From fc542718391478c788ab5a994d5a4aaddcae9adc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rds <rds>
Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 14:19:54 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] DNA and 3 Frame Translation feature code

 src/zmapFeature/                   |  27 +-
 src/zmapFeature/zmapFeature.c                 |  35 +--
 .../zmapFeature3FrameTranslation.c            | 293 ++++++++++++++++++
 src/zmapFeature/zmapFeatureContext.c          |  33 +-
 src/zmapFeature/zmapFeatureDNA.c              | 195 ++++++++++++
 src/zmapFeature/zmapFeatureUtils.c            | 203 +-----------
 src/zmapServer/acedb/acedbServer.c            |  62 ++--
 7 files changed, 542 insertions(+), 306 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 src/zmapFeature/zmapFeature3FrameTranslation.c
 create mode 100755 src/zmapFeature/zmapFeatureDNA.c

diff --git a/src/zmapFeature/ b/src/zmapFeature/
index cb077f21a..b8277b379 100755
--- a/src/zmapFeature/
+++ b/src/zmapFeature/
@@ -5,19 +5,22 @@ SUBDIRS = . tests
-libZMapFeature_la_SOURCES = zmapFeatureTypes.c \
-zmapStyle_P.h \
+libZMapFeature_la_SOURCES =    \
+zmapFeature.c                  \
+zmapFeature_P.h                \
+zmapFeature3FrameTranslation.c \
+zmapFeatureContext.c           \
+zmapFeatureContextUtils.c      \
+zmapFeatureDNA.c               \
+zmapFeatureFormatInput.c       \
 zmapFeatureOutput.c \
-zmapFeatureFormatInput.c \
-zmapFeature.c \
-zmapFeatureXML.c \
-zmapFeatureUtils.c \
-zmapStyle.c \
-zmapFeature_P.h \
-zmapStyle_I.h \
-zmapFeatureContextUtils.c \
-zmapFeatureContext.c \
-zmapStyleUtils.c \
+zmapFeatureTypes.c  \
+zmapFeatureUtils.c  \
+zmapFeatureXML.c    \
+zmapStyle.c         \
+zmapStyle_I.h       \
+zmapStyle_P.h       \
+zmapStyleUtils.c    \
 libZMapFeature_la_CFLAGS = $(INCLUDE_COMMON) -I$(top_srcdir)/zmapUtils
diff --git a/src/zmapFeature/zmapFeature.c b/src/zmapFeature/zmapFeature.c
index db6152ba3..6f9f5a944 100755
--- a/src/zmapFeature/zmapFeature.c
+++ b/src/zmapFeature/zmapFeature.c
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
  * Exported functions: See zmapView_P.h
- * Last edited: Apr 28 12:44 2009 (edgrif)
+ * Last edited: Apr 29 15:55 2009 (rds)
  * Created: Fri Jul 16 13:05:58 2004 (edgrif)
- * CVS info:   $Id: zmapFeature.c,v 1.110 2009-04-28 14:29:49 edgrif Exp $
+ * CVS info:   $Id: zmapFeature.c,v 1.111 2009-05-08 14:19:54 rds Exp $
@@ -499,37 +499,6 @@ void zMapFeatureAnyDestroy(ZMapFeatureAny feature_any)
- * A Blocks DNA
- */
-gboolean zMapFeatureBlockDNA(ZMapFeatureBlock block,
-                             char **seq_name_out, int *seq_len_out, char **sequence_out)
-  gboolean result = FALSE;
-  ZMapFeatureContext context = NULL;
-  zMapAssert( block ) ;
-  if(block->sequence.sequence && 
-     block->sequence.type != ZMAPSEQUENCE_NONE &&
-     block->sequence.type == ZMAPSEQUENCE_DNA  &&
-     (context = (ZMapFeatureContext)zMapFeatureGetParentGroup((ZMapFeatureAny)block,
-                                                              ZMAPFEATURE_STRUCT_CONTEXT)))
-    {
-      if(seq_name_out)
-        *seq_name_out = (char *)g_quark_to_string(context->sequence_name) ;
-      if(seq_len_out)
-        *seq_len_out  = block->sequence.length ;
-      if(sequence_out)
-        *sequence_out = block->sequence.sequence ;
-      result = TRUE ;
-    }
-  return result;
  * Returns a single feature correctly intialised to be a "NULL" feature.
