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  • Imran Salam's avatar
    Enhancements and new functionality for navigation bar (#162) · acc7f815
    Imran Salam authored
    * add region editor to nav bar and remove browser genome selector
    * use the Input component for input text field in browser region field
    * change genomeSelectorActive state property to browserRegionEditorActive
    * add region editor and make improvements to region field
    * fix styling issues in browser nav bar
    * validate browser region field with api
    * fix region field error messages not disappearing after closing
    * add validation to browser region editor
    * use constants for browser region errors
    * fix paths to shared components after merge
    * improve types in browser state
    * remove redundanta browser navigator button
    * rename browser region field input
    * add test cases for browser region editor
    * add test cases for browser region field
    * Design review changes
    * fix test cases in browser nav bar
    * fix wrong import path for loading state
    * remove redundant dispatch call
    * fix multiple dispatch calls made when user focuses on region input
    * fix location update issues on region form submissions
    * fix test cases
    * added temporary base url of the endpoints used for region input forms
    * fix type issues
    * enable region field submissions with no region (location only)
    * merge with dev to get the changes made to browser
    * make changes as suggested in webteam meeting and fix bugs
    * fix tests
    * fix tests after changes made to validation
    * remove spaces from the hyphen between location start and end
    * make the region field placeholder paler in colour
    * fix handlebars package security vulnerability
    * add tests for browser components
    * add tests to browser zmenu components
    * update region validation code to work with the validation endpoint changes
    * add tests to browser cog components and move them to a separate directory
    * remove unused objects and types in browser config
    * add test cases for browser helper functions
    * update tests for browser field and region inputs
    * PR review suggestions
    * More PR review suggestions
    * Even more PR review suggestions
    * fix more issues in PR
    * fix genome browser disappearing when navigation panel is opened
    * fix karyotype name and add types to region validation result
    * remove redundant loading state import and fix regression issue in browser bar
    * add parse error to browser region validation and sort region validation types
    * fix test case description for browser helper
    * reset the api proxy url for webpack to staging
    * fix region editor select menu not being clickable