From 698cce440f27d53e396808e5ed1723234f23a799 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: edgrif <edgrif>
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 16:06:36 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] fix bug causing us not to detect double click, really gdk's
 problem for not reporting it reliably. Also fix holes in mouse handling.

 src/zmapWindow/zmapWindow.c             |  79 ++-----
 src/zmapWindow/zmapWindowDrawFeatures.c | 121 +++++-----
 src/zmapWindow/zmapWindowFeature.c      | 287 +++++++++++++-----------
 3 files changed, 218 insertions(+), 269 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/zmapWindow/zmapWindow.c b/src/zmapWindow/zmapWindow.c
index 0d9937a49..77010b37d 100755
--- a/src/zmapWindow/zmapWindow.c
+++ b/src/zmapWindow/zmapWindow.c
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
  * Exported functions: See ZMap/zmapWindow.h
- * Last edited: May 24 16:04 2010 (edgrif)
+ * Last edited: Jun 11 16:31 2010 (edgrif)
  * Created: Thu Jul 24 14:36:27 2003 (edgrif)
- * CVS info:   $Id: zmapWindow.c,v 1.325 2010-06-10 14:50:31 mh17 Exp $
+ * CVS info:   $Id: zmapWindow.c,v 1.326 2010-06-11 16:06:36 edgrif Exp $
@@ -2710,24 +2710,8 @@ static gboolean windowGeneralEventCB(GtkWidget *wigdet, GdkEvent *event, gpointe
  * zooming and we track mouse movements, if they have moved far enough then we do the zoom
  * on button release.
- * BUT if on button release they have only moved a tiny amount it means that they meant
- * to _select_ a feature or column, _not_ lasso. In this case we have to reissue the original
- * button press event, when we then receive that event we just ignore it so that its passed
- * through to the object select code.
- *
- * A note from Roy (!):
- *
- * PLEASE be very careful when altering this function, as I've
- * already messed stuff up when working on it! The event_handled
- * boolean _SHOULD_ be set to true any time we handle the event.
- * While this sounds obvious I fell over it when implementing the
- * motion as well as button down and release. If there is a track
- * of events, such as button/key down .. motion .. button release
- * then the event_handled should be true for the whole of the life
- * of the track of events.  All of the statics above could/probably
- * should be replaced with a struct... please think about this if
- * adding any more!
- *
+ * If the user does lassoing, ruler or moving the mark then we return TRUE to say we have
+ * handled the event, otherwise we pass the event on (so canvas items can receive events).
 static gboolean canvasWindowEventCB(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data)
@@ -2741,12 +2725,8 @@ static gboolean canvasWindowEventCB(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer
 							       or rubber banding ? */
   double wx, wy;					    /* These hold the current world coords of the event */
   static double window_x, window_y ;			    /* Track number of pixels user moves mouse. */
-  static GdkEventButton *but_press_copy = NULL ;		    /* Used to implement both lasso _and_ object
-							       select with left button click. */
   static MarkRegionUpdateStruct mark_updater = {0};
-  /* We need to check that canvas is mapped here (slow connections) */
   /* We record whether we are inside the window to enable user to cancel certain mouse related
    * actions by moving outside the window. */
@@ -2790,18 +2770,8 @@ static gboolean canvasWindowEventCB(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer
 	  case 1:
-	      if (but_event->send_event)
-		{
-		  /* If we receive a button press event where send_event == TRUE, its the one we sent ourselves
-		   * to do feature select so don't process it. */
-		  zMapDebugPrint(mouse_debug_G, "button_press %d was sent by us - don't process", but_event->button) ;
-		  event_handled = FALSE ;
-		}
-	      else if ((item = foo_canvas_get_item_at(window->canvas, origin_x, origin_y))
