,
+  'plugin_internal_id_mappers_transcript=s@' => 0,
+  'plugin_internal_id_mappers_exon=s@' => 0,
+  'mapping_types=s@' => 1,
+  'plugin_stable_id_generator=s' => 0,
+  'upload_events|uploadevents=s' => 0,
+  'upload_stable_ids|uploadstableids=s' => 0,
+  'upload_archive|uploadarchive=s' => 0,
 # set default logpath
 unless ($conf->param('logpath')) {
@@ -144,109 +131,35 @@ my $transcript_mappings;
 my $gene_mappings;
 my $translation_mappings;
-# EG mapping code reworked to iterate over different species
+# loading cache from file
+my $cache = Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::Cache->new(
+  -LOGGER         => $logger,
+  -CONF           => $conf,
+  -LOAD_INSTANCE  => 1,
+# get a stable ID mapper
+my $stable_id_mapper = Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::StableIdMapper->new(
+  -LOGGER       => $logger,
+  -CONF         => $conf,
+  -CACHE        => $cache
 # find out which entities we want to map
 my %mapping_types = ();
-foreach my $type ( $conf->param('mapping_types') ) {
+foreach my $type ($conf->param('mapping_types')) {
   $mapping_types{$type} = 1;
-# EG get list of species
-my @species_ids = @{ get_species_ids( "target", $conf ) };
-my $basedir = $conf->param('basedir');
-# EG create placeholder cache based on the first species to allow us to
-# create a stable ID generator to reuse for all species
-my $stable_id_mapper;
-my $s = $species_ids[0];
-$conf->param( 'basedir', path_append( $basedir, $$s[1] ) );
-$conf->param( 'species_id',   $$s[1] );
-$conf->param( 'species_name', $$s[0] );
-# loading cache from file
-my $cache = Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::Cache->new(
-                                       -LOGGER        => $logger,
-                                       -CONF          => $conf,
-                                       -LOAD_INSTANCE => 1,
-                                       -SPECIES_ID    => $$s[1],    # EG
-                                       -SPECIES_NAME  => $$s[0]     # EG
-my $type_count_sql = { gene => 'select count(*) '
-                         . 'from gene_stable_id '
-                         . 'join gene using (gene_id) '
-                         . 'join seq_region using (seq_region_id) '
-                         . 'join coord_system using (coord_system_id) '
-                         . 'where species_id=?',
-                       transcript => 'select count(*) '
-                         . 'from transcript_stable_id '
-                         . 'join transcript using (transcript_id) '
-                         . 'join seq_region using (seq_region_id) '
-                         . 'join coord_system using (coord_system_id) '
-                         . 'where species_id=?',
-                       exon => 'select count(*) '
-                         . 'from exon_stable_id '
-                         . 'join exon using (exon_id) '
-                         . 'join seq_region using (seq_region_id) '
-                         . 'join coord_system using (coord_system_id) '
-                         . 'where species_id=?',
-                       translation => 'select count(*) '
-                         . 'from translation_stable_id '
-                         . 'join translation using (translation_id) '
-                         . 'join transcript using (transcript_id) '
-                         . 'join seq_region using (seq_region_id) '
-                         . 'join coord_system using (coord_system_id) '
-                         . 'where species_id=?' };
-# eg get the stable id generator and inject the cache into it
-my $stable_id_generator = $conf->param('plugin_stable_id_generator')
-  || 'Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::StableIdGenerator::EnsemblGeneric';
-# create a new stableidgenerator object
-my $generator_instance =
-  $stable_id_generator->new( -logger => $logger,
-                             -conf   => $conf,
-                             -cache  => $cache );
-# EG iterate over species
-for my $species (@species_ids) {
-  # EG create a new cache for the current species
-  print( "Handling species " . $$species[0] . "/" . $$species[1],
