diff --git a/scripts/igi/README b/scripts/igi/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 121439d467684b912770f5207e55ba160546a236..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/igi/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$
-Just a little documentation on how this is supposed to work. Most of this is
-written in scripted from  in all-igi.sh; this may not be entirely up-to-date,
-but you'll get the idea.
-- go to some igi working directory
-- get all the data files
-- make subdirs for each data source, containing their data file(s)
-- run all-collates.sh. This will (or should) prepare one big gtf file foreach
-  data source in a new subdirectory out/collated/*.all
-  The data is now ready to be merged. 
-- run all-merges.sh. This will (or should) run all the pairwise, triple, (and
-  higher) merges on all the single-source gtf files, and dump the resulting
-  merged files into sub-directory out/merged/
-- run all-stats.sh. This will (or should) run all the statistics on each of
-  the merged files. The output goes into sub-directory out/stats/. It will
-  also produce file that map igi's to native ids and vice versa, in directory
-  out/mapping. It will output so-called summary files into out/summary, which
-  contain 'gene' features that extend from the start of the left most exon
-  found in any igi up to the end of the rightmost exon in any igi. The igi's
-  included are those given by the -cluster_n parameter (currently 2), which
-  says how many sources must 'report' an igi (i.e., predict something that
-  falls in this igi) before it's included in this set. The summary files are
-  then used to filter the merged/ files so that only the right cluster_n
-  igi's are listed. They are called 'final', and this bit is done by
-  gtfsummary2gtf.pl script.
-- lastly, the peptides corresponding to the 'final' gft file are to be
-  dumped, using the original peptides produced by the different sources. 
-- run pep-collate to prepare the original peptide files for dumping. 
-- then run gtfsummary2pep.pl. 
-- gzip and ftp the stuff to the ftp site. 
diff --git a/scripts/igi/affymetrix.collate.sh b/scripts/igi/affymetrix.collate.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 99a692f32dd3b19796e82bd6010aea04fbb3880e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/igi/affymetrix.collate.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -x
-# -*- mode: sh; -*-
-for chr in "$@"; do
-    find $chr -name '*.affymetrix.gtf' -exec \
-      nawk -F\t '$3=="exon" || $3 ~ "_codon" ' {} \;
-# done | sort -k1,1 -k7,7 -k4,4n : not needed, sort will take place later on
-# anyway
diff --git a/scripts/igi/all-collates.sh b/scripts/igi/all-collates.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index a15c9f168b8d71020ac780635146a830e282db45..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/igi/all-collates.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -x
-# -*- mode: sh; -*-
-# $Id$
-# script to prepare all the raw data files from all the different sources
-# (ensembl, affymetrix, fgeneh etc.) that will go in to the merge.  It will
-# typically call a source-specific collate.sh script in the source-specific
-# subdirectories.
-# If the only thing that changes across releases are file names or directory
-# names, then having the right symlinks in place will make it general enough
-# See comments on symlinks below each of the data sources
-igihome=$HOME/proj/igi                  # change to needs
-[ -d $resultdir ]  && echo "found $resultdir, not overwriting it" >&2 && exit 1
-mkdir $resultdir
-mkdir $outdir
-# all=all.gtf                             # where local collated data goes to
-# log=collate.log                         # where local log goes to
-rename=remap-sources.sed                # to translate the source field
-### EnsEMBL:
-[ ! -d $indir  ] && echo "$indir: not found" >&2 && exit 1
-ensembl.collate.sh < $indir/ensembl.gtf 2> $outdir/$source.log | $rename > $outdir/$source.all
-### end Ensembl
-### Affymetrix
-## It has everything in chromosome directories that don't seem to
-## change across releases, but warn about this:
-# chroms="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 X Y"
-chroms="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 X Y UL NA"
-echo "make sure that these are the right chromosomes:" | tee /dev/tty >&2
-echo $chroms >&2
-echo "" > /dev/tty
-[ ! -d $indir ] && echo "$indir: not found" >&2 && exit 1
-cd $indir
-affymetrix.collate.sh  $chroms 2> $outdir/$source.log   | $rename > $outdir/$source.all 
-### end Affymetrix
-### Softberry/Fgenesh
-indir=$igihome/$source                  # can be symlink
-# outdir=$resultdir/$source
-[ !  -d $indir ] && echo "$indir: not found" >&2 && exit 1
-cd $indir
-# fgenesh.collate.sh chr_gff/*.sgp.gff 2>$source.log | $rename > $source.all
-fgenesh.collate.sh chr_gff/*.sgp.gff chr_r/*.sgp.gff 2>$outdir/$source.log | $rename > $outdir/$source.all
-#  fgenesh chromo+chromo_coords -> fpcctg+fpc_coords mapping may be funny, run
-#  statistics on this:
-mkdir $missingdir
-cd $missingdir
-fgenesh.missing-stats.sh $outdir/$source.log  # puts stuff into missing-stats/*
-### end Softberry/Fgenesh
-# add more sources here if needed
-# done
diff --git a/scripts/igi/all-igi.sh b/scripts/igi/all-igi.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index ce7d3b9210e848b11742b81f9548f71e6b18823e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/igi/all-igi.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -x
-# -*- mode: sh; -*-
-# $Id$
-# run the complete IGI show. May not be all that useful (since often I have
-# to repair things by hand ... in fact, a Makefile would be more convenient),
-# but at least can serve as some kind of documentation of what's supposed to
-# happen. See also README in this directory, of course.
-# prepare the sources into a form that can be merged; results go to
-# subdir out/collated
-all-collates.sh > all-collates.out 2>all-collates.log
-# do the merge; results go to subdir out/merged
-all-merges.sh > all-merges.out 2>all-merges.log
-# run statistics on the merges, and also produce the summary and final gtf
-# file(s). Results go to  out/{stats,mapping,summary,final}
-all-stats.sh > all-stats.out 2>all-stats.log
-igihome=$HOME/proj/igi                  # change to needs
-# now produce the 'final' gtf files, i.e. the ones that are predicted by two
-# or more sources:
-for d in $finaloutdir; do
-    [ -d $d ]  && echo "Found dir $d, not merging" >&2  && exit 1
-    mkdir $d
-cd $indir
-for m in $fullmergeonly; do 
-    name=`basename $m .merge`
-    final=$name.gtf
-    gtfsummary2gtf.pl $summaryoutdir/$name.summary  < $m > $finaloutdir/$final
-    gzip < $finaloutdir/$final > $finaloutdir/$final.gz
-# do the peptide business; first, collate them:
-pep-collate.sh 2> pep-collate.log
-# Now pull out the longest peptide of each original igi
-# peptide file, using the 'valid' igi's from the summary files (which are
-# produced by all-stats.sh.
-peptidefiles="ensembl/ensembl.pep affymetrix/affymetrix.pep fgenesh/fgenesh.pep"
-gtfsummary2pep.pl $summary $peptidefiles > $outfile 2> $logfile
-gzip -c $outfile > $outfile.gz
-# ftp stuff, and we're done.
diff --git a/scripts/igi/all-merges.sh b/scripts/igi/all-merges.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index dea015c64eb8e56ec1e165a17d38a59f2f38f26f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/igi/all-merges.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -x
-# -*- mode: sh; -*-
-# $Id$
-## script to do all the merges. Change to needs, this is not something very
-## general or so. Although you probably could make that using some cheeky
-## symlinks
-## For each source (ensembl, affymetrix, fgeneh etc.), it needs one big
-## collated file (called all.gtf). These files (must) have been created first
-## by all-collate.sh.
