From c36b0c965970195bf6e67bed251469cb3c61b7e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: edgrif <edgrif>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2010 14:59:47 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] replaced by new version

 foocanvas/foo-canvas-line.c         | 1313 ---------
 foocanvas/foo-canvas-pixbuf.c       |  860 ------
 foocanvas/foo-canvas-polygon.c      |  847 ------
 foocanvas/foo-canvas-rect-ellipse.c | 1490 ----------
 foocanvas/foo-canvas-text.c         | 1623 -----------
 foocanvas/foo-canvas-widget.c       |  593 ----
 foocanvas/foo-canvas.c              | 4027 ---------------------------
 foocanvas/foo-canvas.h              |  540 ----
 8 files changed, 11293 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 foocanvas/foo-canvas-line.c
 delete mode 100755 foocanvas/foo-canvas-pixbuf.c
 delete mode 100755 foocanvas/foo-canvas-polygon.c
 delete mode 100755 foocanvas/foo-canvas-rect-ellipse.c
 delete mode 100755 foocanvas/foo-canvas-text.c
 delete mode 100755 foocanvas/foo-canvas-widget.c
 delete mode 100755 foocanvas/foo-canvas.c
 delete mode 100755 foocanvas/foo-canvas.h

diff --git a/foocanvas/foo-canvas-line.c b/foocanvas/foo-canvas-line.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 012d98645..000000000
--- a/foocanvas/foo-canvas-line.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1313 +0,0 @@
-/*  Last edited: May 11 10:57 2004 (rnc) */
- * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This file is part of the Gnome Library.
- *
- * The Gnome Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * The Gnome Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with the Gnome Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not,
- * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- */
-/* Line/curve item type for FooCanvas widget
- *
- * FooCanvas is basically a port of the Tk toolkit's most excellent canvas widget.  Tk is
- * copyrighted by the Regents of the University of California, Sun Microsystems, and other parties.
- *
- *
- * Author: Federico Mena <>
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "libfoocanvas.h"
-#define noVERBOSE
-#define DEFAULT_SPLINE_STEPS 12		/* this is what Tk uses */
-#define NUM_ARROW_POINTS     6		/* number of points in an arrowhead */
-#define NUM_STATIC_POINTS    256	/* number of static points to use to avoid allocating arrays */
-#define GROW_BOUNDS(bx1, by1, bx2, by2, x, y) {	\
-	if (x < bx1)				\
-		bx1 = x;			\
-						\
-	if (x > bx2)				\
-		bx2 = x;			\
-						\
-	if (y < by1)				\
-		by1 = y;			\
-						\
-	if (y > by2)				\
-		by2 = y;			\
-enum {
-	PROP_0,
-static void foo_canvas_line_class_init   (FooCanvasLineClass *class);
-static void foo_canvas_line_init         (FooCanvasLine      *line);
-static void foo_canvas_line_destroy      (GtkObject            *object);
-static void foo_canvas_line_set_property (GObject              *object,
-					    guint                 param_id,
-					    const GValue         *value,
-					    GParamSpec           *pspec);
-static void foo_canvas_line_get_property (GObject              *object,
-					    guint                 param_id,
-					    GValue               *value,
-					    GParamSpec           *pspec);
-static void   foo_canvas_line_update      (FooCanvasItem *item,
-					     double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy,
-					     int flags);
-static void   foo_canvas_line_realize     (FooCanvasItem *item);
-static void   foo_canvas_line_unrealize   (FooCanvasItem *item);
-static void   foo_canvas_line_draw        (FooCanvasItem *item, GdkDrawable *drawable,
-					     GdkEventExpose   *event);
-static double foo_canvas_line_point       (FooCanvasItem *item, double x, double y,
-					     int cx, int cy, FooCanvasItem **actual_item);
-static void   foo_canvas_line_translate   (FooCanvasItem *item, double dx, double dy);
-static void   foo_canvas_line_bounds      (FooCanvasItem *item, double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2);
-static FooCanvasItemClass *parent_class;
-foo_canvas_line_get_type (void)
-	static GtkType line_type = 0;
-	if (!line_type) {
-		/* FIXME: Convert to gobject style.  */
-		static const GtkTypeInfo line_info = {
-			(char *)"FooCanvasLine",
-			sizeof (FooCanvasLine),
-			sizeof (FooCanvasLineClass),
-			(GtkClassInitFunc) foo_canvas_line_class_init,
-			(GtkObjectInitFunc) foo_canvas_line_init,
-			NULL, /* reserved_1 */
-			NULL, /* reserved_2 */
-			(GtkClassInitFunc) NULL
-		};
-		line_type = gtk_type_unique (foo_canvas_item_get_type (), &line_info);
-	}
-	return line_type;
-static void
-foo_canvas_line_class_init (FooCanvasLineClass *class)
-	GObjectClass *gobject_class;
-	GtkObjectClass *object_class;
-	FooCanvasItemClass *item_class;
-	gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) class;
-	object_class = (GtkObjectClass *) class;
-	item_class = (FooCanvasItemClass *) class;
-	parent_class = gtk_type_class (foo_canvas_item_get_type ());
-	gobject_class->set_property = foo_canvas_line_set_property;
-	gobject_class->get_property = foo_canvas_line_get_property;
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_POINTS,
-                 g_param_spec_boxed ("points", NULL, NULL,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_FILL_COLOR,
-                 g_param_spec_string ("fill_color", NULL, NULL,
-                                      NULL,
-                                      (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_FILL_COLOR_GDK,
-                 g_param_spec_boxed ("fill_color_gdk", NULL, NULL,
-				     GDK_TYPE_COLOR,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_FILL_COLOR_RGBA,
-                 g_param_spec_uint ("fill_color_rgba", NULL, NULL,
-				    0, G_MAXUINT, 0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_FILL_STIPPLE,
-                 g_param_spec_object ("fill_stipple", NULL, NULL,
-                                      GDK_TYPE_DRAWABLE,
-                                      (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_WIDTH_PIXELS,
-                 g_param_spec_uint ("width_pixels", NULL, NULL,
-				    0, G_MAXUINT, 0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_WIDTH_UNITS,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("width_units", NULL, NULL,
-				      0.0, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_CAP_STYLE,
-                 g_param_spec_enum ("cap_style", NULL, NULL,
-                                    GDK_TYPE_CAP_STYLE,
-                                    GDK_CAP_BUTT,
-                                    (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_JOIN_STYLE,
-                 g_param_spec_enum ("join_style", NULL, NULL,
-                                    GDK_TYPE_JOIN_STYLE,
-                                    GDK_JOIN_MITER,
-                                    (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_LINE_STYLE,
-                 g_param_spec_enum ("line_style", NULL, NULL,
-                                    GDK_TYPE_LINE_STYLE,
-                                    GDK_LINE_SOLID,
-                                    (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_FIRST_ARROWHEAD,
-                 g_param_spec_boolean ("first_arrowhead", NULL, NULL,
-				       FALSE,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_LAST_ARROWHEAD,
-                 g_param_spec_boolean ("last_arrowhead", NULL, NULL,
-				       FALSE,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_SMOOTH,
-                 g_param_spec_boolean ("smooth", NULL, NULL,
-				       FALSE,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_SPLINE_STEPS,
-                 g_param_spec_uint ("spline_steps", NULL, NULL,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_ARROW_SHAPE_A,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("arrow_shape_a", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_ARROW_SHAPE_B,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("arrow_shape_b", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_ARROW_SHAPE_C,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("arrow_shape_c", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0,
-	object_class->destroy = foo_canvas_line_destroy;
-	item_class->update = foo_canvas_line_update;
-	item_class->realize = foo_canvas_line_realize;
-	item_class->unrealize = foo_canvas_line_unrealize;
-	item_class->draw = foo_canvas_line_draw;
-	item_class->point = foo_canvas_line_point;
-	item_class->translate = foo_canvas_line_translate;
-	item_class->bounds = foo_canvas_line_bounds;
-static void
-foo_canvas_line_init (FooCanvasLine *line)
-	line->width = 0.0;
-	line->cap = GDK_CAP_BUTT;
-	line->join = GDK_JOIN_MITER;
-	line->line_style = GDK_LINE_SOLID;
-	line->shape_a = 0.0;
-	line->shape_b = 0.0;
-	line->shape_c = 0.0;
-	line->spline_steps = DEFAULT_SPLINE_STEPS;
-static void
-foo_canvas_line_destroy (GtkObject *object)
-	FooCanvasLine *line;
-	g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_LINE (object));
-	line = FOO_CANVAS_LINE (object);
-	/* remember, destroy can be run multiple times! */
-	if (line->coords)
-		g_free (line->coords);
-	line->coords = NULL;
-	if (line->first_coords)
-		g_free (line->first_coords);
-	line->first_coords = NULL;
-	if (line->last_coords)
-		g_free (line->last_coords);
-	line->last_coords = NULL;
-	if (line->stipple)
-		g_object_unref (line->stipple);
-	line->stipple = NULL;
-	if (GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->destroy)
-		(* GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->destroy) (object);
-/* Computes the bounding box of the line, including its arrow points.  Assumes that the number of
- * points in the line is not zero.
- */
-static void
-get_bounds (FooCanvasLine *line, double *bx1, double *by1, double *bx2, double *by2)
-	double *coords;
-	double x1, y1, x2, y2;
-	double width;
-	int i;
-	if (!line->coords) {
-	    *bx1 = *by1 = *bx2 = *by2 = 0.0;
-	    return;
-	}
-	/* Find bounding box of line's points */
-	x1 = x2 = line->coords[0];
-	y1 = y2 = line->coords[1];
-	for (i = 1, coords = line->coords + 2; i < line->num_points; i++, coords += 2)
-		GROW_BOUNDS (x1, y1, x2, y2, coords[0], coords[1]);
-	/* Add possible over-estimate for wide lines */
-	if (line->width_pixels)
-		width = line->width / line->item.canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-	else
-		width = line->width;
-	x1 -= width;
-	y1 -= width;
-	x2 += width;
-	y2 += width;
-	/* For mitered lines, make a second pass through all the points.  Compute the location of
-	 * the two miter vertex points and add them to the bounding box.
-	 */
-	if (line->join == GDK_JOIN_MITER)
-		for (i = line->num_points, coords = line->coords; i >= 3; i--, coords += 2) {
-			double mx1, my1, mx2, my2;
-			if (foo_canvas_get_miter_points (coords[0], coords[1],
-							   coords[2], coords[3],
-							   coords[4], coords[5],
-							   width,
-							   &mx1, &my1, &mx2, &my2)) {
-				GROW_BOUNDS (x1, y1, x2, y2, mx1, my1);
-				GROW_BOUNDS (x1, y1, x2, y2, mx2, my2);
-			}
-		}
-	/* Add the arrow points, if any */
-	if (line->first_arrow && line->first_coords)
-		for (i = 0, coords = line->first_coords; i < NUM_ARROW_POINTS; i++, coords += 2)
-			GROW_BOUNDS (x1, y1, x2, y2, coords[0], coords[1]);
-	if (line->last_arrow && line->last_coords)
-		for (i = 0, coords = line->last_coords; i < NUM_ARROW_POINTS; i++, coords += 2)
-			GROW_BOUNDS (x1, y1, x2, y2, coords[0], coords[1]);
-	/* Done */
-	*bx1 = x1;
-	*by1 = y1;
-	*bx2 = x2;
-	*by2 = y2;
-/* Computes the bounding box of the line, in canvas coordinates.  Assumes that the number of points in the polygon is
- * not zero. 
- */
-static void
-get_bounds_canvas (FooCanvasLine *line,
-		   double *bx1, double *by1, double *bx2, double *by2,
-		   double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	double bbox_x0, bbox_y0, bbox_x1, bbox_y1;
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (line);
-	get_bounds (line, &bbox_x0, &bbox_y0, &bbox_x1, &bbox_y1);
-	bbox_x0 += i2w_dx; 
-	bbox_y0 += i2w_dy; 
-	bbox_x1 += i2w_dx; 
-	bbox_y1 += i2w_dy; 
-	foo_canvas_w2c_rect_d (item->canvas,
-				 &bbox_x0, &bbox_y0, &bbox_x1, &bbox_y1);
-	/* include 1 pixel of fudge */
-	*bx1 = bbox_x0 - 1;
-	*by1 = bbox_y0 - 1;
-	*bx2 = bbox_x1 + 1;
-	*by2 = bbox_y1 + 1;
-/* Recalculates the arrow polygons for the line */
-static void
-reconfigure_arrows (FooCanvasLine *line)
-	double *poly, *coords;
-	double dx, dy, length;
-	double sin_theta, cos_theta, tmp;
-	double frac_height;	/* Line width as fraction of arrowhead width */
-	double backup;		/* Distance to backup end points so the line ends in the middle of the arrowhead */
-	double vx, vy;		/* Position of arrowhead vertex */
-	double shape_a, shape_b, shape_c;
-	double width;
-	int i;
-	if (line->num_points == 0)
-		return;
-	/* Set up things */
-	if (line->first_arrow) {
-		if (line->first_coords) {
-			line->coords[0] = line->first_coords[0];
-			line->coords[1] = line->first_coords[1];
-		} else
-			line->first_coords = g_new (double, 2 * NUM_ARROW_POINTS);
-	} else if (line->first_coords) {
-		line->coords[0] = line->first_coords[0];
-		line->coords[1] = line->first_coords[1];
-		g_free (line->first_coords);
-		line->first_coords = NULL;
-	}
-	i = 2 * (line->num_points - 1);
-	if (line->last_arrow) {
-		if (line->last_coords) {
-			line->coords[i] = line->last_coords[0];
-			line->coords[i + 1] = line->last_coords[1];
-		} else
-			line->last_coords = g_new (double, 2 * NUM_ARROW_POINTS);
-	} else if (line->last_coords) {
-		line->coords[i] = line->last_coords[0];
-		line->coords[i + 1] = line->last_coords[1];
-		g_free (line->last_coords);
-		line->last_coords = NULL;
-	}
-	if (!line->first_arrow && !line->last_arrow)
-		return;
-	if (line->width_pixels)
-		width = line->width / line->item.canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-	else
-		width = line->width;
-	/* Add fudge value for better-looking results */
-	shape_a = line->shape_a;
-	shape_b = line->shape_b;
-	shape_c = line->shape_c + width / 2.0;
-	if (line->width_pixels) {
-		shape_a /= line->item.canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-		shape_b /= line->item.canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-		shape_c /= line->item.canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-	}
-	shape_a += 0.001;
-	shape_b += 0.001;
-	shape_c += 0.001;
-	/* Compute the polygon for the first arrowhead and adjust the first point in the line so
-	 * that the line does not stick out past the leading edge of the arrowhead.
-	 */
-	frac_height = (line->width / 2.0) / shape_c;
-	backup = frac_height * shape_b + shape_a * (1.0 - frac_height) / 2.0;
-	if (line->first_arrow) {
-		poly = line->first_coords;
-		poly[0] = poly[10] = line->coords[0];
-		poly[1] = poly[11] = line->coords[1];
-		dx = poly[0] - line->coords[2];
-		dy = poly[1] - line->coords[3];
-		length = sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy);
-		if (length < FOO_CANVAS_EPSILON)
-			sin_theta = cos_theta = 0.0;
-		else {
-			sin_theta = dy / length;
-			cos_theta = dx / length;
-		}
-		vx = poly[0] - shape_a * cos_theta;
-		vy = poly[1] - shape_a * sin_theta;
-		tmp = shape_c * sin_theta;
-		poly[2] = poly[0] - shape_b * cos_theta + tmp;
-		poly[8] = poly[2] - 2.0 * tmp;
-		tmp = shape_c * cos_theta;
-		poly[3] = poly[1] - shape_b * sin_theta - tmp;
-		poly[9] = poly[3] + 2.0 * tmp;
-		poly[4] = poly[2] * frac_height + vx * (1.0 - frac_height);
-		poly[5] = poly[3] * frac_height + vy * (1.0 - frac_height);
-		poly[6] = poly[8] * frac_height + vx * (1.0 - frac_height);
-		poly[7] = poly[9] * frac_height + vy * (1.0 - frac_height);
-		/* Move the first point towards the second so that the corners at the end of the
-		 * line are inside the arrowhead.
-		 */
-		line->coords[0] = poly[0] - backup * cos_theta;
-		line->coords[1] = poly[1] - backup * sin_theta;
-	}
-	/* Same process for last arrowhead */
-	if (line->last_arrow) {
-		coords = line->coords + 2 * (line->num_points - 2);
-		poly = line->last_coords;
-		poly[0] = poly[10] = coords[2];
-		poly[1] = poly[11] = coords[3];
-		dx = poly[0] - coords[0];
-		dy = poly[1] - coords[1];
-		length = sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy);
-		if (length < FOO_CANVAS_EPSILON)
-			sin_theta = cos_theta = 0.0;
-		else {
-			sin_theta = dy / length;
-			cos_theta = dx / length;
-		}
-		vx = poly[0] - shape_a * cos_theta;
-		vy = poly[1] - shape_a * sin_theta;
-		tmp = shape_c * sin_theta;
-		poly[2] = poly[0] - shape_b * cos_theta + tmp;
-		poly[8] = poly[2] - 2.0 * tmp;
-		tmp = shape_c * cos_theta;
-		poly[3] = poly[1] - shape_b * sin_theta - tmp;
-		poly[9] = poly[3] + 2.0 * tmp;
-		poly[4] = poly[2] * frac_height + vx * (1.0 - frac_height);
-		poly[5] = poly[3] * frac_height + vy * (1.0 - frac_height);
-		poly[6] = poly[8] * frac_height + vx * (1.0 - frac_height);
-		poly[7] = poly[9] * frac_height + vy * (1.0 - frac_height);
-		coords[2] = poly[0] - backup * cos_theta;
-		coords[3] = poly[1] - backup * sin_theta;
-	}
-/* Convenience function to set the line's GC's foreground color */
-static void
-set_line_gc_foreground (FooCanvasLine *line)
-	GdkColor c;
-	if (!line->gc)
-		return;
-	c.pixel = line->fill_pixel;
-	gdk_gc_set_foreground (line->gc, &c);
-/* Recalculate the line's width and set it in its GC */
-static void
-set_line_gc_width (FooCanvasLine *line)
-	int width;
-	if (!line->gc)
-		return;
-	if (line->width_pixels)
-		width = (int) line->width;
-	else
-		width = (int) (line->width * line->item.canvas->pixels_per_unit_x + 0.5);
-	gdk_gc_set_line_attributes (line->gc,
-				    width,
-				    line->line_style,
-				    (line->first_arrow || line->last_arrow) ? GDK_CAP_BUTT : line->cap,
-				    line->join);
-/* Sets the stipple pattern for the line */
-static void
-set_stipple (FooCanvasLine *line, GdkBitmap *stipple, int reconfigure)
-	if (line->stipple && !reconfigure)
-		g_object_unref (line->stipple);
-	line->stipple = stipple;
-	if (stipple && !reconfigure)
-		g_object_ref (stipple);
-	if (line->gc) {
-		if (stipple) {
-			gdk_gc_set_stipple (line->gc, stipple);
-			gdk_gc_set_fill (line->gc, GDK_STIPPLED);
-		} else
-			gdk_gc_set_fill (line->gc, GDK_SOLID);
-	}
-static void
-foo_canvas_line_set_property (GObject              *object,
-				guint                 param_id,
-				const GValue         *value,
-				GParamSpec           *pspec)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	FooCanvasLine *line;
-	FooCanvasPoints *points;
-	GdkColor color = { 0, 0, 0, 0, };
-	GdkColor *pcolor;
-	gboolean color_changed;
-	int have_pixel;
-	g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_LINE (object));
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (object);
-	line = FOO_CANVAS_LINE (object);
-	color_changed = FALSE;
-	have_pixel = FALSE;
-	switch (param_id) {
-		points = g_value_get_boxed (value);
-		if (line->coords) {
-			g_free (line->coords);
-			line->coords = NULL;
-		}
-		if (!points)
-			line->num_points = 0;
-		else {
-			line->num_points = points->num_points;
-			line->coords = g_new (double, 2 * line->num_points);
-			memcpy (line->coords, points->coords, 2 * line->num_points * sizeof (double));
-		}
-		/* Drop the arrowhead polygons if they exist -- they will be regenerated */
-		if (line->first_coords) {
-			g_free (line->first_coords);
-			line->first_coords = NULL;
-		}
-		if (line->last_coords) {
-			g_free (line->last_coords);
-			line->last_coords = NULL;
-		}
-		/* Since the line's points have changed, we need to re-generate arrowheads in
-		 * addition to recalculating the bounds.
-		 */
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		if (g_value_get_string (value))
-			gdk_color_parse (g_value_get_string (value), &color);
-		line->fill_rgba = (( & 0xff00) << 16 |
-				   ( & 0xff00) << 8 |
-				   ( & 0xff00) |
-				   0xff);
-		color_changed = TRUE;
-		break;
-		pcolor = g_value_get_boxed (value);
-		if (pcolor) {
-			GdkColormap *colormap;
-			color = *pcolor;
-			colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas));
-			gdk_rgb_find_color (colormap, &color);
-			have_pixel = TRUE;
-		}
-		line->fill_rgba = (( & 0xff00) << 16 |
-				   ( & 0xff00) << 8 |
-				   ( & 0xff00) |
-				   0xff);
-		color_changed = TRUE;
-		break;
-		line->fill_rgba = g_value_get_uint (value);
-		color_changed = TRUE;
-		break;
-		set_stipple (line, (GdkBitmap *) g_value_get_object (value), FALSE);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_redraw (item);		
-		break;
-		line->width = g_value_get_uint (value);
-		line->width_pixels = TRUE;
-		set_line_gc_width (line);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		line->width = fabs (g_value_get_double (value));
-		line->width_pixels = FALSE;
-		set_line_gc_width (line);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		line->cap = g_value_get_enum (value);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		line->join = g_value_get_enum (value);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		line->line_style = g_value_get_enum (value);
-		set_line_gc_width (line);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		line->first_arrow = g_value_get_boolean (value);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		line->last_arrow = g_value_get_boolean (value);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		/* FIXME */
-		break;
-		/* FIXME */
-		break;
-		line->shape_a = fabs (g_value_get_double (value));
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		line->shape_b = fabs (g_value_get_double (value));
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		line->shape_c = fabs (g_value_get_double (value));
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-	default:
-		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, param_id, pspec);
-		break;
-	}
-	if (color_changed) {
-		if (have_pixel)
-			line->fill_pixel = color.pixel;
-		else
-			line->fill_pixel = foo_canvas_get_color_pixel (item->canvas,
-									 line->fill_rgba);
-		set_line_gc_foreground (line);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_redraw (item);		
-	}
-/* Returns a copy of the line's points without the endpoint adjustments for
- * arrowheads.
- */
-static FooCanvasPoints *
-get_points (FooCanvasLine *line)
-	FooCanvasPoints *points;
-	int start_ofs, end_ofs;
-	if (line->num_points == 0)
-		return NULL;
-	start_ofs = end_ofs = 0;
-	points = foo_canvas_points_new (line->num_points);
-	/* Invariant:  if first_coords or last_coords exist, then the line's
-	 * endpoints have been adjusted.
-	 */
-	if (line->first_coords) {
-		start_ofs = 1;
-		points->coords[0] = line->first_coords[0];
-		points->coords[1] = line->first_coords[1];
-	}
-	if (line->last_coords) {
-		end_ofs = 1;
-		points->coords[2 * (line->num_points - 1)] = line->last_coords[0];
-		points->coords[2 * (line->num_points - 1) + 1] = line->last_coords[1];
-	}
-	memcpy (points->coords + 2 * start_ofs,
-		line->coords + 2 * start_ofs,
-		2 * (line->num_points - (start_ofs + end_ofs)) * sizeof (double));
-	return points;
-static void
-foo_canvas_line_get_property (GObject              *object,
-				guint                 param_id,
-				GValue               *value,
-				GParamSpec           *pspec)
-	FooCanvasLine *line;
-	g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_LINE (object));
-	line = FOO_CANVAS_LINE (object);
-	switch (param_id) {
-		g_value_set_boxed (value, get_points (line));
-		break;
-		//g_value_take_string (value,
-		//		     g_strdup_printf ("#%02x%02x%02x",
-		//				      line->fill_rgba >> 24,
-		//				      (line->fill_rgba >> 16) & 0xff,
-		//				      (line->fill_rgba >> 8) & 0xff));
-		break;
-		FooCanvas *canvas = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (line)->canvas;
-		GdkColormap *colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (GTK_WIDGET (canvas));
-		GdkColor color;
-		gdk_colormap_query_color (colormap, line->fill_pixel, &color);
-		g_value_set_boxed (value, &color);
-		break;
-	}
-		g_value_set_uint (value, line->fill_rgba);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_object (value, line->stipple);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_uint (value, line->width);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_double (value, line->width);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_enum (value, line->cap);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_enum (value, line->join);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_enum (value, line->line_style);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_boolean (value, line->first_arrow);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_boolean (value, line->last_arrow);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_boolean (value, line->smooth);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_uint (value, line->spline_steps);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_double (value, line->shape_a);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_double (value, line->shape_b);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_double (value, line->shape_c);
-		break;
-	default:
-		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, param_id, pspec);
-		break;
-	}
-static void
-foo_canvas_line_update (FooCanvasItem *item, double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy, int flags)
-	FooCanvasLine *line;
-	double x1, y1, x2, y2;
-	line = FOO_CANVAS_LINE (item);
-	if (parent_class->update)
-		(* parent_class->update) (item, i2w_dx, i2w_dy, flags);
-	reconfigure_arrows (line);
-	set_line_gc_foreground (line);
-	set_line_gc_width (line);
-	set_stipple (line, line->stipple, TRUE);
-	get_bounds_canvas (line, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, i2w_dx, i2w_dy);
-	foo_canvas_update_bbox (item, x1, y1, x2, y2);
-static void
-foo_canvas_line_realize (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	FooCanvasLine *line;
-	line = FOO_CANVAS_LINE (item);
-	if (parent_class->realize)
-		(* parent_class->realize) (item);
-	line->gc = gdk_gc_new (item->canvas->layout.bin_window);
-#warning "FIXME: Need to recalc pixel values, set colours, etc."
-#if 0
-	(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_CLASS (item->object.klass)->update) (item, NULL, NULL, 0);
-static void
-foo_canvas_line_unrealize (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	FooCanvasLine *line;
-	line = FOO_CANVAS_LINE (item);
-	g_object_unref (line->gc);
-	line->gc = NULL;
-	if (parent_class->unrealize)
-		(* parent_class->unrealize) (item);
-static void
-item_to_canvas (FooCanvas *canvas, double *item_coords, GdkPoint *canvas_coords, int num_points,
-		int *num_drawn_points, double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy)
-	int i;
-	int old_cx, old_cy;
-	int cx, cy;
-	/* the first point is always drawn */
-	foo_canvas_w2c (canvas,
-			  item_coords[0] + i2w_dx,
-			  item_coords[1] + i2w_dy,
-			  &canvas_coords->x, &canvas_coords->y);
-	old_cx = canvas_coords->x;
-	old_cy = canvas_coords->y;
-	canvas_coords++;
-	*num_drawn_points = 1;
-	for (i = 1; i < num_points; i++) {
-		foo_canvas_w2c (canvas,
-				  item_coords[i*2] + i2w_dx,
-				  item_coords[i*2+1] + i2w_dy,
-				  &cx, &cy);
-		if (old_cx != cx || old_cy != cy) {
-			canvas_coords->x = cx;
-			canvas_coords->y = cy;
-			old_cx = cx;
-			old_cy = cy;
-			canvas_coords++;
-			(*num_drawn_points)++;
-		}
-	}
-static void
-foo_canvas_line_draw (FooCanvasItem *item, GdkDrawable *drawable,
-			GdkEventExpose *event)
-	FooCanvasLine *line;
-	GdkPoint static_points[NUM_STATIC_POINTS];
-	GdkPoint *points;
-	int actual_num_points_drawn;
-	double i2w_dx, i2w_dy;
-	line = FOO_CANVAS_LINE (item);
-	if (line->num_points == 0)
-		return;
-	/* Build array of canvas pixel coordinates */
-	if (line->num_points <= NUM_STATIC_POINTS)
-		points = static_points;
-	else
-		points = g_new (GdkPoint, line->num_points);
-	i2w_dx = 0.0;
-	i2w_dy = 0.0;
-	foo_canvas_item_i2w (item, &i2w_dx, &i2w_dy);
-	item_to_canvas (item->canvas, line->coords, points, line->num_points,
-			&actual_num_points_drawn, i2w_dx, i2w_dy);
-	if (line->stipple)
-		foo_canvas_set_stipple_origin (item->canvas, line->gc);
-	gdk_draw_lines (drawable, line->gc, points, actual_num_points_drawn);
-	if (points != static_points)
-		g_free (points);
-	/* Draw arrowheads */
-	points = static_points;
-	if (line->first_arrow) {
-		item_to_canvas (item->canvas, line->first_coords, points, NUM_ARROW_POINTS,
-				&actual_num_points_drawn, i2w_dx, i2w_dy);
-		gdk_draw_polygon (drawable, line->gc, TRUE, points, actual_num_points_drawn );
-	}
-	if (line->last_arrow) {
-		item_to_canvas (item->canvas, line->last_coords, points, NUM_ARROW_POINTS,
-				&actual_num_points_drawn, i2w_dx, i2w_dy);
-		gdk_draw_polygon (drawable, line->gc, TRUE, points, actual_num_points_drawn );
-	}
-static double
-foo_canvas_line_point (FooCanvasItem *item, double x, double y,
-			 int cx, int cy, FooCanvasItem **actual_item)
-	FooCanvasLine *line;
-	double *line_points = NULL, *coords;
-	double static_points[2 * NUM_STATIC_POINTS];
-	double poly[10];
-	double best, dist;
-	double dx, dy;
-	double width;
-	int num_points = 0, i;
-	int changed_miter_to_bevel;
-#ifdef VERBOSE
-	g_print ("foo_canvas_line_point x, y = (%g, %g); cx, cy = (%d, %d)\n", x, y, cx, cy);
-	line = FOO_CANVAS_LINE (item);
-	*actual_item = item;
-	best = 1.0e36;
-	/* Handle smoothed lines by generating an expanded set ot points */
-	if (line->smooth && (line->num_points > 2)) {
-		/* FIXME */
-	} else {
-		num_points = line->num_points;
-		line_points = line->coords;
-	}
-	/* Compute a polygon for each edge of the line and test the point against it.  The effective
-	 * width of the line is adjusted so that it will be at least one pixel thick (so that zero
-	 * pixel-wide lines can be pickedup as well).
-	 */
-	if (line->width_pixels)
-		width = line->width / item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-	else
-		width = line->width;
-	if (width < (1.0 / item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_x))
-		width = 1.0 / item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-	changed_miter_to_bevel = 0;
-	for (i = num_points, coords = line_points; i >= 2; i--, coords += 2) {
-		/* If rounding is done around the first point, then compute distance between the
-		 * point and the first point.
-		 */
-		if (((line->cap == GDK_CAP_ROUND) && (i == num_points))
-		    || ((line->join == GDK_JOIN_ROUND) && (i != num_points))) {
-			dx = coords[0] - x;
-			dy = coords[1] - y;
-			dist = sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy) - width / 2.0;
-			if (dist < FOO_CANVAS_EPSILON) {
-				best = 0.0;
-				goto done;
-			} else if (dist < best)
-				best = dist;
-		}
-		/* Compute the polygonal shape corresponding to this edge, with two points for the
-		 * first point of the edge and two points for the last point of the edge.
-		 */
-		if (i == num_points)
-			foo_canvas_get_butt_points (coords[2], coords[3], coords[0], coords[1],
-						      width, (line->cap == GDK_CAP_PROJECTING),
-						      poly, poly + 1, poly + 2, poly + 3);
-		else if ((line->join == GDK_JOIN_MITER) && !changed_miter_to_bevel) {
-			poly[0] = poly[6];
-			poly[1] = poly[7];
-			poly[2] = poly[4];
-			poly[3] = poly[5];
-		} else {
-			foo_canvas_get_butt_points (coords[2], coords[3], coords[0], coords[1],
-						      width, FALSE,
-						      poly, poly + 1, poly + 2, poly + 3);
-			/* If this line uses beveled joints, then check the distance to a polygon
-			 * comprising the last two points of the previous polygon and the first two
-			 * from this polygon; this checks the wedges that fill the mitered point.
-			 */
-			if ((line->join == GDK_JOIN_BEVEL) || changed_miter_to_bevel) {
-				poly[8] = poly[0];
-				poly[9] = poly[1];
-				dist = foo_canvas_polygon_to_point (poly, 5, x, y);
-				if (dist < FOO_CANVAS_EPSILON) {
-					best = 0.0;
-					goto done;
-				} else if (dist < best)
-					best = dist;
-				changed_miter_to_bevel = FALSE;
-			}
-		}
-		if (i == 2)
-			foo_canvas_get_butt_points (coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3],
-						      width, (line->cap == GDK_CAP_PROJECTING),
-						      poly + 4, poly + 5, poly + 6, poly + 7);
-		else if (line->join == GDK_JOIN_MITER) {
-			if (!foo_canvas_get_miter_points (coords[0], coords[1],
-							    coords[2], coords[3],
-							    coords[4], coords[5],
-							    width,
-							    poly + 4, poly + 5, poly + 6, poly + 7)) {
-				changed_miter_to_bevel = TRUE;
-				foo_canvas_get_butt_points (coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3],
-							      width, FALSE,
-							      poly + 4, poly + 5, poly + 6, poly + 7);
-			}
-		} else
-			foo_canvas_get_butt_points (coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3],
-						      width, FALSE,
-						      poly + 4, poly + 5, poly + 6, poly + 7);
-		poly[8] = poly[0];
-		poly[9] = poly[1];
-		dist = foo_canvas_polygon_to_point (poly, 5, x, y);
-		if (dist < FOO_CANVAS_EPSILON) {
-			best = 0.0;
-			goto done;
-		} else if (dist < best)
-			best = dist;
-	}
-	/* If caps are rounded, check the distance to the cap around the final end point of the line */
-	if (line->cap == GDK_CAP_ROUND) {
-		dx = coords[0] - x;
-		dy = coords[1] - y;
-		dist = sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy) - width / 2.0;
-		if (dist < FOO_CANVAS_EPSILON) {
-			best = 0.0;
-			goto done;
-		} else
-			best = dist;
-	}
-	/* sometimes the FooCanvasItem::update signal will not have
-           been processed between deleting the arrow points and a call
-           to this routine -- this can cause a segfault here */
-	if ((line->first_arrow && !line->first_coords) ||
-	    (line->last_arrow && !line->last_coords))
-		reconfigure_arrows(line);
-	/* If there are arrowheads, check the distance to them */
-	if (line->first_arrow) {
-		dist = foo_canvas_polygon_to_point (line->first_coords, NUM_ARROW_POINTS, x, y);
-		if (dist < FOO_CANVAS_EPSILON) {
-			best = 0.0;
-			goto done;
-		} else
-			best = dist;
-	}
-	if (line->last_arrow) {
-		dist = foo_canvas_polygon_to_point (line->last_coords, NUM_ARROW_POINTS, x, y);
-		if (dist < FOO_CANVAS_EPSILON) {
-			best = 0.0;
-			goto done;
-		} else
-			best = dist;
-	}
-	if ((line_points != static_points) && (line_points != line->coords))
-		g_free (line_points);
-	return best;
-static void
-foo_canvas_line_translate (FooCanvasItem *item, double dx, double dy)
-        FooCanvasLine *line;
-        int i;
-        double *coords;
-        line = FOO_CANVAS_LINE (item);
-        for (i = 0, coords = line->coords; i < line->num_points; i++, coords += 2) {
-                coords[0] += dx;
-                coords[1] += dy;
-        }
-        if (line->first_arrow)
-                for (i = 0, coords = line->first_coords; i < NUM_ARROW_POINTS; i++, coords += 2) {
-                        coords[0] += dx;
-                        coords[1] += dy;
-                }
-        if (line->last_arrow)
-                for (i = 0, coords = line->last_coords; i < NUM_ARROW_POINTS; i++, coords += 2) {
-                        coords[0] += dx;
-                        coords[1] += dy;
-                }
-static void
-foo_canvas_line_bounds (FooCanvasItem *item, double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2)
-	FooCanvasLine *line;
-	line = FOO_CANVAS_LINE (item);
-	if (line->num_points == 0) {
-		*x1 = *y1 = *x2 = *y2 = 0.0;
-		return;
-	}
-	get_bounds (line, x1, y1, x2, y2);
diff --git a/foocanvas/foo-canvas-pixbuf.c b/foocanvas/foo-canvas-pixbuf.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 348378078..000000000
--- a/foocanvas/foo-canvas-pixbuf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,860 +0,0 @@
-/*  Last edited: May 11 11:33 2004 (rnc) */
-/* GNOME libraries - GdkPixbuf item for the GNOME canvas
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1999 The Free Software Foundation
- *
- * Author: Federico Mena-Quintero <>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <libfoocanvas/foo-canvas.h>
-#include <libfoocanvas/foo-canvas-util.h>
-#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf.h>
-#include "foo-canvas-pixbuf.h"
-/* Private part of the FooCanvasPixbuf structure */
-typedef struct {
-	/* Our gdk-pixbuf */
-	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, *pixbuf_scaled;
-	/* Width value */
-	double width;
-	/* Height value */
-	double height;
-	/* X translation */
-	double x;
-	/* Y translation */
-	double y;
-	/* Whether dimensions are set and whether they are in pixels or units */
-	guint width_set : 1;
-	guint width_in_pixels : 1;
-	guint height_set : 1;
-	guint height_in_pixels : 1;
-	guint x_in_pixels : 1;
-	guint y_in_pixels : 1;
-	/* Whether the pixbuf has changed */
-	guint need_pixbuf_update : 1;
-	/* Whether the transformation or size have changed */
-	guint need_xform_update : 1;
-	/* Should the point method ignore transparent areas */
-	guint point_ignores_alpha : 1;
-	/* Anchor */
-	GtkAnchorType anchor;
-	/* Approximation method used for transformations */
-	GdkInterpType interp_type;
-} PixbufPrivate;
-/* Object argument IDs */
-enum {
-	PROP_0,
-static void foo_canvas_pixbuf_class_init (FooCanvasPixbufClass *class);
-static void foo_canvas_pixbuf_init (FooCanvasPixbuf *cpb);
-static void foo_canvas_pixbuf_destroy (GtkObject *object);
-static void foo_canvas_pixbuf_set_property (GObject *object,
-					    guint param_id,
-					    const GValue *value,
-					    GParamSpec *pspec);
-static void foo_canvas_pixbuf_get_property (GObject *object,
-					    guint param_id,
-					    GValue *value,
-					    GParamSpec *pspec);
-static void foo_canvas_pixbuf_update    (FooCanvasItem *item,
-					 double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy,
-					 int flags);
-static void foo_canvas_pixbuf_draw      (FooCanvasItem *item, GdkDrawable *drawable,
-					 GdkEventExpose *expose);
-static double foo_canvas_pixbuf_point   (FooCanvasItem *item, double x, double y, int cx, int cy,
-					 FooCanvasItem **actual_item);
-static void foo_canvas_pixbuf_translate (FooCanvasItem *item, double dx, double dy);
-static void foo_canvas_pixbuf_bounds    (FooCanvasItem *item,
-					 double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2);
-static FooCanvasItemClass *parent_class;
- * foo_canvas_pixbuf_get_type:
- * @void:
- *
- * Registers the #FooCanvasPixbuf class if necessary, and returns the type ID
- * associated to it.
