Created by: mkszuba
The links previously used here were, in spite of having .txt at the end, to respective GitHub HTML pages, which could come as a surprise to someone who saved the links directly from the ReadTheDocs page and then tried to feed the resulting files - with names still ending in .txt - to pip. Using direct links both is less confusing and saves one click each, regardless of whether one downloads the files or just passes links directly to 'pip -r'.
Replaced old requirements.txt links in docs/dev/build_the_docs.rst to ones pointing directly to raw content.
None I can think of.
Have you added/modified unit tests to test the changes?
If so, do the tests pass/fail?
Have you run the entire test suite and no regression was detected?
I have rebuilt HTML documentation. Everything parses correctly and build_the_docs.html contains correct, updated links.