diff --git a/src/zmapFeature/zmapFeature3FrameTranslation.c b/src/zmapFeature/zmapFeature3FrameTranslation.c
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..78d34d67d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/zmapFeature/zmapFeature3FrameTranslation.c
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+/*  File: zmapFeature3FrameTranslation.c
+ *  Author: Roy Storey (
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009: Genome Research Ltd.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * ZMap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * 
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+ * or see the on-line version at
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file is part of the ZMap genome database package
+ * originally written by:
+ *
+ * 	Ed Griffiths (Sanger Institute, UK),
+ *      Roy Storey (Sanger Institute, UK)
+ *
+ * Description: 
+ *
+ * Exported functions: See XXXXXXXXXXXXX.h
+ * Last edited: May  1 19:01 2009 (rds)
+ * Created: Wed Apr  8 16:18:11 2009 (rds)
+ * CVS info:   $Id: zmapFeature3FrameTranslation.c,v 1.1 2009-05-08 14:19:54 rds Exp $
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#include <ZMap/zmapUtils.h>
+#include <ZMap/zmapPeptide.h>
+#include <zmapFeature_P.h>
+void zmapFeature3FrameTranslationDestroySequenceData(ZMapFeature feature);
+static void zmapFeature3FrameTranslationPopulate(ZMapFeatureSet       feature_set, 
+						 ZMapFeatureTypeStyle style);
+static void fudge_rev_comp_translation(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data);
+static void translation_set_populate(ZMapFeatureBlock     feature_block,
+				     ZMapFeatureSet       feature_set, 
+				     ZMapFeatureTypeStyle style,
+				     char *seq_name, 
+				     char *seq);
+gboolean zMapFeature3FrameTranslationCreateSet(ZMapFeatureBlock block, ZMapFeatureSet *set_out) 
+  ZMapFeatureSet feature_set = NULL;
+  GQuark frame_id = 0;
+  gboolean created = FALSE;
+  /* No sequence. No Translation _return_ EARLY */
+  if(!(block->sequence.length))
+    return created;
+  frame_id = zMapStyleCreateID(ZMAP_FIXED_STYLE_3FT_NAME);
+  if(!(feature_set = zMapFeatureBlockGetSetByID(block, frame_id)))
+    {
+      GQuark original_id = 0;
+      GQuark unique_id   = frame_id;
+      original_id = g_quark_from_string(ZMAP_FIXED_STYLE_3FT_NAME);
+      feature_set = zMapFeatureSetIDCreate(original_id, unique_id, NULL, NULL) ;
+      zMapFeatureBlockAddFeatureSet(block, feature_set);
+      created = TRUE;
+    }
+  if(set_out)
+    *set_out = feature_set;
+  return created;
+void zMapFeature3FrameTranslationSetCreateFeatures(ZMapFeatureSet feature_set,
+						   ZMapFeatureTypeStyle style)
+  /* public version of... */
+  zmapFeature3FrameTranslationPopulate(feature_set, style);
+  return ;
+void zMapFeature3FrameTranslationSetRevComp(ZMapFeatureSet feature_set, int origin)
+  zmapFeature3FrameTranslationPopulate(feature_set, NULL);
+  /* We have to do this as the features get rev comped later, but
+   * we're actually recreating the translation in the new orientation
+   * so the numbers don't need rev comping then, so we do it here. 
