diff --git a/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/DBSQL/DBAdaptor.pm b/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/DBSQL/DBAdaptor.pm
index 91fe5819086bc0ae8924bee8752331b549bb52bd..ea80ad1d1c5856f75356754a241dc0f805dadb92 100755
--- a/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/DBSQL/DBAdaptor.pm
+++ b/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/DBSQL/DBAdaptor.pm
@@ -51,11 +51,9 @@ use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBConnection;
 =head2 new
-  Arg [1]    : string SOURCE 
-               The source name of the database.  This may be removed soon.
-  Arg [2]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor DNADB 
-               The dna database to be attached to this database.  This may also
-               be changed.
+  Arg [-DNADB]: (optional) Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor DNADB 
+               All sequence, assembly, contig information etc, will be
+                retrieved from this database instead.              
   Arg [..]   : Other args are passed to superclass 
   Example    : $db = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor(
@@ -76,11 +74,7 @@ sub new {
   #call superclass constructor
   my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
-  my ( $source, $dnadb ) = $self->_rearrange([qw(SOURCE DNADB)],@args);  
-  if(defined $source) {
-    $self->source($source);
-  }
+  my ( $dnadb ) = $self->_rearrange([qw(DNADB)],@args);  
   if(defined $dnadb) {
@@ -90,31 +84,6 @@ sub new {
-=head2 source
-  Arg [1]    : (optional) string $source
-               The source of info in the database connected to (e.g. 'embl') 
-  Example    : $db_adaptor->source('sanger');
-  Description: Sets/Gets the source or human readable name of the genes in 
-               the connected database. For example for the sanger db the source
-               would be 'sanger'. 
-  Returntype : string
-  Exceptions : none 
-  Caller     : Bio::EnsEMBL::GeneAdaptor  Bio::EnsEMBL::LiteGeneAdaptor EnsWeb 
-sub source {
-  my ($self, $source) = @_;
-  if(defined $source) {
-    $self->{'_source'} = $source;
-  }
-  return $self->{'_source'};
 =head2 get_MetaContainer
   Args       : none
@@ -951,4 +920,20 @@ sub add_ExternalFeatureFactory{
+sub source {
+  my $self = shift;
+  $self->warn("DBAdaptor::source method is deprecated - do not use" .
+	     $self->stack_trace_dump);
diff --git a/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/DBSQL/GeneAdaptor.pm b/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/DBSQL/GeneAdaptor.pm
index b88ad1e00d9309e7aa3c0007291b06731216a708..072579cc66bd973f792ff85b5f990324556c6509 100644
--- a/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/DBSQL/GeneAdaptor.pm
+++ b/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/DBSQL/GeneAdaptor.pm
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ sub fetch_by_dbID {
       $ana = $self->db->get_AnalysisAdaptor->fetch_by_dbID($arr[4]);
-      $gene->source($self->db->source());
       $first = 0;
@@ -435,6 +434,7 @@ sub fetch_all_by_contig_list{
   Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $slice
                the slice to fetch genes from
+  Arg [2]
   Example    : $genes = $gene_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Slice($slice);
   Description: Retrieves all genes which are present on a slice
   Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Genes in slice coordinates
@@ -444,22 +444,22 @@ sub fetch_all_by_contig_list{
 sub fetch_all_by_Slice {
-  my ( $self, $slice, $type ) = @_;
+  my ( $self, $slice, $logic_name ) = @_;
   my @out = ();
+  $logic_name ||= '';
+  my $key = $slice->name .":" . $logic_name;
   #check the cache which uses the slice name as it key
-  if($self->{'_slice_gene_cache'}{$slice->name()}) {
-    return $self->{'_slice_gene_cache'}{$slice->name()};
+  if($self->{'_slice_gene_cache'}{$key}) {
+    return $self->{'_slice_gene_cache'}{$key};
   my $mapper = $self->db->get_AssemblyMapperAdaptor->fetch_by_type
     ( $slice->assembly_type() );
-  $mapper->register_region( $slice->chr_name(),
-			    $slice->chr_start(),
-			    $slice->chr_end());
   my @cids = $mapper->list_contig_ids( $slice->chr_name(),
@@ -468,15 +468,31 @@ sub fetch_all_by_Slice {
   if ( scalar (@cids) == 0 ) {
     return [];
   my $str = "(".join( ",",@cids ).")";
+  my $where = "WHERE e.contig_id in $str 
+               AND   et.exon_id = e.exon_id 
