diff --git a/misc-scripts/canonical_transcripts/set_canonical_transcripts.pl b/misc-scripts/canonical_transcripts/set_canonical_transcripts.pl
index 94c229468bf4a2d79c4d3ac54b899b175d18b730..24dcfa83dd72f8d9ee75b1a8b231d9bf7e3e566d 100644
--- a/misc-scripts/canonical_transcripts/set_canonical_transcripts.pl
+++ b/misc-scripts/canonical_transcripts/set_canonical_transcripts.pl
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
@@ -66,352 +67,433 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use Carp;
 use Data::Dumper;
 use DBI qw(:sql_types);
-use Getopt::Long;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw);
-my ($host, $port, $dbname, $user,$pass);
-my ($dnahost, $dnadbname, $dnauser);
-my ($ccds_host, $ccds_dbname, $ccds_user);
-my $coord_system;
-my $seq_region_name;
-my $logic_name; # keep as undefined unless you only want to run on a specific analysis
-my $write = 0;
-my $include_non_ref = 1;
-my $include_duplicates;
-my $verbose = 0;
-GetOptions( 'dbhost:s'            => \$host,
-            'dbport:n'            => \$port,
-            'dbname:s'            => \$dbname,
-            'dbuser:s'            => \$user,
-            'dbpass:s'            => \$pass,
-            'dnahost:s'           => \$dnahost,
-            'dnadbname:s'         => \$dnadbname,
-            'dnauser:s'           => \$dnauser,
-            'ccds_host:s'         => \$ccds_host,
-            'ccds_dbname:s'       => \$ccds_dbname,
-            'ccds_user:s'         => \$ccds_user,
-            'coord_system_name:s' => \$coord_system,
-            'seq_region_name:s'   => \$seq_region_name,
-            'logic_name:s'        => \$logic_name,
-            'write!'              => \$write,
-            'include_non_ref!'    => \$include_non_ref,
-            'include_duplicates'  => \$include_duplicates,
-            'verbose!'            => \$verbose, );
-unless ($write) {
-  print "You have not used the -write option "
-      . "so results will not be written into the database\n";
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper;
+my $cli_helper = Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper->new();
+# get the basic options for connecting to a database server
+my $optsd = [ @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_opts() },
+			  @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_opts('dna') },
+			  @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_opts('ccds') } ];
+# add the print option
+push( @{$optsd}, "coord_system_name:s" );
+push( @{$optsd}, "logic_name:s" );
+push( @{$optsd}, "write!" );
+push( @{$optsd}, "include_non_ref!" );
+push( @{$optsd}, "include_duplicates" );
+push( @{$optsd}, "verbose!" );
+# process the command line with the supplied options plus a help subroutine
+my $opts = $cli_helper->process_args( $optsd, \&usage );
+$opts->{write}           ||= 0;
+$opts->{include_non_ref} ||= 1;
+$opts->{verbose}         ||= 0;
+unless ( $opts->{write} ) {
+	print "You have not used the -write option "
+	  . "so results will not be written into the database\n";
-my $db =
-  new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor( -host   => $host,
-                                      -user   => $user,
-                                      -port   => $port,
-                                      -dbname => $dbname,
-                                      -pass   => $pass );
-my $ccds_db;
-if ($ccds_dbname) {
-  if (!$ccds_user || !$ccds_host) {
-    throw ("You must provide user, host and dbname details to connect to CCDS DB!");
-  }
-  $ccds_db = 
-  new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor( -host   => $ccds_host,
-                                      -user   => $ccds_user,
-                                      -port   => $port,
-                                      -dbname => $ccds_dbname );
+my $db_args = $cli_helper->get_dba_args_for_opts($opts);
+my $dnadb_args = $cli_helper->get_dba_args_for_opts( $opts, 'dna' );
+if ( defined $dnadb_args && scalar(@$dnadb_args) != scalar(@$db_args) ) {
+	croak "Different number of DBAs found for DB and DNADB";
-my $geneDB_has_DNA = check_if_DB_contains_DNA($db);
-my $dnadb;
-if ($geneDB_has_DNA == 0 && !$dnadbname) {
-  throw ("Your gene DB contains no DNA. You must provide a DNA_DB to connect to");
-} elsif ($geneDB_has_DNA == 0 && $dnadbname) {
-  $dnadb = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor(
-                                                 '-host'   => $dnahost,
-                                                 '-user'   => $dnauser,
-                                                 '-dbname' => $dnadbname,
-                                                 '-port'   => $port,
-                                             );
-  $db->dnadb($dnadb);
+my $ccdsdb_args = $cli_helper->get_dba_args_for_opts( $opts, 'ccds' );
+if ( defined $ccdsdb_args && scalar(@$ccdsdb_args) != scalar(@$db_args) ) {
+	croak "Different number of DBAs found for DB and CCDSDB";
-my $sa = $db->get_SliceAdaptor;
-my $dea = $db->get_DBEntryAdaptor;
-my $slices;
-# Only update the canonical transcripts in this region.
-if ($seq_region_name) {
-  print "Only updating genes on chromosome $seq_region_name\n";
-  my $slice =
-    $sa->fetch_by_region( $coord_system, $seq_region_name, $include_non_ref ,$include_duplicates );
-  push( @$slices, $slice );
-} else {
-  $slices = $sa->fetch_all( $coord_system, '', $include_non_ref , $include_duplicates );
-my $gene_update_sql = "update gene set canonical_transcript_id = ? where gene_id = ?";
-my $gene_sth = $db->dbc->prepare($gene_update_sql);
-SLICE: foreach my $slice (@$slices) {
-  # check whether the slice is reference or not
-  # this check is important for species that have a ccds database
-  # and that have non-reference sequence ie. human
-  my $slice_is_reference;
-  if (!$slice->is_reference) {
-    print "Doing non-reference slice ".$slice->name."\n";
-    $slice_is_reference = 0;
-  } else {
-    print "Doing reference slice ".$slice->name."\n";
-    $slice_is_reference = 1;
-  }
-  # Now fetch the genes
-  print "\nGetting genes for " . $slice->name . "\n" if ($verbose);
-  my $genes = $slice->get_all_Genes( $logic_name, undef, 1 );
-  my %canonical;
-  GENE: foreach my $gene (@$genes) {
-    print "\nLooking at gene: (dbID " . $gene->dbID . ")";
-    if ($gene->stable_id) {
-      print " :: " . $gene->stable_id ;
-    }
-    print "\n";
-    my $transcripts = $gene->get_all_Transcripts;
-    if ( @$transcripts == 1 ) {
-      if ($ccds_db && $slice_is_reference) {
-        check_Ens_trans_against_CCDS($transcripts->[0], $ccds_db, $verbose);
-      }
-      $canonical{ $gene->dbID } = $transcripts->[0]->dbID;
-      print "Transcript ". $transcripts->[0]->display_id . " of biotype " . $transcripts->[0]->biotype .
-            " is chosen as the canonical transcript for gene ". $gene->display_id .
-            " of biotype ". $gene->biotype. "\n";
-      next GENE;
-    }
-    # Keep track of the transcript biotypes
-    my %trans;
-    foreach my $transcript ( @{$transcripts} ) {
-      push @{ $trans{ $transcript->biotype } }, $transcript;
-    }
-    # If there is a single protein_coding transcript, make it the
-    # canonical transcript, if it has a functional translation.
-    foreach my $key ( keys(%trans) ) {
-      if ( ( $key eq 'protein_coding' ) && ( @{ $trans{$key} } == 1 ) ) {
-        my $trans_id = $trans{$key}->[0]->dbID;
-        if ( $trans{$key}->[0]->translation->seq !~ /\*/ ) {
-          if ($ccds_db && $slice_is_reference) {
-            check_Ens_trans_against_CCDS($trans{$key}->[0], $ccds_db, $verbose);
-          }
-          $canonical{ $gene->dbID } = $trans_id;
-          print "Transcript ". $trans{$key}->[0]->display_id . " of biotype " . $trans{$key}->[0]->biotype .
-            " is chosen as the canonical transcript for gene ". $gene->display_id . 
-            " of biotype ". $gene->biotype. "\n";
-          next GENE;
-        } else {
-          carp(   "Transcript $trans_id has internal stop(s) "
-                . "and shouldn't if it is protein coding\n" );
-        }
-      } elsif (    !exists( $trans{'protein_coding'} )
-              && $key eq 'nonsense_mediated_decay'
-              && ( @{ $trans{$key} } == 1 ) ) {
-        my $trans_id = $trans{$key}->[0]->dbID;
-        if (    ( $trans{$key}->[0]->translation )
-             && ( $trans{$key}->[0]->translation->seq !~ /\*/ ) ) {
-          print "The NMD transcript $trans_id will become "
-              . "the canonical transcript because there are no "
-              . "protein coding transcripts.\n";
-          if ($ccds_db && $slice_is_reference) {
-            check_Ens_trans_against_CCDS($trans{$key}->[0], $ccds_db, $verbose);
-          }
-          $canonical{ $gene->dbID } = $trans_id;
-          print "Transcript ". $trans{$key}->[0]->display_id . " of biotype nonsense_mediated_decay" .
-            " is chosen as the canonical transcript for gene ". $gene->display_id .
-            " of biotype ". $gene->biotype. "\n";
-          next GENE;
-        } else {
-          carp(   "Transcript $trans_id is an NMD with either "
-                . " no translation or internal stop(s), skipping it...\n" );
-        }
-      }
-    } # foreach biotype 
-    my $has_translation = 0;
-    my $count           = 0;
-    my @with_translation;
-    my @no_translation;
-    foreach my $transcript ( @{$transcripts} ) {
-      if (    ( $gene->biotype       ne 'pseudogene' )
-           && ( $gene->biotype       ne 'processed_transcript' )
-           && ( $transcript->biotype ne 'polymorphic_pseudogene' )
-           && ( $transcript->biotype ne 'processed_transcript' )
-           && $transcript->translation
-           && ( $transcript->translation->seq !~ /\*/ ) )
-      {
-        push( @with_translation, $transcript );
-      } else {
-        push( @no_translation, $transcript );
-      }
-    }
-    my @sorted;
-    if (@with_translation) {
-      my ( @ccds_prot_coding_len_and_trans, @merge_prot_coding_len_and_trans, @prot_coding_len_and_trans);
-      my ( @merge_translateable_len_and_trans, @translateable_len_and_trans );
-      my ( @merge_len_and_trans, @len_and_trans );
-      foreach my $trans (@with_translation) {
-        print "Looking at Ens trans dbID " . $trans->dbID . " :: biotype " . $trans->biotype . " :: Transl length " .  
-              $trans->translate->length . "\n" if ($verbose);
-        my $h = { trans => $trans, len => $trans->translate->length };
-        my $ensembl_trans_found_in_CCDS = 0;
-        if ( $trans->biotype eq 'protein_coding') {
-          if ($ccds_db && $slice_is_reference) {
-            $ensembl_trans_found_in_CCDS = check_Ens_trans_against_CCDS($trans, $ccds_db, $verbose);
-          }
-          if ($ensembl_trans_found_in_CCDS) {
-            push @ccds_prot_coding_len_and_trans, $h;
-          } elsif ($trans->analysis->logic_name eq 'ensembl_havana_transcript') {
-            push @merge_prot_coding_len_and_trans, $h;
-          } else {
-            push @prot_coding_len_and_trans, $h;
-          }
-          next;
-        } else { # transcript biotype is not protein_coding but the transcript has translation
-          if ($trans->analysis->logic_name eq 'ensembl_havana_transcript') {
-            push @merge_translateable_len_and_trans, $h;
-          } else {
-            push @translateable_len_and_trans, $h;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      my @tmp_sorted;
-      if (@ccds_prot_coding_len_and_trans) {
-        @tmp_sorted = sort { $b->{len} <=> $a->{len} } @ccds_prot_coding_len_and_trans;  # sort all the Ens transcripts which matched CCDS by coding length
-      } elsif (@merge_prot_coding_len_and_trans) {
-        @tmp_sorted = sort { $b->{len} <=> $a->{len} } @merge_prot_coding_len_and_trans;
-      } elsif (@prot_coding_len_and_trans) {
-        @tmp_sorted = sort { $b->{len} <=> $a->{len} } @prot_coding_len_and_trans;
-      } elsif (@merge_len_and_trans) {
-        print "There are no 'protein_coding' labelled transcripts, ".
-              "will take the longest of merged tranlslateable transcripts\n" if ($verbose);
-        @tmp_sorted = sort { $b->{len} <=> $a->{len} } @merge_translateable_len_and_trans;
-      } else {
-        print "There are neither 'protein_coding' labelled transcripts nor merged ".
-              "translateable transcripts. Will take the longest of any unmerged ".
-              "translateable transcript.\n" if ($verbose);
-        @tmp_sorted = sort { $b->{len} <=> $a->{len} } @translateable_len_and_trans;
-      }
-      foreach my $h (@tmp_sorted) {
-        print "Adding to sorted " . $h->{trans}->dbID . " :: " . $h->{trans}->biotype . "\n" if ($verbose);
-        push @sorted, $h->{trans};
-      }
-    } else {
-      # we merge genes without a translation too
-      my ( @merge_len_and_trans, @len_and_trans );
-      foreach my $trans (@no_translation) {
-        if ($trans->analysis->logic_name eq 'ensembl_havana_transcript') {
-          push @merge_len_and_trans, $trans;
-        } else {
-          push @len_and_trans, $trans;
-        }
-      }
-      if (@merge_len_and_trans) {
-        @sorted = sort { $b->length <=> $a->length } @merge_len_and_trans;
-      } else {
-        @sorted = sort { $b->length <=> $a->length } @len_and_trans;
-      }
-    } # end of loop for no translation
-    # # #
-    # set canonical transcirpt
-    # # #
-    print "Transcript ". $sorted[0]->display_id . " of biotype " . $sorted[0]->biotype .
-          " is chosen as the canonical transcript for gene ". $gene->display_id . 
-          " of biotype ". $gene->biotype. "\n";
-    $canonical{ $gene->dbID } = $sorted[0]->dbID;
-    if (!exists $canonical{ $gene->dbID }) {
-      throw("No canonical transcript has been set for gene ".$gene->dbID );
-    }
-  } ## end foreach my $gene (@$genes)
-  foreach my $gene_id ( keys(%canonical) ) {
-    my $transcript_id = $canonical{$gene_id};
-    print "Updating gene $gene_id "
-        . "with canonical transcript: $transcript_id.\n";
-    $gene_sth->execute( $transcript_id, $gene_id ) if ($write);
-  }
-} ## end foreach my $slice (@$slices)
+for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$db_args); $i++ ) {
+	my $db = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new( %{ $db_args->[$i] } );
+	my $geneDB_has_DNA = check_if_DB_contains_DNA($db);
+	my $dnadb;
+	if ( $geneDB_has_DNA == 0 && !$dnadb_args ) {
+		throw(
+"Your gene DB contains no DNA. You must provide a DNA_DB to connect to" );
+	} elsif ( $geneDB_has_DNA == 0 && $dnadb_args ) {
+		$dnadb = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new( %{ $dnadb_args->[$i] } );
+		$db->dnadb($dnadb);
+	}
+	my $ccds_db;
+	if ( defined $ccdsdb_args ) {
+		$ccds_db =
+		  Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new( %{ $ccdsdb_args->[$i] } )
+		  ;
+	}
+	my $sa  = $db->get_SliceAdaptor;
+	my $dea = $db->get_DBEntryAdaptor;
+	my $slices;
+	# Only update the canonical transcripts in this region.
+	if ( $opts->{seq_region_name} ) {
+		print "Only updating genes on chromosome "
+		  . $opts->{seq_region_name} . "\n";
+		my $slice =
+		  $sa->fetch_by_region( $opts->{coord_system_name},
+								$opts->{seq_region_name},
+								$opts->{include_non_ref},
+								$opts->{include_duplicates} );
+		push( @$slices, $slice );
+	} else {
+		$slices = $sa->fetch_all( $opts->{coord_system_name}, '',
+								  $opts->{include_non_ref},
+								  $opts->{include_duplicates} );
+	}
+	my $gene_update_sql =
+	  "update gene set canonical_transcript_id = ? where gene_id = ?";
+	my $gene_sth = $db->dbc->prepare($gene_update_sql);
+  SLICE: foreach my $slice (@$slices) {
+		# check whether the slice is reference or not
+		# this check is important for species that have a ccds database
+		# and that have non-reference sequence ie. human
+		my $slice_is_reference;
+		if ( !$slice->is_reference ) {
+			print "Doing non-reference slice " . $slice->name . "\n";
+			$slice_is_reference = 0;
+		} else {
+			print "Doing reference slice " . $slice->name . "\n";
+			$slice_is_reference = 1;
+		}
+		# Now fetch the genes
+		print "\nGetting genes for " . $slice->name . "\n"
+		  if ( $opts->{verbose} );
+		my $genes = $slice->get_all_Genes( $opts->{logic_name}, undef, 1 );
+		my %canonical;
+	  GENE: foreach my $gene (@$genes) {
+			print "\nLooking at gene: (dbID " . $gene->dbID . ")";
+			if ( $gene->stable_id ) {
+				print " :: " . $gene->stable_id;
+			}
+			print "\n";
+			my $transcripts = $gene->get_all_Transcripts;
+			if ( @$transcripts == 1 ) {
+				if ( $ccds_db && $slice_is_reference ) {
+					check_Ens_trans_against_CCDS( $transcripts->[0], $ccds_db,
+												  $opts->{verbose} );
+				}
+				$canonical{ $gene->dbID } = $transcripts->[0]->dbID;
+				print "Transcript "
+				  . $transcripts->[0]->display_id
+				  . " of biotype "
+				  . $transcripts->[0]->biotype
+				  . " is chosen as the canonical transcript for gene "
+				  . $gene->display_id
+				  . " of biotype "
+				  . $gene->biotype . "\n";
+				next GENE;
+			}
+			# Keep track of the transcript biotypes
+			my %trans;
+			foreach my $transcript ( @{$transcripts} ) {
+				push @{ $trans{ $transcript->biotype } }, $transcript;
+			}
+			# If there is a single protein_coding transcript, make it the
+			# canonical transcript, if it has a functional translation.