+   * I figured doing it twice was less hassle than special case 
+   * elsewhere... RDS */
+  g_hash_table_foreach(feature_set->features, fudge_rev_comp_translation, GINT_TO_POINTER(origin));
+  return ;
+char *zMapFeature3FrameTranslationFeatureName(ZMapFeatureSet feature_set, ZMapFrame frame)
+  char *feature_name = NULL, *frame_str;
+  switch (frame)
+    {
+    case ZMAPFRAME_0:
+      frame_str = "0" ;
+      break ;
+    case ZMAPFRAME_1:
+      frame_str = "1" ;
+      break ;
+    case ZMAPFRAME_2:
+      frame_str = "2" ;
+      break ;
+    default:
+      frame_str = "." ;
+    }
+  feature_name = g_strdup_printf("%s_frame-%s", g_quark_to_string(feature_set->unique_id), frame_str);
+  return feature_name;
+void zMapFeature3FrameTranslationAddSequenceData(ZMapFeature feature, char *peptide_str, int sequence_length)
+  if(!feature->feature.sequence.sequence &&
+     feature->type == ZMAPSTYLE_MODE_PEP_SEQUENCE)
+    {
+      feature->feature.sequence.sequence = peptide_str;
+      feature->feature.sequence.length   = sequence_length;
+      feature->feature.sequence.type     = ZMAPSEQUENCE_PEPTIDE;
+    }
+  return ;
+void zmapFeature3FrameTranslationDestroySequenceData(ZMapFeature feature)
+  if(feature->feature.sequence.sequence != NULL &&
+     feature->type == ZMAPSTYLE_MODE_PEP_SEQUENCE)
+    {
+      g_free(feature->feature.sequence.sequence);
+      feature->feature.sequence.sequence = NULL;
+      feature->feature.sequence.length   = 0;
+      feature->feature.sequence.type     = ZMAPSEQUENCE_NONE;
+    }
+  return ;
+/* Accepts NULL as style. */
+static void zmapFeature3FrameTranslationPopulate(ZMapFeatureSet       feature_set, 
+						 ZMapFeatureTypeStyle style)
+  ZMapFeatureTypeStyle temp_style = NULL;
+  ZMapFeatureBlock feature_block;
+  char *sequence_name;
+  char *dna_sequence;
+  feature_block = 
+    (ZMapFeatureBlock)zMapFeatureGetParentGroup((ZMapFeatureAny)feature_set,
+  zMapAssert(feature_block);
+  sequence_name = (char *)g_quark_to_string(feature_block->original_id);
+  dna_sequence  = feature_block->sequence.sequence;
+  if(style == NULL)
+    {
+      temp_style = style = zMapStyleCreate(ZMAP_FIXED_STYLE_3FT_NAME, 
+    }
+  if(dna_sequence)
+    translation_set_populate(feature_block,
+			     feature_set, 
+			     style,
+			     sequence_name,
+			     dna_sequence);
+  if(temp_style)
+    zMapStyleDestroy(temp_style);
+  return ;
+static void fudge_rev_comp_translation(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
+  ZMapFeature feature = (ZMapFeature)value;
+  zmapFeatureRevComp(Coord, GPOINTER_TO_INT(user_data), feature->x1, feature->x2);
+  return ;
+static void translation_set_populate(ZMapFeatureBlock     feature_block,
+				     ZMapFeatureSet       feature_set, 
+				     ZMapFeatureTypeStyle style, 
+				     char *seq_name, 
+				     char *dna)
+  int i, block_position;
+  ZMapFeature frame_feature;
+  char *feature_name_id = "__delete_me__";
+  char *feature_name    = "__delete_me__";
+  char *sequence        = "__delete_me__";
+  char *ontology        = "sequence";
+  frame_feature = zMapFeatureCreateEmpty();
+  zMapFeatureAddStandardData(frame_feature, feature_name_id,
+			     feature_name, sequence,
+			     ontology, ZMAPSTYLE_MODE_PEP_SEQUENCE, 
+                             style, 1, 10, FALSE, 0.0, 
+  zMapFeatureSetAddFeature(feature_set, frame_feature);
+  block_position = feature_block->block_to_sequence.q1;
+  for (i = ZMAPFRAME_0; dna && *dna && i <= ZMAPFRAME_2; i++, dna++, block_position++)
+    {
+      ZMapPeptide pep;
+      ZMapFeature translation;
+      char *feature_name = NULL; /* Remember to free this */
+      GQuark feature_id;
+      ZMapFrame curr_frame;
+      char *peptide_str;
+      int peptide_length;
+      frame_feature->x1 = block_position;
+      curr_frame   = zMapFeatureFrame(frame_feature);
+      feature_name = zMapFeature3FrameTranslationFeatureName(feature_set, curr_frame);
+      feature_id   = g_quark_from_string(feature_name);
+      pep = zMapPeptideCreateSafely(NULL, NULL, dna, NULL, FALSE);
