From c1b6d98471035dbf66cfd733b252890d3b513ab1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benjamin Wingfield <>
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2023 12:09:02 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] remove curl transfer

 data/templates/env_vars.txt |  4 ---
 data/transfer/   | 64 -------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 68 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 data/transfer/

diff --git a/data/templates/env_vars.txt b/data/templates/env_vars.txt
index ebb8cd8..8233102 100644
--- a/data/templates/env_vars.txt
+++ b/data/templates/env_vars.txt
@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ export NXF_EXECUTOR=local
 export NXF_WORK=$TMPDIR/work
 export NXF_HOME=$TMPDIR/home
 export CAPSULE_LOG=none
-# configuration
-export GLOBUS_BASE_URL={globus_base_url}
-export GLOBUS_GUEST_COLLECTION_ID={guest_collection_id}
-export JOB_MESSAGE='{message}'
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/data/transfer/ b/data/transfer/
deleted file mode 100644
index a8b9cc1..0000000
--- a/data/transfer/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -euxo pipefail
-# A simple way to download a set of files from an INTERVENE globus collection
-# using curl and HTTPS. Doesn't retry, resume, or do anything fancy.
-# All configuration is done with environment variables.
-# This script is kept here as a reference when deploying hattivatti to Puhti.
-check_environment_variables () {
-    # GLOBUS_SECRET_TOKEN: globus sdk client token
-    # GLOBUS_GUEST_COLLECTION_ID: uuid, from message
-    # JOB_MESSAGE: a validated JSON message sent by the backend
-    for var in "${env_vars[@]}"; do
-        echo "Checking environment variable $var"
-        # print indirect reference, only errors correctly with set -u
-        echo "${!var} OK"
-    done
-grab_access_token () {
-    GLOBUS_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl -s -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic $GLOBUS_SECRET_TOKEN" \
-                               -d "scope=$GLOBUS_GUEST_COLLECTION_ID/https&grant_type=client_credentials" \
-                      \
-                              | jq -r '.access_token')
-download_files () {
-    GLOBUS_HEADER="\"Authorization: Bearer $GLOBUS_ACCESS_TOKEN\""
-    # step 1: extract a list of file names and extensions from the job message
-    # e.g. test.pgen
-    FILE_PATHS=$(mktemp)
-    jq -r '.pipeline_param.target_genomes[] | (.pgen, .pvar, .psam)' <(echo "$JOB_MESSAGE") > $FILE_PATHS
-    DIRECTORY=$(echo $JOB_MESSAGE | jq -r '.globus_details.dir_path_on_guest_collection + "/"')
-    CURL_CMD="curl -s -f -O -L -X GET \
-                        -H "$GLOBUS_HEADER" \
-                        --url "${GLOBUS_BASE_URL}/${DIRECTORY}/{PATH}" \
-                        -w "%{json}" >> transfer_log.json"
-    DOWNLOAD_PATH=$(mktemp)
-    # step 2: print a list of curl commands to a temporary file
-    xargs -I {PATH} echo $CURL_CMD < $FILE_PATHS > $DOWNLOAD_PATH
-    # step 3: run the curl commands to stage the files locally over HTTPS
-    source $DOWNLOAD_PATH
-main () {
-    # clean up old transfer logs before starting downloads
-    rm -f transfer_log.json
-    check_environment_variables
-    grab_access_token
-    download_files
-    # clean up temporary files when exiting the script
-    # mktemp is quite secure so not really needed, just being tidy