-		       && ZMAP_IS_WINDOW_TEXT_ITEM(item))
+	      if ((item = foo_canvas_get_item_at(window->canvas, origin_x, origin_y))
 		  /* Don't handle if its text because the text item callbacks handle lasso'ing of
 		   * text. */
@@ -2815,9 +2785,6 @@ static gboolean canvasWindowEventCB(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer
 		  /* Pucka button press that we need to handle. */
-		  /* Take a copy of the initial event in case we need to resend it to do feature select. */
-		  but_press_copy = (GdkEventButton *)gdk_event_copy((GdkEvent *)event) ;
 		  /* Record where are we in the window at the start of mouse/button movement. */
 		  window_x = but_event->x ;
 		  window_y = but_event->y ;
@@ -2840,7 +2807,9 @@ static gboolean canvasWindowEventCB(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer
 			window->rubberband = zMapDrawRubberbandCreate(window->canvas);
-		  event_handled = TRUE ;
+		  /* At this stage we don't know if we are rubber banding etc. so pass the
+		   * press on. */
+		  event_handled = FALSE ;
 	      break ;
@@ -2931,7 +2900,6 @@ static gboolean canvasWindowEventCB(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer
 	/* interestingly we don't check the button number here.... */
 	if (dragging || guide)
@@ -3057,11 +3025,11 @@ static gboolean canvasWindowEventCB(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer
 				       &wx, mark_updater.closest_to);
 	    wy = *(mark_updater.closest_to);
 	    moveRuler(window->mark_guide_line, NULL, NULL, wx, wy);
 	    event_handled = TRUE;
-	else if (mark_updater.in_mark_move_region &&
-		 (!mark_updater.activated) &&
-		 zmapWindowMarkIsSet(window->mark))
+	else if (mark_updater.in_mark_move_region && (!mark_updater.activated)
+		 && zmapWindowMarkIsSet(window->mark))
 	    GdkEventMotion *mot_event = (GdkEventMotion *)event;
 	    double world_dy;
@@ -3080,8 +3048,8 @@ static gboolean canvasWindowEventCB(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer
 	    world_dy = canvas_dy / window->canvas->pixels_per_unit_y;
-	    if((!((wy > mark_updater.mark_y1 - world_dy) && (wy < mark_updater.mark_y1 + world_dy))) &&
-	       (!((wy > mark_updater.mark_y2 - world_dy) && (wy < mark_updater.mark_y2 + world_dy))))
+	    if ((!((wy > mark_updater.mark_y1 - world_dy) && (wy < mark_updater.mark_y1 + world_dy)))
+		&& (!((wy > mark_updater.mark_y2 - world_dy) && (wy < mark_updater.mark_y2 + world_dy))))
 		mark_updater.in_mark_move_region = FALSE;
 		mark_updater.closest_to = NULL;
@@ -3125,34 +3093,17 @@ static gboolean canvasWindowEventCB(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer
 		    zoomToRubberBandArea(window) ;
-		    /* If there was a previous copy of a button press event we _know_ we
-		     * can throw it away at this point because it will have been processed by
-		     * a previous call to this routine. */
-		    if (but_press_copy)
-		      {
-			gdk_event_free((GdkEvent *)but_press_copy) ;
-			but_press_copy = NULL ;
-		      }
 		    event_handled = TRUE;		    /* We _ARE_ handling */
 		    /* User hasn't really moved which means they meant to select a feature, not
-		     * lasso an area so resend original button press so it will then be propagated
-		     * down to item select code. */
+		     * lasso an area so pass event on and destroy rubberband object. */
 		    /* Must get rid of rubberband item as it is not needed. */
 		    gtk_object_destroy(GTK_OBJECT(window->rubberband)) ;
 		    window->rubberband = NULL ;
-		    but_press_copy->send_event = TRUE ;	    /* Vital for use to detect that we
-							       sent this event. */
-		    but_press_copy->time = but_event->time ;
-		    gdk_event_put((GdkEvent *)but_press_copy) ;
-		    zMapDebugPrint(mouse_debug_G, "Resending original button_press %d", but_event->button) ;
 		    event_handled = FALSE ;
