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Corrected ENV HOME var

Marc Chakiachvili requested to merge github/fork/marcoooo/bugfix/home_env into master


  • Filling out the template is required. Any pull request that does not include enough information to be reviewed in a timely manner may be closed at the maintainers' discretion;
  • Review the contributing guidelines for this repository; remember in particular:
    • do not modify code without testing for regression
    • provide simple unit tests to test the changes
    • the PR must not fail unit testing


Corrected wrong use of var HOME

Use case

Describe the problem. Please provide an example representing the motivation behind the need for having these changes in place. perl ../ensembl-test/scripts/ --curr_dir modules/t/ --species homo_sapiens_dump Global symbol "$HOME" requires explicit package name at ../ensembl-test/scripts/ line 91. Execution of ../ensembl-test/scripts/ aborted due to compilation errors.


Removed compilation error

Possible Drawbacks



Have you added/modified unit tests to test the changes? No If so, do the tests pass/fail? N/A Have you run the entire test suite and no regression was detected? Yes

Merge request reports