+      if((translation = zMapFeatureSetGetFeatureByID(feature_set, feature_id)))
+        {
+	  /* clear sequence? */
+	  zmapFeature3FrameTranslationDestroySequenceData(translation);
+	}
+      else
+        {
+          int x1, x2;
+          x1 = frame_feature->x1;
+          x2 = x1 + zMapPeptideFullSourceCodonLength(pep) - 1;
+          translation = zMapFeatureCreateEmpty();
+          zMapFeatureAddStandardData(translation, feature_name, feature_name,
+                                     seq_name, "sequence",
+                                     ZMAPSTYLE_MODE_PEP_SEQUENCE, style,
+                                     x1, x2, FALSE, 0.0,
+                                     ZMAPSTRAND_NONE, ZMAPPHASE_NONE);
+          zMapFeatureSetAddFeature(feature_set, translation);
+        }
+      peptide_str    = zMapPeptideSequence(pep);
+      peptide_str    = g_strdup(peptide_str);
+      peptide_length = zMapPeptideLength(pep);
+      zMapFeature3FrameTranslationAddSequenceData(translation, peptide_str, peptide_length);
+      zMapPeptideDestroy(pep) ;
+      if(feature_name)
+	g_free(feature_name);
+    }
+  zMapFeatureSetRemoveFeature(feature_set, frame_feature);
+  zMapFeatureDestroy(frame_feature);
+  return ;
diff --git a/src/zmapFeature/zmapFeatureContext.c b/src/zmapFeature/zmapFeatureContext.c
index b2e4eba6b..1f8f08686 100755
--- a/src/zmapFeature/zmapFeatureContext.c
+++ b/src/zmapFeature/zmapFeatureContext.c
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
  * Exported functions: See ZMap/zmapFeature.h
- * Last edited: Feb  4 14:08 2009 (edgrif)
+ * Last edited: May  1 18:45 2009 (rds)
  * Created: Tue Jan 17 16:13:12 2006 (edgrif)
- * CVS info:   $Id: zmapFeatureContext.c,v 1.42 2009-02-04 16:07:06 edgrif Exp $
+ * CVS info:   $Id: zmapFeatureContext.c,v 1.43 2009-05-08 14:19:54 rds Exp $
@@ -895,26 +895,13 @@ static ZMapFeatureContextExecuteStatus revCompFeaturesCB(GQuark key,
         ZMapFeatureBlock feature_block = NULL;
-	ZMapFeatureSet translations ;
-        GQuark translation_id;
         feature_block  = (ZMapFeatureBlock)feature_any;
-        translation_id = zMapStyleCreateID(ZMAP_FIXED_STYLE_3FT_NAME);
 	/* Complement the dna. */
         if (feature_block->sequence.sequence)
             revcompDNA(feature_block->sequence.sequence, feature_block->sequence.length) ;
-            /* Now redo the 3 frame translations from the dna (if they exist). */
-            if ((translations = zMapFeatureBlockGetSetByID(feature_block, translation_id)))
-              zMapFeature3FrameTranslationRevComp(translations, cb_data->end);
-          }
-        else
-          {
-            /* paranoia makes me want to check we haven't got a three frame translation... */
-            if ((translations = zMapFeatureBlockGetSetByID(feature_block, translation_id)))
-              zMapFeatureSetDestroy(translations, TRUE);
         zmapFeatureRevComp(Coord, cb_data->end,
@@ -925,8 +912,12 @@ static ZMapFeatureContextExecuteStatus revCompFeaturesCB(GQuark key,
         ZMapFeatureSet feature_set = NULL;
         feature_set = (ZMapFeatureSet)feature_any;
-        /* Nothing to swop here, I think..... */
+	/* Now redo the 3 frame translations from the dna (if they exist). */
+	if(feature_set->original_id == g_quark_from_string(ZMAP_FIXED_STYLE_3FT_NAME))
+	  zMapFeature3FrameTranslationSetRevComp(feature_set, cb_data->end);
@@ -937,16 +928,6 @@ static ZMapFeatureContextExecuteStatus revCompFeaturesCB(GQuark key,
         revCompFeature(feature_ft, cb_data->end);
-	/* Shouldn't need to do this, just leave style_id alone..... */
-	/* If list of styles provided then reset feature style from there. */
-	if (cb_data->styles)
-	  feature_ft->style = zMapFindStyle(cb_data->styles, zMapStyleGetUniqueID(feature_ft->style)) ;
diff --git a/src/zmapFeature/zmapFeatureDNA.c b/src/zmapFeature/zmapFeatureDNA.c
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4ce01ce6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/zmapFeature/zmapFeatureDNA.c