diff --git a/src/zmapWindow/zmapWindowDrawFeatures.c b/src/zmapWindow/zmapWindowDrawFeatures.c
index 920f75ffb..029bcd3e0 100755
--- a/src/zmapWindow/zmapWindowDrawFeatures.c
+++ b/src/zmapWindow/zmapWindowDrawFeatures.c
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
  * Exported functions:
- * Last edited: Mar 11 14:19 2010 (edgrif)
+ * Last edited: Jun 11 16:09 2010 (edgrif)
  * Created: Thu Jul 29 10:45:00 2004 (rnc)
- * CVS info:   $Id: zmapWindowDrawFeatures.c,v 1.276 2010-06-10 14:50:31 mh17 Exp $
+ * CVS info:   $Id: zmapWindowDrawFeatures.c,v 1.277 2010-06-11 16:06:36 edgrif Exp $
@@ -2139,97 +2139,76 @@ static gboolean strandBoundingBoxEventCB(FooCanvasItem *item, GdkEvent *event, g
+/* Handles events on a column, currently this is only mouse press/release events for
+ * highlighting and column menus. */
 static gboolean columnBoundingBoxEventCB(FooCanvasItem *item, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data)
   gboolean event_handled = FALSE ;
-  ZMapWindow window = (ZMapWindow)data ;
-  switch (event->type)
+  if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS || event->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE)
-      {
-	GdkEventButton *but_event = (GdkEventButton *)event ;
-	ZMapFeatureSet feature_set = NULL ;
-	ZMapWindowContainerFeatureSet container_set;
-        ZMapWindowContainerGroup container_parent;
-        container_parent = zmapWindowContainerChildGetParent(item);
-	/* These should go in container some time.... */
-	container_set = (ZMapWindowContainerFeatureSet)container_parent;
-	feature_set = zmapWindowContainerFeatureSetRecoverFeatureSet(container_set);
+      ZMapWindow window = (ZMapWindow)data ;
+      GdkEventButton *but_event = (GdkEventButton *)event ;
+      ZMapFeatureSet feature_set = NULL ;
+      ZMapWindowContainerFeatureSet container_set;
+      ZMapWindowContainerGroup container_parent;
-	zMapAssert(feature_set || container_set) ;
+      container_parent = zmapWindowContainerChildGetParent(item);
-	/* Swop focus from previous item(s)/columns to this column. */
-	zMapWindowUnHighlightFocusItems(window) ;
+      /* These should go in container some time.... */
+      container_set = (ZMapWindowContainerFeatureSet)container_parent;
+      feature_set = zmapWindowContainerFeatureSetRecoverFeatureSet(container_set);
+      zMapAssert(feature_set || container_set) ;
-	zmapWindowFocusSetHotColumn(window->focus, (FooCanvasGroup *)container_parent);
-	zmapHighlightColumn(window, (FooCanvasGroup *)container_parent) ;
-	/* Button 1 and 3 are handled, 2 is passed on to a general handler which could be
-	 * the root handler. */
-	switch (but_event->button)
-	  {
-	  case 1:
+      /* Only buttons 1 and 3 are handled. */
+      if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS && but_event->button == 3)
+	{
+	  /* Do the column menu. */
+	  if (feature_set)
-	      ZMapWindowSelectStruct select = {0} ;
-	      GQuark feature_set_id ;
-              char *clipboard_text = NULL;
+	      zmapMakeColumnMenu(but_event, window, item, feature_set, NULL) ;
+	      event_handled = TRUE ;
+	    }
+	}
+      else if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE && but_event->button == 1)
+	{
+	  /* Highlight a column. */
+	  ZMapWindowSelectStruct select = {0} ;
+	  GQuark feature_set_id ;
+	  char *clipboard_text = NULL;
-	      if (feature_set)
-		feature_set_id = feature_set->original_id ;
-	      else
-		feature_set_id = zmapWindowContainerFeatureSetColumnDisplayName(container_set);
+	  /* Swop focus from previous item(s)/columns to this column. */
+	  zMapWindowUnHighlightFocusItems(window) ;
-	      select.feature_desc.struct_type = ZMAPFEATURE_STRUCT_FEATURESET ;
+	  zmapWindowFocusSetHotColumn(window->focus, (FooCanvasGroup *)container_parent);
+	  zmapHighlightColumn(window, (FooCanvasGroup *)container_parent) ;
-	      select.feature_desc.feature_set = (char *)g_quark_to_string(feature_set_id) ;
