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Commit ffc81010 authored by Lukas Pravda's avatar Lukas Pravda
Browse files

Merge branch 'development'

parents d5390436 b3e2116c
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
Pipeline #15244 passed with stages
in 21 seconds
build/3d12.json 100644 → 100755
+ 20718
View file @ ffc81010
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -318,11 +318,11 @@ declare namespace Visual {
* depictions and a file providing mapping between glycan class and het
* codes.
* @class GlycanMapper
* @class VisualsMapper
declare class GlycanMapper {
images: Map<string, SVGElement>;
mapping: Map<string, string>;
declare class VisualsMapper {
glycanImages: Map<string, SVGElement>;
glycanMapping: Map<string, string>;
graphicsPromise: Promise<void>;
mappingPromise: Promise<void>;
......@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ declare class GlycanMapper {
* @returns {Promise} To check later if it has been processed.
* @memberof GlycanMapper
private parseGlycanSymbols;
private parseSymbols;
* Parses an external JSON configuration file which provides a mapping
* between glycan id (e.g. GlcA) and het codes.
......@@ -552,20 +552,21 @@ declare class Visualization {
private residueLabel;
private tooltip;
private pdbId;
private glycanMapper;
private visualsMapper;
private selectedBindingSite;
private zoom_handler;
private drag_handler;
constructor(element: string);
initialise(pdbid: string, i: number): void;
initialise(pdbid: string, i: number): Promise<void>;
private saveSvg;
private downloadInteractionsData;
private reinitialize;
private resize;
private centerScene;
private linkMouseOver;
private atomLinkMouseOver;
private nodeMouseOver;
private nodeMouseOut;
private resize;
private generateResidueLinkTooltip;
private generateAtomLinkTooltip;
private generateNodeTooltip;
......@@ -573,5 +574,5 @@ declare class Visualization {
private selectLigand;
private setupScene;
private simulationStep;
private centerScene;
private addSvgDefs;
......@@ -527,13 +527,13 @@ var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, ge
* depictions and a file providing mapping between glycan class and het
* codes.
* @class GlycanMapper
* @class VisualsMapper
class GlycanMapper {
class VisualsMapper {
constructor() {
this.mapping = new Map();
this.images = new Map();
this.graphicsPromise = this.parseGlycanSymbols('glycans.xml');
this.glycanMapping = new Map();
this.glycanImages = new Map();
this.graphicsPromise = this.parseSymbols('visuals.xml');
this.mappingPromise = this.parseGlycanMapping('het_mapping.json');
......@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ class GlycanMapper {
* @memberof GlycanMapper
getGlycanImage(compId) {
return this.mapping.has(compId) ? this.images.get(this.mapping.get(compId)) : new SVGElement();
return this.glycanMapping.has(compId) ? this.glycanImages.get(this.glycanMapping.get(compId)) : new SVGElement();
* Parse external file with glycan representation and stores it for
......@@ -555,12 +555,12 @@ class GlycanMapper {
* @returns {Promise} To check later if it has been processed.