+			foreach my $key ( keys(%trans) ) {
+				if (    ( $key eq 'protein_coding' )
+					 && ( @{ $trans{$key} } == 1 ) )
+				{
+					my $trans_id = $trans{$key}->[0]->dbID;
+					if ( $trans{$key}->[0]->translation->seq !~ /\*/ ) {
+						if ( $ccds_db && $slice_is_reference ) {
+							check_Ens_trans_against_CCDS( $trans{$key}->[0],
+												   $ccds_db, $opts->{verbose} );
+						}
+						$canonical{ $gene->dbID } = $trans_id;
+						print "Transcript "
+						  . $trans{$key}->[0]->display_id
+						  . " of biotype "
+						  . $trans{$key}->[0]->biotype
+						  . " is chosen as the canonical transcript for gene "
+						  . $gene->display_id
+						  . " of biotype "
+						  . $gene->biotype . "\n";
+						next GENE;
+					} else {
+						carp(   "Transcript $trans_id has internal stop(s) "
+							  . "and shouldn't if it is protein coding\n" );
+					}
+				} elsif (    !exists( $trans{'protein_coding'} )
+						  && $key eq 'nonsense_mediated_decay'
+						  && ( @{ $trans{$key} } == 1 ) )
+				{
+					my $trans_id = $trans{$key}->[0]->dbID;
+					if (    ( $trans{$key}->[0]->translation )
+						 && ( $trans{$key}->[0]->translation->seq !~ /\*/ ) )
+					{
+						print "The NMD transcript $trans_id will become "
+						  . "the canonical transcript because there are no "
+						  . "protein coding transcripts.\n";
+						if ( $ccds_db && $slice_is_reference ) {
+							check_Ens_trans_against_CCDS( $trans{$key}->[0],
+												   $ccds_db, $opts->{verbose} );
+						}
+						$canonical{ $gene->dbID } = $trans_id;
+						print "Transcript "
+						  . $trans{$key}->[0]->display_id
+						  . " of biotype nonsense_mediated_decay"
+						  . " is chosen as the canonical transcript for gene "
+						  . $gene->display_id
+						  . " of biotype "
+						  . $gene->biotype . "\n";
+						next GENE;
+					} else {
+						carp( "Transcript $trans_id is an NMD with either "
+							. " no translation or internal stop(s), skipping it...\n"
+						);
+					}
+				} ## end elsif ( !exists( $trans{'protein_coding'...}))
+			}    # foreach biotype
+			my $has_translation = 0;
+			my $count           = 0;
+			my @with_translation;
+			my @no_translation;
+			foreach my $transcript ( @{$transcripts} ) {
+				if (    ( $gene->biotype ne 'pseudogene' )
+					 && ( $gene->biotype       ne 'processed_transcript' )
+					 && ( $transcript->biotype ne 'polymorphic_pseudogene' )
+					 && ( $transcript->biotype ne 'processed_transcript' )
+					 && $transcript->translation
+					 && ( $transcript->translation->seq !~ /\*/ ) )
+				{
+					push( @with_translation, $transcript );
+				} else {
+					push( @no_translation, $transcript );
+				}
+			}
+			my @sorted;
+			if (@with_translation) {
+				my ( @ccds_prot_coding_len_and_trans,
+					 @merge_prot_coding_len_and_trans,
+					 @prot_coding_len_and_trans );
+				my ( @merge_translateable_len_and_trans,
+					 @translateable_len_and_trans );
+				my ( @merge_len_and_trans, @len_and_trans );
+				foreach my $trans (@with_translation) {
+					print "Looking at Ens trans dbID "
+					  . $trans->dbID
+					  . " :: biotype "
+					  . $trans->biotype
+					  . " :: Transl length "
+					  . $trans->translate->length . "\n"
+					  if ( $opts->{verbose} );
+					my $h =
+					  { trans => $trans, len => $trans->translate->length };
+					my $ensembl_trans_found_in_CCDS = 0;
+					if ( $trans->biotype eq 'protein_coding' ) {
+						if ( $ccds_db && $slice_is_reference ) {
+							$ensembl_trans_found_in_CCDS =
+							  check_Ens_trans_against_CCDS( $trans, $ccds_db,
+															$opts->{verbose} );
+						}
+						if ($ensembl_trans_found_in_CCDS) {
+							push @ccds_prot_coding_len_and_trans, $h;
+						} elsif ( $trans->analysis->logic_name eq
+								  'ensembl_havana_transcript' )
+						{
+							push @merge_prot_coding_len_and_trans, $h;
+						} else {
+							push @prot_coding_len_and_trans, $h;
+						}
+						next;
+					} else { # transcript biotype is not protein_coding but the transcript has translation
+						if ( $trans->analysis->logic_name eq
+							 'ensembl_havana_transcript' )
+						{
+							push @merge_translateable_len_and_trans, $h;
+						} else {
+							push @translateable_len_and_trans, $h;
+						}
+					}
+				} ## end foreach my $trans (@with_translation)
+				my @tmp_sorted;
+				if (@ccds_prot_coding_len_and_trans) {
+					@tmp_sorted =
+					  sort { $b->{len} <=> $a->{len} }
+					  @ccds_prot_coding_len_and_trans
+					  ; # sort all the Ens transcripts which matched CCDS by coding length
+				} elsif (@merge_prot_coding_len_and_trans) {
+					@tmp_sorted =
+					  sort { $b->{len} <=> $a->{len} }
+					  @merge_prot_coding_len_and_trans;
+				} elsif (@prot_coding_len_and_trans) {
+					@tmp_sorted =
+					  sort { $b->{len} <=> $a->{len} }
+					  @prot_coding_len_and_trans;
+				} elsif (@merge_len_and_trans) {
+					print "There are no 'protein_coding' labelled transcripts, "
+					  . "will take the longest of merged tranlslateable transcripts\n"
+					  if ( $opts->{verbose} );
+					@tmp_sorted =
+					  sort { $b->{len} <=> $a->{len} }
+					  @merge_translateable_len_and_trans;
+				} else {
+					print
+"There are neither 'protein_coding' labelled transcripts nor merged "
+					  . "translateable transcripts. Will take the longest of any unmerged "
+					  . "translateable transcript.\n"
+					  if ( $opts->{verbose} );
+					@tmp_sorted =
+					  sort { $b->{len} <=> $a->{len} }
+					  @translateable_len_and_trans;
+				}
+				foreach my $h (@tmp_sorted) {
+					print "Adding to sorted "
+					  . $h->{trans}->dbID . " :: "
+					  . $h->{trans}->biotype . "\n"
+					  if ( $opts->{verbose} );
+					push @sorted, $h->{trans};
+				}
+			} else {
+				# we merge genes without a translation too
+				my ( @merge_len_and_trans, @len_and_trans );
+				foreach my $trans (@no_translation) {
+					if ( $trans->analysis->logic_name eq
+						 'ensembl_havana_transcript' )
+					{
+						push @merge_len_and_trans, $trans;
+					} else {
+						push @len_and_trans, $trans;
+					}
+				}
+				if (@merge_len_and_trans) {
+					@sorted =
+					  sort { $b->length <=> $a->length } @merge_len_and_trans;
+				} else {
+					@sorted = sort { $b->length <=> $a->length } @len_and_trans;
+				}
+			}    # end of loop for no translation
+			# # #
+			# set canonical transcirpt
+			# # #
+			print "Transcript "
+			  . $sorted[0]->display_id
+			  . " of biotype "
+			  . $sorted[0]->biotype
+			  . " is chosen as the canonical transcript for gene "
+			  . $gene->display_id
+			  . " of biotype "
+			  . $gene->biotype . "\n";
+			$canonical{ $gene->dbID } = $sorted[0]->dbID;
+			if ( !exists $canonical{ $gene->dbID } ) {
+				throw( "No canonical transcript has been set for gene "
+					   . $gene->dbID );
+			}
+		} ## end foreach my $gene (@$genes)
+		foreach my $gene_id ( keys(%canonical) ) {
+			my $transcript_id = $canonical{$gene_id};
+			print "Updating gene $gene_id "
+			  . "with canonical transcript: $transcript_id.\n";
+			$gene_sth->execute( $transcript_id, $gene_id )
+			  if ( $opts->{write} );
+		}
+	} ## end foreach my $slice (@$slices)
+} ## end for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar...)
 sub check_if_DB_contains_DNA {
-  my ($db) = @_;
-  my $sql_command = "select count(*) from dna";
-  my $sth = $db->dbc->prepare($sql_command);
-  $sth->execute();
-  my @dna_array = $sth->fetchrow_array;
-  if ($dna_array[0] > 0) {
-    print "Your DB ". $db->dbc->dbname ." contains DNA sequences. No need to attach a ".
-          "DNA_DB to it.\n" if ($verbose);
-    return 1;
-  } else {
-    print "Your DB ". $db->dbc->dbname ." does not contain DNA sequences.\n"
-          if ($verbose);
-    return 0;
-  }
+	my ($db)        = @_;
+	my $sql_command = "select count(*) from dna";
+	my $sth         = $db->dbc->prepare($sql_command);
+	$sth->execute();
+	my @dna_array = $sth->fetchrow_array;
+	if ( $dna_array[0] > 0 ) {
+		print "Your DB "
+		  . $db->dbc->dbname
+		  . " contains DNA sequences. No need to attach a "
+		  . "DNA_DB to it.\n"
+		  if ( $opts->{verbose} );
+		return 1;
+	} else {
+		print "Your DB "
+		  . $db->dbc->dbname
+		  . " does not contain DNA sequences.\n"
+		  if ( $opts->{verbose} );
+		return 0;
+	}
 sub check_Ens_trans_against_CCDS {
-  my ($ensembl_trans, $ccds_db, $verbose) = @_;
-  my @ensembl_translateable_exons = @{ $ensembl_trans->get_all_translateable_Exons };
+	my ( $ensembl_trans, $ccds_db, $verbose ) = @_;
+	my @ensembl_translateable_exons =
+	  @{ $ensembl_trans->get_all_translateable_Exons };
-  my $ext_slice = $ccds_db->get_SliceAdaptor->fetch_by_region( 'toplevel',
-                     $ensembl_trans->slice->seq_region_name,
-                     $ensembl_trans->seq_region_start, $ensembl_trans->seq_region_end );
+	my $ext_slice =
+	  $ccds_db->get_SliceAdaptor->fetch_by_region(
+										 'toplevel',
+										 $ensembl_trans->slice->seq_region_name,
+										 $ensembl_trans->seq_region_start,
+										 $ensembl_trans->seq_region_end );
   EXT_GENE: foreach my $ext_gene ( @{ $ext_slice->get_all_Genes } ) {
-    EXT_TRANS: foreach my $ext_trans ( @{ $ext_gene->get_all_Transcripts } ) {
-      my @ext_exons = @{ $ext_trans->get_all_Exons };
-      if ( scalar(@ensembl_translateable_exons) == scalar(@ext_exons) ) {
-        for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@ensembl_translateable_exons) ; $i++ ) {
-          if ( $ensembl_translateable_exons[$i]->coding_region_start($ensembl_trans) != $ext_exons[$i]->seq_region_start
-             || $ensembl_translateable_exons[$i]->strand != $ext_exons[$i]->strand
-             || $ensembl_translateable_exons[$i]->coding_region_end($ensembl_trans) != $ext_exons[$i]->seq_region_end )
-          {
-             next EXT_TRANS;
-          }
-        }
-        print "Ensembl transcript " . $ensembl_trans->display_id . " found match " . 
-          $ext_gene->display_id . " in CCDS DB.\n";
-        return 1;
-      }
-    } # end foreach EXT_TRANS
-  } # end foreach EXT_GENE 
-} ## end sub
+		foreach my $ext_trans ( @{ $ext_gene->get_all_Transcripts } ) {
+			my @ext_exons = @{ $ext_trans->get_all_Exons };
+			if ( scalar(@ensembl_translateable_exons) == scalar(@ext_exons) ) {
+				for ( my $i = 0;
+					  $i < scalar(@ensembl_translateable_exons);
+					  $i++ )
+				{
+					if ( $ensembl_translateable_exons[$i]
+						 ->coding_region_start($ensembl_trans) !=
+						 $ext_exons[$i]->seq_region_start
+						 || $ensembl_translateable_exons[$i]->strand !=
+						 $ext_exons[$i]->strand
+						 || $ensembl_translateable_exons[$i]
+						 ->coding_region_end($ensembl_trans) !=
+						 $ext_exons[$i]->seq_region_end )
+					{
+						next EXT_TRANS;
+					}
+				}
+				print "Ensembl transcript "
+				  . $ensembl_trans->display_id
+				  . " found match "
+				  . $ext_gene->display_id
+				  . " in CCDS DB.\n";
+				return 1;
+			}
+		}    # end foreach EXT_TRANS
+	}    # end foreach EXT_GENE
+} ## end sub check_Ens_trans_against_CCDS
diff --git a/misc-scripts/density_feature/gene_density_calc.pl b/misc-scripts/density_feature/gene_density_calc.pl
index 78e9be5e4669ee4760b7c0968db8cea3865a827a..3994db3bb7196fc0b709da2cded8bbfa72467183 100644
--- a/misc-scripts/density_feature/gene_density_calc.pl
+++ b/misc-scripts/density_feature/gene_density_calc.pl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/local/ensembl/bin/perl -w
