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Commit d84b44a2 authored by Ibrahim Roshan Kunnakkattu's avatar Ibrahim Roshan Kunnakkattu
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added better-docs and js-docs for documentation

parent 6c908a1b
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2 merge requests!5Refactored code for diplaying aggregated ligand interactions,!4Added features for aggregated ligand interaction view and interactivity with heat map
# PDB ligand environment component
# PDB LigandEnv component
This is a web-component to display ligand structure in 2D along with its interactions. Ligand can be perceived as a set of covalently linked pdb residues (refered to as bound molecule) or a single pdb residue. This depiction can be enriched with a substructure highlight, atom names, and binding site interactions.
This is a web-component to display ligand structure in 2D along with its interactions. This depiction can be enriched with substructure highlight, atom names, binding site interactions and aggregated protein-ligand interactions.
## Step after cloning (use local server to see demo pages)
## Installation
npm run install
npm install
npm run build
npm run start
open any of the *.html pages in the demo directory
To see demo, copy demo directory to build and open any of the html pages.
## Component modes
* Mode A: Display bound molecule and its interactions
* Mode B: Display ligand and its interactions
* Mode C: Display ligand (chemical component) only
* Mode D: Display ligand and aggregated interactions
| Mode A | Mode B | Mode C |
|:------------------: | :-------: | :-------: |
| <img src=""/>| <img src=""/> | <img src=""/> |
| [1cbs REA 200 A]( | 3D12 bm1 (`2xGLC-2xBGC-LXZ-NGA-GL0`)| [wwPDB CCD - VIA](
| Mode A | Mode B | Mode C | Mode D |
|:------------------: | :-------: | :-------: | :-------: |
| <img src="dependencies/REA_A_200.svg"/>| <img src="dependencies/3d12_bm1.svg"/> | <img src=""/> | asd |
| [1cbs REA 200 A]( | 3D12 bm1 (`2xGLC-2xBGC-LXZ-NGA-GL0`)| [wwPDB CCD - VIA]( | asd |
## How to use it
The component can be inserted into the pages by two different ways. Either as a `web-component` using html tag, or directly by using javascript as a `plugin`.
PDB LigandEnv can be inserted into web pages in two different ways. Either as a `web-component` using html tag, or directly by using javascript as a `plugin`.
Interactions data displayed by the component can come from three different environments `Production`, `Development`, `Internal`. If no environment is specified `Production` is used as default..
......@@ -74,10 +74,13 @@ A few files needs to be imported in the page before the component is attempted t
<pdb-ligand-env pdb-res-name="CLR" zoom-on ></pdb-ligand-env>
<pdb-ligand-env pdb-res-name="STI", contact-type=["hbond","hydrophobic","vdw"]></pdb-ligand-env>
The component contains a number of properties that can be set, in order to change data that are being displayed. First you need to define a component on the page:
<pdb-ligand-env id='SIA-component'></pdb-ligand-env>
......@@ -87,14 +90,15 @@ and then inject data you want to display e.g.:
let chemUrl = ``;
let interactionsURL = "";
let component = document.getElementById('SIA-component');
const depiction = await (await fetch(chemUrl)).json();
const interactionsData = await (await fetch(interactionsURL)).json();
const atomsToHighlight = ['C10', 'C11', 'O10'];
component.depiction = depiction;
component.ligandHighlight = atomsToHighlight;
component.interactions = interactionsData;
(async() => {
const depiction = await (await fetch(chemUrl)).json();
const interactionsData = await (await fetch(interactionsURL)).json();
const atomsToHighlight = ['C10', 'C11', 'O10'];
component.depiction = depiction;
component.ligandHighlight = atomsToHighlight;
component.interactions = interactionsData;
### Plugin
......@@ -148,6 +152,13 @@ this.display.initLigandInteractions('1cbs', 200, 'A');
// to display chemical component with atom names only
this.display.initLigandDisplay('HEM', true);
// to display aggregated protein-ligand interactions
this.display.initLigandDisplay('STI').then(() => {
this.display.initLigandWeights('STI').then(() => {
## Parameters
......@@ -157,7 +168,8 @@ this.display.initLigandDisplay('HEM', true);
| pdb-id | string | No | PDB id of a protein to retrieve interactions from. `(mode A and B only)` |
| bound-molecule-id | string | No | PDB bound molecule id `(mode A only)` |
| pdb-res-name | string | No | PDB residue name aka: *auth_comp_id* `(mode C only)`