-         "\n" );
-  $conf->param( 'basedir', path_append( $basedir, $$species[1] ) );
-  $conf->param( 'species_id',   $$species[1] );
-  $conf->param( 'species_name', $$species[0] );
-  $cache =
-    Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::Cache->new( -LOGGER        => $logger,
-                                         -CONF          => $conf,
-                                         -LOAD_INSTANCE => 1 );
-  # get a stable ID mapper
-  $stable_id_mapper =
-    Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::StableIdMapper->new( -LOGGER => $logger,
-                                                  -CONF   => $conf,
-                                                  -CACHE  => $cache );
-  # EG replace the genny cache with the species specific one
-  $generator_instance->cache($cache);
-  $stable_id_mapper->stable_id_generator($generator_instance);
-  ##? # find out which entities we want to map
-  ##? my %mapping_types = ();
-  ##? foreach my $type ( $conf->param('mapping_types') ) {
-  ##?   $mapping_types{$type} = 1;
-  ##? }
-  # run in requested mode
-  my $mode = $conf->param('mode') || 'normal';
-  if ( $mode eq 'mapping' ) { $mode = 'normal' }
-  my $run = "run_$mode";
-  no strict 'refs';
-  &$run;
-} ## end for my $species (@species_ids)
+# run in requested mode
+my $mode = $conf->param('mode') || 'normal';
+if ( $mode eq 'mapping' ) { $mode = 'normal' }
+my $run = "run_$mode";
+no strict 'refs';
 # finish logfile
@@ -474,73 +387,49 @@ sub archive {
 sub upload_mapping_session_and_events {
-  if ( $conf->is_true('upload_events') and !$conf->param('dry_run') ) {
-    $logger->info(
-           "Uploading mapping_session and stable_id_event tables...\n");
+  if ($conf->is_true('upload_events') and ! $conf->param('dry_run')) {
+    $logger->info("Uploading mapping_session and stable_id_event tables...\n");
     my $i = 0;
     my $j = 0;
-    $logger->info( "mapping_session...\n", 1 );
-    $i +=
-      $stable_id_mapper->upload_file_into_table( 'target',
-                               'mapping_session', 'mapping_session.txt',
-                               $conf->param('species_id') > 1 ? 1 : 0 );
-    $logger->info( "$i\n", 1 );
-    $logger->info( "stable_id_event...\n", 1 );
-    $j += $stable_id_mapper->upload_file_into_table( 'target',
-                    'stable_id_event', 'stable_id_event_existing.txt' );
-    $j += $stable_id_mapper->upload_file_into_table( 'target',
-                      'stable_id_event', 'stable_id_event_new.txt', 1 );
-    $j += $stable_id_mapper->upload_file_into_table( 'target',
-               'stable_id_event', 'stable_id_event_similarity.txt', 1 );
-    $logger->info( "$j\n", 1 );
+    $logger->info("mapping_session...\n", 1);
+    $i += $stable_id_mapper->upload_file_into_table('target', 'mapping_session',
+      'mapping_session.txt');
+    $logger->info("$i\n", 1);
+    $logger->info("stable_id_event...\n", 1);
+    $j += $stable_id_mapper->upload_file_into_table('target', 'stable_id_event',
+      'stable_id_event_existing.txt');
+    $j += $stable_id_mapper->upload_file_into_table('target', 'stable_id_event',
+      'stable_id_event_new.txt', 1);
+    $j += $stable_id_mapper->upload_file_into_table('target', 'stable_id_event',
+      'stable_id_event_similarity.txt', 1);
+    $logger->info("$j\n", 1);
   } else {
-    $logger->info(
-        "Stable ID event and mapping session tables not uploaded.\n\n");
+    $logger->info("Stable ID event and mapping session tables not uploaded.\n\n");
-} ## end sub upload_mapping_session_and_events
 sub upload_stable_ids {
-  if ( $conf->is_true('upload_stable_ids')
-       && !$conf->param('dry_run') )
-  {
-    my $species_id = $conf->param('species_id');
+  if ($conf->is_true('upload_stable_ids') and ! $conf->param('dry_run')) {
     $logger->info("Uploading stable ID tables...\n");
-    foreach my $t ( $conf->param('mapping_types') ) {
-      $logger->info( "${t}_stable_id...\n", 1 );
-      # EG check if empty for species
-      my $cnt = get_stable_id_count( $t, 'target', $species_id );
-      if ( $cnt > 0 ) {
-        $logger->warning( "Existing stable IDs found "