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+/*  File: zmapFeatureDNA.c
+ *  Author: Roy Storey (
+ *  Copyright (c) 2009: Genome Research Ltd.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * ZMap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * 
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+ * or see the on-line version at
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * This file is part of the ZMap genome database package
+ * originally written by:
+ *
+ * 	Ed Griffiths (Sanger Institute, UK),
+ *      Roy Storey (Sanger Institute, UK)
+ *
+ * Description: 
+ *
+ * Exported functions: See XXXXXXXXXXXXX.h
+ * Last edited: May  1 18:34 2009 (rds)
+ * Created: Tue Apr  7 10:32:21 2009 (rds)
+ * CVS info:   $Id: zmapFeatureDNA.c,v 1.1 2009-05-08 14:19:54 rds Exp $
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#include <ZMap/zmapUtils.h>
+#include <zmapFeature_P.h>
+ * A Blocks DNA
+ */
+gboolean zMapFeatureBlockDNA(ZMapFeatureBlock block,
+                             char **seq_name_out, int *seq_len_out, char **sequence_out)
+  gboolean result = FALSE;
+  ZMapFeatureContext context = NULL;
+  zMapAssert( block ) ;
+  if(block->sequence.sequence && 
+     block->sequence.type != ZMAPSEQUENCE_NONE &&
+     block->sequence.type == ZMAPSEQUENCE_DNA  &&
+     (context = (ZMapFeatureContext)zMapFeatureGetParentGroup((ZMapFeatureAny)block,
+                                                              ZMAPFEATURE_STRUCT_CONTEXT)))
+    {
+      if(seq_name_out)
+        *seq_name_out = (char *)g_quark_to_string(context->sequence_name) ;
+      if(seq_len_out)
+        *seq_len_out  = block->sequence.length ;
+      if(sequence_out)
+        *sequence_out = block->sequence.sequence ;
+      result = TRUE ;
+    }
+  return result;
+/* Free return when finished! */
+char *zMapFeatureDNAFeatureName(ZMapFeatureBlock block)
+  char *dna_name = NULL;
+  dna_name = g_strdup_printf("%s (%s)", "DNA", g_quark_to_string(block->original_id));
+  return dna_name;
+gboolean zMapFeatureDNACreateFeatureSet(ZMapFeatureBlock block, ZMapFeatureSet *feature_set_out)
+  ZMapFeatureSet dna_feature_set = NULL;
+  gboolean created = FALSE;
+  GQuark dna_set_id = 0;
+  dna_set_id = zMapFeatureSetCreateID(ZMAP_FIXED_STYLE_DNA_NAME);
+  if(!(dna_feature_set = zMapFeatureBlockGetSetByID(block, dna_set_id)))
+    {
+      GQuark original_id = 0;
+      GQuark unique_id   = dna_set_id;
+      original_id     = g_quark_from_string(ZMAP_FIXED_STYLE_DNA_NAME);
+      dna_feature_set = zMapFeatureSetIDCreate(original_id, unique_id, NULL, NULL) ;
+      zMapFeatureBlockAddFeatureSet(block, dna_feature_set);
+      created = TRUE;
+    }
+  if(feature_set_out)
+    *feature_set_out = dna_feature_set;
+  return created;
+void zMapFeatureDNAAddSequenceData(ZMapFeature dna_feature, char *dna_str, int sequence_length)
+  if(!dna_feature->feature.sequence.sequence &&
+     dna_feature->type == ZMAPSTYLE_MODE_RAW_SEQUENCE)
+    {
+      dna_feature->feature.sequence.sequence = dna_str;
+      dna_feature->feature.sequence.length   = sequence_length;
+      dna_feature->feature.sequence.type     = ZMAPSEQUENCE_DNA;
+    }
+  return ;
+ZMapFeature zMapFeatureDNACreateFeature(ZMapFeatureBlock     block, 
+					ZMapFeatureTypeStyle style,
+					char *dna_str, 
+					int   sequence_length)
+  ZMapFeatureSet dna_feature_set = NULL;
+  ZMapFeature dna_feature = NULL;
+  GQuark dna_set_id = 0;
+  zMapAssert(block);
+  zMapAssert(dna_str);
+  zMapAssert(sequence_length != 0);
+  dna_set_id      = zMapFeatureSetCreateID(ZMAP_FIXED_STYLE_DNA_NAME);
+  dna_feature_set = zMapFeatureBlockGetSetByID(block, dna_set_id);
+  if(dna_feature_set)
+    {
+      char *feature_name, *sequence, *ontology;
+      GQuark dna_id;
+      int block_start, block_end;
+      block_start = block->block_to_sequence.q1 ;
+      block_end   = block->block_to_sequence.q2 ;
+      feature_name = zMapFeatureDNAFeatureName(block);
+      dna_id       = g_quark_from_string(feature_name);
+      if(block->sequence.sequence)
+	{
+	  /* hmm, we've already got dna */