* @memberof GlycanMapper
parseGlycanSymbols(symbolsLink) {
parseSymbols(symbolsLink) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return d3.xml(symbolsLink).then(x => {
let parsedImages = x.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('g');
let parsedImages = x.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('glycans')[0].getElementsByTagName('g');
for (let img of parsedImages) {
this.images.set(img.getAttribute('name'), img.outerHTML);
this.glycanImages.set(img.getAttribute('name'), img.outerHTML);
......@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ class GlycanMapper {
parseGlycanMapping(mappingLink) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return d3.json(mappingLink).then((i) => {
i.forEach(glycan => glycan['het_codes'].forEach(x => this.mapping.set(x, glycan['name'])));
i.forEach(glycan => glycan['het_codes'].forEach(x => this.glycanMapping.set(x, glycan['name'])));
......@@ -851,10 +851,10 @@ class BondVisual { ="stroke-width:2px", "stroke-width:4px");
/// <reference path="./glycans.ts" />
/// <reference path="./visualsMapping.ts" />
/// <reference path="./depictions.ts" />
class Visualization {
// #endregion
// #endregion handlers
constructor(element) {
// #endregion
// #region handlers
......@@ -878,6 +878,7 @@ class Visualization {
x.fx = d3.event.x;
x.fy = d3.event.y;
this.visualsMapper = new VisualsMapper();
this.tooltip ='#int-tooltip');
this.screenshotBtn ='#int-screenshot-btn');
this.centerBtn ='#int-center-btn');
......@@ -895,21 +896,23 @@ class Visualization {
.attr('width', () => this.width)
.attr('height', () => this.height);
this.visualization = this.svg.append('g').attr('id', 'vis-root');
this.glycanMapper = new GlycanMapper();
initialise(pdbid, i) {
this.pdbId = pdbid;
this.screenshotBtn.on('click', () => this.saveSvg(this));
this.centerBtn.on('click', () => this.centerScene(this));
this.homeBtn.on('click', () => this.reinitialize(this));
this.downloadBtn.on('click', () => this.downloadInteractionsData(this));
.catch(e => { throw e; })
.then((data) => {
this.selectedBindingSite = new Model.BindingSite(data.boundMolecules[i]);
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
this.pdbId = pdbid;
this.screenshotBtn.on('click', () => this.saveSvg(this));
this.centerBtn.on('click', () => this.centerScene(this));
this.homeBtn.on('click', () => this.reinitialize(this));
this.downloadBtn.on('click', () => this.downloadInteractionsData(this));
.catch(e => { throw e; })
.then((data) => {
this.selectedBindingSite = new Model.BindingSite(data.boundMolecules[i]);
// #region menu functions
saveSvg(ctx) {
d3.text('svgstyles.css').then(x => {
let svgToDl ='#int-canvas');
......@@ -944,6 +947,51 @@ class Visualization {
.style('opacity', 0);
resize(ctx, isBoundMolecule) {
ctx.width = document.getElementById('int-canvas').clientWidth;
ctx.height = window.innerHeight;
ctx.svg.attr('width', ctx.width).attr('height', ctx.height);
if (isBoundMolecule) {
ctx.simulation.force('center', d3.forceCenter(ctx.width / 2, ctx.height / 2))
else {
centerScene(ctx) {
if (ctx.nodes.length === 0)
// Get the bounding box
let minX = d3.min( => x.x));
let minY = d3.min( => x.y));
let maxX = d3.max( => x.x));
let maxY = d3.max( => x.y));
// The width and the height of the graph
let molWidth = maxX - minX;
let molHeight = maxY - minY;
// how much larger the drawing area is than the width and the height
let widthRatio = ctx.width / molWidth;
let heightRatio = ctx.height / molHeight;
// we need to fit it in both directions, so we scale according to