+	  if (feature_set)
+	    feature_set_id = feature_set->original_id ;
+	  else
+	    feature_set_id = zmapWindowContainerFeatureSetColumnDisplayName(container_set);
-	      select.feature_desc.feature_set_description = zmapWindowFeatureSetDescription(feature_set) ;
+	  select.feature_desc.struct_type = ZMAPFEATURE_STRUCT_FEATURESET ;
-	      clipboard_text = zmapWindowFeatureSetDescription(feature_set) ;
+	  select.feature_desc.feature_set = (char *)g_quark_to_string(feature_set_id) ;
-              select.type = ZMAPWINDOW_SELECT_SINGLE;
+	  select.feature_desc.feature_set_description = zmapWindowFeatureSetDescription(feature_set) ;
-	      (*(window->caller_cbs->select))(window, window->app_data, (void *)&select) ;
+	  clipboard_text = zmapWindowFeatureSetDescription(feature_set) ;
-              zMapWindowUtilsSetClipboard(window, clipboard_text);
-	      g_free(clipboard_text) ;
+	  (*(window->caller_cbs->select))(window, window->app_data, (void *)&select) ;
-	      event_handled = TRUE ;
-	      break ;
-	    }
-	  /* There are > 3 button mouse,  e.g. scroll wheels, which we don't want to handle. */
-	  default:
-	  case 2:
-	    {
-	      event_handled = FALSE ;
-	      break ;
-	    }
-	  case 3:
-	    {
-	      if (feature_set)
-		{
-		  zmapMakeColumnMenu(but_event, window, item, feature_set, NULL) ;
+	  zMapWindowUtilsSetClipboard(window, clipboard_text);
-		  event_handled = TRUE ;
-		}
-	      break ;
-	    }
-	  }
-	break ;
-      }
-    default:
-      {
-	/* By default we _don't_ handle events. */
-	event_handled = FALSE ;
+	  g_free(clipboard_text) ;
-	break ;
-      }
+	  event_handled = TRUE ;
+	}
   return event_handled ;
diff --git a/src/zmapWindow/zmapWindowFeature.c b/src/zmapWindow/zmapWindowFeature.c
index 9bd98e629..6dfdc61fb 100755
--- a/src/zmapWindow/zmapWindowFeature.c
+++ b/src/zmapWindow/zmapWindowFeature.c
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
  * Exported functions: See zmapWindow_P.h
- * Last edited: May  5 16:32 2010 (edgrif)
+ * Last edited: Jun 11 16:58 2010 (edgrif)
  * Created: Mon Jan  9 10:25:40 2006 (edgrif)
- * CVS info:   $Id: zmapWindowFeature.c,v 1.187 2010-06-10 14:50:31 mh17 Exp $
+ * CVS info:   $Id: zmapWindowFeature.c,v 1.188 2010-06-11 16:06:36 edgrif Exp $
@@ -145,6 +145,8 @@ static ZMapGUIMenuItem makeMenuGeneralOps(int *start_index_inout,
 static void itemMenuCB(int menu_item_id, gpointer callback_data) ;
 static gboolean canvasItemEventCB(FooCanvasItem *item, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data) ;
+static gboolean handleButton(GdkEventButton *but_event, ZMapWindow window, FooCanvasItem *item, ZMapFeature feature) ;
 static gboolean canvasItemDestroyCB(FooCanvasItem *item, gpointer data) ;
 static void pfetchEntry(ZMapWindow window, char *sequence_name) ;
@@ -794,33 +796,29 @@ static void featureCopySelectedItem(ZMapFeature feature_in,
+/* Handle events on items, note that events for text items are passed through without processing
+ * so the text item code can do highlighting etc. */
 static gboolean canvasItemEventCB(FooCanvasItem *item, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data)
   gboolean event_handled = FALSE ;			    /* By default we _don't_ handle events. */
   ZMapWindow window = (ZMapWindowStruct*)data ;
   ZMapFeature feature ;
-  static guint32 last_but_press = 0 ;			    /* Used for double clicks... */
+  static guint32 last_but_release = 0 ;			    /* Used for double clicks... */
   static gboolean second_press = FALSE ;		    /* Used for double clicks... */
   if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS || event->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS  || event->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE)
       GdkEventButton *but_event = (GdkEventButton *)event ;
-      ZMapFeatureSubPartSpan sub_feature ;
-      ZMapWindowCanvasItem canvas_item ;
-      FooCanvasItem *sub_item = NULL, *highlight_item = NULL ;
