diff --git a/src/zmapDraw/zmapDraw.c b/src/zmapDraw/zmapDraw.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e647bbabaf363faba303a3d3bc8480659444959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/zmapDraw/zmapDraw.c
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+/*  Last edited: Jul  5 14:37 2004 (rnc) */
+/*  file: zmapcontrol.c
+ *  Author: Simon Kelley (srk@sanger.ac.uk)
+ *  Copyright (c) Sanger Institute, 2003
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Zmap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+ * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file is part of the ZMap genome database package
+ * and was written by
+ *      Rob Clack    (Sanger Institute, UK) rnc@sanger.ac.uk,
+ * 	Ed Griffiths (Sanger Institute, UK) edgrif@sanger.ac.uk and
+ *	Simon Kelley (Sanger Institute, UK) srk@sanger.ac.uk
+ */
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <zmapDraw.h>
+#include <seqregion.h>
+/* function prototypes ***********************************************/
+static void drawGene (FooCanvas *canvas) ;
+static void zMapPick (int box, double x, double y);
+static void navPick  (int box, double x, double y);
+static void navDrag  (float *x, float *y, gboolean isDone);
+static void navResize(void);
+/* functions ********************************************************/
+void displayText(FooCanvasGroup *group, char *text, double x, double y)
+  FooCanvasItem *item = foo_canvas_item_new(group,
+						"x", x, "y", y, "text", text,
+						NULL);
+  return;
+void zmRegBox(ZMapPane pane, int box, ZMapColumn *col, void *arg)
+  zMapPaneSetBox2Col(pane, col, box);
+  zMapPaneSetBox2Seg(pane, arg, box);
+  return;
+/* This is just a noddy function I used to draw a small box on the canvas */
+void drawBox (FooCanvasItem *group, double x1, double y1, 
+	      double x2, double y2, 
+	      char *line_colour, char *fill_colour)
+  foo_canvas_item_new(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group),
+                        foo_canvas_rect_get_type(),
+                        "x1"           , (double)x1 ,
+                        "y1"           , (double)y1 ,
+                        "x2"           , (double)x2,
+                        "y2"           , (double)y2,
+                        "outline_color", line_colour          ,
+                        "fill_color"   , fill_colour          ,
+                        "width_units"  , (double)1,
+                        NULL);
+  return;                                                                       
+/* This is just a noddy function I used to draw a line  on the canvas */
+void drawLine(FooCanvasGroup *group, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, 
+		     char *colour, double thickness)
+  FooCanvasPoints *points;
+ /* allocate a new points array */
+  points = foo_canvas_points_new (2);
+ /* fill out the points */
+  points->coords[0] = x1;
+  points->coords[1] = y1;
+  points->coords[2] = x2;
+  points->coords[3] = y2;
+ /* draw the line */
+  foo_canvas_item_new(group,
+			foo_canvas_line_get_type(),
+			"points"     , points,
+			"fill_color" , colour,
+			"width_units", thickness,
+			NULL);
+ /* free the points array */
+  foo_canvas_points_free(points);
+  return;
+float zmMainScale(FooCanvas *canvas, float offset, int start, int end)
+  int x, width = 5, count;
+  FooCanvasItem *group;
+  group = foo_canvas_item_new(foo_canvas_root(canvas),
+			foo_canvas_group_get_type(),
+			"x",(double)offset,
+			"y",(double)0.0,
+			NULL);
+  for (x = start, count = 1 ; x < end ; x += 10, count++)
+    {
+      drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), offset-5, x, offset, x, "black", 1.0);
+      char text[25];
+      sprintf(text,"%d", x*10);
+      if (count == 1)
+	displayText(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), text, offset + 20, x); 
+      if (count > 9) count = 0;
+    }
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), offset+1, 0, offset+1, end, "black", 1.0);
+  return offset + width + 4 ;
+/* Coordinate stuff ****************************************************/