// the direction in which we need to shrink the most
let minRatio = Math.min(widthRatio, heightRatio) * 0.8;
// the new dimensions of the molecule
let newMolWidth = molWidth * minRatio;
let newMolHeight = molHeight * minRatio;
// translate so that it's in the center of the window
let xTrans = -(minX) * minRatio + (ctx.width - newMolWidth) / 2;
let yTrans = -(minY) * minRatio + (ctx.height - newMolHeight) / 2;
// do the actual moving
ctx.visualization.attr('transform', `translate(${xTrans}, ${yTrans}) scale(${minRatio})`);
// tell the zoomer what we did so that next we zoom, it uses the
// transformation we entered here
ctx.zoom_handler.transform(ctx.svg, d3.zoomIdentity);
// #endregion menu functions
// #region mouse events
linkMouseOver(x) {
......@@ -973,26 +1021,13 @@ class Visualization {
if (x.residue.isLigand)[i]).style('cursor', 'default');[i])
.attr('transform', () => `translate(${x.x},${x.y}) scale(${x.scale})`);
.attr('transform', `translate(${x.x},${x.y}) scale(${x.scale})`);
.style('opacity', 0);
// #endregion mouse events
// #region Labels
resize(ctx, isBoundMolecule) {
ctx.width = document.getElementById('int-canvas').clientWidth;
ctx.height = window.innerHeight;
ctx.svg.attr('width', ctx.width).attr('height', ctx.height);
if (isBoundMolecule) {
ctx.simulation.force('center', d3.forceCenter(ctx.width / 2, ctx.height / 2))
else {
generateResidueLinkTooltip(x) {
return `<span>${x.source.toString()} - ${} </span><span>${x.getTypes().join(', ')}.</span>`;
......@@ -1013,6 +1048,7 @@ class Visualization {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!n.residue.isLigand)
let context = this;
this.nodeMouseOut(n, i, g);
......@@ -1026,18 +1062,21 @@ class Visualization {
.attr('transform', `translate(${xShift}, ${yShift}) scale(1)`);
this.links = this.visualization.append('g')
.attr('id', 'links')
.attr('class', (e) => `svg-bond svg-bond-${e.getLinkClass()}`)
.attr('marker-end', (e) => `url(#arrow-${e.getLinkClass()})`)
.on('mouseover', this.atomLinkMouseOver.bind(context))
.on('mouseout', () => {
.style('opacity', 0);
let depictionRoot = this.visualization.append('g').attr('id', 'depiction');
visuals.nodes.forEach(x => {
if (!(x instanceof Visual.ResidueNode))
......@@ -1048,6 +1087,7 @@ class Visualization {
//setup nodes
this.nodes = this.visualization.append('g')
.attr('id', 'nodes')
......@@ -1056,15 +1096,15 @@ class Visualization {
.on('mouseover', (x, i, g) => this.nodeMouseOver(x, i, g))
.on('mouseout', (x, i, g) => context.nodeMouseOut(x, i, g));
// draw glycans
yield this.glycanMapper.graphicsPromise;
yield this.glycanMapper.mappingPromise;
yield this.visualsMapper.graphicsPromise;
yield this.visualsMapper.mappingPromise;
this.nodes.filter(x => x instanceof Visual.ResidueNode)
.filter((x) => this.glycanMapper.mapping.has(x.residue.label_comp_id))
.html((e) => this.glycanMapper.getGlycanImage(e.residue.label_comp_id));
.filter((x) => this.visualsMapper.glycanMapping.has(x.residue.label_comp_id))
.html((e) => this.visualsMapper.getGlycanImage(e.residue.label_comp_id));
// draw rest
.filter(x => x instanceof Visual.ResidueNode)
.filter(x => !this.glycanMapper.mapping.has(x.residue.label_comp_id))
.filter(x => !this.visualsMapper.glycanMapping.has(x.residue.label_comp_id))
.attr('r', '25');
......@@ -1105,10 +1145,12 @@ class Visualization {
let context = this;
let visuals = context.selectedBindingSite.getBoundMoleculeInteractions();
this.links = this.visualization.append('g')
.attr('id', 'links')
.attr('class', (e) => `svg-bond svg-bond-${e.getLinkClass()}`)