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
 # script to calculate the gene density features on a database
@@ -13,325 +13,299 @@
 # 125 toplevel slices... The website will be happy with about 150 bins I
 # think.
 use strict;
+use warnings;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityType;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature;
-use Getopt::Long;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConversionSupport;
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper;
 my $bin_count  = 150;
 my $max_slices = 100;
-my ( $host, $user, $pass, $port, $dbname, $pattern  );
+my $cli_helper = Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper->new();
+my $optsd =
+  [ @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_opts() }, @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_opts('m') } ];
+# add the print option
+my $opts = $cli_helper->process_args( $optsd, \&usage );
-my ( $mhost, $mport ) = ( 'ens-staging1', '3306' );
-my ( $muser, $mpass ) = ( 'ensro',        undef );
-my $mdbname = 'ensembl_production';
+if(!defined $opts->{mdbname} && !defined $opts->{mdbpattern}) {
+	$opts->{mdbname} = 'ensembl_production';
-$port = 3306 ; 
+if (! defined $opts->{mhost} ) {
+	( $opts->{mhost}, $opts->{mport}, $opts->{mdbname}, $opts->{muser} ) =
+	  ( 'ens-staging1', '3306', 'ensembl_production', 'ensro' );
-my ( $block_count, $genome_size, $block_size );
+my ($prod_dba) = @{ $cli_helper->get_dbas_for_opts( $opts, 1, 'm' ) };
-  "host|h=s", \$host,
-  "user|u=s", \$user,
-  "pass|p=s", \$pass,
-  "port=i",   \$port,
-  "dbname|d=s", \$dbname,
-  "pattern=s", \$pattern,
-            "mhost=s", \$mhost,
-            "mport=i", \$mport,
-            "muser=s", \$muser,
-  "help" ,               \&usage
-usage() if (!$host || !$user || !$pass || (!$dbname && !$pattern));
-my @dbnames;
-if (! $dbname) {
-  my $dsn = sprintf( 'dbi:mysql:host=%s;port=%d', $host, $port );
-  my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $user, $pass );
-  @dbnames =
-    map { $_->[0] } @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SHOW DATABASES') };
-else {
-  @dbnames = ( $dbname );
+if ( !defined $prod_dba ) {
+	usage();
-foreach my $dbname (@dbnames) {
-  if ( $pattern && ($dbname !~ /$pattern/) ) { next }
-  print STDOUT "Connecting to $dbname\n";
-  my $db = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor(
-    -host => $host,
-    -user => $user,
-    -port => $port,
-    -pass => $pass,
-    -dbname => $dbname);
-  my $sth = $db->dbc()->prepare( "select count(*) from gene" );
-  $sth->execute();
-  my ( $gene_count )  = $sth->fetchrow_array();
-  if( ! $gene_count ) {
-    print STDERR "No gene density for $dbname.\n";
-    exit();
-  }
-# Could be database without seq_regions
-#  Then have to try and attach core db
-  $sth = $db->dbc()->prepare( "select count(*)  from seq_region" );
-  $sth->execute();
-  my ( $seq_region_count ) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
-  if( ! $seq_region_count ) {
-  #
-  # for the time being only do core dbs
-  # no dbs with no seq regions
-  #
-    print STDERR "No gene density for $dbname, no seq_regions.\n";
-    exit();
-    if( ($dbname =~ /_est_/ ) || ( $dbname =~ /_vega_/ ) || ( $dbname =~ /_cdna_/ ) ) {
-      my $dna_db_name = $dbname;
-      $dna_db_name =~ s/(_estgene_|_vega_|_cdna_)/_core_/;
-      my $dna_db =  new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor
-	(-host => $host,
-	 -user => $user,
-	 -port => $port,
-	 -pass => $pass,
-	 -dbname => $dna_db_name );
-      print STDOUT "Attaching $dna_db_name to $dbname.\n";
-      $db->dnadb( $dna_db );
-    } else {
-      print STDERR "No gene density for $dbname, no seq_regions.\n";
-      exit();
-    }
-  }
+my ( $block_count, $genome_size, $block_size );
+for my $db_args ( @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_args_for_opts($opts) } ) {
+	print STDOUT "Connecting to " . $db_args->{-DBNAME} . "\n";
-# Get the adaptors needed;
+	my $db     = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor(%$db_args);
+	my $dbname = $db->dbc()->dbname();
+	my $helper = $db->dbc()->sql_helper();
-  print STDOUT "Deleting old knownGeneDensity and geneDensity features\n";
-  $sth = $db->dbc->prepare("DELETE df, dt FROM density_feature df, density_type dt, analysis a WHERE a.analysis_id=dt.analysis_id AND dt.density_type_id=df.density_type_id AND a.logic_name IN ('knowngenedensity', 'genedensity')");
-  $sth->execute();
-  my $dfa = $db->get_DensityFeatureAdaptor();
-  my $dta = $db->get_DensityTypeAdaptor();
-  my $aa  = $db->get_AnalysisAdaptor();
-  my $slice_adaptor = $db->get_SliceAdaptor();
-  my $support = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConversionSupport';
-  my $analysis1 = $aa->fetch_by_logic_name('knowngenedensity');
-  my $analysis2 = $aa->fetch_by_logic_name('genedensity');
-  # Master database location:
-  my ( $muser, $mpass ) = ( 'ensro',        undef );
-  my $mdbname = 'ensembl_production';
-  my $prod_dsn;
-  my $prod_dbh;
-  if ( !defined($analysis1) || !defined($analysis2) ) {
-    #get analyses descriptions from the master database
-     $prod_dsn = sprintf( 'DBI:mysql:host=%s;port=%d;database=%s',
-                     $mhost, $mport, $mdbname );
-     $prod_dbh = DBI->connect( $prod_dsn, $muser, $mpass,
-                          { 'PrintError' => 1, 'RaiseError' => 1 } );
-  } 
-  if ( !defined($analysis1) ) {
-   my ($display_label,$description) = $prod_dbh->selectrow_array("select distinct display_label, description from analysis_description where is_current = 1 and logic_name = 'knowngenedensity'");
-    $analysis1 = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis(
-    -program     => "gene_density_calc.pl",
-    -database    => "ensembl",
-    -gff_source  => "gene_density_calc.pl",
-    -gff_feature => "density",
-    -logic_name  => "knowngenedensity",
-    -description => $description,
-    -display_label => $display_label,
-    -displayable   => 1 );
-    $aa->store($analysis1);
-  } else {
-      $analysis1->created($support->date());
-      $aa->update($analysis1);
-  }
-  if ( !defined($analysis2) ) {
-  my ($display_label,$description) = $prod_dbh->selectrow_array("select distinct display_label, description from analysis_description where is_current = 1 and logic_name = 'genedensity'");
-      $analysis2 = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis(
-    -program     => "gene_density_calc.pl",
-    -database    => "ensembl",
-    -gff_source  => "gene_density_calc.pl",
-    -gff_feature => "density",
-    -logic_name  => "genedensity",
-    -description => $description,
-    -display_label => $display_label,
-    -displayable   => 1 );
-      $aa->store($analysis2);  
-  } else {
-      $analysis2->created($support->date());
-      $aa->update($analysis2);
-  }
-  if ( defined($prod_dbh) ) {
-      $prod_dbh->disconnect;
-  }
+	my $gene_count =
+	  $helper->execute_single_result(
+-SQL=>"select count(*) from gene join seq_region using (seq_region_id) join coord_system using (coord_system_id) where species_id=?",
+		-PARAMS=>[$db->species_id()] );
-# Now the actual feature calculation loop
-  my $total_count = 0;
-  foreach my $known (1, 0) {
-  #
-  # Create new analysis object for density calculation.
-  #
-    my $analysis;
-    if($known) {
-      $analysis = $aa->fetch_by_logic_name('knowngenedensity');
-    } else {
-      $analysis = $aa->fetch_by_logic_name('genedensity');
-    }
-  # Sort slices by coordinate system rank, then by length.
-    my @sorted_slices =
-	sort( {      $a->coord_system()->rank() <=> $b->coord_system()->rank()
-		   || $b->seq_region_length() <=> $a->seq_region_length()
-		 } @{ $slice_adaptor->fetch_all('toplevel') } );
-  #
-  # Create new density type.
-  #
-    my $dt = Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityType->new(-analysis   => $analysis,
-					  -region_features => $bin_count,
-					  -value_type => 'sum');
-    $dta->store($dt);
-    my $slice_count = 0;
-    my ( $current, $current_start, $current_end  );
-    while ( my $slice = shift @sorted_slices){
-      $block_size = $slice->length() / $bin_count;
-      my @density_features;#sf7
-      print STDOUT "Gene densities for ".$slice->seq_region_name().
-	" with block size $block_size\n";
-      $current_end = 0;
-      $current = 0;
-      while($current_end < $slice->length) {
-	$current += $block_size;
-	$current_start = $current_end+1;
-	$current_end = int( $current + 1 );
-	if( $current_end < $current_start ) { 
-	  $current_end = $current_start;
-	}
-	if( $current_end > $slice->end ) {
-	  $current_end = $slice->end;
+	if ( !$gene_count ) {
+		print STDERR "No gene density for $dbname.\n";
+		exit();
-	my $sub_slice = $slice->sub_Slice( $current_start , $current_end );
-	my $count =0;
-      #
-      # Store info for genes (ignore pseudo genes)
-      #
+	#
+	# Could be database without seq_regions
+	#  Then have to try and attach core db
+	#
+	my $seq_region_count =
+	  $helper->execute_single_result(
+-SQL=>"select count(*)  from seq_region join coord_system using (coord_system_id) where species_id=?",
+		-PARAMS=>[$db->species_id()] );
+	if ( !$seq_region_count ) {
+		#
+		# for the time being only do core dbs
+		# no dbs with no seq regions
+		#
+		print STDERR "No gene density for $dbname, no seq_regions.\n";
+		exit();
+		if (    ( $dbname =~ /_est_/ )
+			 || ( $dbname =~ /_vega_/ )
+			 || ( $dbname =~ /_cdna_/ ) )
+		{
+			my $dna_db_name = $dbname;
+			$dna_db_name =~ s/(_estgene_|_vega_|_cdna_)/_core_/;
+			$db_args->{dbname} = $dna_db_name;
+			my $dna_db = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor($db_args);
+			print STDOUT "Attaching $dna_db_name to $dbname.\n";
+			$db->dnadb($dna_db);
+		} else {
+			print STDERR "No gene density for $dbname, no seq_regions.\n";
+			exit();
+		}
+	}
-	foreach my $gene (@{$sub_slice->get_all_Genes()}){
-	  if($gene->biotype() !~ /pseudogene/i and $gene->start >=1 ) {
-	    $count++ if(!$known || $gene->is_known());
-	  }
+	#
+	# Get the adaptors needed;
+	#
+	print STDOUT "Deleting old knownGeneDensity and geneDensity features\n";
+	$helper->execute_update(
+		-SQL=>qq/DELETE df, dt FROM density_feature df, density_type dt, analysis a, 
+  seq_region s, coord_system cs WHERE 
+  df.seq_region_id=s.seq_region_id AND s.coord_system_id=cs.coord_system_id AND cs.species_id=? 
+  AND a.analysis_id=dt.analysis_id AND dt.density_type_id=df.density_type_id 
+  AND a.logic_name IN ('knowngenedensity', 'genedensity')/, -PARAMS=>[$db->species_id()] );
+	my $dfa           = $db->get_DensityFeatureAdaptor();
+	my $dta           = $db->get_DensityTypeAdaptor();
+	my $aa            = $db->get_AnalysisAdaptor();
+	my $slice_adaptor = $db->get_SliceAdaptor();
+	my $support   = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConversionSupport';
+	my $analysis1 = $aa->fetch_by_logic_name('knowngenedensity');
+	my $analysis2 = $aa->fetch_by_logic_name('genedensity');
+	if ( !defined($analysis1) ) {
+		my ( $display_label, $description ) =
+		  @{$prod_dba->dbc()->sql_helper()->execute(
+-SQL=>"select distinct display_label, description from analysis_description where is_current = 1 and logic_name = 'knowngenedensity'"
+			) };
+		$analysis1 =
+		  new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis( -program       => "gene_density_calc.pl",
+									  -database      => "ensembl",
+									  -gff_source    => "gene_density_calc.pl",
+									  -gff_feature   => "density",
+									  -logic_name    => "knowngenedensity",
+									  -description   => $description,
+									  -display_label => $display_label,
+									  -displayable   => 1 );
+		$aa->store($analysis1);
+	} else {
+		$analysis1->created( $support->date() );
+		$aa->update($analysis1);
-	push @density_features, Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature->new
-	  (-seq_region    => $slice,
-	   -start         => $current_start,
-	   -end           => $current_end,
-	   -density_type  => $dt,
-	   -density_value => $count);
-	if ($count > 0) {
-	    #density features with value = 0 are not stored
-	    $total_count++;
+	if ( !defined($analysis2) ) {
+		my ( $display_label, $description ) =
+		  @{$prod_dba->dbc()->sql_helper()->execute(
+-SQL=>"select distinct display_label, description from analysis_description where is_current = 1 and logic_name = 'genedensity'"
+			) };
+		$analysis2 =
+		  new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis( -program       => "gene_density_calc.pl",
+									  -database      => "ensembl",
+									  -gff_source    => "gene_density_calc.pl",
+									  -gff_feature   => "density",
+									  -logic_name    => "genedensity",
+									  -description   => $description,
+									  -display_label => $display_label,
+									  -displayable   => 1 );
+		$aa->store($analysis2);
+	} else {
+		$analysis2->created( $support->date() );
+		$aa->update($analysis2);
-      }
-      $dfa->store(@density_features);
-      last if ( $slice_count++ > $max_slices );
-    }
+	#
+	# Now the actual feature calculation loop
+	#
+	my $total_count = 0;
-  }
-  print STDOUT "Created $total_count gene density features\n";
-  print STDOUT "Finished with $dbname";
+	foreach my $known ( 1, 0 ) {
+		#
+		# Create new analysis object for density calculation.
+		#
+		my $analysis;
+		if ($known) {
+			$analysis = $aa->fetch_by_logic_name('knowngenedensity');
+		} else {
+			$analysis = $aa->fetch_by_logic_name('genedensity');
+		}
+		# Sort slices by coordinate system rank, then by length.
+		my @sorted_slices =
+		  sort( {      $a->coord_system()->rank() <=> $b->coord_system()->rank()
+					|| $b->seq_region_length() <=> $a->seq_region_length()
+		  } @{ $slice_adaptor->fetch_all('toplevel') } );
+		#
+		# Create new density type.
+		#
+		my $dt =
+		  Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityType->new( -analysis        => $analysis,
+										  -region_features => $bin_count,
+										  -value_type      => 'sum' );
+		$dta->store($dt);
+		my $slice_count = 0;
+		my ( $current, $current_start, $current_end );
+		while ( my $slice = shift @sorted_slices ) {
+			$block_size = $slice->length()/$bin_count;
+			my @density_features;    #sf7
+			print STDOUT "Gene densities for "
+			  . $slice->seq_region_name()
+			  . " with block size $block_size\n";
+			$current_end = 0;
+			$current     = 0;
+			while ( $current_end < $slice->length ) {
+				$current += $block_size;
+				$current_start = $current_end + 1;
+				$current_end   = int( $current + 1 );
+				if ( $current_end < $current_start ) {
+					$current_end = $current_start;
+				}
+				if ( $current_end > $slice->end ) {
+					$current_end = $slice->end;
+				}
+				my $sub_slice =
+				  $slice->sub_Slice( $current_start, $current_end );
+				my $count = 0;
+				#
+				# Store info for genes (ignore pseudo genes)
+				#
+				foreach my $gene ( @{ $sub_slice->get_all_Genes() } ) {
+					if (     $gene->biotype() !~ /pseudogene/i
+						 and $gene->start >= 1 )
+					{
+						$count++ if ( !$known || $gene->is_known() );
+					}
+				}
+				push @density_features,
+				  Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature->new( -seq_region => $slice,
+													 -start => $current_start,
+													 -end   => $current_end,
+													 -density_type  => $dt,
+													 -density_value => $count );
+				 if ($count > 0) {
+	 	             #density features with value = 0 are not stored
+				$total_count++;
+			} ## end while ( $current_end < $slice...)
+			$dfa->store(@density_features);
+			last if ( $slice_count++ > $max_slices );
+		} ## end while ( my $slice = shift...)
+	} ## end foreach my $known ( 1, 0 )
+	print STDOUT "Created $total_count gene density features.\n";
+	print STDOUT "Finished with $dbname";
+} ## end for my $db_args ( @{ $cli_helper...})
 # helper to draw an ascii representation of the density features
 sub print_features {
-  my $features = shift;
-  return if(!@$features);
-  my $sum = 0;
-  my $length = 0;
-#  my $type = $features->[0]->{'density_type'}->value_type();
-  print("\n");
-  my $max=0;
-  foreach my $f (@$features) {
-    if($f->density_value() > $max){
-      $max=$f->density_value();
-    }
-  }
-  if( !$max ) { $max = 1 };
-  foreach my $f (@$features) {
-    my $i=1;
-    for(; $i< ($f->density_value()/$max)*40; $i++){
-      print "*";
-    }
-    for(my $j=$i;$j<40;$j++){
-      print " ";
-    }
-    print "  ".$f->density_value()."\t".$f->start()."\n";
-  }
+	my $features = shift;
+	return if ( !@$features );
+	my $sum    = 0;
+	my $length = 0;
+	#  my $type = $features->[0]->{'density_type'}->value_type();
+	print("\n");
+	my $max = 0;
+	foreach my $f (@$features) {
+		if ( $f->density_value() > $max ) {
+			$max = $f->density_value();
+		}
+	}
+	if ( !$max ) { $max = 1 }
+	foreach my $f (@$features) {
+		my $i = 1;
+		for ( ; $i < ( $f->density_value()/$max )*40; $i++ ) {
+			print "*";
+		}
+		for ( my $j = $i; $j < 40; $j++ ) {
+			print " ";
+		}
+		print "  " . $f->density_value() . "\t" . $f->start() . "\n";
+	}
+} ## end sub print_features
 sub usage {
-  my $indent = ' ' x length($0);
-  print <<EOF; exit(0);
+	my $indent = ' ' x length($0);
+	print <<EOF; exit(0);
 What does it do?
@@ -401,5 +375,5 @@ Usage:
+} ## end sub usage
diff --git a/misc-scripts/density_feature/percent_gc_calc.pl b/misc-scripts/density_feature/percent_gc_calc.pl
index 7458fa66edee8f5194934b3f2568657bb53d8eb8..24f8cb1d19ec1c69a9d16167c3a9e365ba431643 100644
--- a/misc-scripts/density_feature/percent_gc_calc.pl
+++ b/misc-scripts/density_feature/percent_gc_calc.pl
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-#!/usr/local/ensembl/bin/perl -w
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
 # Calculate the GC content for top level seq_regions
 #   small regions 500bp to be able to display on contigview
 #   big regions genomesize / 4000 for 4000 features on the genome
 use strict;
+use warnings;
 #use dbi;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::SliceAdaptor;
@@ -16,218 +16,218 @@ use Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityType;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature;
-use Getopt::Long;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConversionSupport;
-my ( $host, $user, $pass, $port, $dbname  );
-  # Master database location:
-      my ( $mhost, $mport ) = ( 'ens-staging1', '3306' );
-      my ( $muser, $mpass ) = ( 'ensro',        undef );
-     my $mdbname = 'ensembl_production';
-GetOptions( "host|h=s", \$host,
-	    "user|u=s", \$user,
-	    "pass|p=s", \$pass,
-	    "port=i",   \$port,
-	    "dbname|d=s", \$dbname,
-            "mhost=s", \$mhost,
-            "mport=i", \$mport,
-            "muser=s", \$muser,
-	    "help" ,     \&usage
-	  );
-usage() if (!$host || !$user || !$pass || !$dbname);
-my $db = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor(-host => $host,
-					    -user => $user,
-					    -port => $port,
-					    -pass => $pass,
-					    -dbname => $dbname);
-my $bin_count  = 150;
-my $max_slices = 100;
-# Check wether the script should run on given database
-my $sth = $db->dbc->prepare( "select count(*) from dna" );
-my ( $dna_count )  = $sth->fetchrow_array();
-if( ! $dna_count ) {
-  print STDERR "No dna, no gc content for $dbname.\n";
-  exit();
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper;
+use Data::Dumper;
+my $cli_helper = Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper->new();
+my $optsd =
+  [ @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_opts() }, @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_opts('m') } ];
+push( @{$optsd}, "print" );
+my $opts = $cli_helper->process_args( $optsd, \&usage );
+if ( !defined $opts->{mdbname} && !defined $opts->{mdbpattern} ) {
+	$opts->{mdbname} = 'ensembl_production';
+if ( !defined $opts->{mhost} ) {
+	( $opts->{mhost}, $opts->{mport}, $opts->{mdbname}, $opts->{muser} ) =
+	  ( 'ens-staging1', '3306', 'ensembl_production', 'ensro' );
-print STDOUT "Deleting old PercentGC features\n";
-$sth = $db->dbc->prepare(
-  qq(
-DELETE df, dt
-FROM density_feature df, density_type dt, analysis a
-WHERE a.analysis_id=dt.analysis_id
-AND dt.density_type_id=df.density_type_id
-AND a.logic_name='percentgc') );
-# Get the adaptors needed;
-my $slice_adaptor = $db->get_SliceAdaptor();
-my $dfa = $db->get_DensityFeatureAdaptor();
-my $dta = $db->get_DensityTypeAdaptor();
-my $aa  = $db->get_AnalysisAdaptor();
-# Sort slices by coordinate system rank, then by length.
