Bugfix/ld exception handling
Created by: at7
I'm addressing weak exception handling which has been brought to our attention by a dev user. I summarised it in a ticket.
- https://rest.ensembl.org/ld/fly/region/1:1..10000/1000GENOMES:phase_3:CEU?d_prime=0;r2=0;content-type=application/json failed because of missing qq{$_} in Controller/LD.pm
- https://rest.ensembl.org/ld/gorilla/region/1:1..10000/1000GENOMES:phase_3:CEU?d_prime=0;r2=0;content-type=application/json with my PR returns a message that the species doesn't have variation database 3)https://rest.ensembl.org/ld/gorilla/rs1042779/1000GENOMES:phase_3:CEU?window_size=50;d_prime=0;r2=0 same as 2)
Use case
Improved error messages
Improved exceptions which don't expose internal code and give clue about why the endpoint doesn't return data
Possible Drawbacks
I added a test for 2) and 3) I don't know how to test 1)
archive.t fails. But I'm sure this is not related to my updates.
Not needed