+	  /* We should be able to get the feature from the feature set, */
+	  /* but not before issuing a warning */
+	  zMapLogWarning("%s", "Block already has DNA");
+	  dna_feature = zMapFeatureSetGetFeatureByID(dna_feature_set, dna_id);
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  ZMapStrand strand = ZMAPSTRAND_FORWARD; /* DNA is forward */
+	  /* check dna length == block length? */
+	  dna_feature = zMapFeatureCreateFromStandardData(feature_name,
+							  sequence,
+							  ontology,
+							  style,
+							  block_start,
+							  block_end,
+							  FALSE, 0.0,
+							  strand,
+							  ZMAPPHASE_NONE);
+	  zMapFeatureDNAAddSequenceData(dna_feature, dna_str, sequence_length);
+	  zMapFeatureSetAddFeature(dna_feature_set, dna_feature);
+	  block->sequence.sequence = dna_feature->feature.sequence.sequence;
+	  block->sequence.type     = dna_feature->feature.sequence.type;
+	  block->sequence.length   = dna_feature->feature.sequence.length;
+	}
+      if(feature_name)
+	g_free(feature_name);
+    }
+  return dna_feature;
diff --git a/src/zmapFeature/zmapFeatureUtils.c b/src/zmapFeature/zmapFeatureUtils.c
index 95925546b..29d44f9cb 100755
--- a/src/zmapFeature/zmapFeatureUtils.c
+++ b/src/zmapFeature/zmapFeatureUtils.c
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
  * Exported functions: See ZMap/zmapFeature.h
- * Last edited: Feb  9 15:47 2009 (rds)
+ * Last edited: May  1 19:02 2009 (rds)
  * Created: Tue Nov 2 2004 (rnc)
- * CVS info:   $Id: zmapFeatureUtils.c,v 1.65 2009-02-09 15:48:13 rds Exp $
+ * CVS info:   $Id: zmapFeatureUtils.c,v 1.66 2009-05-08 14:19:54 rds Exp $
@@ -54,13 +54,6 @@ static ZMapFrame feature_frame(ZMapFeature feature, int start_coord);
 static int feature_block_frame_offset(ZMapFeature feature);
 static void get_feature_list_extent(gpointer list_data, gpointer span_data);
-static void translation_set_populate(ZMapFeatureSet feature_set, ZMapFeatureTypeStyle style, char *seq_name, char *seq);
 static gint findStyleName(gconstpointer list_data, gconstpointer user_data) ;
 static void addTypeQuark(GQuark style_id, gpointer data, gpointer user_data) ;
@@ -570,16 +563,6 @@ GQuark zMapFeatureSetCreateID(char *set_name)
   return zMapStyleCreateID(set_name);
-/* Free return when finished! */
-char *zMapFeatureMakeDNAFeatureName(ZMapFeatureBlock block)
-  char *dna_name = NULL;
-  dna_name = g_strdup_printf("%s (%s)", "DNA", g_quark_to_string(block->original_id));
-  return dna_name;
 void zMapFeatureSortGaps(GArray *gaps)
@@ -724,119 +707,6 @@ void zMapFeature2MasterCoords(ZMapFeature feature, double *feature_x1, double *f
   return ;
-gboolean zMapFeature3FrameTranslationCreateSet(ZMapFeatureBlock block, ZMapFeatureSet *set_out) 
-  ZMapFeatureContext context = NULL;
-  ZMapFeatureSet feature_set = NULL;
-  gboolean created = FALSE;
-  style_id = zMapStyleCreateID(ZMAP_FIXED_STYLE_3FT_NAME);
-  /* No sequence. No Translation _return_ EARLY */
-  if(!(block->sequence.length))
-    return created;
-  if ((context = (ZMapFeatureContext)(zMapFeatureGetParentGroup((ZMapFeatureAny)block, ZMAPFEATURE_STRUCT_CONTEXT))))
-    {
-      if ((style = zMapFindStyle(context->styles, style_id)) != NULL)
-        {
-          feature_set = zMapFeatureSetCreate(ZMAP_FIXED_STYLE_3FT_NAME, NULL);
-          //feature_set->style = style;
-          created = TRUE;
-        }
-    }
-  if(set_out && created)
-    *set_out = feature_set;
-  else
-    created = FALSE;
-  return created;
-static void fudge_rev_comp_translation(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data)
-  ZMapFeature feature = (ZMapFeature)value;
-  zmapFeatureRevComp(Coord, GPOINTER_TO_INT(user_data), feature->x1, feature->x2);
-  return ;
-void zMapFeature3FrameTranslationRevComp(ZMapFeatureSet feature_set, int origin)
-  zMapFeature3FrameTranslationPopulate(feature_set);
-  /* We have to do this as the features get rev comped later, but
-   * we're actually recreating the translation in the new orientation
-   * so the numbers don't need rev comping then, so we do it here. 