- *
- * Return value: The type ID of the #FooCanvasPixbuf class.
- **/
-foo_canvas_pixbuf_get_type (void)
-	static GtkType canvas_pixbuf_type = 0;
-	if (!canvas_pixbuf_type) {
-		/* FIXME: Convert to gobject style.  */
-		static const GtkTypeInfo canvas_pixbuf_info = {
-			(char *)"FooCanvasPixbuf",
-			sizeof (FooCanvasPixbuf),
-			sizeof (FooCanvasPixbufClass),
-			(GtkClassInitFunc) foo_canvas_pixbuf_class_init,
-			(GtkObjectInitFunc) foo_canvas_pixbuf_init,
-			NULL, /* reserved_1 */
-			NULL, /* reserved_2 */
-			(GtkClassInitFunc) NULL
-		};
-		canvas_pixbuf_type = gtk_type_unique (foo_canvas_item_get_type (),
-						      &canvas_pixbuf_info);
-	}
-	return canvas_pixbuf_type;
-/* Class initialization function for the pixbuf canvas item */
-static void
-foo_canvas_pixbuf_class_init (FooCanvasPixbufClass *class)
-        GObjectClass *gobject_class;
-	GtkObjectClass *object_class;
-	FooCanvasItemClass *item_class;
-        gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) class;
-	object_class = (GtkObjectClass *) class;
-	item_class = (FooCanvasItemClass *) class;
-	parent_class = gtk_type_class (foo_canvas_item_get_type ());
-	gobject_class->set_property = foo_canvas_pixbuf_set_property;
-	gobject_class->get_property = foo_canvas_pixbuf_get_property;
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_PIXBUF,
-                 g_param_spec_object ("pixbuf", NULL, NULL,
-                                      GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF,
-                                      (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_WIDTH,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("width", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_WIDTH_SET,
-                 g_param_spec_boolean ("width_set", NULL, NULL,
-				       FALSE,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,
-                 g_param_spec_boolean ("width_in_pixels", NULL, NULL,
-				       FALSE,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_HEIGHT,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("height", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_HEIGHT_SET,
-                 g_param_spec_boolean ("height_set", NULL, NULL,
-				       FALSE,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS,
-                 g_param_spec_boolean ("height_in_pixels", NULL, NULL,
-				       FALSE,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_X,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("x", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0,
-                                    (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_X_IN_PIXELS,
-                 g_param_spec_boolean ("x_in_pixels", NULL, NULL,
-				       FALSE,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_Y,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("y", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_Y_IN_PIXELS,
-                 g_param_spec_boolean ("y_in_pixels", NULL, NULL,
-				       FALSE,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_ANCHOR,
-                 g_param_spec_enum ("anchor", NULL, NULL,
-                                    GTK_TYPE_ANCHOR_TYPE,
-                                    GTK_ANCHOR_NW,
-                                    (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_INTERP_TYPE,
-                 g_param_spec_enum ("interp_type", NULL, NULL,
-                                    GDK_TYPE_INTERP_TYPE,
-                                    GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR,
-                                    (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 g_param_spec_boolean ("point_ignores_alpha", NULL, NULL,
-				       FALSE,
-	object_class->destroy = foo_canvas_pixbuf_destroy;
-	item_class->update = foo_canvas_pixbuf_update;
-	item_class->draw = foo_canvas_pixbuf_draw;
-	item_class->point = foo_canvas_pixbuf_point;
-	item_class->translate = foo_canvas_pixbuf_translate;
-	item_class->bounds = foo_canvas_pixbuf_bounds;
-/* Object initialization function for the pixbuf canvas item */
-static void
-foo_canvas_pixbuf_init (FooCanvasPixbuf *gcp)
-	PixbufPrivate *priv;
-	priv = g_new0 (PixbufPrivate, 1);
-	gcp->priv = priv;
-	priv->width = 0.0;
-	priv->height = 0.0;
-	priv->x = 0.0;
-	priv->y = 0.0;
-	priv->anchor = GTK_ANCHOR_NW;
-	priv->interp_type = GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR;
-	priv->point_ignores_alpha = FALSE;
-/* Destroy handler for the pixbuf canvas item */
-static void
-foo_canvas_pixbuf_destroy (GtkObject *object)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	FooCanvasPixbuf *gcp;
-	PixbufPrivate *priv;
-	g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_PIXBUF (object));
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (object);
-	gcp = (FOO_CANVAS_PIXBUF (object));
-	priv = gcp->priv;
-	/* remember, destroy can be run multiple times! */
-	if (priv) {
-	    foo_canvas_item_request_redraw (item);
-	    if (priv->pixbuf)
-		g_object_unref (priv->pixbuf);
-	    if (priv->pixbuf_scaled)
-		g_object_unref (priv->pixbuf_scaled);
-	    g_free (priv);
-	    gcp->priv = NULL;
-	}
-	if (GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->destroy)
-		(* GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->destroy) (object);
-/* Set_property handler for the pixbuf canvas item */
-static void
-foo_canvas_pixbuf_set_property (GObject            *object,
-				guint               param_id,
-				const GValue       *value,
-				GParamSpec         *pspec)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	FooCanvasPixbuf *gcp;
-	PixbufPrivate *priv;
-	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
-	double val;
-	g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_PIXBUF (object));
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (object);
-	gcp = FOO_CANVAS_PIXBUF (object);
-	priv = gcp->priv;
-	switch (param_id) {
-		if (g_value_get_object (value))
-			pixbuf = GDK_PIXBUF (g_value_get_object (value));
-		else
-			pixbuf = NULL;
-		if (pixbuf != priv->pixbuf) {
-			if (pixbuf) {
-				g_return_if_fail
-				    (gdk_pixbuf_get_colorspace (pixbuf) == GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB);
-				g_return_if_fail
-				    (gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels (pixbuf) == 3
-				     || gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels (pixbuf) == 4);
-				g_return_if_fail
-				    (gdk_pixbuf_get_bits_per_sample (pixbuf) == 8);
-				g_object_ref (pixbuf);
-			}
-			if (priv->pixbuf)
-				g_object_unref (priv->pixbuf);
-			priv->pixbuf = pixbuf;
-			if (priv->pixbuf_scaled) {
-				g_object_unref (priv->pixbuf_scaled);
-				priv->pixbuf_scaled = NULL;
-			}
-		}
-		priv->need_pixbuf_update = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-	case PROP_WIDTH:
-		val = g_value_get_double (value);
-		g_return_if_fail (val >= 0.0);
-		priv->width = val;
-		priv->need_xform_update = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		priv->width_set = g_value_get_boolean (value);
-		priv->need_xform_update = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		priv->width_in_pixels = g_value_get_boolean (value);
-		priv->need_xform_update = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		val = g_value_get_double (value);
-		g_return_if_fail (val >= 0.0);
-		priv->height = val;
-		priv->need_xform_update = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		priv->height_set = g_value_get_boolean (value);
-		priv->need_xform_update = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		priv->height_in_pixels = g_value_get_boolean (value);
-		priv->need_xform_update = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-	case PROP_X:
-		priv->x = g_value_get_double (value);
-		priv->need_xform_update = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		priv->x_in_pixels = g_value_get_boolean (value);
-		priv->need_xform_update = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-	case PROP_Y:
-		priv->y = g_value_get_double (value);
-		priv->need_xform_update = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		priv->y_in_pixels = g_value_get_boolean (value);
-		priv->need_xform_update = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		priv->anchor = g_value_get_enum (value);
-		priv->need_xform_update = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		priv->interp_type = g_value_get_enum (value);
-		priv->need_xform_update = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		priv->point_ignores_alpha = g_value_get_boolean (value);
-		break;
-	default:
-		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, param_id, pspec);
-		break;
-	}
-/* Get_property handler for the pixbuf canvasi item */
-static void
-foo_canvas_pixbuf_get_property (GObject            *object,
-				guint               param_id,
-				GValue             *value,
-				GParamSpec         *pspec)
-	FooCanvasPixbuf *gcp;
-	PixbufPrivate *priv;
-	g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_PIXBUF (object));
-	gcp = FOO_CANVAS_PIXBUF (object);
-	priv = gcp->priv;
-	switch (param_id) {
-		g_value_set_object (value, G_OBJECT (priv->pixbuf));
-		break;
-	case PROP_WIDTH:
-		g_value_set_double (value, priv->width);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->width_set);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->width_in_pixels);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_double (value, priv->height);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->height_set);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->height_in_pixels);
-		break;
-	case PROP_X:
-		g_value_set_double (value, priv->x);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->x_in_pixels);
-		break;
-	case PROP_Y:
-		g_value_set_double (value, priv->y);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->y_in_pixels);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_enum (value, priv->anchor);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_enum (value, priv->interp_type);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->point_ignores_alpha);
-		break;
-	default:
-		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, param_id, pspec);
-		break;
-	}
-/* Bounds and utilities */
-/* Recomputes the bounding box of a pixbuf canvas item.  The horizontal and
- * vertical dimensions may be specified in units or pixels, separately, so we
- * have to compute the components individually for each dimension.
- *
- * Returns the coordinates with respect to the parent items coordinates.
- */
-static void
-compute_bounding_box (FooCanvasPixbuf *gcp,
-		      double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy,
-		      double *bbox_x0, double *bbox_y0,
-		      double *bbox_x1, double *bbox_y1)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	PixbufPrivate *priv;
-	double x, y;
-	double width, height;
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (gcp);
-	priv = gcp->priv;
-	if (!priv->pixbuf) {
-		*bbox_x0 = *bbox_y0 = *bbox_x1 = *bbox_y1 = 0.0;
-		return;
-	}
-	if (priv->x_in_pixels) {
-		x = i2w_dx + priv->x / item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-	} else {
-		x = i2w_dx + priv->x;
-	}
-	if (priv->y_in_pixels) {
-		y = i2w_dy + priv->y / item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_y;
-	} else {
-		y = i2w_dy + priv->y;
-	}
-	if (priv->width_set) {
-		width = priv->width;
-	} else {
-		width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (priv->pixbuf);
-	}
-	if (priv->width_in_pixels)
-		width /= item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-	if (priv->height_set) {
-		height = priv->height;
-	} else {
-		height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (priv->pixbuf);
-	}
-	if (priv->height_in_pixels)
-		height /= item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_y;
-	switch (priv->anchor) {
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_W:
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_N:
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_S:
-		x -= width / 2.0;
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_E:
-		x -= width;
-		break;
-        default:
-                break;
-	}
-	switch (priv->anchor) {
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_N:
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_W:
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_E:
-		y -= height / 2.0;
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_S:
-		y -= height;
-		break;
-        default:
-                break;
-	}
-	*bbox_x0 = x;
-	*bbox_y0 = y;
-	*bbox_x1 = x + width;
-	*bbox_y1 = y + height;
-/* Update sequence */
-/* Update handler for the pixbuf canvas item */
-static void
-foo_canvas_pixbuf_update (FooCanvasItem *item,
-			    double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy,
-			    int flags)
-	FooCanvasPixbuf *gcp;
-	PixbufPrivate *priv;
-	double bbox_x0, bbox_y0, bbox_x1, bbox_y1;
-	int w, h;
-	gcp = FOO_CANVAS_PIXBUF (item);
-	priv = gcp->priv;
-	if (parent_class->update)
-		(* parent_class->update) (item, i2w_dx, i2w_dy, flags);
-	/* If we need a pixbuf update, or if the item changed visibility to
-	 * shown, recompute the bounding box.
-	 */
-	if (priv->need_pixbuf_update || priv->need_xform_update ||
-	    (flags & FOO_CANVAS_UPDATE_DEEP)) {
-		foo_canvas_item_request_redraw (item);
-		compute_bounding_box (gcp, i2w_dx, i2w_dy,
-				      &bbox_x0, &bbox_y0,
-				      &bbox_x1, &bbox_y1);
-		foo_canvas_w2c_d (item->canvas,
-				    bbox_x0, bbox_y0,
-				    &item->x1, &item->y1);
-		foo_canvas_w2c_d (item->canvas,
-				    bbox_x1, bbox_y1,
-				    &item->x2, &item->y2);
-		item->x1 = floor (item->x1);
-		item->y1 = floor (item->y1);
-		item->x2 = ceil (item->x2);
-		item->y2 = ceil (item->y2);
-		g_print ("BBox is %g %g %g %g\n", item->x1, item->y1, item->x2, item->y2);
-		if (priv->pixbuf) {
-			w = item->x2 - item->x1;
-			h = item->y2 - item->y1;
-			if (priv->pixbuf_scaled)
-				g_object_unref (priv->pixbuf_scaled);
-			if (gdk_pixbuf_get_width (priv->pixbuf) != w ||
-			    gdk_pixbuf_get_height (priv->pixbuf) != h)
-				priv->pixbuf_scaled = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple (
-					priv->pixbuf, w, h, priv->interp_type);
-			else
-				priv->pixbuf_scaled = g_object_ref (priv->pixbuf);
-		}
-		foo_canvas_item_request_redraw (item);
-		priv->need_pixbuf_update = FALSE;
-		priv->need_xform_update = FALSE;
-	}
-/* Draw handler for the pixbuf canvas item */
-static void
-foo_canvas_pixbuf_draw (FooCanvasItem *item, GdkDrawable *drawable,
-			  GdkEventExpose *expose)
-	FooCanvasPixbuf *gcp;
-	PixbufPrivate *priv;
-	GdkRectangle display_rect, draw_rect;
-	GdkRegion *draw_region;
-	int w, h;
-	gcp = FOO_CANVAS_PIXBUF (item);
-	priv = gcp->priv;
-	if (!priv->pixbuf)
-		return;
-	/* Compute the area we need to repaint */
-	w = item->x2 - item->x1;
-	h = item->y2 - item->y1;
-	display_rect.x = item->x1;
-	display_rect.y = item->y1;
-	display_rect.width  = w;
-	display_rect.height = h;
-	draw_region = gdk_region_rectangle (&display_rect);
-	gdk_region_intersect (draw_region, expose->region);
-	if (!gdk_region_empty (draw_region)) {
-		gdk_region_get_clipbox (draw_region, &draw_rect);
-		gdk_draw_pixbuf (drawable, NULL, priv->pixbuf_scaled,
-			/* pixbuf 0, 0 is at pix_rect.x, pix_rect.y */
-			     draw_rect.x - display_rect.x,
-			     draw_rect.y - display_rect.y,
-			     draw_rect.x,
-			     draw_rect.y,
-			     draw_rect.width,
-			     draw_rect.height,
-			     GDK_RGB_DITHER_NORMAL, 0, 0);
-	}
-	gdk_region_destroy (draw_region);
-/* Point handler for the pixbuf canvas item */
-static double
-foo_canvas_pixbuf_point (FooCanvasItem *item, double x, double y, int cx, int cy,
-			   FooCanvasItem **actual_item)
-	FooCanvasPixbuf *gcp;
-	PixbufPrivate *priv;
-	double x1, y1, x2, y2;
-	int px, py;
-	double no_hit;
-	guchar *src;
-	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
-	gcp = FOO_CANVAS_PIXBUF (item);
-	priv = gcp->priv;
-	pixbuf = priv->pixbuf;
-	*actual_item = item;
-	/* guessing that the x factor is OK here. RNGC */
-	no_hit = item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_x * 2 + 10;
-	if (!priv->pixbuf)
-		return no_hit;
-	compute_bounding_box (gcp, 0.0, 0.0,
-			      &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
-	if (x < x1 || x >= x2 ||
-	    y < y1 || y >= y2)
-		return no_hit;
-	if (!gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha (pixbuf) || priv->point_ignores_alpha)
-		return 0.0;
-	px = (x - x1) * gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf) / (x2 - x1);
-	py = (y - y1) * gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf) / (y2 - y1);
-	src = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (pixbuf) +
-		py * gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (pixbuf) +
-		px * gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels (pixbuf);
-	if (src[3] < 128)
-		return no_hit;
-	else
-		return 0.0;
-static void
-foo_canvas_pixbuf_translate (FooCanvasItem *item, double dx, double dy)
-	FooCanvasPixbuf *gcp;
-	PixbufPrivate *priv;
-	gcp = FOO_CANVAS_PIXBUF (item);
-	priv = gcp->priv;
-	if (priv->x_in_pixels) {
-		priv->x += dx * item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-	} else {
-		priv->x += dx;
-	}
-	if (priv->y_in_pixels) {
-		priv->y += dy * item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_y;
-	} else {
-		priv->y += dy;
-	}
-	priv->need_xform_update = TRUE;
-/* Bounds handler for the pixbuf canvas item */
-static void
-foo_canvas_pixbuf_bounds (FooCanvasItem *item, double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2)
-	FooCanvasPixbuf *gcp;
-	PixbufPrivate *priv;
-	gcp = FOO_CANVAS_PIXBUF (item);
-	priv = gcp->priv;
-	if (!priv->pixbuf) {
-		*x1 = *y1 = *x2 = *y2 = 0.0;
-		return;
-	}
-	compute_bounding_box (gcp, 0.0, 0.0,
-			      x1, y1, x2, y2);
diff --git a/foocanvas/foo-canvas-polygon.c b/foocanvas/foo-canvas-polygon.c
deleted file mode 100755
index d9e6d7a9b..000000000
--- a/foocanvas/foo-canvas-polygon.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,847 +0,0 @@
-/*  Last edited: Jan  4 10:58 2006 (rds) */
- * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This file is part of the Gnome Library.
- *
- * The Gnome Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * The Gnome Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with the Gnome Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not,
- * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- */
-/* Polygon item type for FooCanvas widget
- *
- * FooCanvas is basically a port of the Tk toolkit's most excellent canvas widget.  Tk is
- * copyrighted by the Regents of the University of California, Sun Microsystems, and other parties.
- *
- * Author: Federico Mena <>
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "libfoocanvas.h"
-#define NUM_STATIC_POINTS 256	/* Number of static points to use to avoid allocating arrays */
-#define GROW_BOUNDS(bx1, by1, bx2, by2, x, y) {	\
-	if (x < bx1)				\
-		bx1 = x;			\
-						\
-	if (x > bx2)				\
-		bx2 = x;			\
-						\
-	if (y < by1)				\
-		by1 = y;			\
-						\
-	if (y > by2)				\
-		by2 = y;			\
-enum {
-	PROP_0,
-static void foo_canvas_polygon_class_init (FooCanvasPolygonClass *class);
-static void foo_canvas_polygon_init       (FooCanvasPolygon      *poly);
-static void foo_canvas_polygon_destroy    (GtkObject               *object);
-static void foo_canvas_polygon_set_property (GObject              *object,
-					       guint                 param_id,
-					       const GValue         *value,
-					       GParamSpec           *pspec);
-static void foo_canvas_polygon_get_property (GObject              *object,
-					       guint                 param_id,
-					       GValue               *value,
-					       GParamSpec           *pspec);
-static void   foo_canvas_polygon_update      (FooCanvasItem *item,
-						double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy,
-						int flags);
-static void   foo_canvas_polygon_realize     (FooCanvasItem *item);
-static void   foo_canvas_polygon_unrealize   (FooCanvasItem *item);
-static void   foo_canvas_polygon_draw        (FooCanvasItem *item, GdkDrawable *drawable,
-						GdkEventExpose *expose);
-static double foo_canvas_polygon_point       (FooCanvasItem *item, double x, double y,
-						int cx, int cy, FooCanvasItem **actual_item);
-static void   foo_canvas_polygon_translate   (FooCanvasItem *item, double dx, double dy);
-static void   foo_canvas_polygon_bounds      (FooCanvasItem *item, double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2);
-static FooCanvasItemClass *parent_class;
-foo_canvas_polygon_get_type (void)
-	static GtkType polygon_type = 0;
-	if (!polygon_type) {
-		/* FIXME: Convert to gobject style.  */
-		static const GtkTypeInfo polygon_info = {
-			(char *)"FooCanvasPolygon",
-			sizeof (FooCanvasPolygon),
-			sizeof (FooCanvasPolygonClass),
-			(GtkClassInitFunc) foo_canvas_polygon_class_init,
-			(GtkObjectInitFunc) foo_canvas_polygon_init,
-			NULL, /* reserved_1 */
-			NULL, /* reserved_2 */
-			(GtkClassInitFunc) NULL
-		};
-		polygon_type = gtk_type_unique (foo_canvas_item_get_type (), &polygon_info);
-	}
-	return polygon_type;
-static void
-foo_canvas_polygon_class_init (FooCanvasPolygonClass *class)
-	GObjectClass *gobject_class;
-	GtkObjectClass *object_class;
-	FooCanvasItemClass *item_class;
-	gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) class;
-	object_class = (GtkObjectClass *) class;
-	item_class = (FooCanvasItemClass *) class;
-	parent_class = gtk_type_class (foo_canvas_item_get_type ());
-	gobject_class->set_property = foo_canvas_polygon_set_property;
-	gobject_class->get_property = foo_canvas_polygon_get_property;
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_POINTS,
-                 g_param_spec_boxed ("points", NULL, NULL,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_FILL_COLOR,
-                 g_param_spec_string ("fill_color", NULL, NULL,
-                                      NULL,
-                                      (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_FILL_COLOR_GDK,
-                 g_param_spec_boxed ("fill_color_gdk", NULL, NULL,
-				     GDK_TYPE_COLOR,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_FILL_COLOR_RGBA,
-                 g_param_spec_uint ("fill_color_rgba", NULL, NULL,
-				    0, G_MAXUINT, 0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_OUTLINE_COLOR,
-                 g_param_spec_string ("outline_color", NULL, NULL,
-                                      NULL,
-                                      (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_OUTLINE_COLOR_GDK,
-                 g_param_spec_boxed ("outline_color_gdk", NULL, NULL,
-				     GDK_TYPE_COLOR,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_OUTLINE_COLOR_RGBA,
-                 g_param_spec_uint ("outline_color_rgba", NULL, NULL,
-				    0, G_MAXUINT, 0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_FILL_STIPPLE,
-                 g_param_spec_object ("fill_stipple", NULL, NULL,
-                                      GDK_TYPE_DRAWABLE,
-                                      (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_OUTLINE_STIPPLE,
-                 g_param_spec_object ("outline_stipple", NULL, NULL,
-                                      GDK_TYPE_DRAWABLE,
-                                      (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_WIDTH_PIXELS,
-                 g_param_spec_uint ("width_pixels", NULL, NULL,
-				    0, G_MAXUINT, 0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_WIDTH_UNITS,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("width_units", NULL, NULL,
-				      0.0, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0,
-	object_class->destroy = foo_canvas_polygon_destroy;
-	item_class->update = foo_canvas_polygon_update;
-	item_class->realize = foo_canvas_polygon_realize;
-	item_class->unrealize = foo_canvas_polygon_unrealize;
-	item_class->draw = foo_canvas_polygon_draw;
-	item_class->point = foo_canvas_polygon_point;
-	item_class->translate = foo_canvas_polygon_translate;
-	item_class->bounds = foo_canvas_polygon_bounds;
-static void
-foo_canvas_polygon_init (FooCanvasPolygon *poly)
-	poly->width = 0.0;
-static void
-foo_canvas_polygon_destroy (GtkObject *object)
-	FooCanvasPolygon *poly;
-	g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_POLYGON (object));
-	poly = FOO_CANVAS_POLYGON (object);
-	/* remember, destroy can be run multiple times! */
-	if (poly->coords)
-		g_free (poly->coords);
-	poly->coords = NULL;
-	if (poly->fill_stipple)
-		g_object_unref (poly->fill_stipple);
-	poly->fill_stipple = NULL;
-	if (poly->outline_stipple)
-		g_object_unref (poly->outline_stipple);
-	poly->outline_stipple = NULL;
-	if (GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->destroy)
-		(* GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->destroy) (object);
-/* Computes the bounding box of the polygon.  Assumes that the number of points in the polygon is
- * not zero.
- */
-static gboolean
-get_bounds (FooCanvasPolygon *poly, double *bx1, double *by1, double *bx2, double *by2)
-	double *coords;
-	double x1, y1, x2, y2;
-	double width;
-	int i;
- 	if (poly->num_points == 0)
- 		return FALSE;
-	/* Compute bounds of vertices */
-	x1 = x2 = poly->coords[0];
-	y1 = y2 = poly->coords[1];
-	for (i = 1, coords = poly->coords + 2; i < poly->num_points; i++, coords += 2) {
-		GROW_BOUNDS (x1, y1, x2, y2, coords[0], coords[1]);
-	}
-	/* Add outline width */
-	if (poly->width_pixels)
-		width = poly->width / poly->item.canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-	else
-		width = poly->width;
-	width /= 2.0;
-	x1 -= width;
-	y1 -= width;
-	x2 += width;
-	y2 += width;
-	/* Done */
-	*bx1 = x1;
-	*by1 = y1;
-	*bx2 = x2;
-	*by2 = y2;
-        return TRUE;
-/* Computes the bounding box of the polygon, in canvas coordinates.  Assumes that the number of points in the polygon is
- * not zero.
- */
-static gboolean
-get_bounds_canvas (FooCanvasPolygon *poly,
-		   double *bx1, double *by1, double *bx2, double *by2,
-		   double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	double bbox_x0, bbox_y0, bbox_x1, bbox_y1;
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (poly);
-	if(!get_bounds (poly, &bbox_x0, &bbox_y0, &bbox_x1, &bbox_y1))
-               return FALSE;
-	bbox_x0 += i2w_dx; 
-	bbox_y0 += i2w_dy; 
-	bbox_x1 += i2w_dx; 
-	bbox_y1 += i2w_dy; 
-	foo_canvas_w2c_rect_d (item->canvas,
-				 &bbox_x0, &bbox_y0, &bbox_x1, &bbox_y1);
-	/* include 1 pixel of fudge */
-	*bx1 = bbox_x0 - 1;
-	*by1 = bbox_y0 - 1;
-	*bx2 = bbox_x1 + 1;
-	*by2 = bbox_y1 + 1;
-        return TRUE;
-/* Sets the points of the polygon item to the specified ones.  If needed, it will add a point to
- * close the polygon.
- */
-static void
-set_points (FooCanvasPolygon *poly, FooCanvasPoints *points)
-	int duplicate;
-	/* See if we need to duplicate the first point */
-	duplicate = ((points->coords[0] != points->coords[2 * points->num_points - 2])
-		     || (points->coords[1] != points->coords[2 * points->num_points - 1]));
-	if (duplicate)
-		poly->num_points = points->num_points + 1;
-	else
-		poly->num_points = points->num_points;
-	poly->coords = g_new (double, 2 * poly->num_points);
-	memcpy (poly->coords, points->coords, 2 * points->num_points * sizeof (double));
-	if (duplicate) {
-		poly->coords[2 * poly->num_points - 2] = poly->coords[0];
-		poly->coords[2 * poly->num_points - 1] = poly->coords[1];
-	}
-/* Convenience function to set a GC's foreground color to the specified pixel value */
-static void
-set_gc_foreground (GdkGC *gc, gulong pixel)
-	GdkColor c;
-	if (!gc)
-		return;
-	c.pixel = pixel;
-	gdk_gc_set_foreground (gc, &c);
-/* Sets the stipple pattern for the specified gc */
-static void
-set_stipple (GdkGC *gc, GdkBitmap **internal_stipple, GdkBitmap *stipple, int reconfigure)
-	if (*internal_stipple && !reconfigure)
-		g_object_unref (*internal_stipple);
-	*internal_stipple = stipple;
-	if (stipple && !reconfigure)
-		g_object_ref (stipple);
-	if (gc) {
-		if (stipple) {
-			gdk_gc_set_stipple (gc, stipple);
-			gdk_gc_set_fill (gc, GDK_STIPPLED);
-		} else
-			gdk_gc_set_fill (gc, GDK_SOLID);
-	}
-/* Recalculate the outline width of the polygon and set it in its GC */
-static void
-set_outline_gc_width (FooCanvasPolygon *poly)
-	int width;
-	if (!poly->outline_gc)
-		return;
-	if (poly->width_pixels)
-		width = (int) poly->width;
-	else
-		width = (int) (poly->width * poly->item.canvas->pixels_per_unit_x + 0.5);
-	gdk_gc_set_line_attributes (poly->outline_gc, width,
-static void
-foo_canvas_polygon_set_property (GObject              *object,
-				   guint                 param_id,
-				   const GValue         *value,
-				   GParamSpec           *pspec)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	FooCanvasPolygon *poly;
-	FooCanvasPoints *points;
-	GdkColor color = { 0, 0, 0, 0, };
-	GdkColor *pcolor;
-	int have_pixel;
-	g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_POLYGON (object));
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (object);
-	poly = FOO_CANVAS_POLYGON (object);
-	have_pixel = FALSE;
-	switch (param_id) {
-		points = g_value_get_boxed (value);
-		if (poly->coords) {
-			g_free (poly->coords);
-			poly->coords = NULL;
-		}
-		if (!points)
-			poly->num_points = 0;
-		else
-			set_points (poly, points);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-        case PROP_FILL_COLOR:
-		switch (param_id) {
-			if (g_value_get_string (value) &&
-			    gdk_color_parse (g_value_get_string (value), &color))
-				poly->fill_set = TRUE;
-			else
-				poly->fill_set = FALSE;
-			poly->fill_color = (( & 0xff00) << 16 |
-					    ( & 0xff00) << 8 |
-					    ( & 0xff00) |
-					    0xff);
-			break;
-			pcolor = g_value_get_boxed (value);
-			poly->fill_set = pcolor != NULL;
-			if (pcolor) {
-				GdkColormap *colormap;
-				color = *pcolor;
-				colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas));
-				gdk_rgb_find_color (colormap, &color);
-				have_pixel = TRUE;
-			}
-			poly->fill_color = (( & 0xff00) << 16 |
-					    ( & 0xff00) << 8 |
-					    ( & 0xff00) |
-					    0xff);
-			break;
-			poly->fill_set = TRUE;
-			poly->fill_color = g_value_get_uint (value);
-			break;
-		}
-#ifdef VERBOSE
-		g_print ("poly fill color = %08x\n", poly->fill_color);
-		if (have_pixel)
-			poly->fill_pixel = color.pixel;
-		else
-			poly->fill_pixel = foo_canvas_get_color_pixel (item->canvas,
-									 poly->fill_color);
-		set_gc_foreground (poly->fill_gc, poly->fill_pixel);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_redraw (item);		
-		break;
-        case PROP_OUTLINE_COLOR:
-		switch (param_id) {
-			if (g_value_get_string (value) &&
-			    gdk_color_parse (g_value_get_string (value), &color))
-				poly->outline_set = TRUE;
-			else
-				poly->outline_set = FALSE;
-			poly->outline_color = (( & 0xff00) << 16 |
-					       ( & 0xff00) << 8 |
-					       ( & 0xff00) |
-					       0xff);
-			break;
-			pcolor = g_value_get_boxed (value);
-			poly->outline_set = pcolor != NULL;
-			if (pcolor) {
-				GdkColormap *colormap;
-				color = *pcolor;
-				colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas));
-				gdk_rgb_find_color (colormap, &color);
-				have_pixel = TRUE;
-			}
-			poly->outline_color = (( & 0xff00) << 16 |
-					       ( & 0xff00) << 8 |
-					       ( & 0xff00) |
-					       0xff);
-			break;
-			poly->outline_set = TRUE;
-			poly->outline_color = g_value_get_uint (value);
-			break;
-		}
-#ifdef VERBOSE
-		g_print ("poly outline color = %08x\n", poly->outline_color);
-		if (have_pixel)
-			poly->outline_pixel = color.pixel;
-		else
-			poly->outline_pixel = foo_canvas_get_color_pixel (item->canvas,
-									    poly->outline_color);
-		set_gc_foreground (poly->outline_gc, poly->outline_pixel);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_redraw (item);		
-		break;
-		set_stipple (poly->fill_gc, &poly->fill_stipple, (GdkBitmap *) g_value_get_object (value), FALSE);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		set_stipple (poly->outline_gc, &poly->outline_stipple, (GdkBitmap *) g_value_get_object (value), FALSE);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		poly->width = g_value_get_uint (value);
-		poly->width_pixels = TRUE;
-		set_outline_gc_width (poly);
-#ifdef OLD_XFORM
-		recalc_bounds (poly);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		poly->width = fabs (g_value_get_double (value));
-		poly->width_pixels = FALSE;
-		set_outline_gc_width (poly);
-#ifdef OLD_XFORM
-		recalc_bounds (poly);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-	default:
-		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, param_id, pspec);
-		break;
-	}
-/* Allocates a GdkColor structure filled with the specified pixel, and puts it into the specified
- * value for returning it in the get_property method.
- */
-static void
-get_color_value (FooCanvasPolygon *poly, gulong pixel, GValue *value)
-	GdkColor  color;
-	GdkColormap *colormap;
-	colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (GTK_WIDGET (FOO_CANVAS_ITEM(poly)->canvas));
-	gdk_colormap_query_color(colormap, pixel, &color);
-	g_value_set_boxed (value, &color);
-static void
-foo_canvas_polygon_get_property (GObject              *object,
-				   guint                 param_id,
-				   GValue               *value,
-				   GParamSpec           *pspec)
-	FooCanvasPolygon *poly;
-	FooCanvasPoints *points;
-	g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_POLYGON (object));
-	poly = FOO_CANVAS_POLYGON (object);
-	switch (param_id) {
-		if (poly->num_points != 0) {
-			points = foo_canvas_points_new (poly->num_points);
-			memcpy (points->coords, poly->coords, 2 * poly->num_points * sizeof (double));
-			g_value_set_boxed (value, points);
-		} else
-			g_value_set_boxed (value, NULL);
-		break;
-		get_color_value (poly, poly->fill_pixel, value);
-		break;
-		get_color_value (poly, poly->outline_pixel, value);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_uint (value, poly->fill_color);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_uint (value, poly->outline_color);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_object (value, (GObject *) poly->fill_stipple);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_object (value, (GObject *) poly->outline_stipple);
-		break;
-	default:
-		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, param_id, pspec);
-		break;
-	}
-static void
-foo_canvas_polygon_update (FooCanvasItem *item,
-			     double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy,
-			     int flags)
-	FooCanvasPolygon *poly;
-	double x1, y1, x2, y2;
-	poly = FOO_CANVAS_POLYGON (item);
-	if (parent_class->update)
-		(* parent_class->update) (item, i2w_dx, i2w_dy, flags);
-	set_outline_gc_width (poly);
-	set_gc_foreground (poly->fill_gc, poly->fill_pixel);
-	set_gc_foreground (poly->outline_gc, poly->outline_pixel);
-	set_stipple (poly->fill_gc, &poly->fill_stipple, poly->fill_stipple, TRUE);
-	set_stipple (poly->outline_gc, &poly->outline_stipple, poly->outline_stipple, TRUE);
-	if(get_bounds_canvas (poly, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, i2w_dx, i2w_dy))
-               foo_canvas_update_bbox (item, x1, y1, x2, y2);
-static void
-foo_canvas_polygon_realize (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	FooCanvasPolygon *poly;
-	poly = FOO_CANVAS_POLYGON (item);
-	if (parent_class->realize)
-		(* parent_class->realize) (item);
-	poly->fill_gc = gdk_gc_new (item->canvas->layout.bin_window);
-	poly->outline_gc = gdk_gc_new (item->canvas->layout.bin_window);
-#warning "FIXME: Need to recalc pixel values, set colours, etc."