.attr('marker-end', (e) => `url(#arrow-${e.getLinkClass()})`)
.on('mouseover', this.linkMouseOver.bind(context))
.on('mouseout', () => {
......@@ -1116,6 +1158,7 @@ class Visualization {
.style('opacity', 0);
this.nodes = this.visualization.append('g')
.attr('id', 'nodes')
......@@ -1127,11 +1170,11 @@ class Visualization {
let pivot = visuals.nodes.filter((x) => x.residue.isLigand)[0];
this.selectLigand(pivot, 0, this.nodes);
yield this.glycanMapper.graphicsPromise;
yield this.glycanMapper.mappingPromise;
this.nodes.filter((n) => this.glycanMapper.mapping.has(n.residue.label_comp_id))
.html((e) => this.glycanMapper.getGlycanImage(e.residue.label_comp_id));
this.nodes.filter((e) => !this.glycanMapper.mapping.has(e.residue.label_comp_id))
yield this.visualsMapper.graphicsPromise;
yield this.visualsMapper.mappingPromise;
this.nodes.filter((n) => this.visualsMapper.glycanMapping.has(n.residue.label_comp_id))
.html((e) => this.visualsMapper.getGlycanImage(e.residue.label_comp_id));
this.nodes.filter((e) => !this.visualsMapper.glycanMapping.has(e.residue.label_comp_id))
.attr('r', '25');
......@@ -1169,39 +1212,29 @@ class Visualization {
ctx.nodes.attr('transform', (d) => `translate(${d.x},${d.y}) scale(${d.scale})`);
ctx.links.attr('x1', (x) => x.source.x)
.attr('y1', (x) => x.source.y)
.attr('x2', (x) =>
.attr('y2', (x) =>;
.attr('x2', (x) => x.source.x + 0.85 * ( - x.source.x))
.attr('y2', (x) => x.source.y + 0.85 * ( - x.source.y));
centerScene(ctx) {
if (ctx.nodes.length === 0)
// Get the bounding box
let minX = d3.min( => x.x));
let minY = d3.min( => x.y));
let maxX = d3.max( => x.x));
let maxY = d3.max( => x.y));
// The width and the height of the graph
let molWidth = maxX - minX;
let molHeight = maxY - minY;
// how much larger the drawing area is than the width and the height
let widthRatio = ctx.width / molWidth;
let heightRatio = ctx.height / molHeight;
// we need to fit it in both directions, so we scale according to
// the direction in which we need to shrink the most
let min_ratio = Math.min(widthRatio, heightRatio) * 0.8;
// the new dimensions of the molecule
let newMolWidth = molWidth * min_ratio;
let newMolHeight = molHeight * min_ratio;
// translate so that it's in the center of the window
let x_trans = -(minX) * min_ratio + (ctx.width - newMolWidth) / 2;
let y_trans = -(minY) * min_ratio + (ctx.height - newMolHeight) / 2;
// do the actual moving
ctx.visualization.attr("transform", `translate(${x_trans}, ${y_trans}) scale(${min_ratio})`);
// tell the zoomer what we did so that next we zoom, it uses the
// transformation we entered here
ctx.zoom_handler(ctx.svg, x_trans, y_trans);
ctx.zoom_handler.scaleTo(ctx.svg, min_ratio);
addSvgDefs() {
let mapping = new Map([
["arrow-electrostatic", "#3F26BF"],
["arrow-vdw", "#9B7653"],
["arrow-metal", "#008080"],
["arrow-aromatic", "#AD4379"],
mapping.forEach((x, y) =>'defs').append('marker')
.attr('id', y)
.attr("markerWidth", 15)
.attr("markerHeight", 15)
.attr("refX", 7)
.attr("refY", 3)
.attr("orient", "auto")
.attr('markerUnits', 'strokeWidth')
.attr('viewBox', '0 0 20 20')
.attr('d', 'M0,0 L0,6 L9,3 z')
.attr('fill', x));
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
var pdbid = tokens[0] == "" ? '3d12' : tokens[0].substring(1)
var vis = new Visualization('body');
vis.initialise(pdbid, pdbid == '3d12' ? 2 : 0);
vis.initialise(pdbid, pdbid == '3d12' ? 1 : 0);
#int-canvas {
cursor: default;
border: 1px solid black;
border-radius: 3px;
width: 100%;
height: 98.5vh;
This diff is collapsed.
