diff --git a/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/IdMapping/ResultAnalyser.pm b/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/IdMapping/ResultAnalyser.pm
index 290e168837751e26d25cfcec97d489da28d37801..b6e7259c1e0f208a848f08946c9b6d3598338674 100644
--- a/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/IdMapping/ResultAnalyser.pm
+++ b/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/IdMapping/ResultAnalyser.pm
@@ -733,34 +733,28 @@ sub create_summary_email {
   print $fh "\n";
-  # EG genes_lost.txt file may not exist if species is new
-  if ( $self->file_exists( 'genes_lost.txt', 'debug' ) ) {
-    #
-    # clicklist of first 10 deleted genes
-    #
-    print $fh qq(\nFirst 10 deleted known genes:\n);
-    print $fh qq(=============================\n\n);
-    my $in_fh = $self->get_filehandle( 'genes_lost.txt', 'debug', '<' );
-    my $prefix = $self->conf->param('urlprefix');
-    my $i;
-    while (<$in_fh>) {
-      last if ( ++$i > 10 );
+  #
+  # clicklist of first 10 deleted genes
+  #
+  print $fh qq(\nFirst 10 deleted known genes:\n);
+  print $fh qq(=============================\n\n);
-      chomp;
-      my ( $stable_id, $type ) = split(/\s+/);
+  my $in_fh = $self->get_filehandle( 'genes_lost.txt', 'debug', '<' );
+  my $prefix = $self->conf->param('urlprefix');
+  my $i;
-      next unless ( $type eq 'known' );
+  while (<$in_fh>) {
+    last if ( ++$i > 10 );
-      print $fh sprintf( $fmt2, $stable_id, "${prefix}$stable_id" );
-    }
+    chomp;
+    my ( $stable_id, $type ) = split(/\s+/);
-    close($in_fh);
+    next unless ( $type eq 'known' );
-  } ## end if ( $self->file_exists...)
+    print $fh sprintf( $fmt2, $stable_id, "${prefix}$stable_id" );
+  }
+  close($in_fh);