-#ifdef OLD_XFORM
-	(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_CLASS (item->object.klass)->update) (item, NULL, NULL, 0);
-static void
-foo_canvas_polygon_unrealize (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	FooCanvasPolygon *poly;
-	poly = FOO_CANVAS_POLYGON (item);
-	g_object_unref (poly->fill_gc);
-	poly->fill_gc = NULL;
-	g_object_unref (poly->outline_gc);
-	poly->outline_gc = NULL;
-	if (parent_class->unrealize)
-		(* parent_class->unrealize) (item);
-/* Converts an array of world coordinates into an array of canvas pixel coordinates.  Takes in the
- * item->world deltas and the drawable deltas.
- */
-static void
-item_to_canvas (FooCanvas *canvas, double *item_coords, GdkPoint *canvas_coords, int num_points,
-		double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy)
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
-		foo_canvas_w2c (canvas,
-				  item_coords[i*2] + i2w_dx,
-				  item_coords[i*2+1] + i2w_dy,
-				  &canvas_coords->x, &canvas_coords->y);
-		canvas_coords++;
-	}
-static void
-foo_canvas_polygon_draw (FooCanvasItem *item, GdkDrawable *drawable,
-			   GdkEventExpose *expose)
-	FooCanvasPolygon *poly;
-	GdkPoint static_points[NUM_STATIC_POINTS];
-	GdkPoint *points;
-	double i2w_dx, i2w_dy;
-	poly = FOO_CANVAS_POLYGON (item);
-	if (poly->num_points == 0)
-		return;
-	/* Build array of canvas pixel coordinates */
-	if (poly->num_points <= NUM_STATIC_POINTS)
-		points = static_points;
-	else
-		points = g_new (GdkPoint, poly->num_points);
-	i2w_dx = 0.0;
-	i2w_dy = 0.0;
-	foo_canvas_item_i2w (item, &i2w_dx, &i2w_dy);
-	item_to_canvas (item->canvas,
-			poly->coords, points, poly->num_points,
-			i2w_dx, i2w_dy);
-	if (poly->fill_set) {
-		if (poly->fill_stipple)
-			foo_canvas_set_stipple_origin (item->canvas, poly->fill_gc);
-		gdk_draw_polygon (drawable, poly->fill_gc, TRUE, points, poly->num_points);
-	}
-	if (poly->outline_set) {
-		if (poly->outline_stipple)
-			foo_canvas_set_stipple_origin (item->canvas, poly->outline_gc);
-		gdk_draw_polygon (drawable, poly->outline_gc, FALSE, points, poly->num_points);
-	}
-	/* Done */
-	if (points != static_points)
-		g_free (points);
-static double
-foo_canvas_polygon_point (FooCanvasItem *item, double x, double y,
-			    int cx, int cy, FooCanvasItem **actual_item)
-	FooCanvasPolygon *poly;
-	double dist;
-	double width;
-	poly = FOO_CANVAS_POLYGON (item);
-	*actual_item = item;
-	dist = foo_canvas_polygon_to_point (poly->coords, poly->num_points, x, y);
-	if (poly->outline_set) {
-		if (poly->width_pixels)
-			width = poly->width / item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-		else
-			width = poly->width;
-		dist -= width / 2.0;
-		if (dist < 0.0)
-			dist = 0.0;
-	}
-	return dist;
-static void
-foo_canvas_polygon_translate (FooCanvasItem *item, double dx, double dy)
-        FooCanvasPolygon *poly;
-        int i;
-        double *coords;
-        poly = FOO_CANVAS_POLYGON (item);
-        for (i = 0, coords = poly->coords; i < poly->num_points; i++, coords += 2) {
-                coords[0] += dx;
-                coords[1] += dy;
-        }
-static void
-foo_canvas_polygon_bounds (FooCanvasItem *item, double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2)
-	FooCanvasPolygon *poly;
-	g_return_if_fail (item != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_POLYGON (item));
-	poly = FOO_CANVAS_POLYGON (item);
-	if (poly->num_points == 0) {
-		*x1 = *y1 = *x2 = *y2 = 0.0;
-		return;
-	}
-	get_bounds (poly, x1, y1, x2, y2);
diff --git a/foocanvas/foo-canvas-rect-ellipse.c b/foocanvas/foo-canvas-rect-ellipse.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 7c38948f6..000000000
--- a/foocanvas/foo-canvas-rect-ellipse.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1490 +0,0 @@
-/*  Last edited: Feb 25 11:09 2005 (rds) */
- * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This file is part of the Gnome Library.
- *
- * The Gnome Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * The Gnome Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with the Gnome Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not,
- * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- */
-/* Rectangle and ellipse item types for FooCanvas widget
- *
- * FooCanvas is basically a port of the Tk toolkit's most excellent canvas widget.  Tk is
- * copyrighted by the Regents of the University of California, Sun Microsystems, and other parties.
- *
- *
- * Author: Federico Mena <>
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "foo-canvas-rect-ellipse.h"
-#include "foo-canvas-util.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
-#include <X11/extensions/Xrender.h>
-/* Base class for rectangle and ellipse item types */
-#define noVERBOSE
-enum {
-	PROP_0,
-	PROP_X1,
-	PROP_Y1,
-	PROP_X2,
-	PROP_Y2,
-static void foo_canvas_re_class_init (FooCanvasREClass *class);
-static void foo_canvas_re_init       (FooCanvasRE      *re);
-static void foo_canvas_re_destroy    (GtkObject          *object);
-static void foo_canvas_re_set_property (GObject              *object,
-					  guint                 param_id,
-					  const GValue         *value,
-					  GParamSpec           *pspec);
-static void foo_canvas_re_get_property (GObject              *object,
-					  guint                 param_id,
-					  GValue               *value,
-					  GParamSpec           *pspec);
-static void foo_canvas_re_update_shared (FooCanvasItem *item,
-					   double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy, int flags);
-static void foo_canvas_re_realize     (FooCanvasItem *item);
-static void foo_canvas_re_unrealize   (FooCanvasItem *item);
-static void foo_canvas_re_bounds      (FooCanvasItem *item, double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2);
-static void foo_canvas_re_translate   (FooCanvasItem *item, double dx, double dy);
-static void foo_canvas_rect_update      (FooCanvasItem *item, double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy, int flags);
-static void foo_canvas_ellipse_update      (FooCanvasItem *item, double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy, int flags);
-typedef struct {
-  /*< public >*/
-  int x0, y0, x1, y1;
-}  Rect;
-static Rect make_rect (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1);
-static void  diff_rects (Rect r1, Rect r2, int *count, Rect result[4]);
-static FooCanvasItemClass *re_parent_class;
-static FooCanvasREClass *rect_parent_class;
-foo_canvas_re_get_type (void)
-	static GType re_type = 0;
-	if (!re_type) {
-		GTypeInfo re_info = {
-		  sizeof (FooCanvasREClass),
-		  (GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
-		  (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
-		  (GClassInitFunc) foo_canvas_re_class_init,
-		  NULL,           /* class_finalize */
-		  NULL,           /* class_data */
-		  sizeof (FooCanvasRE),
-		  0,              /* n_preallocs */
-		  (GInstanceInitFunc) foo_canvas_re_init
-		};
-		re_type = g_type_register_static (foo_canvas_item_get_type (),
-						  "FooCanvasRE",
-						  &re_info,
-						  0);
-	}
-	return re_type;
-static void
-foo_canvas_re_class_init (FooCanvasREClass *class)
-	GObjectClass *gobject_class;
-	GtkObjectClass *object_class;
-	FooCanvasItemClass *item_class;
-	gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) class;
-	object_class = (GtkObjectClass *) class;
-	item_class = (FooCanvasItemClass *) class;
-	re_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (class);
-	gobject_class->set_property = foo_canvas_re_set_property;
-	gobject_class->get_property = foo_canvas_re_get_property;
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_X1,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("x1", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_Y1,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("y1", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_X2,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("x2", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_Y2,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("y2", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_FILL_COLOR,
-                 g_param_spec_string ("fill_color", NULL, NULL,
-                                      NULL,
-                                      (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_FILL_COLOR_GDK,
-                 g_param_spec_boxed ("fill_color_gdk", NULL, NULL,
-				     GDK_TYPE_COLOR,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_FILL_COLOR_RGBA,
-                 g_param_spec_uint ("fill_color_rgba", NULL, NULL,
-				    0, G_MAXUINT, 0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_FILL_STIPPLE,
-                 g_param_spec_object ("fill_stipple", NULL, NULL,
-                                      GDK_TYPE_DRAWABLE,
-                                      (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_OUTLINE_COLOR,
-                 g_param_spec_string ("outline_color", NULL, NULL,
-                                      NULL,
-                                      (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_OUTLINE_COLOR_GDK,
-                 g_param_spec_boxed ("outline_color_gdk", NULL, NULL,
-				     GDK_TYPE_COLOR,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_OUTLINE_COLOR_RGBA,
-                 g_param_spec_uint ("outline_color_rgba", NULL, NULL,
-				    0, G_MAXUINT, 0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_OUTLINE_STIPPLE,
-                 g_param_spec_object ("outline_stipple", NULL, NULL,
-                                      GDK_TYPE_DRAWABLE,
-                                      (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_WIDTH_PIXELS,
-                 g_param_spec_uint ("width_pixels", NULL, NULL,
-				    0, G_MAXUINT, 0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_WIDTH_UNITS,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("width_units", NULL, NULL,
-				      0.0, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0,
-	object_class->destroy = foo_canvas_re_destroy;
-	item_class->realize = foo_canvas_re_realize;
-	item_class->unrealize = foo_canvas_re_unrealize;
-	item_class->translate = foo_canvas_re_translate;
-	item_class->bounds = foo_canvas_re_bounds;
-static void
-foo_canvas_re_init (FooCanvasRE *re)
-	re->x1 = 0.0;
-	re->y1 = 0.0;
-	re->x2 = 0.0;
-	re->y2 = 0.0;
-	re->width = 0.0;
-static void
-foo_canvas_re_destroy (GtkObject *object)
-	FooCanvasRE *re;
-	g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_RE (object));
-	re = FOO_CANVAS_RE (object);
-	/* remember, destroy can be run multiple times! */
-	if (re->fill_stipple)
-		g_object_unref (re->fill_stipple);
-	re->fill_stipple = NULL;
-	if (re->outline_stipple)
-		g_object_unref (re->outline_stipple);
-	re->outline_stipple = NULL;
-	if (GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (re_parent_class)->destroy)
-		(* GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (re_parent_class)->destroy) (object);
-static void get_bounds (FooCanvasRE *re, double *px1, double *py1, double *px2, double *py2)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	double x1, y1, x2, y2;
-	int cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2;
-	double hwidth;
-#ifdef VERBOSE
-	g_print ("re get_bounds\n");
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (re);
-	if (re->width_pixels)
-		hwidth = (re->width / item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_x) / 2.0;
-	else
-		hwidth = re->width / 2.0;
-	x1 = re->x1;
-	y1 = re->y1;
-	x2 = re->x2;
-	y2 = re->y2;
-	foo_canvas_item_i2w (item, &x1, &y1);
-	foo_canvas_item_i2w (item, &x2, &y2);
-	foo_canvas_w2c (item->canvas, x1 - hwidth, y1 - hwidth, &cx1, &cy1);
-	foo_canvas_w2c (item->canvas, x2 + hwidth, y2 + hwidth, &cx2, &cy2);
-	*px1 = cx1;
-	*py1 = cy1;
-	*px2 = cx2;
-	*py2 = cy2;
-	/* Some safety fudging */
-	*px1 -= 2;
-	*py1 -= 2;
-	*px2 += 2;
-	*py2 += 2;
-/* Convenience function to set a GC's foreground color to the specified pixel value */
-static void
-set_gc_foreground (GdkGC *gc, gulong pixel)
-	GdkColor c;
-	if (!gc)
-		return;
-	c.pixel = pixel;
-	gdk_gc_set_foreground (gc, &c);
-/* Sets the stipple pattern for the specified gc */
-static void
-set_stipple (GdkGC *gc, GdkBitmap **internal_stipple, GdkBitmap *stipple, int reconfigure)
-	if (*internal_stipple && !reconfigure)
-		g_object_unref (*internal_stipple);
-	*internal_stipple = stipple;
-	if (stipple && !reconfigure)
-		g_object_ref (stipple);
-	if (gc) {
-		if (stipple) {
-			gdk_gc_set_stipple (gc, stipple);
-			gdk_gc_set_fill (gc, GDK_STIPPLED);
-		} else
-			gdk_gc_set_fill (gc, GDK_SOLID);
-	}
-/* Recalculate the outline width of the rectangle/ellipse and set it in its GC */
-static void
-set_outline_gc_width (FooCanvasRE *re)
-	int width;
-	if (!re->outline_gc)
-		return;
-	if (re->width_pixels)
-		width = (int) re->width;
-	else
-		width = (int) (re->width * re->item.canvas->pixels_per_unit_x + 0.5);
-	gdk_gc_set_line_attributes (re->outline_gc, width,
-static void
-foo_canvas_re_set_fill (FooCanvasRE *re, gboolean fill_set)
-	if (re->fill_set != fill_set) {
-		re->fill_set = fill_set;
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (re));
-	}
-static void
-foo_canvas_re_set_outline (FooCanvasRE *re, gboolean outline_set)
-	if (re->outline_set != outline_set) {
-		re->outline_set = outline_set;
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (re));
-	}
-static void
-foo_canvas_re_set_property (GObject              *object,
-			      guint                 param_id,
-			      const GValue         *value,
-			      GParamSpec           *pspec)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	FooCanvasRE *re;
-	GdkColor color = { 0, 0, 0, 0, };
-	GdkColor *pcolor;
-	int have_pixel;
-	g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_RE (object));
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (object);
-	re = FOO_CANVAS_RE (object);
-	have_pixel = FALSE;
-	switch (param_id) {
-	case PROP_X1:
-		re->x1 = g_value_get_double (value);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-	case PROP_Y1:
-		re->y1 = g_value_get_double (value);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-	case PROP_X2:
-		re->x2 = g_value_get_double (value);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-	case PROP_Y2:
-		re->y2 = g_value_get_double (value);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		switch (param_id) {
-			if (g_value_get_string (value) &&
-			    gdk_color_parse (g_value_get_string (value), &color))
-				foo_canvas_re_set_fill (re, TRUE);
-			else
-				foo_canvas_re_set_fill (re, FALSE);
-			re->fill_color = (( & 0xff00) << 16 |
-					  ( & 0xff00) << 8 |
-					  ( & 0xff00) |
-					  0xff);
-			break;
-			pcolor = g_value_get_boxed (value);
-			foo_canvas_re_set_fill (re, pcolor != NULL);
-			if (pcolor) {
-				GdkColormap *colormap;
-				color = *pcolor;
-				colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas));
-				gdk_rgb_find_color (colormap, &color);
-				have_pixel = TRUE;
-			}
-			re->fill_color = (( & 0xff00) << 16 |
-					  ( & 0xff00) << 8 |
-					  ( & 0xff00) |
-					  0xff);
-			break;
-			foo_canvas_re_set_fill (re, TRUE);
-			re->fill_color = g_value_get_uint (value);
-			break;
-		}
-#ifdef VERBOSE
-		g_print ("re fill color = %08x\n", re->fill_color);
-		if (have_pixel)
-			re->fill_pixel = color.pixel;
-		else
-			re->fill_pixel = foo_canvas_get_color_pixel (item->canvas, re->fill_color);
-		set_gc_foreground (re->fill_gc, re->fill_pixel);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_redraw (item);		
-		break;
-		switch (param_id) {
-			if (g_value_get_string (value) &&
-			    gdk_color_parse (g_value_get_string (value), &color))
-				foo_canvas_re_set_outline (re, TRUE);
-			else
-				foo_canvas_re_set_outline (re, FALSE);
-			re->outline_color = (( & 0xff00) << 16 |
-					     ( & 0xff00) << 8 |
-					     ( & 0xff00) |
-					     0xff);
-			break;
-			pcolor = g_value_get_boxed (value);
-			foo_canvas_re_set_outline (re, pcolor != NULL);
-			if (pcolor) {
-				GdkColormap *colormap;
-				color = *pcolor;
-				colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas));
-				gdk_rgb_find_color (colormap, &color);
-				have_pixel = TRUE;
-			}
-			re->outline_color = (( & 0xff00) << 16 |
-					     ( & 0xff00) << 8 |
-					     ( & 0xff00) |
-					     0xff);
-			break;
-			foo_canvas_re_set_outline (re, TRUE);
-			re->outline_color = g_value_get_uint (value);
-			break;
-		}
-#ifdef VERBOSE
-		g_print ("re outline color %x %x %x\n",,,;
-		if (have_pixel)
-			re->outline_pixel = color.pixel;
-		else
-			re->outline_pixel = foo_canvas_get_color_pixel (item->canvas,
-									  re->outline_color);
-		set_gc_foreground (re->outline_gc, re->outline_pixel);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_redraw (item);		
-		break;
-	        set_stipple (re->fill_gc, &re->fill_stipple, (GdkBitmap *) g_value_get_object (value), FALSE);
-		break;
-	        set_stipple (re->outline_gc, &re->outline_stipple, (GdkBitmap *) g_value_get_object (value), FALSE);
-		break;
-		re->width = g_value_get_uint (value);
-		re->width_pixels = TRUE;
-		set_outline_gc_width (re);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-		re->width = fabs (g_value_get_double (value));
-		re->width_pixels = FALSE;
-		set_outline_gc_width (re);
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-		break;
-	default:
-		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, param_id, pspec);
-		break;
-	}
-/* Allocates a GdkColor structure filled with the specified pixel, and puts it into the specified
- * value for returning it in the get_property method.
- */
-static void
-get_color_value (FooCanvasRE *re, gulong pixel, GValue *value)
-	GdkColor color;
-	FooCanvasItem *item = (FooCanvasItem *) re;
-	GdkColormap *colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas));
-	gdk_colormap_query_color (colormap, pixel, &color);
-	g_value_set_boxed (value, &color);
-static void
-foo_canvas_re_get_property (GObject              *object,
-			      guint                 param_id,
-			      GValue               *value,
-			      GParamSpec           *pspec)
-	FooCanvasRE *re;
-	g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_RE (object));
-	re = FOO_CANVAS_RE (object);
-	switch (param_id) {
-	case PROP_X1:
-		g_value_set_double (value,  re->x1);
-		break;
-	case PROP_Y1:
-		g_value_set_double (value,  re->y1);
-		break;
-	case PROP_X2:
-		g_value_set_double (value,  re->x2);
-		break;
-	case PROP_Y2:
-		g_value_set_double (value,  re->y2);
-		break;
-		get_color_value (re, re->fill_pixel, value);
-		break;
-		get_color_value (re, re->outline_pixel, value);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_uint (value,  re->fill_color);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_uint (value,  re->outline_color);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_object (value,  (GObject *) re->fill_stipple);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_object (value,  (GObject *) re->outline_stipple);
-		break;
-	default:
-		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, param_id, pspec);
-		break;
-	}
-static void
-set_colors_and_stipples (FooCanvasRE *re)
-	set_gc_foreground (re->fill_gc, re->fill_pixel);
-	set_gc_foreground (re->outline_gc, re->outline_pixel);
-	set_stipple (re->fill_gc, &re->fill_stipple, re->fill_stipple, TRUE);
-	set_stipple (re->outline_gc, &re->outline_stipple, re->outline_stipple, TRUE);
-	set_outline_gc_width (re);
-static void
-foo_canvas_re_update_shared (FooCanvasItem *item, double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy, int flags)
-	FooCanvasRE *re;
-#ifdef VERBOSE
-	g_print ("foo_canvas_re_update_shared\n");
-	re = FOO_CANVAS_RE (item);
-	if (re_parent_class->update)
-		(* re_parent_class->update) (item, i2w_dx, i2w_dy, flags);
-	set_colors_and_stipples (re);
-#ifdef OLD_XFORM
-	recalc_bounds (re);
-static void
-foo_canvas_re_realize (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	FooCanvasRE *re;
-#ifdef VERBOSE
-	g_print ("foo_canvas_re_realize\n");
-	re = FOO_CANVAS_RE (item);
-	if (re_parent_class->realize)
-		(* re_parent_class->realize) (item);
-	re->fill_gc = gdk_gc_new (item->canvas->layout.bin_window);
-	re->fill_pixel = foo_canvas_get_color_pixel (item->canvas, re->fill_color);
-	re->outline_gc = gdk_gc_new (item->canvas->layout.bin_window);
-	re->outline_pixel = foo_canvas_get_color_pixel (item->canvas, re->outline_color);
-	set_colors_and_stipples (re);
-#ifdef OLD_XFORM
-	(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_CLASS (item->object.klass)->update) (item, NULL, NULL, 0);
-static void
-foo_canvas_re_unrealize (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	FooCanvasRE *re;
-	re = FOO_CANVAS_RE (item);
-	g_object_unref (re->fill_gc);
-	re->fill_gc = NULL;
-	g_object_unref (re->outline_gc);
-	re->outline_gc = NULL;
-	if (re_parent_class->unrealize)
-		(* re_parent_class->unrealize) (item);
-static void
-foo_canvas_re_translate (FooCanvasItem *item, double dx, double dy)
-	FooCanvasRE *re;
-#ifdef VERBOSE
-	g_print ("foo_canvas_re_translate\n");
-	re = FOO_CANVAS_RE (item);
-	re->x1 += dx;
-	re->y1 += dy;
-	re->x2 += dx;
-	re->y2 += dy;
-static void
-foo_canvas_re_bounds (FooCanvasItem *item, double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2)
-	FooCanvasRE *re;
-	double hwidth;
-#ifdef VERBOSE
-	g_print ("foo_canvas_re_bounds\n");
-	re = FOO_CANVAS_RE (item);
-	if (re->width_pixels)
-		hwidth = (re->width / item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_x) / 2.0;
-	else
-		hwidth = re->width / 2.0;
-	*x1 = re->x1 - hwidth;
-	*y1 = re->y1 - hwidth;
-	*x2 = re->x2 + hwidth;
-	*y2 = re->y2 + hwidth;
-/* Rectangle item */
-static void foo_canvas_rect_class_init (FooCanvasRectClass *class);
-static void foo_canvas_rect_init (FooCanvasRect *rect);
-static void foo_canvas_rect_finalize (GObject *object);
-static void foo_canvas_rect_realize  (FooCanvasItem *item);
-static void   foo_canvas_rect_draw   (FooCanvasItem *item, GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkEventExpose *expose);
-static double foo_canvas_rect_point  (FooCanvasItem *item, double x, double y, int cx, int cy,
-				        FooCanvasItem **actual_item);
-struct _FooCanvasRectPrivate {
-	Rect last_update_rect;
-	Rect last_outline_update_rect;
-	int last_outline_update_width;
-	gboolean use_render;
-	XRenderPictFormat *format;
-foo_canvas_rect_get_type (void)
-	static GType rect_type = 0;
-	if (!rect_type) {
-		GTypeInfo rect_info = {
-		  sizeof (FooCanvasRectClass),
-		  (GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
-		  (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
-		  (GClassInitFunc) foo_canvas_rect_class_init,
-		  NULL,           /* class_finalize */
-		  NULL,           /* class_data */
-		  sizeof (FooCanvasRect),
-		  0,              /* n_preallocs */
-		  (GInstanceInitFunc) foo_canvas_rect_init
-		};
-		rect_type = g_type_register_static (foo_canvas_re_get_type (),
-						    "FooCanvasRect",
-						    &rect_info,
-						    0);
-	}
-	return rect_type;
-static void
-foo_canvas_rect_class_init (FooCanvasRectClass *class)
-	FooCanvasItemClass *item_class;
-	rect_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (class);
-	item_class = (FooCanvasItemClass *) class;
-	item_class->draw = foo_canvas_rect_draw;
-	item_class->point = foo_canvas_rect_point;
-	item_class->update = foo_canvas_rect_update;
-	item_class->realize = foo_canvas_rect_realize;
-	G_OBJECT_CLASS (class)->finalize = foo_canvas_rect_finalize;
-static void
-foo_canvas_rect_init (FooCanvasRect *rect)
-	rect->priv = g_new0 (FooCanvasRectPrivate, 1);
-static void
-foo_canvas_rect_finalize (GObject *object)
-	FooCanvasRect *rect = FOO_CANVAS_RECT (object);
-	if (rect->priv) {
-		g_free (rect->priv);
-	}
-	G_OBJECT_CLASS (rect_parent_class)->finalize (object);
-static void
-foo_canvas_rect_realize  (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	FooCanvasRectPrivate *priv;
-	int event_base, error_base;
-	priv = FOO_CANVAS_RECT (item)->priv;
-	priv->use_render = XRenderQueryExtension (gdk_display, &event_base, &error_base);
-	if (priv->use_render) {
-		Display *dpy;
-		GdkVisual *gdk_visual;
-		Visual *visual;
-		dpy = gdk_x11_drawable_get_xdisplay (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas)->window);
-		gdk_visual = gtk_widget_get_visual (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas));
-		visual = gdk_x11_visual_get_xvisual (gdk_visual);
-		priv->format = XRenderFindVisualFormat (dpy, visual);
-	}
-	if (FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_CLASS (rect_parent_class)->realize) {
-		(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_CLASS (rect_parent_class)->realize) (item);
-	}
-static void
-render_rect_alpha (FooCanvasRect *rect,
-		   GdkDrawable *drawable,
-		   int x, int y,
-		   int width, int height,
-		   guint32 rgba)
-	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
-	guchar *data;
-	int rowstride, i;
-	guchar r, g, b, a;
-	FooCanvasRectPrivate *priv;
-	if (width <= 0 || height <= 0 ) {
-		return;
-	}
-	priv = rect->priv;
-	r = (rgba >> 24) & 0xff;
-	g = (rgba >> 16) & 0xff;
-	b = (rgba >> 8) & 0xff;
-	a = (rgba >> 0) & 0xff;
-	/* Every visual is not guaranteed to have a matching
-	 * XRenderPictFormat. So make sure that format is not null before
-	 * trying to render using Xrender calls.
-	 */
-	if (priv->use_render && (priv->format != NULL)) {
-		GdkDrawable *real_drawable;
-		int x_offset, y_offset;
-		Display *dpy;
-		Picture  pict;
-		XRenderPictureAttributes attributes;
-		XRenderColor color;
-		gdk_window_get_internal_paint_info (drawable, &real_drawable,
-						    &x_offset, &y_offset);
-		dpy = gdk_x11_drawable_get_xdisplay (real_drawable);
-		pict = XRenderCreatePicture (dpy,
-					     gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid (real_drawable),
-					     priv->format,
-					     0,
-					     &attributes);
-		/* Convert to premultiplied alpha: */
-		r = r * a / 255;
-		g = g * a / 255;
-		b = b * a / 255;
- = (r << 8) + r;
- = (g << 8) + g;
- = (b << 8) + b;
-		color.alpha = (a << 8) + a;
-		XRenderFillRectangle (dpy,
-				      PictOpOver,
-				      pict,
-				      &color,
-				      x - x_offset, y - y_offset,
-				      width, height);
-		XRenderFreePicture (dpy, pict);
-		return;
-	}
-	pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new (GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, TRUE, 8, width, height);
-	data = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (pixbuf);
-	rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (pixbuf);
-	r = (rgba >> 24) & 0xff;
-	g = (rgba >> 16) & 0xff;
-	b = (rgba >> 8) & 0xff;
-	a = (rgba >> 0) & 0xff;
-	for (i = 0; i < width*4; ) {
-		data[i++] = r;
-		data[i++] = g;
-		data[i++] = b;
-		data[i++] = a;
-	}
-	for (i = 1; i < height; i++) {
-		memcpy (data + i*rowstride, data, width*4);
-	}
-	gdk_draw_pixbuf (drawable, NULL, pixbuf,
-			 0, 0, x, y, width, height,
-			 GDK_RGB_DITHER_NONE, 0, 0);
-	g_object_unref (pixbuf);
-static void
-foo_canvas_rect_draw (FooCanvasItem *item, GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkEventExpose *expose)
-	FooCanvasRE *re;
-	double x1, y1, x2, y2;
-	int cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2;
-	double i2w_dx, i2w_dy;
-	re = FOO_CANVAS_RE (item);
-	/* Get canvas pixel coordinates */
-	i2w_dx = 0.0;
-	i2w_dy = 0.0;
-	foo_canvas_item_i2w (item, &i2w_dx, &i2w_dy);
-	x1 = re->x1 + i2w_dx;
-	y1 = re->y1 + i2w_dy;
-	x2 = re->x2 + i2w_dx;
-	y2 = re->y2 + i2w_dy;
-	foo_canvas_w2c (item->canvas, x1, y1, &cx1, &cy1);
-	foo_canvas_w2c (item->canvas, x2, y2, &cx2, &cy2);
-	if (re->fill_set) {
-		if ((re->fill_color & 0xff) != 255) {
-			GdkRectangle *rectangles;
-			gint i, n_rectangles;
-			GdkRectangle draw_rect;
-			GdkRectangle part;
-			draw_rect.x = cx1;
-			draw_rect.y = cy1;
-			draw_rect.width = cx2 - cx1 + 1;
-			draw_rect.height = cy2 - cy1 + 1;
-			/* For alpha mode, only render the parts of the region
-			   that are actually exposed */
-			gdk_region_get_rectangles (expose->region,
-						   &rectangles,
-						   &n_rectangles);
-			for (i = 0; i < n_rectangles; i++) {
-				if (gdk_rectangle_intersect (&rectangles[i],
-							     &draw_rect,
-							     &part)) {
-					render_rect_alpha (FOO_CANVAS_RECT (item),
-							   drawable,
-							   part.x, part.y,
-							   part.width, part.height,
-							   re->fill_color);
-				}
-			}
-			g_free (rectangles);
-		} else {
-			if (re->fill_stipple)
-				foo_canvas_set_stipple_origin (item->canvas, re->fill_gc);
-			gdk_draw_rectangle (drawable,
-					    re->fill_gc,
-					    TRUE,
-					    cx1, cy1,
-					    cx2 - cx1 + 1,
-					    cy2 - cy1 + 1);
-		}
-	}
-	if (re->outline_set) {
-		if (re->outline_stipple)
-			foo_canvas_set_stipple_origin (item->canvas, re->outline_gc);
-		gdk_draw_rectangle (drawable,
-				    re->outline_gc,
-				    FALSE,
-				    cx1,
-				    cy1,
-				    cx2 - cx1,
-				    cy2 - cy1);
-	}
-static double
-foo_canvas_rect_point (FooCanvasItem *item, double x, double y, int cx, int cy, FooCanvasItem **actual_item)
-	FooCanvasRE *re;
-	double x1, y1, x2, y2;
-	double hwidth;
-	double dx, dy;
-	double tmp;
-#ifdef VERBOSE
-	g_print ("foo_canvas_rect_point\n");
-	re = FOO_CANVAS_RE (item);
-	*actual_item = item;
-	/* Find the bounds for the rectangle plus its outline width */
-	x1 = re->x1;
-	y1 = re->y1;
-	x2 = re->x2;
-	y2 = re->y2;
-	if (re->outline_set) {
-		if (re->width_pixels)
-			hwidth = (re->width / item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_x) / 2.0;
-		else
-			hwidth = re->width / 2.0;
-		x1 -= hwidth;
-		y1 -= hwidth;
-		x2 += hwidth;
-		y2 += hwidth;
-	} else
-		hwidth = 0.0;
-	/* Is point inside rectangle (which can be hollow if it has no fill set)? */
-	if ((x >= x1) && (y >= y1) && (x <= x2) && (y <= y2)) {
-		if (re->fill_set || !re->outline_set)
-			return 0.0;
-		dx = x - x1;
-		tmp = x2 - x;
-		if (tmp < dx)
-			dx = tmp;
-		dy = y - y1;
-		tmp = y2 - y;
-		if (tmp < dy)
-			dy = tmp;
-		if (dy < dx)
-			dx = dy;
-		dx -= 2.0 * hwidth;
-		if (dx < 0.0)
-			return 0.0;
-		else
-			return dx;
-	}
-	/* Point is outside rectangle */
-	if (x < x1)
-		dx = x1 - x;
-	else if (x > x2)
-		dx = x - x2;
-	else
-		dx = 0.0;
-	if (y < y1)
-		dy = y1 - y;
-	else if (y > y2)
-		dy = y - y2;
-	else
-		dy = 0.0;
-	return sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy);
-static void
-request_redraw_borders (FooCanvas *canvas,
-			Rect     *update_rect,
-			int     width)
-	foo_canvas_request_redraw (canvas,
-				   update_rect->x0, update_rect->y0,
-				   update_rect->x1, update_rect->y0 + width);
-	foo_canvas_request_redraw (canvas,
-				   update_rect->x0, update_rect->y1-width,
-				   update_rect->x1, update_rect->y1);
-	foo_canvas_request_redraw (canvas,
-				   update_rect->x0,       update_rect->y0,
-				   update_rect->x0+width, update_rect->y1);
-	foo_canvas_request_redraw (canvas,
-				   update_rect->x1-width, update_rect->y0,
-				   update_rect->x1,       update_rect->y1);
-static void
-foo_canvas_rect_update (FooCanvasItem *item, double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy, gint flags)
-	FooCanvasRE *re;
-	double x1, y1, x2, y2;
-	int cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2;
-	int repaint_rects_count, i;
-	int width_pixels;
-	int width_lt, width_rb;
-	Rect update_rect, repaint_rects[4];
-	FooCanvasRectPrivate *priv;
-	foo_canvas_re_update_shared (item, i2w_dx, i2w_dy, flags);
-	re = FOO_CANVAS_RE (item);
-	priv = FOO_CANVAS_RECT (item)->priv;
-	x1 = re->x1 + i2w_dx;
-	y1 = re->y1 + i2w_dy;
-	x2 = re->x2 + i2w_dx;
-	y2 = re->y2 + i2w_dy;
-	foo_canvas_w2c (item->canvas, x1, y1, &cx1, &cy1);
-	foo_canvas_w2c (item->canvas, x2, y2, &cx2, &cy2);
-	update_rect = make_rect (cx1, cy1, cx2+1, cy2+1);
-#if 0
-	foo_canvas_request_redraw (item->canvas,
-				   update_rect.x0, update_rect.y0,
-				   update_rect.x1, update_rect.y1);
-	foo_canvas_request_redraw (item->canvas,
-				   priv->last_update_rect.x0, priv->last_update_rect.y0,
-				   priv->last_update_rect.x1, priv->last_update_rect.y1);
-	diff_rects (update_rect, priv->last_update_rect,
-		    &repaint_rects_count, repaint_rects);
-	for (i = 0; i < repaint_rects_count; i++) {
-		foo_canvas_request_redraw (item->canvas,
-					   repaint_rects[i].x0, repaint_rects[i].y0,
-					   repaint_rects[i].x1, repaint_rects[i].y1);
-	}
-	priv->last_update_rect = update_rect;
-	if (re->outline_set) {
-		/* Outline and bounding box */
-		if (re->width_pixels)
-			width_pixels = (int) re->width;
-		else
-			width_pixels = (int) floor (re->width * re->item.canvas->pixels_per_unit_x + 0.5);
-		width_lt = width_pixels / 2;
-		width_rb = (width_pixels + 1) / 2;
-		cx1 -= width_lt;
-		cy1 -= width_lt;
-		cx2 += width_rb;
-		cy2 += width_rb;
-		update_rect = make_rect (cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2);
-		request_redraw_borders (item->canvas, &update_rect,
-					(width_lt + width_rb));
-		request_redraw_borders (item->canvas, &priv->last_outline_update_rect,
-					priv->last_outline_update_width);
-		priv->last_outline_update_rect = update_rect;
-		priv->last_outline_update_width = width_lt + width_rb;
-		item->x1 = cx1;
-		item->y1 = cy1;
-		item->x2 = cx2+1;
-		item->y2 = cy2+1;
-	} else {
-		item->x1 = cx1;
-		item->y1 = cy1;
-		item->x2 = cx2+1;
-		item->y2 = cy2+1;
-	}
-/* Ellipse item */
-static void foo_canvas_ellipse_class_init (FooCanvasEllipseClass *class);
-static void   foo_canvas_ellipse_draw   (FooCanvasItem *item, GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkEventExpose *expose);
-static double foo_canvas_ellipse_point  (FooCanvasItem *item, double x, double y, int cx, int cy,
-					   FooCanvasItem **actual_item);
-foo_canvas_ellipse_get_type (void)
-	static GType ellipse_type = 0;
-	if (!ellipse_type) {
-		GTypeInfo ellipse_info = {
-		  sizeof (FooCanvasEllipseClass),
-		  (GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
-		  (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
-		  (GClassInitFunc) foo_canvas_ellipse_class_init,
-		  NULL,           /* class_finalize */
-		  NULL,           /* class_data */
-		  sizeof (FooCanvasEllipse),
-		  0,              /* n_preallocs */
-		  (GInstanceInitFunc) NULL
-		};
-		ellipse_type = g_type_register_static (foo_canvas_re_get_type (),
-						       "FooCanvasEllipse",
-						       &ellipse_info,
-						       0);
-	}
-	return ellipse_type;
-static void
-foo_canvas_ellipse_class_init (FooCanvasEllipseClass *class)
-	FooCanvasItemClass *item_class;
-	item_class = (FooCanvasItemClass *) class;
-	item_class->draw = foo_canvas_ellipse_draw;
-	item_class->point = foo_canvas_ellipse_point;
-	item_class->update = foo_canvas_ellipse_update;
-static void
-foo_canvas_ellipse_draw (FooCanvasItem *item, GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkEventExpose *expose)
-	FooCanvasRE *re;
-	int x1, y1, x2, y2;
-	double i2w_dx, i2w_dy;
-	re = FOO_CANVAS_RE (item);
-	/* Get canvas pixel coordinates */
-	i2w_dx = 0.0;
-	i2w_dy = 0.0;
-	foo_canvas_item_i2w (item, &i2w_dx, &i2w_dy);
-	foo_canvas_w2c (item->canvas,
-			  re->x1 + i2w_dx,
-			  re->y1 + i2w_dy,
-			  &x1, &y1);
-	foo_canvas_w2c (item->canvas,
-			  re->x2 + i2w_dx,
-			  re->y2 + i2w_dy,
-			  &x2, &y2);
-	if (re->fill_set) {
-		if (re->fill_stipple)
-			foo_canvas_set_stipple_origin (item->canvas, re->fill_gc);
-		gdk_draw_arc (drawable,
-			      re->fill_gc,
-			      TRUE,
-			      x1,
-			      y1,
-			      x2 - x1,
-			      y2 - y1,
-			      0 * 64,
-			      360 * 64);
-	}
-	if (re->outline_set) {
-		if (re->outline_stipple)
-			foo_canvas_set_stipple_origin (item->canvas, re->outline_gc);
-		gdk_draw_arc (drawable,
-			      re->outline_gc,
-			      FALSE,
-			      x1,
-			      y1,
-			      x2 - x1,
-			      y2 - y1,
-			      0 * 64,
-			      360 * 64);
-	}
-static double
-foo_canvas_ellipse_point (FooCanvasItem *item, double x, double y, int cx, int cy, FooCanvasItem **actual_item)
-	FooCanvasRE *re;
-	double dx, dy;
-	double scaled_dist;
-	double outline_dist;
-	double center_dist;
-	double width;
-	double a, b;
-	double diamx, diamy;
-	re = FOO_CANVAS_RE (item);
-	*actual_item = item;
-	if (re->outline_set) {
-		if (re->width_pixels)
-			width = re->width / item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-		else
-			width = re->width;
-	} else
-		width = 0.0;
-	/* Compute the distance between the center of the ellipse and the point, with the ellipse
-	 * considered as being scaled to a circle.
