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bugfix: add the missing print statements for tweaks that add control-flow rules

Marek Szuba requested to merge experimental/tweak_print_control_rules into version/2.4

Created by: muffato

Use case

When setting control-flow rules (wait_for) with tweak_pipeline, unlike for other fields, there is no message stating that / which rules have been added:

$ -url $(mysql-ens-compara-prod-6-ensadmin details url muffato_test_plants_goc_96) -tweak 'analysis[2].wait_for=ppp'

Tweak.Request   analysis[2].wait_for=ppp
Tweak.Found     1 analyses matching the pattern '2'
Tweak.Deleting  AnalysisCtrlRule: bbb ---| backbone_fire_clustering --> (missing value)

This gives the wrong impression that nothing has been added.


With this commit, the new rules are now listed:

$ -url $(mysql-ens-compara-prod-6-ensadmin details url muffato_test_plants_goc_96) -tweak 'analysis[2].wait_for=qqq'

Tweak.Request   analysis[2].wait_for=qqq
Tweak.Found     1 analyses matching the pattern '2'
Tweak.Deleting  AnalysisCtrlRule: ppp ---| backbone_fire_clustering --> (missing value)
Tweak.Adding    AnalysisCtrlRule: qqq ---| backbone_fire_clustering

Possible Drawbacks

When merged into master, print will have to be replaced by push @responce, to match @mira13 's changes (#62)


Have you added/modified unit tests to test the changes?

There are no tests for tweak_pipeline

If so, do the tests pass/fail?


Have you run the entire test suite and no regression was detected?


Merge request reports