+               AND   et.transcript_id = t.transcript_id
+               AND   g.gene_id = t.gene_id";
+  if($logic_name) {
+    #determine analysis id via logic_name
+    my $analysis = 
+      $self->db->get_AnalysisAdaptor()->fetch_by_logic_name($logic_name);
+    unless(defined($analysis) && $analysis->dbID()) {
+      $self->warn("No analysis for logic name $logic_name exists");
+      return [];
+    }
+    my $analysis_id = $analysis->dbID;
+    $where .= " AND g.analysis_id = $analysis_id";
+  }
   my $sql = "
     SELECT distinct(t.gene_id)
-    FROM   transcript t,exon_transcript et,exon e 
-    WHERE  e.contig_id in $str 
-    AND    et.exon_id = e.exon_id 
-    AND    et.transcript_id = t.transcript_id";
+    FROM   transcript t,exon_transcript et,exon e, gene g 
+    $where";
   my $sth = $self->db->prepare($sql);
@@ -493,7 +509,7 @@ sub fetch_all_by_Slice {
   #place the results in an LRU cache
-  $self->{'_slice_gene_cache'}{$slice->name} = \@out;
+  $self->{'_slice_gene_cache'}{$key} = \@out;
   return \@out;
@@ -1071,7 +1087,7 @@ sub update {
-		 $tcout, 
+		 $tcount, 
diff --git a/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Gene.pm b/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Gene.pm
index 1c1adbc7c1ccea2853f942f407d8bf511f00f9c7..87ed3f4336cefba8fa7520e231cc07a97f4bd004 100755
--- a/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Gene.pm
+++ b/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Gene.pm
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
 # BioPerl module for Gene
-# Cared for by Ewan Birney <birney@sanger.ac.uk>
 # Copyright Ewan Birney
 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
@@ -20,48 +17,45 @@ Confirmed genes. Basically has a set of transcripts
-Needs more description.
+A representation of a Gene within the ensembl system. A gene is basically a 
+set of one or more alternative transcripts.
 =head1 CONTACT
-Describe contact details here
-=head1 APPENDIX
-The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
+Contact the EnsEMBL development mailing list for info <ensembl-dev@ebi.ac.uk>
-# Let the code begin...
 package Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene;
 use vars qw(@ISA);
 use strict;
-# Object preamble - inheriets from Bio::SeqFeature::Generic
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::Root;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::TranscriptI;
 use Bio::Annotation::DBLink;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry;
 @ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Root);
-# new() is inherited from Bio::Root::Object
-# _initialize is where the heavy stuff will happen when new is called
+=head2 new
+  Arg [1]    : none
+  Example    : $gene = Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene->new();
+  Description: Creates a new gene object
+  Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene
+  Exceptions : none
+  Caller     : general
 sub new {
   my($class,@args) = @_;
   my $self = bless {}, $class;
   $self->{'_transcript_array'} = [];
-#  $self->{'_db_link'} = [];
-# set stuff in self from @args
-  return $self; # success - we hope!
+  return $self;
@@ -248,29 +242,6 @@ sub chr_name {
-=head2 source
-  Arg [1]    : string $source
-  Example    : none
-  Description: get/set for attribute source
-  Returntype : string
-  Exceptions : none
-  Caller     : general
-sub source {
-  my ($self, $source) = @_;
-  if(defined $source) {
-    $self->{'_source'} = $source;
-  }
-  return $self->{'_source'};
 =head2 is_known
diff --git a/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Lite/GeneAdaptor.pm b/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Lite/GeneAdaptor.pm
index ba0c8bb7fa70acf3beab10cb437348b41e87b138..d9c53cb4a17a615ba2ae888df50d803abd0f95b9 100644
--- a/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Lite/GeneAdaptor.pm
+++ b/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Lite/GeneAdaptor.pm
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ package Bio::EnsEMBL::Lite::GeneAdaptor;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript;
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Cache; #CPAN LRU Cache
@@ -166,12 +167,14 @@ sub fetch_by_gene_id_list {
 sub fetch_all_by_Slice {
-    my ( $self, $slice, $empty_flag ) = @_;
+    my ( $self, $slice, $logic_name, $empty_flag ) = @_;
+    my $key = $slice->name . ":$logic_name";
