diff --git a/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/CircularSlice.pm b/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/CircularSlice.pm
index f458560c7f43f15fa00b417c66d08cfa794f112b..4596ea7296a8159f4a5105f140d9b0db612ea16f 100644
--- a/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/CircularSlice.pm
+++ b/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/CircularSlice.pm
@@ -880,267 +880,6 @@ sub get_all_genotyped_VariationFeatures {
-=head2 get_all_QtlFeatures
-  Args       : none
-  Description: returns overlapping QtlFeatures
-  Returntype : listref Bio::EnsEMBL::Map::QtlFeature
-  Exceptions : none
-  Caller     : general
-  Status     : Stable
-sub get_all_QtlFeatures {
-  my $self = shift;
-  if ( !$self->adaptor() ) {
-    warning('Cannot get QtlFeatures without attached adaptor');
-    return [];
-  }
-  my $qfAdaptor;
-  if ( $self->adaptor() ) {
-    $qfAdaptor = $self->adaptor()->db()->get_QtlFeatureAdaptor();
-  } else {
-    return [];
-  }
-  ## circular BOF
-  my ($sl1, $sl2) = $self->_split;
-  my ( @arr, @arr1, @arr2 );
-  @arr1 = @{ $qfAdaptor->fetch_all_by_Slice_constraint($sl1) };
-  @arr2 = @{ $qfAdaptor->fetch_all_by_Slice_constraint($sl2) };
-  push @arr, @arr1, @arr2;
-  return \@arr;
-  ## circular EOF
-} ## end sub get_all_QtlFeatures
-=head2 get_all_KaryotypeBands
-  Arg [1]    : none
-  Example    : @kary_bands = @{$slice->get_all_KaryotypeBands};
-  Description: Retrieves the karyotype bands which this slice overlaps.
-  Returntype : listref oif Bio::EnsEMBL::KaryotypeBands
-  Exceptions : none
-  Caller     : general, contigview
-  Status     : Stable
-sub get_all_KaryotypeBands {
-  my ($self) = @_;
-  if ( !$self->adaptor() ) {
-    warning('Cannot get KaryotypeBands without attached adaptor');
-    return [];
-  }
-  my $kadp = $self->adaptor->db->get_KaryotypeBandAdaptor();
-  ## circular BOF
-  my ($sl1, $sl2) = $self->_split;
-  my ( @arr, @arr1, @arr2 );
-  @arr1 = @{ $kadp->fetch_all_by_Slice($sl1) };
-  @arr2 = @{ $kadp->fetch_all_by_Slice($sl2) };
-  push @arr, @arr1, @arr2;
-  return \@arr;
-  ## circular EOF
-} ## end sub get_all_KaryotypeBands
-=head2 get_all_compara_DnaAlignFeatures
-  Arg [1]    : string $qy_species
-               The name of the species to retrieve similarity features from
-  Arg [2]    : string $qy_assembly
-               The name of the assembly to retrieve similarity features from
-  Arg [3]    : string $type
-               The type of the alignment to retrieve similarity features from
-  Arg [4]    : <optional> compara dbadptor to use.
-  Example    : $fs = $slc->get_all_compara_DnaAlignFeatures('Mus musculus',
-							    'MGSC3',
-							    'WGA');
-  Description: Retrieves a list of DNA-DNA Alignments to the species specified
-               by the $qy_species argument.
-               The compara database must be attached to the core database
-               for this call to work correctly.  As well the compara database
-               must have the core dbadaptors for both this species, and the
-               query species added to function correctly.
-  Returntype : reference to a list of Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeatures
-  Exceptions : warning if compara database is not available
-  Caller     : contigview
-  Status     : Stable
-sub get_all_compara_DnaAlignFeatures {
-  my ( $self, $qy_species, $qy_assembly, $alignment_type, $compara_db )
-    = @_;
-  if ( !$self->adaptor() ) {
-    warning(
-           "Cannot retrieve DnaAlignFeatures without attached adaptor");
-    return [];
-  }
-  unless ( $qy_species && $alignment_type    # && $qy_assembly
-    )
-  {
-    throw(
-"Query species and assembly and alignmemt type arguments are required"
-    );
-  }
-  if ( !defined($compara_db) ) {
-    $compara_db =
-      Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_DBAdaptor( "compara", "compara" );
-  }
-  unless ($compara_db) {
-    warning(
-         "Compara database must be attached to core database or passed "
-           . "as an argument to "
-           . "retrieve compara information" );
-    return [];
-  }
-  my $dafa = $compara_db->get_DnaAlignFeatureAdaptor;
-  ## circular BOF
-  my ($sl1, $sl2) = $self->_split;
-  my ( @arr, @arr1, @arr2 );
-  @arr1 = @{
-    $dafa->fetch_all_by_Slice( $sl1, $qy_species, $qy_assembly,
-                               $alignment_type ) };
-  @arr2 = @{
-    $dafa->fetch_all_by_Slice( $sl2, $qy_species, $qy_assembly,
-                               $alignment_type ) };
-  push @arr, @arr1, @arr2;
-  return \@arr;
-  ## circular EOF
-} ## end sub get_all_compara_DnaAlignFeatures
-=head2 get_all_compara_Syntenies
-  Arg [1]    : string $query_species e.g. "Mus_musculus" or "Mus musculus"
-  Arg [2]    : string $method_link_type, default is "SYNTENY"
-  Arg [3]    : <optional> compara dbadaptor to use.
