Mar 6, 2019–Mar 20, 2019
MVP for an EMBL-EBI Group WordPress
As a group at EMBL-EBI
I want a microsite to present my team to the world
So that people can understand our work
- Running on wwwdev.ebi.ac.uk domain, e.g. /about/teams/team-name or /research/group-name
- The microsite contain the following pages
- 'home' - a description of the team, a list of the data resources they run, latest blog posts & open positions in that team
- 'about' - an editorially controlled page (in WordPress)
- 'members' - a list of people in the team
- ‘collaborations’ or ’software' - an example editorially controlled page (in WordPress)
- Team description comes from the corporate description in the contentDB/contentHub
- List of team members come from the data in the contentDB/contentHub
- List of data resources/services that the team operate comes from data in the contentDB/contentHub
- TBC. News is either from:
- Service news from the team from www.ebi.ac.uk/news?
- EBI news from EMBL.etc?
- EBI news from www.ebi.ac.uk/news?
- The blog from within the microsite
- The look and feel of the site is sympathetic with the current EMBL-EBI brand. We know it won’t look like standard Visual Framework 1.x pages, but we can’t roll out the EMBL corporate rebrand before it’s agreed.
Specifically out of scope
- Content we know we need, but will not get to into this sprint
- Publications
- Alumni
- Other pages we think we’ll need in the future
- Something for clusters
- Something to replace https://www.ebi.ac.uk/about/people
- Changes to individual people pages, e.g. https://www.ebi.ac.uk/about/people/peter-walter
- Internal team pages - We have a separate need to represent internal facing teams like the TSC Helpdesk Team so they can present themselves on the intranet. We’ll address this in the future
EMBL-EBI Candidate sites
- Teams/groups for the alpha
- TSC team - Web Development
- Directors Office team - External Relations
- Training - Training
- Services - Protein Function Development (Maria Martin)
- Research Group - Beltrao Group