     if($empty_flag) {
     # return from cache or the _get_empty_Genes fn while caching results....
-        return $self->{'_slice_empty_gene_cache'}{$slice->name()} ||= 
-                   $self->_get_empty_Genes($slice);
+        return $self->{'_slice_empty_gene_cache'}{$key} ||= 
+                   $self->_get_empty_Genes($slice, $logic_name);
   #check the cache which uses the slice name as it key
@@ -179,52 +182,42 @@ sub fetch_all_by_Slice {
         return $self->{'_slice_gene_cache'}{$slice->name()};
-    my $sth = $self->prepare( "SELECT t.id, t.transcript_id, t.chr_name, t.chr_start, t.chr_end, 
+    my $where = 'WHERE t.chr_name = ? and t.chr_start <= ? and 
+                       t.chr_start >= ? and t.chr_end >= ? 
+                 AND g.gene_id = t.gene_id
+                 AND g.db = t.db';
+    my @bind_vals = ( $slice->chr_name, 
+		      $slice->chr_end, 
+		      $slice->chr_start - $MAX_TRANSCRIPT_LENGTH, 
+		      $slice->chr_start);
+    if($logic_name) {
+      $where .= " and g.analysis = ?";
+      push @bind_vals, $logic_name;
+    }
+    my $sth = $self->prepare(       
+      "SELECT t.id, t.transcript_id, t.chr_name, t.chr_start, t.chr_end, 
               t.chr_strand, t.transcript_name, t.translation_id, 
               t.translation_name, t.gene_id, t.type, t.gene_name, t.db, 
-              t.exon_structure, t.external_name, t.external_status, t.exon_ids, t.external_db, 
-              t.coding_start, t.coding_end, 
+              t.exon_structure, t.external_name, t.external_status, 
+              t.exon_ids, t.external_db, t.coding_start, t.coding_end, 
               g.external_name as gene_external_name, 
               g.external_db as gene_external_db, 
               g.external_status as gene_external_status, 
-              g.type as gene_type 
-        FROM  transcript t 
-    LEFT JOIN gene g 
-           ON g.gene_id = t.gene_id
-          AND g.db = t.db 
-        WHERE t.chr_name = ? and t.chr_start <= ? and t.chr_start >= ? and
-              t.chr_end >= ?"
-    );
+              g.type as gene_type,
+              g.analysis as analysis
+        FROM  transcript t, gene g 
+        $where");
-    $sth->execute( $slice->chr_name, $slice->chr_end, 
-		   $slice->chr_start - $MAX_TRANSCRIPT_LENGTH, 
-		   $slice->chr_start );
+    $sth->execute( @bind_vals );
-    return $self->{'_slice_gene_cache'}{$slice->name} =
+    return $self->{'_slice_gene_cache'}{$key} =
                 $self->_objects_from_sth( $sth, $slice );
-=head2 fetch_by_Slice
-  Arg [1]    : none
-  Example    : none
-  Description: DEPRECATED use fetch_all_by_Slice instead
-  Returntype : none
-  Exceptions : none
-  Caller     : none
-sub fetch_by_Slice {
-  my ($self, @args) = @_;
-  $self->warn("fetch_by_Slice has been renamed fetch_all_by_Slice\n" . caller);
-  return $self->fetch_all_by_Slice(@args);
 sub fetch_by_DBEntry {
     my ($self, $db, $dbentry, $chr_coords ) = @_;
@@ -262,7 +255,8 @@ sub fetch_by_stable_id {
               t.external_db, t.coding_start, t.coding_end, 
               g.external_name as gene_external_name, 
               g.external_status as gene_external_status, 
-              g.external_db as gene_external_db, g.type as gene_type 
+              g.external_db as gene_external_db, g.type as gene_type
+              g.analysis as analysis 
         FROM  transcript t 
     LEFT JOIN gene g 
            ON g.gene_id = t.gene_id
@@ -298,7 +292,8 @@ sub fetch_by_transcript_stable_id {
               t.external_db, t.coding_start, t.coding_end, 
               g.external_name as gene_external_name, 
               g.external_status as gene_external_status, 
-              g.external_db as gene_external_db, g.type as gene_type 
