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Update procedures.sqlite

Marek Szuba requested to merge github/fork/tweep/patch-2 into version/2.3

Created by: tweep

We're having some trouble with the live_roles view in our installtion. We are susing SQLite version 3.6.20 - somehow SQLite throws on this left join for the live_roles table with this error:

  Error: cannot join using column analysis_id - column not present in both tables

   LEFT JOIN analysis_base a USING(analysis_id)

However, this explicit LEFT join works for us and our SQLite installation:

  LEFT JOIN analysis_base a ON a.analysis_id = r.analysis_id

Here's the full error when creating the live_roles view in SQLite:

  sqlite> CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS live_roles AS
  ...>     SELECT w.meadow_user, w.meadow_type, w.resource_class_id, resource_class_name, r.analysis_id, a.logic_name, count(*)
  ...>     FROM worker w
  ...>     JOIN role r USING(worker_id)      
  ...>     LEFT JOIN resource_class rc ON w.resource_class_id=rc.resource_class_id
  ...>     LEFT JOIN analysis_base a USING(analysis_id)
  ...>     WHERE r.when_finished IS NULL
  ...>     GROUP BY w.meadow_user, w.meadow_type, w.resource_class_id,, r.analysis_id, a.logic_name;
   Error: cannot join using column analysis_id - column not present in both tables

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