-igihome=$HOME/proj/igi                  # change to needs
-[ -d $outdir ]  && echo "Found dir $outdir, not merging" >&2  && exit 1
-mkdir $outdir
-[ ! -d $indir ] && echo "$indir: not found" >&2 && exit 1
-cd $outdir
-# gtf_merge.pl -p $prefix $indir/$ens $indir/$affy > ens_affy.merge  2> ens_affy.log
-# gtf_merge.pl -p $prefix $indir/$ens $indir/$fgenesh > ens_fgenesh.merge 2> ens_fgenesh.log
-# gtf_merge.pl -p $prefix $indir/$affy $indir/$fgenesh > affy_fgenesh.merge 2> affy_fgenesh.log
-gtf_merge.pl -p $prefix $indir/$ens $indir/$affy $indir/$fgenesh > ens_affy_fgenesh.merge 2>ens_affy_fgenesh.log
-cd $outdir
-for i in *.merge; do
-    gzip < $i > $i.gz
-### after this, run the statistics on these files using all-stats.sh
diff --git a/scripts/igi/all-stats.sh b/scripts/igi/all-stats.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index c7042a446faa960b92610d8d1305ae3985d18296..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/igi/all-stats.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -x
-# $Id$
-# run the vital statistics on the results of the merges. This will 
-# use the *.merge files that result from running all-merges.sh
-igihome=$HOME/proj/igi                  # change to needs
-[ ! -d $indir ] && echo "$indir: not found ">&2 && exit 1
-for d in $outdir $mappingoutdir $summaryoutdir ; do 
-    [ -d $d ]  && echo "Found dir $d, not merging" >&2  && exit 1
-    mkdir $d
-cd $indir
-# for m in $allmerges ; do
-for m in $fullmergeonly ; do
-    name=`basename $m .merge`
-    stats-from-merge-files.pl < $m -stats -chaining 5  \
-         -igi2native $mappingoutdir/$name-i2n           \
-         -native2igi $mappingoutdir/$name-n2i            \
-         -cluster_n 2                                     \
-         -gtfsummary $summaryoutdir/$name.summary          \
-       > $outdir/$name.stats 2> $outdir/$name.log
diff --git a/scripts/igi/ensembl.collate.sh b/scripts/igi/ensembl.collate.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index f2451b0c06d008ecc0614575e4f1c43ac401436b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/igi/ensembl.collate.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -x
-# -*- mode: sh; -*-
-nawk -F\t '$3=="exon" || $3 ~ "_codon" '
-# | sort -k1,1 -k7,7 -k4,4n 
diff --git a/scripts/igi/example.stats b/scripts/igi/example.stats
deleted file mode 100644
index 1881f17a024f3a3dadf2ba27528e5b2c83805c74..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/igi/example.stats
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-### $Id: stats-from-merge-files.pl,v 1.17 2001/03/27 15:59:07 lijnzaad Exp
-### run on Thu Mar 22 14:24:18 GMT 2001 by lijnzaad @ ecs1d
-### argument(s): ens_affy_fgenesh.merge
-### -rw-rw-r--   1 lijnzaad ensembl  104089688 Mar 16 17:21 ens_affy_fgenesh.merge
-Sources: AFFY ENS FGENH // i.e., this was a merge of gene predictions from
-                        // two sources, AFFY ENS note: if the merge is done
-                        // on AFFY, ENS + another source, statistics will be
-                        // different, since the other source will link more
-                        // native features into bigger igi's
-number of igi's per source: // one 'igi' is a  gene merged from all different
-                            // predictions 
-ALL: 42854
-AFFY: 19087   //
-ENS: 22467    // the numbers don't add up, because of overlaps. The closer
-FGENH: 32832  // these numbers are to the ALL numbers, the better.
-number of igis shared with other source; sharing multiplicity
-// (sorry about any misalignments ...)
-        Affyme        ENS           FGENH          >= 3          >= 2      unshared         total
-   ALL   19087 (44%)   22467 (52%)   32832 (76%)   11484 (26%)   20048 (46%)   22806 (53%)   42854
-// AFFY has 44% of all igi's, ENS 52%, etc. 26% of all igi's is found in
-// three sources, 46% in two or three sources, 53% is unique too it's
-// source. There's a total of 42854 igi's.
-  AFFY      --         12387 (64%)   13216 (69%)   11484 (60%)   14119 (73%)    4968 (26%)   19087
-// 64% of AFFY igi's is shared with ENS, 69% with FGENH,etc. 60% of the AFFY
-// igi's are also found in two other sources, 73% in at least one other
-// source, 26% are unique to AFFY. 
-   ENS   12387 (55%)      --         17413 (77%)   11484 (51%)   18316 (81%)    4151 (18%)   22467
-// 55% of ENS igis is shared with AFFY, etc.
- FGENH   13216 (40%)   17413 (53%)      --         11484 (34%)   19145 (58%)   13687 (41%)   32832
-igi stats on ALL:
-	minl=3, maxl=40655289, avgl=66649
-          // minimum length of an igi, maximum, average
-	minfeats=1, maxfeats=852, avgfeats=18
-          // mininum number of features of an igi, maximum, average
-	minexons=0, maxexons=190, avgexons=5
-          // mininum number of exons of an igi, maximum, average
-igi stats on AFFY: // same stats, but now per source
-	minl=107, maxl=16016027, avgl=50930
-	minfeats=1, maxfeats=563, avgfeats=13
-	minexons=0, maxexons=190, avgexons=7
-igi stats per cluster group:
- // same stats, but now on the igi's found in  >=1, >=2 , >=3 sources:
-those in 1 sources:
-	minl=3, maxl=40655289, avgl=66649
-	minfeats=1, maxfeats=852, avgfeats=18
-	minexons=0, maxexons=190, avgexons=5
-those in 2 sources:
-	minl=137, maxl=36234355, avgl=80609
-	minfeats=3, maxfeats=852, avgfeats=32
-	minexons=1, maxexons=190, avgexons=8
-those in 3 sources:
-	minl=297, maxl=21843793, avgl=92732
-	minfeats=6, maxfeats=852, avgfeats=44
-	minexons=1, maxexons=190, avgexons=10
-gene id chaining: histogram of native gene_ids per igi, and igi statistics on this:
-source ALL:
-	1: 20301 // i.e., 20301 igi's correspond to exactly one native gene
-	minl=3, maxl=40655289, avgl=51149 // igi statistics on this as above
-	minfeats=1, maxfeats=75, avgfeats=5
-	minexons=0, maxexons=73, avgexons=3
-	2: 6708 //                            // This many igi's consist of  
-	minl=35, maxl=39446593, avgl=64369    // 2 different native          
-	minfeats=3, maxfeats=265, avgfeats=11 // genes. The average igi gene 
-	minexons=1, maxexons=52, avgexons=4   // length goes up the more     
-	3: 8807                               // native genes it has (of     
-         .                                    // course)                     
-         .
-         .
-	26: 1
-	minl=2114986, maxl=2114986, avgl=2114986
-	minfeats=113, maxfeats=113, avgfeats=113
-	minexons=13, maxexons=13, avgexons=13
-source AFFY: // same thing, but now per source. 
-	1: 18146
-	minl=102, maxl=63721433, avgl=4277470
-	minfeats=1, maxfeats=762, avgfeats=26
-	minexons=0, maxexons=190, avgexons=7
-	2: 787
-         .
-         .
-         .
