diff --git a/sequencecellrenderer.c b/sequencecellrenderer.c
index 1c7c30df3618de64f8f7dd4ff290578ecc4c7e60..81916649c112c445c3236f49d7279a07e515cfb9 100755
--- a/sequencecellrenderer.c
+++ b/sequencecellrenderer.c
@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ static IntRange getVisibleMspRange(MSP *msp, RenderData *data)
   if (rangesOverlap(&result, data->displayRange))
       /* Limit the returned range to the display range. */
-      boundsLimitRange(&result, data->displayRange);
+      boundsLimitRange(&result, data->displayRange, FALSE);
diff --git a/utilities.c b/utilities.c
index d4acb9154bd4e47217bb88ba48236450b96aef75..20ea9d45bbc88ff66c68af2b7e9d3c0bb2c74ace 100644
--- a/utilities.c
+++ b/utilities.c
@@ -261,25 +261,33 @@ void boundsLimitValue(int *value, const IntRange const *range)
-/* Utility to bounds-limit the first range to within the second. Maintains the length
- * of the range if possible by shifting the range. */
-void boundsLimitRange(IntRange *range, const IntRange const *limit)
+/* Utility to bounds-limit the first range to within the second. If maintainLen is true, maintains
+ * the length of the range if possible by shifting the range. */
+void boundsLimitRange(IntRange *range, const IntRange const *limit, const gboolean maintainLen)
   const int len = getRangeLength(range);
   if (range->min < limit->min)
       range->min = limit->min;
-      range->max = range->min + len;
+      if (maintainLen)
+        {
+          range->max = range->min + len;
+        }
   if (range->max > limit->max)
       range->max = limit->max;
-      range->min = range->max - len;
-      /* If limit is shorter than range, we'll have gone lower than the min again */
-      boundsLimitValue(&range->min, limit);
+      if (maintainLen)
+        {
+          range->min = range->max - len;
+          /* If limit is shorter than range, we'll have gone lower than the min again */
+          boundsLimitValue(&range->min, limit);
+       }
diff --git a/utilities.h b/utilities.h
index e8042b9f69f08a49df616dd36c95511595006c6c..3a9ebbad4dd654defce6aec0d1a07f9217443159 100644
--- a/utilities.h
+++ b/utilities.h
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ int		      getRangeCentre(const IntRange const *range);
 gboolean	      valueWithinRange(const int value, const IntRange const *range);
 gboolean              rangesOverlap(const IntRange const *range1, const IntRange const *range2);
 void		      boundsLimitValue(int *value, const IntRange const *range);
-void                  boundsLimitRange(IntRange *range, const IntRange const *limit);
+void                  boundsLimitRange(IntRange *range, const IntRange const *limit, const gboolean maintainLen);
 char		      convertBaseToCorrectCase(const char charToConvert, const BlxSeqType seqType);
 int		      convertDisplayIdxToDnaIdx(const int inputIdx,