-my @sorted_slices =
-  sort( {      $a->coord_system()->rank() <=> $b->coord_system()->rank()
-            || $b->seq_region_length() <=> $a->seq_region_length()
-  } @{ $slice_adaptor->fetch_all('toplevel') } );
-my $analysis = $aa->fetch_by_logic_name('percentgc');
+my ($prod_dba) = @{ $cli_helper->get_dbas_for_opts( $opts, 1, 'm' ) };
-if ( !defined($analysis) ) {
+if ( !defined $prod_dba ) {
+	usage();
+for my $db_args ( @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_args_for_opts($opts) } ) {
+	print STDOUT "Connecting to " . $db_args->{-DBNAME} . "\n";
-   my $prod_dsn = sprintf( 'DBI:mysql:host=%s;port=%d;database=%s',
-                     $mhost, $mport, $mdbname );
-   my $prod_dbh = DBI->connect( $prod_dsn, $muser, $mpass,
-                          { 'PrintError' => 1, 'RaiseError' => 1 } );
+	my $db     = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor(%$db_args);
+	my $dbname = $db->dbc()->dbname();
-   my ($display_label,$description) = $prod_dbh->selectrow_array("select distinct display_label, description from analysis_description where is_current = 1 and logic_name = 'percentgc'");
+	my $helper = $db->dbc()->sql_helper();
-   $prod_dbh->disconnect;
+	my $bin_count  = 150;
+	my $max_slices = 100;
-   $analysis = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis(
-              -program     => "percent_gc_calc.pl",
-              -database    => "ensembl",
-              -gff_source  => "percent_gc_calc.pl",
-              -gff_feature => "density",
-              -logic_name  => "percentgc",
-              -description => $description,
-              -display_label => $display_label,
-              -displayable   => 1 );
+	#
+	# Check wether the script should run on given database
+	#
+	my $dna_count = $helper->execute_single_result(
+		-SQL => q/select count(*) from dna join seq_region 
+using (seq_region_id) join coord_system using (coord_system_id) where species_id=?/,
+		-PARAMS => [ $db->species_id() ] );
-   $aa->store($analysis);
+	if ( !$dna_count ) {
+		print STDERR "No dna, no gc content for $dbname.\n";
+		exit();
+	}
+	print STDOUT "Deleting old PercentGC features\n";
+	$helper->execute_update(
+		-SQL => qq(
+DELETE df, dt
+FROM density_feature df, density_type dt, analysis a,
+seq_region sr, coord_system c
+AND sr.coord_system_id=c.coord_system_id
+AND c.species_id=?
+AND a.analysis_id=dt.analysis_id
+AND dt.density_type_id=df.density_type_id
+AND a.logic_name='percentgc'),
+		-PARAMS => [ $db->species_id() ] );
-} else {
+	#
+	# Get the adaptors needed;
+	#
+	my $slice_adaptor = $db->get_SliceAdaptor();
+	my $dfa           = $db->get_DensityFeatureAdaptor();
+	my $dta           = $db->get_DensityTypeAdaptor();
+	my $aa            = $db->get_AnalysisAdaptor();
+	# Sort slices by coordinate system rank, then by length.
+	my @sorted_slices =
+	  sort( {      $a->coord_system()->rank() <=> $b->coord_system()->rank()
+				|| $b->seq_region_length() <=> $a->seq_region_length()
+	  } @{ $slice_adaptor->fetch_all('toplevel') } );
-    my $support = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConversionSupport';
-    $analysis->created($support->date());
-    $aa->update($analysis);
+	my $analysis = $aa->fetch_by_logic_name('percentgc');
+	if ( !defined($analysis) ) {
-# Create new density type.
+		my ( $display_label, $description ) =
+		  @{$prod_dba->dbc()->sql_helper()->execute(
+				-SQL =>
+"select distinct display_label, description from analysis_description where is_current = 1 and logic_name = 'percentgc'"
+			) };
-my $density_type = Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityType->new
-  (-analysis   => $analysis,
-   -region_features => $bin_count,
-   -value_type => 'ratio');
+		$analysis =
+		  new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis( -program       => "percent_gc_calc.pl",
+									  -database      => "ensembl",
+									  -gff_source    => "percent_gc_calc.pl",
+									  -gff_feature   => "density",
+									  -logic_name    => "percentgc",
+									  -description   => $description,
+									  -display_label => $display_label,
+									  -displayable   => 1 );
+		$aa->store($analysis);
+	} else {
-my ( $current_start, $current_end, $current );
-my $slice_count = 0;
-my $block_size;
+		my $support = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConversionSupport';
+		$analysis->created( $support->date() );
+		$aa->update($analysis);
-my $total_count;
+	}
-while ( my $slice = shift @sorted_slices ){
+	#
+	# Create new density type.
+	#
-  $block_size = $slice->length() / $bin_count;
+	my $density_type =
+	  Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityType->new( -analysis        => $analysis,
+									  -region_features => $bin_count,
+									  -value_type      => 'ratio' );
-  my @density_features=();
+	$dta->store($density_type);
-  print STDOUT "GC percentage for ".$slice->seq_region_name().
-    " with block size $block_size\n";
+	my ( $current_start, $current_end, $current );
+	my $slice_count = 0;
+	my $block_size;
+	my $total_count;
+	while ( my $slice = shift @sorted_slices ) {
-  $current_end = 0;
-  $current = 0;
+		$block_size = $slice->length()/$bin_count;
-  while ($current_end < $slice->length) {
+		my @density_features = ();
-    $current += $block_size;
-    $current_start = $current_end+1;
-    $current_end = int( $current + 1 );
+		print STDOUT "GC percentage for "
+		  . $slice->seq_region_name()
+		  . " with block size $block_size\n";
-    if ( $current_end < $current_start ) { 
-      $current_end = $current_start;
-    }
+		$current_end = 0;
+		$current     = 0;
-    if ( $current_end > $slice->end() ) {
-      $current_end = $slice->end();
-    }
+		while ( $current_end < $slice->length ) {
+			$current += $block_size;
+			$current_start = $current_end + 1;
+			$current_end   = int( $current + 1 );
-    my $sub_slice = $slice->sub_Slice( $current_start , $current_end );
+			if ( $current_end < $current_start ) {
+				$current_end = $current_start;
+			}
-    my $gc = $sub_slice->get_base_count()->{'%gc'};
-    my $df =  Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature->new
-      (-seq_region    => $slice,
-       -start         => $current_start,
-       -end           => $current_end,
-       -density_type  => $density_type,
-       -density_value => $gc);
-    push(@density_features, $df);
-    if ($gc > 0) {
-       #density features with value = 0 are not stored
-       $total_count++;
-    }
+			if ( $current_end > $slice->end() ) {
+				$current_end = $slice->end();
+			}
-  }
+			my $sub_slice = $slice->sub_Slice( $current_start, $current_end );
-  $dfa->store(@density_features);
+			my $gc = $sub_slice->get_base_count()->{'%gc'};
+			my $df =
+			  Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature->new( -seq_region => $slice,
+												 -start      => $current_start,
+												 -end        => $current_end,
+												 -density_type => $density_type,
+												 -density_value => $gc );
+#print join ("\t", $slice, $current_start, $current_end, $density_type, $gc, "\n");
+			push( @density_features, $df );
+			$dfa->store($df);
+			if ( $gc > 0 ) {
+				#density features with value = 0 are not stored
+				$total_count++;
+			}
+		} ## end while ( $current_end < $slice...)
-  last if ( $slice_count++ > $max_slices );
+		$dfa->store(@density_features);
-print STDOUT "Created $total_count percent gc density features\n";
+		last if ( $slice_count++ > $max_slices );
+	} ## end while ( my $slice = shift...)
+	print STDOUT "Created $total_count percent gc density features\n";
+} ## end for my $db_args ( @{ $cli_helper...})
 # helper to draw an ascii representation of the density features
 sub print_features {
-  my $features = shift;
-  return if(!@$features);
-  my $sum = 0;
-  my $length = 0;
-#  my $type = $features->[0]->{'density_type'}->value_type();
-  print("\n");
-  my $max=0;
-  foreach my $f (@$features) {
-    if($f->density_value() > $max){
-      $max=$f->density_value();
-    }
-  }
-  foreach my $f (@$features) {
-    my $i=1;
-    for(; $i< ($f->density_value()/$max)*40; $i++){
-      print "*";
-    }
-    for(my $j=$i;$j<40;$j++){
-      print " ";
-    }
-    print "  ".$f->density_value()."\t".$f->start()."\n";
-  }
-#  my $avg = undef;
-#  $avg = $sum/$length if($length < 0);
-#  print("Sum=$sum, Length=$length, Avg/Base=$sum");
+	my $features = shift;
+	return if ( !@$features );
+	my $sum    = 0;
+	my $length = 0;
+	#  my $type = $features->[0]->{'density_type'}->value_type();
+	print("\n");
+	my $max = 0;
+	foreach my $f (@$features) {
+		if ( $f->density_value() > $max ) {
+			$max = $f->density_value();
+		}
+	}
+	foreach my $f (@$features) {
+		my $i = 1;
+		for ( ; $i < ( $f->density_value()/$max )*40; $i++ ) {
+			print "*";
+		}
+		for ( my $j = $i; $j < 40; $j++ ) {
+			print " ";
+		}
+		print "  " . $f->density_value() . "\t" . $f->start() . "\n";
+	}
+	#  my $avg = undef;
+	#  $avg = $sum/$length if($length < 0);
+	#  print("Sum=$sum, Length=$length, Avg/Base=$sum");
+} ## end sub print_features
 sub usage {
-  my $indent = ' ' x length($0);
-  print <<EOF; exit(0);
+	my $indent = ' ' x length($0);
+	print <<EOF; exit(0);
 What does it do?
@@ -290,8 +290,5 @@ Usage:
+} ## end sub usage
diff --git a/misc-scripts/density_feature/repeat_coverage_calc.pl b/misc-scripts/density_feature/repeat_coverage_calc.pl
index a676271f0a52bc229f59c507db9ec096972fc8bc..d9347f85eb42799b44b7e1e7d98c3e546f72db9c 100644
--- a/misc-scripts/density_feature/repeat_coverage_calc.pl
+++ b/misc-scripts/density_feature/repeat_coverage_calc.pl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/local/ensembl/bin/perl -w
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
 # Calculate the repeat coverage for given database.
 # condition: 1k blocks to show contigview displays
@@ -21,284 +21,300 @@ use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConversionSupport;
 use POSIX;
 use strict;
+use warnings;
 use Getopt::Long;
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper;
+my $cli_helper = Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper->new();
+my $optsd =
+  [ @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_opts() }, @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_opts('m') } ];
+# add the print option
+my $opts = $cli_helper->process_args( $optsd, \&usage );
+if(!defined $opts->{mdbname} && !defined $opts->{mdbpattern}) {
+	$opts->{mdbname} = 'ensembl_production';
-my ( $host, $user, $pass, $port, $dbname  );
-# Master database location:
-my ( $mhost, $mport ) = ( 'ens-staging1', '3306' );
-my ( $muser, $mpass ) = ( 'ensro',        undef );
-my $mdbname = 'ensembl_production';
+if (! defined $opts->{mhost} ) {
+	( $opts->{mhost}, $opts->{mport}, $opts->{mdbname}, $opts->{muser} ) =
+	  ( 'ens-staging1', '3306', 'ensembl_production', 'ensro' );
-GetOptions( "host|h=s", \$host,
-	    "user|u=s", \$user,
-	    "pass|p=s", \$pass,
-	    "port=i",   \$port,
-	    "dbname|d=s", \$dbname,
-            "mhost=s", \$mhost,
-            "mport=i", \$mport,
-            "muser=s", \$muser,
-	    "help" ,               \&usage
-	  );
+my ($prod_dba) = @{ $cli_helper->get_dbas_for_opts( $opts, 1, 'm' ) };
-usage() if (!$host || !$user || !$pass || !$dbname);
+if ( !defined $prod_dba ) {
+	usage();
-my $chunksize = 1_000_000;
+my $chunksize       = 1_000_000;
 my $small_blocksize = 1_000;
-my $bin_count = 150;
-my $max_top_slice = 100;
+my $bin_count       = 150;
+my $max_top_slice   = 100;
-my $db = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor(-host => $host,
-					    -user => $user,
-					    -port => $port,
-					    -pass => $pass,
-					    -dbname => $dbname);
+for my $db_args ( @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_args_for_opts($opts) } ) {
+	print STDOUT "Connecting to " . $db_args->{-DBNAME} . "\n";
+	my $db     = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor(%$db_args);
+	my $dbname = $db->dbc()->dbname();
+	my $helper = $db->dbc()->sql_helper();
-my $sth = $db->dbc()->prepare( "select count(*) from repeat_feature" );
+	my $repeat_count = $helper->execute_simple(
+		-SQL=>q/select count(*) from repeat_feature join seq_region 
+using (seq_region_id) join coord_system using (coord_system_id) where species_id=?/,
+		-PARAMS=>[$db->species_id()] );
-my ( $repeat_count )  = $sth->fetchrow_array();
+	if ( !$repeat_count ) {
+		print STDERR "No repeat density for $dbname.\n";
+		exit();
+	}
-if( ! $repeat_count ) {
-  print STDERR "No repeat density for $dbname.\n";
-  exit();
-# Get the adaptors needed;
+	#
+	# Get the adaptors needed;