+      FooCanvasItem *highlight_item = NULL ;
       zMapDebugPrint(mouse_debug_G, "Start: %s %d",
 		     (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS ? "button_press"
 		      : event->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS ? "button_2press" : "button_release"),
 		     but_event->button) ;
       if (!ZMAP_IS_CANVAS_ITEM(item))
 	  g_warning("Not a ZMapWindowCanvasItem.");
@@ -833,136 +831,17 @@ static gboolean canvasItemEventCB(FooCanvasItem *item, GdkEvent *event, gpointer
 	  return FALSE;
-      canvas_item = ZMAP_CANVAS_ITEM(item);
       /* Get the feature attached to the item, checking that its type is valid */
       feature  = zMapWindowCanvasItemGetFeature(item);
-      sub_item = zMapWindowCanvasItemGetInterval(canvas_item, but_event->x, but_event->y, &sub_feature);
       if (but_event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS)
-	  /* Double clicks occur within 250 milliseconds so we ignore the second button
-	   * press generated by clicks but catch the button2 press (see below). */
-	  if (but_event->time - last_but_press > 250)
+	  if (but_event->button == 3)
-	      GdkModifierType shift_mask = GDK_SHIFT_MASK,
-		control_mask             = GDK_CONTROL_MASK,
-		shift_control_mask       = GDK_SHIFT_MASK | GDK_CONTROL_MASK,
-		unwanted_masks           = GDK_LOCK_MASK | GDK_MOD2_MASK | GDK_MOD3_MASK | GDK_MOD4_MASK | GDK_MOD5_MASK,
-		locks_mask;
-	      /* In order to make the modifier only checks work we
-	       * need to OR in the unwanted masks that might be on.
-	       * This includes the shift lock and num lock.
-	       * Depending on the setup of X these might be mapped
-	       * to other things which is why MODs 2-5 are included
-	       * This in theory should include the new (since 2.10)
-	      if((locks_mask = (but_event->state & unwanted_masks)))
-		{
-		  shift_mask         |= locks_mask;
-		  control_mask       |= locks_mask;
-		  shift_control_mask |= locks_mask;
-		}
-	      /* Button 1 and 3 are handled, 2 is left for a general handler which could be
-	       * the root handler. */
-	      if (but_event->button == 1 || but_event->button == 3)
-		{
-		  gboolean replace_highlight = TRUE, highlight_same_names = TRUE, externally_handled = FALSE;
-		  if (zMapGUITestModifiersOnly(but_event, shift_mask))
-		    {
-		      ZMapFeatureStruct feature_copy = {};
-		      /* Only highlight the single item user clicked on. */
-		      highlight_same_names = FALSE ;
-		      /* Annotators say they don't want subparts sub selections + multiple
-		       * selections for alignments. */
-		      if (feature->type == ZMAPSTYLE_MODE_ALIGNMENT)
-			{
-			  highlight_item = item;
-			}
-		      else
-			{
-			  highlight_item = sub_item ;
-			}
-		      /* monkey around to get feature_copy to be the right correct data */
-		      featureCopySelectedItem(feature, &feature_copy, highlight_item);
-		      if (zmapWindowFocusIsItemInHotColumn(window->focus, highlight_item)
-			  && window->multi_select)
-			{
-			  replace_highlight = FALSE ;
-			  externally_handled = zmapWindowUpdateXRemoteData(window, (ZMapFeatureAny)(&feature_copy),
-									   "multiple_select", highlight_item);
-			}
-		      else
-			{
-			  externally_handled = zmapWindowUpdateXRemoteData(window, (ZMapFeatureAny)(&feature_copy),
-									   "single_select", highlight_item);
-			  window->multi_select = TRUE ;
-			}
-		    }
-		  /* I've left this in because we might want to use Cntl-xxx at some time .... */
-		  else if (zMapGUITestModifiersOnly(but_event, control_mask))
-		    {
-		      ZMapFeatureStruct feature_copy = {};
-		      /* sub selections */
-		      highlight_item = sub_item ;
-		      highlight_same_names = FALSE ;
-		      /* monkey around to get feature_copy to be the right correct data */
-		      featureCopySelectedItem(feature, &feature_copy,
-					      highlight_item);
