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Schema patch to update Vertebrates division names in the meta table f…

…rom Ensembl to EnsemblVertebrates for consistency. See declaration for details:


  • Filling out the template is required. Any pull request that does not include enough information to be reviewed in a timely manner may be closed at the maintainers' discretion;
  • Review the contributing guidelines for this repository; remember in particular:
    • do not modify code without testing for regression
    • provide simple unit tests to test the changes
    • if you change the schema you must patch the test databases as well, see Updating the schema
    • the PR must not fail unit testing


Schema patch to update Vertebrates division names in the meta table from Ensembl to EnsemblVertebrates for consistency. See declaration for details:

Use case

Group leaders agreed that the Vertebrate division name will be renamed from "Ensembl" to "EnsemblVertebrates", see here:


If applicable, describe the advantages the changes will have.

Possible Drawbacks

If applicable, describe any possible undesirable consequence of the changes.


All tested.

Merge request reports