-  Description: gets all the compara syntenyies for a specfic species
-  Returns    : arrayref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::SyntenyRegion
-  Status     : Stable
-sub get_all_compara_Syntenies {
-  my ( $self, $qy_species, $method_link_type, $compara_db ) = @_;
-  if ( !$self->adaptor() ) {
-    warning("Cannot retrieve features without attached adaptor");
-    return [];
-  }
-  unless ($qy_species) {
-    throw("Query species and assembly arguments are required");
-  }
-  unless ( defined $method_link_type ) {
-    $method_link_type = "SYNTENY";
-  }
-  if ( !defined($compara_db) ) {
-    $compara_db =
-      Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_DBAdaptor( "compara", "compara" );
-  }
-  unless ($compara_db) {
-    warning(
-         "Compara database must be attached to core database or passed "
-           . "as an argument to "
-           . "retrieve compara information" );
-    return [];
-  }
-  my $gdba  = $compara_db->get_GenomeDBAdaptor();
-  my $mlssa = $compara_db->get_MethodLinkSpeciesSetAdaptor();
-  my $dfa   = $compara_db->get_DnaFragAdaptor();
-  my $sra   = $compara_db->get_SyntenyRegionAdaptor();
-  my $this_gdb =
-    $gdba->fetch_by_core_DBAdaptor( $self->adaptor()->db() );
-  my $query_gdb = $gdba->fetch_by_registry_name($qy_species);
-  my $mlss =
-    $mlssa->fetch_by_method_link_type_GenomeDBs( $method_link_type,
-                                            [ $this_gdb, $query_gdb ] );
-  my $cs = $self->coord_system()->name();
-  my $sr = $self->seq_region_name();
-  my ($dnafrag) =
-    @{ $dfa->fetch_all_by_GenomeDB_region( $this_gdb, $cs, $sr ) };
-  ## circular BOF
-  my ($sl1, $sl2) = $self->_split;
-  my ( @arr, @arr1, @arr2 );
-  @arr1 = @{
-    $sra->fetch_all_by_MethodLinkSpeciesSet_DnaFrag( $mlss, $dnafrag,
-                                                $sl1->start, $sl1->end )
-    };
-  @arr2 = @{
-    $sra->fetch_all_by_MethodLinkSpeciesSet_DnaFrag( $mlss, $dnafrag,
-                                                $sl2->start, $sl2->end )
-    };
-  push @arr, @arr1, @arr2;
-  return \@arr;
-  ## circular EOF
-} ## end sub get_all_compara_Syntenies
-=head2 get_all_Haplotypes
-  Arg [1]    : (optional) boolean $lite_flag
-               if true lightweight haplotype objects are used
-  Example    : @haplotypes = $slice->get_all_Haplotypes;
-  Description: Retrieves all of the haplotypes on this slice.  Only works
-               if the haplotype adaptor has been attached to the core adaptor
-               via $dba->add_db_adaptor('haplotype', $hdba); 
-  Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::External::Haplotype::Haplotypes
-  Exceptions : warning is Haplotype database is not available
-  Caller     : contigview, general
-  Status     : Stable
-sub get_all_Haplotypes {
-  my ( $self, $lite_flag ) = @_;
-  if ( !$self->adaptor() ) {
-    warning("Cannot retrieve features without attached adaptor");
-    return [];
-  }
-  my $haplo_db = $self->adaptor->db->get_db_adaptor('haplotype');
-  unless ($haplo_db) {
-    warning( "Haplotype database must be attached to core database to "
-             . "retrieve haplotype information" );
-    return [];
-  }
-  my $haplo_adaptor = $haplo_db->get_HaplotypeAdaptor;
-  ## circular BOF
-  my ($sl1, $sl2) = $self->_split;
-  my ( @arr, @arr1, @arr2 );
-  @arr1 = @{ $haplo_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Slice( $sl1, $lite_flag ) };
-  @arr2 = @{ $haplo_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Slice( $sl2, $lite_flag ) };
-  push @arr, @arr1, @arr2;
-  return \@arr;
-  ## circular EOF
-} ## end sub get_all_Haplotypes
 =head2 get_all_DASFeatures
   Arg [1]    : none
@@ -1173,63 +912,6 @@ sub get_all_DASFeatures {
-# GENERIC FEATURES (See DBAdaptor.pm)
-=head2 get_generic_features
-  Arg [1]    : (optional) List of names of generic feature types to return.
-               If no feature names are given, all generic features are
-               returned.
-  Example    : my %features = %{$slice->get_generic_features()};
-  Description: Gets generic features via the generic feature adaptors that
-               have been added via DBAdaptor->add_GenricFeatureAdaptor (if 
-               any)
-  Returntype : Hash of named features.
-  Exceptions : none
-  Caller     : none
-  Status     : Stable
-sub get_generic_features {
-  my ( $self, @names ) = @_;
-  if ( !$self->adaptor() ) {
-    warning('Cannot retrieve features without attached adaptor');
-    return [];
-  }
-  my $db = $self->adaptor()->db();
-  my %features = ();    # this will hold the results
-  # get the adaptors for each feature
-  my %adaptors = %{ $db->get_GenericFeatureAdaptors(@names) };
-  foreach my $adaptor_name ( keys(%adaptors) ) {
-    my $adaptor_obj = $adaptors{$adaptor_name};
-    # get the features and add them to the hash
-    ## circular BOF
-    my ($sl1, $sl2) = $self->_split;
-    my ( @arr1, @arr2 );
-    my $features_ref;
-    @arr1 = @{ $adaptor_obj->fetch_all_by_Slice($sl1) };
-    @arr2 = @{ $adaptor_obj->fetch_all_by_Slice($sl2) };
-    push @{$features_ref}, @arr1, @arr2;
-    ## circular EOF
-    # add each feature to the hash to be returned
-    foreach my $feature (@$features_ref) {
-      $features{$adaptor_name} = $feature;
-    }
-  } ## end foreach my $adaptor_name ( ...)
-  return \%features;
-} ## end sub get_generic_features
 =head2 project_to_slice
   Arg [1]    : Slice to project to.