diff --git a/misc-scripts/xref_mapping/xref_config2sql.pl b/misc-scripts/xref_mapping/xref_config2sql.pl
index a0a3981f8dd16a299d1591ea87375a7f1d6a27f7..c5f4c51ede11048b876c7ca7707195fd50739556 100755
--- a/misc-scripts/xref_mapping/xref_config2sql.pl
+++ b/misc-scripts/xref_mapping/xref_config2sql.pl
@@ -24,10 +24,9 @@ use warnings;
 use Config::IniFiles;
 my $config =
-  Config::IniFiles->new(
-      -file => (
-          defined $ARGV[0] && -f $ARGV[0] ? $ARGV[0] : 'xref_config.ini'
-      ) );
+  Config::IniFiles->new( -file =>
+      ( defined $ARGV[0] && -f $ARGV[0] ? $ARGV[0] : 'xref_config.ini' )
+  );
 # Do the species.
@@ -36,28 +35,27 @@ print("# SPECIES\n");
 foreach my $section ( $config->GroupMembers('species') ) {
-    my $species_name = substr( $section, 8 );
+  my $species_name = substr( $section, 8 );
-    my @taxonomy_ids =
-      split( /\n/, $config->val( $section, 'taxonomy_id' ) );
+  my @taxonomy_ids =
+    split( /\n/, $config->val( $section, 'taxonomy_id' ) );
-    my $species_id = $taxonomy_ids[0];
+  my $species_id = $taxonomy_ids[0];
-    printf( "# Species '%s' (id = %d)\n", $species_name, $species_id );
+  printf( "# Species '%s' (id = %d)\n", $species_name, $species_id );
-    foreach my $taxonomy_id (@taxonomy_ids) {
-        print(   "INSERT INTO species "
-               . "(species_id, taxonomy_id, name, aliases)\n" );
+  foreach my $taxonomy_id (@taxonomy_ids) {
+    print(   "INSERT INTO species "
+           . "(species_id, taxonomy_id, name, aliases)\n" );
-        printf( "VALUES (%d, %d, '%s', '%s');\n",
-                $species_id, $taxonomy_id, $species_name,
-                $config->val( $section, 'aliases' ) );
-    }
+    printf( "VALUES (%d, %d, '%s', '%s');\n",
+            $species_id, $taxonomy_id, $species_name,
+            $config->val( $section, 'aliases' ) );
+  }
-    print("\n");
+  print("\n");
 # Do the sources.
 print( '#' x 80, "\n" );
@@ -65,26 +63,25 @@ print("# SOURCES\n");
 my $source_id = 0;
-foreach my $section ( $config->GroupMembers('source') ) {
-    my $source_name = substr( $section, 7 );
+foreach my $section ( sort( $config->GroupMembers('source') ) ) {
+  my $source_name = substr( $section, 7 );
-    $config->newval( $section, 'id', ++$source_id );
+  $config->newval( $section, 'id', ++$source_id );
-    printf( "# Source '%s' (id = %d)\n", $source_name, $source_id );
+  printf( "# Source '%s' (id = %d)\n", $source_name, $source_id );
-    print(   "INSERT INTO source "
-           . "(name, source_release, download, ordered, "
-           . "priority, priority_description)\n" );
+  print(   "INSERT INTO source "
+         . "(name, source_release, download, ordered, "
+         . "priority, priority_description)\n" );
-    printf( "VALUES ('%s', '1', '%s', %d, %d, '%s');\n",
-            $config->val( $section, 'name' ),
-            $config->val( $section, 'download' ),
-            $config->val( $section, 'order' ),
-            $config->val( $section, 'priority' ),
-            $config->val( $section, 'prio_descr' ) );
-    print("\n");
+  printf( "VALUES ('%s', '1', '%s', %d, %d, '%s');\n",
+          $config->val( $section, 'name' ),
+          $config->val( $section, 'download' ),
+          $config->val( $section, 'order' ),
+          $config->val( $section, 'priority' ),
+          $config->val( $section, 'prio_descr' ) );
+  print("\n");
 # Do the data files.
@@ -93,52 +90,51 @@ print( '#' x 80, "\n" );
 print("# DATA FILES\n");
-foreach my $species_section ( $config->GroupMembers('species') ) {
-    my $species_name = substr( $species_section, 8 );
+foreach my $species_section ( sort( $config->GroupMembers('species') ) )
+  my $species_name = substr( $species_section, 8 );
-    my @taxonomy_ids =
-      split( /\n/, $config->val( $species_section, 'taxonomy_id' ) );
+  my @taxonomy_ids =
+    split( /\n/, $config->val( $species_section, 'taxonomy_id' ) );
-    my $species_id = $taxonomy_ids[0];
-    print( '#', '-' x 79, "\n" );
-    printf( "# Data for species '%s' (id = %d)\n",
-            $species_name, $species_id );
-    print( '#', '-' x 79, "\n" );
-    print("\n");
+  my $species_id = $taxonomy_ids[0];
+  print( '#', '-' x 79, "\n" );
+  printf( "# Data for species '%s' (id = %d)\n",
+          $species_name, $species_id );
+  print( '#', '-' x 79, "\n" );
+  print("\n");
-    foreach my $source_name (
-             split( /\n/, $config->val( $species_section, 'source' ) ) )
-    {
-        my $source_section = sprintf( "source %s", $source_name );
+  foreach my $source_name (
+     sort( split( /\n/, $config->val( $species_section, 'source' ) ) ) )
+  {
+    my $source_section = sprintf( "source %s", $source_name );
-        printf( "# Data from source '%s' (id = %d)\n",
-                $source_name, $config->val( $source_section, 'id' ) );
+    printf( "# Data from source '%s' (id = %d)\n",
+            $source_name, $config->val( $source_section, 'id' ) );
-        print(   "INSERT INTO source_url "
-               . "(source_id, species_id, url, release_url, "
-               . "file_modified_date, upload_date, parser)\n" );
+    print(   "INSERT INTO source_url "
+           . "(source_id, species_id, url, release_url, "
+           . "file_modified_date, upload_date, parser)\n" );
-        my @uris = split( /\n/,
-                      $config->val( $source_section, 'data_uri', '' ) );
+    my @uris =
+      split( /\n/, $config->val( $source_section, 'data_uri', '' ) );
-        my $release_uri =
-          $config->val( $source_section, 'release_uri' );
+    my $release_uri = $config->val( $source_section, 'release_uri' );
-        if ( $release_uri !~ /\w/ ) {
-            $release_uri = '\N';
-        } else {
-            $release_uri = "'$release_uri'";
-        }
+    if ( $release_uri !~ /\w/ ) {
+      $release_uri = '\N';
+    } else {
+      $release_uri = "'$release_uri'";
+    }
-        printf( "VALUES (%d, %d, '%s', %s, now(), now(), '%s');\n",
-                $config->val( $source_section, 'id' ),
-                $species_id,
-                join( ' ', @uris ),
-                $release_uri,
-                $config->val( $source_section, 'parser' ) );
+    printf( "VALUES (%d, %d, '%s', %s, now(), now(), '%s');\n",
+            $config->val( $source_section, 'id' ),
+            $species_id,
+            join( ' ', @uris ),
+            $release_uri,
+            $config->val( $source_section, 'parser' ) );
-        print("\n");
-    } ## end foreach my $source_name ( split...
+    print("\n");
+  } ## end foreach my $source_name ( sort...
 } ## end foreach my $species_section...