-igi's and native ids of igi's that chain together >= 5 native ids
-source AFFY:
-    chaining together 5 native ids ( 4 cases) :
-      igi3_39917 [ ctg22fin4	3596308	3701371	- ]:
-        // this igi, which lies on fpcctg ctg22fin4, start 3596308, 
-        // end 3701371, reverse strand, chains to together the following 
-        // AFFY gene_ids:
-        AFFY Affy.ctg22fin4-000000.57 [ 3596308	3599716 ]
-           // runs from 3596308	to 3599716. This list is sorted by coordinate
-        AFFY Affy.ctg22fin4-000000.59 [ 3609955	3618417 ]
-        AFFY Affy.ctg22fin4-000000.61 [ 3636993	3643656 ]
-        AFFY Affy.ctg22fin4-000000.62 [ 3672539	3680629 ]
-        AFFY Affy.ctg22fin4-000000.63 [ 3691050	3701371 ]
-        // this chaining together is brought about by the following genes
-        // from other sources; this list is sorted by source, then coordinates
-        linked by:
-          ENS ENSG00000099970 [ 3596311	3698200 ]
-          ENS ENSG00000099977 [ 3610141	3613001 ]
-          ENS ENSG00000099987 [ 3642053	3643651 ]
-          FGENH S.C22000279 [ 3596307	3600526 ]
-          FGENH S.C22000281 [ 3612136	3616899 ]
-          FGENH S.C22000284 [ 3637133	3643650 ]
-          FGENH S.C22000288 [ 3672820	3680628 ]
-          FGENH S.C22000289 [ 3691049	3698199 ]
-          FGENH S.C22000291 [ 3699141	3700957 ]
diff --git a/scripts/igi/exon-lengths.awk b/scripts/igi/exon-lengths.awk
deleted file mode 100755
index 1623d2569dd00663e8328c0ea68d0395d426ac12..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/igi/exon-lengths.awk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/nawk -f
-# $Id$
-#  Little script to find statistics on exon lengths from a gtf file.
-BEGIN { min=100000; max=-1}
-$3=="exon" {
-  n++
-  len=($5-$4)
-  tot+=len; 
-  if (len<min) min=len
-  if (len>max) max=len
-END {   
-  print "avg: ",  tot/n, "min: ", min, "max: ", max
diff --git a/scripts/igi/fgeneh/THIS-DIR-IS-OBSOLETE b/scripts/igi/fgeneh/THIS-DIR-IS-OBSOLETE
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/scripts/igi/fgenesh-chromo2fpc.pl b/scripts/igi/fgenesh-chromo2fpc.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 755ae9821fcdce94662aa21c7e69ddb62351d4ef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/igi/fgenesh-chromo2fpc.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$ 
-# Script to translate fgenesh++ gtf files from chromosome+chr_coords to
-# fpcctg_name + fpc_coords.  Is a bit tricky due to our golden path
-# missing (parts of) fpc_contigs.
-# This is used for the IGI work.
-# cared for by Philip lijnzaad@ebi.ac.uk
-use DBI;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($opt_h $opt_C);
-use Getopt::Long;
-# use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::GTF_Merge('gtf_merge');
-use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::Obj;
-use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBLoader;
-my $Usage = "Usage: $0 [ -h (help) ]  < chromo-coords.gtf > fpc-coords.gtf [ >& log ]\n";
-my $opts = 'hC:';
-my $connection = ($opt_C || 'host=ecs1c;user=ensro;database=ensembl080;');
-#Database options
-my $host   = 'ecs1c';
-my $port   = undef;
-my $dbname = 'ensembl080';
-my $dbuser = 'ensro';
-my $dbpass = undef;
-my $module = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::Obj';
-my $help;
-	     'host:s'     => \$host,
-	     'dbname:s'   => \$dbname, 
-	     'dbuser:s'   => \$dbuser,
-	     'dbpass:s'   => \$dbpass,
-	     'module:s'   => \$module,
-	     'h|help'     => \$help,
-	     );
-die $Usage if $help;
-my $locator = "$module/host=$host;port=$port;dbname=$dbname;user=$dbuser;pass=$dbpass";
-my $db =  Bio::EnsEMBL::DBLoader->new($locator);
-my %bighash = undef;
-# $db->static_golden_path_type('UCSC');
-# my $stadaptor = $db->get_StaticGoldenPathAdaptor();
-while(<>)  {
-    chomp($_);
-    my ($chr, $source, $tag, $start, $end, $score, $strand, $frame, @rest) 
-      = split("\t");
-### depracated, much too slow (2 s per query)
-###    ($chr, $start, $end) = $stadaptor->convert_chromosome_to_fpc($chr,$start, $end);
-    #reformat a bit as well:
-    grep( s/ ([^ ]+)/ "$1";/ , @rest);
-    my $rest = join(' ', @rest);
-    chomp $rest;
-    my ($contig, $ctg_start, $ctg_end, $status) = map_coords($chr,$start, $end);
-    if (! $status ) {
-        print join("\t", ($contig, $source, $tag, 
-                          $ctg_start, $ctg_end, $score, 
-                          $strand, $frame, $rest)), "\n";
-    } elsif ($status eq 'init' ) {
-        warn "$chr: ignoring it, but it might lie on missing initial part of $contig: $_\n";
-    } elsif ($status eq 'missing') { 
-        warn "$chr: cannot find contig for $_; ignoring it\n";
-    } elsif ($status eq 'bug') {
-        warn "$chr: bug with $_; ignoring it\n";
-    } else {
-        die "Bugger";               # even bigger bug
-    }
-}                                       # while
-sub read_mapping {
-    my ($db) = shift;
-    my ($q) = "SELECT chr_name, MIN(chr_start), MAX(chr_end), fpcctg_name, MIN(fpcctg_start), MAX(fpcctg_end)
-               FROM static_golden_path
-               GROUP BY fpcctg_name
-               ORDER BY chr_name, chr_start";
-    $q=$db->prepare($q) || die $db->errstr;
-    $q->execute() || die $db->errstr;
-    while ( my ($chr, $chr_start, $chr_end, $fpcctg_name, $fpcctg_start, $fpcctg_end )
-                 = $q->fetchrow_array ) {
-        die $db->errstr if $q->err;
-        push @{$bighash{$chr}}, [ $chr_start, $chr_end, $fpcctg_name, $fpcctg_start ];
-        # structure : hash{chr} contains sorted list of these arrays 
-    }
-    return;
-}                                       # read_mapping
-# return fpc_ctg_name, start and end, status, given the chromosome+start/end
-sub map_coords {
-    my ($chr, $start, $end) = @_;
-    my $contigs = $bighash{$chr};
-    my $n = 0;
-    if (! defined $contigs) {
-        warn "don't know $chr";
-        return ('ctg_on_unknown_chromosome', -999, -999, 'bug');
-    }
-    foreach my $l ( @{$contigs} ) {
-        if ( $start < $l->[1] && $start >= $l->[0] ) { 
-            # found it
-            my ( $chr_start, $chr_end, $fpcctg_name, $fpcctg_start)
-              = @$l;
-            return ($fpcctg_name,
-                    $fpcctg_start-1+ $start - $chr_start,
-                    $fpcctg_start-1+ $end - $chr_start, undef);
-        }
-    }
-    # this happens (only?) if we have an fpccontig with start != 1; 
-    # look for the missing bit. 