-   * I figured doing it twice was less hassle than special case 
-   * elsewhere... RDS */
-  g_hash_table_foreach(feature_set->features, fudge_rev_comp_translation, GINT_TO_POINTER(origin));
-  return ;
-char *zMapFeature3FrameTranslationFeatureName(ZMapFeatureSet feature_set, ZMapFrame frame)
-  char *feature_name = NULL, *frame_str;
-  switch (frame)
-    {
-    case ZMAPFRAME_0:
-      frame_str = "0" ;
-      break ;
-    case ZMAPFRAME_1:
-      frame_str = "1" ;
-      break ;
-    case ZMAPFRAME_2:
-      frame_str = "2" ;
-      break ;
-    default:
-      frame_str = "." ;
-    }
-  feature_name = g_strdup_printf("%s_frame-%s", g_quark_to_string(feature_set->unique_id), frame_str);
-  return feature_name;
-void zMapFeature3FrameTranslationPopulate(ZMapFeatureSet feature_set)
-  ZMapFeatureBlock block;
-  char *seq = NULL, *seq_name;
-  block = (ZMapFeatureBlock)(zMapFeatureGetParentGroup((ZMapFeatureAny)feature_set, ZMAPFEATURE_STRUCT_BLOCK));
-  zMapAssert(block);            /* No block! BIG error! */
-  zMapAssert(block->sequence.length); /* No sequence. Why we got a 3ft anyway? Error! */
-  //style = feature_set->style;
-  //zMapAssert(style);
-  seq_name = (char *)g_quark_to_string(block->original_id);
-  seq = block->sequence.sequence ;
-  translation_set_populate(feature_set, style, seq_name, seq);
-  return ;
 gboolean zMapFeatureGetFeatureListExtent(GList *feature_list, int *start_out, int *end_out)
   gboolean done = FALSE;
@@ -1156,75 +1026,6 @@ static int feature_block_frame_offset(ZMapFeature feature)
   return offset;
-static void translation_set_populate(ZMapFeatureSet feature_set, ZMapFeatureTypeStyle style, char *seq_name, char *seq)
-  ZMapFeatureBlock block;
-  int i, block_position;
-  ZMapFeature frame_feature;
-  frame_feature = zMapFeatureCreateEmpty();
-  zMapFeatureAddStandardData(frame_feature, "_delete_me_", "_delete_me_", 
-                             "_delete_me_", "sequence", ZMAPSTYLE_MODE_PEP_SEQUENCE, 
-                             style, 1, 10, FALSE, 0.0, ZMAPSTRAND_NONE, ZMAPPHASE_NONE);
-  zMapFeatureSetAddFeature(feature_set, frame_feature);
-  zMapAssert(feature_set->parent);
-  block = (ZMapFeatureBlock)(feature_set->parent);
-  block_position = block->block_to_sequence.q1;
-  for (i = ZMAPFRAME_0; seq && *seq && i <= ZMAPFRAME_2; i++, seq++, block_position++)
-    {
-      ZMapPeptide pep;
-      ZMapFeature translation;
-      char *feature_name; /* Remember to free this */
-      GQuark feature_id;
-      ZMapFrame curr_frame;
-      frame_feature->x1 = block_position;
-      curr_frame   = zMapFeatureFrame(frame_feature);
-      feature_name = zMapFeature3FrameTranslationFeatureName(feature_set, curr_frame);
-      feature_id   = g_quark_from_string(feature_name);
-      pep = zMapPeptideCreateSafely(NULL, NULL, seq, NULL, FALSE);
-      if((translation  = zMapFeatureSetGetFeatureByID(feature_set, feature_id)))
-        g_free(translation->text);
-      else
-        {
-          int x1, x2;
-          x1 = frame_feature->x1;
-          x2 = x1 + zMapPeptideFullSourceCodonLength(pep) - 1;
-          translation = zMapFeatureCreateEmpty();
-          zMapFeatureAddStandardData(translation, feature_name, feature_name,
-                                     seq_name, "sequence",
-                                     ZMAPSTYLE_MODE_PEP_SEQUENCE, style,
-                                     x1, x2, FALSE, 0.0,
-                                     ZMAPSTRAND_NONE, ZMAPPHASE_NONE);
-          zMapFeatureSetAddFeature(feature_set, translation);
-        }
