This is a web-component to display ligand structure in 2D along with its interactions. Ligand can be perceived as a set of covalently linked pdb residues (refered to as bound molecule) or a single pdb residue. This depiction can be enriched with a substructure highlight and binding site interactions.
This is a web-component to display ligand structure in 2D along with its interactions. Ligand can be perceived as a set of covalently linked pdb residues (refered to as bound molecule) or a single pdb residue. This depiction can be enriched with a substructure highlight, atom names, and binding site interactions.
## Step after cloning (use local server to see demo pages)
@@ -133,6 +133,8 @@ let uiParams = {
help:false,// allow help option from the component menu
residueLabel:true,// show residue label
tooltip:true// show residue tooltip on mouse hover
menu:true// allow menu to be (not) available
names:true// allow ligand depiction with atom names