-    my $prev = undef;
-    foreach my $curr ( @{$contigs} ) {
-        if (defined $prev 
-            && $start > $prev->[1] && $start < $curr->[0] ) { 
-            ## see if we were correct
-            my ( $chr_start, $chr_end, $fpcctg_name, $fpcctg_start)
-              = @$curr; 
-            if ( $fpcctg_start == 1 )  {
-                # this means we can't pretend that it's on the missing
-                # piece of this contig; so this contig is simply missing
-                # from our static_golden_path
-                return ('missing_ctg', -999, -999, 'missing');
-            }
-            #else:
-            # fpccontig_start is not 1; now just pretend this feature
-            # is on the 'unknown' first bit of the current fpc contig,
-            # and pretend our fpccontig actually did start at 1:
-            my $status = 'init';
-            $chr_start -= ($fpcctg_start -1);
-            $fpcctg_start =1;
-            my $newstart  = $fpcctg_start-1+ $start - $chr_start;
-            $status = 'missing' if ($newstart < 1); 
-            # (i.e., it is too far away from our fpcctg_start to still be
-            # able to pretend it's still on this contig, so report as missing)
-            return ($fpcctg_name,
-                    $newstart, 
-                    $fpcctg_start-1+ $end - $chr_start, $status);
-        }
-        $prev = $curr;
-    }
-    warn "really couldn find coords of $chr $start $end\n";
-    return ('bug_ctg', -999, -999, 'bug');
-}                                       # map_coords
diff --git a/scripts/igi/fgenesh.README b/scripts/igi/fgenesh.README
deleted file mode 100644
index 5154756de474288af4d300aff15cc4e3a9e604ed..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/igi/fgenesh.README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-*.sgp.gff: original fgenesh files
-collate.sh: used to both convert chromosomes/chromo_coords to
-   fpccontigs/fpc_coords. Needs ensembl/scripts/chromo2fpc.pl
-all.gff: (unsorted) file with all coord-converted features
-all.log: the log file
-missing-stats.sh: compiles vital statistics:
-missing-stats:  the output
-assumed-on-first: some features can't be found, but they appear just before
-  an fpccontig for which fpc_start != 1; in this case, we assume it maps to
-  this missing first part of the contig
-missing: these features can't be found at all, and lie in gaps
diff --git a/scripts/igi/fgenesh.collate.sh b/scripts/igi/fgenesh.collate.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 2dc08d4256947bd4afedf890adaaebfd77e38d7d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/igi/fgenesh.collate.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -x
-# -*- mode: sh; -*-
-# mangle all files into one big happy file; have to convert chromosome to fpc
-# coordinates first:
-convert=fgenesh-chromo2fpc.pl # in ensembl/scripts/igi
-for f in "$@" ; do
-    nawk -F\t '$3=="exon" || $3 ~ "_codon" ' $f |  $convert
-# sort  is not needed, done later anyway
diff --git a/scripts/igi/fgenesh.missing-stats.sh b/scripts/igi/fgenesh.missing-stats.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 0418d510a438cf5899a6f49211a1515d012efda0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/igi/fgenesh.missing-stats.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -x
-# -*- mode: sh; -*-
-# $Id$
-# litte script to compile statistics on missing features:
-# create the following files:
-Usage="Usage: $0 logfile. Reads from $logfile, writes to files $missing, $init, $stats"
-if [ $# -ne 1  ] ; then
-    echo $Usage >&2
-    exit 1;
-awk -F';' '/initial/{print $1}' $logfile | sort -u > $init
-awk -F';' '/cannot/{print $1}' $logfile | sort -u > $missing
-chroms="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 X Y"
-rm $tmp
-echo "# features assumed to lie on first (missing) bit of fpc_contig" > $tmp
-for c in $chroms; do
-    echo -n "chr$c:" >> $tmp
-    awk -F';' '/initial/{print $1}' $logfile | grep chr$c | sort -u | wc -l  >> $tmp
-echo -n "# total:" >> $tmp
-    awk -F';' '/initial/{print $1}' $logfile | sort -u | wc -l  >> $tmp
-echo "# missing features" >> $tmp
-chroms="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 X Y"
-for c in $chroms; do
-    echo -n "chr$c:" >> $tmp
-    awk -F';' '/cannot/{print $1}' $logfile | grep chr$c | sort -u | wc -l  >> $tmp
-echo -n "# total" >> $tmp
-awk -F';' '/cannot/{print $1}' $logfile | sort -u | wc -l >> $tmp
-awk -F: '/#/ || $2 > 0' < $tmp > $stats
-exit 0    
diff --git a/scripts/igi/gtfsummary2gtf.pl b/scripts/igi/gtfsummary2gtf.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index fcfbc086e3d986876ef6aa5824d5d58d4b2460db..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/igi/gtfsummary2gtf.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$ 
-# This script takes a gtf summary file and a merged gft file, and from
-# this, filters out the features that don't appear in the summary
-# file. The result is the 'final' gtf file.
-# Written by Philip lijnzaad@ebi.ac.uk
-# Copyright EnsEMBL http://www.ensembl.org
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::igi_utils;
-my $usage = "$0 options < merged-file.gtf gtf.summary  > gtfile\n";
-my $help;
-my @argv_copy = @ARGV;
-&GetOptions( 'h|help' => \$help
-	     );
-die $usage if $help;
-(my $summary = shift) || die $usage;
-open(SUMMARY, "< $summary") || die "$summary: $!";
-my $wanted_transcripts 
-  = Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::igi_utils::read_transcript_ids_from_summary(\*SUMMARY); 
-# all igi's in one big hash
-my $blurp = blurp();
-print $blurp;
-print <<MOREBLURP
-### Merged GTF file based on summary file $summary; see the header of that
-### file to know how many sources had to have predicted this gene in order
-### to 'make' it into this file
-  ;
-while (<>) {
-    # taken largely from Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::GTF_handler:
-    s/#.*$//;
-    next GTF_LINE if /^\s*$/;
-    chomp;
-    my @fields = split "\t", $_;
-    my ($seq_name, $source, $feature,
-        $start,  $end,    $score,
-        $strand, $phase,  $group_field)  = @fields;
-    $feature = lc $feature;
-    unless ($group_field) {
-        warn("line $.: no group field: skipping : '$_'");
-        next GTF_LINE ;
-    }
-    # Extract the rest of the information from the 'merged' gtf file.
-    my ($igi, $gene_name, $native_ids, $transcript_ids, $exon_num, $exon_id) =
-      Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::igi_utils::parse_group_field($group_field);
-    if (@$transcript_ids == 0 ) {
-        die("line has no transcript_id: '$_'\n");        
-    }
-    if (@$transcript_ids > 1 ) {        # shouldn't really happen ...
-        warn("line has more than one transcript_id, taking first one: '$_'\n");
-    }
-    my $transcript_id = $$transcript_ids[0];
-    # the summary file has them as "source:id":
-    unless( $wanted_transcripts->{"$source:$transcript_id"} ) {
-        next GTF_LINE ;
-    }
-    # found a feature listed as wanted in the summary file; rearrange
-    # things a bit so the order is more consistent:
-    @fields = ($seq_name, $source, $feature,
-               $start,  $end,    $score,
-               $strand, $phase);
-    my $native_id; 
-    if (@$native_ids == 0 ) {
-        die("line has no gene_id: '$_'\n");
-    }
-    if (int(@$native_ids) > 1 ) {       # this would be bizarre, but never
-        # mind
-        warn("Line with several gene_ids (taking first one): '$_'\n");
-    }
-    $native_id =  $ {$native_ids}[0];
-    if (int(@$transcript_ids) > 1 ) {       # also bizarre
-        warn("Line with several transcript_ids (taking first one): '$_'\n");
-    }
-    $transcript_id =  $ {$transcript_ids}[0];
-    my $rest =  "igi_id \"$igi\"; gene_id \"$native_id\"; ";
-    $rest .= "gene_name \"$gene_name\"; " if $gene_name;
-    $rest .= "transcript_id \"$transcript_id\"; ";
-    $rest .= "exon_id \"$exon_id\"; " if $exon_id;
-    $rest .= "exon_number $exon_num; " if defined($exon_num);
-    push @fields, $rest;
-    print join("\t", @fields), "\n";
-}                                       # while(<>)
-### simple log message
-sub blurp {
-    my (@stuff)  = ("on", `date`, "by", `whoami`, "@",  `hostname`);
-    foreach (@stuff) {chomp};
-    my $s =  '### Produced by $Id$  ' . "\n" 
-      . "### run " . join(' ',@stuff) .  "\n"
-      . "### for EnsEMBL (http://www.ensembl.org)\n"
-      . "### argument(s): ". join(' ', @argv_copy) . "\n";
-    foreach (@argv_copy) {   $s .= "### ", `ls -l $_`; }
-    $s .= "###\n";
-    $s;
-}                                       # blurp
diff --git a/scripts/igi/gtfsummary2pep.pl b/scripts/igi/gtfsummary2pep.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index ae673ab9b1780095a5b45aaa9595875a776a792c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/igi/gtfsummary2pep.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$ 
-# This script takes a gtf summary file and peptide files, and produces an
-# igi peptide file.  For each igi, it simply takes the longest transcript. 
