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  • Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri's avatar
    Hack: · 888f38d8
    Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri authored
    -  @seqeds = sort { $b->start() <=> $a->start() } @seqeds;
    +  # HACK:   The translation ENSP00000420939 somehow makes the next line
    +  #         bomb out ($a or $b becomes undef) if the start() method
    +  #         is used.  I haven't been able to find out why.  It has 10
    +  #         Selenocysteine seqedits that looks correct.
    +  #         /Andreas (release 59)
    +  my @seqeds = sort { $b->{'start'} <=> $a->{'start'} } @seqeds;