diff --git a/src/zmapWindow/zmapWindowDrawFeatures_P.h b/src/zmapWindow/zmapWindowDrawFeatures_P.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 7e2200e516b467f8c05169796403382300713d43..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/zmapWindow/zmapWindowDrawFeatures_P.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-/*  File: zmapWindowDrawFeatures_P.h
- *  Author: Roy Storey (rds@sanger.ac.uk)
- *  Copyright (c) Sanger Institute, 2005
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------
- * ZMap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- * 
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
- * or see the on-line version at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------
- * This file is part of the ZMap genome database package
- * originated by
- * 	Ed Griffiths (Sanger Institute, UK) edgrif@sanger.ac.uk,
- *      Roy Storey (Sanger Institute, UK) rds@sanger.ac.uk,
- *      Rob Clack (Sanger Institute, UK) rnc@sanger.ac.uk
- *
- * Description: 
- *
- * Exported functions: See XXXXXXXXXXXXX.h
- * Last edited: Nov 16 14:43 2005 (rds)
- * Created: Wed Nov 16 08:40:50 2005 (rds)
- * CVS info:   $Id: zmapWindowDrawFeatures_P.h,v 1.2 2005-11-16 15:13:48 rds Exp $
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ZMap/zmapUtils.h>
-#include <ZMap/zmapGLibUtils.h>
-#include <ZMap/zmapUtilsGUI.h>
-#include <ZMap/zmapUtilsDNA.h>
-#include <ZMap/zmapConfig.h>
-#include <zmapWindow_P.h>
-#include <math.h>
-/* Used to pass data to canvas item menu callbacks. */
-typedef struct
-  gboolean item_cb ;					    /* TRUE => item callback,
-							       FALSE => column callback. */
-  ZMapWindow window ;
-  FooCanvasItem *item ;
-  ZMapFeatureSet feature_set ;				    /* Only used in column callbacks... */
-} ItemMenuCBDataStruct, *ItemMenuCBData ;
-/* these will go when scale is in separate window. */
-#define SCALEBAR_OFFSET   0.0
-#define SCALEBAR_WIDTH   50.0
-/* parameters passed between the various functions drawing the features on the canvas, it's
- * simplest to cache the current stuff as we go otherwise the code becomes convoluted by having
- * to look up stuff all the time. */
-typedef struct _ZMapCanvasDataStruct
-  ZMapWindow window ;
-  FooCanvas *canvas ;
-  /* Records which alignment, block, set, type we are processing. */
-  ZMapFeatureContext full_context ;
-  ZMapFeatureAlignment curr_alignment ;
-  ZMapFeatureBlock curr_block ;
-  ZMapFeatureSet curr_set ;
-  GQuark curr_set_name ;
-  GQuark curr_forward_col_id ;
-  GQuark curr_reverse_col_id ;
-  /* Records current positional information. */
-  double curr_x_offset ;
-  double curr_y_offset ;
-  /* Records current canvas item groups, these are the direct parent groups of the display
-   * types they contain, e.g. curr_root_group is the parent of the align */
-  FooCanvasGroup *curr_root_group ;
-  FooCanvasGroup *curr_align_group ;
-  FooCanvasGroup *curr_block_group ;
-  FooCanvasGroup *curr_forward_group ;
-  FooCanvasGroup *curr_reverse_group ;
-  FooCanvasGroup *curr_forward_col ;
-  FooCanvasGroup *curr_reverse_col ;
-  GdkColor colour_root ;
-  GdkColor colour_alignment ;
-  GdkColor colour_block ;
-  GdkColor colour_mblock_for ;
-  GdkColor colour_mblock_rev ;
-  GdkColor colour_qblock_for ;
-  GdkColor colour_qblock_rev ;
-  GdkColor colour_mforward_col ;
-  GdkColor colour_mreverse_col ;
-  GdkColor colour_qforward_col ;
-  GdkColor colour_qreverse_col ;
-  double bump_for, bump_rev ;
-} ZMapCanvasDataStruct, *ZMapCanvasData ;
-/* Used to pass data to removeEmptyColumn function. */
-typedef struct
-  ZMapCanvasData canvas_data ;
-  ZMapStrand strand ;
-} RemoveEmptyColumnStruct, *RemoveEmptyColumn ;
-typedef struct
-  double offset ;				    /* I think we do need these... */
-} PositionColumnStruct, *PositionColumn ;
-static gboolean canvasItemEventCB(FooCanvasItem *item, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data) ;
-static gboolean canvasItemDestroyCB(FooCanvasItem *item, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data) ;
-static void drawZMap(ZMapCanvasData canvas_data, ZMapFeatureContext diff_context) ;
-static void drawAlignments(GQuark key_id, gpointer data, gpointer user_data) ;
-static void drawBlocks(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) ;
-static void createSetColumn(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) ;
-static FooCanvasGroup *createColumn(FooCanvasGroup *parent_group,
-				    ZMapWindow window,
-				    GQuark feature_set_id,