-# Written by Philip lijnzaad@ebi.ac.uk
-# Copyright EnsEMBL http://www.ensembl.org
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::igi_utils;
-my $usage = "$0 options gtf.summary  peptidefiles > peptidefile\n";
-my $help;
-my @argv_copy = @ARGV;
-&GetOptions( 'h|help' => \$help
-	     );
-die $usage if $help;
-(my $summary = shift) || die $usage;
-open(SUMMARY, "< $summary") || die "Summary file $summary: $!";
-# put all igi's in one big hash(ref) (a table of of igi to lists of
-# native_ids):
-my $all_igis = 
-  Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::igi_utils::read_igis_from_summary(\*SUMMARY); 
-my $igis_of_natives = igi_of_native($all_igis);
-my $all_peptides={};
-foreach my $file ( @ARGV) {
-    warn "reading $file ...\n";
-    read_peptide_file($all_peptides, $file, $igis_of_natives);
-    warn " done\n";
-# my $blurp = blurp();
-# print $blurp;
-# print <<MOREBLURP
-# ### IPI file {based on: see arguments line)
-#   ;
-print_peptides($all_igis, $all_peptides);
-# ### simple log message
-# sub blurp {
-#     my (@stuff)  = ("on", `date`, "by", `whoami`, "@",  `hostname`);
-#     foreach (@stuff) {chomp};
-#     my $s =  '### Produced by $Id$  ' . "\n" 
-#       . "### run " . join(' ',@stuff) .  "\n"
-#       . "### for EnsEMBL (http://www.ensembl.org)\n"
-#       . "### argument(s): ". join(' ', @argv_copy) . "\n";
-#     foreach (@argv_copy) {   $s .= "### ", `ls -l $_`; }
-#     $s .= "###\n";
-#     $s;
-# }                                       # blurp
-# invert the igis hash so we can lookup the igi given a native id:
-sub igi_of_native  {
-    my ($all_igis) = @_;
-    my %igis_of_natives = undef;
-    foreach my $igi (keys %$all_igis) {
-        my @natives = @{$all_igis->{$igi}};
-        foreach my $nat ( @natives ) {  # $nat includes the source prefix,
-                                        # e.g. FGENH:S.C16000125
-            $igis_of_natives{$nat} = $igi;
-        }
-    }
-    return \%igis_of_natives;
-# add peptides all into one big ugly hash
-sub read_peptide_file {
-    my ($peptides, $file, $igis_of_natives) = @_;
-    my ($kept, $ignored) = (0,0);
-    open(IN, $file) || die "$file: $!";
-    local( $/ ) = "\n>";
-    while( <IN> ) {
-        s/>//g;
-        my $n =(index $_, "\n");
-        my $firstline =  substr($_, 0, $n);
-        my $sequence = substr($_, $n+1);
-        my $seqlen = ($sequence =~ tr /a-zA-Z//);
-        my ($native_id, $rest) = ( $firstline =~ /(\S+)(.*)$/);
-        unless ($native_id) {
-            die "no native_id for $." 
-        }
-        my $igi = $igis_of_natives->{$native_id};
-        if (! defined($igi)) {; # didn't make it into the IGI set
-            $ignored++;
-            next PEPTIDE ;
-        }
-        $kept++;
-        push @{$peptides->{$igi}}, [$seqlen, $native_id, $rest, $sequence ];
-    }
-    warn "From $file, kept $kept , ignored $ignored peptides\n";
-    close(IN);
-    return;
-}                                       # read_peptide_file
-sub print_peptides { 
-    my ($igis,$peptides) = @_; 
-    my ($ignored, $kept) = (0,0);
-# $a 
-    my @igis = sort { Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::igi_utils::by_igi_number($a,$b)}
-                     keys %$igis;
-  IGI:
-    foreach my $igi (@igis) {
-        # (this sorts on the numerical part of the "igi3_" identifier)
-        my $peps= $peptides->{$igi};
-        if (!defined $peps) {
-            warn "no  peptides for $igi\n";
-            next IGI;
-        }
-        my (@peps) = @$peps;
-        my $max = -1;
-        my $maxpep = undef;
-        # get the longest (or ENS if equal;-) peptide:
-        my @all_natives; # 
-        foreach my $pep (@peps) {
-            my $len = $ {$pep}[0];
-            my $native = $ {$pep}[1];
-            push(@all_natives, $native);
-            if ($len > $max  || ( $len == $max && $native =~ /^ENS/ )  ) {
-                $max=$len;
-                $maxpep = $pep;
-            }
-        }
-        my ($len, $native_id, $rest, $sequence) = @$maxpep;
-        my @others = grep ( $_ ne $native_id, @all_natives);
-        my $others = join(',', @others);
-        my $newheader = ">$igi $native_id; length: $len; others: $others; original: $rest";
-        print "$newheader\n$sequence";
-    }
-}                                       # print_peptides
diff --git a/scripts/igi/pep-collate.sh b/scripts/igi/pep-collate.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 16870e01173e89f64c1d93119f0be62079b587b6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/igi/pep-collate.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -x
-# -*- mode: sh; -*-
-# $Id$
-# simple script to put all peptides files of the various sources in order.
-# It collate the peptide files in case they're not one big file, and 
-# makes the geneid appear as the first word of a '>...' line
-# (this is only for ensembl, rest already has it like that).
-# It's all done in this one script (unlike all-collates.sh, which does something
-# similar for the raw gtf's, and which calls other scripts)
-### sources="ensembl affymetrix fgenesh"
-echo "not tested, check thoroughly!" >&2
-cd $source
-[ ! -f $origfile ] && echo "$origfile: Not found">&2 && exit 1
-[ -f $pepfile ] && echo "found $pepfile; not overwriting">&2 && exit 1
-sed '/^>/s/>\(ENSP[0-9]*\) Gene:\(ENSG[0-9]*\)\(.*$\)/>\2 \1\3/' < $origfile \
- | sed '/^>/s/^>/>ENS:/' > $pepfile    >$pepfile  || exit 2
-cd $source
-[ -f $pepfile ] && echo "found $pepfile; not overwriting">&2 && exit 1
-chroms="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 X Y UL NA"
-echo "make sure that these are the right chromosomes:" | tee /dev/tty >&2
-echo $chroms >&2
-echo "" > /dev/tty
-for chr in "$@"; do
-    find . $chr -name '*.affymetrix.aa' -exec cat {} \;
-done  | sed '/^>/s/>\(.*\)\.\([0-9][0-9]*\)$/>AFFY:\1 \1.\2/' > $pepfile
-# the pep file has the transcript id, which is gene_id + number. Replace it
-# to make it easier for gtfsummary2pep
-cd $source
-[ -f $pepfile ] && echo "found $pepfile; not overwriting">&2 && exit 1
-for i in   chr_pro/*.sgp.pro chr_r_pro/*.sgp.pro; do
-    cat $i
-done  | sed '/^>C/s/^>FGENH:C/>S.C/' > $pepfile
-# (replaces ">C1000004 chr1  ..."  with ">S.C1000004 chr1  ..." everywhere;
-# the gtf files have 'S.C...', the pep files 'C....'. Easiest to change here.