+	#
 # Clean up old features first. Also remove analysis and density type entry as these are recreated.
-print STDOUT "Deleting old PercentageRepeat features\n";
-$sth = $db->dbc->prepare("DELETE df, dt FROM density_feature df, density_type dt, analysis a WHERE a.analysis_id=dt.analysis_id AND dt.density_type_id=df.density_type_id AND a.logic_name='percentagerepeat'");
-my $slice_adaptor = $db->get_SliceAdaptor();
-my $dfa = $db->get_DensityFeatureAdaptor();
-my $dta = $db->get_DensityTypeAdaptor();
-my $aa  = $db->get_AnalysisAdaptor();
-my $analysis = $aa->fetch_by_logic_name('percentagerepeat');
-if ( !defined($analysis) ) {
-   my $prod_dsn = sprintf( 'DBI:mysql:host=%s;port=%d;database=%s',
-                     $mhost, $mport, $mdbname );
-   my $prod_dbh = DBI->connect( $prod_dsn, $muser, $mpass,
-                          { 'PrintError' => 1, 'RaiseError' => 1 } );
-   my ($display_label,$description) = $prod_dbh->selectrow_array("select distinct display_label, description from analysis_description where is_current = 1 and logic_name = 'percentagerepeat'");
-   $prod_dbh->disconnect;
-   $analysis = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis(
-              -program     => "repeat_coverage_calc.pl",
-              -database    => "ensembl",
-              -gff_source  => "repeat_coverage_calc.pl",
-              -gff_feature => "density",
-              -logic_name  => "percentagerepeat", 
-              -description => $description,
-              -display_label => $display_label,
-              -displayable   => 1 );
-    $aa->store($analysis);
-} else {
-    my $support = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConversionSupport';
-    $analysis->created($support->date());
-    $aa->update($analysis);
-my $slices = $slice_adaptor->fetch_all( "toplevel" );
-my @sorted_slices = sort { $b->seq_region_length() <=> $a->seq_region_length() } @$slices;
-my $small_density_type = Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityType->new
-  (-analysis   => $analysis,
-   -block_size => $small_blocksize,
-   -value_type => 'ratio');
-my $variable_density_type = Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityType->new
-  (-analysis   => $analysis,
-   -region_features => $bin_count,
-   -value_type => 'ratio');
-my $slice_count = 0;
-while ( my $slice = shift @sorted_slices ) {
-  #
-  # do it for small and large blocks
-  #
-  print STDOUT ("Working on seq_region ".$slice->seq_region_name()." length ".$slice->seq_region_length());
-  my $rr = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::RangeRegistry->new();
-  my $chunk_end = 0;
-  my $variable_end = 0;
-  my $small_end = 0;
-  my $small_start = 0;
-  my $repeat_size;
-  my $variable_start = 0;
-  my $variable_blocksize = POSIX::ceil( $slice->seq_region_length() / 
-					$variable_density_type->region_features());
-  $slice_count++;
-  while( $chunk_end < $slice->length() ) {
-    my $chunk_start = $chunk_end+1;
-    $chunk_end += $chunksize;
-    $chunk_end = $slice->length() if $chunk_end > $slice->length();
-    register( $rr, $slice, $chunk_start, $chunk_end );
-    my @dfs = ();
-    if( $slice_count < $max_top_slice ) {
-      while ( $variable_end+$variable_blocksize <= $chunk_end ) {
-	# here we can do the variable sized repeat densities
-	$variable_start = $variable_end+1;
-	$variable_end += $variable_blocksize;
-	$repeat_size = $rr->overlap_size( "1", $variable_start, $variable_end );
-	my $percentage_repeat = $repeat_size / $variable_blocksize * 100;
-	push( @dfs, Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature->new
-	      (-seq_region    => $slice,
-	       -start         => $variable_start,
-	       -end           => $variable_end,
-	       -density_type  => $variable_density_type,
-	       -density_value => $percentage_repeat));
-      }
-    }
-    while ( $small_end + $small_blocksize <= $chunk_end ) {
-      # here we can do the small sized density features
-      $small_start = $small_end+1;
-      $small_end += $small_blocksize;
-      $repeat_size = $rr->overlap_size( "1", $small_start, $small_end );
-      my $percentage_repeat = $repeat_size / $small_blocksize * 100;
-      push( @dfs, Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature->new
-        (-seq_region    => $slice,
-         -start         => $small_start,
-         -end           => $small_end,
-         -density_type  => $small_density_type,
-         -density_value => $percentage_repeat));
-    }
-    if (@dfs) {
-      $dfa->store(@dfs);
-    } else {
-      warning("No repeat density calculated for ".$slice->name." (chunk start $chunk_start, chunk end $chunk_end).");
-    }
-    my $used_lower_limit = $small_start < $variable_start ? $small_start : $variable_start;
-    # here some rr cleanup
-    $rr->check_and_register( "1", 0, $used_lower_limit );
-  }
-  # missing the last bits
-  if( $small_end < $slice->length() ) {
-    $small_start = $small_end+1;
-    $small_end = $slice->length();
-    $repeat_size = $rr->overlap_size( "1", $small_start, $small_end );
-    my $percentage_repeat = $repeat_size / ($small_end - $small_start + 1 ) * 100;
-    $dfa->store( Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature->new
-		 (-seq_region    => $slice,
-		  -start         => $small_start,
-		  -end           => $small_end,
-		  -density_type  => $small_density_type,
-		  -density_value => $percentage_repeat));
-  }
-  if( $variable_end < $slice->length() && $slice_count < $max_top_slice ) {
-    $variable_start = $variable_end+1;
-    $variable_end = $slice->length();
-    $repeat_size = $rr->overlap_size( "1", $variable_start, $variable_end );
-    my $percentage_repeat = $repeat_size / ($variable_end - $variable_start+1) * 100;
-    $dfa->store( Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature->new
-		 (-seq_region    => $slice,
-		  -start         => $variable_start,
-		  -end           => $variable_end,
-		  -density_type  => $variable_density_type,
-		  -density_value => $percentage_repeat));
-  }
-  print STDOUT " DONE.\n";
+	print STDOUT "Deleting old PercentageRepeat features\n";
+	$helper->execute_update(
+-SQL=>q/DELETE df, dt FROM density_feature df, density_type dt, analysis a, seq_region sr, coord_system c 
+sr.seq_region_id=df.seq_region_id AND c.coord_system_id=sr.coord_system_id AND c.species_id=? 
+AND a.analysis_id=dt.analysis_id AND dt.density_type_id=df.density_type_id AND a.logic_name='percentagerepeat'/,
+		-PARAMS=>[$db->species_id()] );
+	my $slice_adaptor = $db->get_SliceAdaptor();
+	my $dfa           = $db->get_DensityFeatureAdaptor();
+	my $dta           = $db->get_DensityTypeAdaptor();
+	my $aa            = $db->get_AnalysisAdaptor();
+	my $analysis = $aa->fetch_by_logic_name('percentagerepeat');
+	if ( !defined($analysis) ) {
+		my ( $display_label, $description ) =
+		  @{$prod_dba->dbc()->sql_helper()->execute(
+-SQL=>"select distinct display_label, description from analysis_description where is_current = 1 and logic_name = 'percentagerepeat'"
+			) };
+		$analysis =
+		  new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis( -program     => "repeat_coverage_calc.pl",
+									  -database    => "ensembl",
+									  -gff_source  => "repeat_coverage_calc.pl",
+									  -gff_feature => "density",
+									  -logic_name  => "percentagerepeat",
+									  -description => $description,
+									  -display_label => $display_label,
+									  -displayable   => 1 );
+		$aa->store($analysis);
+	} else {
+		my $support = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConversionSupport';
+		$analysis->created( $support->date() );
+		$aa->update($analysis);
+	}
+	my $slices = $slice_adaptor->fetch_all("toplevel");
+	my @sorted_slices =
+	  sort { $b->seq_region_length() <=> $a->seq_region_length() } @$slices;
+	my $small_density_type = Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityType->new(
+								-analysis   => $analysis,
+								-block_size => $small_blocksize,
+								-value_type => 'ratio' );
+	my $variable_density_type =
+	  Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityType->new( -analysis        => $analysis,
+									  -region_features => $bin_count,
+									  -value_type      => 'ratio' );
+	$dta->store($small_density_type);
+	$dta->store($variable_density_type);
+	my $slice_count = 0;
+	while ( my $slice = shift @sorted_slices ) {
+		#
+		# do it for small and large blocks
+		#
+		print STDOUT (   "Working on seq_region "
+					   . $slice->seq_region_name()
+					   . " length "
+					   . $slice->seq_region_length() );
+		my $rr           = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::RangeRegistry->new();
+		my $chunk_end    = 0;
+		my $variable_end = 0;
+		my $small_end    = 0;
+		my $small_start = 0;
+		my $repeat_size;
+		my $variable_start = 0;
+		my $variable_blocksize =
+		  POSIX::ceil( $slice->seq_region_length()/
+					   $variable_density_type->region_features() );
+		$slice_count++;
+		while ( $chunk_end < $slice->length() ) {
+			my $chunk_start = $chunk_end + 1;
+			$chunk_end += $chunksize;
+			$chunk_end = $slice->length() if $chunk_end > $slice->length();
+			register( $rr, $slice, $chunk_start, $chunk_end );
+			my @dfs = ();
+			if ( $slice_count < $max_top_slice ) {
+				while ( $variable_end + $variable_blocksize <= $chunk_end ) {
+					# here we can do the variable sized repeat densities
+					$variable_start = $variable_end + 1;
+					$variable_end += $variable_blocksize;
+					$repeat_size =
+					  $rr->overlap_size( "1", $variable_start, $variable_end );
+					my $percentage_repeat =
+					  $repeat_size/$variable_blocksize*100;
+					push( @dfs,
+						  Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature->new(
+										-seq_region   => $slice,
+										-start        => $variable_start,
+										-end          => $variable_end,
+										-density_type => $variable_density_type,
+										-density_value => $percentage_repeat )
+					);
+				}
+			}
+			while ( $small_end + $small_blocksize <= $chunk_end ) {
+				# here we can do the small sized density features
+				$small_start = $small_end + 1;
+				$small_end += $small_blocksize;
+				$repeat_size =
+				  $rr->overlap_size( "1", $small_start, $small_end );
+				my $percentage_repeat = $repeat_size/$small_blocksize*100;
+				push( @dfs,
+					  Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature->new(
+										   -seq_region   => $slice,
+										   -start        => $small_start,
+										   -end          => $small_end,
+										   -density_type => $small_density_type,
+										   -density_value => $percentage_repeat
+					  ) );
+			}
+			if (@dfs) {
+				$dfa->store(@dfs);
+			} else {
+				warning( "No repeat density calculated for "
+					   . $slice->name
+					   . " (chunk start $chunk_start, chunk end $chunk_end)." );
+			}
+			my $used_lower_limit =
+			  $small_start < $variable_start ? $small_start : $variable_start;
+			# here some rr cleanup
+			$rr->check_and_register( "1", 0, $used_lower_limit );
+		} ## end while ( $chunk_end < $slice...)
+		# missing the last bits
+		if ( $small_end < $slice->length() ) {
+			$small_start = $small_end + 1;
+			$small_end   = $slice->length();
+			$repeat_size = $rr->overlap_size( "1", $small_start, $small_end );
+			my $percentage_repeat =
+			  $repeat_size/( $small_end - $small_start + 1 )*100;
+			$dfa->store( Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature->new(
+										   -seq_region   => $slice,
+										   -start        => $small_start,
+										   -end          => $small_end,
+										   -density_type => $small_density_type,
+										   -density_value => $percentage_repeat
+						 ) );
+		}
+		if ( $variable_end < $slice->length() && $slice_count < $max_top_slice )
+		{
+			$variable_start = $variable_end + 1;
+			$variable_end   = $slice->length();
+			$repeat_size =
+			  $rr->overlap_size( "1", $variable_start, $variable_end );
+			my $percentage_repeat =
+			  $repeat_size/( $variable_end - $variable_start + 1 )*100;
+			$dfa->store( Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature->new(
+										-seq_region   => $slice,
+										-start        => $variable_start,
+										-end          => $variable_end,
+										-density_type => $variable_density_type,
+										-density_value => $percentage_repeat )
+			);
+		}
+		print STDOUT " DONE.\n";
+	} ## end while ( my $slice = shift...)
+} ## end for my $db_args ( @{ $cli_helper...})
 sub register {
-  my ($rr, $slice, $start, $end ) = @_;
-  my $subSlice = $slice->sub_Slice( $start, $end );
-  my $repeats = $subSlice->get_all_RepeatFeatures();
-  for my $repeat ( @$repeats ) {
-    $rr->check_and_register( "1", $repeat->seq_region_start(), $repeat->seq_region_end() );
-  }
+	my ( $rr, $slice, $start, $end ) = @_;
+	my $subSlice = $slice->sub_Slice( $start, $end );
+	my $repeats = $subSlice->get_all_RepeatFeatures();
+	for my $repeat (@$repeats) {
+		$rr->check_and_register( "1",
+								 $repeat->seq_region_start(),
+								 $repeat->seq_region_end() );
+	}
 # helper to draw an ascii representation of the density features
 sub print_features {
-  my $features = shift;
-  return if(!@$features);
-  my $sum = 0;
-  my $length = 0;
-#  my $type = $features->[0]->{'density_type'}->value_type();
-  print("\n");
-  my $max=0;
-  foreach my $f (@$features) {
-    if($f->density_value() > $max){
-      $max=$f->density_value();
-    }
-  }
-  foreach my $f (@$features) {
-    my $i=1;
-    for(; $i< ($f->density_value()/$max)*40; $i++){
-      print "*";
-    }
-    for(my $j=$i;$j<40;$j++){
-      print " ";
-    }
-    print "  ".$f->density_value()."\t".$f->start()."\n";
-  }
-#  my $avg = undef;
-#  $avg = $sum/$length if($length < 0);
-#  print("Sum=$sum, Length=$length, Avg/Base=$sum");
+	my $features = shift;
+	return if ( !@$features );
+	my $sum    = 0;
+	my $length = 0;
+	#  my $type = $features->[0]->{'density_type'}->value_type();
+	print("\n");
+	my $max = 0;
+	foreach my $f (@$features) {
+		if ( $f->density_value() > $max ) {
+			$max = $f->density_value();
+		}
+	}
+	foreach my $f (@$features) {
+		my $i = 1;
+		for ( ; $i < ( $f->density_value()/$max )*40; $i++ ) {
+			print "*";
+		}
+		for ( my $j = $i; $j < 40; $j++ ) {
+			print " ";
+		}
+		print "  " . $f->density_value() . "\t" . $f->start() . "\n";
+	}
+	#  my $avg = undef;
+	#  $avg = $sum/$length if($length < 0);
+	#  print("Sum=$sum, Length=$length, Avg/Base=$sum");
+} ## end sub print_features
 sub usage {
-  my $indent = ' ' x length($0);
-  print <<EOF; exit(0);
+	my $indent = ' ' x length($0);
+	print <<EOF; exit(0);
 What does it do?
