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Allow starting the REST server if Registry eQTL data cannot be preloaded

Marek Szuba requested to merge eqtl_preload_nonfatal into master

Created by: mkszuba


Allow starting the REST server if Registry eQTL data cannot be preloaded.

Use case

As it stands, the server fails to start if it has been configured to provide /eqtl endpoints with Registry preloading enabled (which is recommended by documentation for enabling eQTL). This means problems with the file system holding eQTL data files can keep the whole REST server down.

Nb. this only seems to be a problem when starting the server, the case of eQTL files disappearing with the server already running appear to be handled gracefully by existing code.


Unavailability of eQTL data files will no longer prevent access to non-eQTL endpoints.

Possible Drawbacks

The server will still have to be manually restarted when the files reappear.


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Test suite has been run, no regression observed.

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