diff --git a/scripts/igi/remap-sources.sed b/scripts/igi/remap-sources.sed
deleted file mode 100755
index 7e9adabdcc9a4e712e9355c8fdda1e50667de244..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/igi/remap-sources.sed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sed  -f
diff --git a/scripts/igi/stats-from-merge-files.pl b/scripts/igi/stats-from-merge-files.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 7238b3c78ecb08f3d039ce2bd81b36358e302969..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/igi/stats-from-merge-files.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,592 +0,0 @@
-# $Id$ 
-# Copyright EnsEMBL http://www.ensembl.org
-# This script is used for collecting statistics on the gtf merges done by
-# gtf_merge.pl (which are typically called from the wrapper
-# all-merges.sh), and it is typically called by the all-stats.sh wrapper.
-# The whole objective is to compare gene predictions of different
-# 'sources', currently EnsEMBL, Affymetrix and Fgenesh (Softberry Inc),
-# and arrive at a consensus 'Initial Gene Index' (igi). The igi's are
-# assigned by gtf_merge, and this script just summarizes them. 
-# The script has grown a bit unwieldy, but that is because it is so
-# convenient to stay inside this script once every feature, gene and igi
-# of each prediction is loaded into the hashes-of-hashes-of-hashes of this
-# script.
-# For usage, ask author ;-)
-# Written by Philip lijnzaad@ebi.ac.uk
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::igi_utils;
-my $usage = "$0 options < merged-file.gtf  > outputfile\n";
-my $help;
-my $all_stats;  
-my $chaining = undef;
-my $i2nmapping;
-my $n2imapping;
-my $gtf_summary;
-my $cluster_n;
-            'stats'  => \$all_stats,
-            'chaining:s'  => \$chaining,
-             'gtfsummary:s' => \$gtf_summary,
-             'cluster_n:s'  => \$cluster_n,
-	     'igi2native:s'     => \$i2nmapping, 
-	     'native2igi:s'     => \$n2imapping, 
-	     'h|help'     => \$help,
-	     );
-die $usage if $help;
-die "need both cluster_n and gtf_summary or neither"
-  unless ( defined($gtf_summary) == defined($cluster_n));
-die "need -cluster_n when doing igi2native or native2igi"
-  if ( (defined($n2imapping)||defined($i2nmapping)) >   
-           defined($cluster_n));
-my @argv_copy = @ARGV; # may get gobbled up by the <> construct. 
-my %igis_of_source; # $igis_of_source_{$source}{$igi} = [nfeats, start,
-                    # end, nexons ]
-my %natives_of_source; # $natives_of_source{$source}{$native_id} =
-                       # [ nfeats, start, end, nexons ]
-my %natives_of_igi; # $natives_of_igi{$source}{$igi}{$native_id} => 1
-my %transcripts_of_native; #
-                           # $transcripts_of_native{$source}{$native}{$transcript}
-                           # = length of the transcript
-my $blurp = blurp();
-### just read the complete file into the relevant hashes
-while (<>) {
-    # taken largely from Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::GTF_handler:
-    next GTF_LINE if /^#/;
-    next GTF_LINE if /^\s*$/;
-    chomp;
-    my @fields = split "\t", $_;
-    my ($seq_name, $source, $feature,
-        $start,  $end,    $score,
-        $strand, $phase,  $group_field)  = @fields;
-    $feature = lc $feature;
-    unless ($group_field) {
-        warn("no group field: skipping : '$_'\n");
-        next GTF_LINE ;
-    }
-    # Extract the extra information from the final field of the GTF line.
-    my ($igi, $gene_name, $native_ids, $transcript_ids, $exon_num, $exon_id) =
-      Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::igi_utils::parse_group_field($group_field);
-    unless ($igi) {
-        warn("Skipping line with no igi_id: '$_'\n");
-        next GTF_LINE;
-    }
-    my $native_id; 
-    if (@$native_ids == 0 ) {
-        warn("Skipping line with no gene_id(s): '$_'\n");
-        next GTF_LINE;
-    }
-    if (int(@$native_ids) > 1 ) {
-        warn("Line with several gene_ids (taking first one): '$_'\n");
-    }
-    $native_id =  $ {$native_ids}[0];
-    if  (@$transcript_ids == 0) {
-        warn("Skipping line with no transcript_id(s): '$_'\n");
-        next GTF_LINE;
-    }
-    if (int(@$transcript_ids) > 1 ) {
-        warn("Line with several transcript_ids (taking first one): '$_'\n");
-    }
-    my $transcript_id =  $ {$transcript_ids}[0];
-    # keep track of marginals by 'looping' over current one +
-    # fictional source 'ALL':
-    foreach my $s ($source, 'ALL') {
-        # keep track of number of features, exons, start and end of this igi:
-        track_extents(\%igis_of_source, $s, $igi,
-                      $seq_name, $start, $end, $strand, $exon_num);
-        # as well as this native_id:
-        track_extents(\%natives_of_source, $s, $native_id,
-                      $seq_name, $start, $end, $strand, $exon_num);
-        # keep track of the native gene_ids of a given igi in a given
-        # source. As always, use a hash for faster collating (i.e. keys
-        # %($natives_of_igi{$s}{$igi}) gives them all; the value is
-        # irrelevant 
-        $natives_of_igi{$s}{$igi}{$native_id}++;
-        # pointless to keep track of exon statistics; call exon-lengths.awk
-        # for that.
-    }                                   # foreach $s
-    if ( $feature eq 'exon' ) {
-        $transcripts_of_native{$source}{$native_id}{$transcript_id} +=
-          ($end - $start);
-    }
-}                                       # while(<>)
-### done reading files
-# get rid of 'ALL' (which was added for convenience when gathering stats
-# on marginals)
-my @all_sources = (grep $_ ne 'ALL', sort keys %igis_of_source);
-my %sources_of_igi= undef;
-my @igis_of_n_sources = undef;
-my @native_ids_per_igi_histo = undef;
-my @igis_per_chaining_group = undef;
-if ($all_stats) {
-    print_stats();
-if ($chaining) {
-    print "igi's and native ids of igi's that chain together >= $chaining native ids\n";
-    # print out native_id's clumped together in clusters of more than n
-    foreach my $source ( @all_sources ) {
-        print_chaining($source, $chaining);
-    }
-    print "----\n";
-if ($i2nmapping) {
-    foreach my $s (@all_sources) { 
-        my $file = "> $i2nmapping.$s";
-        open(I2N, $file) || die "can't open $file: $!";
-        print_igi_to_native(\*I2N, $s, $cluster_n);
-        close(I2N);
-    }
-if ($n2imapping) {
-    foreach my $s (@all_sources) {
-        my $file = "> $n2imapping.$s";
-        open(N2I, $file) || die "can't open $file: $!";
-        print_native_to_igi(\*N2I, $s, $cluster_n);
-        close(N2I);
-    }
-if ($gtf_summary) {
-    my $file = "$gtf_summary";
-    open(OUT, "> $file" ) || die die "$file: $!";
-    my (@stuff)  = ("on", `date`, "by", `whoami`, "@",  `hostname`);
-    foreach (@stuff) {chomp};
-    print OUT $blurp;
-    print OUT <<MOREBLURP
-## GTF summary file in gff format. The source is 'igi3', and only gene
-## features are given. Only genes predicted by $cluster_n or more gene
-## predictions have been included. The original gene id's have been
-## prefixed with <source-name>. The output is sorted by fpc contig id,
-## strand, and start.  This is not the final IGI3 file; it just summarizes
-## the extent of the igi3 clusters.