| pdb-res-id | number | No | PDB residue id aka: *auth_seq_id* `(mode B only)`
| pdb-res-id | number | No | PDB residue id aka: *auth_seq_id* `(mode B only)` |
| contact-type | string[] | No | protein-ligand contact_type calculated by pdbe-arpeggio `(mode D only)` |
| pdb-chain-id | string | No | PDB residue chain aka: *auth_asym_id* `(mode B only)`|
| substructure | string[] | No | List of atom names to be highlighted on the ligand structure |
| color | string | No | HEX representation of the color highlight. `(Default: #D3D3D3)` |
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<script src=""></script>
<!-- CSS style to be used for scene drawing (required for saving SVGs.) -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<!-- UI icons -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<!-- Web component polyfill (only loads what it needs) -->
<script src="" charset="utf-8">
<script src=""
<!--PDBe interactions component-->
<script type="module" src=""></script>
<!--Mode A-->
<div style="position: relative; float: left;">
<div style="width: 500px; height: 500px; position: relative">
<pdb-ligand-env pdb-id="1cbs" pdb-res-id="200" pdb-chain-id="A"></pdb-ligand-env>
<!--Mode B-->
<div style="position: relative; float: left;">
<div style="width: 500px; height: 500px; position: relative">
<pdb-ligand-env pdb-id="3d12" bound-molecule-id="bm1"></pdb-ligand-env>
<!--Mode C-->
<div style="position: relative; float: left;">
<div style="width: 500px; height: 500px; position: relative">
<pdb-ligand-env pdb-res-name="CLR" zoom-on names-on></pdb-ligand-env>
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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......@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ const banner = ['/**',
const license = ['/**',
' * Copyright 2019-2020 Lukas Pravda <>',
' * Copyright 2024-2030 Protein Data Bank in Europe <>',
' * European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI,',
' * European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL,',
' * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");',
......@@ -94,5 +95,11 @@ gulp.task('minifyPlugin', () => {
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\ No newline at end of file
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......@@ -3,6 +3,14 @@ import { LitElement } from 'lit-element';
import "../styles/pdb-ligand-env.css";
// Extend the LitElement base class
* PDB LigandEnv component to display ligand structure in 2D along with its interactions.
* This depiction can be enriched with substructure highlight, atom names, binding site
* interactions and aggregated protein-ligand interactions
* @component
* @example <caption> Basic usage </caption>
* <pdb-ligand-env pdb-id="1cbs" pdb-res-id="200" pdb-chain-id="A" environment="development"></pdb-ligand-env>
class pdbLigandEnv extends LitElement {
//Get properties / attribute values
......@@ -13,7 +21,7 @@ class pdbLigandEnv extends LitElement {
entityId: { type: String, attribute: 'entity-id' },
resName: { type: String, attribute: 'pdb-res-name' },
resId: { type: Number, attribute: 'pdb-res-id' },
contactType: {type: String, attribute: 'contact-type'},
contactType: {type: Array, attribute: 'contact-type'},
chainId: { type: String, attribute: 'pdb-chain-id' },
substructureHighlight: { type: Array, attribute: 'substructure' },
substructureColor: { type: String, attribute: 'color' },
......@@ -51,7 +59,7 @@ class pdbLigandEnv extends LitElement {
else if (this.resName){
this.display.initLigandDisplay(this.resName, names).then(() => {
if (this.contactType){
if(this.display.atomWeights === undefined){
if(this.display.ligandIntxData === undefined){
this.display.initLigandWeights(this.resName).then(() => {
* This class contains all the details which are necessary for redrawing
* RDKIt style 2D molecule depiction on a client side as well as some
* other logic which should hopefully help with the initial placement of
* RDKit style 2D molecule depiction on a client side as well as some
* other logic for initial placement of
* binding partners in the residue-level view.
* @author Lukas Pravda <>
* @class Depiction
* @param {string} ccdId PDB CCD id.
* @param {Atom[]} atoms List of atoms.
* @param {Bond[]} bonds Visual representation of bonds.
* They do not correlate 1:1 with a number of bonds!
* @param {Vector2D} resolution x,y dimension of the image. Needs to be used
* for a scene shift, so it is centered.
* @param {HTMLElement} parent HTMLElement on which depiction to be displayed.
* @param {any} root SVG element for the depiction.