/// <reference path="./glycans.ts" />
/// <reference path="./visualsMapping.ts" />
/// <reference path="./depictions.ts" />
class Visualization {
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class Visualization {
// #region data properties
private pdbId: string;
private glycanMapper: GlycanMapper;
private visualsMapper: VisualsMapper;
private selectedBindingSite: Model.BindingSite;
// #endregion
......@@ -52,9 +52,12 @@ class Visualization {
x.fx = d3.event.x;
x.fy = d3.event.y;
// #endregion
// #endregion handlers
constructor(element: string) {
this.visualsMapper = new VisualsMapper();
this.tooltip ='#int-tooltip');
this.screenshotBtn ='#int-screenshot-btn');
this.centerBtn ='#int-center-btn');
......@@ -72,14 +75,11 @@ class Visualization {
.attr('xmlns', '')
.attr('width', () => this.width)
.attr('height', () => this.height);
.attr('height', () => this.height)
this.visualization = this.svg.append('g').attr('id', 'vis-root');
this.glycanMapper = new GlycanMapper();
public initialise(pdbid: string, i: number) {
public async initialise(pdbid: string, i: number) {
this.pdbId = pdbid;
this.screenshotBtn.on('click', () => this.saveSvg(this));
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class Visualization {
// #region menu functions
private saveSvg(ctx: Visualization) {
d3.text('svgstyles.css').then(x => {
let svgToDl ='#int-canvas');
......@@ -138,9 +138,69 @@ class Visualization {
.style('opacity', 0);
private resize(ctx: Visualization, isBoundMolecule: boolean) {
ctx.width = document.getElementById('int-canvas').clientWidth;
ctx.height = window.innerHeight;
ctx.svg.attr('width', ctx.width).attr('height', ctx.height);
if (isBoundMolecule) {
ctx.simulation.force('center', d3.forceCenter(ctx.width / 2, ctx.height / 2))
} else {
private centerScene(ctx: Visualization) {
if (ctx.nodes.length === 0)
// Get the bounding box
let minX: any = d3.min( => x.x));
let minY: any = d3.min( => x.y));
let maxX: any = d3.max( => x.x));
let maxY: any = d3.max( => x.y));
// The width and the height of the graph
let molWidth = maxX - minX;
let molHeight = maxY - minY;
// how much larger the drawing area is than the width and the height
let widthRatio = ctx.width / molWidth;
let heightRatio = ctx.height / molHeight;
// we need to fit it in both directions, so we scale according to
// the direction in which we need to shrink the most
let minRatio = Math.min(widthRatio, heightRatio) * 0.8;
// the new dimensions of the molecule
let newMolWidth = molWidth * minRatio;
let newMolHeight = molHeight * minRatio;
// translate so that it's in the center of the window
let xTrans = -(minX) * minRatio + (ctx.width - newMolWidth) / 2;
let yTrans = -(minY) * minRatio + (ctx.height - newMolHeight) / 2;
// do the actual moving
ctx.visualization.attr('transform', `translate(${xTrans}, ${yTrans}) scale(${minRatio})`);
// tell the zoomer what we did so that next we zoom, it uses the
// transformation we entered here
ctx.zoom_handler.transform(ctx.svg, d3.zoomIdentity);
// #endregion menu functions
// #region mouse events
private linkMouseOver(x: Visual.Link) {
......@@ -180,33 +240,15 @@ class Visualization {
if (x.residue.isLigand)[i]).style('cursor', 'default');[i])
.attr('transform', () => `translate(${x.x},${x.y}) scale(${x.scale})`);
.attr('transform', `translate(${x.x},${x.y}) scale(${x.scale})`);
.style('opacity', 0);
// #endregion mouse events
// #region Labels
private resize(ctx: Visualization, isBoundMolecule: boolean) {
ctx.width = document.getElementById('int-canvas').clientWidth;
ctx.height = window.innerHeight;
ctx.svg.attr('width', ctx.width).attr('height', ctx.height);
if (isBoundMolecule) {
ctx.simulation.force('center', d3.forceCenter(ctx.width / 2, ctx.height / 2))
} else {
private generateResidueLinkTooltip(x: Visual.Link): string {
return `<span>${x.source.toString()} - ${} </span><span>${x.getTypes().join(', ')}.</span>`;