-      translation->text = g_strdup(zMapPeptideSequence(pep));
-      zMapPeptideDestroy(pep) ;
-      g_free(feature_name);
-    }
-  zMapFeatureSetRemoveFeature(feature_set, frame_feature);
-  zMapFeatureDestroy(frame_feature);
-  return ;
 static void get_feature_list_extent(gpointer list_data, gpointer span_data)
   ZMapFeature feature = (ZMapFeature)list_data;
diff --git a/src/zmapServer/acedb/acedbServer.c b/src/zmapServer/acedb/acedbServer.c
index 5509fec35..573811e0c 100755
--- a/src/zmapServer/acedb/acedbServer.c
+++ b/src/zmapServer/acedb/acedbServer.c
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
  * Exported functions: See zmapServer.h
- * Last edited: May  8 09:10 2009 (edgrif)
+ * Last edited: May  8 15:07 2009 (rds)
  * Created: Wed Aug  6 15:46:38 2003 (edgrif)
- * CVS info:   $Id: acedbServer.c,v 1.132 2009-05-08 08:12:52 edgrif Exp $
+ * CVS info:   $Id: acedbServer.c,v 1.133 2009-05-08 14:20:09 rds Exp $
@@ -1481,39 +1481,25 @@ static gboolean blockDNARequest(AcedbServer server, GData *styles, ZMapFeatureBl
       ZMapFeature feature = NULL;
       ZMapFeatureSet feature_set = NULL;
-      ZMapFeatureTypeStyle style = NULL;
+      ZMapFeatureTypeStyle dna_style = NULL;
-      feature_block->sequence.type     = ZMAPSEQUENCE_DNA ;
-      feature_block->sequence.length   = dna_length ;
-      feature_block->sequence.sequence = dna_sequence ;
-      if ((style = zMapFindStyle(styles, zMapStyleCreateID(ZMAP_FIXED_STYLE_DNA_NAME))))
+      if (zMapFeatureDNACreateFeatureSet(feature_block, &feature_set))
-	  feature_set = zMapFeatureSetCreate(ZMAP_FIXED_STYLE_DNA_NAME, NULL);
-	  //feature_set->style = style;
-	}
+	  ZMapFeatureTypeStyle temp_style = NULL;
+	  /* This temp style creation feels wrong, and probably is,
+	   * but we don't have the merged in default styles in here,
+	   * or so it seems... */
-      if (feature_set)
-	{
-	  const char *sequence = g_quark_to_string(feature_block->original_id);
-	  char *feature_name = NULL;
-	  feature_name = g_strdup_printf("DNA (%s)", sequence);
-	  feature = 
-	    zMapFeatureCreateFromStandardData(feature_name,
-					      (char *)sequence, 
-					      "sequence", 
-					      style,
-					      block_start, 
-					      block_end,
-					      FALSE, 0.0,
-					      ZMAPSTRAND_NONE, 
-					      ZMAPPHASE_NONE) ;
-	  zMapFeatureSetAddFeature(feature_set, feature);
-	  zMapFeatureBlockAddFeatureSet(feature_block, feature_set);
-	  g_free(feature_name);
+	  if (!(dna_style = zMapFindStyle(styles, zMapStyleCreateID(ZMAP_FIXED_STYLE_DNA_NAME))))
+	    temp_style = dna_style = zMapStyleCreate(ZMAP_FIXED_STYLE_DNA_NAME, 
+	  feature = zMapFeatureDNACreateFeature(feature_block, dna_style,
+						dna_sequence, dna_length);
+	  if(temp_style)
+	    zMapStyleDestroy(temp_style);
       /* I'm going to create the three frame translation up front! */
@@ -1521,8 +1507,16 @@ static gboolean blockDNARequest(AcedbServer server, GData *styles, ZMapFeatureBl
 	  if ((zMapFeature3FrameTranslationCreateSet(feature_block, &feature_set)))
-	      zMapFeatureBlockAddFeatureSet(feature_block, feature_set);
-	      zMapFeature3FrameTranslationPopulate(feature_set);
+	      ZMapFeatureTypeStyle frame_style = NULL;
+	      gboolean style_absolutely_required = FALSE;
+	      frame_style = zMapFindStyle(styles, zMapStyleCreateID(ZMAP_FIXED_STYLE_3FT_NAME));
+	      if(style_absolutely_required && !frame_style)
+		zMapLogWarning("Cowardly refusing to create features '%s' without style",
+	      else
+		zMapFeature3FrameTranslationSetCreateFeatures(feature_set, frame_style);