* @param {any} data Json annotation of ligand SVG
class Depiction {
ccdId: string;
......@@ -26,7 +22,7 @@ class Depiction {
public weight: d3.Selection<SVGGElement, unknown, null, undefined>;
private structure: d3.Selection<SVGGElement, unknown, null, undefined>;
constructor(parent: any, root: any, data: any) {
constructor(parent: HTMLElement, root: any, data: any) {
this.root = root;
this.parent = parent;
this.highlight = this.root.append('g').attr('id', 'highlight');
......@@ -68,7 +64,7 @@ class Depiction {
* degree and then gets the one with the lowest degree and places
* the initial residue position along the vector pointing from it.
* @param {string[]} atomNames list of atom names the bound residue
* @param {string[]} atomNames array of atom names the bound residue
* has a contact with.
* @returns {Vector2D} Returns an initial placement of the residue in contact.
* @memberof Depiction
......@@ -92,6 +88,13 @@ class Depiction {
return new Vector2D(x, y);
* Draws ligand structure by appending svg:path
* elements corresponding to bonds and atoms with labels
* @param {boolean} true if atom names need to be displayed
* @memberof Depiction
public draw(atomNames: boolean = false) {
......@@ -102,6 +105,12 @@ class Depiction {
else this.appendLabels();
* Highlights atoms and bonds connecting them
* @param {string[]} atoms array of atom names to higlight
* @param {string} color color to be used for higlighting
* @memberof Depiction
public highlightSubgraph(atoms: Array<string>, color: string = undefined) {
if (!this.atoms || !atoms) return;
......@@ -132,7 +141,7 @@ class Depiction {
* Adds circles around atoms corresponding to the value of
* their weights.The size, color and number of crcles around
* atom indicates the strenght of weight. Currently maximum of
* atom indicates the strength of weight. Currently maximum of
* three circles are drawn
* @param {any} weights objects with atom names and value of weight
* @param {string} colorScheme Name of color to be used for circles
......@@ -146,19 +155,13 @@ class Depiction {
const data = this.atoms.filter(x => x.value >0);
const intxWeights = => x.value);
const color = d3[`scheme${colorScheme}`][9]
const gradient = new Model.Gradient(intxWeights, colorScheme).getScales();
const q1 = d3.quantile(intxWeights, 0.25);
const q3 = d3.quantile(intxWeights, 0.75);
const IntxWeightMax = Number(d3.max(intxWeights))
const firstRadiusScale = d3.scaleLinear([0, IntxWeightMax], [20, 30]);
const firstColorScale = d3.scaleLinear([0,IntxWeightMax], ["#FFFFFF", color[4]]);
const secondRadiusScale = d3.scaleLinear([0,IntxWeightMax], [10, 20]);
const secondColorScale = d3.scaleLinear([0, IntxWeightMax], [color[5], color[7]])
const thirdRadiusScale = d3.scaleLinear([0, IntxWeightMax], [2, 10]);
const thirdColorScale = d3.scaleLinear([0, IntxWeightMax], [color[8], color[9]]);
const firstScale = gradient.firstScale;
const secondScale = gradient.secondScale;
const thirdScale = gradient.thirdScale;
......@@ -169,16 +172,16 @@ class Depiction {
.attr('cx', x.position.x)
.attr('cy', x.position.y)
.attr('r', secondRadiusScale(x.value))
.attr('fill', secondColorScale(x.value))
.attr('r', secondScale.radiusScale(x.value))
.attr('fill', secondScale.colorScale(x.value))
.attr("fill-opacity", "0.5")
if(x.value >= q3){
.attr('cx', x.position.x)
.attr('cy', x.position.y)
.attr('r', thirdRadiusScale(x.value))
.attr('fill', thirdColorScale(x.value))
.attr('r', thirdScale.radiusScale(x.value))
.attr('fill', thirdScale.colorScale(x.value))
.attr("fill-opacity", "0.5")
......@@ -190,66 +193,19 @@ class Depiction {
.attr("cx", x => x.position.x)
.attr("cy", x => x.position.y)
.attr("r", x => firstRadiusScale(x.value))
.attr("fill", x=> firstColorScale(x.value))
.attr("r", x => firstScale.radiusScale(x.value))
.attr("fill", x=> firstScale.colorScale(x.value))
.attr("fill-opacity", "0.5")
.on('mouseenter', (x:Atom) => this.atomMouseEnterEventHandler(x))
.on('mouseleave', () => this.atomMouseLeaveEventHandler());
// private atomScale(i: number, g:any){
// let selectedAtom =[i]);
// selectedAtom
// .transition()
// .duration(100)
// .attr("r", Number(selectedAtom.attr("r")) * 1.2);
// }
// private atomShrink(i: number, g:any){
// let selectedAtom =[i]);
// selectedAtom
// .transition()
// .duration(100)
// .attr("r", Number(selectedAtom.attr("r")) / 1.2);
// }
private atomMouseEnterEventHandler(x: Atom){
// this.atomScale(i, g)
this.fireExternalAtomEvent(x, Config.LigandShowAtomEvent);
private atomMouseLeaveEventHandler(){
// this.atomShrink(i, g);
private fireExternalAtomEvent(atom: Atom, eventName: string){
const e = new CustomEvent(eventName, {
bubbles: true,
detail: {
tooltip: atom.toTooltip()
private fireExternalNullEvent(eventName: string) {
const e = new CustomEvent(eventName, {
bubbles: true,
detail: {}
* Appends to a given selection the visual representation of bonds as svg:path elements.
