From 7b0eff1cfe9c7b078b465c201d12f18fc0515735 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: edgrif <edgrif>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 14:05:15 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] add macports description to build in progress.

 web/developer/build_system.shtml | 291 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 290 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/web/developer/build_system.shtml b/web/developer/build_system.shtml
index fa8171bd7..626739365 100755
--- a/web/developer/build_system.shtml
+++ b/web/developer/build_system.shtml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 <!--#set var="banner" value=""-->
 <!--#include virtual="/perl/header"-->
+<!--#set var="author" value="" -->
-<!-- We get the banner from above -->
 <h2>SSH magic</h2>
@@ -37,3 +37,292 @@ rm -f     || exit 1;   \
 Note we run bash on the remote host. This explains some of the odd quoting...
+MacPort Install
+MacPorts resides at and is a website providing code
+and utilities for installing common unix programs on a Mac OS X system.
+MacPorts requires XCode and requires it at a very current level, XCode is
+however a large package so we should probably have a copy on a CD for local
+installs. NOTE that MacPorts won't install without the right level of XCode on
+the system.
+Installation directory:
+By default macports builds stuff in /opt/local, this could be changed to
+/usr/local but I didn't bother. If the desitination directory is left like this
+then it's crucial to make sure that during installing/building your PATH has
+/opt/local/bin and /opt/local/sbin ahead of /usr/local so the right versions of
+aclocal etc etc are picked up. The initial setup of macports tries to do the
+right thing by adding this to your path in your .cshrc (or whatever shell you
+Initial install of the MacPort utilities:
+1) Follow the instructions here to install the macports utilities
+2) Set the following environment variables
+setenv http_proxy
+setenv http-proxy-host
+setenv http-proxy-port 3128
+(Note I'm not sure all of these are needed...)
+3) Edit the .subversion/servers file to include the following lines in the
+[global] section: 
+http-proxy-host = 
+http-proxy-port = 3128
+3) Follow the instructions here to sync the MacPorts utilities and any
+ports already installed:
+Add this line to the sources.conf looks like this:
+You can then use the "port install" command to install packages as required.
+MacPorts GTK Install
+This document describes the packages that need to be installed to allow
+development with the autoconf and GTK packages with some additional graphics
+packages required for zmap/acedb development.
+NOTE: It is assumed that the MacPorts utilities have been installed and that
+macports is installing into /opt/local.
+1) Install GTK
+> sudo port install gtk2
+2) Install libtool and libtool-devel packages
+> port install libtool
+> port install libtool-devel
+3) Install "check" utility
+> port install check
+4) Install libgd
+This package is needed by libg2 (see next item), it is not currently supported
+in macports so needs to be separately downloaded from the website:
+The downloaded file then needs to be gunzip'd and untar'd and then installed:
+> ./configure --prefix=/opt/local CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/local/include -I./" LDFLAGS="-L/opt/local/lib"
+> make
+> sudo make install
+5) Install libg2 
+As with libgd this package is not supported by MacPorts and can be downloaded from:
+The downloaded file then needs to be gunzip'd and untar'd and then installed:
+./configure --prefix=/opt/local CFLAGS="-I/opt/local/include"  CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/local/include" LDFLAGS="-L/opt/local/lib"
+> make depend
+> make
+Once the make has finished then check that you see "GD" support:
+Supported devices:
+    PostScript
+    FIG
+    X11
+    Xdbe
+    GD              <<<<<<< These two are vital !! 
+    GD (GIF)        <<<<<<<
+> sudo make install
+and that's it.
+ZMap Install
+ZMap requires several libraries to be installed, this documents covers
+installation of these libraires in a standard environment and a macports
+1) Installing foocanvas....(this assumes you have a _patched_ foocanvas that
+includes all our extras....).
+For a standard /usr or /usr/local system:
+> ./
+For a MacPorts /opt/local system:
+> export ACLOCAL_FLAGS=" -I /opt/local/share/aclocal"  # NOTE the spaces !!!!!
+> ./ --prefix=/opt/local
+and then in either case:
+> make
+> sudo make install
+2) Installing AceConn:
+For a MacPorts /opt/local system glibtoolize and the path to aclocal
+need to be set as environment variables before bootstrapping and building:
+> export LIBTOOLIZE=glibtoolize
+> export AC_LOCAL_INC=/opt/local/share/aclocal
+and then for all systems:
+> bootstrap -b
+> ./configure --prefix=/opt/local
+> make
+> sudo make install
+3) Install ZMap:
+In scripts
+1) &
+altered stuff to point to /opt/local
+In src
+commented out include $(srcdir)/ until I can find a way to conditionally
+include it...surely Roy knows how to do this....
+- changed:
+- commented out all of doxygen (lines beginning DX_).
+- changed:
+i.e. commented out the doxyfile bit, this needs to be made configurable...
+3) runbootstrap
+for darwin added:
+    export ACLOCAL_FLAGS=" -I /opt/local/share/aclocal"
+> cd ZMap/src
+> ./runboostrap
+<!--#include virtual="/perl/footer"-->