......@@ -232,6 +274,7 @@ class Visualization {
private async selectLigand(n: Visual.ResidueNode, i: number, g: any) {
if (!n.residue.isLigand) return;
let context = this;
......@@ -248,13 +291,15 @@ class Visualization {
this.visualization = this.svg.append('g')
.attr('id', 'vis-root')
.attr('transform', `translate(${xShift}, ${yShift}) scale(1)`);
.attr('transform', `translate(${xShift}, ${yShift}) scale(1)`);
this.links = this.visualization.append('g')
.attr('id', 'links')
.attr('class', (e: Visual.AtomLink) => `svg-bond svg-bond-${e.getLinkClass()}`)
.attr('marker-end', (e: Visual.AtomLink) => `url(#arrow-${e.getLinkClass()})`)
.on('mouseover', this.atomLinkMouseOver.bind(context))
.on('mouseout', () => {
......@@ -262,8 +307,9 @@ class Visualization {
.style('opacity', 0);
let depictionRoot = this.visualization.append('g').attr('id', 'depiction');
visuals.nodes.forEach(x => {
if (!(x instanceof Visual.ResidueNode)) return;
......@@ -278,6 +324,7 @@ class Visualization {
//setup nodes
this.nodes = this.visualization.append('g')
.attr('id', 'nodes')
......@@ -289,16 +336,16 @@ class Visualization {
// draw glycans
await this.glycanMapper.graphicsPromise;
await this.glycanMapper.mappingPromise;
await this.visualsMapper.graphicsPromise;
await this.visualsMapper.mappingPromise;
this.nodes.filter(x => x instanceof Visual.ResidueNode)
.filter((x: Visual.ResidueNode) => this.glycanMapper.mapping.has(x.residue.label_comp_id))
.html((e: Visual.ResidueNode) => this.glycanMapper.getGlycanImage(e.residue.label_comp_id));
.filter((x: Visual.ResidueNode) => this.visualsMapper.glycanMapping.has(x.residue.label_comp_id))
.html((e: Visual.ResidueNode) => this.visualsMapper.getGlycanImage(e.residue.label_comp_id));
// draw rest
.filter(x => x instanceof Visual.ResidueNode)
.filter(x => !this.glycanMapper.mapping.has(x.residue.label_comp_id))
.filter(x => !this.visualsMapper.glycanMapping.has(x.residue.label_comp_id))
.attr('r', '25');
......@@ -340,16 +387,17 @@ class Visualization {'resize', () => this.resize(context, false));
private async setupScene() {
let context = this;
let visuals = context.selectedBindingSite.getBoundMoleculeInteractions();
this.links = this.visualization.append('g')
.attr('id', 'links')
.attr('class', (e: Visual.Link) => `svg-bond svg-bond-${e.getLinkClass()}`)
.attr('marker-end', (e: Visual.Link) => `url(#arrow-${e.getLinkClass()})`)
.on('mouseover', this.linkMouseOver.bind(context))
.on('mouseout', () => {
......@@ -358,6 +406,7 @@ class Visualization {
this.nodes = this.visualization.append('g')
.attr('id', 'nodes')
......@@ -372,14 +421,14 @@ class Visualization {
await this.glycanMapper.graphicsPromise;
await this.glycanMapper.mappingPromise;
await this.visualsMapper.graphicsPromise;
await this.visualsMapper.mappingPromise;
this.nodes.filter((n: Visual.ResidueNode) =>
.html((e: Visual.ResidueNode) => this.glycanMapper.getGlycanImage(e.residue.label_comp_id));
.html((e: Visual.ResidueNode) => this.visualsMapper.getGlycanImage(e.residue.label_comp_id));
this.nodes.filter((e: Visual.ResidueNode) => !this.glycanMapper.mapping.has(e.residue.label_comp_id))
this.nodes.filter((e: Visual.ResidueNode) => !this.visualsMapper.glycanMapping.has(e.residue.label_comp_id))
.attr('r', '25');
......@@ -423,51 +472,34 @@ class Visualization {
ctx.nodes.attr('transform', (d) => `translate(${d.x},${d.y}) scale(${d.scale})`);
ctx.links.attr('x1', (x: any) => x.source.x)
.attr('y1', (x: any) => x.source.y)
.attr('x2', (x: any) =>
.attr('y2', (x: any) =>;
.attr('x2', (x: any) => x.source.x + 0.85 * ( - x.source.x))
.attr('y2', (x: any) => x.source.y + 0.85 * ( - x.source.y));
private centerScene(ctx: Visualization) {
if (ctx.nodes.length === 0)
// Get the bounding box
let minX: any = d3.min( => x.x));
let minY: any = d3.min( => x.y));
let maxX: any = d3.max( => x.x));
let maxY: any = d3.max( => x.y));
// The width and the height of the graph