* Appends to a given selection the visual representation of
* bonds as svg:path elements.
* representation of the bond visuals.
* @private
* @memberof Depiction
private appendBondVisuals(): void {
......@@ -263,7 +219,7 @@ class Depiction {
* Append atom name labels to the visualization.
* @private
* @memberof Depiction
private appendAtomNames() {
......@@ -281,12 +237,8 @@ class Depiction {
* Append depiction labels to the visualization. Because RDKIt places
* the labels slightly differently this information needs to be
* consumed too, because we cannot use just atom position directly.
* Also there are all sorts of colorful subscripts and superscripts,
* so it is much easier to use it this way.
* Append depiction labels to the visualization.
* @private
* @memberof Depiction
private appendLabels() {
......@@ -310,6 +262,12 @@ class Depiction {
* Finds the center of an array of atoms
* @param {string} ids atom ids
* @return {Vector2D} coordinates of center
* @memeberof Depiction
public getCenter(ids: string[]): Vector2D {
let coords = new Array<Vector2D>();
......@@ -328,7 +286,6 @@ class Depiction {
* @param {Map<string, number>} map
* @returns
* @memberof Depiction
public sortMap(map: Map<string, number>) {
......@@ -346,9 +303,77 @@ class Depiction {
return newMap;
// #region event handlers
* Mouse enter event handler for circles around atoms
* depicting their weights
* @private
* @param {Atom} atom object
* @memebrof Depiction
private atomMouseEnterEventHandler(x: Atom){
this.fireExternalAtomEvent(x, Config.LigandShowAtomEvent);
* Mouse leave event handler for circlea round atoms
* depicting their weights
* @private
* @memberof Depiction
private atomMouseLeaveEventHandler(){
// #endregion
// #region fire events
* Dispatches custom event to display atom names and
* corresponding weights on tooltip on mouse enter
* @private
* @param {Atom} atom object
* @param {string} eventName name of event
* @memeberof Depiction
private fireExternalAtomEvent(atom: Atom, eventName: string){
const e = new CustomEvent(eventName, {
bubbles: true,
detail: {
tooltip: atom.toTooltip()
* Dispatches event to hide tooltip on mouse leave
* @private
* @param {string} eventName name of event
* @memeberof Depiction
private fireExternalNullEvent(eventName: string) {
const e = new CustomEvent(eventName, {
bubbles: true,
detail: {}
// #endregion
* Atom from the depiction
......@@ -376,7 +401,7 @@ class Atom {
* @param {Atom} other
* @returns true if the atoms are equal
* @returns {boolean} true if the atoms are equal
* @memberof Atom
public equals(other: Atom): boolean {
......@@ -479,12 +504,6 @@ class Bond {
coords: string;
style: string;
*Creates an instance of the bond.
* @param {Atom} a
* @param {Atom} b
* @memberof Bond
constructor(a: Atom, b: Atom, coords: string, style: string) {
this.bgn = a;
this.end = b;
......@@ -512,7 +531,7 @@ class Bond {
* Check whether or not a bond contains the atom.
* @param {Atom} other The other side of the bond
* @returns True if the atom is a part of the bond, false otherwise.
* @returns {boolean} True if the atom is a part of the bond, false otherwise.
* @memberof Bond
public containsAtom(other: Atom) {
* This class contains methods for creating all the visualization
* components of the LigandEnv
* @class Visualization
* @param {HTMLElement} element HTMLElement to display the visualization
* @param {Config.UIParameters} uiParameters UI parameter configurations
* @param {string} env environment to fetch data from
class Visualization {
// component related
private parent: HTMLElement;
......@@ -26,7 +36,7 @@ class Visualization {
private visualsMapper: VisualsMapper;
private interactionsData: any;
private atomWeights: any;
private ligandIntxData: any;
private selectedResidueHash: string;
private nodeDragged: boolean;
......@@ -261,7 +271,7 @@ class Visualization {
* PDBeChem process.