-		      externally_handled = zmapWindowUpdateXRemoteData(window, (ZMapFeatureAny)(&feature_copy), "single_select", highlight_item);
-		    }
-		  else if (zMapGUITestModifiersOnly(but_event, shift_control_mask))
-		    {
-		      /* multiple selections */
-		      highlight_item = item;
-		      if (zmapWindowFocusIsItemInHotColumn(window->focus, highlight_item)
-			  && window->multi_select)
-			{
-			  replace_highlight = FALSE ;
-			  externally_handled = zmapWindowUpdateXRemoteData(window, (ZMapFeatureAny)feature, "multiple_select", highlight_item);
-			}
-		      else
-			{
-			  externally_handled = zmapWindowUpdateXRemoteData(window, (ZMapFeatureAny)feature, "single_select", highlight_item);
-			  window->multi_select = TRUE ;
-			}
-		    }
-		  else
-		    {
-		      /* single select */
-		      highlight_item = item;
-		      externally_handled = zmapWindowUpdateXRemoteData(window, (ZMapFeatureAny)feature, "single_select", highlight_item);
-		      window->multi_select = FALSE ;
-		    }
-		  /* Pass information about the object clicked on back to the application. */
-		  zMapWindowUpdateInfoPanel(window, feature, sub_item, highlight_item, NULL,
-					    replace_highlight, highlight_same_names) ;
-		  if (but_event->button == 3)
-		    {
-		      /* Pop up an item menu. */
-		      zmapMakeItemMenu(but_event, window, highlight_item) ;
-		    }
-		}
+	      /* Pop up an item menu. */
+	      zmapMakeItemMenu(but_event, window, item) ;
-	  last_but_press = but_event->time ;
 	  event_handled = TRUE ;
       else if (but_event->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS)
@@ -973,15 +852,24 @@ static gboolean canvasItemEventCB(FooCanvasItem *item, GdkEvent *event, gpointer
       else						    /* button release */
-	  if (second_press)
+	  /* Gdk defines double clicks as occuring within 250 milliseconds of each other
+	   * but unfortunately if on the first click we do a lot of processing,
+	   * STUPID Gdk no longer delivers the GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS so we have to do this
+	   * hack looking for the different in time. This can happen if user clicks on
+	   * a very large feature causing us to paste a lot of text to the selection
+	   * buffer. */
+	  guint but_threshold = 500 ;			    /* Separation of clicks in milliseconds. */
+	  if (second_press || but_event->time - last_but_release < but_threshold)
-	      /* Handle second click of a double click. */
+	      /* Second click of a double click means show feature details. */
 	      if (but_event->button == 1)
 		  gboolean externally_handled = FALSE ;
 		  highlight_item = item;
+		  /* If no external handling then show what we can. */
 		  if (!(externally_handled = zmapWindowUpdateXRemoteData(window, (ZMapFeatureAny)feature,
 									 "edit", highlight_item)))
@@ -991,6 +879,12 @@ static gboolean canvasItemEventCB(FooCanvasItem *item, GdkEvent *event, gpointer
 	      second_press = FALSE ;
+	  else
+	    {
+	      event_handled = handleButton(but_event, window, item, feature) ;
+	    }
+	  last_but_release = but_event->time ;
 	  event_handled = TRUE ;
@@ -1009,6 +903,131 @@ static gboolean canvasItemEventCB(FooCanvasItem *item, GdkEvent *event, gpointer
+/* Handle button single press to highlight and double to show feature details. */
+static gboolean handleButton(GdkEventButton *but_event, ZMapWindow window, FooCanvasItem *item, ZMapFeature feature)
+  gboolean event_handled = FALSE ;
+  GdkModifierType shift_mask = GDK_SHIFT_MASK,
+    control_mask             = GDK_CONTROL_MASK,
+    shift_control_mask       = GDK_SHIFT_MASK | GDK_CONTROL_MASK,
+    unwanted_masks           = GDK_LOCK_MASK | GDK_MOD2_MASK | GDK_MOD3_MASK | GDK_MOD4_MASK | GDK_MOD5_MASK,
+    locks_mask;
+  /* In order to make the modifier only checks work we
+   * need to OR in the unwanted masks that might be on.
+   * This includes the shift lock and num lock.