+/* commenting out as I'm not convinced we're going to use this
+VisibleCoord zmVisibleCoord(ZMapWindow window, Coord coord)
+  ZMapPane    pane   = zMapWindowGetFocuspane(window);
+  ZMapRegion *region = zMapPaneGetZMapRegion(pane);
+  return coord - srCoord(region, zMapWindowGetOrigin(window)) + 1;
+ScreenCoord zmScreenCoord(ZMapPane pane, Coord coord)
+  ZMapRegion *region  = zMapPaneGetZMapRegion(pane);
+  Coord basesFromCent = coord - srCoord(region, zMapPaneGetCentre(pane));
+  float linesFromCent = ((float)basesFromCent)/zMapPaneGetBPL(pane);
+  return linesFromCent + (float)(zMapPaneGetHeight(pane)/2);
+Coord zmCoordFromScreen(ZMapPane pane, ScreenCoord coord)
+  float linesFromCent = coord - (zMapPaneGetHeight(pane)/2);
+  int basesFromCent = linesFromCent * zMapPaneGetBPL(pane);
+  return srCoord(zMapPaneGetZMapRegion(pane), zMapPaneGetCentre(pane)) + basesFromCent;
+gboolean zmIsOnScreen(ZMapPane pane, Coord coord1, Coord coord2)
+  if (zmScreenCoord(pane, coord2) < 0)
+    return FALSE;
+  if (zmScreenCoord(pane, coord1) > zMapPaneGetHeight(pane))
+    return FALSE;
+  return TRUE;
+******** end of copout commenting out */
+/* internal functions **************************************************/
+/* zmRecalculate *******************************************************/
+/* we will need something like this, but not yet
+static gboolean zmRecalculate(ZMapWindow window, ZMapCallbackData *zMapCBData)
+*/  /* derive the region for which we need data. */
+/*  int min, max;
+  Calc_cb calc_cb = zMapCBData->calc_cb;
+  min = zmCoordFromScreen(zMapWindowGetFocuspane(window), 0);
+  max = zmCoordFromScreen(zMapWindowGetFocuspane(window), 
+			  zMapWindowGetHeight(window));
+  if (min < 0)
+    min = 0;
+  if (max > zMapWindowGetRegionLength(window))
+    max = zMapWindowGetRegionLength(window);
+  if (min >= zMapWindowGetRegionArea(window, 1) &&
+      max <= zMapWindowGetRegionArea(window, 2))
+      return FALSE; *//* already covers area. */
+  min -= 100000;
+  max += 100000; *//* TODO elaborate this */
+  if (min < 0)
+    min = 0;
+  if (max > zMapWindowGetRegionLength(window))
+    max = zMapWindowGetRegionLength(window);
+  (*calc_cb)(zMapCBData->seqRegion, min, max, 
+	     zMapWindowGetRegionReverse(window));  
+  buildCols(zMapWindowGetFocuspane(window));
+  return TRUE;
+static void zMapPick(int box, double x, double y)
+  ZMapColumn *col;
+  void *seg;
+  static ZMapPane *oldWindow = NULL;
+  static int oldBox = 0;
+  if (oldWindow && oldBox)
+    {
+      col = zMapPaneGetBox2Col(*oldWindow, oldBox);
+      seg = zMapPaneGetBox2Seg(*oldWindow, oldBox);
+      if (col && seg && col->selectFunc)
+	(*col->selectFunc)(*oldWindow, col, seg, oldBox, x, y, FALSE);
+      oldBox = 0;
+      oldWindow = NULL;
+    }
+  //  if (graphAssFind(&winAssoc, &oldWindow))
+  if (oldWindow)
+    {
+      oldBox = box;
+      col = zMapPaneGetBox2Col(*oldWindow, oldBox);
+      seg = zMapPaneGetBox2Seg(*oldWindow, oldBox);
+      if (col && seg && col->selectFunc)
+	(*col->selectFunc)(*oldWindow, col, seg, oldBox, x, y, TRUE);
+    }
+static void drawGene(FooCanvas *canvas)
+  FooCanvasItem *group;
+  group = foo_canvas_item_new(foo_canvas_root(canvas),
+			      foo_canvas_group_get_type(),
+			      "x", (double)100,
+			      "y", (double)100 ,
+			      NULL);
+  //group = window->focuspane->group;
+  /*  drawBox(group, 0.0, 220.0 ,"light blue", "white");
+  drawBox(group, 0.0, 260.0 ,"light blue", "white");
+  drawBox(group, 0.0, 300.0 ,"light blue", "white");
+  drawBox(group, 0.0, 320.0 ,"light blue", "white");
+  drawBox(group, 0.0, 360.0 ,"light blue", "white");
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group),  7.0, 223.0, 14.0, 240.0, "light blue", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 14.0, 240.0,  7.0, 260.0, "light blue", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group),  7.0, 263.0, 14.0, 280.0, "light blue", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 14.0, 280.0,  7.0, 300.0, "light blue", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group),  7.0, 303.0, 14.0, 310.0, "light blue", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 14.0, 310.0,  7.0, 320.0, "light blue", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group),  7.0, 323.0, 14.0, 340.0, "light blue", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 14.0, 340.0,  7.0, 360.0, "light blue", 1.0);
