From d9c6f80228232810a1ce1f07772f992e8727b095 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Longden <>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 15:55:42 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] moved to docs directory

 misc-scripts/xref_mapping/FAQ.txt | 408 ------------------------------
 1 file changed, 408 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 misc-scripts/xref_mapping/FAQ.txt

diff --git a/misc-scripts/xref_mapping/FAQ.txt b/misc-scripts/xref_mapping/FAQ.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 09b8e39604..0000000000
--- a/misc-scripts/xref_mapping/FAQ.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-1)  What code do i need to run the external database cross reference mapping.
-2)  What is the recommended way to run the extrnal databse cross references for 
-    an already entered species?
-3)  How do i add a new species?
-4)  How do i add a new external database source?
-5)  How do i track my process?
-6)  I have mapping errors how do i fix them?
-7)  How do i  start again from the parsing has finished stage?
-8)  How do i start again from the mapping_finished stage?
-9)  What is fullmode and partupdate?
-10) How do i run my external database references without a compute farm?
-11) I want to use a different list of external database sources for my 
-    display_xrefs (names)?
-12) I want to use a different list of external database sources for my gene 
-    descriptions?
-1) What software do i need to run the external database cross reference mapping?
-   You will need a copy of exonerate and the ensembl API code.
-   Exonerate installation intructions can be found at
-   To install the ensembl API see 
-2) What is the recommended way to run the xrefs for an already entered species?
-   The xref system comes in two parts, first parsing the external database sources
-   into an tempory xref database and then mapping these to the core database.
-   a) To parse the data into the xref database you should use the script 
-, which can be found in ensembl/misc-scripts/xref_mapping 
-      directory.     
- -user rwuser -pass XXX -host host1 -species human 
-                     -dbname human_xref -stats -create >& PARSER.OUT
-      check the file PARSER.OUT to make sure everything is okay. It could be that
-      it was unable to connect to an external site and may not have loaded 
-      everything.
-      If there was a problem with the connections try again but this time use the
-      option -checkdownload as this will not download data you already have but 
-      will try to get the data you are missing, saving time.
-      The script may wait for you to answer a couple of questions 
-      about overwriting the database or redoing the configuration so you will also
-      have to look at what is in the output file, but this is usually worth doing
-      to keep a record of what the parser did. 
-      At the end of the parsing you should get a summary which should look 
-      something like:-
-      ============================================================================
-      Summary of status
-      ============================================================================
-                    EntrezGene EntrezGeneParser         OKAY
-                            GO GOParser                 OKAY
-                            GO InterproGoParser         OKAY
-                      Interpro InterproParser           OKAY
-                    RefSeq_dna RefSeqParser             OKAY
-                RefSeq_peptide RefSeqGPFFParser         OKAY
-                       UniGene UniGeneParser            OKAY
-              Uniprot/SPTREMBL UniProtParser            OKAY
-             Uniprot/SWISSPROT UniProtParser            OKAY
-                         ncRNA ncRNA_DBParser           OKAY
-      If any of these are not OKAY then ther has been a problem so look further 
-      up in the file to find out why it failed.
-   b) Map the external databases entries to the core database.
-      First you need to create a configuration file.
-      Below is an example of a configuration file
-      ####################################################
-      xref
-      host=host1
-      port=3306
-      dbname=macaca_xref
-      user=user1
-      password=pass1
-      dir=./xref_dir
-      species=macaca_mulatta
-      host=host2
-      port=3306
-      dbname=macaca_core
-      user=user2
-      password=pass2
-      dir=./ensembl_dir
-      farm
-      queue=long
-      exonerate=/software/ensembl/bin/exonerate-1.4.0
-      ####################################################
-      Note that the Directorys specified must exist when the mapping is done.
-      The farm options are totally optional and can be left out but may be needed
-      if you have different queue names or have exonerate installed not in the 
-      default place
-      Now we can do the mapping.
-      Ideally this should be done in two steps so that after the first step you 
-      can check the output to make sure you are happy with everything before 
-      loading into the core database.
-      i) Map the entitys in the xref database and do some checks etc.