-  ;
-    close(OUT);
-    my $sortcmd="sort -k1,1 -k7,7 -k4,4n ";
-    open(OUT, "| $sortcmd >> $file") || die "$file: $!";
-    gtf_for_igis_predicted_by_n(\*OUT, $cluster_n);
-}                                       # if gtf_summary
-### simple log message
-sub blurp {
-    my (@stuff)  = ("on", `date`, "by", `whoami`, "@",  `hostname`);
-    foreach (@stuff) {chomp};
-    my $s =  '### Produced by $Id$  ' . "\n" 
-      . "### run " . join(' ',@stuff) .  "\n"
-      . "### for EnsEMBL (http://www.ensembl.org)\n"
-      . "### argument(s): ". join(' ', @argv_copy) . "\n";
-    foreach (@argv_copy) {   $s .= "### ", `ls -l $_`; }
-    $s .= "###\n";
-    $s;
-sub print_coord_stats {
-    my ($min, $max, $avg, 
-        $minfeats, $maxfeats, $avgfeats, 
-        $minexons, $maxexons, $avgexons)  = @_;
-    print "\tminl=$min, maxl=$max, avgl=$avg\n";
-    print "\tminfeats=$minfeats, maxfeats=$maxfeats, avgfeats=$avgfeats\n";
-    print "\tminexons=$minexons, maxexons=$maxexons, avgexons=$avgexons\n";
-sub igi_stats {
-    my ($igi_hash) = @_;
-    my $huge = 1e308; 
-    my ( @igis) = keys %$igi_hash;
-    my $min = $huge;
-    my $max = -$huge;
-    my $sum = 0;
-    my $minfeats = $huge;
-    my $maxfeats = -$huge;
-    my $sumfeats = 0;
-    my $minexons = $huge;
-    my $maxexons = -$huge;
-    my $sumexons = 0;
-    my $n =0; 
-    foreach my $igi (@igis) {
-        my ($nfeats, $start, $end, $nexons) = @{$igi_hash->{$igi}};
-        die unless defined($nexons);
-        my $len = ($end - $start);
-        $min = $len if $len <  $min ;
-        $max = $len if $len >  $max ;
-        $sum += $len;
-        $minfeats = $nfeats if $nfeats <  $minfeats ;
-        $maxfeats = $nfeats if $nfeats >  $maxfeats ;
-        $sumfeats += $nfeats;
-        $minexons = $nexons if $nexons <  $minexons ;
-        $maxexons = $nexons if $nexons >  $maxexons ;
-        $sumexons += $nexons;
-        $n++;
-    }
-    my ($avg, $avgfeats, $avgexons) = ('none', 'none', 'none');
-    if ($n>0) {
-        $avg = int($sum/$n);
-        $avgfeats= int($sumfeats/$n);
-        $avgexons = int($sumexons/$n)
-    } 
-    print_coord_stats( $min, $max, $avg, 
-                 $minfeats, $maxfeats, $avgfeats, 
-                 $minexons, $maxexons, $avgexons);
-### keep track of start,end of a gene, by looking at the lowest start and
-### higest end of any of the features. This is used both for igi's and
-### native id's
-sub track_extents {
-    my ($extents, $source, $id, 
-        $seq_name, $start, $end, $strand, $exon_num) = @_;
-    my ($nfeats, $min, $max, $nexons);
-    #get previous record of this igi, if any:
-    if (defined $ {$extents}{$source}{$id}) {
-        ($nfeats, $min, $max, $nexons) = 
-          @{$ {$extents}{$source}{$id}}[0,1,2,3];
-    } else { 
-        ($nfeats, $min, $max, $nexons)= (0, $start, $end, 0);
-    }
-    $min = $start if $start < $min;
-    $max = $end if $end > $max;
-    $nfeats++;
-    $nexons = $exon_num if $exon_num > $nexons;
-    # add record back in:
-    $ {$extents}{$source}{$id} = [$nfeats, $min, $max, $nexons, 
-                                 $seq_name, $strand ];
-### find out how the sets overlap between each other
-sub find_overlaps { 
-    my @all_igis = keys %{$igis_of_source{'ALL'}};
-    my $n_igis = int(@all_igis);
-    # invert igis_of_source:
-    foreach my $igi (@all_igis) {
-        foreach my $source (@all_sources ) { # excluding 'ALL', of course
-            # does this source contain this igi?
-            if (defined $ {$igis_of_source{$source}}{$igi} ) {
-                $sources_of_igi{$igi}{$source}++; # meaning: seen it
-            }
-        }
-    }
-## do histogram: find the igis per overlap group (i.e., n sources)
-    foreach my $igi (@all_igis) {
-        my $n  = int(keys %{$sources_of_igi{$igi}});
-        my $loc = $ {$igis_of_source{'ALL'}}{$igi}; # start,end etc. of this igi
-        #  $ {$igis_of_n_sources[$n]}{$igi} = $loc 
-        # wrong, this is for those that are in
-        # exactly two groups, but you want to know the  cumulation:
-        for (my $i=$n; $i>=0; $i--) {
-            $ {$igis_of_n_sources[$i]}{$igi} = $loc
-        }
-    }
-}                                       # find_overlaps
-sub find_chaining { 
-    foreach my $source ('ALL', @all_sources) { 
-        foreach my $igi ( keys % {$igis_of_source{$source}}  ) {
-            my @native_ids = keys %{$natives_of_igi{$source}{$igi}};
-            # these are all distinct native id's of this igi in this source;
-            # collate them in a histogram
-            my $n = int(@native_ids);
-            $native_ids_per_igi_histo[ $n ]{$source} ++;
-            my $loc = $ {$igis_of_source{'ALL'}}{$igi}; # start,end etc. of this igi
-            $ {igis_per_chaining_group[ $n ]{$source}}{$igi} = $loc;
-        }
-    }
-sub print_stats {
-    print $blurp;                       # log comment
-    print "Sources: " , join( ' ', @all_sources), "\n";
-    my $n_sources = int(@all_sources);
-    print "number of igi's per source:\n";
-    foreach my $source ('ALL', @all_sources) {
-        my $igi_of_source = $igis_of_source{$source};
-        my $num = int(keys %{$igi_of_source});
-        print "$source: $num\n";
-    }
-    print "----\n";
-    # compare igi's per source
-    print "number of igis shared with other source; sharing multiplicity\n";
-    my %h = undef;
-    # headers:
-    print '  '
-      # overlaps with named groups
-      , map(do {sprintf "%12s  ", substr($_,0,6) }, (@all_sources))
-        # multiplicity of groups membership:
-        , map(do {sprintf "        >=%2d  ", 2+$_ }
-              ,    reverse ( 0 .. (int(@all_sources)-2)))
-          , "    unshared  ",
-          , "       total\n";
-    foreach my $source1 ('ALL', @all_sources) {
-        my @igis_of_source1 = keys %{$igis_of_source{$source1}};
-        my $source2;
-        printf "%6s  ", $source1;
-        SOURCE2:
-        my ($overlap, $tot);
-        my %is_shared=undef;
-        foreach $source2 (@all_sources) {
-            ($overlap, $tot) = (0,0);
-            foreach my $igi (@igis_of_source1) {
-                if (defined $igis_of_source{$source2}{$igi}) {
-                    $overlap++;
-                    # keep track of how many sources have this particular igi:
-                    $is_shared{$igi}++; #  if $source1 ne $source2;
-                }
-                $tot++;
-            }
-            if ($source1 eq $source2) {
-                print "    --        ";
-            } else { 
-                printf "%6d (%2d%%)  ", $overlap, 100.0*$overlap/$tot;
-            }
-        }
-        # print out the sharing multiplicity
-        my ($from, $to) = (int(@all_sources), 2);
-        for(my $i =$from; $i>= $to; $i--) {
-            my $num = int(grep( $_ >= $i, values %is_shared));
-            printf "%6d (%2d%%)  ", $num, 100.0*$num/$tot;
-        }