-	 */
-	dx = x - (re->x1 + re->x2) / 2.0;
-	dy = y - (re->y1 + re->y2) / 2.0;
-	center_dist = sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy);
-	a = dx / ((re->x2 + width - re->x1) / 2.0);
-	b = dy / ((re->y2 + width - re->y1) / 2.0);
-	scaled_dist = sqrt (a * a + b * b);
-	/* If the scaled distance is greater than 1, then we are outside.  Compute the distance from
-	 * the point to the edge of the circle, then scale back to the original un-scaled coordinate
-	 * system.
-	 */
-	if (scaled_dist > 1.0)
-		return (center_dist / scaled_dist) * (scaled_dist - 1.0);
-	/* We are inside the outer edge of the ellipse.  If it is filled, then we are "inside".
-	 * Otherwise, do the same computation as above, but also check whether we are inside the
-	 * outline.
-	 */
-	if (re->fill_set)
-		return 0.0;
-	if (scaled_dist > FOO_CANVAS_EPSILON)
-		outline_dist = (center_dist / scaled_dist) * (1.0 - scaled_dist) - width;
-	else {
-		/* Handle very small distance */
-		diamx = re->x2 - re->x1;
-		diamy = re->y2 - re->y1;
-		if (diamx < diamy)
-			outline_dist = (diamx - width) / 2.0;
-		else
-			outline_dist = (diamy - width) / 2.0;
-	}
-	if (outline_dist < 0.0)
-		return 0.0;
-	return outline_dist;
-static void
-foo_canvas_ellipse_update (FooCanvasItem *item, double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy, gint flags)
-	FooCanvasRE *re;
-	double x0, y0, x1, y1;
-#ifdef VERBOSE
-	g_print ("foo_canvas_sllipse_update item %x\n", item);
-	foo_canvas_re_update_shared (item, i2w_dx, i2w_dy, flags);
-	re = FOO_CANVAS_RE (item);
-	get_bounds (re, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1);
-	foo_canvas_update_bbox (item, x0, y0, x1, y1);
-static int
-rect_empty (const Rect *src) {
-  return (src->x1 <= src->x0 || src->y1 <= src->y0);
-static Rect
-make_rect (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
-	Rect r;
-	r.x0 = x0;
-	r.y0 = y0;
-	r.x1 = x1;
-	r.y1 = y1;
-	return r;
-static gboolean
-rects_intersect (Rect r1, Rect r2)
-	if (r1.x0 >= r2.x1) {
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	if (r2.x0 >= r1.x1) {
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	if (r1.y0 >= r2.y1) {
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	if (r2.y0 >= r1.y1) {
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-static void
-diff_rects_guts (Rect ra, Rect rb, int *count, Rect result[4])
-	if (ra.x0 < rb.x0) {
-		result[(*count)++] = make_rect (ra.x0, ra.y0, rb.x0, ra.y1);
-	}
-	if (ra.y0 < rb.y0) {
-		result[(*count)++] = make_rect (ra.x0, ra.y0, ra.x1, rb.y0);
-	}
-	if (ra.x1 < rb.x1) {
-		result[(*count)++] = make_rect (ra.x1, rb.y0, rb.x1, rb.y1);
-	}
-	if (ra.y1 < rb.y1) {
-		result[(*count)++] = make_rect (rb.x0, ra.y1, rb.x1, rb.y1);
-	}
-static void
-diff_rects (Rect r1, Rect r2, int *count, Rect result[4])
-	g_assert (count != NULL);
-	g_assert (result != NULL);
-	*count = 0;
-	if (rects_intersect (r1, r2)) {
-		diff_rects_guts (r1, r2, count, result);
-		diff_rects_guts (r2, r1, count, result);
-	} else {
-		if (!rect_empty (&r1)) {
-			result[(*count)++] = r1;
-		}
-		if (!rect_empty (&r2)) {
-			result[(*count)++] = r2;
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/foocanvas/foo-canvas-text.c b/foocanvas/foo-canvas-text.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 1a385f41d..000000000
--- a/foocanvas/foo-canvas-text.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1623 +0,0 @@
-/*  Last edited: May 11 11:41 2004 (rnc) */
-/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
- * $Id: foo-canvas-text.c,v 1.1 2004-05-13 14:36:25 rnc Exp $
- * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This file is part of the Gnome Library.
- *
- * The Gnome Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * The Gnome Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with the Gnome Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not,
- * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- */
-/* Text item type for FooCanvas widget
- *
- * FooCanvas is basically a port of the Tk toolkit's most excellent canvas
- * widget.  Tk is copyrighted by the Regents of the University of California,
- * Sun Microsystems, and other parties.
- *
- *
- * Author: Federico Mena <>
- * Port to Pango co-done by Gergõ Érdi <>
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "foo-canvas-text.h"
-#include "foo-canvas-util.h"
-#include "foo-canvas-i18n.h"
-/* Object argument IDs */
-enum {
-	PROP_0,
-	/* Text contents */
-	/* Position */
-	/* Font */
-	/* Style */
-	/* Clipping */
-	/* Coloring */
-	/* Rendered size accessors */
-struct _FooCanvasTextPrivate {
-	gint placeholder;
-static void foo_canvas_text_class_init (FooCanvasTextClass *class);
-static void foo_canvas_text_init (FooCanvasText *text);
-static void foo_canvas_text_destroy (GtkObject *object);
-static void foo_canvas_text_set_property (GObject            *object,
-					    guint               param_id,
-					    const GValue       *value,
-					    GParamSpec         *pspec);
-static void foo_canvas_text_get_property (GObject            *object,
-					    guint               param_id,
-					    GValue             *value,
-					    GParamSpec         *pspec);
-static void   foo_canvas_text_update    (FooCanvasItem  *item,
-					   double            i2w_dx,
-					   double            i2w_dy,
-					   int               flags);
-static void   foo_canvas_text_realize   (FooCanvasItem  *item);
-static void   foo_canvas_text_unrealize (FooCanvasItem  *item);
-static void   foo_canvas_text_draw      (FooCanvasItem  *item,
-					   GdkDrawable      *drawable,
-					   GdkEventExpose   *expose);
-static double foo_canvas_text_point     (FooCanvasItem  *item,
-					   double            x,
-					   double            y,
-					   int               cx,
-					   int               cy,
-					   FooCanvasItem **actual_item);
-static void   foo_canvas_text_translate (FooCanvasItem  *item,
-					   double            dx,
-					   double            dy);
-static void   foo_canvas_text_bounds    (FooCanvasItem  *item,
-					   double           *x1,
-					   double           *y1,
-					   double           *x2,
-					   double           *y2);
-static void foo_canvas_text_set_markup (FooCanvasText *textitem,
-					  const gchar     *markup);
-static void foo_canvas_text_set_font_desc    (FooCanvasText *textitem,
-					        PangoFontDescription *font_desc);
-static void foo_canvas_text_apply_font_desc  (FooCanvasText *textitem);
-static void foo_canvas_text_apply_attributes (FooCanvasText *textitem);
-static void add_attr (PangoAttrList  *attr_list,
-		      PangoAttribute *attr);
-static FooCanvasItemClass *parent_class;
- * foo_canvas_text_get_type:
- * @void:
- *
- * Registers the &FooCanvasText class if necessary, and returns the type ID
- * associated to it.
- *
- * Return value: The type ID of the &FooCanvasText class.
- **/
-foo_canvas_text_get_type (void)
-	static GtkType text_type = 0;
-	if (!text_type) {
-		/* FIXME: Convert to gobject style.  */
-		static const GtkTypeInfo text_info = {
-			(char *)"FooCanvasText",
-			sizeof (FooCanvasText),
-			sizeof (FooCanvasTextClass),
-			(GtkClassInitFunc) foo_canvas_text_class_init,
-			(GtkObjectInitFunc) foo_canvas_text_init,
-			NULL, /* reserved_1 */
-			NULL, /* reserved_2 */
-			(GtkClassInitFunc) NULL
-		};
-		text_type = gtk_type_unique (foo_canvas_item_get_type (), &text_info);
-	}
-	return text_type;
-/* Class initialization function for the text item */
-static void
-foo_canvas_text_class_init (FooCanvasTextClass *class)
-	GObjectClass *gobject_class;
-	GtkObjectClass *object_class;
-	FooCanvasItemClass *item_class;
-	gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) class;
-	object_class = (GtkObjectClass *) class;
-	item_class = (FooCanvasItemClass *) class;
-	parent_class = gtk_type_class (foo_canvas_item_get_type ());
-	gobject_class->set_property = foo_canvas_text_set_property;
-	gobject_class->get_property = foo_canvas_text_get_property;
-	/* Text */
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_TEXT,
-                 g_param_spec_string ("text",
-				      _("Text"),
-				      _("Text to render"),
-                                      NULL,
-                                      (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_MARKUP,
-                 g_param_spec_string ("markup",
-				      _("Markup"),
-				      _("Marked up text to render"),
-				      NULL,
-                                      (G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-	/* Position */
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_X,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("x", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_Y,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("y", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0,
-	/* Font */
-	g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_FONT,
-                 g_param_spec_string ("font",
-				      _("Font"),
-				      _("Font description as a string"),
-                                      NULL,
-                                      (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-		(gobject_class,
-		 g_param_spec_boxed ("font_desc",
-				     _("Font description"),
-				     _("Font description as a PangoFontDescription struct"),
-	g_object_class_install_property
-		(gobject_class,
-		 g_param_spec_string ("family",
-				      _("Font family"),
-				      _("Name of the font family, e.g. Sans, Helvetica, Times, Monospace"),
-				      NULL,
-	/* Style */
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_ATTRIBUTES,
-                 g_param_spec_boxed ("attributes", NULL, NULL,
-	g_object_class_install_property
-		(gobject_class,
-		 g_param_spec_enum ("style",
-				    _("Font style"),
-				    _("Font style"),
-	g_object_class_install_property
-		(gobject_class,
-		 g_param_spec_enum ("variant",
-				    _("Font variant"),
-				    _("Font variant"),
-	g_object_class_install_property
-		(gobject_class,
-		 g_param_spec_int ("weight",
-				   _("Font weight"),
-				   _("Font weight"),
-				   0,
-				   G_MAXINT,
-	g_object_class_install_property
-		(gobject_class,
-		 g_param_spec_enum ("stretch",
-				    _("Font stretch"),
-				    _("Font stretch"),
-	g_object_class_install_property
-		(gobject_class,
-		 g_param_spec_int ("size",
-				   _("Font size"),
-				   _("Font size"),
-				   0,
-				   G_MAXINT,
-				   0,
-	g_object_class_install_property
-		(gobject_class,
-		g_param_spec_double ("size_points",
-				     _("Font points"),
-				     _("Font size in points"),
-				     0.0,
-				     G_MAXDOUBLE,
-				     0.0,
-	g_object_class_install_property
-		(gobject_class,
-		 g_param_spec_int ("rise",
-				   _("Rise"),
-				   _("Offset of text above the baseline (below the baseline if rise is negative)"),
-				   -G_MAXINT,
-				   G_MAXINT,
-				   0,
-	g_object_class_install_property
-		(gobject_class,
-		 g_param_spec_boolean ("strikethrough",
-				       _("Strikethrough"),
-				       _("Whether to strike through the text"),
-				       FALSE,
-	g_object_class_install_property
-		(gobject_class,
-		 g_param_spec_enum ("underline",
-				    _("Underline"),
-				    _("Style of underline for this text"),
-	g_object_class_install_property
-		(gobject_class,
-		 g_param_spec_double ("scale",
-				      _("Scale"),
-				      _("Size of font, relative to default size"),
-				      0.0,
-				      G_MAXDOUBLE,
-				      1.0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-		(gobject_class,
-                 PROP_ANCHOR,
-                 g_param_spec_enum ("anchor", NULL, NULL,
-                                    GTK_TYPE_ANCHOR_TYPE,
-                                    GTK_ANCHOR_CENTER,
-                                    (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_JUSTIFICATION,
-                 g_param_spec_enum ("justification", NULL, NULL,
-                                    GTK_TYPE_JUSTIFICATION,
-                                    GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT,
-                                    (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_CLIP_WIDTH,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("clip_width", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_CLIP_HEIGHT,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("clip_height", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_CLIP,
-                 g_param_spec_boolean ("clip", NULL, NULL,
-				       FALSE,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_WRAP_WIDTH,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("wrap_width", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_X_OFFSET,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("x_offset", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_Y_OFFSET,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("y_offset", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_FILL_COLOR,
-                 g_param_spec_string ("fill_color",
-				      _("Color"),
-				      _("Text color, as string"),
-                                      NULL,
-                                      (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_FILL_COLOR_GDK,
-                 g_param_spec_boxed ("fill_color_gdk",
-				     _("Color"),
-				     _("Text color, as a GdkColor"),
-				     GDK_TYPE_COLOR,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_FILL_COLOR_RGBA,
-                 g_param_spec_uint ("fill_color_rgba",
-				    _("Color"),
-				    _("Text color, as an R/G/B/A combined integer"),
-				    0, G_MAXUINT, 0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_FILL_STIPPLE,
-                 g_param_spec_object ("fill_stipple", NULL, NULL,
-                                      GDK_TYPE_DRAWABLE,
-                                      (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_TEXT_WIDTH,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("text_width",
-				      _("Text width"),
-				      _("Width of the rendered text"),
-				      0.0, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_TEXT_HEIGHT,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("text_height",
-				      _("Text height"),
-				      _("Height of the rendered text"),
-				      0.0, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0,
-	/* Style props are set (explicitly applied) or not */
-#define ADD_SET_PROP(propname, propval, nick, blurb) g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, propval, g_param_spec_boolean (propname, nick, blurb, FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE))
-	ADD_SET_PROP ("family_set", PROP_FAMILY_SET,
-		      _("Font family set"),
-		      _("Whether this tag affects the font family"));
-	ADD_SET_PROP ("style_set", PROP_STYLE_SET,
-		      _("Font style set"),
-		      _("Whether this tag affects the font style"));
-	ADD_SET_PROP ("variant_set", PROP_VARIANT_SET,
-		      _("Font variant set"),
-		      _("Whether this tag affects the font variant"));
-	ADD_SET_PROP ("weight_set", PROP_WEIGHT_SET,
-		      _("Font weight set"),
-		      _("Whether this tag affects the font weight"));
-	ADD_SET_PROP ("stretch_set", PROP_STRETCH_SET,
-		      _("Font stretch set"),
-		      _("Whether this tag affects the font stretch"));
-	ADD_SET_PROP ("size_set", PROP_SIZE_SET,
-		      _("Font size set"),
-		      _("Whether this tag affects the font size"));
-	ADD_SET_PROP ("rise_set", PROP_RISE_SET,
-		      _("Rise set"),
-		      _("Whether this tag affects the rise"));
-	ADD_SET_PROP ("strikethrough_set", PROP_STRIKETHROUGH_SET,
-		      _("Strikethrough set"),
-		      _("Whether this tag affects strikethrough"));
-	ADD_SET_PROP ("underline_set", PROP_UNDERLINE_SET,
-		      _("Underline set"),
-		      _("Whether this tag affects underlining"));
-	ADD_SET_PROP ("scale_set", PROP_SCALE_SET,
-		      _("Scale set"),
-		      _("Whether this tag affects font scaling"));
-#undef ADD_SET_PROP
-	object_class->destroy = foo_canvas_text_destroy;
-	item_class->update = foo_canvas_text_update;
-	item_class->realize = foo_canvas_text_realize;
-	item_class->unrealize = foo_canvas_text_unrealize;
-	item_class->draw = foo_canvas_text_draw;
-	item_class->point = foo_canvas_text_point;
-	item_class->translate = foo_canvas_text_translate;
-	item_class->bounds = foo_canvas_text_bounds;
-/* Object initialization function for the text item */
-static void
-foo_canvas_text_init (FooCanvasText *text)
-	text->x = 0.0;
-	text->y = 0.0;
-	text->anchor = GTK_ANCHOR_CENTER;
-	text->justification = GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT;
-	text->clip_width = 0.0;
-	text->clip_height = 0.0;
-	text->xofs = 0.0;
-	text->yofs = 0.0;
-	text->layout = NULL;
-	text->font_desc = NULL;
-	text->underline     = PANGO_UNDERLINE_NONE;
-	text->strikethrough = FALSE;
-	text->rise          = 0;
-	text->underline_set = FALSE;
-	text->strike_set    = FALSE;
-	text->rise_set      = FALSE;
-	text->priv = g_new (FooCanvasTextPrivate, 1);
-/* Destroy handler for the text item */
-static void
-foo_canvas_text_destroy (GtkObject *object)
-	FooCanvasText *text;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_TEXT (object));
-	text = FOO_CANVAS_TEXT (object);
-	/* remember, destroy can be run multiple times! */
-	g_free (text->text);
-	text->text = NULL;
-	if (text->layout)
-	    g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (text->layout));
-	text->layout = NULL;
-	if (text->font_desc) {
-		pango_font_description_free (text->font_desc);
-		text->font_desc = NULL;
-	}
-	if (text->attr_list)
-		pango_attr_list_unref (text->attr_list);
-	text->attr_list = NULL;
-	if (text->stipple)
-		g_object_unref (text->stipple);
-	text->stipple = NULL;
-	g_free (text->priv);
-	text->priv = NULL;
-	if (GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->destroy)
-		(* GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->destroy) (object);
-static void
-get_bounds (FooCanvasText *text, double *px1, double *py1, double *px2, double *py2)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	double wx, wy;
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (text);
-	/* Get canvas pixel coordinates for text position */
-	wx = text->x;
-	wy = text->y;
-	foo_canvas_item_i2w (item, &wx, &wy);
-	foo_canvas_w2c (item->canvas, wx + text->xofs, wy + text->yofs, &text->cx, &text->cy);
-	/* Get canvas pixel coordinates for clip rectangle position */
-	foo_canvas_w2c (item->canvas, wx, wy, &text->clip_cx, &text->clip_cy);
-	text->clip_cwidth = text->clip_width * item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-	text->clip_cheight = text->clip_height * item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_y;
-	/* Anchor text */
-	switch (text->anchor) {
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_W:
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_N:
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_S:
-		text->cx -= text->max_width / 2;
-		text->clip_cx -= text->clip_cwidth / 2;
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_E:
-		text->cx -= text->max_width;
-		text->clip_cx -= text->clip_cwidth;
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	switch (text->anchor) {
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_N:
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_W:
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_E:
-		text->cy -= text->height / 2;
-		text->clip_cy -= text->clip_cheight / 2;
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_S:
-		text->cy -= text->height;
-		text->clip_cy -= text->clip_cheight;
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	/* Bounds */
-	if (text->clip) {
-		*px1 = text->clip_cx;
-		*py1 = text->clip_cy;
-		*px2 = text->clip_cx + text->clip_cwidth;
-		*py2 = text->clip_cy + text->clip_cheight;
-	} else {
-		*px1 = text->cx;
-		*py1 = text->cy;
-		*px2 = text->cx + text->max_width;
-		*py2 = text->cy + text->height;
-	}
-/* Convenience function to set the text's GC's foreground color */
-static void
-set_text_gc_foreground (FooCanvasText *text)
-	GdkColor c;
-	if (!text->gc)
-		return;
-	c.pixel = text->pixel;
-	gdk_gc_set_foreground (text->gc, &c);
-/* Sets the stipple pattern for the text */
-static void
-set_stipple (FooCanvasText *text, GdkBitmap *stipple, int reconfigure)
-	if (text->stipple && !reconfigure)
-		g_object_unref (text->stipple);
-	text->stipple = stipple;
-	if (stipple && !reconfigure)
-		g_object_ref (stipple);
-	if (text->gc) {
-		if (stipple) {
-			gdk_gc_set_stipple (text->gc, stipple);
-			gdk_gc_set_fill (text->gc, GDK_STIPPLED);
-		} else
-			gdk_gc_set_fill (text->gc, GDK_SOLID);
-	}
-static PangoFontMask
-get_property_font_set_mask (guint prop_id)
-  switch (prop_id)
-    {
-    case PROP_FAMILY_SET:
-    case PROP_STYLE_SET:
-      return PANGO_FONT_MASK_STYLE;
-    case PROP_WEIGHT_SET:
-    case PROP_SIZE_SET:
-      return PANGO_FONT_MASK_SIZE;
-    }
-  return 0;
-static void
-ensure_font (FooCanvasText *text)
-	if (!text->font_desc)
-		text->font_desc = pango_font_description_new ();
-/* Set_arg handler for the text item */
-static void
-foo_canvas_text_set_property (GObject            *object,
-				guint               param_id,
-				const GValue       *value,
-				GParamSpec         *pspec)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	FooCanvasText *text;
-	GdkColor color = { 0, 0, 0, 0, };
-	GdkColor *pcolor;
-	gboolean color_changed;
-	int have_pixel;
-	PangoAlignment align;
-	g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_TEXT (object));
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (object);
-	text = FOO_CANVAS_TEXT (object);
-	color_changed = FALSE;
-	have_pixel = FALSE;
-	if (!text->layout) {
-		text->layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout  (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas), NULL);
-	}
-	switch (param_id) {
-	case PROP_TEXT:
-		if (text->text)
-			g_free (text->text);
-		text->text = g_value_dup_string (value);
-		pango_layout_set_text (text->layout, text->text, -1);
-		break;
-		foo_canvas_text_set_markup (text,
-					      g_value_get_string (value));
-		break;
-	case PROP_X:
-		text->x = g_value_get_double (value);
-		break;
-	case PROP_Y:
-		text->y = g_value_get_double (value);
-		break;
-	case PROP_FONT: {
-		const char *font_name;
-		PangoFontDescription *font_desc;
-		font_name = g_value_get_string (value);
-		if (font_name)
-			font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string (font_name);
-		else
-			font_desc = NULL;
-		foo_canvas_text_set_font_desc (text, font_desc);
-		if (font_desc)
-			pango_font_description_free (font_desc);
-		break;
-	}
-		foo_canvas_text_set_font_desc (text, g_value_peek_pointer (value));
-		break;
-	case PROP_STYLE:
-	case PROP_SIZE:
-		ensure_font (text);
-		switch (param_id) {
-		case PROP_FAMILY:
-			pango_font_description_set_family (text->font_desc,
-							   g_value_get_string (value));
-			break;
-		case PROP_STYLE:
-			pango_font_description_set_style (text->font_desc,
-							  g_value_get_enum (value));
-			break;
-			pango_font_description_set_variant (text->font_desc,
-							    g_value_get_enum (value));
-			break;
-		case PROP_WEIGHT:
-			pango_font_description_set_weight (text->font_desc,
-							   g_value_get_int (value));
-			break;
-			pango_font_description_set_stretch (text->font_desc,
-							    g_value_get_enum (value));
-			break;
-		case PROP_SIZE:
-			/* FIXME: This is bogus! It should be pixels, not points/PANGO_SCALE! */
-			pango_font_description_set_size (text->font_desc,
-							 g_value_get_int (value));
-			break;
-			pango_font_description_set_size (text->font_desc,
-							 g_value_get_double (value) * PANGO_SCALE);
-			break;
-		}
-		foo_canvas_text_apply_font_desc (text);
-		break;
-		if (!g_value_get_boolean (value) && text->font_desc)
-			pango_font_description_unset_fields (text->font_desc,
-							     get_property_font_set_mask (param_id));
-		break;
-	case PROP_SCALE:
-		text->scale = g_value_get_double (value);
-		text->scale_set = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_text_apply_font_desc (text);
-		break;
-		text->scale_set = g_value_get_boolean (value);
-		foo_canvas_text_apply_font_desc (text);
-		break;
-		text->underline = g_value_get_enum (value);
-		text->underline_set = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_text_apply_attributes (text);
-		break;
-		text->underline_set = g_value_get_boolean (value);
-		foo_canvas_text_apply_attributes (text);
-		break;
-		text->strikethrough = g_value_get_boolean (value);
-		text->strike_set = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_text_apply_attributes (text);
-		break;
-		text->strike_set = g_value_get_boolean (value);
-		foo_canvas_text_apply_attributes (text);
-		break;
-	case PROP_RISE:
-		text->rise = g_value_get_int (value);
-		text->rise_set = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_text_apply_attributes (text);
-		break;
-		text->rise_set = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_text_apply_attributes (text);
-		break;
-		if (text->attr_list)
-			pango_attr_list_unref (text->attr_list);
-		text->attr_list = g_value_peek_pointer (value);
-		if (text->attr_list)
-			pango_attr_list_ref (text->attr_list);
-		foo_canvas_text_apply_attributes (text);
-		break;
-		text->anchor = g_value_get_enum (value);
-		break;
-		text->justification = g_value_get_enum (value);
-		switch (text->justification) {
-		        align = PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT;
-			break;
-		        align = PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER;
-			break;
-		        align = PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT;
-			break;
-		default:
-		        /* GTK_JUSTIFY_FILL isn't supported yet. */
-		        align = PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT;
-			break;
-		}
-		pango_layout_set_alignment (text->layout, align);
-		break;
-		text->clip_width = fabs (g_value_get_double (value));
-		break;
-		text->clip_height = fabs (g_value_get_double (value));
-		break;
-	case PROP_CLIP:
-		text->clip = g_value_get_boolean (value);
-		break;
-		double w = fabs (g_value_get_double (value));
-		pango_layout_set_width (text->layout,
-			w * text->item.canvas->pixels_per_unit_x * PANGO_SCALE);
-		break;
-	}
-		text->xofs = g_value_get_double (value);
-		break;
-		text->yofs = g_value_get_double (value);
-		break;
-        case PROP_FILL_COLOR: {
-		const char *color_name;
-		color_name = g_value_get_string (value);
-		if (color_name) {
-			gdk_color_parse (color_name, &color);
-			text->rgba = (( & 0xff00) << 16 |
-				      ( & 0xff00) << 8 |
-				      ( & 0xff00) |
-				      0xff);
-			color_changed = TRUE;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-		pcolor = g_value_get_boxed (value);
-		if (pcolor) {
-		    GdkColormap *colormap;
-		    color = *pcolor;
-		    colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas));
-		    gdk_rgb_find_color (colormap, &color);
-		    have_pixel = TRUE;
-		}
-		text->rgba = (( & 0xff00) << 16 |
-			      ( & 0xff00) << 8|
-			      ( & 0xff00) |
-			      0xff);
-		color_changed = TRUE;
-		break;
-        case PROP_FILL_COLOR_RGBA:
-		text->rgba = g_value_get_uint (value);
-		color_changed = TRUE;
-		break;
-		set_stipple (text, (GdkBitmap *)g_value_get_object (value), FALSE);
-		break;
-	default:
-		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, param_id, pspec);
-		break;
-	}
-	if (color_changed) {
-		if (have_pixel)
-			text->pixel = color.pixel;
-		else
-			text->pixel = foo_canvas_get_color_pixel (item->canvas, text->rgba);
-		set_text_gc_foreground (text);
-	}
-	/* Calculate text dimensions */
-	if (text->layout)
-	        pango_layout_get_pixel_size (text->layout,
-					     &text->max_width,
-					     &text->height);
-	else {
-		text->max_width = 0;
-		text->height = 0;
-	}
-	foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-/* Get_arg handler for the text item */
-static void
-foo_canvas_text_get_property (GObject            *object,
-				guint               param_id,
-				GValue             *value,
-				GParamSpec         *pspec)
-	FooCanvasText *text;
-	g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_TEXT (object));
-	text = FOO_CANVAS_TEXT (object);
-	switch (param_id) {
-	case PROP_TEXT:
-		g_value_set_string (value, text->text);
-		break;
-	case PROP_X:
-		g_value_set_double (value, text->x);
-		break;
-	case PROP_Y:
-		g_value_set_double (value, text->y);
-		break;
-	case PROP_FONT:
-	case PROP_STYLE:
-	case PROP_SIZE:
-		ensure_font (text);
-		switch (param_id) {
-		case PROP_FONT:
-		{
-			/* FIXME GValue imposes a totally gratuitous string copy
-			 * here, we could just hand off string ownership
-			 */
-			gchar *str;
-			str = pango_font_description_to_string (text->font_desc);
-			g_value_set_string (value, str);
-			g_free (str);
-			break;
-		}
-			g_value_set_boxed (value, text->font_desc);
-			break;
-		case PROP_FAMILY:
-			g_value_set_string (value, pango_font_description_get_family (text->font_desc));
-			break;
-		case PROP_STYLE:
-			g_value_set_enum (value, pango_font_description_get_style (text->font_desc));
-			break;
-			g_value_set_enum (value, pango_font_description_get_variant (text->font_desc));
-			break;
-		case PROP_WEIGHT:
-			g_value_set_int (value, pango_font_description_get_weight (text->font_desc));
-			break;
-			g_value_set_enum (value, pango_font_description_get_stretch (text->font_desc));
-			break;
-		case PROP_SIZE:
-			g_value_set_int (value, pango_font_description_get_size (text->font_desc));
-			break;
-			g_value_set_double (value, ((double)pango_font_description_get_size (text->font_desc)) / (double)PANGO_SCALE);
-			break;
-		}
-		break;
-	{
-		PangoFontMask set_mask = text->font_desc ? pango_font_description_get_set_fields (text->font_desc) : 0;
-		PangoFontMask test_mask = get_property_font_set_mask (param_id);
-		g_value_set_boolean (value, (set_mask & test_mask) != 0);
-		break;
-	}
-	case PROP_SCALE:
-		g_value_set_double (value, text->scale);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_boolean (value, text->scale_set);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_enum (value, text->underline);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_boolean (value, text->underline_set);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_boolean (value, text->strikethrough);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_boolean (value, text->strike_set);
-		break;
-	case PROP_RISE:
-		g_value_set_int (value, text->rise);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_boolean (value, text->rise_set);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_boxed (value, text->attr_list);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_enum (value, text->anchor);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_enum (value, text->justification);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_double (value, text->clip_width);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_double (value, text->clip_height);
-		break;
-	case PROP_CLIP:
-		g_value_set_boolean (value, text->clip);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_double (value,
-			pango_layout_get_width (text->layout) / PANGO_SCALE);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_double (value, text->xofs);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_double (value, text->yofs);
-		break;
-                //g_value_take_string (value,
-		//		     g_strdup_printf ("#%02x%02x%02x",
-		//				      text->rgba >> 24,
-		//				      (text->rgba >> 16) & 0xff,
-		//				      (text->rgba >> 8) & 0xff));
-		break;
-		FooCanvas *canvas = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (text)->canvas;
-		GdkColormap *colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (GTK_WIDGET (canvas));
-		GdkColor color;
-		gdk_colormap_query_color (colormap, text->pixel, &color);
-		g_value_set_boxed (value, &color);
-		break;
-	}
-		g_value_set_uint (value, text->rgba);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_object (value, text->stipple);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_double (value, text->max_width / text->item.canvas->pixels_per_unit_x);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_double (value, text->height / text->item.canvas->pixels_per_unit_y);
-		break;
-	default:
-		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, param_id, pspec);
-		break;
-	}
-/* */
-static void
-foo_canvas_text_apply_font_desc (FooCanvasText *text)
-	PangoFontDescription *font_desc =
-		pango_font_description_copy (
-			GTK_WIDGET (FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (text)->canvas)->style->font_desc);
-	if (text->font_desc)
-		pango_font_description_merge (font_desc, text->font_desc, TRUE);
-	pango_layout_set_font_description (text->layout, font_desc);
-	pango_font_description_free (font_desc);
-static void
-add_attr (PangoAttrList  *attr_list,
-	  PangoAttribute *attr)
-	attr->start_index = 0;
-	attr->end_index = G_MAXINT;
-	pango_attr_list_insert (attr_list, attr);
-/* */
-static void
-foo_canvas_text_apply_attributes (FooCanvasText *text)
-	PangoAttrList *attr_list;
-	double zoom;
-	if (text->attr_list)
-		attr_list = pango_attr_list_copy (text->attr_list);
-	else
-		attr_list = pango_attr_list_new ();
-	if (text->underline_set)
-		add_attr (attr_list, pango_attr_underline_new (text->underline));
-	if (text->strike_set)
-		add_attr (attr_list, pango_attr_strikethrough_new (text->strikethrough));
-	if (text->rise_set)
-		add_attr (attr_list, pango_attr_rise_new (text->rise));
-	/* guessing that the x factor is OK here. RNGC */
-	zoom = text->item.canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-	if (fabs (zoom - 1.) > 1e-4) {
-		PangoAttribute *attr = pango_attr_scale_new (zoom);
-		attr->start_index = 0;
-		attr->end_index = -1;
-		pango_attr_list_insert_before (attr_list, attr);
-	}
-	pango_layout_set_attributes (text->layout, attr_list);
-	pango_attr_list_unref (attr_list);
-static void
-foo_canvas_text_set_font_desc (FooCanvasText      *text,
-				 PangoFontDescription *font_desc)
-	if (text->font_desc)
-		pango_font_description_free (text->font_desc);
-	if (font_desc)
-		text->font_desc = pango_font_description_copy (font_desc);
-	else
-		text->font_desc = NULL;
-	foo_canvas_text_apply_font_desc (text);
-/* Setting the text from a Pango markup string */
-static void
-foo_canvas_text_set_markup (FooCanvasText *textitem,
-			      const gchar     *markup)
-	PangoAttrList *attr_list = NULL;
-	gchar         *text = NULL;
-	GError        *error = NULL;
-	if (textitem->text)
-		g_free (textitem->text);
-	if (textitem->attr_list)
-		pango_attr_list_unref (textitem->attr_list);
-	if (markup && !pango_parse_markup (markup, -1,
-					   0,
-					   &attr_list, &text, NULL,
-					   &error))
-	{
-		g_warning ("Failed to set cell text from markup due to error parsing markup: %s",
-			   error->message);
-		g_error_free (error);
-		return;
-	}
-	textitem->text = text;
-	textitem->attr_list = attr_list;
-	pango_layout_set_text (textitem->layout, text, -1);
-	foo_canvas_text_apply_attributes (textitem);
-/* Update handler for the text item */
-static void
-foo_canvas_text_update (FooCanvasItem *item, double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy, int flags)
-	FooCanvasText *text;
-	double x1, y1, x2, y2;
-	text = FOO_CANVAS_TEXT (item);
-	if (parent_class->update)
-		(* parent_class->update) (item, i2w_dx, i2w_dy, flags);
-	set_text_gc_foreground (text);
-	set_stipple (text, text->stipple, TRUE);
-	get_bounds (text, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
-	foo_canvas_update_bbox (item,
-				  floor (x1), floor (y1),
-				  ceil (x2), ceil (y2));
-/* Realize handler for the text item */
-static void
-foo_canvas_text_realize (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	FooCanvasText *text;
-	text = FOO_CANVAS_TEXT (item);
-	if (parent_class->realize)
-		(* parent_class->realize) (item);
-	text->gc = gdk_gc_new (item->canvas->layout.bin_window);
-/* Unrealize handler for the text item */
-static void
-foo_canvas_text_unrealize (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	FooCanvasText *text;
-	text = FOO_CANVAS_TEXT (item);
-	g_object_unref (text->gc);
-	text->gc = NULL;
-	if (parent_class->unrealize)
-		(* parent_class->unrealize) (item);
-/* Draw handler for the text item */
-static void
-foo_canvas_text_draw (FooCanvasItem *item, GdkDrawable *drawable,
-			GdkEventExpose   *expose)
-	FooCanvasText *text;
-	GdkRectangle rect;
-	text = FOO_CANVAS_TEXT (item);
-	if (!text->text)
-		return;
-	if (text->clip) {
-		rect.x = text->clip_cx;
-		rect.y = text->clip_cy;
-		rect.width = text->clip_cwidth;
-		rect.height = text->clip_cheight;
-		gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (text->gc, &rect);
-	}
-	if (text->stipple)
-		foo_canvas_set_stipple_origin (item->canvas, text->gc);
-	gdk_draw_layout (drawable, text->gc, text->cx, text->cy, text->layout);
-	if (text->clip)
-		gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle (text->gc, NULL);
-/* Point handler for the text item */
-static double
-foo_canvas_text_point (FooCanvasItem *item, double x, double y,
-			 int cx, int cy, FooCanvasItem **actual_item)
-	FooCanvasText *text;
-	PangoLayoutIter *iter;
-	int x1, y1, x2, y2;
-	int dx, dy;
-	double dist, best;
-	text = FOO_CANVAS_TEXT (item);
-	*actual_item = item;
-	/* The idea is to build bounding rectangles for each of the lines of
-	 * text (clipped by the clipping rectangle, if it is activated) and see
-	 * whether the point is inside any of these.  If it is, we are done.