-				    ZMapStrand strand,
-				    double width,
-				    double top, double bot, GdkColor *colour) ;
-static void ProcessFeatureSet(GQuark key_id, gpointer data, gpointer user_data) ;
-static void ProcessFeature(GQuark key_id, gpointer data, gpointer user_data) ;
-static void removeEmptyColumns(ZMapCanvasData canvas_data) ;
-static void removeEmptyColumnCB(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) ;
-static void positionColumns(ZMapCanvasData canvas_data) ;
-static void positionColumnCB(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) ;
-static ZMapWindowMenuItem makeMenuFeatureOps(int *start_index_inout,
-					     ZMapWindowMenuItemCallbackFunc callback_func,
-					     gpointer callback_data) ;
-static void itemMenuCB(int menu_item_id, gpointer callback_data) ;
-static ZMapWindowMenuItem makeMenuBump(int *start_index_inout,
-				       ZMapWindowMenuItemCallbackFunc callback_func,
-				       gpointer callback_data) ;
-static void bumpMenuCB(int menu_item_id, gpointer callback_data) ;
-static ZMapWindowMenuItem makeMenuDumpOps(int *start_index_inout,
-					  ZMapWindowMenuItemCallbackFunc callback_func,
-					  gpointer callback_data) ;
-static void dumpMenuCB(int menu_item_id, gpointer callback_data) ;
-static ZMapWindowMenuItem makeMenuDNAHomol(int *start_index_inout,
-					   ZMapWindowMenuItemCallbackFunc callback_func,
-					   gpointer callback_data) ;
-static ZMapWindowMenuItem makeMenuProteinHomol(int *start_index_inout,
-					   ZMapWindowMenuItemCallbackFunc callback_func,
-					       gpointer callback_data) ;
-static void blixemMenuCB(int menu_item_id, gpointer callback_data) ;
-static void populateMenu(ZMapWindowMenuItem menu,
-			 int *start_index_inout,
-			 ZMapWindowMenuItemCallbackFunc callback_func,
-			 gpointer callback_data) ;
-static void makeItemMenu(GdkEventButton *button_event, ZMapWindow window,
-			 FooCanvasItem *item) ;
-static void itemMenuCB(int menu_item_id, gpointer callback_data) ;
-static gboolean dnaItemEventCB(FooCanvasItem *item, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data);
-static gboolean columnBoundingBoxEventCB(FooCanvasItem *item, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data) ;
-static void makeColumnMenu(GdkEventButton *button_event, ZMapWindow window,
-			   FooCanvasItem *item, ZMapFeatureSet feature_set) ;
-static ZMapWindowMenuItem makeMenuColumnOps(int *start_index_inout,
-					    ZMapWindowMenuItemCallbackFunc callback_func,
-					    gpointer callback_data) ;
-static void columnMenuCB(int menu_item_id, gpointer callback_data) ;
-static FooCanvasItem *drawSimpleFeature(FooCanvasGroup *parent, ZMapFeature feature,
-					double feature_offset,
-					double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,
-					GdkColor *outline, GdkColor *background,
-					ZMapWindow window) ;
-static FooCanvasItem *drawTranscriptFeature(FooCanvasGroup *parent, ZMapFeature feature,
-					    double feature_offset,
-					    double x1, double feature_top,
-					    double x2, double feature_bottom,
-					    GdkColor *outline, GdkColor *background,
-					    GdkColor *block_background,
-					    ZMapWindow window) ;
-static FooCanvasItem *getBoundingBoxChild(FooCanvasGroup *parent_group) ;
-static FooCanvasGroup *getItemsColGroup(FooCanvasItem *item) ;
-static void setColours(ZMapCanvasData canvas_data) ;
-static void dna_redraw_callback(FooCanvasGroup *text_grp,
-                                double zoom,
-                                gpointer user_data);
-static void dumpFASTA(ZMapWindow window) ;
-static void dumpContext(ZMapWindow window) ;
-static void pfetchEntry(ZMapWindow window, char *sequence_name) ;
-static void dna_redraw_callback(FooCanvasGroup *text_grp,
-                                double zoom,
-                                gpointer user_data);
-static void updateInfoGivenCoords(textGroupSelection select, 
-                                  double worldCurrentX,
-                                  double worldCurrentY);
-static void pointerIsOverItem(gpointer data, gpointer user_data);
-static textGroupSelection getTextGroupData(FooCanvasGroup *txtGroup,
-                                           ZMapWindow window);
-static ZMapDrawTextIterator getIterator(double win_min_coord, double win_max_coord,
-                                        double offset_start,  double offset_end,
-                                        double text_height, gboolean numbered);
-static void destroyIterator(ZMapDrawTextIterator iterator);