* @param {string} ligandId
* @returns
* @param {boolean} withNames true for displaying atom names
* @memberof Visualization
public async initLigandDisplay(ligandId: string, withNames: boolean = false) {
......@@ -275,25 +285,25 @@ class Visualization {
* Download and set atom weights from protein-ligand interactions data.
* Download aggregated protein-ligand interactions data.
* @param {string} ligandId
* @memberof Visualization
public async initLigandWeights(ligandId: string){
const weightUrl = `${ligandId}_atom_intx.json`
const weightUrl = `${ligandId}_atom_residue_intx.json`
return d3.json(weightUrl)
.then((d: any) => this.atomWeights = d)
.catch(e => console.log(e));
.then((d: any) => this.ligandIntxData = d);
* Add depiction to the canvas from external resource.
* @param {*} depiction Content of annotation.json file generated by
* @param {any} depiction Content of annotation.json file generated by
* the PDBeChem process.
* @param {boolean} withNames true for displaying atom names
* @memberof Visualization
public addDepiction(depiction: any, withNames: boolean) {
......@@ -308,11 +318,11 @@ class Visualization {
* @param {string} contactType
* @memberof Visualization
public showWeights(contactType: string){
if ((this.depiction === undefined) || (this.atomWeights) === undefined || !(contactType in this.atomWeights)) return;
const weight = this.atomWeights[contactType];
public showWeights(contactType: string[]){
if ((this.depiction === undefined) || (this.ligandIntxData) === undefined) return;
const atomPropensity= new Model.LigandIntx(this.ligandIntxData, contactType).getAtomIntxPropensity();
const colorScheme = "Greens";
this.depiction.addCircles(weight, colorScheme);
this.depiction.addCircles(atomPropensity, colorScheme);
if(this.zoomHandler !== undefined){
this.zoomHandler(this.svg, d3.zoomIdentity)
......@@ -353,6 +363,7 @@ class Visualization {
* @param {*} data Data content of the API end point
* /pdb/bound_ligand_interactions
* @param {boolean} true if atom names to be displayed
* @memberof Visualization
public addLigandInteractions(data: any, withNames: boolean = false) {
......@@ -377,7 +388,7 @@ class Visualization {
* Add bound molecule interactions to the canvas.
* @param {*} data Data content of the API end point
* @param {any} data Data content of the API end point
* /pdb/bound_molecule_interactions
* @param {string} bmId Bound molecule id
* @memberof Visualization
......@@ -397,6 +408,7 @@ class Visualization {
// #region menu functions
* Export scene into an SVG components. It relies on the availability
* of the external CSS for SVG styling. Otherwise it does not work.
......@@ -690,7 +702,6 @@ class Visualization {
* @param {Model.InteractionNode} n Interaction node user clicked to
* @param {number} i index o the interaction node
* @param {*} g group of interaction nodes
* @returns
* @memberof Visualization
private selectLigand(n: Model.InteractionNode, i: number, g: any) {
......@@ -805,7 +816,7 @@ class Visualization {
* Setup display of interactions for bound molecule.
* * This includes: setup of links, nodes, simulation and subscribing to relevant events.
* This includes: setup of links, nodes, simulation and subscribing to relevant events.
* No depiction is required for this step.
* @private
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class ResidueProvider {
* Get single letter abbreviation of the ligand.
* @param {string} name Name of the chemical compound
* @returns Single letter abbreviation of the ligand
* @returns {string} Single letter abbreviation of the ligand
* @memberof ResidueProvider
public getAminoAcidAbbreviation(name: string): string {
......@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ class ResidueProvider {
* Fetch single letter abbreviations from API if they are not present
* @param {string} n
* @returns
* @memberof ResidueProvider
public downloadAnnotation(r: Model.Residue): void {
......@@ -128,7 +128,6 @@ namespace Resources {
* @param {string} chainId
* @param {number} resId
* @param {Model.Environment} env
* @returns
export function ligandInteractionsAPI(pdbId: string, chainId: string, resId: number, env: Model.Environment) {
let url = '';
......@@ -146,7 +146,6 @@ class UI {
* @param {Config.UIParameters} p Object with annotation which
* UI elements should be created.
* @returns
* @memberof UI
public register(p: Config.UIParameters) {
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