-	 * Otherwise, calculate the distance to the nearest rectangle.
-	 */
-	best = 1.0e36;
-	iter = pango_layout_get_iter (text->layout);
-	do {
- 	        PangoRectangle log_rect;
-		pango_layout_iter_get_line_extents (iter, NULL, &log_rect);
-		if (text->clip) {
-			x1 = PANGO_PIXELS (log_rect.x);
-			y1 = PANGO_PIXELS (log_rect.y);
-			x2 = PANGO_PIXELS (log_rect.x+log_rect.width);
-			y2 = PANGO_PIXELS (log_rect.y+log_rect.height);
-			if (x1 < text->clip_cx)
-				x1 = text->clip_cx;
-			if (y1 < text->clip_cy)
-				y1 = text->clip_cy;
-			if (x2 > (text->clip_cx + text->clip_width))
-				x2 = text->clip_cx + text->clip_width;
-			if (y2 > (text->clip_cy + text->clip_height))
-				y2 = text->clip_cy + text->clip_height;
-			if ((x1 >= x2) || (y1 >= y2))
-				continue;
-		} else {
-			x1 = text->x;
-			y1 = text->y;
-			x2 = log_rect.width;
-			y2 = log_rect.height;
-		}
-		/* Calculate distance from point to rectangle */
-		if (cx < x1)
-			dx = x1 - cx;
-		else if (cx >= x2)
-			dx = cx - x2 + 1;
-		else
-			dx = 0;
-		if (cy < y1)
-			dy = y1 - cy;
-		else if (cy >= y2)
-			dy = cy - y2 + 1;
-		else
-			dy = 0;
-		if ((dx == 0) && (dy == 0)) {
-			pango_layout_iter_free(iter);
-			return 0.0;
-		}
-		dist = sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy);
-		if (dist < best)
-			best = dist;
-	} while (pango_layout_iter_next_line(iter));
-	pango_layout_iter_free(iter);
-	/* guessing that the x factor is OK here. RNGC */
-	return best / item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-static void
-foo_canvas_text_translate (FooCanvasItem *item, double dx, double dy)
-	FooCanvasText *text;
-	text = FOO_CANVAS_TEXT (item);
-	text->x += dx;
-	text->y += dy;
-/* Bounds handler for the text item */
-static void
-foo_canvas_text_bounds (FooCanvasItem *item, double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2)
-	FooCanvasText *text;
-	double width, height;
-	text = FOO_CANVAS_TEXT (item);
-	*x1 = text->x;
-	*y1 = text->y;
-	if (text->clip) {
-		width = text->clip_width;
-		height = text->clip_height;
-	} else {
-		width = text->max_width / item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-		height = text->height / item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_y;
-	}
-	switch (text->anchor) {
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_W:
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_N:
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_S:
-		*x1 -= width / 2.0;
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_E:
-		*x1 -= width;
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	switch (text->anchor) {
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_N:
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_W:
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_E:
-		*y1 -= height / 2.0;
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_S:
-		*y1 -= height;
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	*x2 = *x1 + width;
-	*y2 = *y1 + height;
diff --git a/foocanvas/foo-canvas-widget.c b/foocanvas/foo-canvas-widget.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 55b4a62ea..000000000
--- a/foocanvas/foo-canvas-widget.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,593 +0,0 @@
-/*  Last edited: May 11 11:42 2004 (rnc) */
- * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This file is part of the Gnome Library.
- *
- * The Gnome Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * The Gnome Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with the Gnome Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not,
- * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- */
-/* Widget item type for FooCanvas widget
- *
- * FooCanvas is basically a port of the Tk toolkit's most excellent canvas widget.  Tk is
- * copyrighted by the Regents of the University of California, Sun Microsystems, and other parties.
- *
- *
- * Author: Federico Mena <>
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <gtk/gtksignal.h>
-#include "foo-canvas-widget.h"
-enum {
-	PROP_0,
-static void foo_canvas_widget_class_init (FooCanvasWidgetClass *class);
-static void foo_canvas_widget_init       (FooCanvasWidget      *witem);
-static void foo_canvas_widget_destroy    (GtkObject              *object);
-static void foo_canvas_widget_get_property (GObject            *object,
-					      guint               param_id,
-					      GValue             *value,
-					      GParamSpec         *pspec);
-static void foo_canvas_widget_set_property (GObject            *object,
-					      guint               param_id,
-					      const GValue       *value,
-					      GParamSpec         *pspec);
-static void   foo_canvas_widget_update      (FooCanvasItem *item, double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy, int flags);
-static double foo_canvas_widget_point       (FooCanvasItem *item, double x, double y,
-					       int cx, int cy, FooCanvasItem **actual_item);
-static void   foo_canvas_widget_translate   (FooCanvasItem *item, double dx, double dy);
-static void   foo_canvas_widget_bounds      (FooCanvasItem *item, double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2);
-static void foo_canvas_widget_draw (FooCanvasItem *item,
-				      GdkDrawable *drawable,
-				      GdkEventExpose   *event);
-static FooCanvasItemClass *parent_class;
-foo_canvas_widget_get_type (void)
-	static GtkType witem_type = 0;
-	if (!witem_type) {
-		/* FIXME: Convert to gobject style.  */
-		static const GtkTypeInfo witem_info = {
-			(char *)"FooCanvasWidget",
-			sizeof (FooCanvasWidget),
-			sizeof (FooCanvasWidgetClass),
-			(GtkClassInitFunc) foo_canvas_widget_class_init,
-			(GtkObjectInitFunc) foo_canvas_widget_init,
-			NULL, /* reserved_1 */
-			NULL, /* reserved_2 */
-			(GtkClassInitFunc) NULL
-		};
-		witem_type = gtk_type_unique (foo_canvas_item_get_type (), &witem_info);
-	}
-	return witem_type;
-static void
-foo_canvas_widget_class_init (FooCanvasWidgetClass *class)
-	GObjectClass *gobject_class;
-	GtkObjectClass *object_class;
-	FooCanvasItemClass *item_class;
-	gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) class;
-	object_class = (GtkObjectClass *) class;
-	item_class = (FooCanvasItemClass *) class;
-	parent_class = gtk_type_class (foo_canvas_item_get_type ());
-	gobject_class->set_property = foo_canvas_widget_set_property;
-	gobject_class->get_property = foo_canvas_widget_get_property;
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_WIDGET,
-                 g_param_spec_object ("widget", NULL, NULL,
-                                      GTK_TYPE_WIDGET,
-                                      (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_X,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("x", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_Y,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("y", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_WIDTH,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("width", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_HEIGHT,
-                 g_param_spec_double ("height", NULL, NULL,
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0,
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_ANCHOR,
-                 g_param_spec_enum ("anchor", NULL, NULL,
-                                    GTK_TYPE_ANCHOR_TYPE,
-                                    GTK_ANCHOR_NW,
-                                    (G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)));
-        g_object_class_install_property
-                (gobject_class,
-                 PROP_SIZE_PIXELS,
-                 g_param_spec_boolean ("size_pixels", NULL, NULL,
-				       FALSE,
-	object_class->destroy = foo_canvas_widget_destroy;
-	item_class->update = foo_canvas_widget_update;
-	item_class->point = foo_canvas_widget_point;
-	item_class->translate = foo_canvas_widget_translate;
-	item_class->bounds = foo_canvas_widget_bounds;
-	item_class->draw = foo_canvas_widget_draw;
-static void
-foo_canvas_widget_init (FooCanvasWidget *witem)
-	witem->x = 0.0;
-	witem->y = 0.0;
-	witem->width = 0.0;
-	witem->height = 0.0;
-	witem->anchor = GTK_ANCHOR_NW;
-	witem->size_pixels = FALSE;
-static void
-foo_canvas_widget_destroy (GtkObject *object)
-	FooCanvasWidget *witem;
-	g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_WIDGET (object));
-	witem = FOO_CANVAS_WIDGET (object);
-	if (witem->widget && !witem->in_destroy) {
-		gtk_signal_disconnect (GTK_OBJECT (witem->widget), witem->destroy_id);
-		gtk_widget_destroy (witem->widget);
-		witem->widget = NULL;
-	}
-	if (GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->destroy)
-		(* GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->destroy) (object);
-static void
-recalc_bounds (FooCanvasWidget *witem)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	double wx, wy;
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (witem);
-	/* Get world coordinates */
-	wx = witem->x;
-	wy = witem->y;
-	foo_canvas_item_i2w (item, &wx, &wy);
-	/* Get canvas pixel coordinates */
-	foo_canvas_w2c (item->canvas, wx, wy, &witem->cx, &witem->cy);
-	/* Anchor widget item */
-	switch (witem->anchor) {
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_W:
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_N:
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_S:
-		witem->cx -= witem->cwidth / 2;
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_E:
-		witem->cx -= witem->cwidth;
-		break;
-        default:
-                break;
-	}
-	switch (witem->anchor) {
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_N:
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_W:
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_E:
-		witem->cy -= witem->cheight / 2;
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_S:
-		witem->cy -= witem->cheight;
-		break;
-        default:
-                break;
-	}
-	/* Bounds */
-	item->x1 = witem->cx;
-	item->y1 = witem->cy;
-	item->x2 = witem->cx + witem->cwidth;
-	item->y2 = witem->cy + witem->cheight;
-	if (witem->widget)
-		gtk_layout_move (GTK_LAYOUT (item->canvas), witem->widget,
-				 witem->cx,
-				 witem->cy);
-static void
-do_destroy (GtkObject *object, gpointer data)
-	FooCanvasWidget *witem;
-	witem = data;
-	witem->in_destroy = TRUE;
-	gtk_object_destroy (data);
-static void
-foo_canvas_widget_set_property (GObject            *object,
-				  guint               param_id,
-				  const GValue       *value,
-				  GParamSpec         *pspec)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	FooCanvasWidget *witem;
-	GObject *obj;
-	int update;
-	int calc_bounds;
-	g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_WIDGET (object));
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (object);
-	witem = FOO_CANVAS_WIDGET (object);
-	update = FALSE;
-	calc_bounds = FALSE;
-	switch (param_id) {
-		if (witem->widget) {
-			gtk_signal_disconnect (GTK_OBJECT (witem->widget), witem->destroy_id);
-			gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (item->canvas), witem->widget);
-		}
-		obj = g_value_get_object (value);
-		if (obj) {
-			witem->widget = GTK_WIDGET (obj);
-			witem->destroy_id = gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (obj),
-								"destroy",
-								(GtkSignalFunc) do_destroy,
-								witem);
-			gtk_layout_put (GTK_LAYOUT (item->canvas), witem->widget,
-					witem->cx + item->canvas->zoom_xofs,
-					witem->cy + item->canvas->zoom_yofs);
-		}
-		update = TRUE;
-		break;
-	case PROP_X:
-	        if (witem->x != g_value_get_double (value))
-		{
-		        witem->x = g_value_get_double (value);
-			calc_bounds = TRUE;
-		}
-		break;
-	case PROP_Y:
-	        if (witem->y != g_value_get_double (value))
-		{
-		        witem->y = g_value_get_double (value);
-			calc_bounds = TRUE;
-		}
-		break;
-	case PROP_WIDTH:
-	        if (witem->width != fabs (g_value_get_double (value)))
-		{
-		        witem->width = fabs (g_value_get_double (value));
-			update = TRUE;
-		}
-		break;
-	        if (witem->height != fabs (g_value_get_double (value)))
-		{
-		        witem->height = fabs (g_value_get_double (value));
-			update = TRUE;
-		}
-		break;
-	        if (witem->anchor != (GtkAnchorType)g_value_get_enum (value))
-		{
-		        witem->anchor = g_value_get_enum (value);
-			update = TRUE;
-		}
-		break;
-	        if (witem->size_pixels != g_value_get_boolean (value))
-		{
-		        witem->size_pixels = g_value_get_boolean (value);
-			update = TRUE;
-		}
-		break;
-	default:
-		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, param_id, pspec);
-		break;
-	}
-	if (update)
-		(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->update) (item, 0, 0, 0);
-	if (calc_bounds)
-		recalc_bounds (witem);
-static void
-foo_canvas_widget_get_property (GObject            *object,
-				  guint               param_id,
-				  GValue             *value,
-				  GParamSpec         *pspec)
-	FooCanvasWidget *witem;
-	g_return_if_fail (object != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_WIDGET (object));
-	witem = FOO_CANVAS_WIDGET (object);
-	switch (param_id) {
-		g_value_set_object (value, (GObject *) witem->widget);
-		break;
-	case PROP_X:
-		g_value_set_double (value, witem->x);
-		break;
-	case PROP_Y:
-		g_value_set_double (value, witem->y);
-		break;
-	case PROP_WIDTH:
-		g_value_set_double (value, witem->width);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_double (value, witem->height);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_enum (value, witem->anchor);
-		break;
-		g_value_set_boolean (value, witem->size_pixels);
-		break;
-	default:
-		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, param_id, pspec);
-		break;
-	}
-static void
-foo_canvas_widget_update (FooCanvasItem *item, double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy, int flags)
-	FooCanvasWidget *witem;
-	witem = FOO_CANVAS_WIDGET (item);
-	if (parent_class->update)
-		(* parent_class->update) (item, i2w_dx, i2w_dy, flags);
-	if (witem->widget) {
-		if (witem->size_pixels) {
-			witem->cwidth = (int) (witem->width + 0.5);
-			witem->cheight = (int) (witem->height + 0.5);
-		} else {
-			witem->cwidth = (int) (witem->width * item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_x + 0.5);
-			witem->cheight = (int) (witem->height * item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_y + 0.5);
-		}
-		gtk_widget_set_usize (witem->widget, witem->cwidth, witem->cheight);
-	} else {
-		witem->cwidth = 0.0;
-		witem->cheight = 0.0;
-	}
-	recalc_bounds (witem);
-static void
-foo_canvas_widget_draw (FooCanvasItem *item,
-			  GdkDrawable *drawable,
-			  GdkEventExpose *event)
-#if 0
-	FooCanvasWidget *witem;
-	witem = FOO_CANVAS_WIDGET (item);
-	if (witem->widget)
-		gtk_widget_queue_draw (witem->widget);
-static double
-foo_canvas_widget_point (FooCanvasItem *item, double x, double y,
-			   int cx, int cy, FooCanvasItem **actual_item)
-	FooCanvasWidget *witem;
-	double x1, y1, x2, y2;
-	double dx, dy;
-	witem = FOO_CANVAS_WIDGET (item);
-	*actual_item = item;
-	foo_canvas_c2w (item->canvas, witem->cx, witem->cy, &x1, &y1);
-	x2 = x1 + (witem->cwidth - 1) / item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-	y2 = y1 + (witem->cheight - 1) / item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_y;
-	/* Is point inside widget bounds? */
-	if ((x >= x1) && (y >= y1) && (x <= x2) && (y <= y2))
-		return 0.0;
-	/* Point is outside widget bounds */
-	if (x < x1)
-		dx = x1 - x;
-	else if (x > x2)
-		dx = x - x2;
-	else
-		dx = 0.0;
-	if (y < y1)
-		dy = y1 - y;
-	else if (y > y2)
-		dy = y - y2;
-	else
-		dy = 0.0;
-	return sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy);
-static void
-foo_canvas_widget_translate (FooCanvasItem *item, double dx, double dy)
-	FooCanvasWidget *witem;
-	witem = FOO_CANVAS_WIDGET (item);
-	witem->x += dx;
-	witem->y += dy;
-static void
-foo_canvas_widget_bounds (FooCanvasItem *item, double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2)
-	FooCanvasWidget *witem;
-	witem = FOO_CANVAS_WIDGET (item);
-	*x1 = witem->x;
-	*y1 = witem->y;
-	switch (witem->anchor) {
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_W:
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_N:
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_S:
-		*x1 -= witem->width / 2.0;
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_E:
-		*x1 -= witem->width;
-		break;
-        default:
-                break;
-	}
-	switch (witem->anchor) {
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_N:
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_W:
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_E:
-		*y1 -= witem->height / 2.0;
-		break;
-	case GTK_ANCHOR_S:
-		*y1 -= witem->height;
-		break;
-        default:
-                break;
-	}
-	*x2 = *x1 + witem->width;
-	*y2 = *y1 + witem->height;
diff --git a/foocanvas/foo-canvas.c b/foocanvas/foo-canvas.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 9377ae405..000000000
--- a/foocanvas/foo-canvas.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4027 +0,0 @@
-/*  Last edited: Jun 15 08:19 2005 (edgrif) */
-/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: 8; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
- * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This file is part of the Gnome Library.
- *
- * The Gnome Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * The Gnome Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with the Gnome Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not,
- * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- */
- * FooCanvas widget - Tk-like canvas widget for Gnome
- *
- * FooCanvas is basically a port of the Tk toolkit's most excellent canvas widget.  Tk is
- * copyrighted by the Regents of the University of California, Sun Microsystems, and other parties.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Federico Mena <>
- *          Raph Levien <>
- */
- * TO-DO list for the canvas:
- *
- * - Allow to specify whether FooCanvasImage sizes are in units or pixels (scale or don't scale).
- *
- * - Implement a flag for foo_canvas_item_reparent() that tells the function to keep the item
- *   visually in the same place, that is, to keep it in the same place with respect to the canvas
- *   origin.
- *
- * - GC put functions for items.
- *
- * - Widget item (finish it).
- *
- * - GList *foo_canvas_gimme_all_items_contained_in_this_area (FooCanvas *canvas, Rectangle area);
- *
- * - Retrofit all the primitive items with microtile support.
- *
- * - Curve support for line item.
- *
- * - Arc item (Havoc has it; to be integrated in FooCanvasEllipse).
- *
- * - Sane font handling API.
- *
- * - Get_arg methods for items:
- *   - How to fetch the outline width and know whether it is in pixels or units?
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <gdk/gdkprivate.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkmain.h>
-#include <gtk/gtksignal.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkaccessible.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkwindow.h>
-#include "foo-canvas.h"
-#include "foo-canvas-i18n.h"
-#include "foo-canvas-marshal.h"
-static void foo_canvas_request_update (FooCanvas      *canvas);
-static void group_add                   (FooCanvasGroup *group,
-					 FooCanvasItem  *item);
-static void group_remove                (FooCanvasGroup *group,
-					 FooCanvasItem  *item);
-static void redraw_and_repick_if_mapped (FooCanvasItem *item);
-/*** FooCanvasItem ***/
-/* Some convenience stuff */
-#define GCI_EPSILON 1e-18
-enum {
-enum {
-static void foo_canvas_item_class_init     (FooCanvasItemClass *class);
-static void foo_canvas_item_init           (FooCanvasItem      *item);
-static int  emit_event                       (FooCanvas *canvas, GdkEvent *event);
-static guint item_signals[ITEM_LAST_SIGNAL];
-static GtkObjectClass *item_parent_class;
-static gpointer accessible_item_parent_class;
-static gpointer accessible_parent_class;
- * foo_canvas_item_get_type:
- *
- * Registers the &FooCanvasItem class if necessary, and returns the type ID
- * associated to it.
- *
- * Return value:  The type ID of the &FooCanvasItem class.
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_get_type (void)
-	static GType canvas_item_type = 0;
-	if (!canvas_item_type) {
-		static const GTypeInfo canvas_item_info = {
-			sizeof (FooCanvasItemClass),
-			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
-			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
-			(GClassInitFunc) foo_canvas_item_class_init,
-			NULL,           /* class_finalize */
-			NULL,           /* class_data */
-			sizeof (FooCanvasItem),
-			0,              /* n_preallocs */
-			(GInstanceInitFunc) foo_canvas_item_init
-		};
-		canvas_item_type = g_type_register_static (gtk_object_get_type (),
-							   "FooCanvasItem",
-							   &canvas_item_info,
-							   0);
-	}
-	return canvas_item_type;
-/* Object initialization function for FooCanvasItem */
-static void
-foo_canvas_item_init (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	item->object.flags |= FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_VISIBLE;
- * foo_canvas_item_new:
- * @parent: The parent group for the new item.
- * @type: The object type of the item.
- * @first_arg_name: A list of object argument name/value pairs, NULL-terminated,
- * used to configure the item.  For example, "fill_color", "black",
- * "width_units", 5.0, NULL.
- * @Varargs:
- *
- * Creates a new canvas item with @parent as its parent group.  The item is
- * created at the top of its parent's stack, and starts up as visible.  The item
- * is of the specified @type, for example, it can be
- * foo_canvas_rect_get_type().  The list of object arguments/value pairs is
- * used to configure the item.
- *
- * Return value: The newly-created item.
- **/
-FooCanvasItem *
-foo_canvas_item_new (FooCanvasGroup *parent, GType type, const gchar *first_arg_name, ...)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	va_list args;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_GROUP (parent), NULL);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (g_type_is_a (type, foo_canvas_item_get_type ()), NULL);
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (g_object_new (type, NULL));
-	va_start (args, first_arg_name);
-	foo_canvas_item_construct (item, parent, first_arg_name, args);
-	va_end (args);
-	return item;
-/* Performs post-creation operations on a canvas item (adding it to its parent
- * group, etc.)
- */
-static void
-item_post_create_setup (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	GtkObject *obj;
-	obj = GTK_OBJECT (item);
-	group_add (FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item->parent), item);
-	redraw_and_repick_if_mapped (item);
-/* Set_property handler for canvas items */
-static void
-foo_canvas_item_set_property (GObject *gobject, guint param_id,
-			      const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (gobject));
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (gobject);
-	switch (param_id) {
-		if (item->parent != NULL) {
-		    g_warning ("Cannot set `parent' argument after item has "
-			       "already been constructed.");
-		} else if (g_value_get_object (value)) {
-			item->parent = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (g_value_get_object (value));
-			item->canvas = item->parent->canvas;
-			item_post_create_setup (item);
-		}
-		break;
-		if (g_value_get_boolean (value)) {
-			foo_canvas_item_show (item);
-		} else {
-			foo_canvas_item_hide (item);
-		}
-		break;
-	default:
-		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, param_id, pspec);
-		break;
-	}
-/* Get_property handler for canvas items */
-static void
-foo_canvas_item_get_property (GObject *gobject, guint param_id,
-			      GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (gobject));
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (gobject);
-	switch (param_id) {
-		g_value_set_boolean (value, item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_VISIBLE);
-		break;
-	default:
-		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, param_id, pspec);
-		break;
-	}
- * foo_canvas_item_construct:
- * @item: An unconstructed canvas item.
- * @parent: The parent group for the item.
- * @first_arg_name: The name of the first argument for configuring the item.
- * @args: The list of arguments used to configure the item.
- *
- * Constructs a canvas item; meant for use only by item implementations.
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_construct (FooCanvasItem *item, FooCanvasGroup *parent,
-			   const gchar *first_arg_name, va_list args)
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_GROUP (parent));
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item));
-	item->parent = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (parent);
-	item->canvas = item->parent->canvas;
-	g_object_set_valist (G_OBJECT (item), first_arg_name, args);
-	item_post_create_setup (item);
-static void
-redraw_and_repick_if_mapped (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	if (item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED) {
-	        foo_canvas_item_request_redraw (item);
-		item->canvas->need_repick = TRUE;
-	}
-/* Standard object dispose function for canvas items */
-static void
-foo_canvas_item_dispose (GObject *object)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (object));
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (object);
-	foo_canvas_item_request_redraw (item);
-	/* Make the canvas forget about us */
-	if (item == item->canvas->current_item) {
-		item->canvas->current_item = NULL;
-		item->canvas->need_repick = TRUE;
-	}
-	if (item == item->canvas->new_current_item) {
-		item->canvas->new_current_item = NULL;
-		item->canvas->need_repick = TRUE;
-	}
-	if (item == item->canvas->grabbed_item) {
-		GdkDisplay *display = gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas));
-		item->canvas->grabbed_item = NULL;
-		gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (display, GDK_CURRENT_TIME);
-	}
-	if (item == item->canvas->focused_item)
-		item->canvas->focused_item = NULL;
-	/* Normal destroy stuff */
-	if (item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED)
-		(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->unmap) (item);
-	if (item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_REALIZED)
-		(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->unrealize) (item);
-	if (item->parent)
-		group_remove (FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item->parent), item);
-	G_OBJECT_CLASS (item_parent_class)->dispose (object);
-/* Realize handler for canvas items */
-static void
-foo_canvas_item_realize (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	if (item->parent && !(item->parent->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_REALIZED))
-		(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item->parent)->realize) (item->parent);
-	if (item->parent == NULL && !GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas)))
-		gtk_widget_realize (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas));
-	foo_canvas_item_request_update (item);
-/* Unrealize handler for canvas items */
-static void
-foo_canvas_item_unrealize (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	if (item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED)
-		(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->unmap) (item);
-/* Map handler for canvas items */
-static void
-foo_canvas_item_map (FooCanvasItem *item)
-/* Unmap handler for canvas items */
-static void
-foo_canvas_item_unmap (FooCanvasItem *item)
-/* Update handler for canvas items */
-static void
-foo_canvas_item_update (FooCanvasItem *item, double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy, int flags)
- * This routine invokes the update method of the item
- * Please notice, that we take parent to canvas pixel matrix as argument
- * unlike virtual method ::update, whose argument is item 2 canvas pixel
- * matrix
- *
- * I will try to force somewhat meaningful naming for affines (Lauris)
- * General naming rule is FROM2TO, where FROM and TO are abbreviations
- * So p2cpx is Parent2CanvasPixel and i2cpx is Item2CanvasPixel
- * I hope that this helps to keep track of what really happens
- *
- */
-static void
-foo_canvas_item_invoke_update (FooCanvasItem *item,
-			       double i2w_dx,
-			       double i2w_dy,
-			       int flags)
-	int child_flags;
-	child_flags = flags;
-	/* apply object flags to child flags */
-	if (item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_NEED_UPDATE)
-	if (item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_NEED_DEEP_UPDATE)
-		child_flags |= FOO_CANVAS_UPDATE_DEEP;
-	if (child_flags & GCI_UPDATE_MASK) {
-		if (FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->update)
-			FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->update (item, i2w_dx, i2w_dy, child_flags);
-	}
-	/* If this fail you probably forgot to chain up to
-	 * FooCanvasItem::update from a derived class */
- 	g_return_if_fail (!(item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_NEED_UPDATE));
- * This routine invokes the point method of the item.
- * The arguments x, y should be in the parent item local coordinates.
- */
-static double
-foo_canvas_item_invoke_point (FooCanvasItem *item, double x, double y, int cx, int cy, FooCanvasItem **actual_item)
-	/* Calculate x & y in item local coordinates */
-	if (FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->point)
-		return FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->point (item, x, y, cx, cy, actual_item);
-	return 1e18;
- * foo_canvas_item_set:
- * @item: A canvas item.
- * @first_arg_name: The list of object argument name/value pairs used to configure the item.
- * @Varargs:
- *
- * Configures a canvas item.  The arguments in the item are set to the specified
- * values, and the item is repainted as appropriate.
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_set (FooCanvasItem *item, const gchar *first_arg_name, ...)
-	va_list args;
-	va_start (args, first_arg_name);
-	foo_canvas_item_set_valist (item, first_arg_name, args);
-	va_end (args);
- * foo_canvas_item_set_valist:
- * @item: A canvas item.
- * @first_arg_name: The name of the first argument used to configure the item.
- * @args: The list of object argument name/value pairs used to configure the item.
- *
- * Configures a canvas item.  The arguments in the item are set to the specified
- * values, and the item is repainted as appropriate.
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_set_valist (FooCanvasItem *item, const gchar *first_arg_name, va_list args)
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item));
-	g_object_set_valist (G_OBJECT (item), first_arg_name, args);
-#if 0
-	/* I commented this out, because item implementations have to schedule update/redraw */
-	foo_canvas_item_request_redraw (item);
-	item->canvas->need_repick = TRUE;
- * foo_canvas_item_move:
- * @item: A canvas item.
- * @dx: Horizontal offset.
- * @dy: Vertical offset.
- *
- * Moves a canvas item by creating an affine transformation matrix for
- * translation by using the specified values. This happens in item
- * local coordinate system, so if you have nontrivial transform, it
- * most probably does not do, what you want.
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_move (FooCanvasItem *item, double dx, double dy)
-        g_return_if_fail (item != NULL);
-        g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item));
-        if (!FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->translate) {
-                g_warning ("Item type %s does not implement translate method.\n",
-                           g_type_name (GTK_OBJECT_TYPE (item)));
-                return;
-        }
-        (* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->translate) (item, dx, dy);
-	if (item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED) 
-		item->canvas->need_repick = TRUE;
-	if (!(item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_NEED_DEEP_UPDATE)) {
-		item->object.flags |= FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_NEED_DEEP_UPDATE;
-		if (item->parent != NULL)
-			foo_canvas_item_request_update (item->parent);
-		else
-			foo_canvas_request_update (item->canvas);
-	}
-/* Convenience function to reorder items in a group's child list.  This puts the
- * specified link after the "before" link. Returns TRUE if the list was changed.
- */
-static gboolean
-put_item_after (GList *link, GList *before)
-	FooCanvasGroup *parent;
-	if (link == before)
-		return FALSE;
-	parent = FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (link->data)->parent);
-	if (before == NULL) {
-		if (link == parent->item_list)
-			return FALSE;
-		link->prev->next = link->next;
-		if (link->next)
-			link->next->prev = link->prev;
-		else
-			parent->item_list_end = link->prev;
-		link->prev = before;
-		link->next = parent->item_list;
-		link->next->prev = link;
-		parent->item_list = link;
-	} else {
-		if ((link == parent->item_list_end) && (before == parent->item_list_end->prev))
-			return FALSE;
-		if (link->next)
-			link->next->prev = link->prev;
-		if (link->prev)
-			link->prev->next = link->next;
-		else {
-			parent->item_list = link->next;
-			parent->item_list->prev = NULL;
-		}
-		link->prev = before;
-		link->next = before->next;
-		link->prev->next = link;
-		if (link->next)
-			link->next->prev = link;
-		else
-			parent->item_list_end = link;
-	}
-	return TRUE;
- * foo_canvas_item_raise:
- * @item: A canvas item.
- * @positions: Number of steps to raise the item.
- *
- * Raises the item in its parent's stack by the specified number of positions.
- * If the number of positions is greater than the distance to the top of the
- * stack, then the item is put at the top.
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_raise (FooCanvasItem *item, int positions)
-	GList *link, *before;
-	FooCanvasGroup *parent;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item));
-	g_return_if_fail (positions >= 0);
-	if (!item->parent || positions == 0)
-		return;
-	parent = FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item->parent);
-	link = g_list_find (parent->item_list, item);
-	g_assert (link != NULL);
-	for (before = link; positions && before; positions--)
-		before = before->next;
-	if (!before)
-		before = parent->item_list_end;
-	if (put_item_after (link, before)) {
-		redraw_and_repick_if_mapped (item);
-	}
- * foo_canvas_item_lower:
- * @item: A canvas item.
- * @positions: Number of steps to lower the item.
- *
- * Lowers the item in its parent's stack by the specified number of positions.
- * If the number of positions is greater than the distance to the bottom of the
- * stack, then the item is put at the bottom.
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_lower (FooCanvasItem *item, int positions)
-	GList *link, *before;
-	FooCanvasGroup *parent;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item));
-	g_return_if_fail (positions >= 1);
-	if (!item->parent || positions == 0)
-		return;
-	parent = FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item->parent);
-	link = g_list_find (parent->item_list, item);
-	g_assert (link != NULL);
-	if (link->prev)
-		for (before = link->prev; positions && before; positions--)
-			before = before->prev;
-	else
-		before = NULL;
-	if (put_item_after (link, before)) {
-		redraw_and_repick_if_mapped (item);
-	}
- * foo_canvas_item_raise_to_top:
- * @item: A canvas item.
- *
- * Raises an item to the top of its parent's stack.
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_raise_to_top (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	GList *link;
-	FooCanvasGroup *parent;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item));
-	if (!item->parent)
-		return;
-	parent = FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item->parent);
-	link = g_list_find (parent->item_list, item);
-	g_assert (link != NULL);
-	if (put_item_after (link, parent->item_list_end)) {
-		redraw_and_repick_if_mapped (item);
-	}
- * foo_canvas_item_lower_to_bottom:
- * @item: A canvas item.
- *
- * Lowers an item to the bottom of its parent's stack.
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_lower_to_bottom (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	GList *link;
-	FooCanvasGroup *parent;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item));
-	if (!item->parent)
-		return;
-	parent = FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item->parent);
-	link = g_list_find (parent->item_list, item);
-	g_assert (link != NULL);
-	if (put_item_after (link, NULL)) {
-		redraw_and_repick_if_mapped (item);
-	}
- * foo_canvas_item_send_behind:
- * @item: A canvas item.
- * @behind_item: The canvas item to put item behind, or NULL
- *
- * Moves item to a in the position in the stacking order so that
- * it is placed immediately below behind_item, or at the top if
- * behind_item is NULL.
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_send_behind (FooCanvasItem *item,
-			     FooCanvasItem *behind_item)
-	GList *item_list;
-	int item_position, behind_position;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item));
-	if (behind_item == NULL) {
-		foo_canvas_item_raise_to_top (item);
-		return;
-	}
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (behind_item));
-	g_return_if_fail (item->parent == behind_item->parent);
-	item_list = FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item->parent)->item_list;
-	item_position = g_list_index (item_list, item);
-	g_assert (item_position != -1);
-	behind_position = g_list_index (item_list, behind_item);
-	g_assert (behind_position != -1);
-	g_assert (item_position != behind_position);
-	if (item_position == behind_position - 1) {
-		return;
-	}
-	if (item_position < behind_position) {
-		foo_canvas_item_raise (item, (behind_position - 1) - item_position);
-	} else {
-		foo_canvas_item_lower (item, item_position - behind_position);
-	}
- * foo_canvas_item_show:
- * @item: A canvas item.