@@ -374,9 +390,5 @@ Usage:
+} ## end sub usage
diff --git a/misc-scripts/density_feature/seq_region_stats.pl b/misc-scripts/density_feature/seq_region_stats.pl
index 619db2ecf4ce6befa7e8f4a7507234b74555040e..8c36d5b99a1873ddf225c6b1c84d0e4f581269a9 100644
--- a/misc-scripts/density_feature/seq_region_stats.pl
+++ b/misc-scripts/density_feature/seq_region_stats.pl
@@ -6,266 +6,251 @@ use warnings;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
-use Getopt::Long;
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper;
+use Data::Dumper;
+my $cli_helper = Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper->new();
+my $optsd =
+  [ @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_opts() }, @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_opts('m') } ];
+# add the print option
+push( @{$optsd}, "stats|s:s" );
+my $opts = $cli_helper->process_args( $optsd, \&usage );
+usage() if ( !$opts->{stats} || $opts->{stats} !~ /^(gene|snp)$/ );
+if(!defined $opts->{mdbname} && !defined $opts->{mdbpattern}) {
+	$opts->{mdbname} = 'ensembl_production';
-my ( $host, $user, $pass, $port, $dbname, $pattern, $stats );
-# Master database location:
-my ( $mhost, $mport ) = ( 'ens-staging1', '3306' );
-my ( $muser, $mpass ) = ( 'ensro',        undef );
-my $mdbname = 'ensembl_production';
+if ( !defined $opts->{mhost} ) {
+	( $opts->{mhost}, $opts->{mport}, $opts->{mdbname}, $opts->{muser} ) =
+	  ( 'ens-staging1', '3306', 'ensembl_production', 'ensro' );
-GetOptions( "host|h=s", \$host,
-	    "user|u=s", \$user,
-	    "pass|p=s", \$pass,
-	    "port=i", \$port,
-	    "dbname|d=s", \$dbname,
-	    "pattern=s", \$pattern,
-	    "stats|s=s", \$stats,
-	    "mhost=s", \$mhost,
-	    "mport=i", \$mport,
-	    "muser=s", \$muser,
-	    "help" ,               \&usage
-	  );
+my ($prod_dba) = @{ $cli_helper->get_dbas_for_opts( $opts, 1, 'm' ) };
-usage() if (!$host || !$user || !$pass || (!$dbname && !$pattern) || !$stats || $stats !~ /^(gene|snp)$/ );
+if ( !defined $prod_dba ) {
+	usage();
+my %attrib_codes = %{
+	$prod_dba->dbc()->sql_helper()->execute_into_hash(
+		-SQL =>
+"select distinct b.name, code from biotype b join attrib_type using(attrib_type_id) where is_current = 1 and db_type like '%core%' and object_type = 'gene' order by b.name"
+	),
+	,
+	{ Columns => [ 1, 2 ] } };
-#get biotypes and attrib codes from the production database
+#add known and novel protein coding attrib types
+$attrib_codes{'known protein_coding'} = 'GeneNo_knwCod';
+$attrib_codes{'novel protein_coding'} = 'GeneNo_novCod';
-my $prod_dsn = sprintf( 'DBI:mysql:host=%s;port=%d;database=%s',
-                     $mhost, $mport, $mdbname );
-my $prod_dbh = DBI->connect( $prod_dsn, $muser, $mpass,
-                          { 'PrintError' => 1, 'RaiseError' => 1 } );
+my $genestats = 1 if ( $opts->{stats} eq 'gene' );
+my $snpstats  = 1 if ( $opts->{stats} eq 'snp' );
+for my $db_args ( @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_args_for_opts($opts) } ) {
+	my $db     = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor(%$db_args);
+	my $dbname = $db->dbc()->dbname();
+	my $total_count = 0;
+	# delete old attributes before starting
+	if ($genestats) {
+		foreach my $code ( values %attrib_codes ) {
+			$db->dbc()->sql_helper()->execute_update(
+				-SQL =>
+"DELETE sa FROM seq_region_attrib sa, attrib_type at, seq_region s, coord_system c WHERE s.seq_region_id=sa.seq_region_id AND c.coord_system_id=s.coord_system_id AND at.attrib_type_id=sa.attrib_type_id AND at.code=? AND c.species_id=?",
+				-PARAMS => [ $code, $db->species_id() ] );
+		}
+	}
-my $attrib_codes_ref = $prod_dbh->selectcol_arrayref("select distinct b.name, code from biotype b join attrib_type using(attrib_type_id) where is_current = 1 and db_type like '%core%' and object_type = 'gene' order by b.name", { Columns=>[1,2] });
+	if ($snpstats) {
+		$db->dbc()->sql_helper()->execute_update(
+			-SQL =>
+"DELETE sa FROM seq_region_attrib sa, attrib_type at, seq_region s, coord_system c WHERE s.seq_region_id=sa.seq_region_id AND c.coord_system_id=s.coord_system_id AND at.attrib_type_id=sa.attrib_type_id AND at.code=? AND c.species_id=?",
+			-PARAMS => [ "SNPCount", $db->species_id() ] );
+	}
-my %attrib_codes = @$attrib_codes_ref;
+	#
+	# Only run on database with genes
+	#
+	my $genes_present;
+	if ($genestats) {
+		my $gene_count =
+		  $db->dbc()->sql_helper()->execute_single_result(
+			-SQL =>
+"select count(*) from gene join seq_region using (seq_region_id) join coord_system using (coord_system_id) where species_id=?",
+			-PARAMs => [ $db->species_id() ] );
+		$genes_present = ($gene_count) ? 1 : 0;
+	} else {
+		$genes_present = 0;
+	}
+	#
+	# and seq_regions
+	#
+	my $seq_region_count =
+	  $db->dbc()->sql_helper()->execute_single_result(
+		-SQL =>
+"select count(*) from seq_region join coord_system using (coord_system_id) where species_id=?",
+		-PARAMS => [ $db->species_id() ] );
+	if ( !$seq_region_count ) {
+		print STDERR "No seq_regions for $dbname\n";
+		exit();
+	}
-#add known and novel protein coding attrib types
-$attrib_codes{'known protein_coding'} = 'GeneNo_knwCod';
-$attrib_codes{'novel protein_coding'} = 'GeneNo_novCod';
+	my $snps_present;
+	my $snp_db;
-my @dbnames;
-if (! $dbname) {
-  my $dsn = sprintf( 'dbi:mysql:host=%s;port=%d', $host, $port );
-  my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $user, $pass );
-  @dbnames =
-    map { $_->[0] } @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SHOW DATABASES') };
-else {
-  @dbnames = ( $dbname )
+	if ($snpstats) {
+		$snp_db = variation_attach($db);
+		if ( defined $snp_db ) { $snps_present = 1; }
+	}
-my $genestats = 1 if($stats eq 'gene');
-my $snpstats = 1 if($stats eq 'snp');
-foreach my $name (@dbnames) {
-  if ( $pattern && ($name !~ /$pattern/) ) { next }
-  printf( "\nConnecting to '%s'\n", $name );
-  my $db = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor(-host => $host,
-					      -user => $user,
-					      -port => $port,
-					      -pass => $pass,
-					      -dbname => $name);
-  my $total_count = 0;
-  # delete old attributes before starting
-  if ($genestats) {
-      foreach my $code (values %attrib_codes) {
-	  my $sth = $db->dbc()->prepare( "DELETE sa FROM seq_region_attrib sa, attrib_type at WHERE at.attrib_type_id=sa.attrib_type_id AND at.code=?" );
-	  $sth->execute($code);
-      }
-  }
-  if ($snpstats) {
-      my $sth = $db->dbc()->prepare( "DELETE sa FROM seq_region_attrib sa, attrib_type at WHERE at.attrib_type_id=sa.attrib_type_id AND at.code=?" );
-      $sth->execute("SNPCount");    
-  }
+	my $slice_adaptor  = $db->get_SliceAdaptor();
+	my $attrib_adaptor = $db->get_AttributeAdaptor();
-# Only run on database with genes
+	# Do not include non-reference sequences ie. haplotypes for human
+	#my $top_slices = $slice_adaptor->fetch_all( "toplevel" , undef, 1);
+	my $top_slices = $slice_adaptor->fetch_all("toplevel");
-  my $genes_present;
-  if($genestats) {
-    my $sth = $db->dbc()->prepare( "select count(*) from gene" );
-    $sth->execute();
-    my ( $gene_count )  = $sth->fetchrow_array();
-    $genes_present = ($gene_count) ? 1 : 0;
-  } else {
-    $genes_present = 0;
-  }
-# and seq_regions
-  my $sth = $db->dbc()->prepare( "select count(*) from seq_region" );
-  $sth->execute();
-  my ( $seq_region_count ) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
-  if( ! $seq_region_count ) {
-    print STDERR "No seq_regions for $dbname.\n";
-    exit();
-  }
-  my $snps_present;
-  my $snp_db;
-  if ($snpstats) {
-      $snp_db = variation_attach( $db );
-      if (defined $snp_db) {$snps_present = 1;}
-  }
-  my $slice_adaptor = $db->get_SliceAdaptor();
-  my $attrib_adaptor = $db->get_AttributeAdaptor();
-# Do not include non-reference sequences ie. haplotypes for human
-#my $top_slices = $slice_adaptor->fetch_all( "toplevel" , undef, 1);
-  my $top_slices = $slice_adaptor->fetch_all( "toplevel" );
-  while (my $slice = shift(@{$top_slices})) {
-#    print STDERR "Processing seq_region ", $slice->seq_region_name(), "\n";
-    my @attribs;
-    if($genes_present) {
-      my %attrib_counts;
-      my %counts;
-      my $genes = $slice->get_all_Genes();
-      while (my $gene = shift(@{$genes})) {
-	my $biotype = $gene->biotype();
-	if( $biotype =~ /coding/i && $biotype !~ /non_/i) {
-	  if($gene->is_known()) {
-	    $biotype = "known ".$biotype;
-	  } else {
-	    $biotype = "novel ".$biotype;
-	  }
-	}
+	while ( my $slice = shift( @{$top_slices} ) ) {
+	#    print STDERR "Processing seq_region ", $slice->seq_region_name(), "\n";
-	$counts{$biotype}++;
+		my @attribs;
-      }
+		if ($genes_present) {
-      for my $biotype ( keys %counts ) {
-	my $attrib_code = $attrib_codes{$biotype};
-	if( !$attrib_code ) {
-	  print STDERR "Unspecified biotype \"$biotype\" in database $name.\n";
-	  next;
-	}
+			my %attrib_counts;
+			my %counts;
-	$attrib_counts{$attrib_code} += $counts{$biotype};
-      }
-      foreach my $attrib_code (keys %attrib_counts) {
-	  my $attrib_code_desc = $attrib_code;
-	  $attrib_code_desc =~ s/GeneNo_//;  
-	push @attribs, Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute->new
-	  (-NAME => $attrib_code_desc.' Gene Count',
-	   -CODE => $attrib_code,
-	   -VALUE => $attrib_counts{$attrib_code},
-	   -DESCRIPTION => 'Number of '.$attrib_code_desc.' Genes');
-      }
-    }
-    if( $snps_present ) {
-	  my $sth = $snp_db->dbc->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM variation_feature WHERE seq_region_id = ?");
-	  $sth->execute($slice->get_seq_region_id);
-	  my $count;
-	  $sth->bind_columns(undef,\$count);
-	  $sth->fetch;
-      push @attribs, Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute->new
-	(-NAME => 'SNP Count',
-	 -CODE => 'SNPCount',
-	 -VALUE => $count,
-	 -DESCRIPTION => 'Total Number of SNPs');
-	  $sth->finish;
-    }
-    $attrib_adaptor->store_on_Slice($slice, \@attribs);
-    my $slice_attrib_count = @attribs;
-    $total_count += $slice_attrib_count;
-#  print_chromo_stats([$slice]);
-  }
-  print STDOUT "Written $total_count seq reqion attributes to database $name on server $host.\n";
+			my $genes = $slice->get_all_Genes();
+			while ( my $gene = shift( @{$genes} ) ) {
+				my $biotype = $gene->biotype();
+				if ( $biotype =~ /coding/i && $biotype !~ /non_/i ) {
+					if ( $gene->is_known() ) {
+						$biotype = "known " . $biotype;
+					} else {
+						$biotype = "novel " . $biotype;
+					}
+				}
+				$counts{$biotype}++;
+			}
+			for my $biotype ( keys %counts ) {
+				my $attrib_code = $attrib_codes{$biotype};
+				if ( !$attrib_code ) {
+					print STDERR
+					  "Unspecified biotype \"$biotype\" in database $dbname.\n";
+					next;
+				}
+				$attrib_counts{$attrib_code} += $counts{$biotype};
+			}
+			foreach my $attrib_code ( keys %attrib_counts ) {
+				my $attrib_code_desc = $attrib_code;
+				$attrib_code_desc =~ s/GeneNo_//;
+				push @attribs,
+				  Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute->new(
+					 -NAME        => $attrib_code_desc . ' Gene Count',
+					 -CODE        => $attrib_code,
+					 -VALUE       => $attrib_counts{$attrib_code},
+					 -DESCRIPTION => 'Number of ' . $attrib_code_desc . ' Genes'
+				  );
+			}
+		} ## end if ($genes_present)
+		if ($snps_present) {
+			my $count =
+			  $snp_db->dbc()->sql_helper()->execute_single_result(
+				-SQL =>
+"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM variation_feature WHERE seq_region_id = ?",
+				-PARAMS => [ $slice->get_seq_region_id ] );
+			push @attribs,
+			  Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute->new(
+										  -NAME        => 'SNP Count',
+										  -CODE        => 'SNPCount',
+										  -VALUE       => $count,
+										  -DESCRIPTION => 'Total Number of SNPs'
+			  );
+		}
+		$attrib_adaptor->store_on_Slice( $slice, \@attribs );
+		my $slice_attrib_count = @attribs;
+		$total_count += $slice_attrib_count;
+		#  print_chromo_stats([$slice]);
+	} ## end while ( my $slice = shift...)
+	print STDOUT
+"Written $total_count seq reqion attributes to database $dbname on server "
+	  . $db->dbc()->host() . "\n";
+} ## end for my $db_args ( @{ $cli_helper...})
 sub print_chromo_stats {
-  my $chromosomes = shift;
-  foreach my $chr (@$chromosomes) {
-    print "\nchromosome: ",$chr->seq_region_name(),"\n";
-    foreach my $attrib (@{$chr->get_all_Attributes()}) {
-      print "  ", $attrib->name(), ": ", $attrib->value(), "\n";
-    }
-  }
+	my $chromosomes = shift;
+	foreach my $chr (@$chromosomes) {
+		print "\nchromosome: ", $chr->seq_region_name(), "\n";
+		foreach my $attrib ( @{ $chr->get_all_Attributes() } ) {
+			print "  ", $attrib->name(), ": ", $attrib->value(), "\n";
+		}
+	}
 # tries to attach variation database.
 sub variation_attach {
-  my $db = shift;
-  my $core_db_name;
-  $core_db_name = $db->dbc->dbname();
-  if( $core_db_name !~ /_core_/ ) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  #
-  # get a lost of all databases on that server
-  #
-  my $sth = $db->dbc->prepare( "show databases" );
-  $sth->execute();
-  my $all_db_names = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
-  my %all_db_names = map {( $_->[0] , 1)} @$all_db_names;
-  my $snp_db_name = $core_db_name;
-  $snp_db_name =~ s/_core_/_variation_/;
-if( ! exists $all_db_names{ $snp_db_name } ) {
-   return 0;
- }
- # this should register the dbadaptor with the Registry
- my $snp_db = Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new
-   ( -host => $db->dbc()->host(),
-     -user => $db->dbc()->username(),
-     -pass => $db->dbc()->password(),
-     -port => $db->dbc()->port(),
-     -dbname => $snp_db_name,
-     -group => "variation",
-     -species => "DEFAULT"
-   );
-  return $snp_db;
+	my $db = shift;
+	my $core_db_name;
+	$core_db_name = $db->dbc->dbname();
+	if ( $core_db_name !~ /_core_/ ) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	#
+	# get a lost of all databases on that server
+	#
+	my $sth = $db->dbc->prepare("show databases");
+	$sth->execute();
+	my $all_db_names = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
+	my %all_db_names = map { ( $_->[0], 1 ) } @$all_db_names;
+	my $snp_db_name  = $core_db_name;
+	$snp_db_name =~ s/_core_/_variation_/;
+	if ( !exists $all_db_names{$snp_db_name} ) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	# this should register the dbadaptor with the Registry
+	my $snp_db =
+	  Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(
+												-host => $db->dbc()->host(),
+												-user => $db->dbc()->username(),
+												-pass => $db->dbc()->password(),
+												-port => $db->dbc()->port(),
+												-dbname  => $snp_db_name,
+												-group   => "variation",
+												-species => "DEFAULT" );
+	return $snp_db;
+} ## end sub variation_attach
 sub usage {
-  my $indent = ' ' x length($0);
-  print <<EOF; exit(0);
+	my $indent = ' ' x length($0);
+	print <<EOF; exit(0);
 For each toplevel slice, count the number of genes for each biotype
@@ -359,5 +344,5 @@ Usage:
+} ## end sub usage
diff --git a/misc-scripts/gene_gc.pl b/misc-scripts/gene_gc.pl
index 6f11ee7695ecd651bacc0422c3a9829377ba689c..770a5367cbbd34dced6887a60b8188058a199137 100644
--- a/misc-scripts/gene_gc.pl
+++ b/misc-scripts/gene_gc.pl
@@ -1,104 +1,89 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
 # Calculate per-gene GC content and store as gene attributes
+use warnings;
 use strict;
-use DBI;
-use Getopt::Long;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
-my ( $host, $user, $pass, $port, $dbpattern, $print);
-$port = 3306;
-GetOptions( "host|h=s",       \$host,
-	    "user|u=s",       \$user,
-	    "pass|p=s",       \$pass,
-	    "port=i",         \$port,
-	    "pattern=s",      \$dbpattern,
-	    "print",          \$print,
-	    "help" ,          \&usage
-	  );
-usage() if (!$host || !$dbpattern || !$user || !$pass);
-# loop over databases
-my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:host=$host";
-$dsn .= ";port=$port" if ($port);
-my $db = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass);
-my @dbnames = map {$_->[0] } @{$db->selectall_arrayref("show databases")};
-for my $dbname (@dbnames) {
-  next if ($dbname !~ /$dbpattern/);
-  my $dba = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor('-host' => $host,
-					       '-port' => $port,
-					       '-user' => $user,
-					       '-pass' => $pass,
-					       '-dbname' => $dbname,
-					       '-species' => $dbname);
-  print STDOUT "$dbname\n";
-  delete_existing($dba) if !($print);
-  print STDOUT "Calculating Gene GC attributes\n";
-  my $attribute_adaptor = $dba->get_AttributeAdaptor();
-  my $genes = $dba->get_GeneAdaptor()->fetch_all();
-  my $total_count = 0;
-  while (my $gene = shift(@$genes)) {
-    my $gc = $gene->feature_Slice()->get_base_count->{'%gc'};
-    if (!$print) {
-      # attribute types need to be propagated from production database to all dbs
-      # if the type exists it won't be overwritten
-      my $attribute = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute->new(-CODE        => 'GeneGC',
-						   -NAME        => 'Gene GC',
-						   -DESCRIPTION => 'Percentage GC content for this gene',
-						   -VALUE       => $gc);
-      my @attributes = ($attribute);
-      $attribute_adaptor->store_on_Gene($gene->dbID, \@attributes);
-      $total_count++; 
-    } else {
-      print $gene->stable_id() . " " . $gc . "\n";
-    }
-  }
-  if (!$print) {
-      print STDOUT "Written $total_count 'GeneGC' gene attributes to database $dbname on server $host.\n";
-  }
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper;
+my $cli_helper = Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper->new();
+# get the basic options for connecting to a database server
+my $optsd = $cli_helper->get_dba_opts();
+# add the print option
+push( @{$optsd}, "print|p" );
+# process the command line with the supplied options plus a help subroutine
+my $opts = $cli_helper->process_args( $optsd, \&usage );
+# use the command line options to get an array of database details
+for my $db_args ( @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_args_for_opts($opts) } ) {
+	# use the args to create a DBA
+	my $dba = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new( %{$db_args} );
+	print STDOUT "Processing species "
+	  . $dba->species_id()
+	  . " from database "
+	  . $dba->dbc()->dbname()
+	  . " on server "
+	  . $dba->dbc()->host() . "\n";
+	delete_existing($dba) unless ( $opts->{print} );
+	print STDOUT "Calculating Gene GC attributes\n";
+	my $attribute_adaptor = $dba->get_AttributeAdaptor();
+	my $total_count       = 0;
+	for my $gene ( @{ $dba->get_GeneAdaptor()->fetch_all() } ) {
+		my $gc = $gene->feature_Slice()->get_base_count->{'%gc'};
+		if ( !$opts->{print} ) {
+	 # attribute types need to be propagated from production database to all dbs
+	 # if the type exists it won't be overwritten
+			my $attribute =
+			  Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute->new(
+						  -CODE        => 'GeneGC',
+						  -NAME        => 'Gene GC',
+						  -DESCRIPTION => 'Percentage GC content for this gene',
+						  -VALUE       => $gc );
+			my @attributes = ($attribute);
+			$attribute_adaptor->store_on_Gene( $gene->dbID, \@attributes );
+			$total_count++;
+		} else {
+			print $gene->stable_id() . " " . $gc . "\n";
+		}
+	}
+	if ( !$opts->{print} ) {
+		print STDOUT "Written $total_count 'GeneGC' gene attributes to species "
+		  . $dba->species_id()
+		  . " from database "
+		  . $dba->dbc()->dbname()
+		  . " on server "
+		  . $dba->dbc()->host() . "\n";
+	}
+} ## end for my $db_args ( @{ $cli_helper...})
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 sub delete_existing {
-  my $dba = shift;
+	my $dba = shift;
-  print STDOUT "Deleting existing 'GeneGC' gene attributes\n";
-  my $dsth = $dba->dbc()->prepare("DELETE ga FROM gene_attrib ga, attrib_type at WHERE at.attrib_type_id=ga.attrib_type_id AND at.code='GeneGC'");
-  $dsth->execute();
+	print STDOUT "Deleting existing 'GeneGC' gene attributes\n";
+	$dba->dbc()->sql_helper()->execute_update(
+		-SQL =>
+q/DELETE ga FROM gene_attrib ga, attrib_type at, gene g, seq_region s, coord_system c 
+WHERE at.attrib_type_id=ga.attrib_type_id AND at.code='GeneGC'
+AND ga.gene_id=g.gene_id AND g.seq_region_id=s.seq_region_id 
+AND c.coord_system_id=s.coord_system_id AND c.species_id=?