-        my $unshared =
-          int(grep( $_ == 1, values %is_shared)); # those seen exactly once
-        # are in just one source,
-        # so are not shared
-        printf "%6d (%2d%%)  %6d\n", $unshared, 100.0*$unshared/$tot, $tot; 
-    }                                   # for source1
-    print "----\n";
-    ### igi statistics per source
-    foreach my $source ('ALL', @all_sources) {
-        print "igi stats on $source:\n";
-        igi_stats($igis_of_source{$source});
-    }
-    print "----\n";
-    ### see to what extent the clusters grow as they are
-    ### shared by an increasing number of sources:
-    print "igi stats per cluster group:\n";
-    for(my $i = 1; $i<=$n_sources; $i++) {
-        print "those in $i sources:\n";
-        igi_stats($igis_of_n_sources[$i]) ;
-    }
-    print "----\n";
-    ### output the chaining: the extent to which native gene_ids get
-    ### chained together by the igi clustering
-    print "gene id chaining: histogram of native gene_ids per igi, and igi statistics on this:\n";
-    foreach my $source ('ALL', @all_sources) { 
-        print "source $source:\n";
-        for (my $i=0;  $i< int(@native_ids_per_igi_histo); $i++ ) {
-            my $n = $native_ids_per_igi_histo[ $i ]{$source};
-            if ($n > 0) { 
-                print "\t$i: $n\n";
-                igi_stats( $ {igis_per_chaining_group[ $i ]}{$source}) ;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    print "----\n";
-}                                       # all_stats
-# print out native_id's clumped together in clusters of more than n
-sub print_chaining {
-    my ($source, $n)=@_;
-    print "source $source:\n";
-    for (my $i=$n; $i< int(@native_ids_per_igi_histo); $i++) {
-        my $num = $native_ids_per_igi_histo[ $i ]{$source};
-        if ( $num ) { 
-            print "    chaining together $i native ids ( $num cases) :\n";
-            my $igi_hash = $ {igis_per_chaining_group[ $i ]}{$source};
-            foreach my $igi ( keys %$igi_hash) {
-                my ($start,$end, $seq, $strand) 
-                  = @{$igis_of_source{$source}{$igi}}[1,2,4,5];
-                print "      $igi [ $seq\t$start\t$end\t$strand ]:\n";  
-                print_natives($source, $igi);
-                print "        linked by:\n";
-                foreach my $s ( @all_sources ) {
-                    next if $s eq $source;
-                    print_natives($s, $igi, "  ");
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-}                                       # print_chaining
-# print out the native id's of this igi, with coordinates, and sorted by
-# coordinate
-sub print_natives {
-    my ($source, $igi, $indent) = @_;
-    my (@native_coords);
-    foreach my $nat ( keys %{$natives_of_igi{$source}{$igi}} ) {
-        my ($start,$end) = @{$natives_of_source{$source}{$nat}}[1,2];
-        push @native_coords, [$nat, $start, $end];
-    }
-    my $n; $n++;
-    foreach my $nat (sort sort_native @native_coords) { 
-        my ($id, $start, $end) = @{$nat};
-        print "        $indent$source $id [ $start\t$end ]\n";
-    }
-}                                       # print natives
-# for sorting id's by start/stop coords. This is a bit hairy, to get the
-# start exon's first, and end exons last ... 
-sub sort_native {
-    my ($starta, $enda) = @{$a}[1,2];
-    my ($startb, $endb) = @{$b}[1,2];
-    my $n;
-    $n = $starta <=> $startb;
-    return $n if $n;
-    $n = $enda <=> $endb;
-    return $n if $n;
-    return $$a[0] cmp $$b[0];           # i.e., alphabetically
-## print file that maps igi to native
-sub print_igi_to_native {
-    my($OUT, $source, $cluster_n) = @_;
-    foreach my $igi (sort 
-                     { Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::igi_utils::by_igi_number($a,$b)}
-                     keys %{$igis_of_source{$source}}) {
-        if (defined $ {$igis_of_n_sources [ $cluster_n ]}{$igi} ) {
-            print $OUT "$igi "
-              , join(' ', (sort keys %{$natives_of_igi{$source}{$igi}}))
-                , "\n";
-        } else { warn "i2n: $igi: not in $cluster_n sources\n" }
-    }
-}                                       # print_igi_to_native
-## print file that maps native to igi:
-sub print_native_to_igi {
-    my($OUT, $source, $cluster_n) = @_;
-    my %igis_of_native = undef;         # have to invert first:
-    foreach my $igi (sort 
-                     { Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::igi_utils::by_igi_number($a,$b)}
-                     keys %{$igis_of_source{$source}}) {
-        foreach my $nat (keys %{$natives_of_igi{$source}{$igi}}) {
-            $igis_of_native{$nat}=$igi;
-        }
-    }
-    foreach my $nat (sort keys %igis_of_native) {
-        my $igi = $igis_of_native{$nat};
-        if (defined $ {$igis_of_n_sources [ $cluster_n ]}{$igi} ) {        
-            print $OUT "$nat $igi\n";
-        } else { warn "n2i: $igi: not in $cluster_n sources\n" }
-    }
-}                                       # print_native_to_igi
-### print a gtf file for all igi's that are predicted by N sources. For
-### now, just print start and end, nothing else. I.e., don't give any
-### native exons or so:
-sub gtf_for_igis_predicted_by_n {
-    my ($OUT, $n)  = @_;
-    my $newsource = 'igi3';
-    my $feature='gene';
-    my $score = 0;
-    my $phase = '.';
-    foreach my $igi  (sort 
-                      { Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::igi_utils::by_igi_number($a, $b)}
-                      keys %{$igis_of_n_sources[$n]}) {
-        my ($nfeats, $min, $max, $nexons, $seq_name, $strand )
-          = @{$igis_of_source{'ALL'}{$igi}};
-        my @fields =($seq_name, $newsource, $feature, $min,$max, $score, $strand, $phase);
-        # add the ids:
-        my $rest ="igi_id \"$igi\"; ";
-      SOURCE:
-        foreach my $source (sort @all_sources) {
-            foreach my $nat_id (sort keys %{$natives_of_igi{$source}{$igi}}) {
-                $rest .= "gene_id \"$source:$nat_id\"; ";
-                ## find id of the longest transcript:
-                my $max = -1; my $max_tid=undef;
-                my @tids = keys %{$transcripts_of_native{$source}{$nat_id}};
-# warn "tids:  @tids" if @tids > 2;
-                foreach my $tid ( @tids ) { 
-                    my $len = $transcripts_of_native{$source}{$nat_id}{$tid};
-                    if ($len > $max) {
-                        $max_tid = $tid;
-                        $max = $len;
-                    }
-                }
-                $rest .= "transcript_id \"$source:$max_tid\"; ";
-            }                           # foreach $nat
-        }                               # source
-        push(@fields, $rest);
-        print $OUT join("\t", @fields), "\n"; 
-    }                                   # foreach $igi
-}                                       # gtf_for_igis_predicted_by_n