- *
- * Shows a canvas item.  If the item was already shown, then no action is taken.
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_show (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item));
-	if (!(item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_VISIBLE)) {
-		item->object.flags |= FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_VISIBLE;
-		if (!(item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_REALIZED))
-			(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->realize) (item);
-		if (item->parent != NULL) {
-			if (!(item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED) &&
-			    item->parent->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED)
-				(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->map) (item);
-		} else {
-			if (!(item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED) &&
-			    GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas)))
-				(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->map) (item);
-		}
-		redraw_and_repick_if_mapped (item);
-	}
- * foo_canvas_item_hide:
- * @item: A canvas item.
- *
- * Hides a canvas item.  If the item was already hidden, then no action is
- * taken.
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_hide (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item));
-	if (item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_VISIBLE) {
-		item->object.flags &= ~FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_VISIBLE;
-		redraw_and_repick_if_mapped (item);
-		if (item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED)
-			(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->unmap) (item);
-		/* No need to unrealize when we just want to hide */
-	}
- * foo_canvas_item_grab:
- * @item: A canvas item.
- * @event_mask: Mask of events that will be sent to this item.
- * @cursor: If non-NULL, the cursor that will be used while the grab is active.
- * @etime: The timestamp required for grabbing the mouse, or GDK_CURRENT_TIME.
- *
- * Specifies that all events that match the specified event mask should be sent
- * to the specified item, and also grabs the mouse by calling
- * gdk_pointer_grab().  The event mask is also used when grabbing the pointer.
- * If @cursor is not NULL, then that cursor is used while the grab is active.
- * The @etime parameter is the timestamp required for grabbing the mouse.
- *
- * Return value: If an item was already grabbed, it returns %GDK_GRAB_ALREADY_GRABBED.  If
- * the specified item was hidden by calling foo_canvas_item_hide(), then it
- * returns %GDK_GRAB_NOT_VIEWABLE.  Else, it returns the result of calling
- * gdk_pointer_grab().
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_grab (FooCanvasItem *item, guint event_mask, GdkCursor *cursor, guint32 etime)
-	int retval;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item), GDK_GRAB_NOT_VIEWABLE);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (item->canvas), GDK_GRAB_NOT_VIEWABLE);
-	if (item->canvas->grabbed_item)
-	if (!(item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED))
-	retval = gdk_pointer_grab (item->canvas->layout.bin_window,
-				   FALSE,
-				   event_mask,
-				   NULL,
-				   cursor,
-				   etime);
-	if (retval != GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS)
-		return retval;
-	item->canvas->grabbed_item = item;
-	item->canvas->grabbed_event_mask = event_mask;
-	item->canvas->current_item = item; /* So that events go to the grabbed item */
-	return retval;
- * foo_canvas_item_ungrab:
- * @item: A canvas item that holds a grab.
- * @etime: The timestamp for ungrabbing the mouse.
- *
- * Ungrabs the item, which must have been grabbed in the canvas, and ungrabs the
- * mouse.
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_ungrab (FooCanvasItem *item, guint32 etime)
-	GdkDisplay *display;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item));
-	if (item->canvas->grabbed_item != item)
-		return;
-	display = gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas));
-	item->canvas->grabbed_item = NULL;
-	gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (display, etime);
- * foo_canvas_item_w2i:
- * @item: A canvas item.
- * @x: X coordinate to convert (input/output value).
- * @y: Y coordinate to convert (input/output value).
- *
- * Converts a coordinate pair from world coordinates to item-relative
- * coordinates.
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_w2i (FooCanvasItem *item, double *x, double *y)
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item));
-	g_return_if_fail (x != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (y != NULL);
-	item = item->parent;
-	while (item) {
-		if (FOO_IS_CANVAS_GROUP (item)) {
-			*x -= FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item)->xpos;
-			*y -= FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item)->ypos;
-		}
-		item = item->parent;
-	}
- * foo_canvas_item_i2w:
- * @item: A canvas item.
- * @x: X coordinate to convert (input/output value).
- * @y: Y coordinate to convert (input/output value).
- *
- * Converts a coordinate pair from item-relative coordinates to world
- * coordinates.
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_i2w (FooCanvasItem *item, double *x, double *y)
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item));
-	g_return_if_fail (x != NULL);
-	g_return_if_fail (y != NULL);
-	item = item->parent;
-	while (item) {
-		if (FOO_IS_CANVAS_GROUP (item)) {
-			*x += FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item)->xpos;
-			*y += FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item)->ypos;
-		}
-		item = item->parent;
-	}
-/* Returns whether the item is an inferior of or is equal to the parent. */
-static int
-is_descendant (FooCanvasItem *item, FooCanvasItem *parent)
-	for (; item; item = item->parent)
-		if (item == parent)
-			return TRUE;
-	return FALSE;
- * foo_canvas_item_reparent:
- * @item: A canvas item.
- * @new_group: A canvas group.
- *
- * Changes the parent of the specified item to be the new group.  The item keeps
- * its group-relative coordinates as for its old parent, so the item may change
- * its absolute position within the canvas.
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_reparent (FooCanvasItem *item, FooCanvasGroup *new_group)
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item));
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_GROUP (new_group));
-	/* Both items need to be in the same canvas */
-	g_return_if_fail (item->canvas == FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (new_group)->canvas);
-	/* The group cannot be an inferior of the item or be the item itself --
-	 * this also takes care of the case where the item is the root item of
-	 * the canvas.  */
-	g_return_if_fail (!is_descendant (FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (new_group), item));
-	/* Everything is ok, now actually reparent the item */
-	g_object_ref (GTK_OBJECT (item)); /* protect it from the unref in group_remove */
-	foo_canvas_item_request_redraw (item);
-	group_remove (FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item->parent), item);
-	item->parent = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (new_group);
-	group_add (new_group, item);
-	/* Redraw and repick */
-	redraw_and_repick_if_mapped (item);
-	g_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT (item));
- * foo_canvas_item_grab_focus:
- * @item: A canvas item.
- *
- * Makes the specified item take the keyboard focus, so all keyboard events will
- * be sent to it.  If the canvas widget itself did not have the focus, it grabs
- * it as well.
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_grab_focus (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	FooCanvasItem *focused_item;
-	GdkEvent ev;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item));
-	g_return_if_fail (GTK_WIDGET_CAN_FOCUS (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas)));
-	focused_item = item->canvas->focused_item;
-	if (focused_item) {
-		ev.focus_change.type = GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE;
-		ev.focus_change.window = GTK_LAYOUT (item->canvas)->bin_window;
-		ev.focus_change.send_event = FALSE;
- = FALSE;
-		emit_event (item->canvas, &ev);
-	}
-	item->canvas->focused_item = item;
-	gtk_widget_grab_focus (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas));
-	if (focused_item) {                                                     
-		ev.focus_change.type = GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE;                        
-		ev.focus_change.window = GTK_LAYOUT (item->canvas)->bin_window;
-		ev.focus_change.send_event = FALSE;                             
- = TRUE;                                      
-		emit_event (item->canvas, &ev);                          
-	}                               
- * foo_canvas_item_get_bounds:
- * @item: A canvas item.
- * @x1: Leftmost edge of the bounding box (return value).
- * @y1: Upper edge of the bounding box (return value).
- * @x2: Rightmost edge of the bounding box (return value).
- * @y2: Lower edge of the bounding box (return value).
- *
- * Queries the bounding box of a canvas item.  The bounds are returned in the
- * coordinate system of the item's parent.
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_get_bounds (FooCanvasItem *item, double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2)
-	double tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item));
-	tx1 = ty1 = tx2 = ty2 = 0.0;
-	/* Get the item's bounds in its coordinate system */
-	if (FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->bounds)
-		(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->bounds) (item, &tx1, &ty1, &tx2, &ty2);
-	/* Return the values */
-	if (x1)
-		*x1 = tx1;
-	if (y1)
-		*y1 = ty1;
-	if (x2)
-		*x2 = tx2;
-	if (y2)
-		*y2 = ty2;
- * foo_canvas_item_request_update
- * @item: A canvas item.
- *
- * To be used only by item implementations.  Requests that the canvas queue an
- * update for the specified item.
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_request_update (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	g_return_if_fail (!item->canvas->doing_update);
-	if (item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_NEED_UPDATE)
-		return;
-	item->object.flags |= FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_NEED_UPDATE;
-	if (item->parent != NULL) {
-		/* Recurse up the tree */
-		foo_canvas_item_request_update (item->parent);
-	} else {
-		/* Have reached the top of the tree, make sure the update call gets scheduled. */
-		foo_canvas_request_update (item->canvas);
-	}
- * foo_canvas_item_request_update
- * @item: A canvas item.
- *
- * Convenience function that informs a canvas that the specified item needs
- * to be repainted. To be used by item implementations
- **/
-foo_canvas_item_request_redraw (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	if (item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED)
-		foo_canvas_request_redraw (item->canvas,
-					   item->x1, item->y1,
-					   item->x2 + 1, item->y2 + 1);
-/*** FooCanvasGroup ***/
-enum {
-static void foo_canvas_group_class_init  (FooCanvasGroupClass *class);
-static void foo_canvas_group_init        (FooCanvasGroup      *group);
-static void foo_canvas_group_set_property(GObject               *object, 
-					    guint                  param_id,
-					    const GValue          *value,
-					    GParamSpec            *pspec);
-static void foo_canvas_group_get_property(GObject               *object,
-					    guint                  param_id,
-					    GValue                *value,
-					    GParamSpec            *pspec);
-static void foo_canvas_group_destroy     (GtkObject             *object);
-static void   foo_canvas_group_update      (FooCanvasItem *item,
-					      double           i2w_dx,
-					      double           i2w_dy,
-					      int              flags);
-static void   foo_canvas_group_unrealize   (FooCanvasItem *item);
-static void   foo_canvas_group_map         (FooCanvasItem *item);
-static void   foo_canvas_group_unmap       (FooCanvasItem *item);
-static void   foo_canvas_group_draw        (FooCanvasItem *item, GdkDrawable *drawable,
-					      GdkEventExpose *expose);
-static double foo_canvas_group_point       (FooCanvasItem *item, double x, double y,
-					      int cx, int cy,
-					      FooCanvasItem **actual_item);
-static void   foo_canvas_group_translate   (FooCanvasItem *item, double dx, double dy);
-static void   foo_canvas_group_bounds      (FooCanvasItem *item, double *x1, double *y1,
-					      double *x2, double *y2);
-static FooCanvasItemClass *group_parent_class;
- * foo_canvas_group_get_type:
- *
- * Registers the &FooCanvasGroup class if necessary, and returns the type ID
- * associated to it.
- *
- * Return value:  The type ID of the &FooCanvasGroup class.
- **/
-foo_canvas_group_get_type (void)
-	static GType group_type = 0;
-	if (!group_type) {
-		static const GTypeInfo group_info = {
-			sizeof (FooCanvasGroupClass),
-			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
-			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
-			(GClassInitFunc) foo_canvas_group_class_init,
-			NULL,           /* class_finalize */
-			NULL,           /* class_data */
-			sizeof (FooCanvasGroup),
-			0,              /* n_preallocs */
-			(GInstanceInitFunc) foo_canvas_group_init
-		};
-		group_type = g_type_register_static (foo_canvas_item_get_type (),
-						     "FooCanvasGroup",
-						     &group_info,
-						     0);
-	}
-	return group_type;
-/* Class initialization function for FooCanvasGroupClass */
-static void
-foo_canvas_group_class_init (FooCanvasGroupClass *class)
-	GObjectClass *gobject_class;
-	GtkObjectClass *object_class;
-	FooCanvasItemClass *item_class;
-	gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) class;
-	object_class = (GtkObjectClass *) class;
-	item_class = (FooCanvasItemClass *) class;
-	group_parent_class = gtk_type_class (foo_canvas_item_get_type ());
-	gobject_class->set_property = foo_canvas_group_set_property;
-	gobject_class->get_property = foo_canvas_group_get_property;
-	g_object_class_install_property
-		(gobject_class, GROUP_PROP_X,
-		 g_param_spec_double ("x",
-				      _("X"),
-				      _("X"),
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0,
-	g_object_class_install_property
-		(gobject_class, GROUP_PROP_Y,
-		 g_param_spec_double ("y",
-				      _("Y"),
-				      _("Y"),
-				      -G_MAXDOUBLE, G_MAXDOUBLE, 0.0,
-	object_class->destroy = foo_canvas_group_destroy;
-	item_class->update = foo_canvas_group_update;
-	item_class->unrealize = foo_canvas_group_unrealize;
-	item_class->map = foo_canvas_group_map;
-	item_class->unmap = foo_canvas_group_unmap;
-	item_class->draw = foo_canvas_group_draw;
-	item_class->point = foo_canvas_group_point;
-	item_class->translate = foo_canvas_group_translate;
-	item_class->bounds = foo_canvas_group_bounds;
-/* Object initialization function for FooCanvasGroup */
-static void
-foo_canvas_group_init (FooCanvasGroup *group)
-	group->xpos = 0.0;
-	group->ypos = 0.0;
-/* Set_property handler for canvas groups */
-static void
-foo_canvas_group_set_property (GObject *gobject, guint param_id,
-			       const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	FooCanvasGroup *group;
-	double old;
-	gboolean moved;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_GROUP (gobject));
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (gobject);
-	group = FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (gobject);
-	moved = FALSE;
-	switch (param_id) {
-	case GROUP_PROP_X:
-		old = group->xpos;
-		group->xpos = g_value_get_double (value);
-		if (old != group->xpos)
-			moved = TRUE;
-		break;
-	case GROUP_PROP_Y:
-		old = group->ypos;
-		group->ypos = g_value_get_double (value);
-		if (old != group->ypos)
-			moved = TRUE;
-		break;
-	default:
-		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, param_id, pspec);
-		break;
-	}
-	if (moved) {
-		item->object.flags |= FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_NEED_DEEP_UPDATE;
-		if (item->parent != NULL)
-			foo_canvas_item_request_update (item->parent);
-		else
-			foo_canvas_request_update (item->canvas);
-	}
-/* Get_property handler for canvas groups */
-static void
-foo_canvas_group_get_property (GObject *gobject, guint param_id,
-				 GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	FooCanvasGroup *group;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_GROUP (gobject));
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (gobject);
-	group = FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (gobject);
-	switch (param_id) {
-	case GROUP_PROP_X:
-		g_value_set_double (value, group->xpos);
-		break;
-	case GROUP_PROP_Y:
-		g_value_set_double (value, group->ypos);
-		break;
-	default:
-		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (gobject, param_id, pspec);
-		break;
-	}
-/* Destroy handler for canvas groups */
-static void
-foo_canvas_group_destroy (GtkObject *object)
-	FooCanvasGroup *group;
-	FooCanvasItem *child;
-	GList *list;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_GROUP (object));
-	group = FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (object);
-	list = group->item_list;
-	while (list) {
-		child = list->data;
-		list = list->next;
-		gtk_object_destroy (GTK_OBJECT (child));
-	}
-	if (GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (group_parent_class)->destroy)
-		(* GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (group_parent_class)->destroy) (object);
-/* Update handler for canvas groups */
-static void
-foo_canvas_group_update (FooCanvasItem *item, double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy, int flags)
-	FooCanvasGroup *group;
-	GList *list;
-	FooCanvasItem *i;
-	double bbox_x0, bbox_y0, bbox_x1, bbox_y1;
-	gboolean first = TRUE;
-	group = FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item);
-	(* group_parent_class->update) (item, i2w_dx, i2w_dy, flags);
-	bbox_x0 = 0;
-	bbox_y0 = 0;
-	bbox_x1 = 0;
-	bbox_y1 = 0;
-	for (list = group->item_list; list; list = list->next) {
-		i = list->data;
-		foo_canvas_item_invoke_update (i, i2w_dx + group->xpos, i2w_dy + group->ypos, flags);
-		if (first) {
-			first = FALSE;
-			bbox_x0 = i->x1;
-			bbox_y0 = i->y1;
-			bbox_x1 = i->x2;
-			bbox_y1 = i->y2;
-		} else {
-			bbox_x0 = MIN (bbox_x0, i->x1);
-			bbox_y0 = MIN (bbox_y0, i->y1);
-			bbox_x1 = MAX (bbox_x1, i->x2);
-			bbox_y1 = MAX (bbox_y1, i->y2);
-		}
-	}
-	item->x1 = bbox_x0;
-	item->y1 = bbox_y0;
-	item->x2 = bbox_x1;
-	item->y2 = bbox_y1;
-/* Unrealize handler for canvas groups */
-static void
-foo_canvas_group_unrealize (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	FooCanvasGroup *group;
-	GList *list;
-	FooCanvasItem *i;
-	group = FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item);
-	/* Unmap group before children to avoid flash */
-	if (item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED)
-		(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->unmap) (item);
-	for (list = group->item_list; list; list = list->next) {
-		i = list->data;
-		if (i->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_REALIZED)
-			(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (i)->unrealize) (i);
-	}
-	(* group_parent_class->unrealize) (item);
-/* Map handler for canvas groups */
-static void
-foo_canvas_group_map (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	FooCanvasGroup *group;
-	GList *list;
-	FooCanvasItem *i;
-	group = FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item);
-	for (list = group->item_list; list; list = list->next) {
-		i = list->data;
-		if (i->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_VISIBLE &&
-		    !(i->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED)) {
-			if (!(i->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_REALIZED))
-				(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (i)->realize) (i);
-			(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (i)->map) (i);
-		}
-	}
-	(* group_parent_class->map) (item);
-/* Unmap handler for canvas groups */
-static void
-foo_canvas_group_unmap (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	FooCanvasGroup *group;
-	GList *list;
-	FooCanvasItem *i;
-	group = FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item);
-	for (list = group->item_list; list; list = list->next) {
-		i = list->data;
-		if (i->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED)
-			(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (i)->unmap) (i);
-	}
-	(* group_parent_class->unmap) (item);
-/* Draw handler for canvas groups */
-static void
-foo_canvas_group_draw (FooCanvasItem *item, GdkDrawable *drawable,
-			 GdkEventExpose *expose)
-	FooCanvasGroup *group;
-	GList *list;
-	FooCanvasItem *child = NULL;
-	group = FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item);
-	for (list = group->item_list; list; list = list->next) {
-		child = list->data;
-		if ((child->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED) &&
-		    (FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (child)->draw)) {
-			GdkRectangle child_rect;
-			child_rect.x = child->x1;
-			child_rect.y = child->y1;
-			child_rect.width = child->x2 - child->x1 + 1;
-			child_rect.height = child->y2 - child->y1 + 1;
-			if (gdk_region_rect_in (expose->region, &child_rect) != GDK_OVERLAP_RECTANGLE_OUT)
-				(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (child)->draw) (child, drawable, expose);
-		}
-	}
-/* Point handler for canvas groups */
-static double
-foo_canvas_group_point (FooCanvasItem *item, double x, double y, int cx, int cy,
-			FooCanvasItem **actual_item)
-	FooCanvasGroup *group;
-	GList *list;
-	FooCanvasItem *child, *point_item;
-	int x1, y1, x2, y2;
-	double gx, gy;
-	double dist, best;
-	int has_point;
-	group = FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item);
-	x1 = cx - item->canvas->close_enough;
-	y1 = cy - item->canvas->close_enough;
-	x2 = cx + item->canvas->close_enough;
-	y2 = cy + item->canvas->close_enough;
-	best = 0.0;
-	*actual_item = NULL;
-	gx = x - group->xpos;
-	gy = y - group->ypos;
-	dist = 0.0; /* keep gcc happy */
-	for (list = group->item_list; list; list = list->next) {
-		child = list->data;
-		if ((child->x1 > x2) || (child->y1 > y2) || (child->x2 < x1) || (child->y2 < y1))
-			continue;
-		point_item = NULL; /* cater for incomplete item implementations */
-		if ((child->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED)
-		    && FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (child)->point) {
-			dist = foo_canvas_item_invoke_point (child, gx, gy, cx, cy, &point_item);
-			has_point = TRUE;
-		} else
-			has_point = FALSE;
-		/* guessing that the x factor is OK here. RNGC */
-		if (has_point
-		    && point_item
-		    && ((int) (dist * item->canvas->pixels_per_unit_x + 0.5)
-			<= item->canvas->close_enough)) {
-			best = dist;
-			*actual_item = point_item;
-		}
-	}
-	return best;
-foo_canvas_group_translate (FooCanvasItem *item, double dx, double dy)
-        FooCanvasGroup *group;
-        group = FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item);
-        group->xpos += dx;
-        group->ypos += dy;
-/* Bounds handler for canvas groups */
-static void
-foo_canvas_group_bounds (FooCanvasItem *item, double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2)
-	FooCanvasGroup *group;
-	FooCanvasItem *child;
-	GList *list;
-	double tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2;
-	double minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
-	int set;
-	group = FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item);
-	/* Get the bounds of the first visible item */
-	child = NULL; /* Unnecessary but eliminates a warning. */
-	set = FALSE;
-	for (list = group->item_list; list; list = list->next) {
-		child = list->data;
-		if (child->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED) {
-			set = TRUE;
-			foo_canvas_item_get_bounds (child, &minx, &miny, &maxx, &maxy);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	/* If there were no visible items, return an empty bounding box */
-	if (!set) {
-		*x1 = *y1 = *x2 = *y2 = 0.0;
-		return;
-	}
-	/* Now we can grow the bounds using the rest of the items */
-	list = list->next;
-	for (; list; list = list->next) {
-		child = list->data;
-		if (!(child->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED))
-			continue;
-		foo_canvas_item_get_bounds (child, &tx1, &ty1, &tx2, &ty2);
-		if (tx1 < minx)
-			minx = tx1;
-		if (ty1 < miny)
-			miny = ty1;
-		if (tx2 > maxx)
-			maxx = tx2;
-		if (ty2 > maxy)
-			maxy = ty2;
-	}
-	/* Make the bounds be relative to our parent's coordinate system */
-	if (item->parent) {
-		minx += group->xpos;
-		miny += group->ypos;
-		maxx += group->xpos;
-		maxy += group->ypos;
-	}
-	*x1 = minx;
-	*y1 = miny;
-	*x2 = maxx;
-	*y2 = maxy;
-/* Adds an item to a group */
-static void
-group_add (FooCanvasGroup *group, FooCanvasItem *item)
-	g_object_ref (GTK_OBJECT (item));
-	gtk_object_sink (GTK_OBJECT (item));
-	if (!group->item_list) {
-		group->item_list = g_list_append (group->item_list, item);
-		group->item_list_end = group->item_list;
-	} else
-		group->item_list_end = g_list_append (group->item_list_end, item)->next;
-	if (item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_VISIBLE &&
-	    group->item.object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED) {
-		if (!(item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_REALIZED))
-			(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->realize) (item);
-		if (!(item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED))
-			(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->map) (item);
-	}
-/* Removes an item from a group */
-static void
-group_remove (FooCanvasGroup *group, FooCanvasItem *item)
-	GList *children;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_GROUP (group));
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM (item));
-	for (children = group->item_list; children; children = children->next)
-		if (children->data == item) {
-			if (item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED)
-				(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->unmap) (item);
-			if (item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_REALIZED)
-				(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->unrealize) (item);
-			/* Unparent the child */
-			item->parent = NULL;
-			g_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT (item));
-			/* Remove it from the list */
-			if (children == group->item_list_end)
-				group->item_list_end = children->prev;
-			group->item_list = g_list_remove_link (group->item_list, children);
-			g_list_free (children);
-			break;
-		}
-/*** FooCanvas ***/
-enum {
-static void foo_canvas_class_init          (FooCanvasClass *class);
-static void foo_canvas_init                (FooCanvas      *canvas);
-static void foo_canvas_destroy             (GtkObject        *object);
-static void foo_canvas_map                 (GtkWidget        *widget);
-static void foo_canvas_unmap               (GtkWidget        *widget);
-static void foo_canvas_realize             (GtkWidget        *widget);
-static void foo_canvas_unrealize           (GtkWidget        *widget);
-static void foo_canvas_size_allocate       (GtkWidget        *widget,
-					      GtkAllocation    *allocation);
-static gint foo_canvas_button              (GtkWidget        *widget,
-					      GdkEventButton   *event);
-static gint foo_canvas_motion              (GtkWidget        *widget,
-					      GdkEventMotion   *event);
-static gint foo_canvas_expose              (GtkWidget        *widget,
-					      GdkEventExpose   *event);
-static gint foo_canvas_key                 (GtkWidget        *widget,
-					      GdkEventKey      *event);
-static gint foo_canvas_crossing            (GtkWidget        *widget,
-					      GdkEventCrossing *event);
-static gint foo_canvas_focus_in            (GtkWidget        *widget,
-					      GdkEventFocus    *event);
-static gint foo_canvas_focus_out           (GtkWidget        *widget,
-					      GdkEventFocus    *event);
-static void foo_canvas_request_update_real (FooCanvas      *canvas);
-static void foo_canvas_draw_background     (FooCanvas      *canvas,
-					      int               x,
-					      int               y,
-					      int               width,
-					      int               height);
-static GtkLayoutClass *canvas_parent_class;
-static guint canvas_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
- * foo_canvas_get_type:
- *
- * Registers the &FooCanvas class if necessary, and returns the type ID
- * associated to it.
- *
- * Return value:  The type ID of the &FooCanvas class.
- **/
-foo_canvas_get_type (void)
-	static GType canvas_type = 0;
-	if (!canvas_type) {
-		static const GTypeInfo canvas_info = {
-			sizeof (FooCanvasClass),
-			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
-			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
-			(GClassInitFunc) foo_canvas_class_init,
-			NULL,           /* class_finalize */
-			NULL,           /* class_data */
-			sizeof (FooCanvas),
-			0,              /* n_preallocs */
-			(GInstanceInitFunc) foo_canvas_init
-		};
-		canvas_type = g_type_register_static (gtk_layout_get_type (),
-						      "FooCanvas",
-						      &canvas_info,
-						      0);
-	}
-	return canvas_type;
-static void
-foo_canvas_get_property (GObject    *object, 
-			   guint       prop_id,
-			   GValue     *value,
-			   GParamSpec *pspec)
-	switch (prop_id) {
-	default:
-		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-		break;
-	}
-static void
-foo_canvas_set_property (GObject      *object, 
-			   guint         prop_id,
-			   const GValue *value,
-			   GParamSpec   *pspec)
-	switch (prop_id) {
-	default:
-		G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
-		break;
-	}
-static void
-foo_canvas_accessible_adjustment_changed (GtkAdjustment *adjustment,
-					  gpointer       data)
-	AtkObject *atk_obj;
-	/* The scrollbars have changed */
-	atk_obj = ATK_OBJECT (data);
-	g_signal_emit_by_name (atk_obj, "visible_data_changed");
-static void
-foo_canvas_accessible_initialize (AtkObject *obj, 
-				  gpointer   data)
-	FooCanvas *canvas;
-	if (ATK_OBJECT_CLASS (accessible_parent_class)->initialize != NULL) 
-		ATK_OBJECT_CLASS (accessible_parent_class)->initialize (obj, data);
-	canvas = FOO_CANVAS (data);
-	g_signal_connect (canvas->layout.hadjustment,
-			  "value_changed",
-			  G_CALLBACK (foo_canvas_accessible_adjustment_changed),
-			  obj);
-	g_signal_connect (canvas->layout.vadjustment,
-			  "value_changed",
-			  G_CALLBACK (foo_canvas_accessible_adjustment_changed),
-			  obj);
-	obj->role = ATK_ROLE_LAYERED_PANE;
-static gint
-foo_canvas_accessible_get_n_children (AtkObject* obj)
- 	GtkAccessible *accessible;
-	GtkWidget *widget;
-	FooCanvas *canvas;
-	FooCanvasGroup *root_group;
-	accessible = GTK_ACCESSIBLE (obj);
-	widget = accessible->widget;
-	if (widget == NULL) {
-		/* State is defunct */
-		return 0;
-	}
-	g_return_val_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (widget), 0);
-	canvas = FOO_CANVAS (widget);
-	root_group = foo_canvas_root (canvas);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (root_group, 0);
-	return 1;
-static AtkObject*
-foo_canvas_accessible_ref_child (AtkObject *obj,
-                                 gint       i)
-	GtkAccessible *accessible;
-	GtkWidget *widget;
-	FooCanvas *canvas;
-	FooCanvasGroup *root_group;
-	AtkObject *atk_object;
-	/* Canvas only has one child, so return NULL if index is non zero */
-	if (i != 0) {
-        	return NULL;
-	}
-	accessible = GTK_ACCESSIBLE (obj);
-	widget = accessible->widget;
-	if (widget == NULL) {
-		/* State is defunct */
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	canvas = FOO_CANVAS (widget);
-	root_group = foo_canvas_root (canvas);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (root_group, NULL);
-	atk_object = atk_gobject_accessible_for_object (G_OBJECT (root_group));
-	g_object_ref (atk_object);
-	g_warning ("Accessible support for FooGroup needs to be implemented");
-	return atk_object;
-static void
-foo_canvas_accessible_class_init (AtkObjectClass *klass)
- 	accessible_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-	klass->initialize = foo_canvas_accessible_initialize;
-	klass->get_n_children = foo_canvas_accessible_get_n_children;
-	klass->ref_child = foo_canvas_accessible_ref_child;
-static GType
-foo_canvas_accessible_get_type (void)
-	static GType type = 0;
-	if (!type) {
-		AtkObjectFactory *factory;
-		GType parent_atk_type;
-		GTypeQuery query;
-		GTypeInfo tinfo = { 0 };
-		factory = atk_registry_get_factory (atk_get_default_registry(),
-						    GTK_TYPE_WIDGET);
-		if (!factory) {
-			return G_TYPE_INVALID;
-		}
-		parent_atk_type = atk_object_factory_get_accessible_type (factory);
-		if (!parent_atk_type) {
-			return G_TYPE_INVALID;
-		}
-		g_type_query (parent_atk_type, &query);
-		tinfo.class_init = (GClassInitFunc) foo_canvas_accessible_class_init;
-		tinfo.class_size = query.class_size;
-		tinfo.instance_size = query.instance_size;
-		type = g_type_register_static (parent_atk_type,
-					       "FooCanvasAccessibility",
-					       &tinfo, 0);
-	}
-	return type;
-static AtkObject *
-foo_canvas_accessible_create (GObject *for_object)
-	GType type;
-	AtkObject *accessible;
-	FooCanvas *canvas;
-	canvas = FOO_CANVAS (for_object);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (canvas != NULL, NULL);
-	type = foo_canvas_accessible_get_type ();
-	if (type == G_TYPE_INVALID) {
-		return atk_no_op_object_new (for_object);
-	}
-	accessible = g_object_new (type, NULL);
-	atk_object_initialize (accessible, for_object);
-	return accessible;
-static GType
-foo_canvas_accessible_factory_get_accessible_type (void)
-	return foo_canvas_accessible_get_type ();
-static AtkObject*
-foo_canvas_accessible_factory_create_accessible (GObject *obj)
-	AtkObject *accessible;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_OBJECT (obj), NULL);
-	accessible = foo_canvas_accessible_create (obj);
-	return accessible;
-static void
-foo_canvas_accessible_factory_class_init (AtkObjectFactoryClass *klass)
-	klass->create_accessible = foo_canvas_accessible_factory_create_accessible;
-	klass->get_accessible_type = foo_canvas_accessible_factory_get_accessible_type;
-static GType
-foo_canvas_accessible_factory_get_type (void)
-	static GType type = 0;
-	if (!type) {
-		static const GTypeInfo tinfo = {
-			sizeof (AtkObjectFactoryClass),
-			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
-			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
-			(GClassInitFunc) foo_canvas_accessible_factory_class_init,
-			NULL,		/* class_finalize */
-			NULL,		/* class_data */
-			sizeof (AtkObjectFactory),
-			0,		/* n_preallocs */
-			NULL
-		};
-		type = g_type_register_static (ATK_TYPE_OBJECT_FACTORY,
-					       "FooCanvasAccessibilityFactory",
-					       &tinfo, 0);
-	}
-	return type;
-/* Class initialization function for FooCanvasClass */
-static void
-foo_canvas_class_init (FooCanvasClass *klass)
-	GObjectClass   *gobject_class;
-	GtkObjectClass *object_class;
-	GtkWidgetClass *widget_class;
-	gobject_class = (GObjectClass *)klass;
-	object_class  = (GtkObjectClass *) klass;
-	widget_class  = (GtkWidgetClass *) klass;
-	canvas_parent_class = gtk_type_class (gtk_layout_get_type ());
-	gobject_class->set_property = foo_canvas_set_property;
-	gobject_class->get_property = foo_canvas_get_property;
-	object_class->destroy = foo_canvas_destroy;
-	widget_class->map = foo_canvas_map;
-	widget_class->unmap = foo_canvas_unmap;
-	widget_class->realize = foo_canvas_realize;
-	widget_class->unrealize = foo_canvas_unrealize;
-	widget_class->size_allocate = foo_canvas_size_allocate;
-	widget_class->button_press_event = foo_canvas_button;
-	widget_class->button_release_event = foo_canvas_button;
-	widget_class->motion_notify_event = foo_canvas_motion;
-	widget_class->expose_event = foo_canvas_expose;
-	widget_class->key_press_event = foo_canvas_key;
-	widget_class->key_release_event = foo_canvas_key;
-	widget_class->enter_notify_event = foo_canvas_crossing;
-	widget_class->leave_notify_event = foo_canvas_crossing;
-	widget_class->focus_in_event = foo_canvas_focus_in;
-	widget_class->focus_out_event = foo_canvas_focus_out;
-	klass->draw_background = foo_canvas_draw_background;
-	klass->request_update = foo_canvas_request_update_real;
-	canvas_signals[DRAW_BACKGROUND] =
-		g_signal_new ("draw_background",
-			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (object_class),
-			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (FooCanvasClass, draw_background),
-			      NULL, NULL,
-			      foo_canvas_marshal_VOID__INT_INT_INT_INT,
-			      G_TYPE_NONE, 4, 
-	atk_registry_set_factory_type (atk_get_default_registry (),
-				       FOO_TYPE_CANVAS,
-				       foo_canvas_accessible_factory_get_type ());
-/* Callback used when the root item of a canvas is destroyed.  The user should
- * never ever do this, so we panic if this happens.
- */
-static void
-panic_root_destroyed (GtkObject *object, gpointer data)
-	g_error ("Eeeek, root item %p of canvas %p was destroyed!", object, data);
-/* Object initialization function for FooCanvas */
-static void
-foo_canvas_init (FooCanvas *canvas)
-	gtk_widget_set_redraw_on_allocate (GTK_WIDGET (canvas), FALSE);
-	canvas->scroll_x1 = 0.0;
-	canvas->scroll_y1 = 0.0;
-	canvas->scroll_x2 = canvas->layout.width;
-	canvas->scroll_y2 = canvas->layout.height;
-	canvas->pixels_per_unit_x = 1.0;
-	canvas->pixels_per_unit_y = 1.0;
-	canvas->pick_event.type = GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY;
-	canvas->pick_event.crossing.x = 0;
-	canvas->pick_event.crossing.y = 0;
-	gtk_layout_set_hadjustment (GTK_LAYOUT (canvas), NULL);
-	gtk_layout_set_vadjustment (GTK_LAYOUT (canvas), NULL);
-	/* Create the root item as a special case */
-	canvas->root = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (g_object_new (foo_canvas_group_get_type (), NULL));
-	canvas->root->canvas = canvas;
-	g_object_ref (GTK_OBJECT (canvas->root));
-	gtk_object_sink (GTK_OBJECT (canvas->root));
-	canvas->root_destroy_id = g_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (canvas->root), "destroy",
-						    (GtkSignalFunc) panic_root_destroyed,
-						    canvas);
-	canvas->need_repick = TRUE;
-	canvas->doing_update = FALSE;
-/* Convenience function to remove the idle handler of a canvas */
-static void
-remove_idle (FooCanvas *canvas)
-	if (canvas->idle_id == 0)
-		return;
-	g_source_remove (canvas->idle_id);
-	canvas->idle_id = 0;
-/* Removes the transient state of the canvas (idle handler, grabs). */
-static void
-shutdown_transients (FooCanvas *canvas)
-	/* We turn off the need_redraw flag, since if the canvas is mapped again
-	 * it will request a redraw anyways.  We do not turn off the need_update
-	 * flag, though, because updates are not queued when the canvas remaps
-	 * itself.