+   * Depending on the setup of X these might be mapped
+   * to other things which is why MODs 2-5 are included
+   * This in theory should include the new (since 2.10)
+  if((locks_mask = (but_event->state & unwanted_masks)))
+    {
+      shift_mask         |= locks_mask;
+      control_mask       |= locks_mask;
+      shift_control_mask |= locks_mask;
+    }
+  /* Button 1 and 3 are handled, 2 is left for a general handler which could be
+   * the root handler. */
+  if (but_event->button == 1 || but_event->button == 3)
+    {
+      FooCanvasItem *sub_item = NULL, *highlight_item = NULL ;
+      gboolean replace_highlight = TRUE, highlight_same_names = TRUE, externally_handled = FALSE;
+      ZMapFeatureSubPartSpan sub_feature ;
+      ZMapWindowCanvasItem canvas_item ;
+      canvas_item = ZMAP_CANVAS_ITEM(item);
+      sub_item = zMapWindowCanvasItemGetInterval(canvas_item, but_event->x, but_event->y, &sub_feature);
+      if (zMapGUITestModifiersOnly(but_event, shift_mask))
+	{
+	  ZMapFeatureStruct feature_copy = {};
+	  /* Only highlight the single item user clicked on. */
+	  highlight_same_names = FALSE ;
+	  /* Annotators say they don't want subparts sub selections + multiple
+	   * selections for alignments. */
+	  if (feature->type == ZMAPSTYLE_MODE_ALIGNMENT)
+	    {
+	      highlight_item = item;
+	    }
+	  else
+	    {
+	      highlight_item = sub_item ;
+	    }
+	  /* monkey around to get feature_copy to be the right correct data */
+	  featureCopySelectedItem(feature, &feature_copy, highlight_item);
+	  if (zmapWindowFocusIsItemInHotColumn(window->focus, highlight_item)
+	      && window->multi_select)
+	    {
+	      replace_highlight = FALSE ;
+	      externally_handled = zmapWindowUpdateXRemoteData(window, (ZMapFeatureAny)(&feature_copy),
+							       "multiple_select", highlight_item);
+	    }
+	  else
+	    {
+	      externally_handled = zmapWindowUpdateXRemoteData(window, (ZMapFeatureAny)(&feature_copy),
+							       "single_select", highlight_item);
+	      window->multi_select = TRUE ;
+	    }
+	}
+      /* I've left this in because we might want to use Cntl-xxx at some time .... */
+      else if (zMapGUITestModifiersOnly(but_event, control_mask))
+	{
+	  ZMapFeatureStruct feature_copy = {};
+	  /* sub selections */
+	  highlight_item = sub_item ;
+	  highlight_same_names = FALSE ;
+	  /* monkey around to get feature_copy to be the right correct data */
+	  featureCopySelectedItem(feature, &feature_copy,
+				  highlight_item);
+	  externally_handled = zmapWindowUpdateXRemoteData(window, (ZMapFeatureAny)(&feature_copy), "single_select", highlight_item);
+	}
+      else if (zMapGUITestModifiersOnly(but_event, shift_control_mask))
+	{
+	  /* multiple selections */
+	  highlight_item = item;
+	  if (zmapWindowFocusIsItemInHotColumn(window->focus, highlight_item)
+	      && window->multi_select)
+	    {
+	      replace_highlight = FALSE ;
+	      externally_handled = zmapWindowUpdateXRemoteData(window, (ZMapFeatureAny)feature, "multiple_select", highlight_item);
+	    }
+	  else
+	    {
+	      externally_handled = zmapWindowUpdateXRemoteData(window, (ZMapFeatureAny)feature, "single_select", highlight_item);
+	      window->multi_select = TRUE ;
+	    }
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  /* single select */
+	  highlight_item = item;
+	  externally_handled = zmapWindowUpdateXRemoteData(window, (ZMapFeatureAny)feature, "single_select", highlight_item);
+	  window->multi_select = FALSE ;
+	}
+      /* Pass information about the object clicked on back to the application. */
+      zMapWindowUpdateInfoPanel(window, feature, sub_item, highlight_item, NULL,
+				replace_highlight, highlight_same_names) ;
+    }
+  return event_handled ;
 /* Build the menu for a feature item. */
 void zmapMakeItemMenu(GdkEventButton *button_event, ZMapWindow window, FooCanvasItem *item)