-                            . "for $t for species ID $species_id "
-                            . "- not uploading",
-                          1 );
-        $logger->info( "Data not uploaded!\n", 1 );
-      } else {
-        my $i = $stable_id_mapper->upload_file_into_table( 'target',
-                            "${t}_stable_id", "${t}_stable_id.txt", 1 );
-        $logger->info( "$i\n", 1 );
-      }
+    foreach my $t ($conf->param('mapping_types')) {
+      $logger->info("${t}_stable_id...\n", 1);
+      my $i = $stable_id_mapper->upload_file_into_table('target',
+        "${t}_stable_id", "${t}_stable_id.txt");
+      $logger->info("$i\n", 1);
   } else {
     $logger->info("Stable ID tables not uploaded.\n\n");
@@ -650,61 +539,4 @@ sub log_cache_stats {
-sub get_stable_id_count {
-  my ( $type, $dbtype, $species_id ) = @_;
-  # EG new subroutine for finding if stable ID table has entries for
-  # this species already
-  my $dba = $cache->get_DBAdaptor($dbtype);
-  my $dbh = $dba->dbc->db_handle;
-  # check table is empty
-  my $sql = $type_count_sql->{$type};
-  if ( !defined($sql) ) {
-    throw("Cannot count stable ids of type $type");
-  }
-  my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
-  $sth->execute($species_id);
-  my ($c) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
-  $sth->finish;
-  return $c;
-sub get_species_ids {
-  my ( $prefix, $conf ) = @_;
-  # EG additional subroutine for determining which species IDs are
-  # present
-  my @speciesIds;
-  my $dsn =
-      "DBI:mysql:database="
-    . $conf->param("${prefix}dbname")
-    . ";host="
-    . $conf->param("${prefix}host")
-    . ";port="
-    . $conf->param("${prefix}port");
-  my $ensemblCoreDbh = DBI->connect( $dsn,
-                                     $conf->param("${prefix}user"),
-                                     $conf->param("${prefix}pass") )
-    || die "Cannot connect to server: $DBI::errstr\n";
-  my $query = "SELECT DISTINCT meta_value, species_id
-               FROM meta WHERE meta_key = 'species.production_name'";
-  my $psmt = $ensemblCoreDbh->prepare($query);
-  $psmt->execute();
-  while ( my (@results) = $psmt->fetchrow() ) {
-    push @speciesIds, [ $results[0], $results[1] ];
-  }
-  return \@speciesIds;
-} ## end sub get_species_ids
diff --git a/misc-scripts/id_mapping/myRun.ksh b/misc-scripts/id_mapping/myRun.ksh
index 7f864c7d0ef0ab110a36bbec749912a6aac00578..8a6e152b7dc0790444bc14e27f72a6941755620c 100755
--- a/misc-scripts/id_mapping/myRun.ksh
+++ b/misc-scripts/id_mapping/myRun.ksh
@@ -52,6 +52,6 @@ if [[ ${conf#/} == ${conf} ]]; then
-./run.pl --lsf --conf=${conf} --mode=${mode} --logauto
+./run.pl --lsf --conf=${conf} --logauto --mode=${mode}
 # $Id$
diff --git a/misc-scripts/id_mapping/synteny_rescore.pl b/misc-scripts/id_mapping/synteny_rescore.pl
index f13b6efed57c9c3514f2840de093a6e0d90a07f5..0a0344d1cb88bc76b78875940f1c9b4e24e24f2e 100755
--- a/misc-scripts/id_mapping/synteny_rescore.pl
+++ b/misc-scripts/id_mapping/synteny_rescore.pl
@@ -67,23 +67,12 @@ my $conf = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConfParser(
   -DEFAULT_CONF => "$Bin/default.conf"
-$conf->parse_options( 'basedir|basedir=s'  => 1,
-                      'index|i=n'          => 1,
-                      'chromosomes|chr=s@' => 0,
-                      'region=s'           => 0,
-                      'species_id=i'       => 1,
-                      'species_name=s'     => 1,
-                      'sourcedbname=s'     => 1,
-                      'sourcehost=s'       => 1,
-                      'sourceuser=s'       => 1,
-                      'sourcepass=s'       => 0,
-                      'sourceport=i'       => 1,
-                      'targetdbname=s'     => 1,
-                      'targethost=s'       => 1,
-                      'targetuser=s'       => 1,
-                      'targetpass=s'       => 0,
-                      'targetport=i'       => 1 );
+  'basedir|basedir=s' => 1,
+  'index|i=n' => 1,
+  'chromosomes|chr=s@' => 0,
+  'region=s' => 0,
 # append job index to logfile name
 my $index = $conf->param('index');