-	 */
-	if (canvas->need_redraw) {
-		canvas->need_redraw = FALSE;
-	}
-	if (canvas->grabbed_item) {
-		GdkDisplay *display = gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (canvas));
-		canvas->grabbed_item = NULL;
-		gdk_display_pointer_ungrab (display, GDK_CURRENT_TIME);
-	}
-	remove_idle (canvas);
-/* Destroy handler for FooCanvas */
-static void
-foo_canvas_destroy (GtkObject *object)
-	FooCanvas *canvas;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (object));
-	/* remember, destroy can be run multiple times! */
-	canvas = FOO_CANVAS (object);
-	if (canvas->root_destroy_id) {
-		g_signal_handler_disconnect (GTK_OBJECT (canvas->root), canvas->root_destroy_id);
-		canvas->root_destroy_id = 0;
-	}
-	if (canvas->root) {
-		g_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT (canvas->root));
-		canvas->root = NULL;
-	}
-	shutdown_transients (canvas);
-	if (GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (canvas_parent_class)->destroy)
-		(* GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (canvas_parent_class)->destroy) (object);
- * foo_canvas_new:
- * @void:
- *
- * Creates a new empty canvas.  If you wish to use the
- * &FooCanvasImage item inside this canvas, then you must push the gdk_imlib
- * visual and colormap before calling this function, and they can be popped
- * afterwards.
- *
- * Return value: A newly-created canvas.
- **/
-GtkWidget *
-foo_canvas_new (void)
-	return GTK_WIDGET (g_object_new (foo_canvas_get_type (), NULL));
-/* Map handler for the canvas */
-static void
-foo_canvas_map (GtkWidget *widget)
-	FooCanvas *canvas;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (widget));
-	/* Normal widget mapping stuff */
-	if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (canvas_parent_class)->map)
-		(* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (canvas_parent_class)->map) (widget);
-	canvas = FOO_CANVAS (widget);
-	/* Map items */
-	if (canvas->root->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_VISIBLE &&
-	    !(canvas->root->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED) &&
-	    FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (canvas->root)->map)
-		(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (canvas->root)->map) (canvas->root);
-/* Unmap handler for the canvas */
-static void
-foo_canvas_unmap (GtkWidget *widget)
-	FooCanvas *canvas;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (widget));
-	canvas = FOO_CANVAS (widget);
-	shutdown_transients (canvas);
-	/* Unmap items */
-	if (FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (canvas->root)->unmap)
-		(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (canvas->root)->unmap) (canvas->root);
-	/* Normal widget unmapping stuff */
-	if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (canvas_parent_class)->unmap)
-		(* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (canvas_parent_class)->unmap) (widget);
-/* Realize handler for the canvas */
-static void
-foo_canvas_realize (GtkWidget *widget)
-	FooCanvas *canvas;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (widget));
-	/* Normal widget realization stuff */
-	if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (canvas_parent_class)->realize)
-		(* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (canvas_parent_class)->realize) (widget);
-	canvas = FOO_CANVAS (widget);
-	gdk_window_set_events (canvas->layout.bin_window,
-			       (gdk_window_get_events (canvas->layout.bin_window)
-	/* Create our own temporary pixmap gc and realize all the items */
-	canvas->pixmap_gc = gdk_gc_new (canvas->layout.bin_window);
-	(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (canvas->root)->realize) (canvas->root);
-/* Unrealize handler for the canvas */
-static void
-foo_canvas_unrealize (GtkWidget *widget)
-	FooCanvas *canvas;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (widget));
-	canvas = FOO_CANVAS (widget);
-	shutdown_transients (canvas);
-	/* Unrealize items and parent widget */
-	(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (canvas->root)->unrealize) (canvas->root);
-	g_object_unref (canvas->pixmap_gc);
-	canvas->pixmap_gc = NULL;
-	if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (canvas_parent_class)->unrealize)
-		(* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (canvas_parent_class)->unrealize) (widget);
-/* Handles scrolling of the canvas.  Adjusts the scrolling and zooming offset to
- * keep as much as possible of the canvas scrolling region in view.
- */
-static void
-scroll_to (FooCanvas *canvas, int cx, int cy)
-	int scroll_width, scroll_height;
-	int right_limit, bottom_limit;
-	int old_zoom_xofs, old_zoom_yofs;
-	int changed_x = FALSE, changed_y = FALSE;
-	int canvas_width, canvas_height;
-	canvas_width = GTK_WIDGET (canvas)->allocation.width;
-	canvas_height = GTK_WIDGET (canvas)->allocation.height;
-	scroll_width = floor ((canvas->scroll_x2 - canvas->scroll_x1) * canvas->pixels_per_unit_x + 0.5);
-	scroll_height = floor ((canvas->scroll_y2 - canvas->scroll_y1) * canvas->pixels_per_unit_y + 0.5);
-	right_limit = scroll_width - canvas_width;
-	bottom_limit = scroll_height - canvas_height;
-	old_zoom_xofs = canvas->zoom_xofs;
-	old_zoom_yofs = canvas->zoom_yofs;
-	if (right_limit < 0) {
-		cx = 0;
-		if (canvas->center_scroll_region) {
-			canvas->zoom_xofs = (canvas_width - scroll_width) / 2;
-			scroll_width = canvas_width;
-		} else {
-			canvas->zoom_xofs = 0;
-		}
-	} else if (cx < 0) {
-		cx = 0;
-		canvas->zoom_xofs = 0;
-	} else if (cx > right_limit) {
-		cx = right_limit;
-		canvas->zoom_xofs = 0;
-	} else
-		canvas->zoom_xofs = 0;
-	if (bottom_limit < 0) {
-		cy = 0;
-		if (canvas->center_scroll_region) {
-			canvas->zoom_yofs = (canvas_height - scroll_height) / 2;
-			scroll_height = canvas_height;
-		} else {
-			canvas->zoom_yofs = 0;
-		}
-	} else if (cy < 0) {
-		cy = 0;
-		canvas->zoom_yofs = 0;
-	} else if (cy > bottom_limit) {
-		cy = bottom_limit;
-		canvas->zoom_yofs = 0;
-	} else
-		canvas->zoom_yofs = 0;
-	if ((canvas->zoom_xofs != old_zoom_xofs) || (canvas->zoom_yofs != old_zoom_yofs)) {
-		/* This can only occur, if either canvas size or widget size changes */
-		/* So I think we can request full redraw here */
-		/* More stuff - we have to mark root as needing fresh affine (Lauris) */
-		if (!(canvas->root->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_NEED_DEEP_UPDATE)) {
-			canvas->root->object.flags |= FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_NEED_DEEP_UPDATE;
-			foo_canvas_request_update (canvas);
-		}
-		gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (canvas));
-	}
-	if (((int) canvas->layout.hadjustment->value) != cx) {
-		canvas->layout.hadjustment->value = cx;
-		changed_x = TRUE;
-	}
-	if (((int) canvas->layout.vadjustment->value) != cy) {
-		canvas->layout.vadjustment->value = cy;
-		changed_y = TRUE;
-	}
-	if ((scroll_width != (int) canvas->layout.width) || (scroll_height != (int) canvas->layout.height)) {
-		gtk_layout_set_size (GTK_LAYOUT (canvas), scroll_width, scroll_height);
-	}
-	/* Signal GtkLayout that it should do a redraw. */
-	if (changed_x)
-		g_signal_emit_by_name (GTK_OBJECT (canvas->layout.hadjustment), "value_changed");
-	if (changed_y)
-		g_signal_emit_by_name (GTK_OBJECT (canvas->layout.vadjustment), "value_changed");
-/* Size allocation handler for the canvas */
-static void
-foo_canvas_size_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation *allocation)
-	FooCanvas *canvas;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (widget));
-	g_return_if_fail (allocation != NULL);
-	if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (canvas_parent_class)->size_allocate)
-		(* GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (canvas_parent_class)->size_allocate) (widget, allocation);
-	canvas = FOO_CANVAS (widget);
-	/* Recenter the view, if appropriate */
-	canvas->layout.hadjustment->page_size = allocation->width;
-	canvas->layout.hadjustment->page_increment = allocation->width / 2;
-	canvas->layout.vadjustment->page_size = allocation->height;
-	canvas->layout.vadjustment->page_increment = allocation->height / 2;
-	scroll_to (canvas,
-		   canvas->layout.hadjustment->value,
-		   canvas->layout.vadjustment->value);
-	g_signal_emit_by_name (GTK_OBJECT (canvas->layout.hadjustment), "changed");
-	g_signal_emit_by_name (GTK_OBJECT (canvas->layout.vadjustment), "changed");
-/* Emits an event for an item in the canvas, be it the current item, grabbed
- * item, or focused item, as appropriate.
- */
-static int
-emit_event (FooCanvas *canvas, GdkEvent *event)
-	GdkEvent ev;
-	gint finished;
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	FooCanvasItem *parent;
-	guint mask;
-	/* Could be an old pick event */
-	if (!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (canvas)) {
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	/* Perform checks for grabbed items */
-	if (canvas->grabbed_item &&
-	    !is_descendant (canvas->current_item, canvas->grabbed_item)) {
-		return FALSE;
-        }
-	if (canvas->grabbed_item) {
-		switch (event->type) {
-			break;
-			break;
-			break;
-			break;
-			break;
-		case GDK_KEY_PRESS:
-			mask = GDK_KEY_PRESS_MASK;
-			break;
-			break;
-		default:
-			mask = 0;
-			break;
-		}
-		if (!(mask & canvas->grabbed_event_mask))
-			return FALSE;
-	}
-	/* Convert to world coordinates -- we have two cases because of diferent
-	 * offsets of the fields in the event structures.
-	 */
-	ev = *event;
-	switch (ev.type)
-        {
-		foo_canvas_window_to_world (canvas,
-					      ev.crossing.x, ev.crossing.y,
-					      &ev.crossing.x, &ev.crossing.y);
-		break;
-                foo_canvas_window_to_world (canvas,
-                                              ev.motion.x, ev.motion.y,
-                                              &ev.motion.x, &ev.motion.y);
-                break;
-                foo_canvas_window_to_world (canvas,
-                                              ev.motion.x, ev.motion.y,
-                                              &ev.motion.x, &ev.motion.y);
-                break;
-		foo_canvas_window_to_world (canvas,
-					      ev.motion.x, ev.motion.y,
-					      &ev.motion.x, &ev.motion.y);
-		break;
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	/* Choose where we send the event */
-	item = canvas->current_item;
-	if (canvas->focused_item
-	    && ((event->type == GDK_KEY_PRESS) ||
-		(event->type == GDK_KEY_RELEASE) ||
-		(event->type == GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE)))
-		item = canvas->focused_item;
-	/* The event is propagated up the hierarchy (for if someone connected to
-	 * a group instead of a leaf event), and emission is stopped if a
-	 * handler returns TRUE, just like for GtkWidget events.
-	 */
-	finished = FALSE;
-	while (item && !finished) {
-		g_object_ref (GTK_OBJECT (item));
-		g_signal_emit (
-		       GTK_OBJECT (item), item_signals[ITEM_EVENT], 0,
-			&ev, &finished);
-		parent = item->parent;
-		g_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT (item));
-		item = parent;
-	}
-	return finished;
-/* Re-picks the current item in the canvas, based on the event's coordinates.
- * Also emits enter/leave events for items as appropriate.
- */
-static int
-pick_current_item (FooCanvas *canvas, GdkEvent *event)
-	int button_down;
-	double x, y;
-	int cx, cy;
-	int retval;
-	retval = FALSE;
-	/* If a button is down, we'll perform enter and leave events on the
-	 * current item, but not enter on any other item.  This is more or less
-	 * like X pointer grabbing for canvas items.
-	 */
-	button_down = canvas->state & (GDK_BUTTON1_MASK
-				       | GDK_BUTTON2_MASK
-				       | GDK_BUTTON3_MASK
-				       | GDK_BUTTON4_MASK
-				       | GDK_BUTTON5_MASK);
-	if (!button_down)
-		canvas->left_grabbed_item = FALSE;
-	/* Save the event in the canvas.  This is used to synthesize enter and
-	 * leave events in case the current item changes.  It is also used to
-	 * re-pick the current item if the current one gets deleted.  Also,
-	 * synthesize an enter event.
-	 */
-	if (event != &canvas->pick_event) {
-		if ((event->type == GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY) || (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE)) {
-			/* these fields have the same offsets in both types of events */
-			canvas->pick_event.crossing.type       = GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY;
-			canvas->pick_event.crossing.window     = event->motion.window;
-			canvas->pick_event.crossing.send_event = event->motion.send_event;
-			canvas->pick_event.crossing.subwindow  = NULL;
-			canvas->pick_event.crossing.x          = event->motion.x;
-			canvas->pick_event.crossing.y          = event->motion.y;
-			canvas->pick_event.crossing.mode       = GDK_CROSSING_NORMAL;
-			canvas->pick_event.crossing.detail     = GDK_NOTIFY_NONLINEAR;
-			canvas->pick_event.crossing.focus      = FALSE;
-			canvas->pick_event.crossing.state      = event->motion.state;
-			/* these fields don't have the same offsets in both types of events */
-			if (event->type == GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY) {
-				canvas->pick_event.crossing.x_root = event->motion.x_root;
-				canvas->pick_event.crossing.y_root = event->motion.y_root;
-			} else {
-				canvas->pick_event.crossing.x_root = event->button.x_root;
-				canvas->pick_event.crossing.y_root = event->button.y_root;
-			}
-		} else
-			canvas->pick_event = *event;
-	}
-	/* Don't do anything else if this is a recursive call */
-	if (canvas->in_repick)
-		return retval;
-	/* LeaveNotify means that there is no current item, so we don't look for one */
-	if (canvas->pick_event.type != GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY) {
-		/* these fields don't have the same offsets in both types of events */
-		if (canvas->pick_event.type == GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY) {
-			x = canvas->pick_event.crossing.x;
-			y = canvas->pick_event.crossing.y;
-		} else {
-			x = canvas->pick_event.motion.x;
-			y = canvas->pick_event.motion.y;
-		}
-		/* canvas pixel coords */
-		cx = (int) (x + 0.5);
-		cy = (int) (y + 0.5);
-		/* world coords */
-		foo_canvas_c2w (canvas, cx, cy, &x, &y);
-		/* find the closest item */
-		if (canvas->root->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED)
-			foo_canvas_item_invoke_point (canvas->root, x, y, cx, cy,
-							&canvas->new_current_item);
-		else
-			canvas->new_current_item = NULL;
-	} else
-		canvas->new_current_item = NULL;
-	if ((canvas->new_current_item == canvas->current_item) && !canvas->left_grabbed_item)
-		return retval; /* current item did not change */
-	/* Synthesize events for old and new current items */
-	if ((canvas->new_current_item != canvas->current_item)
-	    && (canvas->current_item != NULL)
-	    && !canvas->left_grabbed_item) {
-		GdkEvent new_event;
-		FooCanvasItem *item;
-		item = canvas->current_item;
-		new_event = canvas->pick_event;
-		new_event.type = GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY;
-		new_event.crossing.detail = GDK_NOTIFY_ANCESTOR;
-		new_event.crossing.subwindow = NULL;
-		canvas->in_repick = TRUE;
-		retval = emit_event (canvas, &new_event);
-		canvas->in_repick = FALSE;
-	}
-	/* new_current_item may have been set to NULL during the call to emit_event() above */
-	if ((canvas->new_current_item != canvas->current_item) && button_down) {
-		canvas->left_grabbed_item = TRUE;
-		return retval;
-	}
-	/* Handle the rest of cases */
-	canvas->left_grabbed_item = FALSE;
-	canvas->current_item = canvas->new_current_item;
-	if (canvas->current_item != NULL) {
-		GdkEvent new_event;
-		new_event = canvas->pick_event;
-		new_event.type = GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY;
-		new_event.crossing.detail = GDK_NOTIFY_ANCESTOR;
-		new_event.crossing.subwindow = NULL;
-		retval = emit_event (canvas, &new_event);
-	}
-	return retval;
-/* Button event handler for the canvas */
-static gint
-foo_canvas_button (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event)
-	FooCanvas *canvas;
-	int mask;
-	int retval;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (widget), FALSE);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE);
-	retval = FALSE;
-	canvas = FOO_CANVAS (widget);
-	/*
-	 * dispatch normally regardless of the event's window if an item has
-	 * has a pointer grab in effect
-	 */
-	if (!canvas->grabbed_item && event->window != canvas->layout.bin_window)
-		return retval;
-	switch (event->button) {
-	case 1:
-		mask = GDK_BUTTON1_MASK;
-		break;
-	case 2:
-		mask = GDK_BUTTON2_MASK;
-		break;
-	case 3:
-		mask = GDK_BUTTON3_MASK;
-		break;
-	case 4:
-		mask = GDK_BUTTON4_MASK;
-		break;
-	case 5:
-		mask = GDK_BUTTON5_MASK;
-		break;
-	default:
-		mask = 0;
-	}
-	switch (event->type) {
-		/* Pick the current item as if the button were not pressed, and
-		 * then process the event.
-		 */
-		canvas->state = event->state;
-		pick_current_item (canvas, (GdkEvent *) event);
-		canvas->state ^= mask;
-		retval = emit_event (canvas, (GdkEvent *) event);
-		break;
-		/* Process the event as if the button were pressed, then repick
-		 * after the button has been released
-		 */
-		canvas->state = event->state;
-		retval = emit_event (canvas, (GdkEvent *) event);
-		event->state ^= mask;
-		canvas->state = event->state;
-		pick_current_item (canvas, (GdkEvent *) event);
-		event->state ^= mask;
-		break;
-	default:
-		g_assert_not_reached ();
-	}
-	return retval;
-/* Motion event handler for the canvas */
-static gint
-foo_canvas_motion (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventMotion *event)
-	FooCanvas *canvas;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (widget), FALSE);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE);
-	canvas = FOO_CANVAS (widget);
-	if (event->window != canvas->layout.bin_window)
-		return FALSE;
-	canvas->state = event->state;
-	pick_current_item (canvas, (GdkEvent *) event);
-	return emit_event (canvas, (GdkEvent *) event);
-/* Key event handler for the canvas */
-static gint
-foo_canvas_key (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event)
-	FooCanvas *canvas;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (widget), FALSE);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE);
-	canvas = FOO_CANVAS (widget);
- 	if (emit_event (canvas, (GdkEvent *) event))
- 		return TRUE;
- 	if (event->type == GDK_KEY_RELEASE)
- 		return GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (canvas_parent_class)->key_release_event (widget, event);
- 	else
- 		return GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (canvas_parent_class)->key_press_event (widget, event);
-/* Crossing event handler for the canvas */
-static gint
-foo_canvas_crossing (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventCrossing *event)
-	FooCanvas *canvas;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (widget), FALSE);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE);
-	canvas = FOO_CANVAS (widget);
-	if (event->window != canvas->layout.bin_window)
-		return FALSE;
-	canvas->state = event->state;
-	return pick_current_item (canvas, (GdkEvent *) event);
-/* Focus in handler for the canvas */
-static gint
-foo_canvas_focus_in (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventFocus *event)
-	FooCanvas *canvas;
-	canvas = FOO_CANVAS (widget);
-	if (canvas->focused_item)
-		return emit_event (canvas, (GdkEvent *) event);
-	else
-		return FALSE;
-/* Focus out handler for the canvas */
-static gint
-foo_canvas_focus_out (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventFocus *event)
-	FooCanvas *canvas;
-	canvas = FOO_CANVAS (widget);
-	if (canvas->focused_item)
-		return emit_event (canvas, (GdkEvent *) event);
-	else
-		return FALSE;
-/* Expose handler for the canvas */
-static gint
-foo_canvas_expose (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event)
-	FooCanvas *canvas;
-	canvas = FOO_CANVAS (widget);
-	if (!GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (widget) || (event->window != canvas->layout.bin_window)) return FALSE;
-#ifdef VERBOSE
-	g_print ("Expose\n");
-	/* If there are any outstanding items that need updating, do them now */
-	if (canvas->idle_id) {
-		g_source_remove (canvas->idle_id);
-		canvas->idle_id = 0;
-	}
-	if (canvas->need_update) {
-		g_return_val_if_fail (!canvas->doing_update, FALSE);
-		canvas->doing_update = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_item_invoke_update (canvas->root, 0, 0, 0);
-		g_return_val_if_fail (canvas->doing_update, FALSE);
-		canvas->doing_update = FALSE;
-		canvas->need_update = FALSE;
-	}
-	/* Hmmm. Would like to queue antiexposes if the update marked
-	   anything that is gonna get redrawn as invalid */
-	g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (canvas), canvas_signals[DRAW_BACKGROUND], 0, 
-		       event->area.x, event->area.y,
-		       event->area.width, event->area.height);
-	if (canvas->root->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED)
-		(* FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_GET_CLASS (canvas->root)->draw) (canvas->root,
-								      canvas->layout.bin_window,
-								      event);
-	/* Chain up to get exposes on child widgets */
-	GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (canvas_parent_class)->expose_event (widget, event);
-	return FALSE;
-static void
-foo_canvas_draw_background (FooCanvas *canvas,
-			    int x, int y, int width, int height)
-	/* By default, we use the style background. */
-	gdk_gc_set_foreground (canvas->pixmap_gc,
-			       &GTK_WIDGET (canvas)->style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]);
-	gdk_draw_rectangle (canvas->layout.bin_window,
-			    canvas->pixmap_gc,
-			    TRUE,
-			    x, y,
-			    width, height);
-static void
-do_update (FooCanvas *canvas)
-	/* Cause the update if necessary */
-	if (canvas->need_update) {
-		g_return_if_fail (!canvas->doing_update);
-		canvas->doing_update = TRUE;
-		foo_canvas_item_invoke_update (canvas->root, 0, 0, 0);
-		g_return_if_fail (canvas->doing_update);
-		canvas->doing_update = FALSE;
-		canvas->need_update = FALSE;
-	}
-	/* Pick new current item */
-	while (canvas->need_repick) {
-		canvas->need_repick = FALSE;
-		pick_current_item (canvas, &canvas->pick_event);
-	}
-	/* it is possible that during picking we emitted an event in which
-	   the user then called some function which then requested update
-	   of something.  Without this we'd be left in a state where
-	   need_update would have been left TRUE and the canvas would have
-	   been left unpainted. */
-	if (canvas->need_update) {
-		goto update_again;
-	}
-/* Idle handler for the canvas.  It deals with pending updates and redraws. */
-static gint
-idle_handler (gpointer data)
-	FooCanvas *canvas;
-	canvas = FOO_CANVAS (data);
-	do_update (canvas);
-	/* Reset idle id */
-	canvas->idle_id = 0;
-	return FALSE;
-/* Convenience function to add an idle handler to a canvas */
-static void
-add_idle (FooCanvas *canvas)
-	if (!canvas->idle_id) {
- 		/* We let the update idle handler have higher priority
- 		 * than the redraw idle handler so the canvas state
- 		 * will be updated during the expose event.  canvas in
- 		 * expose_event.
-		 */
-		canvas->idle_id = g_idle_add_full (GDK_PRIORITY_REDRAW - 20,
- 						   idle_handler, canvas, NULL);
-	}
- * foo_canvas_root:
- * @canvas: A canvas.
- *
- * Queries the root group of a canvas.
- *
- * Return value: The root group of the specified canvas.
- **/
-FooCanvasGroup *
-foo_canvas_root (FooCanvas *canvas)
-	g_return_val_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (canvas), NULL);
-	return FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (canvas->root);
- * foo_canvas_set_scroll_region:
- * @canvas: A canvas.
- * @x1: Leftmost limit of the scrolling region.
- * @y1: Upper limit of the scrolling region.
- * @x2: Rightmost limit of the scrolling region.
- * @y2: Lower limit of the scrolling region.
- *
- * Sets the scrolling region of a canvas to the specified rectangle.  The canvas
- * will then be able to scroll only within this region.  The view of the canvas
- * is adjusted as appropriate to display as much of the new region as possible.
- **/
-foo_canvas_set_scroll_region (FooCanvas *canvas, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
-	double wxofs, wyofs;
-	int xofs, yofs;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (canvas));
-	if ((canvas->scroll_x1 == x1) && (canvas->scroll_y1 == y1) &&
-	    (canvas->scroll_x2 == x2) && (canvas->scroll_y2 == y2)) {
-		return;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Set the new scrolling region.  If possible, do not move the visible contents of the
-	 * canvas.
-	 */
-	foo_canvas_c2w (canvas,
-			  GTK_LAYOUT (canvas)->hadjustment->value + canvas->zoom_xofs,
-			  GTK_LAYOUT (canvas)->vadjustment->value + canvas->zoom_yofs,
-			  /*canvas->zoom_xofs,
-			  canvas->zoom_yofs,*/
-			  &wxofs, &wyofs);
-	canvas->scroll_x1 = x1;
-	canvas->scroll_y1 = y1;
-	canvas->scroll_x2 = x2;
-	canvas->scroll_y2 = y2;
-	foo_canvas_w2c (canvas, wxofs, wyofs, &xofs, &yofs);
-	scroll_to (canvas, xofs, yofs);
-	canvas->need_repick = TRUE;
-	if (!(canvas->root->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_NEED_DEEP_UPDATE)) {
-		canvas->root->object.flags |= FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_NEED_DEEP_UPDATE;
-		foo_canvas_request_update (canvas);
-	}
- * foo_canvas_get_scroll_region:
- * @canvas: A canvas.
- * @x1: Leftmost limit of the scrolling region (return value).
- * @y1: Upper limit of the scrolling region (return value).
- * @x2: Rightmost limit of the scrolling region (return value).
- * @y2: Lower limit of the scrolling region (return value).
- *
- * Queries the scrolling region of a canvas.
- **/
-foo_canvas_get_scroll_region (FooCanvas *canvas, double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2)
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (canvas));
-	if (x1)
-		*x1 = canvas->scroll_x1;
-	if (y1)
-		*y1 = canvas->scroll_y1;
-	if (x2)
-		*x2 = canvas->scroll_x2;
-	if (y2)
-		*y2 = canvas->scroll_y2;
-foo_canvas_set_center_scroll_region (FooCanvas *canvas,
-				     gboolean center_scroll_region)
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (canvas));
-	canvas->center_scroll_region = center_scroll_region != 0;
-	scroll_to (canvas,
-		   canvas->layout.hadjustment->value,
-		   canvas->layout.vadjustment->value);
- * foo_canvas_set_pixels_per_unit:
- * @canvas: A canvas
- * @n: The number of pixels that correspond to one canvas unit.
- *
- * Sets the zooming factor of a canvas by specifying the number of pixels that
- * correspond to one canvas unit.
- * This is retained for backwards compatibility and just calls
- * foo_canvas_set_pixels_per_unit_xy, passing the number of pixels/unit twice.
- **/
-foo_canvas_set_pixels_per_unit (FooCanvas *canvas, double n)
-  foo_canvas_set_pixels_per_unit_xy(canvas, n, n);
-  return;
- * foo_canvas_set_pixels_per_unit_xy:
- * @canvas: A canvas.
- * @x: The number of pixels that correspond to one canvas unit on the x axis.
- * @y: The number of pixels that correspond to one canvas unit on the y axis.
- *
- * Sets the zooming factor of a canvas by specifying the number of pixels that
- * correspond to one canvas unit.
- * Having two zooming factors enables asymmetric zooming.
- **/
-foo_canvas_set_pixels_per_unit_xy (FooCanvas *canvas, double x, double y)
-	GtkWidget *widget;
-	double cx, cy;
-	int x1, y1;
-	int center_x, center_y;
-	GdkWindow *window;
-	GdkWindowAttr attributes;
-	gint attributes_mask;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (canvas));
-	/* guessing that the x factor is OK here.  RNCG */
-	g_return_if_fail (x > FOO_CANVAS_EPSILON);
-	widget = GTK_WIDGET (canvas);
-	center_x = widget->allocation.width / 2;
-	center_y = widget->allocation.height / 2;
-	/* Find the coordinates of the screen center in units. */
-	cx = (canvas->layout.hadjustment->value + center_x) / canvas->pixels_per_unit_x + canvas->scroll_x1 + canvas->zoom_xofs;
-	cy = (canvas->layout.vadjustment->value + center_y) / canvas->pixels_per_unit_y + canvas->scroll_y1 + canvas->zoom_yofs;
-	/* Now calculate the new offset of the upper left corner. (round not truncate) */
-	x1 = ((cx - canvas->scroll_x1) * x) - center_x + .5;
-	y1 = ((cy - canvas->scroll_y1) * y) - center_y + .5;
-	canvas->pixels_per_unit_x = x;
-	canvas->pixels_per_unit_y = y;
-	if (!(canvas->root->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_NEED_DEEP_UPDATE)) {
-		canvas->root->object.flags |= FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_NEED_DEEP_UPDATE;
-		foo_canvas_request_update (canvas);
-	}
-	/* Map a background None window over the bin_window to avoid
-	 * scrolling the window scroll causing exposes.
-	 */
-	window = NULL;
-	if (GTK_WIDGET_MAPPED (widget)) {
-		attributes.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;
-		attributes.x = widget->allocation.x;
-		attributes.y = widget->allocation.y;
-		attributes.width = widget->allocation.width;
-		attributes.height = widget->allocation.height;
-		attributes.wclass = GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT;
-		attributes.visual = gtk_widget_get_visual (widget);
-		attributes.colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (widget);
-		attributes.event_mask = GDK_VISIBILITY_NOTIFY_MASK;
-		attributes_mask = GDK_WA_X | GDK_WA_Y | GDK_WA_VISUAL | GDK_WA_COLORMAP;
-		window = gdk_window_new (gtk_widget_get_parent_window (widget),
-					 &attributes, attributes_mask);
-		gdk_window_set_back_pixmap (window, NULL, FALSE);
-		gdk_window_set_user_data (window, widget);
-		gdk_window_show (window);
-	}
-	scroll_to (canvas, x1, y1);
-	/* If we created a an overlapping background None window, remove it how.
-	 *
-	 * TODO: We would like to temporarily set the bin_window background to
-	 * None to avoid clearing the bin_window to the background, but gdk doesn't
-	 * expose enought to let us do this, so we get a flash-effect here. At least
-	 * it looks better than scroll + expose.
-	 */
-	if (window != NULL) {
-		gdk_window_hide (window);
-		gdk_window_set_user_data (window, NULL);
-		gdk_window_destroy (window);
-	}
-	canvas->need_repick = TRUE;
- * foo_canvas_scroll_to:
- * @canvas: A canvas.
- * @cx: Horizontal scrolling offset in canvas pixel units.
- * @cy: Vertical scrolling offset in canvas pixel units.
- *
- * Makes a canvas scroll to the specified offsets, given in canvas pixel units.
- * The canvas will adjust the view so that it is not outside the scrolling
- * region.  This function is typically not used, as it is better to hook
- * scrollbars to the canvas layout's scrolling adjusments.
- **/
-foo_canvas_scroll_to (FooCanvas *canvas, int cx, int cy)
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (canvas));
-	scroll_to (canvas, cx, cy);
- * foo_canvas_get_scroll_offsets:
- * @canvas: A canvas.
- * @cx: Horizontal scrolling offset (return value).
- * @cy: Vertical scrolling offset (return value).
- *
- * Queries the scrolling offsets of a canvas.  The values are returned in canvas
- * pixel units.
- **/
-foo_canvas_get_scroll_offsets (FooCanvas *canvas, int *cx, int *cy)
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (canvas));
-	if (cx)
-		*cx = canvas->layout.hadjustment->value;
-	if (cy)
-		*cy = canvas->layout.vadjustment->value;
- * foo_canvas_update_now:
- * @canvas: A canvas.
- *
- * Forces an immediate update and redraw of a canvas.  If the canvas does not
- * have any pending update or redraw requests, then no action is taken.  This is
- * typically only used by applications that need explicit control of when the
- * display is updated, like games.  It is not needed by normal applications.
- */
-foo_canvas_update_now (FooCanvas *canvas)
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (canvas));
-	if (!(canvas->need_update || canvas->need_redraw))
-		return;
-	remove_idle (canvas);
-	do_update (canvas);
- * foo_canvas_get_item_at:
- * @canvas: A canvas.
- * @x: X position in world coordinates.
- * @y: Y position in world coordinates.
- *
- * Looks for the item that is under the specified position, which must be
- * specified in world coordinates.
- *
- * Return value: The sought item, or NULL if no item is at the specified
- * coordinates.
- **/
-FooCanvasItem *
-foo_canvas_get_item_at (FooCanvas *canvas, double x, double y)
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	double dist;
-	int cx, cy;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (canvas), NULL);
-	foo_canvas_w2c (canvas, x, y, &cx, &cy);
-	dist = foo_canvas_item_invoke_point (canvas->root, x, y, cx, cy, &item);
-	/* guessing the x factor is OK here.  RNGC */
-	if ((int) (dist * canvas->pixels_per_unit_x + 0.5) <= canvas->close_enough)
-		return item;
-	else
-		return NULL;
-/* Queues an update of the canvas */
-static void
-foo_canvas_request_update (FooCanvas *canvas)
-	FOO_CANVAS_GET_CLASS (canvas)->request_update (canvas);
-static void
-foo_canvas_request_update_real (FooCanvas *canvas)
-	canvas->need_update = TRUE;
-	add_idle (canvas);
- * foo_canvas_request_redraw:
- * @canvas: A canvas.
- * @x1: Leftmost coordinate of the rectangle to be redrawn.
- * @y1: Upper coordinate of the rectangle to be redrawn.
- * @x2: Rightmost coordinate of the rectangle to be redrawn, plus 1.
- * @y2: Lower coordinate of the rectangle to be redrawn, plus 1.
- *
- * Convenience function that informs a canvas that the specified rectangle needs
- * to be repainted.  The rectangle includes @x1 and @y1, but not @x2 and @y2.
- * To be used only by item implementations.
- **/
-foo_canvas_request_redraw (FooCanvas *canvas, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
-	GdkRectangle bbox;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (canvas));
-	if (!GTK_WIDGET_DRAWABLE (canvas) || (x1 >= x2) || (y1 >= y2)) return;
-	bbox.x = x1;
-	bbox.y = y1;
-	bbox.width = x2 - x1;
-	bbox.height = y2 - y1;
-	gdk_window_invalidate_rect (canvas->layout.bin_window,
-				    &bbox, FALSE);
- * foo_canvas_w2c:
- * @canvas: A canvas.
- * @wx: World X coordinate.
- * @wy: World Y coordinate.
- * @cx: X pixel coordinate (return value).
- * @cy: Y pixel coordinate (return value).
- *
- * Converts world coordinates into canvas pixel coordinates.
- **/
-foo_canvas_w2c (FooCanvas *canvas, double wx, double wy, int *cx, int *cy)
-	double zoom_x, zoom_y;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (canvas));
-	zoom_x = canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-	zoom_y = canvas->pixels_per_unit_y;
-	if (cx)
-		*cx = floor ((wx - canvas->scroll_x1)*zoom_x + canvas->zoom_xofs + 0.5);
-	if (cy)
-		*cy = floor ((wy - canvas->scroll_y1)*zoom_y + canvas->zoom_yofs + 0.5);
- * foo_canvas_w2c:
- * @canvas: A canvas.
- * @world: rectangle in world coordinates.
- * @canvas: rectangle in canvase coordinates.
- *
- * Converts rectangles in world coordinates into canvas pixel coordinates.
- **/
-foo_canvas_w2c_rect_d (FooCanvas *canvas,
-			 double *x1, double *y1,
-			 double *x2, double *y2)
-	foo_canvas_w2c_d (canvas,
-			    *x1, *y1,
-			    x1, y1);
-	foo_canvas_w2c_d (canvas,
-			    *x2, *y2,
-			    x2, y2);
- * foo_canvas_w2c_d:
- * @canvas: A canvas.
- * @wx: World X coordinate.
- * @wy: World Y coordinate.
- * @cx: X pixel coordinate (return value).
- * @cy: Y pixel coordinate (return value).
- *
- * Converts world coordinates into canvas pixel coordinates.  This version
- * returns coordinates in floating point coordinates, for greater precision.
- **/
-foo_canvas_w2c_d (FooCanvas *canvas, double wx, double wy, double *cx, double *cy)
-	double zoom_x, zoom_y;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (canvas));
-	zoom_x = canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-	zoom_y = canvas->pixels_per_unit_y;
-	if (cx)
-		*cx = (wx - canvas->scroll_x1)*zoom_x + canvas->zoom_xofs;
-	if (cy)
-		*cy = (wy - canvas->scroll_y1)*zoom_y + canvas->zoom_yofs;
- * foo_canvas_c2w:
- * @canvas: A canvas.
- * @cx: Canvas pixel X coordinate.
- * @cy: Canvas pixel Y coordinate.
- * @wx: X world coordinate (return value).
- * @wy: Y world coordinate (return value).
- *
- * Converts canvas pixel coordinates to world coordinates.