- -file xref_config >& MAPPER1.OUT
-         If you have no compute farm then add the -nofarm option.
-         Check the output file if warning about xref number increasing do not 
-         worry the main thing to be concerned about is a reduction in the number 
-         of that none are in the xref database abut are in the core database.
-         If you get errors about the mapping files then a couple of things could 
-         have gone wrong, first and usual culprit is that the system ran out of 
-         disk space or the compute farm job got lost.
-         In this case you have two options
-            1) reset then database to the parsing stage and rerun all the mappings
-              To reset the database use the option -reset_to_parsing_finished
-     -file xref_config -reset_to_parsing_finished
-              then redo the mapping
-     -file xref_config -dumpcheck >& MAPPER.OUT
-              Note here we use -dumpcheck to make the program does not dump the 
-              fasta files if they  are already there as this process can take 
-              along time and the fasta files will not have changed.
-             2) just redo those jobs that failed.
-              Run the mapper with the -resubmit_failed_jobs flag
-     -file xref_config -resubmit_failed_jobs
-           Option 2 will be much faster as it will only redo the jobs that failed.
-      ii) Load the data into the core database and calculate the display_xrefs etc
- -file xref_config -upload >& MAPPER2.OUT
-3) How do i add a new species?
-   Edit the file xref_config.ini and add a new entry in the species section
-   Here is an example:-
-[species macaca_mulatta]
-taxonomy_id     = 9544
-aliases         = macaque, rhesus, rhesus macaque, rmacaque
-source          = EntrezGene::MULTI
-source          = GO::MULTI
-source          = InterproGO::MULTI
-source          = Interpro::MULTI
-source          = RefSeq_dna::MULTI-vertebrate_mammalian
-source          = RefSeq_peptide::MULTI-vertebrate_mammalian
-source          = Uniprot/SPTREMBL::MULTI
-source          = Uniprot/SWISSPROT::MULTI
-source          = UniGene::macaca_mulatta
-source          = ncRNA::MULTI
-   [species xxxx] and  taxonomy_id must be present.
-   It is usually best just to cut and paste an already existing similar species 
-   and start from that. 
-4) How do i add a new external database source?
-   Edit the file xref_config.ini and add a new entry in the sources section
-   Here is an example:-
-[source Fantom::mus_musculus]
-# Used by mus_muscullus
-name            = Fantom
-download        = Y
-order           = 100
-priority        = 1
-prio_descr      =
-parser          = FantomParser
-release_uri     =
-data_uri        =
-   name: The name you want to call the external database.
-         You must also add this to the core databases
-   download: Y if the data needs to be obtained online (i.e. not a local file)
-             N if you are getting the data from a file.
-   order: The order in which the source shpuld be parsed. 1 beinging the first.
-   priority: This is for sources where we get the data from multiple places
-             i.e. HGNC. For most sources just set this to 1.
-   prio_desc: Only used for priority sources. And sets a description to give 
-              a way to diffentiate them and track which is which.
-   parser: Which parser to use. If this is a new source then you will probably 
-           need a new parser. Find a parser that is similar and start from this.
-           Parsers must be in the ensembl/misc-scripts/xref_mapping/XrefParser 
-           directory.
-   release_uri: a uri to get the release information from. The parser should 
-                handle this.
-   data_uri: Explains how and where to get the data from. There can be multiple 
-             lines of this.
-   The uri can get data via several methods and here is the list and a brief 
-   explaination.
-       ftp:    Get the file via ftp
-       script: Passes argumant to the parser. This might be things like a database
-               to connect to to run smome sql to get the data..
-       file:   The name with full path of the file to be parsed.
-       http: To get data via an external webpage/cgi script.
-5) How do i track my process?
-     If you did not use -noverbose then the output file should give you a general
-     idea of what stage you are at. By directly examining the xref database you 
-     can see the last stage that was completed by viewing the entries in the 
-     process_status table.
-     Another option is to use the script which will give you some 
-     information about the status. The script is ran similar to the
-     code in that it needs a config_file.
- -file xref_config
-     This script gives more information when the xref_mapper is running the 
-     mapping jobs or processing the mapping files as it will tell you how many 
-     have finished and how many are left to run etc. These are the longer stages
-     of the process.