+              g.external_db as gene_external_db, g.type as gene_type
+              g.analysis as analysis 
         FROM  transcript t 
     LEFT JOIN gene g 
            ON g.gene_id = t.gene_id
@@ -328,8 +323,10 @@ sub _objects_from_sth {
   my %exon_cache;
   my %gene_cache;
+  my %analysis_cache;
   my $core_db_adaptor = $self->db->get_db_adaptor('core');
   my ( $gene, $transcript, $translation ); 
   my ( $exon_id );
@@ -347,9 +344,14 @@ sub _objects_from_sth {
       $gene->stable_id( $hr->{'gene_name'} );
       $gene->dbID( $hr->{'gene_id'} );
       $gene->adaptor( $core_db_adaptor->get_GeneAdaptor() );
-      $gene->source( $hr->{'db'} );
+      #$gene->source( $hr->{'db'} );
       $gene->strand( $hr->{'chr_strand'} );
+      #set the gene's analysis
+      $analysis_cache{$hr->{'analysis'}} ||= 
+	Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis->new(-logic_name => $hr->{'analysis'}); 
+      $gene->analysis($analysis_cache{$hr->{'analysis'}});
       if( defined $hr->{'gene_type' } ) {
         $gene->external_name( $hr->{'gene_external_status'} );
 	$gene->external_name( $hr->{'gene_external_name'} );
@@ -549,22 +551,37 @@ sub _objects_from_sth {
 sub _get_empty_Genes {
-  my ($self, $slice) = @_;
+  my ($self, $slice, $logic_name) = @_;
   my $chr_start = $slice->chr_start();
   my $chr_end = $slice->chr_end();
   my $chr_name = $slice->chr_name();
+  my $where = "WHERE  g.chr_name = ? AND g.chr_start <= ? AND 
+              g.chr_start >= ? AND g.chr_end >= ?";
+  my @bind_vals = ( $chr_name, 
+		    $chr_end,
+		    $chr_start - $MAX_TRANSCRIPT_LENGTH,
+		    $chr_start );
+  if($logic_name) {
+    $where .= " and g.analysis_id = ?";
+    push @bind_vals, $logic_name;
+  } 
   my $sth = $self->prepare
     ( "SELECT g.db, g.gene_id, g.gene_name, g.chr_name, g.chr_start, 
-              g.chr_end, g.chr_strand, g.type, g.external_name, g.external_db, g.external_status
+              g.chr_end, g.chr_strand, g.type, g.external_name, g.external_db,
+              g.external_status, g.analysis
        FROM   gene g
-       WHERE  g.chr_name = ? AND g.chr_start <= ? AND 
-              g.chr_start >= ? AND g.chr_end >= ?" );
+      $where"
+    );
-  $sth->execute( $chr_name, $chr_end,
-		 $chr_start - $MAX_TRANSCRIPT_LENGTH,
-		 $chr_start );
+  $sth->execute(@bind_vals);
   my @out = ();
@@ -572,6 +589,8 @@ sub _get_empty_Genes {
   my $hashref;
+  my %analysis_cache;
   while($hashref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
     my $gene = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene();
     $gene->start($hashref->{'chr_start'} - $chr_start);
@@ -579,9 +598,14 @@ sub _get_empty_Genes {
     $gene->stable_id( $hashref->{'gene_name'} );
     $gene->dbID( $hashref->{'gene_id'} );
     $gene->adaptor( $core_gene_adaptor );
-    $gene->source( $hashref->{'db'} );
+    #$gene->source( $hashref->{'db'} );
     $gene->strand( $hashref->{'chr_strand'} );
+    my $analysis = $analysis_cache{$hashref->{'analysis'}} ||= 
+      Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis->new(-logic_name => $hashref->{'analysis'});
+    $gene->analysis($analysis);
     if( defined $hashref->{'type' } ) {
       $gene->external_status( $hashref->{'external_status'} );
       $gene->external_name( $hashref->{'external_name'} );
@@ -641,7 +665,8 @@ sub fetch_all_by_external_name {
               t.coding_start, t.coding_end,
               g.external_name as gene_external_name,
               g.external_db as gene_external_db, g.external_status as gene_external_status,
-              g.type as gene_type
+              g.type as gene_type,
+              g.analysis as analysis
          FROM transcript t, gene_xref as gx, gene as g
