From e69278ebab4e55718c70e84732af233f49233871 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mh17 <mh17>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 10:50:49 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] script to report header modularity violations

 scripts/includes.php | 124 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 124 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 scripts/includes.php

diff --git a/scripts/includes.php b/scripts/includes.php
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..713572e9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/includes.php
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+includes.php, mh17 Feb 2010
+Copyright (c) 2010 Genome research Ltd
+Check the source tree for C files that include headers they should not
+use find to get all the header files and note nested includes using grep
+process header path name to get file and path
+use find to get all the C files and list included headers using grep
+ignore file names not beginning with zmap
+      files included more than once
+      *_I.h and *_P.h included from another directory
+NB: Only deals with include as <file> not "file"
+We assume the file names are unique
+-> they must be as they are included without directory names (except for include/ZMap)
+// NB: run from the ZMap source directory
+$strict = FALSE;
+for($i = 1;$i < $argc;$i++)
+      $arg = $argv[$i];
+      if($arg == "-strict")
+            $strict = TRUE;
+      else
+      {
+           print ("error in arg $arg\n");
+           exit;
+      }
+$headers = array();
+function get_includes($file)
+      $inc = array();
+      $cmd = "grep \"#include\" $file";
+      exec($cmd,$ifiles = array());
+      foreach($ifiles as $f)
+      {
+            $name = explode('>',$f);
+            $name = explode('<',$name[0]);
+            $name = $name[1];
+            $name = explode('/',$name);
+            $name = array_pop($name);
+            if(!strncmp($name,"zmap",4))
+            {
+                  $inc[$name] = 1;
+            }
+      }
+      return($inc);
+// check that included files do not violate design modularity
+// private headers are not to be included from other directories
+function vet($file,$dir,$inc)
+      global $headers;
+      foreach($inc as $f => $x)
+      {
+            if(strpos($f,"_I") !== FALSE || strpos($f,"_P") !== FALSE)  // private header
+            {
+                  $head = $headers[$f];
+                  $hd = $head['dir'];
+                  if(strcmp($hd,$dir))
+                  {
+                        print("$dir/$file includes $hd/$f\n");
+                  }
+            }
+      }
+// find all the headers and the files they include
+exec('find . -name "*.h"',$h_path = array());
+foreach($h_path as $h)
+      $names = explode("/",$h);
+      $file = array_pop($names);
+      $dir = implode("/",$names);
+      if(!strncmp($file,"zmap",4))
+      {
+            $headers[$file] = array('dir' => $dir);
+            $headers[$file]['includes'] = get_includes($h);
+      }
+// find the nested headers in each header
+foreach($headers as $file => $head)
+      vet($file,$head['dir'],$head['includes']);
+// find all the source files and the headers they include
+exec('find . -name "*.c"',$c_path = array());
+foreach($c_path as $c)
+      $names = explode("/",$c);
+      $file = array_pop($names);
+      $dir = implode("/",$names);
+      $inc = get_includes($c);
+      vet($file,$dir,$inc);