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  • Manoj Pandian Sakthivel's avatar
    PasteOrUpload component refactoring and storybook entry (#171) · 785b397c
    Manoj Pandian Sakthivel authored
    * Replace input with textarea and create story
    * Fix tests
    * Incorporate textarea component
    * Incorporate the Upload component
    * CheckboxWithTextfields in a working state
    * Fix tests
    * Add tests
    * Grid style updates
    * Display filenames above the textfield
    * Change local storage method
    * Preserve files after refresh
    * Goodbye PasteOrUpload
    * Separate callback for text and upload
    * Show commit button
    * Combine the text and file values
    * Remove invalid test
    * Import order
    * Fix the issue with 0 files
    * Remove commit button
    * Add onReset
    * Fix tests
    * PR review fixes
    * Rename uuid to generateId
    * Make id an optional prop to the Upload
    * Remove id from Upload