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Pull mirroring updated .
- Mar 05, 2025
Andrey Azov authored
Notable updates: - Typescript updated to 5.8.2 - React router updated to 7.2.0 - Babel loader updated from v.9 to v.10 - Copy-webpack-plugin updated from v.12 to v.13
- Feb 21, 2025
Andrey Azov authored
- Add a provisional navigation button to gene&transcript zmenus in the genome browser that takes user to the regulatory activity viewer preserving the location Notes: - So far, the gene used for navigation from the genome browser does not become focused in regulatory activity viewer (the focusing on features in regulatory activity viewer is not yet fully developed) - As with regulatory activity viewer in general, the button will be hidden in production until we are ready to go live
- Feb 20, 2025
Andrey Azov authored
- Added gene expression indicators (to the right of epigenome activity visualisation), currently displaying mock data. In the future, this should only show up if a gene has been selected. - Added the genome namespace to url paths (e.g. /activity-viewer/genome/grch38). This does not quite follow url convention used for other pages, where genome id follows immediately after the name of the 'app'; but Regulation team feels strongly that regulatory data should be accessible not just by providing a genome id; and for now, this seems to be a decent compromise - If no filters are selected, regulatory activity viewer now shows the full list of epigenomes instead of showing none - When the "Configure" button in the main section of the page is pressed, the sidebar changes its contents to 'region activity' view.
- Feb 15, 2025
Andrey Azov authored
- Feb 13, 2025
Andrey Azov authored
- Fetching regulatory activity data based on the `location` url parameter - Added an interstitial screen — very primitive so far; just shows example locations for reference human and mouse - Reshuffled the buttons in the middle of the screen ("Configure" now moved to the right), and changed text in one of them ("Epigenomes" replaced with "Table") - Added the "Configure" button to the sidebar (in the "Region activity" view) - If user selects a location in RegionOverview while the bottom of the page shows the epigenomes table, the view automatically changes to regulatory activity visualisation
- Feb 10, 2025
Andrey Azov authored
- Added the sorting of epigenomes based on the values of their metadata. - Sorting is done based on the list of sortable dimensions that is sent by the api. - Users are allowed to change the sorting order of epigenomes through the "actions" dropdown - Epigenomes are marked with colour labels that represent the dimensions they were sorted by - Moved the selection of dimensions by which epigenomes can be combined into the "actions" dropdown
- Feb 04, 2025
Shashank Budhanuru Ramaraju authored
- Jan 31, 2025
Andrey Azov authored
Andrey Azov authored
Logic implemented in this commit: If there is no genome id suggested by the url (e.g. If active genome id exists (in redux) Update url to reflect active genome id If active genome id does not exist If there are some selected species Make the first selected species' genome id into an active one Update url to reflect new active genome id If genome id (or tag) exists in the url: Send the url part that contains genome id (or genome tag) to metadata api to check whether it is valid Read genome id from the api response If genome id in the response is different from the current active genome id Update active genome id
- Jan 30, 2025
Andrey Azov authored
The list of supported browsers, per browserlist setting in package.json, is: "> 1% and last 2 versions", "not dead". This results in the following list of browsers: and_chr 131 chrome 131 chrome 130 edge 131 edge 130 firefox 132 ios_saf 18.1 samsung 26 The resulting bundles lack polyfills for new array methods, such as .toSorted. Since I've been seeing in Sentry occasional errors due to the missing toSorted method, I am adding a check for this method to the list of checks of user's browser support.
- Jan 27, 2025
Shashank Budhanuru Ramaraju authored
- Jan 24, 2025
Andrey Azov authored
Add epigenome activity visualisation, and switch from mock data to data fetched from backend apis (#1195) - Added visualisation of epigenome activity - Switched from using mock data to fetching the data from the backend apis -Deleted the mock data files that are no longer in use - Moved the logic for dealing with ids (genome id, assembly accession id, etc.) into a dedicated context. - Moved the logic for dealing with epigenomes (fetching the list of base genomes, fetching epigenome metadata, filtering epigenomes based on the selected metadata) into a dedicated context.
- Jan 07, 2025
Andrey Azov authored
- Changed the species home icon in the selected genomes table in species manager from the home icon to the species selector icon - Updated the VEP icon in the launchbar - Added a new component (VerticallyCenteredCellContent) to help with the vertical centring of inline-block or inline-flex items in table cells
- Jan 02, 2025
Andres Veidenberg authored
- Dec 23, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
- Included the Header component as a fallback for Suspense, which keeps the header stable during routing to lazily loaded routes - Changed the order of imports in index.tsx to make sure global CSS is loaded and registered before CSS modules of any components, to fix CSS bugs observed in dev mode
- Dec 20, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
Updated react-router from version 7.0 to version 7.1
Andrey Azov authored
Notable updates: - React updated from v.18.3 to v.19 - Types for refs seem to have been updated. For mutable refs, null is now explicit in the types. This required updates to the code - Removed all instances of using forwardRef as it has become deprecated - Removed the react-spring (@react-spring/web) library, because we practically never used it.
