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  • Manoj Pandian Sakthivel's avatar
    Add track panel eye toggle icon to storybook (#12) · 19913ea5
    Manoj Pandian Sakthivel authored
    * Add the eye toggle icon shared component
    * Create storybook entry for EyeToggleIcon
    * Add some styles to the eye toggle icon storybook
    * Rename icon to button
    * Reimplement the EyeToggleIcon to be more generic
    * Remove one unecessary svg file
    * Cleanup unwanted packages
    * Rename imageFile to be just image
    * Renamed the imageStyle prop name to classNames
    * Adding type to the image prop
    * Cleanup the inline button props
    * Rename ToggleImageButton to be just ImageButton
    * CSS update to the default ImageButton styles
    * Display all available states of an ImageButton
    * Fix css warnings on the console
    * Fix the track panel icons button size
    * Update all track panel buttons to use ImageButton
    * Add highlighted status to ImageButton
    * Add tests for image-button
    * Update the storybook entry
    * Cursor update or disabled state
    * Update tests
    * Update the tests
    * Update test for image path