- **/
-foo_canvas_c2w (FooCanvas *canvas, int cx, int cy, double *wx, double *wy)
-	double zoom_x, zoom_y;
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (canvas));
-	zoom_x = canvas->pixels_per_unit_x;
-	zoom_y = canvas->pixels_per_unit_y;
-	if (wx)
-		*wx = (cx - canvas->zoom_xofs)/zoom_x + canvas->scroll_x1;
-	if (wy)
-		*wy = (cy - canvas->zoom_yofs)/zoom_y + canvas->scroll_y1;
- * foo_canvas_window_to_world:
- * @canvas: A canvas.
- * @winx: Window-relative X coordinate.
- * @winy: Window-relative Y coordinate.
- * @worldx: X world coordinate (return value).
- * @worldy: Y world coordinate (return value).
- *
- * Converts window-relative coordinates into world coordinates.  You can use
- * this when you need to convert mouse coordinates into world coordinates, for
- * example.
- * Window coordinates are really the same as canvas coordinates now, but this
- * function is here for backwards compatibility reasons.
- **/
-foo_canvas_window_to_world (FooCanvas *canvas, double winx, double winy,
-			      double *worldx, double *worldy)
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (canvas));
-	if (worldx)
-		*worldx = canvas->scroll_x1 + ((winx - canvas->zoom_xofs)
-					       / canvas->pixels_per_unit_x);
-	if (worldy)
-		*worldy = canvas->scroll_y1 + ((winy - canvas->zoom_yofs)
-					       / canvas->pixels_per_unit_y);
- * foo_canvas_world_to_window:
- * @canvas: A canvas.
- * @worldx: World X coordinate.
- * @worldy: World Y coordinate.
- * @winx: X window-relative coordinate.
- * @winy: Y window-relative coordinate.
- *
- * Converts world coordinates into window-relative coordinates.
- * Window coordinates are really the same as canvas coordinates now, but this
- * function is here for backwards compatibility reasons.
- **/
-foo_canvas_world_to_window (FooCanvas *canvas, double worldx, double worldy,
-			    double *winx, double *winy)
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (canvas));
-	if (winx)
-		*winx = (canvas->pixels_per_unit_x)*(worldx - canvas->scroll_x1) + canvas->zoom_xofs;
-	if (winy)
-		*winy = (canvas->pixels_per_unit_y)*(worldy - canvas->scroll_y1) + canvas->zoom_yofs;
- * foo_canvas_get_color:
- * @canvas: A canvas.
- * @spec: X color specification, or NULL for "transparent".
- * @color: Returns the allocated color.
- *
- * Allocates a color based on the specified X color specification.  As a
- * convenience to item implementations, it returns TRUE if the color was
- * allocated, or FALSE if the specification was NULL.  A NULL color
- * specification is considered as "transparent" by the canvas.
- *
- * Return value: TRUE if @spec is non-NULL and the color is allocated.  If @spec
- * is NULL, then returns FALSE.
- **/
-foo_canvas_get_color (FooCanvas *canvas, const char *spec, GdkColor *color)
-	GdkColormap *colormap;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (canvas), FALSE);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (color != NULL, FALSE);
-	if (!spec) {
-		color->pixel = 0;
-		color->red = 0;
-		color->green = 0;
-		color->blue = 0;
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	gdk_color_parse (spec, color);
-	colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (GTK_WIDGET (canvas));
-	gdk_rgb_find_color (colormap, color);
-	return TRUE;
- * foo_canvas_get_color_pixel:
- * @canvas: A canvas.
- * @rgba: RGBA color specification.
- *
- * Allocates a color from the RGBA value passed into this function.  The alpha
- * opacity value is discarded, since normal X colors do not support it.
- *
- * Return value: Allocated pixel value corresponding to the specified color.
- **/
-foo_canvas_get_color_pixel (FooCanvas *canvas, guint rgba)
-	GdkColormap *colormap;
-	GdkColor color;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (canvas), 0);
- = ((rgba & 0xff000000) >> 16) + ((rgba & 0xff000000) >> 24);
- = ((rgba & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) + ((rgba & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);
- = (rgba & 0x0000ff00) + ((rgba & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
-	color.pixel = 0;
-	colormap = gtk_widget_get_colormap (GTK_WIDGET (canvas));
-	gdk_rgb_find_color (colormap, &color);
-	return color.pixel;
-/* FIXME: This function is not useful anymore */
- * foo_canvas_set_stipple_origin:
- * @canvas: A canvas.
- * @gc: GC on which to set the stipple origin.
- *
- * Sets the stipple origin of the specified GC as is appropriate for the canvas,
- * so that it will be aligned with other stipple patterns used by canvas items.
- * This is typically only needed by item implementations.
- **/
-foo_canvas_set_stipple_origin (FooCanvas *canvas, GdkGC *gc)
-	g_return_if_fail (FOO_IS_CANVAS (canvas));
-	g_return_if_fail (GDK_IS_GC (gc));
-	gdk_gc_set_ts_origin (gc, 0, 0);
-static gboolean
-boolean_handled_accumulator (GSignalInvocationHint *ihint,
-			     GValue                *return_accu,
-			     const GValue          *handler_return,
-			     gpointer               dummy)
-	gboolean continue_emission;
-	gboolean signal_handled;
-	signal_handled = g_value_get_boolean (handler_return);
-	g_value_set_boolean (return_accu, signal_handled);
-	continue_emission = !signal_handled;
-	return continue_emission;
-static guint
-foo_canvas_item_accessible_add_focus_handler (AtkComponent    *component,
-                                              AtkFocusHandler handler)
- 	GSignalMatchType match_type;
-	guint signal_id;
-	signal_id = g_signal_lookup ("focus-event", ATK_TYPE_OBJECT);
-	if (!g_signal_handler_find (component, match_type, signal_id, 0, NULL,
-                                    (gpointer) handler, NULL)) {
-		return g_signal_connect_closure_by_id (component,
-                                                       signal_id, 0,
-                                                       g_cclosure_new (
-                                                       G_CALLBACK (handler), NULL,
-                                                       (GClosureNotify) NULL),
-                                                       FALSE);
-	} 
-	return 0;
-static void
-foo_canvas_item_accessible_get_item_extents (FooCanvasItem *item,
-                                             GdkRectangle  *rect)
- 	double bx1, bx2, by1, by2;
-	gint scroll_x, scroll_y;
-	gint x1, x2, y1, y2;
-	foo_canvas_item_get_bounds (item, &bx1, &by1, &bx2, &by2);
-	foo_canvas_w2c_rect_d (item->canvas, &bx1, &by1, &bx2, &by2);
-	foo_canvas_get_scroll_offsets (item->canvas, &scroll_x, &scroll_y);
-	x1 = floor (bx1);
-	y1 = floor (by1);
-	x2 = ceil (bx2);
-	y2 = ceil (by2);
-	rect->x = x1 - scroll_x;
-	rect->y = y1 - scroll_y;
-	rect->width = x2 - x1;
-	rect->height = y2 - y1;
-static gboolean
-foo_canvas_item_accessible_is_item_in_window (FooCanvasItem *item,
-                                              GdkRectangle  *rect)
- 	GtkWidget *widget;
-	gboolean retval;
-	widget = GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas);
-	if (widget->window) {
-		int window_width, window_height;
-		gdk_window_get_geometry (widget->window, NULL, NULL,
-                                         &window_width, &window_height, NULL);
-		/*
-                 * Check whether rectangles intersect
-		 */
-                if (rect->x + rect->width < 0 ||
-                    rect->y + rect->height < 0 ||
-                    rect->x > window_width  ||
-                    rect->y > window_height) {
-			retval = FALSE;
-		} else {
-                        retval = TRUE;
-		}
-	} else {
-                retval = FALSE;
-	}
-        return retval;
-static void
-foo_canvas_item_accessible_get_extents (AtkComponent *component,
-                                        gint		*x,
-                                        gint		*y,
-                                        gint		*width,
-                                        gint		*height,
-                                        AtkCoordType coord_type)
- 	AtkGObjectAccessible *atk_gobj;
-	GObject *obj;
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	gint window_x, window_y;
-	gint toplevel_x, toplevel_y;
-	GdkRectangle rect;
-	GdkWindow *window;
-	GtkWidget *canvas;
-	atk_gobj = ATK_GOBJECT_ACCESSIBLE (component);
-	obj = atk_gobject_accessible_get_object (atk_gobj);
-	if (obj == NULL) {
-		/* item is defunct */
-		return;
-	}
-        /* Get the CanvasItem */
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (obj);
-	/* If this item has no parent canvas, something's broken */
-	g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (item->canvas));
-	foo_canvas_item_accessible_get_item_extents (item, &rect);
-	*width = rect.width;
-	*height = rect.height;
-	if (!foo_canvas_item_accessible_is_item_in_window (item, &rect)) {
-		*x = G_MININT;
-		*y = G_MININT;
-		return;
-	}
-        canvas = GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas);
-	window = gtk_widget_get_parent_window (canvas);
-	gdk_window_get_origin (window, &window_x, &window_y);
-	*x = rect.x + window_x;
-	*y = rect.y + window_y;
-	if (coord_type == ATK_XY_WINDOW) {
-		window = gdk_window_get_toplevel (canvas->window);
-		gdk_window_get_origin (window, &toplevel_x, &toplevel_y);
-		*x -= toplevel_x;
-		*y -= toplevel_y;
-	}
-        return;
-static gint
-foo_canvas_item_accessible_get_mdi_zorder (AtkComponent *component)
-	AtkGObjectAccessible *atk_gobj;
-	GObject *g_obj;
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	atk_gobj = ATK_GOBJECT_ACCESSIBLE (component);
-	g_obj = atk_gobject_accessible_get_object (atk_gobj);
-	if (g_obj == NULL) {
-		/* Object is defunct */
-		return -1;
-	}
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (g_obj);
-	if (item->parent) {
-       		return g_list_index (FOO_CANVAS_GROUP (item->parent)->item_list, item);
-	} else {
-		g_return_val_if_fail (item->canvas->root == item, -1);
-		return 0;
-	}
-static gboolean
-foo_canvas_item_accessible_grab_focus (AtkComponent *component)
- 	AtkGObjectAccessible *atk_gobj;
-	GObject *obj;
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	GtkWidget *toplevel;
-	atk_gobj = ATK_GOBJECT_ACCESSIBLE (component);
-	obj = atk_gobject_accessible_get_object (atk_gobj);
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (obj);
-	if (item == NULL) {
-		/* item is defunct */
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-        foo_canvas_item_grab_focus (item);
-	toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas));
-	if (GTK_WIDGET_TOPLEVEL (toplevel)) {
-		gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (toplevel));
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-static void
-foo_canvas_item_accessible_remove_focus_handler (AtkComponent *component,
-                                                 guint		handler_id)
- 	g_signal_handler_disconnect (component, handler_id);
-static void
-foo_canvas_item_accessible_component_interface_init (AtkComponentIface *iface)
-	g_return_if_fail (iface != NULL);
-	iface->add_focus_handler = foo_canvas_item_accessible_add_focus_handler;
-	iface->get_extents = foo_canvas_item_accessible_get_extents;
-	iface->get_mdi_zorder = foo_canvas_item_accessible_get_mdi_zorder;
-	iface->grab_focus = foo_canvas_item_accessible_grab_focus;
-      	iface->remove_focus_handler = foo_canvas_item_accessible_remove_focus_handler;
-static gboolean
-foo_canvas_item_accessible_is_item_on_screen (FooCanvasItem *item)
-	GdkRectangle rect;
-	foo_canvas_item_accessible_get_item_extents (item, &rect);
-	return foo_canvas_item_accessible_is_item_in_window (item, &rect);
-static void
-foo_canvas_item_accessible_initialize (AtkObject *obj, gpointer data)
-	if (ATK_OBJECT_CLASS (accessible_item_parent_class)->initialize != NULL)
-		ATK_OBJECT_CLASS (accessible_item_parent_class)->initialize (obj, data);
-	g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (obj), "atk-component-layer",
-static AtkStateSet*
-foo_canvas_item_accessible_ref_state_set (AtkObject *accessible)
- 	AtkGObjectAccessible *atk_gobj;
-	GObject *obj;
- 	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	AtkStateSet *state_set;
-	state_set = ATK_OBJECT_CLASS (accessible_item_parent_class)->ref_state_set (accessible);
-	atk_gobj = ATK_GOBJECT_ACCESSIBLE (accessible);
-	obj = atk_gobject_accessible_get_object (atk_gobj);
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (obj);
-	if (item == NULL) {
-		atk_state_set_add_state (state_set, ATK_STATE_DEFUNCT);
-	} else {
-                if (item->object.flags & FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_VISIBLE) {
-			atk_state_set_add_state (state_set, ATK_STATE_VISIBLE);
-			if (foo_canvas_item_accessible_is_item_on_screen (item)) {
-  				atk_state_set_add_state (state_set, ATK_STATE_SHOWING);
-       			}
-		}
-        	if (GTK_WIDGET_CAN_FOCUS (GTK_WIDGET (item->canvas))) {
-			atk_state_set_add_state (state_set, ATK_STATE_FOCUSABLE);
-			if (item->canvas->focused_item == item) {
-				atk_state_set_add_state (state_set, ATK_STATE_FOCUSED);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-        return state_set;
-static void
-foo_canvas_item_accessible_class_init (AtkObjectClass *klass)
- 	accessible_item_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-	klass->initialize = foo_canvas_item_accessible_initialize;
-	klass->ref_state_set = foo_canvas_item_accessible_ref_state_set;
-static GType
-foo_canvas_item_accessible_get_type (void)
-	static GType type = 0;
-	if (!type) {
-		static const GInterfaceInfo atk_component_info = {
-			(GInterfaceInitFunc) foo_canvas_item_accessible_component_interface_init,
-                 	(GInterfaceFinalizeFunc) NULL,
-			NULL
-		};
-		AtkObjectFactory *factory;
-		GType parent_atk_type;
-		GTypeQuery query;
-		GTypeInfo tinfo = { 0 };
-		factory = atk_registry_get_factory (atk_get_default_registry(),
-						    GTK_TYPE_OBJECT);
-		if (!factory) {
-			return G_TYPE_INVALID;
-		}
-		parent_atk_type = atk_object_factory_get_accessible_type (factory);
-		if (!parent_atk_type) {
-			return G_TYPE_INVALID;
-		}
-		g_type_query (parent_atk_type, &query);
-		tinfo.class_init = (GClassInitFunc) foo_canvas_item_accessible_class_init;
-		tinfo.class_size = query.class_size;
-		tinfo.instance_size = query.instance_size;
-		type = g_type_register_static (parent_atk_type,
-					       "FooCanvasItemAccessibility",
-					       &tinfo, 0);
-		g_type_add_interface_static (type, ATK_TYPE_COMPONENT,
-					     &atk_component_info);
-	}
-	return type;
-static AtkObject *
-foo_canvas_item_accessible_create (GObject *for_object)
-	GType type;
-	AtkObject *accessible;
-	FooCanvasItem *item;
-	item = FOO_CANVAS_ITEM (for_object);
-	g_return_val_if_fail (item != NULL, NULL);
-	type = foo_canvas_item_accessible_get_type ();
-	if (type == G_TYPE_INVALID) {
-		return atk_no_op_object_new (for_object);
-	}
-        accessible = g_object_new (type, NULL);
-	atk_object_initialize (accessible, for_object);
-	return accessible;
-static GType
-foo_canvas_item_accessible_factory_get_accessible_type (void)
-	return foo_canvas_item_accessible_get_type ();
-static AtkObject*
-foo_canvas_item_accessible_factory_create_accessible (GObject *obj)
-	AtkObject *accessible;
-	g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_OBJECT (obj), NULL);
-	accessible = foo_canvas_item_accessible_create (obj);
-	return accessible;
-static void
-foo_canvas_item_accessible_factory_class_init (AtkObjectFactoryClass *klass)
-	klass->create_accessible = foo_canvas_item_accessible_factory_create_accessible;
-	klass->get_accessible_type = foo_canvas_item_accessible_factory_get_accessible_type;
-static GType
-foo_canvas_item_accessible_factory_get_type (void)
-	static GType type = 0;
-	if (!type) {
-		static const GTypeInfo tinfo = {
-			sizeof (AtkObjectFactoryClass),
-			(GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
-			(GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
-			(GClassInitFunc) foo_canvas_item_accessible_factory_class_init,
-			NULL,		/* class_finalize */
-			NULL,		/* class_data */
-			sizeof (AtkObjectFactory),
-			0,		/* n_preallocs */
-			NULL
-		};
-		type = g_type_register_static (ATK_TYPE_OBJECT_FACTORY,
-					       "FooCanvasItemAccessibilityFactory",
-					       &tinfo, 0);
-	}
-	return type;
-/* Class initialization function for FooCanvasItemClass */
-static void
-foo_canvas_item_class_init (FooCanvasItemClass *class)
-	GObjectClass *gobject_class;
-	gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) class;
-	item_parent_class = gtk_type_class (gtk_object_get_type ());
-	gobject_class->set_property = foo_canvas_item_set_property;
-	gobject_class->get_property = foo_canvas_item_get_property;
-	g_object_class_install_property
-		(gobject_class, ITEM_PROP_PARENT,
-		 g_param_spec_object ("parent", NULL, NULL,
-	g_object_class_install_property
-		(gobject_class, ITEM_PROP_VISIBLE,
-		 g_param_spec_boolean ("visible", NULL, NULL,
-				      TRUE,
-	item_signals[ITEM_EVENT] =
-		g_signal_new ("event",
-			      G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (class),
-			      G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
-			      G_STRUCT_OFFSET (FooCanvasItemClass, event),
-			      boolean_handled_accumulator, NULL,
-			      foo_canvas_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXED,
-			      G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1,
-	gobject_class->dispose = foo_canvas_item_dispose;
-	class->realize = foo_canvas_item_realize;
-	class->unrealize = foo_canvas_item_unrealize;
-	class->map = foo_canvas_item_map;
-	class->unmap = foo_canvas_item_unmap;
-	class->update = foo_canvas_item_update;
-	atk_registry_set_factory_type (atk_get_default_registry (),
-                                       FOO_TYPE_CANVAS_ITEM,
-                                       foo_canvas_item_accessible_factory_get_type ());
-  /* do nothing */
-/*  Last edited: Feb 14 15:21 2005 (rds) */
diff --git a/foocanvas/foo-canvas.h b/foocanvas/foo-canvas.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 70620d668..000000000
--- a/foocanvas/foo-canvas.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,540 +0,0 @@
-/*  Last edited: Jun 15 08:20 2005 (edgrif) */
-/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: 8; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
- * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This file is part of the Gnome Library.
- *
- * The Gnome Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * The Gnome Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with the Gnome Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not,
- * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- */
-/* FooCanvas widget - Tk-like canvas widget for Gnome
- *
- * FooCanvas is basically a port of the Tk toolkit's most excellent canvas
- * widget.  Tk is copyrighted by the Regents of the University of California,
- * Sun Microsystems, and other parties.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Federico Mena <>
- *          Raph Levien <>
- */
-#ifndef FOO_CANVAS_H
-#define FOO_CANVAS_H
-#include <gtk/gtklayout.h>
-#include <gdk/gdkevents.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-/* "Small" value used by canvas stuff */
-#define FOO_CANVAS_EPSILON 1e-10
-/* Macros for building colors that fit in a 32-bit integer.  The values are in
- * [0, 255].
- */
-#define FOO_CANVAS_COLOR(r, g, b) ((((int) (r) & 0xff) << 24)	\
-				     | (((int) (g) & 0xff) << 16)	\
-				     | (((int) (b) & 0xff) << 8)	\
-				     | 0xff)
-#define FOO_CANVAS_COLOR_A(r, g, b, a) ((((int) (r) & 0xff) << 24)	\
-					  | (((int) (g) & 0xff) << 16)	\
-					  | (((int) (b) & 0xff) << 8)	\
-					  | ((int) (a) & 0xff))
-typedef struct _FooCanvas           FooCanvas;
-typedef struct _FooCanvasClass      FooCanvasClass;
-typedef struct _FooCanvasItem       FooCanvasItem;
-typedef struct _FooCanvasItemClass  FooCanvasItemClass;
-typedef struct _FooCanvasGroup      FooCanvasGroup;
-typedef struct _FooCanvasGroupClass FooCanvasGroupClass;
-/* FooCanvasItem - base item class for canvas items
- *
- * All canvas items are derived from FooCanvasItem.  The only information a
- * FooCanvasItem contains is its parent canvas, its parent canvas item group,
- * and its bounding box in world coordinates.
- *
- * Items inside a canvas are organized in a tree of FooCanvasItemGroup nodes
- * and FooCanvasItem leaves.  Each canvas has a single root group, which can
- * be obtained with the foo_canvas_get_root() function.
- *
- * The abstract FooCanvasItem class does not have any configurable or
- * queryable attributes.
- */
-/* Object flags for items */
-enum {
-	FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_REALIZED         = 1 << 4,
-	FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_MAPPED           = 1 << 5,
-	FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_VISIBLE          = 1 << 7,
-/* Update flags for items */
-enum {
-	FOO_CANVAS_UPDATE_DEEP       = 1 << 1
-#define FOO_TYPE_CANVAS_ITEM            (foo_canvas_item_get_type ())
-#define FOO_CANVAS_ITEM(obj)            (GTK_CHECK_CAST ((obj), FOO_TYPE_CANVAS_ITEM, FooCanvasItem))
-#define FOO_CANVAS_ITEM_CLASS(klass)    (GTK_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), FOO_TYPE_CANVAS_ITEM, FooCanvasItemClass))
-struct _FooCanvasItem {
-	GtkObject object;
-	/* Parent canvas for this item */
-	FooCanvas *canvas;
-	/* Parent canvas group for this item (a FooCanvasGroup) */
-	FooCanvasItem *parent;
-	/* Bounding box for this item (in canvas coordinates) */
-	double x1, y1, x2, y2;
-struct _FooCanvasItemClass {
-	GtkObjectClass parent_class;
-	/* Tell the item to update itself.  The flags are from the update flags
-	 * defined above.  The item should update its internal state from its
-	 * queued state, and recompute and request its repaint area. The
-	 * update method also recomputes the bounding box of the item.
-	 */
-	void (* update) (FooCanvasItem *item, double i2w_dx, double i2w_dy, int flags);
-	/* Realize an item -- create GCs, etc. */
-	void (* realize) (FooCanvasItem *item);
-	/* Unrealize an item */
-	void (* unrealize) (FooCanvasItem *item);
-	/* Map an item - normally only need by items with their own GdkWindows */
-	void (* map) (FooCanvasItem *item);
-	/* Unmap an item */
-	void (* unmap) (FooCanvasItem *item);
-	/* Draw an item of this type.  (x, y) are the upper-left canvas pixel
-	 * coordinates of the drawable, a temporary pixmap, where things get
-	 * drawn.  (width, height) are the dimensions of the drawable.
-	 */
-	void (* draw) (FooCanvasItem *item, GdkDrawable *drawable, GdkEventExpose *expose);
-	/* Calculate the distance from an item to the specified point.  It also
-         * returns a canvas item which is the item itself in the case of the
-         * object being an actual leaf item, or a child in case of the object
-         * being a canvas group.  (cx, cy) are the canvas pixel coordinates that
-         * correspond to the item-relative coordinates (x, y).
-	 */
-	double (* point) (FooCanvasItem *item, double x, double y, int cx, int cy,
-			  FooCanvasItem **actual_item);
-	void (* translate) (FooCanvasItem *item, double dx, double dy);
-	/* Fetch the item's bounding box (need not be exactly tight).  This
-	 * should be in item-relative coordinates.
-	 */
-	void (* bounds) (FooCanvasItem *item, double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2);
-	/* Signal: an event ocurred for an item of this type.  The (x, y)
-	 * coordinates are in the canvas world coordinate system.
-	 */
-	gboolean (* event)                (FooCanvasItem *item, GdkEvent *event);
-	/* Reserved for future expansion */
-	gpointer spare_vmethods [4];
-/* Standard Gtk function */
-GType foo_canvas_item_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-/* Create a canvas item using the standard Gtk argument mechanism.  The item is
- * automatically inserted at the top of the specified canvas group.  The last
- * argument must be a NULL pointer.
- */
-FooCanvasItem *foo_canvas_item_new (FooCanvasGroup *parent, GType type,
-				    const gchar *first_arg_name, ...);
-/* Constructors for use in derived classes and language wrappers */
-void foo_canvas_item_construct (FooCanvasItem *item, FooCanvasGroup *parent,
-				const gchar *first_arg_name, va_list args);
-/* Configure an item using the standard Gtk argument mechanism.  The last
- * argument must be a NULL pointer.
- */
-void foo_canvas_item_set (FooCanvasItem *item, const gchar *first_arg_name, ...);
-/* Used only for language wrappers and the like */
-void foo_canvas_item_set_valist (FooCanvasItem *item,
-				 const gchar *first_arg_name, va_list args);
-/* Move an item by the specified amount */
-void foo_canvas_item_move (FooCanvasItem *item, double dx, double dy);
-/* Raise an item in the z-order of its parent group by the specified number of
- * positions.
- */
-void foo_canvas_item_raise (FooCanvasItem *item, int positions);
-/* Lower an item in the z-order of its parent group by the specified number of
- * positions.
- */
-void foo_canvas_item_lower (FooCanvasItem *item, int positions);
-/* Raise an item to the top of its parent group's z-order. */
-void foo_canvas_item_raise_to_top (FooCanvasItem *item);
-/* Lower an item to the bottom of its parent group's z-order */
-void foo_canvas_item_lower_to_bottom (FooCanvasItem *item);
-/* Send an item behind another item */
-void foo_canvas_item_send_behind (FooCanvasItem *item,
-				  FooCanvasItem *behind_item);
-/* Show an item (make it visible).  If the item is already shown, it has no
- * effect.
- */
-void foo_canvas_item_show (FooCanvasItem *item);
-/* Hide an item (make it invisible).  If the item is already invisible, it has
- * no effect.
- */
-void foo_canvas_item_hide (FooCanvasItem *item);
-/* Grab the mouse for the specified item.  Only the events in event_mask will be
- * reported.  If cursor is non-NULL, it will be used during the duration of the
- * grab.  Time is a proper X event time parameter.  Returns the same values as
- * XGrabPointer().
- */
-int foo_canvas_item_grab (FooCanvasItem *item, unsigned int event_mask,
-			  GdkCursor *cursor, guint32 etime);
-/* Ungrabs the mouse -- the specified item must be the same that was passed to
- * foo_canvas_item_grab().  Time is a proper X event time parameter.
- */
-void foo_canvas_item_ungrab (FooCanvasItem *item, guint32 etime);
-/* These functions convert from a coordinate system to another.  "w" is world
- * coordinates and "i" is item coordinates.
- */
-void foo_canvas_item_w2i (FooCanvasItem *item, double *x, double *y);
-void foo_canvas_item_i2w (FooCanvasItem *item, double *x, double *y);
-/* Remove the item from its parent group and make the new group its parent.  The
- * item will be put on top of all the items in the new group.  The item's
- * coordinates relative to its new parent to *not* change -- this means that the
- * item could potentially move on the screen.
- * 
- * The item and the group must be in the same canvas.  An item cannot be
- * reparented to a group that is the item itself or that is an inferior of the
- * item.
- */
-void foo_canvas_item_reparent (FooCanvasItem *item, FooCanvasGroup *new_group);
-/* Used to send all of the keystroke events to a specific item as well as
- * GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE events.
- */
-void foo_canvas_item_grab_focus (FooCanvasItem *item);
-/* Fetch the bounding box of the item.  The bounding box may not be exactly
- * tight, but the canvas items will do the best they can.  The returned bounding
- * box is in the coordinate system of the item's parent.
- */
-void foo_canvas_item_get_bounds (FooCanvasItem *item,
-				 double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2);
-/* Request that the update method eventually get called.  This should be used
- * only by item implementations.
- */
-void foo_canvas_item_request_update (FooCanvasItem *item);
-/* Request a redraw of the bounding box of the canvas item */
-void foo_canvas_item_request_redraw (FooCanvasItem *item);
-/* FooCanvasGroup - a group of canvas items
- *
- * A group is a node in the hierarchical tree of groups/items inside a canvas.
- * Groups serve to give a logical structure to the items.
- *
- * Consider a circuit editor application that uses the canvas for its schematic
- * display.  Hierarchically, there would be canvas groups that contain all the
- * components needed for an "adder", for example -- this includes some logic
- * gates as well as wires.  You can move stuff around in a convenient way by
- * doing a foo_canvas_item_move() of the hierarchical groups -- to move an
- * adder, simply move the group that represents the adder.
- *
- * The following arguments are available:
- *
- * name		type		read/write	description
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * x		double		RW		X coordinate of group's origin
- * y		double		RW		Y coordinate of group's origin
- */
-#define FOO_TYPE_CANVAS_GROUP            (foo_canvas_group_get_type ())
-#define FOO_CANVAS_GROUP(obj)            (GTK_CHECK_CAST ((obj), FOO_TYPE_CANVAS_GROUP, FooCanvasGroup))
-#define FOO_CANVAS_GROUP_CLASS(klass)    (GTK_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), FOO_TYPE_CANVAS_GROUP, FooCanvasGroupClass))
-struct _FooCanvasGroup {
-	FooCanvasItem item;
-	double xpos, ypos;
-	/* Children of the group */
-	GList *item_list;
-	GList *item_list_end;
-struct _FooCanvasGroupClass {
-	FooCanvasItemClass parent_class;
-/* Standard Gtk function */
-GType foo_canvas_group_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-/*** FooCanvas ***/
-#define FOO_TYPE_CANVAS            (foo_canvas_get_type ())
-#define FOO_CANVAS(obj)            (GTK_CHECK_CAST ((obj), FOO_TYPE_CANVAS, FooCanvas))
-#define FOO_CANVAS_CLASS(klass)    (GTK_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), FOO_TYPE_CANVAS, FooCanvasClass))
-#define FOO_IS_CANVAS(obj)         (GTK_CHECK_TYPE ((obj), FOO_TYPE_CANVAS))
-#define FOO_CANVAS_GET_CLASS(obj)  (GTK_CHECK_GET_CLASS ((obj), FOO_TYPE_CANVAS, FooCanvasClass))
-struct _FooCanvas {
-	GtkLayout layout;
-	/* Root canvas group */
-	FooCanvasItem *root;
-	/* The item containing the mouse pointer, or NULL if none */
-	FooCanvasItem *current_item;
-	/* Item that is about to become current (used to track deletions and such) */
-	FooCanvasItem *new_current_item;
-	/* Item that holds a pointer grab, or NULL if none */
-	FooCanvasItem *grabbed_item;
-	/* If non-NULL, the currently focused item */
-	FooCanvasItem *focused_item;
-	/* GC for temporary draw pixmap */
-	GdkGC *pixmap_gc;
-	/* Event on which selection of current item is based */
-	GdkEvent pick_event;
-	/* Scrolling region */
-	double scroll_x1, scroll_y1;
-	double scroll_x2, scroll_y2;
-	/* Scaling factor to be used for display */
-	double pixels_per_unit_x;
-	double pixels_per_unit_y;
-	/* Idle handler ID */
-	guint idle_id;
-	/* Signal handler ID for destruction of the root item */
-	guint root_destroy_id;
-	/* Internal pixel offsets when zoomed out */
-	int zoom_xofs, zoom_yofs;
-	/* Last known modifier state, for deferred repick when a button is down */
-	int state;
-	/* Event mask specified when grabbing an item */
-	guint grabbed_event_mask;
-	/* Tolerance distance for picking items */
-	int close_enough;
-	/* Whether the canvas should center the canvas in the middle of
-	 * the window if the scroll region is smaller than the window */
-	unsigned int center_scroll_region : 1;
-	/* Whether items need update at next idle loop iteration */
-	unsigned int need_update : 1;
-	/* Are we in the midst of an update */
-	unsigned int doing_update : 1;
-	/* Whether the canvas needs redrawing at the next idle loop iteration */
-	unsigned int need_redraw : 1;
-	/* Whether current item will be repicked at next idle loop iteration */
-	unsigned int need_repick : 1;
-	/* For use by internal pick_current_item() function */
-	unsigned int left_grabbed_item : 1;
-	/* For use by internal pick_current_item() function */
-	unsigned int in_repick : 1;
-struct _FooCanvasClass {
-	GtkLayoutClass parent_class;
-	/* Draw the background for the area given.
-	 */
-	void (* draw_background) (FooCanvas *canvas,
-				  int x, int y, int width, int height);
-	/* Private Virtual methods for groping the canvas inside bonobo */
-	void (* request_update) (FooCanvas *canvas);
-	/* Reserved for future expansion */
-	gpointer spare_vmethods [4];
-/* Standard Gtk function */
-GType foo_canvas_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
-/* Creates a new canvas.  You should check that the canvas is created with the
- * proper visual and colormap.  Any visual will do unless you intend to insert
- * gdk_imlib images into it, in which case you should use the gdk_imlib visual.
- *
- * You should call foo_canvas_set_scroll_region() soon after calling this
- * function to set the desired scrolling limits for the canvas.
- */
-GtkWidget *foo_canvas_new (void);
-/* Returns the root canvas item group of the canvas */
-FooCanvasGroup *foo_canvas_root (FooCanvas *canvas);
-/* Sets the limits of the scrolling region, in world coordinates */
-void foo_canvas_set_scroll_region (FooCanvas *canvas,
-				   double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);
-/* Gets the limits of the scrolling region, in world coordinates */
-void foo_canvas_get_scroll_region (FooCanvas *canvas,
-				   double *x1, double *y1, double *x2, double *y2);
-/* Sets the number of pixels that correspond to one unit in world coordinates */
-void foo_canvas_set_pixels_per_unit (FooCanvas *canvas, double n);
-/* Sets the number of  pixels corresponding to one unit in world coordinates
- * separately on x and y axes, allowing asymmetric zooming. */
-void foo_canvas_set_pixels_per_unit_xy (FooCanvas *canvas, double x, double y);
-/* Wether the canvas centers the scroll region if it is smaller than the window  */
-void foo_canvas_set_center_scroll_region (FooCanvas *canvas, gboolean center_scroll_region);
-/* Scrolls the canvas to the specified offsets, given in canvas pixel coordinates */
-void foo_canvas_scroll_to (FooCanvas *canvas, int cx, int cy);
-/* Returns the scroll offsets of the canvas in canvas pixel coordinates.  You
- * can specify NULL for any of the values, in which case that value will not be
- * queried.
- */
-void foo_canvas_get_scroll_offsets (FooCanvas *canvas, int *cx, int *cy);
-/* Requests that the canvas be repainted immediately instead of in the idle
- * loop.
- */
-void foo_canvas_update_now (FooCanvas *canvas);
-/* Returns the item that is at the specified position in world coordinates, or
- * NULL if no item is there.
- */
-FooCanvasItem *foo_canvas_get_item_at (FooCanvas *canvas, double x, double y);
-/* For use only by item type implementations.  Request that the canvas
- * eventually redraw the specified region, specified in canvas pixel
- * coordinates.  The region contains (x1, y1) but not (x2, y2).
- */
-void foo_canvas_request_redraw (FooCanvas *canvas, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
-/* These functions convert from a coordinate system to another.  "w" is world
- * coordinates, "c" is canvas pixel coordinates (pixel coordinates that are
- * (0,0) for the upper-left scrolling limit and something else for the
- * lower-left scrolling limit).
- */
-void foo_canvas_w2c_rect_d (FooCanvas *canvas,
-			    double *x1, double *y1,
-			    double *x2, double *y2);
-void foo_canvas_w2c (FooCanvas *canvas, double wx, double wy, int *cx, int *cy);
-void foo_canvas_w2c_d (FooCanvas *canvas, double wx, double wy, double *cx, double *cy);
-void foo_canvas_c2w (FooCanvas *canvas, int cx, int cy, double *wx, double *wy);
-/* This function takes in coordinates relative to the GTK_LAYOUT
- * (canvas)->bin_window and converts them to world coordinates.
- * These days canvas coordinates and window coordinates are the same, but
- * these are left for backwards compat reasons.
- */
-void foo_canvas_window_to_world (FooCanvas *canvas,
-				 double winx, double winy, double *worldx, double *worldy);
-/* This is the inverse of foo_canvas_window_to_world() */
-void foo_canvas_world_to_window (FooCanvas *canvas,
-				 double worldx, double worldy, double *winx, double *winy);
-/* Takes a string specification for a color and allocates it into the specified
- * GdkColor.  If the string is null, then it returns FALSE. Otherwise, it
- * returns TRUE.
- */
-int foo_canvas_get_color (FooCanvas *canvas, const char *spec, GdkColor *color);
-/* Allocates a color from the RGB value passed into this function. */
-gulong foo_canvas_get_color_pixel (FooCanvas *canvas,
-				   guint        rgba);
-/* Sets the stipple origin of the specified gc so that it will be aligned with
- * all the stipples used in the specified canvas.  This is intended for use only
- * by canvas item implementations.
- */
-void foo_canvas_set_stipple_origin (FooCanvas *canvas, GdkGC *gc);
-void foo_canvas_zmap(void);