+  drawBox(group, 20.0, 20.0  ,"red", "white");
+  drawBox(group, 20.0, 60.0  ,"red", "white");
+  drawBox(group, 20.0, 100.0 ,"red", "white");
+  drawBox(group, 20.0, 120.0 ,"red", "white");
+  drawBox(group, 20.0, 160.0 ,"red", "white");
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 27.0,  23.0, 34.0,  40.0, "red", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 34.0,  40.0, 27.0,  60.0, "red", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 27.0,  63.0, 34.0,  80.0, "red", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 34.0,  80.0, 27.0, 100.0, "red", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 27.0, 103.0, 34.0, 110.0, "red", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 34.0, 110.0, 27.0, 120.0, "red", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 27.0, 123.0, 34.0, 140.0, "red", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 34.0, 140.0, 27.0, 160.0, "red", 1.0);
+  drawBox(group, 20.0, 320.0 ,"red", "white");
+  drawBox(group, 20.0, 360.0 ,"red", "white");
+  drawBox(group, 20.0, 380.0 ,"red", "white");
+  drawBox(group, 20.0, 420.0 ,"red", "white");
+  drawBox(group, 20.0, 460.0 ,"red", "white");
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 27.0, 323.0, 34.0, 340.0, "red", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 34.0, 340.0, 27.0, 360.0, "red", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 27.0, 363.0, 34.0, 370.0, "red", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 34.0, 370.0, 27.0, 380.0, "red", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 27.0, 383.0, 34.0, 400.0, "red", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 34.0, 400.0, 27.0, 420.0, "red", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 27.0, 423.0, 34.0, 440.0, "red", 1.0);
+  drawLine(FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(group), 34.0, 440.0, 27.0, 460.0, "red", 1.0);
+  */
+  return;
+static int dragBox;
+/* I believe navDrag is only called by navPick.  Since I don't 
+** know what navPick is doing, and don't now know what
+** navDrag is doing, I'm going to comment most of it out. */
+static void navDrag(float *x, float *y, gboolean isDone)
+  static gboolean isDragging = FALSE;
+  static float oldY;
+  ZMapWindow window;
+  ZMapPane pane;
+  Coord startWind, endWind;
+  ScreenCoord startWindf, endWindf, lenWindf;
+  int height;
+  //  graphFitBounds(NULL, &height);
+  //  graphAssFind(&navAssoc, &window);
+  /*  if (dragBox == zMapWindowGetFocuspane(window)->dragBox)
+    {
+      pane = zMapWindowGetFocuspane(window);
+      *x = zMapWindowGetScaleOffset(window) - 0.3;
+    }
+  else
+    return;
+  startWind =  zmCoordFromScreen(pane, 0);
+  endWind =  zmCoordFromScreen(pane, pane->graphHeight);
+  startWindf = zMapWindowGetScreenCoord(window, startWind, height);
+  endWindf   = zMapWindowGetScreenCoord(window, endWind, height);
+  */
+  //  startWindf = height * (startWind - zMapWindowGetCoord(window, "s"))
+  //                      / (zMapWindowGetCoord(window, "e") - zMapWindowGetCoord(window, "s"));
+  //  endWindf = height * (endWind - zMapWindowGetCoord(window, "s"))
+  //    / (zMapWindowGetCoord(window, "e") - zMapWindowGetCoord(window, "s"));
+  /*
+  lenWindf = endWindf - startWindf;
+  if (!isDragging)
+    {
+      oldY = *y;
+      isDragging = TRUE;
+    }
+  if (*y < 0.0)
+    *y = 0.0;
+  else if (*y > height - lenWindf)
+    *y = height - lenWindf;
+  if (isDone)
+    {
+      isDragging = FALSE;
+      pane->centre = srInvarCoord(zMapWindowGetFocuspane(window)->zMapRegion, 
+				  srCoord(zMapWindowGetFocuspane(window)->zMapRegion, pane->centre) -
+				  (oldY - *y) * (float)(zMapWindowGetCoord(window, "e") - zMapWindowGetCoord(window, "s"))/(float)height);
+  */
+      /* TO DO: how do I get a zMapCBData into navDrag?
