use strict; use warnings; use Config; use Test::More; use File::Temp qw/tempfile/; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Test::MultiTestDB; my $threads; if($Config{useithreads}) { note 'Using threaded tests'; require threads; $threads = 1; } else { note 'Using non-threaded tests'; } my $multi_db = Bio::EnsEMBL::Test::MultiTestDB->new(); my $db = $multi_db->get_DBAdaptor('core'); my $dbc = $db->dbc(); my $reg = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry'; my $registry_template = <<'TMPL'; { package Reg; use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor; Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new( -HOST => '%s', -PORT => %d, -USER => '%s', -PASSWORD => '%s', -DBNAME => '%s', -DRIVER => 'mysql', -SPECIES => 'new' ); } 1; TMPL { my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile(); my $final = sprintf($registry_template, $dbc->host(), $dbc->port(), $dbc->username(), $dbc->password(), $dbc->dbname()); print $fh $final; close $fh; my $call = sub { my @results; foreach my $inc (0..9) { push(@results, $reg->load_all($filename)); } return \@results; }; if($threads) { $ENV{RUNTESTS_HARNESS_NORESTORE} = 1; my @thrds; foreach my $thr (0..9) { push(@thrds, threads->create($call)); } foreach my $thr (@thrds) { my $results = $thr->join(); my $msg = sprintf('THREAD %s: Checking first call loaded 1 DBAdaptor and the remaining 9 did nothing', $thr->tid()); is_deeply($results, [1, ((0)x9)], $msg); } } else { foreach my $itr (0..9) { $call->(); } ok(); } } done_testing();