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  • Manoj Pandian Sakthivel's avatar
    Feature/custom downloads (#64) · 3d0a581c
    Manoj Pandian Sakthivel authored
    * Create the directory and root component for custom download
    * Add animation to TrackPanel (#25)
    * Track panel animation
    * Update browser content styling
    * Fix the drawer position
    * TrackPanel animation settings update
    * Apply easing animation to TrackConfig
    * Revert "Add animation to TrackPanel (#25)" (#29)
    This reverts commit 5ddf015d.
    * Add RoundButtons to the pre filters
    * Minor reducer changes
    * Store preFilter selections in the state
    * Custom download header and components outline
    * Add checkbox grid
    * Add onchange handler to checkbox grid
    * Restructure files
    * Create the sampleData JSON
    * Store the accordion state in the store
    * Add permanent block to display checked attributes
    * Load results from the API
    * Add biotype filter
    * Simplify the state for customDownload
    * Add orthologue species filter
    * Orthologues filters and attributes with sample data
    * Implement orthologue species search filter
    * Code cleanup
    * Split the reducer into chunks
    * Add / Remove extra options using CheckboxMultiSelect
    * Fix duplicate options in the existing select
    * Implement checkbox wiht radios component
    * Implement the preview download screen
    * Add support for download types
    * Fix TabButton filter count
    * Linter errors fix
    * Format genesearch API result
    * Preview table even column width
    * Get attributes list from genesearch
    * Get the attributes from genesearch
    * Remove index file for the shared components
    * Map value error fix
    * Update result formatting function
    * Disable unavailable options
    * Gene source filter updates
    * Some cleanups and paralogue section addition
    * Revert paralogue changes
    * More UI fixes
    * More UI fixes
    * Separate folders for accordion sections
    * Tests for checkbox grid
    * Test for the Checkbox components
    * Result counter update
    * Remove the service file
    * Get endpoint from .env
    * UI fixes
    * Rname components and create state folders
    * Radio component and result loader update
    * Radio test fix
    * Update $ens-green value
    * Trim orthologues sample data
    * Result preview upadate
    * PR review changes
    * PR review fixes
    * Type for attributes
    * Remove 'any' from attribute types
    * Improve tests for CheckboxGrid
    * Result loader UI update
    * Checkbox with select fixes
    * Remove unnecessary useCallbacks
    * Update radio option to support number and boolean
    * Update to checkbox with radios component
    * Lint error fixes
    * Hide empty result cards
    * Download type select position
    * Replace table with div tags
    * Rename the helper files
    * Use faker for radio tests
    * Remove the table used in radio
    * Rename tabButton & resultHolder on redux
    * Update tests
    * Number formatter test update
    * Result loader update
    * Test numbers with decimals
    * Fix test comments
    * Update no results text