+	 ANS: when I convert the graphRegister to a g_signal_connect I can do that. 
+      if (zmRecalculate(window, zMapCBData))
+	drawNavigator(window);
+      */
+      printf("Well, I'm in navDrag\n");
+      // we don't have a pane or window, so can't do anything with them here.
+      //      drawWindow(pane); 
+      //      graphActivate(zMapWindowGetNavigator(window));
+      //    }
+/* not sure what navPick is supposed to do, so not
+** going to give it a signal_connect for now. Params
+** are all wrong, anyway. */
+static void navPick(int box, double x, double y)
+  ZMapWindow window;
+  //  graphAssFind(&navAssoc, &window);
+  //  if (box == zMapWindowGetFocuspane(window)->dragBox)
+    {
+      dragBox = box;
+      //      graphBoxDrag(box, navDrag);
+    }
+/************************** end of file *********************************/
diff --git a/src/zmapDraw/zmapDraw.h b/src/zmapDraw/zmapDraw.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..637cb199ba8b73fd202684e443d6c795f0d22037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/zmapDraw/zmapDraw.h
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+/*  Last edited: Jul  2 14:06 2004 (rnc) */
+/*  file: zmapcontrol.h
+ *  Author: Simon Kelley (srk@sanger.ac.uk)
+ *  Copyright (c) Sanger Institute, 2003
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Zmap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+ * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file is part of the ZMap genome database package
+ * and was written by
+ *      Rob Clack    (Sanger Institute, UK) rnc@sanger.ac.uk,
+ * 	Ed Griffiths (Sanger Institute, UK) edgrif@sanger.ac.uk and
+ *	Simon Kelley (Sanger Institute, UK) srk@sanger.ac.uk
+ */
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <libfoocanvas/libfoocanvas.h>
+#include <ZMap/zmapControl.h>
+#include <ZMap/zmapWindow.h>
+#include <ZMap/zmapFeature.h>
+/* function prototypes ************************************/
+void zmRegBox(ZMapPane pane, int box, ZMapColumn *col, void *seg);
+/* Column drawing code ************************************/
+void  zMapFeatureColumn(ZMapPane   pane, ZMapColumn *col,
+			float     *offset, int frame);
+void  buildCols        (ZMapPane   pane);
+void  makezMapDefaultColumns(ZMapPane  pane);
+/*float zmDrawScale     (FooCanvas *canvas, float offset, int start, int end);*/
+float zmDrawScale       (float     offset, int start, int end);
+void  nbcInit           (ZMapPane  pane, ZMapColumn *col);
+void  nbcSelect         (ZMapPane  pane, ZMapColumn *col,
+			 void     *seg, int box, double x, double y, gboolean isSelect);
+void  zMapGeneDraw      (ZMapPane  pane, ZMapColumn *col, float *offset, int frame);
+void  geneSelect        (ZMapPane  pane, ZMapColumn *col,
+			 void     *arg, int box, double x, double y, gboolean isSelect);
+void  drawLine          (FooCanvasGroup *group, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, 
+			 char *colour, double thickness);
+void  drawBox           (FooCanvasItem *group, double x1, double y1, 
+			 double x2, double y2, char *line_colour, char *fill_colour);
+void  displayText       (FooCanvasGroup *group, char *text, double x, double y);
+/* other routines *****************************************/
+gboolean         zmIsOnScreen     (ZMapPane    pane,   Coord coord1, Coord coord2);
+VisibleCoord zmVisibleCoord   (ZMapWindow  window, Coord coord);
+ScreenCoord  zmScreenCoord    (ZMapPane    pane,   Coord coord);
+Coord        zmCoordFromScreen(ZMapPane    pane,   ScreenCoord coord);
+gboolean         Quit             (GtkWidget  *widget, gpointer data);
+/************************** end of file **********************************/