+		PARAMS => [ $dba->species_id() ] );
+	return;
 sub usage {
-  my $indent = ' ' x length($0);
-  print <<EOF; exit(0);
+	my $indent = ' ' x length($0);
+	print <<EOF; exit(0);
 What does it do?
@@ -149,4 +134,4 @@ Usage:
+} ## end sub usage
diff --git a/misc-scripts/meta_coord/update_meta_coord.pl b/misc-scripts/meta_coord/update_meta_coord.pl
index 6160556d0ee5debfd55a658df46c73399486e85b..b985b18a750238e870b3651efbbd2e6335200c74 100755
--- a/misc-scripts/meta_coord/update_meta_coord.pl
+++ b/misc-scripts/meta_coord/update_meta_coord.pl
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ use warnings;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBConnection;
 use Getopt::Long;
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper;
 my $help = 0;
 my ( $host, $port, $user, $pass, $dbpattern );
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ my @table_names = qw(
 sub usage {
-  print <<USAGE_END;
+	print <<USAGE_END;
   $0 --dbhost=ens-staging1 [--dbport=3306] \\
@@ -52,81 +53,74 @@ data in the following tables:
-  print( "\t", join( "\n\t", @table_names ), "\n" );
+	print( "\t", join( "\n\t", @table_names ), "\n" );
 if ( scalar(@ARGV) == 0 ) {
-  usage();
-  exit 0;
+	usage();
+	exit 0;
-if ( !GetOptions( 'help!'                  => \$help,
-                  'dbhost|host=s'          => \$host,
-                  'dbport|port=i'          => \$port,
-                  'dbuser|user=s'          => \$user,
-                  'dbpass|password|pass=s' => \$pass,
-                  'dbpattern=s'            => \$dbpattern
-     ) ||
-     $help )
-  usage();
-  exit;
-my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:host=$host;port=$port";
-my $db = DBI->connect( $dsn, $user, $pass );
-my @dbnames =
-  map { $_->[0] } @{ $db->selectall_arrayref("SHOW DATABASES") };
-for my $dbname (@dbnames) {
-  if ( $dbname !~ /$dbpattern/ ) { next }
-  print("==> Looking at $dbname...\n");
-  my $dbc =
-    new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBConnection( -host   => $host,
-                                           -port   => $port,
-                                           -user   => $user,
-                                           -pass   => $pass,
-                                           -dbname => $dbname );
-  if ( system( "mysql --host=$host --port=$port " .
-                 "--user=$user --password='$pass' " .
-                 "--database=$dbname --skip-column-names " .
-                 "--execute='SELECT * FROM meta_coord'" .
-                 ">$dbname.meta_coord.backup" ) )
-  {
-    warn( "Can't dump the original meta_coord for back up " .
-          "(skipping this database)\n" );
-    next;
-  }
-  else {
-    print( "Original meta_coord table backed up in \n" .
-           "\t$dbname.meta_coord.backup\n" );
-  }
-  foreach my $table_name (@table_names) {
-    print("Updating $table_name table entries... ");
-    my $sql = "DELETE FROM meta_coord WHERE table_name = '$table_name'";
-    $dbc->do($sql);
-    $sql =
-      "INSERT INTO meta_coord " .
-      "SELECT '$table_name', s.coord_system_id, " .
-      "MAX( t.seq_region_end - t.seq_region_start + 1 ) " .
-      "FROM $table_name t JOIN seq_region s USING (seq_region_id) " .
-      "GROUP BY s.coord_system_id";
-    $dbc->do($sql);
-    print("done\n");
-  }
-  print("==> Done with $dbname\n");
-} ## end for my $dbname (@dbnames)
+my $cli_helper = Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper->new();
+# get the basic options for connecting to a database server
+my $optsd = $cli_helper->get_dba_opts();
+# process the command line with the supplied options plus a help subroutine
+my $opts = $cli_helper->process_args( $optsd, \&usage );
+# use the command line options to get an array of database details
+# only process each database name once (to avoid duplication for multispecies dbs)
+for my $db_args ( @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_args_for_opts( $opts, 1 ) } ) {
+	my $dba = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor(%$db_args);
+	my $file =
+	  $dba->dbc()->dbname() . "_" . $dba->species_id() . ".meta_coord.backup";
+	my $sys_call = sprintf( "mysql "
+							  . "--host=%s "
+							  . "--port=%d "
+							  . "--user=%s "
+							  . "--pass='%s' "
+							  . "--database=%s "
+							  . "--skip-column-names "
+							  . " --execute='SELECT * FROM meta_coord'"
+							  . " > $file",
+							$dba->dbc->host(),     $dba->dbc->port(),
+							$dba->dbc->username(), $dba->dbc->password(),
+							$dba->dbc->dbname() );
+	unless ( system($sys_call) == 0 ) {
+		warn "Can't dump the original meta_coord for back up "
+		  . "(skipping this species)\n";
+		next;
+	} else {
+		print "Original meta_coord table backed up in $file\n";
+	}
+	foreach my $table_name (@table_names) {
+		print("Updating $table_name table entries... ");
+		$dba->dbc()->helper()->execute_update(
+			-SQL =>
+"DELETE mc.* FROM meta_coord mc, coord_system cs WHERE cs.coord_system_id=mc.coord_system_id AND table_name = ? AND cs.species_id=?",
+			-PARAMS => [ $table_name, $dba->species_id() ] );
+		$dba->dbc()->helper()->execute_update(
+			-SQL => "INSERT INTO meta_coord "
+			  . "SELECT '$table_name', s.coord_system_id, "
+			  . "MAX( t.seq_region_end - t.seq_region_start + 1 ) "
+			  . "FROM $table_name t, seq_region s, coord_system c "
+			  . "WHERE t.seq_region_id = s.seq_region_id AND c.coord_system_id=s.coord_system_id AND c.species_id=?"
+			  . "GROUP BY s.coord_system_id",
+			-PARAMS => [ $dba->species_id() ] );
+		print("done\n");
+	}
+	print(   "==> Done with "
+		   . $dba->dbc->dbname() . "/"
+		   . $dba->species_id()
+		   . "\n" );
+} ## end for my $db_args ( @{ $cli_helper...})
 print("==> All done.\n");
diff --git a/misc-scripts/meta_levels.pl b/misc-scripts/meta_levels.pl
index 91f75a34e12729463904fdf7298cc68780de5019..b76e559a87cd1663cab6948ed7edcb802dde6f0e 100644
--- a/misc-scripts/meta_levels.pl
+++ b/misc-scripts/meta_levels.pl
@@ -10,87 +10,71 @@ use DBI;
 use Getopt::Long;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
-my ( $host, $user, $pass, $port, $dbpattern, $print, $sing_db_name );
-$port = 3306;
-GetOptions( "dbhost|host=s",       \$host,
-            "dbuser|user=s",       \$user,
-            "dbpass|pass=s",       \$pass,
-            "dbport|port=i",       \$port,
-            "dbpattern|pattern=s", \$dbpattern,
-            "dbname=s",            \$sing_db_name,
-            "print",               \$print,
-            "help",                \&usage );
-if ( !$host || ( !$dbpattern && !$sing_db_name ) ) {
-  usage();
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper;
+my $cli_helper = Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper->new();
+our @feature_types =
+  qw[gene transcript exon repeat_feature dna_align_feature protein_align_feature simple_feature prediction_transcript prediction_exon];
+# get the basic options for connecting to a database server
+my $optsd = $cli_helper->get_dba_opts();
+# add the print option
+# process the command line with the supplied options plus a help subroutine
+my $opts = $cli_helper->process_args($optsd,\&usage);
+# use the command line options to get an array of database details
+for my $db_args (@{$cli_helper->get_dba_args_for_opts($opts)}) {
+    # use the args to create a DBA
+    my $dba = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(%{$db_args});
+    if($dba) {
+    	process_dba($dba,$opts->{print});
+    }
-$dbpattern = $sing_db_name unless $dbpattern;
-my @feature_types = qw[gene transcript exon repeat_feature dna_align_feature protein_align_feature simple_feature prediction_transcript prediction_exon];
-# loop over databases
-my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:host=$host";
-$dsn .= ";port=$port" if ($port);
+sub process_dba {
-my $db = DBI->connect( $dsn, $user, $pass );
+	my ($dba,$print) = @_;
+	my $ma = $dba->get_MetaContainer();
-my @dbnames =
-  map { $_->[0] } @{ $db->selectall_arrayref("show databases") };
+	my @inserted;
+	my @not_inserted;
-for my $dbname (@dbnames) {
+	foreach my $type (@feature_types) {
-  next if ( $dbname !~ /$dbpattern/ );
+		delete_existing( $ma, $type ) if ( !$print );
-  my $dba =
-    new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor( '-host'    => $host,
-                                        '-port'    => $port,
-                                        '-user'    => $user,
-                                        '-pass'    => $pass,
-                                        '-dbname'  => $dbname,
-                                        '-species' => $dbname );
+		if ( can_use_key( $dba, $type ) ) {
-  my $ma = $dba->get_MetaContainer();
+			insert_key( $ma, $type ) if ( !$print );
+			push @inserted, $type;
-  my @inserted;
-  my @not_inserted;
+		} else {
-  foreach my $type (@feature_types) {
+			push @not_inserted, $type;
-    delete_existing( $ma, $type ) if ( !$print );
+		}
-    if ( can_use_key( $dba, $type ) ) {
+	}
-      insert_key( $ma, $type ) if ( !$print );
-      push @inserted, $type;
-    } else {
-      push @not_inserted, $type;
-    }
-  }
-  print "$dbname inserted keys for " . join( ", ", @inserted ) . ".\n"
-    if (@inserted);
-  print "$dbname did not insert keys for "
-    . join( ", ", @not_inserted ) . ".\n"
-    if (@not_inserted);
-} ## end for my $dbname (@dbnames)
+	print $dba->dbc()->dbname()
+	  . " (species_id "
+	  . $dba->species_id()
+	  . ") inserted keys for "
+	  . join( ", ", @inserted ) . ".\n"
+	  if (@inserted);
+	print "Did not insert keys for " . join( ", ", @not_inserted ) . ".\n"
+	  if (@not_inserted);
+} ## end sub process_dba
 sub delete_existing {
-  my ( $ma, $type ) = @_;
+	my ( $ma, $type ) = @_;
-  $ma->delete_key( $type . "build.level" );
+	$ma->delete_key( $type . "build.level" );
@@ -98,41 +82,41 @@ sub delete_existing {
 sub can_use_key {
-  my ( $dba, $type ) = @_;
+	my ( $dba, $type ) = @_;
-# compare total count of typewith number of toplevel type, if they're the same,
-# then we can use the key
+ # compare total count of typewith number of toplevel type, if they're the same,
+ # then we can use the key
-  my $sth = $dba->dbc()->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $type");
-  $sth->execute();
-  my $total = ( $sth->fetchrow_array() )[0];
+	my $sth = $dba->dbc()->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $type");
+	$sth->execute();
+	my $total = ( $sth->fetchrow_array() )[0];
-  $sth =
-    $dba->dbc()
-    ->prepare(   "SELECT COUNT(*) "
-               . "FROM $type t, seq_region_attrib sra, attrib_type at "
-               . "WHERE t.seq_region_id=sra.seq_region_id "
-               . "AND sra.attrib_type_id=at.attrib_type_id "
-               . "AND at.code='toplevel'" );
-  $sth->execute();
-  my $toplevel = ( $sth->fetchrow_array() )[0];
+	$sth =
+	  $dba->dbc()
+	  ->prepare(   "SELECT COUNT(*) "
+				 . "FROM $type t, seq_region_attrib sra, attrib_type at "
+				 . "WHERE t.seq_region_id=sra.seq_region_id "
+				 . "AND sra.attrib_type_id=at.attrib_type_id "
+				 . "AND at.code='toplevel'" );
+	$sth->execute();
+	my $toplevel = ( $sth->fetchrow_array() )[0];
-  if ( $toplevel > 0 ) {
-    return $total == $toplevel;
-  }
+	if ( $toplevel > 0 ) {
+		return $total == $toplevel;
+	}
+} ## end sub can_use_key
 sub insert_key {
-  my ( $ma, $type ) = @_;
-  $ma->store_key_value( $type . "build.level", "toplevel" );
+	my ( $ma, $type ) = @_;
+	$ma->store_key_value( $type . "build.level", "toplevel" );
 sub usage {
-  print <<EOF; exit(0);
+	print <<EOF; exit(0);
 Populate meta table with (e.g.) genebuild.level = toplevel if all genes
 are top level. Using v41 API code this can speed fetching and dumping
diff --git a/misc-scripts/repeats/repeat-types.pl b/misc-scripts/repeats/repeat-types.pl
index c2e811d40653adbe4822213292831a0834ad3e97..db39eabccd9a20983c87206ec7f305b4bcb5cf1e 100644
--- a/misc-scripts/repeats/repeat-types.pl
+++ b/misc-scripts/repeats/repeat-types.pl
@@ -1,92 +1,75 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
 # Repeat classification script
-# This script is used to do the repeat classification for web display 
-# on newer v32 databases.    
+# This script is used to do the repeat classification for web display
+# on newer v32 databases.