-6) I have mapping errors how do i fix them?
-   If for some reason a mapping job failed this tends to be things like running 
-   out of disk space, the compute farm loosing a job etc then you have a couple 
-   of options.
-   i) reset the database to the parsing stage and rerun all the mappings
-   To reset the database use the option -reset_to_parsing_finished
- -file xref_config -reset_to_parsing_finished
-   then redo the mapping
- -file xref_config -dumpcheck
-   Note here we use -dumpcheck to make sure the program does not dump the fasta 
-   files if they are already there as this process can take along time and the 
-   fasta files will not have changed.
-   ii) just redo those jobs that failed.
-   Run the mapper with the -resubmit_failed_jobs flag
- -file xref_config -resubmit_failed_jobs
-7) How do i start again from the parsing has finished stage?
-   To reset the database use the option -reset_to_parsing_finished
- -file xref_config -reset_to_parsing_finished
-8) How do i start again from the mapping_finished stage?
-   To reset the database use the option -reset_to_mapping_finished
- -file xref_config -reset_to_mapping_finished
-   Remember to use -dumpcheck when you run the next
-   time to save time.
-9) What is fullmode and partupdate?
-   Fullmode means that all the xrefs are being updated and not just a few specific
-   external database sources. This is important as this affects the way the 
-   display_xrefs, descriptions are calculated at the end.The user can override 
-   this by setting -partupdate option in the mapper options or change the entry 
-   in the table (key is "fullmode" in meta table).
-   If we are doing all the xref sources then we know that all the data is local 
-   and hence can do some SQL to get  the display_xrefs etc But if this is not the
-   case then the core database will have extra information in it that may be 
-   needed so we have to query the core database. The xref database has extra 
-   information that is not in the xref database and so simple SQL can be used 
-   whereas with the core 
-   database we have to go for each gene and then for each transcript etc using the
-   API which is alot slower.
-   In summary only alter the mode here if you know what you are doing and what 
-   consequences there are.
-10) How do i run my external database references without a compute farm?
-  Simply use the -nofarm option with the script.
-  This will run the exonerate jobs locally.
-11) I want to use a different list of external database sources for my 
-    display_xrefs (names)?
-   The external databases to be used for the display_xrefs are taken from either 
-   the subroutine transcript_display_sources  i.e.
-   sub transcript_display_xref_sources {
-     my @list = qw(miRBase
-                RFAM
-                HGNC_curated_gene
-		HGNC_automatic_gene
-                MGI_curated_gene
-		MGI_automatic_gene
-		Clone_based_vega_gene
-		Clone_based_ensembl_gene
-		HGNC_curated_transcript
-		HGNC_automatic_transcript
-		MGI_curated_transcript
-		MGI_automatic_transcript
-		Clone_based_vega_transcript
-		Clone_based_ensembl_transcript
-		SGD
-		MGI
-		flybase_symbol
-		Anopheles_symbol
-		Genoscope_annotated_gene
-		Uniprot/SWISSPROT
-		Uniprot/Varsplic
-		RefSeq_peptide
-		RefSeq_dna
-		Uniprot/SPTREMBL
-		EntrezGene
-	        IPI);
-     my %ignore;
-     $ignore{"EntrezGene"}= 'FROM:RefSeq_[pd][en][pa].*_predicted';
-     return [\@list,\%ignore];
-   }
-   or if you want to create your own list then you need to create a 
-   file and create a new subroutine there an example here is for 
-   drosophila_melanogaster.
-   So in the file  
-   (found in the directory ensembl/misc-scripts/xref_mapping/XrefMapper)
-   we have :-
-   sub transcript_display_xref_sources {
-     my @list = qw(FlyBaseName_transcript FlyBaseCGID_transcript flybase_annotation_id);
-     my %ignore;
-     $ignore{"EntrezGene"}= 'FROM:RefSeq_[pd][en][pa].*_predicted';
-     return [\@list,\%ignore];
-  }
-12) I want to use a different list of external database sources for my gene 
-    descriptions?
-   As above but this time we use the sub gene_description_sources.