let molWidth = maxX - minX;
let molHeight = maxY - minY;
// how much larger the drawing area is than the width and the height
let widthRatio = ctx.width / molWidth;
let heightRatio = ctx.height / molHeight;
// we need to fit it in both directions, so we scale according to
// the direction in which we need to shrink the most
let min_ratio = Math.min(widthRatio, heightRatio) * 0.8;
// the new dimensions of the molecule
let newMolWidth = molWidth * min_ratio;
let newMolHeight = molHeight * min_ratio;
// translate so that it's in the center of the window
let x_trans = -(minX) * min_ratio + (ctx.width - newMolWidth) / 2;
let y_trans = -(minY) * min_ratio + (ctx.height - newMolHeight) / 2;
// do the actual moving
ctx.visualization.attr("transform", `translate(${x_trans}, ${y_trans}) scale(${min_ratio})`);
// tell the zoomer what we did so that next we zoom, it uses the
// transformation we entered here
ctx.zoom_handler(ctx.svg, x_trans, y_trans);
ctx.zoom_handler.scaleTo(ctx.svg, min_ratio);
private addSvgDefs() {
let mapping = new Map<string, string>([
["arrow-electrostatic", "#3F26BF"],
["arrow-vdw", "#9B7653"],
["arrow-metal", "#008080"],
["arrow-aromatic", "#AD4379"],
mapping.forEach((x, y) =>'defs').append('marker')
.attr('id', y)
.attr("markerWidth", 15)
.attr("markerHeight", 15)
.attr("refX", 7)
.attr("refY", 3)
.attr("orient", "auto")
.attr('markerUnits', 'strokeWidth')
.attr('viewBox', '0 0 20 20')
.attr('d', 'M0,0 L0,6 L9,3 z')
.attr('fill', x)
......@@ -4,21 +4,21 @@
* depictions and a file providing mapping between glycan class and het
* codes.
* @class GlycanMapper
* @class VisualsMapper
class GlycanMapper {
class VisualsMapper {
public images: Map<string, SVGElement>;
public mapping: Map<string, string>;
public glycanImages: Map<string, SVGElement>;
public glycanMapping: Map<string, string>;
public graphicsPromise: Promise<void>;
public mappingPromise: Promise<void>;
constructor() {
this.mapping = new Map<string, string>();
this.images = new Map<string, SVGElement>();
this.glycanMapping = new Map<string, string>();
this.glycanImages = new Map<string, SVGElement>();
this.graphicsPromise = this.parseGlycanSymbols('glycans.xml');
this.graphicsPromise = this.parseSymbols('visuals.xml');
this.mappingPromise = this.parseGlycanMapping('het_mapping.json');
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class GlycanMapper {
* @memberof GlycanMapper
public getGlycanImage(compId: string): SVGElement {
return this.mapping.has(compId) ? this.images.get(this.mapping.get(compId)) : new SVGElement();
return this.glycanMapping.has(compId) ? this.glycanImages.get(this.glycanMapping.get(compId)) : new SVGElement();
......@@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ class GlycanMapper {
* @returns {Promise} To check later if it has been processed.
* @memberof GlycanMapper
private async parseGlycanSymbols(symbolsLink: string) {
private async parseSymbols(symbolsLink: string) {
return d3.xml(symbolsLink).then(x => {
let parsedImages: any = x.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('g');
let parsedImages: any = x.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('glycans')[0].getElementsByTagName('g');
for (let img of parsedImages) {
this.images.set(img.getAttribute('name'), img.outerHTML);
this.glycanImages.set(img.getAttribute('name'), img.outerHTML);
......@@ -64,10 +64,9 @@ class GlycanMapper {
* @returns {Promise} To check later if it has been processed.
* @memberof GlycanMapper
private async parseGlycanMapping(mappingLink: string) {
return d3.json(mappingLink).then((i: Array<{}>) => {
i.forEach(glycan => glycan['het_codes'].forEach(x => this.mapping.set(x, glycan['name']))
i.forEach(glycan => glycan['het_codes'].forEach(x => this.glycanMapping.set(x, glycan['name']))
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
"exclude": [
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