 use strict;
-use DBI;
-use Getopt::Long;
-my ( $host, $user, $pass, $port, $expression, $dbpattern, $help );
-GetOptions( "dbhost|host=s", \$host,
-	    "dbuser|user=s", \$user,
-	    "dbpass|pass=s", \$pass,
-	    "dbport|port=i", \$port,
-	    "dbname|dbpattern=s", \$dbpattern,
-      "help", \$help
-	  );
-if($help) {
-  usage();
-if( !$host ) {
-  print STDERR "-host argument is required\n";
-  usage();
-if( !$dbpattern ) {
-  print STDERR "-dbpattern argument is required\n";
-  usage();
-my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:host=$host";
-if( $port ) {
-  $dsn .= ";port=$port";
-my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $user, $pass );
-my @dbnames = map {$_->[0] } @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "show databases" ) };
-my @dbs = grep {$_ =~ /$dbpattern/} @dbnames;
-die("Haven't found any real dbs from $dbpattern") if(!@dbs);
-foreach my $db (@dbs) {
-  warn "using $db";
-  $dbh->do("use $db");
-  print STDERR "  Setting repeat types\n";
-  my %mappings = (
-    'Low_Comp%' => 'Low complexity regions',
-    'LINE%'	=> 'Type I Transposons/LINE',
-    'SINE%'	=> 'Type I Transposons/SINE',
-    'DNA%'	=> 'Type II Transposons',
-    'LTR%'	=> 'LTRs',
-    'Other%'	=> 'Other repeats',
-    'Satelli%'	=> 'Satellite repeats',
-    'Simple%'	=> 'Simple repeats',
-    'Other%'	=> 'Other repeats',
-    'Tandem%'	=> 'Tandem repeats',
-    'TRF%'	=> 'Tandem repeats',
-    'Waterman'	=> 'Waterman',
-    'Recon'	=> 'Recon',
-    'Tet_repeat'	=> 'Tetraodon repeats',
-    'MaskRegion'	=> 'Mask region',
-    'dust%' => 'Dust',
-    'Unknown%'	=> 'Unknown',
-    '%RNA'	=> 'RNA repeats',
-  );
-  foreach (keys %mappings) { 
-    $dbh->do(qq(update repeat_consensus set repeat_type = '$mappings{$_}' where repeat_class like '$_')); 
-  }
-  # type all remaining repeats as unknown
-  $dbh->do(qq(update repeat_consensus set repeat_type = 'Unknown' where repeat_type = ''));
-  $dbh->do(qq(update repeat_consensus set repeat_type = 'Unknown' where repeat_type = null));
+use warnings;
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper;
+my $cli_helper = Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper->new();
+# get the basic options for connecting to a database server
+my $optsd = $cli_helper->get_dba_opts();
+# add the print option
+push( @{$optsd}, "print|p" );
+# process the command line with the supplied options plus a help subroutine
+my $opts = $cli_helper->process_args( $optsd, \&usage );
+# use the command line options to get an array of database details
+for my $db_args ( @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_args_for_opts($opts) } ) {
+	# use the args to create a DBA
+	my $dba    = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new( %{$db_args} );
+	my $helper = $dba->dbc()->sql_helper();
+	print STDOUT "Processing species "
+	  . $dba->species_id()
+	  . " from database "
+	  . $dba->dbc()->dbname()
+	  . " on server "
+	  . $dba->dbc()->host() . "\n";
+	print STDERR "  Setting repeat types\n";
+	my %mappings = ( 'Low_Comp%'  => 'Low complexity regions',
+					 'LINE%'      => 'Type I Transposons/LINE',
+					 'SINE%'      => 'Type I Transposons/SINE',
+					 'DNA%'       => 'Type II Transposons',
+					 'LTR%'       => 'LTRs',
+					 'Other%'     => 'Other repeats',
+					 'Satelli%'   => 'Satellite repeats',
+					 'Simple%'    => 'Simple repeats',
+					 'Other%'     => 'Other repeats',
+					 'Tandem%'    => 'Tandem repeats',
+					 'TRF%'       => 'Tandem repeats',
+					 'Waterman'   => 'Waterman',
+					 'Recon'      => 'Recon',
+					 'Tet_repeat' => 'Tetraodon repeats',
+					 'MaskRegion' => 'Mask region',
+					 'dust%'      => 'Dust',
+					 'Unknown%'   => 'Unknown',
+					 '%RNA'       => 'RNA repeats', );
+	foreach ( keys %mappings ) {
+		$helper->execute_update( -SQL =>
+qq(update repeat_consensus set repeat_type = '$mappings{$_}' where repeat_class like '$_')
+		);
+	}
+	# type all remaining repeats as unknown
+	$helper->execute_update( -SQL =>
+qq(update repeat_consensus set repeat_type = 'Unknown' where repeat_type = '')
+	);
+	$helper->execute_update( -SQL =>
+qq(update repeat_consensus set repeat_type = 'Unknown' where repeat_type is null)
+	);
+} ## end for my $db_args ( @{ $cli_helper...})
 print STDERR "All done.\n";
 sub usage {
-  print STDERR <<EOF
+	print STDERR <<EOF
 This program classifies the repeats stored in a core database into some
 somewhat sensible categories.  It does this through a combination of a
@@ -100,6 +83,6 @@ example: perl repeat-types.pl -user ensadmin -pass secret -host ecs1g \\
              -port 3306 -dbpattern '^homo_sapiens_(core|vega)_20_34c$'
-  exit;
+	  ;
+	exit;
diff --git a/misc-scripts/translation_attribs.pl b/misc-scripts/translation_attribs.pl
index 2b97d6b93cee47ff0f8ac1386701670ad45fa683..aee078fdc694e27c0b7238c75f3d63d4e3765be7 100644
--- a/misc-scripts/translation_attribs.pl
+++ b/misc-scripts/translation_attribs.pl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 =head1 NAME
@@ -70,20 +70,33 @@ Daniel Rios <dani@ebi.ac.uk>, Ensembl core API team
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use Getopt::Long;
 use Pod::Usage;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::Translation;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
 use Data::Dumper;
 use DBI;
 use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw);
+use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper;
+my $cli_helper = Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::CliHelper->new();
-##global variable containing all possible pepstats and the codes used
+# get the basic options for connecting to a database server
+my $optsd = $cli_helper->get_dba_opts();
+# add the print option
+push( @{$optsd}, "binpath:s" );
+push( @{$optsd}, "tmpdir:s" );
+push( @{$optsd}, "verbose|v" );
+# process the command line with the supplied options plus a help subroutine
+my $opts = $cli_helper->process_args( $optsd, \&pod2usage );
+$opts->{binpath} ||= '/software/pubseq/bin/emboss';
+$opts->{tmpdir}  ||= '/tmp';
+$opts->{port}    ||= '3306';
+$opts->{host}    ||= 'ens-staging';
+$opts->{user}    ||= 'ensro';
 my %PEPSTATS_CODES = ( 'Number of residues' => 'NumResidues',
 		       'Molecular weight'   => 'MolecularWeight',
@@ -97,221 +110,140 @@ my %MET_AND_STOP = ( 'Starts with methionine' => 'starts_met',
-## Command line options
-my $binpath = '/software/pubseq/bin/emboss'; 
-my $tmpdir = '/tmp';
-my $host = 'ens-staging';
-my $dbname = undef;
-my $user = undef;
-my $pass = undef;
-my $port = 3306;
-my $help = undef;
-my $pattern = undef;
-GetOptions('binpath=s' => \$binpath,
-	   'tmpdir=s' => \$tmpdir,
-	   'host=s'    => \$host,
-	   'dbname=s'  => \$dbname,
-	   'user=s'    => \$user,
-	   'pass=s'    => \$pass,
-	   'port=s'    => \$port,
-	   'help'    => \$help,
-	   'pattern=s' => \$pattern
-	   );
-pod2usage(1) if($help);
-throw("--user argument required") if (!defined($user));
-throw("--pass argument required") if (!defined($pass));
-my $dbas;
-#load registry with all databses when no database defined
-if (!defined ($dbname) && !defined ($pattern)){
-  Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->load_registry_from_db(-host => $host,
-						-user => $user,
-						-pass => $pass,
-						-port => $port
-					      );
-  $dbas = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_all_DBAdaptors(-group=>'core'); #get all core adaptors for all species
-elsif(defined ($pattern)){
-  #will only load core databases matching the pattern
-  my $database = 'information_schema';
-  my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$host;port=$port",$user,$pass);
-  #fetch all databases matching the pattern
-  my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW DATABASES WHERE `database` REGEXP \'$pattern\'");
-  $sth->execute();
-  my $dbs = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
-  foreach my $db_name (@{$dbs}){
-    #this is a core database
-    #TODO Fix this; we DO NOT want to do this and it will break for trinomials
-    my ($species) = ( $db_name->[0] =~ /(^[a-z]+_[a-z]+)_(core|vega|otherfeatures)_\d+/ );
-    next unless $species;
-    my $dba = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(-host => $host,
-						  -user => $user,
-						  -pass => $pass,
-						  -port => $port,
-						  -group => 'core',
-						  -species => $species,
-						  -dbname => $db_name->[0]
-						);
-    if ($db_name->[0] =~ /(vega|otherfeatures)/){
-      my $other_dbname = $db_name->[0];
-      $other_dbname =~ s/$1/core/;
-      #for vega databases, add the core as the dna database
-      my $core_db  = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(-host => $host,
-							 -user => $user,
-							 -pass => $pass,
-							 -port => $port,
-							 -species => $species,
-							 -dbname => $other_dbname
-						       );
-      $dba->dnadb($core_db);
-    }
-    push @{$dbas},$dba;
-  }
-elsif(defined ($dbname)){
-#only get a single DBAdaptor, the one for the database specified
-  my $dba = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(-host => $host,
-						-user => $user,
-						-pass => $pass,
-						-port => $port,
-						-dbname => $dbname
-					      );
-  if ($dbname =~ /(vega|otherfeatures)/){
-    my $other_dbname = $dbname;
-    $other_dbname =~ s/$1/core/;
-    #for vega databases, add the core as the dna database
-    my $core_db  = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(-host => $host,
-						       -user => $user,
-						       -pass => $pass,
-						       -port => $port,
-						       -dbname => $other_dbname
-						     );
-    $dba->dnadb($core_db);
-  }
-  push @{$dbas},$dba;
-  thrown("Not entered properly database connection param. Read docs\n");
-my %attributes_to_delete; #hash containing attributes to be removed from the database
-#from release 54, only PEPSTATS_CODES will be calculated, but we will leave the MET_AND_STOP
-#removal in case the database run is very old
-%attributes_to_delete = (%PEPSTATS_CODES,%MET_AND_STOP);
+my %attributes_to_delete = (%PEPSTATS_CODES);
 my $translation_attribs = {};
 my $translation;
 my $dbID;
-#foreach of the species, calculate the pepstats
-foreach my $dba (@{$dbas}){
-  next if (defined $dbname and $dba->dbc->dbname ne $dbname);
-  print "Removing attributes from database ", $dba->dbc->dbname,"\n";
-  remove_old_attributes($dba,\%attributes_to_delete);
-  my $translationAdaptor = $dba->get_TranslationAdaptor();
-  my $transcriptAdaptor = $dba->get_TranscriptAdaptor();
-  my $attributeAdaptor = $dba->get_AttributeAdaptor();
-  print "Going to update translation_attribs for ", $dba->dbc->dbname,"\n";
-  #for all the translations in the database, run pepstats and update the translation_attrib table
-  my $sth = $dba->dbc->prepare("SELECT translation_id from translation"); 
-  $sth->execute();
-  $sth->bind_columns(\$dbID);
-  while($sth->fetch()){
-    #foreach translation, retrieve object
-    $translation = $translationAdaptor->fetch_by_dbID($dbID);
-    #calculate pepstats
-    get_pepstats($translation,$binpath,$tmpdir,$translation_attribs);
-    #and store results in database
-    store_translation_attribs($attributeAdaptor,$translation_attribs,$translation,\%PEPSTATS_CODES);    	
-    $translation_attribs = {};
-  }
+# use the command line options to get an array of database details
+for my $db_args ( @{ $cli_helper->get_dba_args_for_opts($opts) } ) {
+	# use the args to create a DBA
+	my $dba    = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new( %{$db_args} );
+	my $dbname = $dba->dbc()->dbname();
+	print STDOUT "Processing species "
+	  . $dba->species_id()
+	  . " from database "
+	  . $dba->dbc()->dbname()
+	  . " on server "
+	  . $dba->dbc()->host() . "\n";
+	if ( $dbname =~ /(vega|otherfeatures)/ ) {
+		my $other_dbname = $dbname;
+		$other_dbname =~ s/$1/core/;
+		$opts->{dbname} = $other_dbname;
+		#for vega databases, add the core as the dna database
+		my $core_db = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new( %{$db_args} );
+		$dba->dnadb($core_db);
+	}
+	print "Removing attributes from database ", $dba->dbc->dbname, "\n";
+	remove_old_attributes( $dba, \%attributes_to_delete);
+	my $translationAdaptor = $dba->get_TranslationAdaptor();
+	my $attributeAdaptor   = $dba->get_AttributeAdaptor();
+	print
+	  "Going to update translation_attribs in",
+	  $dba->dbc->dbname, "\n";
+#for all the translations in the database, run pepstats and update the translation_attrib table
+	my @translation_ids = @{
+		$dba->dbc()->sql_helper()->execute_simple(
+-SQL=>"SELECT tl.translation_id FROM translation tl, transcript tr, seq_region s, coord_system c WHERE tl.transcript_id = tr.transcript_id AND tr.seq_region_id = s.seq_region_id AND s.coord_system_id = c.coord_system_id AND c.species_id = ? order by tl.translation_id",
+			-PARAMS=>[$dba->species_id()] ) };
+	my $translations = {};
+	my $tmpfile      = $opts->{tmpdir} . "/$$.pep";
+	open( TMP, "> $tmpfile" ) || warn "PEPSTAT: $!";
+	print "Retrieving translations\n";
+	for my $dbID (@translation_ids) {
+		#foreach translation, retrieve object
+		my $translation = $translationAdaptor->fetch_by_dbID($dbID);
+		if ( $opts->{verbose} ) {
+			print "Dumping translation dbID, $dbID...\n";
+		}
+		$translations->{$dbID} = $translation;
+		my $peptide_seq = $translation->seq();
+		if ( !( $peptide_seq =~ m/[BZX]/ig ) ) {
+			if ( $peptide_seq !~ /\n$/ ) { $peptide_seq .= "\n" }
+			$peptide_seq =~ s/\*$//;
+			print TMP ">$dbID\n$peptide_seq";
+		} else {
+			print "Skipping translation dbID $dbID due to ambiguity codes...\n";
+		}
+	}
+	close(TMP);
+	print "Running pepstat\n";
+	my $PEPSTATS = $opts->{binpath} . '/bin/pepstats';
+	throw("pepstats binary at  $PEPSTATS cannot be executed")
+	  if ( !-x $PEPSTATS );
+	open( OUT, "$PEPSTATS -filter < $tmpfile 2>&1 |" )
+	  || warn "PEPSTAT: $!";
+	my @lines = <OUT>;
+	close(OUT);
+	unlink($tmpfile);
+	my $attribs = {};
+	my $tId;
+	print "Parsing pepstat\n";
+	foreach my $line (@lines) {
+		if ( $line =~ /PEPSTATS of ([^ ]+)/ ) {
+			$tId = $1;
+		} elsif ( defined $tId ) {
+			if ( $line =~ /^Molecular weight = (\S+)(\s+)Residues = (\d+).*/ ) {
+				$attribs->{$tId}{'Number of residues'} = $3;
+				$attribs->{$tId}{'Molecular weight'}   = $1;
+			} elsif ( $line =~
+/^Average(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)=(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)=(\s+)(\S+)/ )
+			{
+				$attribs->{$tId}{'Ave. residue weight'} = $7;
+				$attribs->{$tId}{'Charge'}              = $12;
+			} elsif ( $line =~ /^Isoelectric(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)=(\s+)(\S+)/ ) {
+				$attribs->{$tId}{'Isoelectric point'} = $5;
+			} elsif ( $line =~ /FATAL/ ) {
+				print STDERR "pepstats: $line\n";
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	for my $id ( keys %$attribs ) {
+		my $translation = $translations->{$id};
+		my $aas         = $attribs->{$id};
+		if ( $opts->{verbose} ) {
+			print "Storing attribs for translation dbID, $id...\n";
+		}
+		store_translation_attrib( $attributeAdaptor, $translation, $aas );
+	}
+} ## end for my $db_args ( @{ $cli_helper...})
 #will remove any entries in the translation_attrib table for the attributes, if any
 #this method will try to remove the old starts_met and has_stop_codon attributes, if present
 #this is to allow to be run on old databases, but removing the not used attributes
-sub remove_old_attributes{
-  my $dba = shift;
-  my $attributes = shift;
-  my $sth = $dba->dbc()->prepare("DELETE ta FROM translation_attrib ta, attrib_type at WHERE at.attrib_type_id = ta.attrib_type_id AND at.code = ?");
-  #remove all possible entries in the translation_attrib table for the attributes
-  foreach my $value (values %{$attributes}){
-    $sth->execute($value);
-  }
-  $sth->finish;
+sub remove_old_attributes {
+	my $dba        = shift;
+	my $attributes = shift;
+		print "removing all translation attributes for db, "
+		  . $dba->{_dbc}->{_dbname} . "\n";
+		foreach my $value ( values %{$attributes} ) {
+		    my $sql = "delete ta FROM translation_attrib ta, attrib_type at, translation tl, transcript tr, seq_region s, coord_system c  WHERE at.attrib_type_id = ta.attrib_type_id AND ta.translation_id=tl.translation_id and  tl.transcript_id = tr.transcript_id AND tr.seq_region_id = s.seq_region_id AND s.coord_system_id = c.coord_system_id AND c.species_id = ? and at.code=?";
+			$dba->dbc()->sql_helper()->execute_update(-SQL=>$sql,-PARAMS=>[$dba->species_id(),$value]);
+		}
+		return;
+} ## end sub remove_old_attributes
+sub store_translation_attrib {
+	my ( $attributeAdaptor, $translation, $attribs ) = @_;
+	my @attribs;
+	for my $key ( keys %$attribs ) {
+		my $value = $attribs->{$key};
+		push @attribs,
+		  Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute->new( '-code'  => $PEPSTATS_CODES{$key},
+										'-name'  => $key,
+										'-value' => $value );
+	}
+	$attributeAdaptor->store_on_Translation( $translation, \@attribs );
+	return;
-#method that retrieves the pepstatistics for a translation
-sub get_pepstats {
-  my $translation = shift;
-  my $binpath = shift;
-  my $tmpdir = shift;
-  my $translation_attribs = shift;
-  my $peptide_seq ;
-  eval { $peptide_seq = $translation->seq};
-  if ($@) {
-    warn("PEPSTAT: eval() failed: $!");
-    return {};
-  } elsif ( $peptide_seq =~ m/[BZX]/ig ) {
-    return {};
-  }
-  return {} if ($@ || $peptide_seq =~ m/[BZX]/ig);
-  if( $peptide_seq !~ /\n$/ ){ $peptide_seq .= "\n" }
-  $peptide_seq =~ s/\*$//;
-  my $tmpfile = $tmpdir."/$$.pep";
-  open( TMP, "> $tmpfile" ) || warn "PEPSTAT: $!";
-  print TMP "$peptide_seq";
-  close(TMP);
-  my $PEPSTATS = $binpath.'/bin/pepstats';
-  open (OUT, "$PEPSTATS -filter < $tmpfile 2>&1 |") || warn "PEPSTAT: $!";
-  my @lines = <OUT>;
-  close(OUT);
-  unlink($tmpfile);
-  foreach my $line (@lines){
-    if($line =~ /^Molecular weight = (\S+)(\s+)Residues = (\d+).*/){
-      $translation_attribs->{'Number of residues'} = $3 ;
-      $translation_attribs->{'Molecular weight'} = $1;
-    }
-    if($line =~ /^Average(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)=(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)=(\s+)(\S+)/){
-      $translation_attribs->{'Ave. residue weight'} = $7;
-      $translation_attribs->{'Charge'} = $12;
-    }
-    if($line =~ /^Isoelectric(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)=(\s+)(\S+)/){
-      $translation_attribs->{'Isoelectric point'} = $5;
-    }
-    if ($line =~ /FATAL/){
-      print STDERR "pepstats: $line\n";
-      $translation_attribs = {};
-    }
-  }
-sub store_translation_attribs{
-  my $attributeAdaptor = shift;
-  my $translation_attribs = shift;
-  my $translation = shift;
-  my $attributes = shift;
-  my $attribute;
-  my @attributes;
-  #each of the keys in the pepstats is an attribute for the translation
-  foreach my $key (keys %{$translation_attribs}){
-    $attribute = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute->new('-code' => $attributes->{$key},
-					      '-name' => $key,
-					      '-value' => $translation_attribs->{$key}
-					    );
-    push @attributes, $attribute;
-  }
-  $attributeAdaptor->store_on_Translation($translation,\@attributes);