         where g.gene_id = t.gene_id AND g.db = t.db and t.db = ? and gx.external_name = ? and gx.gene_id = g.gene_id
         order by g.gene_name, t.gene_name"
@@ -683,7 +708,7 @@ sub _get_empty_Genes_by_external_name {
     $gene->stable_id( $hashref->{'gene_name'} );
     $gene->dbID( $hashref->{'gene_id'} );
     $gene->adaptor( $core_gene_adaptor );
-    $gene->source( $hashref->{'db'} );
+    #$gene->source( $hashref->{'db'} );
     $gene->strand( $hashref->{'chr_strand'} );
     if( defined $hashref->{'type' } ) {
diff --git a/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Slice.pm b/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Slice.pm
index 0d2b52499418f70e65ead3000f9f5490fa0bcf32..9e5894ef9eb717dee85a8f503e68758ce8c949d9 100644
--- a/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Slice.pm
+++ b/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Slice.pm
@@ -34,10 +34,6 @@ This modules is part of the Ensembl project http://www.ensembl.org
 Questions can be posted to the ensembl-dev mailing list:
-=head1 APPENDIX
-The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
@@ -58,7 +54,6 @@ use Bio::EnsEMBL::Tile;
 @ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Root Bio::PrimarySeqI);
 =head2 new
   Arg [...]  : List of optional named arguments 
@@ -593,7 +588,9 @@ sub get_all_SNPs {
 =head2 get_all_Genes
-  Arg [1]    : (optional) boolean $empty_flag 
+  Arg [1]    : (optional) string $logic_name
+               The name of the analysis used to generate the genes to retrieve 
+  Arg [2]    : (optional) boolean $empty_flag 
   Example    : @genes = $slice->get_all_Genes;
   Description: Retrieves all genes that overlap this slice.  The empty flag is 
                used by the web code and is used to retrieve light weight genes
@@ -608,40 +605,18 @@ sub get_all_SNPs {
 sub get_all_Genes{
-   my ($self, $empty_flag) = @_;
+   my ($self, $logic_name, $empty_flag) = @_;
    #caching is performed on a per slice basis in the GeneAdaptor
-   return $self->adaptor->db->get_GeneAdaptor->fetch_all_by_Slice($self, 
+   return $self->adaptor->db->get_GeneAdaptor->fetch_all_by_Slice($self,
+								  $logic_name,
-=head2 get_all_Genes_by_source
-  Arg [1]    : string $source 
-  Arg [2]    : (optional) boolean $empty_flag
-  Example    : @genes = @{$slice->get_all_Genes_by_souce('core')};
-  Description: Retrieves genes that overlap this slice from database $source.  
-               This is primarily used by web code to retrieve subsets of genes
-               from the lite database (which contains an sets of genes from 
-               several databases).   The empty flag indicates light weight 
-               genes that only have a start, end and strand should be used
-               (only works if lite db is available). If the lite database has 
-               been attached to the core database this method will use the 
-               lite database (and genes will not be as full featured).
-  Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Genes
-  Exceptions : none
-  Caller     : contigview
-sub get_all_Genes_by_source{
-   my ($self, $source, $empty_flag) = @_;
-   my @out = 
-     grep { $_->source eq $source } @{$self->get_all_Genes($empty_flag)};
-   return \@out;
@@ -1353,4 +1328,25 @@ sub accession_number {
+=head2 get_all_Genes_by_source
+  Arg [1]    : none
+  Example    : none
+  Description: DEPRECATED use get_all_Genes instead
+  Returntype : none
+  Exceptions : none
+  Caller     : none
+sub get_all_Genes_by_source {
+  my ($self, @args) = @_;
+  $self->warn("call to deprecated method get_all_Genes_by_source.  " .
+              "Use get_all_Genes instead\n " . join(':', caller));
+  return $self->get_all_Genes;