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Do not call fetchrow_hashref() if the statement has been exhausted

Marek Szuba requested to merge github/fork/muffato/master into master

Created by: muffato


has_next in Utils::Iterator calls next, and expects next to repeatedly return undef once the iterator has been exhausted.

Utils::SqlHelper can return an iterator based on the sub below, but the sub calls fetchrow_hashref() every time it is called, even when the iterator has already reached the end.

So if you build an iterator with SqlHelper, exhaust it, and then call has_next, you'll get this error

DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_arrayref failed: fetch() without execute() at ensembl/modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Utils/ line 961.

My solution is to check whether the handle is still Active as it is set to false when all the rows have been retrieved (or $sth->finish) has been called, cf


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