- Dec 17, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
- Dec 13, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
- When user starts interacting with regulatory activity viewer, he should see a list of pre-selected epigenomes if it is provided by the backend - User should be able to select other epigenomes. The selector (lists of checkboxes) appears as a modal dialog popup upon a click on the "Configure" button. - Checkboxes act as filters for epigenomes. Within a single list of checkboxes (a metadata dimension), selection of different checkboxes acts as a logical "OR" operator. Selecting checkboxes from different lists (i.e. from different metadata dimensions) acts as a logical "AND" operator. - The ticked selection criteria for epigenomes (filters) will appear in the sidebar, where they can be deleted. - Selected epigenomes are displayed in the table at the bottom of the screen - Some of the metadata dimensions of an epigenome can be used to "combine" the epigenomes. Currently, this is done by clicking appropriate table column headings. Other changes - This PR also introduces a new component — CollapsibleSection, which seems to be better suited than the Accordion component for showing and hiding elements in the sidebar
- Dec 06, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
Use the REPORT_ANALYTICS environment variable to distinguish between the true production and the staging environments.
- Dec 04, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
- Added a dedicated SEO router to handle requests for robots.txt and for a dedicated html file with Google site ownership verification code - Added a 'static-files' directory in the src/server directory for the static files such as robots.txt and the google verification code - Updated webpack config to copy the static files where the built server code can find them.
- Dec 02, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
We've been seeing the problem that IndexedDB becomes inaccessible right after a db version bump. The problem is almost certainly caused by a concurrent instance of the app running in another browser tab, and being connected to IndexedDB, which will prevent IndexedDB from upgrading, and in fact will leave the running code in a broken state. This commit adds logic for handling scenarios when a tab with an older db version is blocking another tab from db upgrade.
- Nov 26, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
Andrey Azov authored
- Nov 25, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
Andrey Azov authored
By adding the 'inert' attribute to the drawer when it is closed, prevent accidentally reaching it with the tab key. Similarly, add the 'inert' attribute to the main area of the standard layout when the drawer is opened to prevent escaping from the drawer into the main area.
Andrey Azov authored
The old Checkbox component was split into two: - A new Checkbox component that is just a wrapper over the native browser input element and adds styles to it. The programmatic interface for the Checkbox component is the same as for the native input element Notably, the onChange callback now receives a DOM event, like a regular input's change handler does - The CheckboxWithLabel component, which has the same programmatic interface as the old Checkbox component Note that the onChange callback for this component receives a boolean, like the old Checkbox component did. This is for convenience of not having to extract the checked value from the input that is the target of the event. The styling of the Checkbox component has been updated such that it no longer hides the native input element with the display:none CSS rule. It was this CSS rule that made the input inaccessible via keyboard navigation.
- Nov 24, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
- Nov 23, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
Notable changes: - typescript updated from v.5.6 to v.5.7 - react-router updated from v.6 to v.7 - no real changes seem to have been required in our code, except that react-router-dom/server module no longer seems to exist; so StaticRouter has to be imported directly from react-router-dom - minor updates to webpack configs (the [hash] placeholder in webpack templates has been renamed to [fullhash])
- Nov 22, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
- Nov 18, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
Up until now, the CommunicationPanel (the panel that slides from the right upon click on the conversation icon) only showed the "Contact Us" form. This PR adds the capability to show notifications ("Messages"). The proper, long-term architecture for notifications is unclear. For now, the requirement is only to show one notification ("welcome to beta, etc."), which automatically opens the communication panel if the user hasn't seen it. If the user simply closes the panel or clicks on the "use beta" button, the notification remains accessible (shows up as a green dot next to the conversation icon). If the user chooses to "clear the message", it disappears completely.
- Nov 15, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
- Slightly modify the appearance of the arrows that represent transcription start sites (slightly more compact size) - Join transcription start site arrows into a single one if they are close together. Show several vertical branches of those joined arrows (to mark the actual positions of the start sites), if they can be resolved - Display transcription start sites in the region in detail view (in the bottom)
- Nov 08, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
- Nov 06, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
- Extracted a group of social media links into a dedicated component - Use the SocialMediaLinks component in the footer on the Home page; on the About page; and in the ContactUs tab of the communications panel - Added a base CSS layer, so that the CSS rules that are declared as part of the components layer do not get overridden by the regular (non-layered) styles - Updated a label on the VEP page (Variant effect predictor -> Variant Effect Predictor)
- Nov 05, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
- Updated Node version to the latest LTS (20.9.0 -> 22.11.0) - Updated Express to the new major version (4.21.0 -> 5.0.1). The only change that was required was a change of a route notation (app.get('*', ...) had to change to app.get('*splat', ...)) - A bump of the version of mock service worker required an update to the jsdom environment (apparently, msw now tries to access the BroadcastChannel global)
- Nov 03, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
- By clicking on and dragging across the region overview, it is possible to select a subregion that shows up in the region details panel below - The cursor over the svg changes its shape to suggest that a subregion can be selected - Features (including their fragments) that are outside the selected subregion are greyed out in the RegionOverview panel. The greyed-out features are not interactive, and do not respond to mouse hover or to clicks - RegionOverview shows gene extents (dashed lines to either side of a transcript if the transcript is shorter than the gene itself) - Allow display of multiple transcription start sites - Show a popup ('zmenu"), upon a click on a gene in region overview - Add inert areas outside the selection in region overview, so that if you click or mouse over a feature outside the selected area in the region overview, nothing happens
- Oct 28, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
- Oct 25, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
The changes in this commit contain: - A page for regulatory activity viewer, and a launchbar button (with a provisional icon) hidden in production - A RegionOverview component in the upper part of the page, which shows genes and regulatory features in a given location - A RegionDetail component under RegionOverview, which will display the contents of the selected area. - The sidebar, displaying a list of genes in the region, and a colour legend for regulatory features.
- Oct 18, 2024
Andrey Azov authored
- Oct 16, 2024
jyobhai authored